Validity of the sale of shares acquired 12 The primary obligation of the broker
months after the approval of the is to ensure his account’s compliance with
Registration Statement the law. (Abacus Securities Corp. v. Ampil,
G.R. No. 160922, February 27, 2006)
If the person who acquired the
security sued any of the enumerated NOTE: Since a brokerage relationship is
persons under Sec. 56.1 for recovery of essentially a contract for the employment
damages after the issuer has made of an agent, the law on contracts governs
generally available to its security holders the broker-principal relationship.
an income statement covering a period of
at least twelve (12) months beginning from
the effective date of the registration Registration of security market
statement, then the right of recovery shall professionals
be conditioned on proof that such person
who acquired the security relying upon Security market professionals are
such untrue statement in the registration required to be registered. No broker shall
statement or relying upon the registration sell any securities unless he is registered
statement and not knowing of such income with the SEC. (Revised Securities Act, Sec.
statement, but such reliance may be
1,) (Nicolas v. CA, et al., G.R. No. 12285, reports under the regime of full and fair
March 27, 1998) disclosure.
RATIONALE: The listed securities are
Q: Can a stock broker without license from exempted because they are either
the SEC, recover management fees guaranteed by the government or they are
allegedly earned from handling the already regulated by another government
securities transactions of a client? agency or body other than the SEC.
A: NO. An unlicensed person may not EXEMPT TRANSACTIONS
recover compensation for services as a
broker where a statute or ordinance is EXEMPT TRANSACTIONS
applicable and such is of a regulatory
nature. 1. Any judicial sale, or sale by an executor,
--- administrator, guardian, receiver or trustee
EXEMPT SECURITIES in insolvency or bankruptcy.
EXEMPT SECURITIES 2. Those sold by a pledge holder,
mortgagee, or any other similar lien holder,
1. Any security issued or guaranteed by to liquidate a bona fide debt a security
the Government of the Philippines, or by pledged in good faith as security for such
any political subdivision or agency thereof, debt.
or by any person controlled or supervised 3. Those sold or offered for sale in an
by, and acting as an instrumentality of said isolated transaction for the owner’s
government. account and the owner not being an
2. Any security issued or guaranteed by underwriter.
the government of any country with which 4. Distribution by the corporation of
the Philippines maintains diplomatic securities to its stock holders or other
relations, or by any state, province or security holders as stock dividends or
political subdivision thereof on the basis of distribution out of surplus.
reciprocity. Provided, that the SEC may 5. Sale of capital stock of a corporation to
require compliance with the form and its own stockholders exclusively wherein
content of disclosures the Commission may no commission or remuneration is paid or
prescribe. given directly or indirectly in connection
3. Certificates issued by a receiver or by a with the sale of such capital stock.
trustee in bankruptcy duly approved by the NOTE: Also, this sale must not involve an
proper adjudicatory body. underwriter or financial advisor.
4. Any security or its derivatives the sale 6. Bonds or notes secured by a mortgage
or transfer of which, by law, is under the upon real estate or tangible personal
supervision and regulation of the Office of property, where the entire mortgage
Insurance Commission, Housing and Land together with all the bonds or notes
Use Regulatory Board, or the Bureau of secured thereby are sold to a single
Internal Revenue. purchaser at a single sale.
5. Any security issued by a bank except its 7. Issue and delivery of any security in
own shares of stock (which serves to exchange for any other security of the
promote the sale of securities issued by same issuer pursuant to the right of
heavily regulated banks). conversion entitling the holder of the
6. Other securities as determined by the security surrendered in exchange to make
SEC by rule or regulation, after public such conversion.
hearing. (SRC, Sec. 9) 8. Broker’s transactions executed upon
customer’s orders, on any registered
Being an issuer of an exempt Exchange or other trading market.
security does NOT exempt such issuer 9. Share subscriptions in capital stock prior
from the requirement of submission of to incorporation or in pursuance of an
increase in its authorized capital stock RATIONALE: Although the securities
under the Corporation Code when no themselves must still be registered, the
expense is incurred, or no commission, sale or issue need not be registered
compensation or remuneration is paid or because the investors involved herein are
given in connection with the sale or considered as highly sophisticated
disposition of such securities, and only investors or specialized investors and as
when the purpose for soliciting, giving or such, have a greater risk tolerance or do
taking of such subscriptions is to comply not need strict protection from the
with the requirements of such law as to the Commission.
