Dental Implantology: Implantation
Dental Implantology: Implantation
Dental Implantology: Implantation
termed as cement line. The time involved is about 3 months in compact bone and 2
months in trabecular bone (trabecular bone turnover is of higher rate).
The progression of healing after a tooth extraction goes through certain resorptive
stages of:
1. Fibrin clot organization (first 4 weeks)
2. Immature (woven) bone formation (4–8 weeks)
3. Mature (lamellar) bone development (8–12 weeks)
4. Bone stabilization stage (12–16 weeks or about 4 months)
Post-extraction bone resorption is always three-dimensional, with the greatest loss
of bone in the bucco-palatal or horizontal direction (the width) and occurring mainly
on the buccal side of the alveolar ridge. Schropp et al reported that two thirds of the
horizontal bone loss occurs within 3 months and one-third takes place within the
remaining 9 months of the first year post-extraction. A mean reduction of the width
of the ridge has been reported to be 5-7 mm within a 6-month period or 50% during
the 12 months following tooth extraction. The loss of bone height is smaller,
reported to be about 1 mm within the first 6 months post-extraction.
Factors Influencing Edentulous Bone Loss
A. Metabolic factors: metabolic bone disease is any process that influences the normal
modeling of bone. Osteopenia is a clinical term for any loss in bone density. The
common metabolic bone diseases are:
1.Osteoporosis → characterized by a reduction in the mass of bone per unit volume
resulting in mechanical failure and pain, the ratio of mineral to organic matrix is
usually normal. Clinical signs and symptoms of advanced osteoporosis include pain
in the spine, loss of height and/or thoracic kyphosis due to vertebral compression
and fractures due to secondary trauma, in most cases serum and urine biochemical
examinations are normal. Osteoporosis seen in senile osteoporosis, postmenopausal
osteoporosis, hyperparathyroidism and Cushing syndrome.
2.Osteomalacia → is any disease in which excess osteoid is not mineralized and impaired
bone healing is present. Osteomalacia seen in vitamin D deficiency, malnutrition,
renal osteodystrophy, secondary hyperparathyroidism and drug therapy (chronic
corticosteroid therapy, chronic heparin therapy, anticonvulsant therapy, alcohol).
B. Anatomic factors:
1.Facial morphology → peoples with long faces (dolichocephalic) have more voluminous
anterior alveolar ridge than those with short faces (brachycephalic). Brachycephalic
faces (low mandibular plane angle and gonial angle) are capable of higher biting
forces in both anterior and posterior regions, there is a direct correlation between
short facial heights and edentulous bone loss.
2.Trauma and alveolectomy technique → maximum conservation of bone should be
practiced during extraction and management of the trauma patients.
C. Mechanical factors:
1.Disuse atrophy plays a role in the low-turnover type of remodeling.
2.Excessive loading may contribute to high-turnover type of remodeling. In bone loss
secondary to the influence of dentures, the denture-bearing area of the maxilla is
1.8 times than that of the mandible. Therefore, compression (in pound/inch2) are
greater on the mandible resulting in increased bone loss which is 4 times that of the
maxilla, in this situation edentulous bone loss can be reduced through decreasing
occlusal contact area and balancing the occlusion during occlusal arrangement of
3.Parafunctional activity (clenching & bruxism) → contact during mastication occupies less
than 15 minutes/day, whereas the teeth may be forcibly held together several
hours/day in these activities, however the effects are not clearly understood.
Babbush 1985 classified implants according to the site into 4 types:
1. Mucosal Inserts:
Was introduced to the dental profession in 1943 by Dahl. It has been discarded due
to complicated and prolonged insertion technique and stormy post-operative
periods. The mucosal inserts are composed of 2 parts the retentive base, which is
placed into a prepared site in the prosthesis, and the vertical component (buttons),
which enters the soft tissue receptor site in the oral mucosa. They were indicated in
cases of severe atrophy of the alveolar ridge in maxilla that not permit the use of
endosseous implant due to the presence of anatomical limitations which are the
maxillary sinus and the nasal cavity. The use of mucosal inserts in complete
mandibular dentures is not tenable because of thin friable non-retentive nature of
the tissues. These appliances are designed to be inserted into surgically prepared
sites in the mucoperiosteum. Preparation of oral mucosa done by bur and the
receptor site should be narrower and deeper than the inserts. The denture should
not be removed for longer than 8-12 hours at any time after insertion otherwise the
receptor sites will begin to close, and the patient will have to be retreated.
