Biscuits: The Pakistani Biscuit Industry
Biscuits: The Pakistani Biscuit Industry
Biscuits: The Pakistani Biscuit Industry
EBM is the market leader in Pakistan's Rs 35 billion biscuit business, with 35-39 percent market
share, and its energy biscuit brand Gluco has experienced a lot of activity this year. Continental
Biscuits (CBL), which has a 29 percent total market share and is a strong challenger in the
energy biscuit sub-category with its brand Tiger, is next in line.
Peek Freans Sooper is the most popular biscuit brand in Pakistan. Sooper was first introduced in
1996 and is now available in two flavours: Egg & Milk and Elaichi cookies. In 2002, it was
reintroduced in the famous red package. Sooper has received praise from customers of all ages
for its exquisite melt-in-your-mouth texture and balanced sweetness.
Every day, about 20 million Sooper cookies are devoured, with 430 million family packs
distributed last year. During the Brand Elections held by MEMRB Research across Pakistan,
Sooper was voted the second most popular brand. Everyone has appealed to Sooper in the mass
market. It's a mass-market item. Sooper is enjoyed by people of different ages, including children
and adults. Sooper biscuit caters to people who like basic sweet biscuits at a modest cost. It's
something that's consumed on a regular basis. Sooper is sold in 13 different countries. Sooper
hasn't decided on an alternative market to sell it on. Customers appreciate Sooper's loyalty.
Sooper's target market is mostly children, teens, and adults. Produces half of the company's
revenue. Since the year 207, this biscuit has been the most popular.
With the vast majority of the rural population migrating to the country's urban centres in search
of work, the urban population is now the primary target of packaged food distribution, whereas
previously, biscuit companies such as Meiji and Montgomery were primarily consumed in the
country's less developed areas. The largest market for EBM brand Rio is the Kasur area in
Punjab's province. The largest market for EBM brand Rio is the Kasur area in Punjab's province.
However, according to EBM, this is owing to the fact that Kasur's distributors are powerful, and
Rio has a 100 percent of the market in the area.
LU, Dane foods, and Meiji are the biggest rivals of English biscuits, although LU is the most
important, with a considerable portion of the market in terms of sales volume. In comparison to
English Biscuit Manufacturers, which has around 53 brands under EB and around 44 brands
under Coronet Foods Private Ltd (CFL), LU primarily has five to six brands that it aggressively
pushes. The reason LU is the market leader is due to their ability to better understand industry
trends and then adjust to them, allowing them to gain a larger market share. EBM had been on
the market for thirty years and was the first to introduce cream biscuits, but they did not advertise
them successfully. Then along comes LU, who creates a superior cream cookie, promotes it
effectively, and becomes the dominant player.