percentage of the capital stock of a
corporation which should be subscribed
before it can be registered and duly NOTE: List of exempt transactions under
incorporated, or its authorized capital SRC is NOT exclusive
10. Exchange of securities by the issuer The list is not exclusive. The
with its existing security holders Commission may exempt other
exclusively, when no commission or other transactions, if it finds that the
remuneration is paid or given directly or requirements of registration under the
indirectly for soliciting such exchange. Code is not necessary in the public interest
11. Sale by issuer to fewer than 20 persons or for the protection of the investors such
in the Philippines during any 12 month as by reason of the small amount involved
period, otherwise known as private or the limited character of the public
placement transactions. offering. (SRC, Sec. 10.02)
Requisites: NON-EXEMPT
1. Sale to not more than 19 non-
institutional retail investors; NOT EXEMPT
2. The security is made payable to a
specific person; All securities, unless specifically
3. Security is non-negotiable and exempted by law, shall not be sold or
nonassignable; and offered for sale or distribution within the
4. It is in an amount not exceeding fifty Philippines, without a registration
(50) million pesos. statement duly filed with and approved by
12. Sale of securities to any number of the the Commission. (SRC, Sec. 8.1)
following Qualified Buyers:
a. banks;
b. registered investment houses; Purpose for registration of securities
c. insurance companies;
d. pension funds or retirement plans Registration of securities allows the
maintained by the Government of the subsequent release of these securities to
Philippines or any political subdivision the investing public and serves to protect
thereof or managed by a bank or other investors.
persons authorized by the Bangko Sentral
to engage in trust functions, investment
companies; Procedure for registration of securities
e. investment companies; and
f. other persons or entities ruled qualified 1. Application – All securities required to
by the SEC on the basis of such factors be registered shall be registered through
such as financial sophistication, net worth, the filing by issuer with SEC, of a sworn
knowledge, and experience in financial and registration statement with respect to such
business matters, or amount of assets securities in such form and containing such
under management. (SRC, Sec. 10.1) information or documents as the
Commission shall prescribe.
2. Prospectus – The registration statement such other manner as the Commission by
shall include any prospectus required or rule shall prescribe, reciting that:
permitted to be delivered. a. A registration statement for the sale of
3. Other information– The information such security has been filed;
required for the registration of any kind b. The aforesaid registration statement as
and all securities shall include, among well as the papers attached thereto is open
others, the effect of the securities’ issue to inspection at the Commission during
on ownership, on the mix of ownership, business hours; and
especially foreign and local ownership. c. Copies thereof, photo static or
4. Signatories to registration statement– otherwise, shall be furnished to interested
The registration statement shall be signed parties at such reasonable charges as the
by the issuer’s: Commission may prescribe.
a. Executive officer 9. Ruling – Within 45 days after the date of
b. Principal operating officer the filing of the registration statement, or
c. Principal financial officer by such later date to which the issuer has
d. Comptroller consented, the SEC shall declare the
e. Principal accounting officer registration statement effective or
f. Corporate secretary or persons rejected, unless the applicant is allowed to
performing similar functions amend the registration statement. The
NOTE: It shall be accompanied by a duly Commission shall enter an order declaring
verified resolution of the Board of the registration statement to be effective if
Directors of the issuer corporation. it finds that the registration statement
5. Written consent of Expert – The written together with all the other papers and
consent of the expert named as having documents attached thereto is on its face
certified any part of the registration complete and that the requirements have
statement or any document used in been complied with. The Commission may
connection therewith shall also be filed. also impose such terms and conditions as
6. Certification by selling stockholders– may be necessary or appropriate for the
Where the registration statement includes protection of the investors.
shares to be sold by the selling 10. Effectivity – Upon effectivity of the
shareholders, a written certification by registration statement, the issuer shall
such selling shareholders as to the state under oath in every prospectus that
accuracy of any part of the registration all registration requirements have been
statement contributed by such selling met and that all information are true and
shareholders shall also be filed. correct as represented by the issuer or the
7. Fees – Upon filing of the registration one making the statement.(SRC, Sec. 12)
statement, the issuer shall pay to the SEC NOTE: Any untrue statement or fact of
a fee of not more than one tenth of one omission to state a material fact required
percent (1/10 of 1%) of the maximum to be stated therein or necessary to make
aggregate price at which such securities the statement therein not misleading shall
are proposed to be offered; the SEC shall constitute fraud.