2. Subperiosteal Implant:
Was firstly introduced and performed in 1949. The design consist of 2 parts
substructure which is a metallic framework that rests on bone under the periosteum,
and superstructure which are abutment posts connected to the framework and
penetrate the mucoperiosteum protruding in the oral cavity. The maxillary implant
not done routinely. Transplantation of mucosal grafts (palatal patch grafts) or even
split-thickness skin grafts may be required to enhance the soft tissue cuff-post
3. Transmandibular Staple Bone Implant: was developed by small in 1975, it is placed
into the anterior portion of the edentulous mandible. The purpose of this implant is
to act as a stabilizer and fastener for mandibular full denture. It is mainly indicated
for edentulous mandible with minimal alveolar ridge height of 8-9 mm, and to
rehabilitate various types of mandibular deformities. The staple plate is inserted by
drilling through the mandible using a specific set of instruments. The staple is
composed of an inferior horizontal plate which acts as a base for the 3-5 vertically
attached 9 mm retentive pins, and 2 completely threaded transosseous vertical
components that penetrate the alveolar crest and mucoperiosteal tissue in the
canine region. Each implant is equipped with 4 fasteners and 2 locknuts. The basic
procedure has been done under GA through extra-oral approach or a modified intra-
oral approach
4. Endosseous Implants:
History in 1950s and 1960s Linkow developed the blade implants, the mandibular
staple implant developed by Small 1966. In 1951 Branemark began research leading
to the development of an endosseous implant system that popularized the concept
of osseointegration ( 15 years study work until the placement of the 1st dental
implant in a human being ). It was until 1982 that Branemark encouraged the world
to exposed to osseointegration, by the conference arranged by Zarb in Toronto that
May. The successful treatment of edentulous and partially edentulous patients with
osseointegrated implant has revolutionized dentistry. Babbush 1985 described 3
main types of endosseous implants:
1. Blade-vent implants: firstly introduced by Linkow 1967.
2. Hollow-basket implant system (C.E, H, K or F)
3. Screws and other implant systems: such as TPS-Screw (Titanium plasma-sprayed
screw system). Vitreous Carbon Implant, Tubingen Aluminum Ceramic, TPC Implant
(Tetracalcium Phosphate), IMZ Implant Branemark Osseointegrated Titanium Implant
1. Ankylosis → or direct apposition of bone to the implant which is accepted as
the most desirable alternative to true periodontal attachment and can provide
effective load transmission.
2. Fibrous encapsulation → fibrous capsule around implants are associated with
numerous factors including implant mobility, shape and toxicity.
3. Epithelial down growth → has been observed around both endosseous and
subperiosteal implants which cause breakdown of the bond between the
implant and the surrounding bone.
Factors Influencing Tissue Behavior
1. Site preparation: it is important to avoid overheating when placing the implant
which may lead to osteonecrosis or delayed bone regeneration and
replacement by fibrous connective tissue.
2. Implant material: the material from which an implant is made has a profound
effect on the type of tissue which forms around it and the stability of the
implant-tissue interface.
There are 3 basic types of interaction between host and implant:
a. Bio-tolerance → where there is a mild reaction to the implant, as seen around
stainless steel.
b. Bio-inertness → where the implant is ignored, as seen around vitreous carbon.
c. Bio-activity → where the implant interacts chemically with the body in a
controlled fashion so as to become incorporated into the tissues.
According to Branemark 1982 it was defined as a "direct structural and functional
connection between living bone and a load carrying endosseous implant at the light
microscopic level".
The term osseointegration indicates a situation in which living bone tissue is induced
to incorporate permanently a synthetic anchorage element. Reliable stability must be
achieved by incorporation of the anchorage element into normal bone tissue
providing both adequate resistance to load and load distribution resulting in bone
remodeling. An implant is said to be biomechanically osseointegrated if there no
progressive relative motion of living bone and implant under functional levels and
types of loading for the entire life of the patient. Osseointegration is not a static but a
highly dynamic condition. Even very gentle drilling, cutting and threading of bone
tissue is accompanied by some tissue injury, both thermal and mechanical.
