Farrah I 1975

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Journal of Geometry. Vol. 6/1 1975.

Birkh~user Verlag Basel


Bijan Farrahi %

In [1,5 ] the authors prove that any t r a n s f o r m a t i o n

of the euclidean plane, c o o r d i n a t i z e d by the real field,
which preserves a single non-zero distance is n e c e s s a r i l y
an isometry. The purpose of this note is to give a synthe-
tic proof of the same result for any e u c l i d e a n plane. Hence,
I do not assume the axiom of completeness.


I assume the plane axioms of [3 ] except the axiom
of completeness. I also use the notation and terminology of
[3 ] . A t r a n s f o r m a t i o n T of the euclidean plane is called
an isometry iff: pQ~pTQT for all points P,Q.
Theorem. Let T be any t r a n s f o r m a t i o n (not n e c e s s a r i l y single-
valued) of the e u c l i d e a n plane which preserves a single
segment e, T is n e c e s s a r i l y an isometry.
Proof. The proof is divided into several steps.
(i). Let A,B,C,D be the vertices of a rhombus of side e
such that ABC is an e q u i l a t e r a l triangle. If A',B',C',
D' are some images of the points A,B,C,D under T
respectively, then A'B'C'D' is a rhombus (of side e
such that A'B'C' is an equilateral triangle).
Proof. [5 ] .
(2). T is single-valued.
Proof. Let P be an arbitrary point. Let A,B,C,D be points

The author was supported by the N a t i o n a l Research Council

of Canada.


such that ABP, BCP and PCD are equilateral triangles of sides e. By
(i), T preserves the c o n f i g u r a t i o n ABCPD. Hence, any two images of
P must coincide, and T is single-valued.
Let ABC and DBC be distinct equilateral triangles of sides
a. We denote by a the segment AD. The argument in (i) shows that
T preserves the segment e. Further, the argument in (2) shows that
T preserves the segment 2e, which in turn implies that T preserves
the segment ne, n any positive rational integer.
(3). T preserves the segment 2e.
Proof. Let B,C be points with BCH2e. Let M be the m i d p o i n t of BC
and A a points with ABHACH2e. If we denote by D and E the midpoints
of AB and AC respectively, then AMHMEHMDHe, DEHe.T preserves the
c o n i f i g u r a t i o n ABCMDE, and hence, the segment 2e. It follows that
T preserves the segments me, any positive rational integer m.
(4). The segment (ne)/2, n any positive rational integer, is
preserved by T.
Proof. Let A, E be points with AEH(ne)/2. Let C be the point such
that E ist the m i d p o i n t of AC. Let B a point with BAH2ne,
BCs for an appropriate natural number m. Let B' be the point such
that ABCB' is a parallelogram, and let D, F, D', F', be the midpoints
of BC, AB, AB' and CB' respectively. We have EFHEF'Hme, EDHED's
Since T preserves the c o n f i g u r a t i o n AFBDCED'B'F', it n e c e s s a r i l y
preserves the segment (ne)/2.
By an obvious g e n e r a l i z a t i o n of (4), one shows that if
T preserves the segment (ne)/(2m), some positive rational integers
m, n, then it n e c e s s a r i l y preserves the segment (ne)/(2m+l).
Therefore, (4) implies that T preserves the segment (ne)/(2m),
any positive rational integers m, n.
(5). Let a be an arbitrary segment. If A, B are points with
ABHa, then either ATBTHa or ATBT<a.
Proof. Assume that ATBTIa. Hence, a is not of the form (ne)/(2m).
Now assume that ATBT>a, and we show this leads to a contradiction.
Let B' be a point with B between A and B' and


such that ATBTHAB'. There exists a point C between B and B'

with ACK(ne)/(2 m) for some positive rational integers m, n.

A B C B'

Fig. 1

Let D be a point such that ADB is an isosceles triangle with

ADEBDE(ne)/(2m+I). T maps the triangle ADB onto the isosceles
triangle ATBTcT with ATBTHBTDTH(ne)/(2m+I). But this is a
contradiction to the assumption ATBT>a.
Now, let a be any segment. Let A, B be points with
ABHa. Let C,D be points such that ACBD is a rhombus whose
side is preserved by T. (For instance, AC could be chosen to
be congruent to (ne)/(2 m) for suitable positive rational in-
tegers m, n.) Further, let E and F be points such that the
segments ED, EC, AF and BF are preserved by T and EC~ED,

jl A F
I / ~ . i"~/~
-- / .\__..

Fig. 2


Since the segments AFI and BF are preserved by T and AF~BF,

AT%B T. Likewise, cT%D T. Hence, ATcTBTD T is a rhombus whose
side is congruent to that of the rhombus ACBD. Now, if
ATBT<AB, then DTcT>Dc. But this is, in view of (5), im-
possible. Hence, ATBTHAB. Q.E.D.


[i ] Beckman,F.S. & Quarles,Jr.D.A. ; On Isometries of

Euclidean Spaces. Proc. Am. Math. Soc~ 4(1953), 810-815.
[2 ] Benz,W. ; Uber die Grundlagen der Geometrie der Kreise
in der Pseudo-euklidischen,(Minkowskischen), Geometrie.
Journal fur die reine und angewandte Mathematik, Band
232 (1968).
[3 ] Hilbert,D. ; The Foundations of Geometry(English trans-
lation), Open Court, La Salle-Illinois 1950.
[4 ] Hilbert,D. ; Grundlagen der Geometrie. B.G.Teubner,
Stuttgart 1956.
[5 ] Modenov,P.S. & Parkhomenko,A.S. ; Geometric Transfor-
mations Vol. l(English translation). Academic Press,
New York-London 1965.

Address of the author:

Bijan Farrahi
Dpt. of pure mathematics,
University of Waterloo,
Waterloo, Ontario
N2L 3GI Canada

(Elngegangen am 1. August 1974)


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