prescribe by rule, diminishing the fees in
inverse proportion, the value of the
aggregate price of the offering. Grounds for rejection of a registration
NOTE: This fee paid to the SEC is called a statement and revocation of the effectivity
diminishing fee. of a registration statement and the
8. Notice and Publication – Notice of the registration of a security
filing of the registration statement shall be
immediately published by the issuer, at its After due notice and hearing by
own expense, in two newspapers of issuing an order to such effect, the
general circulation in the Philippines; once Commission may reject the registration
a week for two consecutive weeks, or in
statement or revoke the registration of a
security based on the following grounds: Grounds for suspension of registration
1. The issuer:
a. Has been judicially declared insolvent; 1. If any time, the information contained in
b. Has violated any of the provisions of the the registration statement filed is or has
Code, the rules promulgated pursuant become misleading, incorrect, inadequate
thereto, or any order of the SEC of which or incomplete in any material respect.
the issuer has notice in connection with the 2. The sale or offering for sale of the
offering for which a registration statement security registered thereunder may work
has been filed; or tend to work a fraud.
c. Has been or is engaged or is about to 3. Pending investigation of the security
engage in fraudulent transactions; registered, if the Commission deems it
d. Has made any false or misleading necessary, to ascertain whether the
representation of material facts in any registration of such security should be
prospectus concerning the issuer or its revoked on any ground specified in the
securities; or SRC.
e. Has failed to comply with any 4. Refusal to furnish information required
requirement that the Commission may by the Commission. (SRC, Sec. 15)
impose as a condition for registration of
the security for which registration
statement has been filed. Grounds for suspension or cancellation of
certificate of registration
2. The registration statement is on its face
incomplete or inaccurate in any material 1. Fraud in procuring registration.
respect or includes any untrue statement of 2. Serious misrepresentation as to
a material fact or omits to state a material objectives of corporation.
fact required to be stated therein or 3. Refusal to comply with lawful order of
necessary to make the statements therein SEC.
not misleading; 4. Continuous non-operation for at least 5
3. The issuer, any officer, director or years.
controlling person of the issuer, or any 5. Failure to file By-laws within required
person performing similar functions, or any period.
underwriter has been convicted by a 6. Failure to file reports.
competent judicial or administrative body, 7. Other similar grounds. (SRC, Sec. 6 [L])
upon plea of guilty, or otherwise, of an
offense involving moral turpitude and/or
fraud or is enjoined or restrained by the Order of suspension by the SEC requires a
SEC or other competent judicial or subsequent hearing
administrative body for violations of
securities, commodities and other related An order of suspension must be
laws; and followed by a hearing to be conducted by
4. Any issuer who refuses to permit the the Commission. If the Commission
examination to be made by the determines that the sale of any security
Commission. (SRC, Sec. 13) should be revoked, it shall issue an order
prohibiting the sale of such security. Until
NOTE: The Commission may compel the the issuance of a final order, the
production of all the books and papers of suspension of the right to sell, though
the issuer, and may administer oaths to, binding upon the persons notified thereof,
and examine the officers of such issuer or shall be deemed confidential, and shall not
any other person connected therewith as to be published, unless it shall appear that the
its business and affairs. order of suspension has been violated after
notice. However, if the Commission finds
that the sale of the security will neither be price movement in a security, which may
fraudulent nor result in fraud, it shall trick investors into trading in these
forthwith issue an order revoking the order securities because of the alleged trading
of suspension, and such security shall be volume or indications of interest;
restored to its status as a registered c. Squeezing the float – refers to taking
security as of the date of such order of advantage of a shortage of securities in the
suspension. market by controlling the demand side and
exploiting market congestion during such
shortages in a way to create artificial
PROHIBITIONS ON FRAUD, prices. This prevents the actual market
MANIPULATIONS AND INSIDER TRADING from determining the price of these
Acts which are considered as manipulation d. Hype and dump – engaging in buying
of security prices activity at increasingly higher prices and
then selling securities in the market at the
The price of securities should be higher prices;
dictated by market forces. It cannot be e. Boiler room operations – refers to
pegged or stabilized. The following acts activities that involve the use of high
are considered as manipulation of security pressure sale tactics such as direct mail
prices and are therefore prohibited: offers or telephone follow-ups to investors
1. Transactions intended to create a false to promote purchase and sale of securities
or misleading appearance of active trading wherein there is misrepresentation in these
in any listed security traded in an securities. This is a fraudulent transaction
Exchange or any other trading market: that tricks investors into trading in a fake
a. Wash Sale – is a transaction in which market;