Initial stability and successive remodeling of bone tissue depend on:
1. Gentle surgical technique
2. Controlled application of functional load
It is crucial to recognize and respect time as a critical factor in a protocol for surgical
and prosthetic procedures. The continuous remodeling of bone varies in quantity and
quality between individuals. In load-bearing reconstruction one should avoid
unnecessary risks of overloading and possible displacement of bone tissue at the
interface relative to the anchorage element during healing phase, this means that, in
the majority of situations, a two-stage procedure is recommended. In other cases of
non-load-bearing reconstruction (ear prostheses or bone conduction. hearing aids), a
modified one-stage procedure may be satisfactory. In other cases, such as when a
performed bone graft with integrated anchorage element is used, a three-stage
procedure may be necessary.
In spite of the widespread use of titanium implants, little is known about the events
taking place in the tissue at different times after insertion (hypothesis):
1. A general concept appears to be that the implant surface serves to support
osteogenic cells, thus providing favorable conditions for bone formation leading to
2. Titanium oxide forming the surface of the implant has certain properties favorable
for mineralization (bind with calcium which might be beneficial for bone formation).
Types of Stability:
1. Primary stability is largely a mechanical parameter, a function of bone
quantity & quality.
2. Secondary stability viewed as increased stability (biological) after placement.
Factors Control (affecting) Osseointegration
A- Surgical: primary stability and surgical technique
B- Tissular: bone quality & quantity, healing, remodeling
C-Implantological: macrostructure (implant design and surface treatment),
microstructure and dimensions
D- Occlusal ̸ Mechanical: forces (loading) & prosthetic design
Measurement of OI :
1. Tensional test (lateral load)
2. Push-out/Pull-out test (only for non-threaded cylinder DI)
3. Percussion test (subjective)
4. Insertion torque
5. Removal torque (reverse)
6. Thread cutting force
7. Periotest (1986)
8. Resonance Frequency Analysis 1998 (Osstell ISQ) → (produce alternating sine waves
in a specific frequency range by uniform amplitude. Resonance frequency between
3.5 KHz and 8.5 KHz formed from magnetic field is converted into ISQ values)
9. Radiographic evaluation (difficult to perceive changes in bone structure &
morphology of bone-implant interface unless over 30% bone loss occur)
10. Histology & Histomorphometry (non-clinical studies & experiments)
Roughness at implant surface can be modified by
1. Sandblasting the surface is bombarded by fast hard particles in order to
remove gross surface defects and contamination.
2. Plasma spraying in which the surface is coated by spraying molten drops of
metal onto the surface at a high velocity.
Clinical and Radiological Assessment for Dental Implants
A. History
1. Patient’s complaints and expectations:
a. Elicit the patient chief complaints
b. Major concerns
c. Treatment requests
2. Medical:
a. The general health status
b. Contraindications : Absolute V/S Relative
Implants are not recommended for elderly infirm persons
Drug or alcohol dependence, uncontrolled depression and those with some
psychiatric disorders
Heart failure, uncontrolled diabetes and blood dyscrasias,
Heavy smokers , irradiation of the face and jaws, osteoporosis in the oral
region, parafunctional habits
Unfinished cranial growth and teeth eruption
3. Dental History:
a. Cause of teeth loss
b. Compliance
4. Social History
B. Examination:
1. Extraoral
a. Facial proportions
b. Mouth opening
c. Jaw relationship
d. Morphology and function of the lips
e. Facial muscles hypertrophy
2. Intraoral
a. Oral hygiene assessment
b. Condition of the remaining dentition
c. Palpation of the alveolar ridge at the prospective implant sites:
Ridge defect class (horizontal as vestibular concavity, vertical, combined), bony
profile of the ridge, gingival profile
d. Space analysis of edentulous areas:
Height, Width, and Length (Inter-coronal distance) → Osteometer (bone
caliper), alveolar ridge mapping
Inter-arch distance (Rule of 6)
Thickness of the soft tissue
Radiographic Presurgical Assessment of Endosseous Implants; the specific imaging
objectives for implant surgery are:
1. Jaw Size (height & width) the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the alveolar
and basal bone are important for treatment planning and implant retention. The
larger and denser alveolar ridge the better the long-term success for implant
integration. It is ideal to have at least 1 mm of bone on all sides of the implant and
therefore the cross-sectional dimension of the alveolar ridge should be at least 6
mm. Implants that have bicortical anchorage are more successful than those that are
suspended in trabecular bone. Therefore, determination of the implant length is
necessary to allow for engagement of the terminal end in cortical bone.
2. Orientation of the Vertical Long Axis of the Jaw The axis orientation can be
determined only with cross-sectional imaging techniques.
3. Jaw Boundaries the buccal and lingual walls of the maxilla and mandible are not
always parallel, the canine fosse on the buccal surface of the anterior maxilla and the
submandibular fossa on the lingual surface of the mandible arc common normal
anatomic depressions.
4. Internal Anatomy to reveal the location of neurovascular structures, cortices,
sinuses, nasal fossae and nasopalatine duct.
5. Soft-tissue Morphology it is important to determine the thickness of the soft
tissues overlying the alveolar ridge for accurate determination of the location and
alignment of the prosthetic element that attached to the implant.
6. Three-dimensional Spatial Localization 2 planes perpendicular to each other
(longitudinal and cross-sectional images), this allow localization of relevant anatomic
7. Pathology Detection any disease process or abnormal condition may diminish
the probability of successful implant placement and retention (root tips,
inflammatory processes, cysts and tumors).
8. Bone Quality the amount of mineralized bone / unit area at implant site affect
the success of implant integration (I-e: maxillary tuberosity is a poor implant site
because of the paucity of trabeculated bone).
Imaging Modalities
A. Conventional Imaging:
1. Panoramic Projections provide information about the vertical height of the
mandible and location of the mental foramina. It may give improper size if the target
anatomy misaligned toward the film the image is reduced in size, and conversely
magnified if it is misaligned farther away from the film. There may also vertical and
horizontal distortion. All panoramic beam angles are approximately at 8 degrees,
which gives the image inherent magnification (20 -30%). Effective dose 10-14 µ SV.
2. Cephalometric Projections lateral cephalometry provide information about the
cross-sectional dimensions of the mandible. The main disadvantage is the significant
3. Periapical projections produce excellent anatomic detail and information related
to bone quality, but it 1) does not provide information about cross-sectional
anatomy of the jaws, 2) nor does it demonstrate all regions of the law, 3) relatively
high radiation dose per image.
4. Occlusal projections the same to periapical but demonstrates larger areas. This
image can evaluate 1) curve of the jaws 2) bone quality 3) largest buccolingual
dimensions of the mandible.
5. Tomographic projections it is an imaging technique that provides an image of a
tissue plane or layer. The main disadvantage due to this single image plane is blurred
B. Digital Imaging:
I. Computed Tomography CT produce image with contrast sensitivity much greater
than that of images produced by conventional methods, the images are superior
because there is no superimposition. The main disadvantage is the high radiation
dose and cost.
2. Cone Beam Computed Tomography CBCT → less dose than CT.
CT or CBCT give 3-dimensional images, and applied when cross-sectional images
3. Intraoral Detectors allow direct digital capture and display of intraoral images on
a video monitor, once the images have been captured they can be enhanced,
archived, retrieved, transmitted and printed. It may be very useful to the
surgeon as an operative imaging tool during the surgical placement of implants.
3. Determine the length of healing period.
4. Evaluate occlusal loading capacity of different implants.
Flapped Approach
Flapless Approach (minimally invasive approach)
Flapped Approach:
1. Extensive flap design (conventional three or two-sided(
2. Envelope flap
3. Conserved flap (limited flap design, papilla-saving incision(
In maxilla, an incision placed slightly palatal (palatal bias) which allows better vision,
reduce the possibility of flap trauma, and avoid incision and sutures to be directly
over fixture and hence reducing the possibility of contamination.
In posterior mandible, the incision may be placed toward buccal aspect of the ridge
to allow the flap for better retraction by a tractional suture and produce excellent
access, avoid injury to the lingual nerve and for better coverage of the fixture
In edentulous mandible care taken not to injure the mental nerve with crestal
incision especially in severely resorbed alveolar ridges.
Atraumatic preparation and removal of bone from the recipient site must be
accomplished with minimal violence. Heat production during bone preparation is a
critical factor, a maximum temperature of 47 C for 1 minute is commonly quoted as a
threshold temperature (heat with external cooling reach to 55 C° while heat during
internal cooling reach to 40 C°).