there is no genuine change in the beneficial f. Daisy chain – refers to a series of
(or actual) ownership of a security; purchase and sales of the same issue at
b. Matched Sale – is a change of ownership successively higher prices by the same
in the securities by entering an order for group of people with the purpose of
the purchase or sale of a security with the manipulating prices are drawing
knowledge that a simultaneous order of unsuspecting investors into the market
substantially the same size, time, and price, leaving them defrauded of their money and
for the sale or purchase of any such securities;
security, has or will be entered by or for g. Front-Running – is the prohibited
the same or different parties; or practice of a broker-dealer executing its
c. Similar transactions where there is no proprietary order before the customer’s
change of beneficial ownership. order for the same security. This violates
the fiduciary responsibility by the broker-
2. Effecting a series of transactions that dealer to its customer accounts as well as
will raise or depress the price of securities placing the customer’s order first; or
to induce the purchase or sale of securities h. Churning – involves the excessive
respectively, or creating active trading to trading of securities by a broker-dealer in
induce transactions through manipulative a customer’s discretionary account in order
devices: to generate commissions, without regard to
a. Marking the close – buying and selling of the customer’s investment objective.
securities at the close of the market in an
effort to alter the closing price of these 3. Circulating or disseminating information
securities; that the price of any security listed in an
b. Painting the tape – engaging in a series Exchange will or is likely to rise or fall
of transactions effected by brokers in because of manipulative market operations
securities that are reported publicly to give of any one or more persons conducted for
the impression or illusion of activity or the purpose of raising or depressing the
price of that security for the purpose of Insider
inducing the purchase or sale of such
security. A person who is in possession of
corporate material information not
4. To make false or misleading statement generally available to the public.
with respect to any material fact, which he
knew or had reasonable ground to believe Who may be an insider:
was so false or misleading, for the purpose
of inducing the purchase or sale of any 1. The issuer;
security listed or traded in an Exchange. 2. A director or officer (or person
performing similar functions) of, or a
5. To effect, either alone or with others, person controlling the issuer;
any series of transactions for the purchase 3. A person whose relationship or former
and/or sale of any security traded in an relationship to the issuer gives or gave him
exchange for the purpose of pegging, access to material information about the
fixing or stabilizing the price of such issuer or the security that is not generally
security, unless otherwise allowed by the available to the public;
Code or by rules of the Commission. (SRC, 4. A government employee, or director , or
Sec. 24) officer of an exchange, clearing agency
and/or self-regulatory organization who
has access to material information about an
Short sales issuer or a security that is not generally
available to the public; or
It is the selling of shares which the 5. Constructive Insider – A person who
seller does not actually own or possess learns such information by a
and therefore he cannot, himself, supply communication from any of the foregoing
the delivery. Short selling leads to insiders. (SRC, Sec. 3.8)
speculation of price of securities.
Other prohibited acts in an insider trading
Reportorial requirements
Jurisdiction over violations of the SEC
rules on proxy solicitation 1. Issuers:
a. Shall file with the Commission within 135
The power of the SEC to investigate days, after the end of the issuer’s fiscal
violations of its rules on proxy solicitation year, or such other time as the Commission
is unquestioned when proxies are obtained may prescribe, an annual report which shall
to vote on matters unrelated to the cases include among others, a balance sheet,
enumerated under Section 5 of PD 902-A. profit and loss statement and statement of
However, when proxies are solicited in cash flows, for such last fiscal year,
relation to the election of corporate certified by an independent certified public
directors, the resulting controversy, even accountant, and a management discussion
if it ostensibly raised the violation of the and analysis of results of operations; and
SEC rules on proxy solicitation, should be b. Such other periodical reports for interim
properly seen as an election controversy fiscal periods and current reports on
within the jurisdiction of the RTC special significant developments of the issuer as
commercial court. (GSIS vs. CA, G.R. Nos. the Commission may prescribe as
183905 and 184275, April 16, 2009) necessary to keep current information on
DISCLOSURE RULE the operation of the business and financial
condition of the issuer. (SRC, Sec. 17)
Beginning of disclosure requirement
2. Types of issuers required to file
It begins at registration and reports:
continues periodically through the regular a. An issuer which has sold a class of its
filing of periodic report. securities pursuant to a registration
statement under Section 12 of the SRC;
b. An issuer with a class of securities listed CIVIL LIABILITY
for trading in an Exchange;
c. An issuer with assets of at least PHP Grounds for civil liability to arise
50M and having 200 or more holders each
holding at least 100 shares 1. False Registration Statement (SRC, Sec.