In order to avoid an irreversible bone damage that can lead to failure of
osseointergartion, use:
A low-speed (600-1000 rpm)
High-torque handpiece
Intermittent drilling technique → allow the irrigant to reach the depth of the
preparation and allow the bone chips to be removed and to prevent the heat
Sharp drills
Copious saline irrigation (external, internal, manual )
Unless the recipient site is quite dense, it is desirable to drill deep enough to engage
the cortex (bicortical) at the apical area of the site. This applies to the antral area,
floor of the nose and the anterior region of the mandible unless the mandible has a
dense medullary area.
Procedure: after soft tissue reflection if available, using the surgical template
(stent) which also assist in directing the angulations of the implant. With the initial
drill (usually with a round bur) the center of the implant recipient site is marked and
the initial pilot hole is prepared and paralleling pin is placed in the initial preparation
to check the alignment and angulations. If template is not available the angulation of
the drill may be estimated from the position of the adjacent teeth or opposing teeth
and ridge, however, it is usually best to have a template as a guide depth of the
implant site is determined by amount, density of bone and relation to the crest of
bone. One should keep in mind that the polished portion of the implant does not
integrate. Therefore, if the bone height at the implant site is minimal, it is prudent to
have little or none of the polished portion of the implant within bone. If only a small
portion of the osseointegratable portion of the implant is exposed, it may be not
necessary to cover it with bone. However, if the exposed area is large or is at the
coronal portion of the implant (dehiscence or fenestration), bone coverage is
required to enhance peri-implant strength and increase support for lateral loading by
using locally harvested bone or with the use of barrier membrane.
Adequate bone should be present between adjacent implants (about 3 mm), and
between implants and adjacent teeth (1-1.5 mm). Care should take not to damage
adjacent structures such as teeth, nerves, and nasal or sinus cavities. It is acceptable
to engage the nasal or sinus floor with a small degree of penetration (e.g. 1 to 2 mm).
An adequate safety margin of about 2 mm above the inferior dental canal is
In maxillary posterior area I) Bone is soft here and subject to over enlargement
during drilling process. If a loose fit is encountered, it is desirable to remove the
implant and replace it with one of larger diameter. It is appropriate not to tap on
screw shape systems.
2) In this area there is lack of dense cortices in both the occlusal surface and the floor
of antrum. To make use of little cortex available, it may be best not to countersink
the implant.
Mandibular Anterior Area: an anatomic problem in this area may be the slope of
lingual surface of the mandible, often in the lateral-cuspid areas, the lingual surface
of the mandible slopes anteriorly from crest to the inferior border. If angulation is
directed more vertically for a better loading axis, the drill may engage and penetrate
the lingual cortex. Penetration of the lingual cortex usually does not create a
problem, but lacerating an artery in the lingual soft tissue (sublingual A) is possible.
Remember that mental nerve usually leaves inferior alveolar nerve in a plane
anterior to mental foramen then courses posteriorly and superiorly before it exits the
mental nerve thus the implant site in this region should be placed a few
millimeters anterior to the mental foramen.
Mandibular Posterior Area bone above inferior alveolar nerve often insufficient
for implants of adequate length as suggested in a panoramic radiograph. There are 2
solutions for this problem: 1) Grafting, however grafting the crest of the ridge may
not be feasible, as the intermaxillary space may restrict the amount of bone to be
added. 2) Lateralizing or transposition of the IAN temporarily to allow an implant of
adequate length.
3) Short wide plat-form DI
The implant should not touch anything (other than a sterile titanium surface) before
its delivery to the prepared bone site. Contaminations by touching with dissimilar
instrument, cloth, soft tissue, and even surgical gloves, gloves powder, oil may affect
the degree of ossointegration (uncontaminated oxide layer is necessary for
The insertion of the implants should be done with the same care as the preparation
of the site by maintaining the cooling irrigation and placing the implant at slow
Screw shaped implants and tapping of sites are performed at speeds of less than 20
The mucoperiosteal flaps are carefully closed with multiple sutures either to bury the
implant completely or around the neck of the implant in non-submerged systems.
Silk sutures are satisfactory and others such resorbables are good alternatives.
Exposure Procedure
The procedure selected to expose the implants (after the healing period usually 3-6
months) will depend on the esthetic and functional requirement. There are 3 basic
soft tissue procedures for exposing the implant:
1. Coring out the mucosa overlying the implant.
2. Elevation of facial flaps with some slight release of the lingual and palatal mucosa.
3. Mobilizing and moving of facial &/or lingual flaps with or without mucosal or skin
Various treatment options devised over the years for inadequate ridge width are:
1. Increase width by osteoplasty
2. Utilize narrower diameter implants
3. Increase width by augmentation
4. Bone expansion
5. Ridge splitting
6. Horizontal distraction osteogenesis
Healing Phase: Today 3 - 6 months non-loaded phase for dental implants is generally
accepted for safe bone apposition to implant interface. The resulting loading periods
of 3 months for the mandible and 6 months for the maxilla were based on purely
empirical data of 45-175 days trials. The regeneration process at the implant-bone
interface is a biologic process characterized by different phases hemorrhagic
phase - cell migration & differentiation-extracellular matrix synthesis - mineralization
& bone growth.
The process is influenced by:
1. Biocompatibility of the implant material
2. Implant surface structure
3. The application of atraumatic surgical protocol
4. Prevention of micro-movement at the interface
Micro-movement can negatively influence the regeneration process at the implant
interface by causing fibrous repair rather than direct bone apposition. However not
every movement of an implant during healing phase necessarily lead to tissue
ingrowth, the critical value of tolerable micromovement is 50-150 µm for endosseous
implants with a biocompatible surface.
B. Immediate Placement placing the implant at the same time as tooth
extraction. The advantage preserve more residual alveolar bone by providing the
internal tensional load that alveolar bone requires to maintain itself this
consequently result in improved esthetic and better emergence profile, also the time
between extraction and implant placement will be significantly reduced. This
technique is most often used when multiple teeth to be extracted /or primary soft-
tissue closure can easily be achieved (usually in anterior mandible or maxilla).
1. Bony or soft tissue infection
2. Inadequate bone apical to extraction site for implant stabilization
3. Inability to provide occlusion from oral contamination
4. Chronic problems such as granuloma or radicular cyst
Technique. once the tooth is removed as atraumatically as possible, intrabony soft
tissue should be carefully excavated (periodontal ligament C.T. & epithelial remnants
may interfere with integration process) extracted tooth can be used as a template
for implant selection and preparation size, the tooth root can be a very helpful guide
to implant length by measuring root length + length of available bone apical to the
tooth socket. To fill the void between portion of the implant and the wall of alveolus,
autogenous, allogeneic or xenografting materials may be used with same success,
this may:
1. Minimize soft-tissue ingrowth
2. Improve bony apposition
3. Aid in alveolar bone preservation.
When primary closure cannot obtained a:
1. Collagen material such as collotape can be considered over the graft
2. Barrier membrane
cannot be done owing to lack of tissue or distortion of esthetic gingival contours.
This frequently occurs when one or two teeth are lost adjacent to natural teeth
this require 2 months of epithelial healing and maturation. There will be some bone
resorption which make necessary to position the implant slightly more apically
(additional depth of 1-2 mm is usually adequate).
Complications of Dental Implants:
A- Intraoperative:
1. Poorly positioned Implant
2. Damage to mucosa and adjacent teeth
3. Damage to bone ( lateral perforation, alveolar bone fracture or
jaw fracture )
4. Perforation into adjacent areas ( lower border of the mandible,
nasal cavity or maxillary antrum)
5. Damage to nerves
6. Loose implant ( poor primary stability )
7. Contamination of implant and bone during surgery
8. Damage to the implant ( crossed threads or surface defect )
9. Hemorrhage during surgery ( especially in the anterior
mandible and possible airway compromise )
B- Postoperative:
1. Pain
2. Swelling
3. Reactionary or secondary hemorrhage
4. Infection of peri-implant soft tissue or bone ( peri-implant
mucositis or peri-implantitis )
5. Exposed or loose cover screw ( healing screw )
C- Late:
1. Mucosal recession
2. Bone resorption
3. Mobility
4. Implant fracture
Health Scale for Dental Implants, Misch Criteria of Success 2008
I. Success (optimum health) a) No pain or tenderness upon function
b) 0 mobility
c) <2 mm radiographic bone loss from
initial surgery
d) No exudates history
II. Satisfactory survival a) No pain on function
b) 0 mobility
c) 2–4 mm radiographic bone loss
d) No exudates history
a) Pain on function
IV. Failure (clinical or absolute
failure) → any of the following b) Mobility
c) Radiographic bone loss > 1/2 length of
d) Uncontrolled exudate
e) No longer in mouth