3. Persons acquiring securities - If the 2. Fraud in connection with prospectus,
issuer is one that has to make a report, any communications and reports (SRC, Sec. 57)
person who acquires directly or indirectly 3. Fraud in connection with security
the beneficial ownership of more than 5% transactions (SRC, Sec. 58)
of such class, or in excess of such lesser 4. Manipulation of security prices (SRC ,
per centum as the Commission by rule may Sec. 60)
prescribe, shall, within 10 days after such 5. Insider trading (SRC, Sec. 61)
acquisition or such reasonable time as
fixed by the Commission, submit to the
issuer of the security, to the Exchange Persons that may be liable in case of false
where the security is traded, and to the registration statement
Commission a sworn statement containing:
a. His personal circumstances 1. The issuer and every person who signed
b. The nature of such beneficial ownership the registration statement.
c. If the purpose was to acquire control of 2. Every person who was a director of, or
the business, any plans the recipient may any other person performing similar
have affecting a major change in the functions, or a partner in, the issuer at the
business time of the filing of the registration
d. The number of shares beneficially statement or any part, supplement or
owned, and the number of shares for which amendment thereof with respect to which
there is a right to acquire his liability is asserted.
e. granted to such person or his associates 3. Every person who is named in the
f. Information as to any agreement with a registration statement as being or about to
third person regarding the securities (SRC, become a director of, or a person
Sec. 18) performing similar functions, or a partner
in, the issuer and whose written consent
4. Persons that has beneficial ownership of thereto is filed with the registration
10% or more statement.
- Every person who is directly or 4. Every auditor or auditing firm named as
indirectly the beneficial owner of more having certified any financial statements
than 10% of any class of any equity used in connection with the registration
security, or who is director or an officer of statement or prospectus.
the issuer of such security, shall file: 5. Every person who, with his written
a. Statement with the SEC and, if such consent, which shall be filed with the
security is listed for trading on an registration statement, has been named as
Exchange, also with the Exchange, of the having prepared or certified any part of the
amount of all equity securities of such registration statement, or as having
issuer of which he is the beneficial owner; prepared or certified any report or
b. Within 10 days after the close of each valuation which is used in connection with
calendar month, if there is a change in the registration statement, with respect to
ownership during such month, a statement the statement, report, or valuation, which
indicating his ownership at the close of the purports to have been prepared or certified
calendar month and such changes in his by him.
ownership as have occurred during such 6. Every selling shareholder who
calendar month. (SRC, Sec. 23) contributed to and certified as to the
accuracy of a portion of the registration
statement, with respect to that portion of Prescriptive period for filing of action
the registration statement which purports Two (2) years after the discovery of
to have been contributed by him. the facts constituting the cause of action
7. Every underwriter with respect to such and within five (5) years after such cause
security. (SRC, Sec. 56) of action accrued.
Persons liable for fraud in connection with Jurisdiction over civil liabilities
prospectus, communications and reports The court which has jurisdiction over
cases involving civil liabilities is the
Any person who offers to sells or Regional Trial Court.
1. In violation any provisions on
registration of securities; or Limitation for awarding damages
2. By the use of any means or instruments 1. The court can award not exceeding
of transportation or communication, by triple the amount of the transaction plus
means of a prospectus or other written or actual damage.
oral communication. (SRC, Sec. 57.1) 2. The court is also authorized to award
attorney’s fees not exceeding 30% of the
Persons liable for fraud in connection with
security transactions
Award of exemplary damages
Any person who engages in any act The court may award exemplary
or transaction in violation of Sections 19.2, damages in cases of:
20 or 26 of SRC. 1. Bad Faith;
2. Fraud;
3. Malevolence; or
Persons liable for the manipulation of 4. Wantonness in the violation of SRC or
security prices the Rules and Regulations promulgated by
the Commission.
Any person who willfully participates
in any act or transaction in violation of
Section 24 of SRC shall be liable to any RESPONSIBILITY AND
person who shall purchase or sell any PRIMARY OBJECTCTIONS
security at a price which was affected by
such act or transaction.