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Raymond Internship Project

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Change Management

4.1 Personal Change Identification.

4.1.1 Skills of the Individual-

Out of the 13 questions asked on Yes/No responses, we got

H.R Team’s average as “6 Yes”

Finance Team’s average as “9 Yes”

Marketing Team’s average as “11 Yes”

Corporate Communication Team’s average as “12 Yes”

(‘Yes’ given as a reply signifies that change is not required to that extent)


➢ Corp Comm. department doesn’t require any change in their skill set. They
are already updated.

➢ H.R team needs to find new ways to understand change. Only then they can
increase their skill set.

4.1.2 Capabilities of the Individual-

Out of the 13 questions asked on Yes/No responses, we got

H.R Team’s average as “8 Yes”

Finance Team’s average as “9 Yes”

Marketing Team’s average as “13 Yes”

Corporate Communication Team’s average as “13 Yes”

Alliance Business Academy

Change Management


➢ Corp Comm. And Marketing departments don’t require any training to

increase their capabilities

➢ H.R and Marketing departments need training to make them more

capable of doing the work assigned to them.

4.1.3 Communication of the Individual-

Out of the 13 questions asked on Yes/No responses, we got

H.R Team’s average as “11 Yes”

Finance Team’s average as “7 Yes”

Marketing Team’s average as “9 Yes”

Corporate Communication Team’s average as “13 Yes”


➢ Corp Comm. And H.R departments don’t require any training to

increase their Communication/Understanding skills.

➢ Finance and Marketing departments need training to make them more

capable of understanding the work assigned to them through better
communication skills.

4.1.4 Attitudes of the Individual-

Alliance Business Academy

Change Management

Out of the 12 questions asked on Yes/No responses, we got

H.R Team’s average as “9 Yes”

Finance Team’s average as “7 Yes”

Marketing Team’s average as “10 Yes”

Corporate Communication Team’s average as “11 Yes”


➢ Corp Comm. and Marketing departments don’t require any motivation

to change their attitude towards work

➢ Finance and H.R departments need training to make them develop a

proper attitude at work place to increase their efficiency

4.1.5 Behaviors of the Individual–

Out of the 9 questions asked on Yes/No responses, we got

H.R Team’s average as “7 Yes”

Finance Team’s average as “5 Yes”

Marketing Team’s average as “9 Yes”

Corporate Communication Team’s average as “9 Yes”

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Change Management


➢ Corp Comm. and Marketing departments don’t require any training to

refine their behavior

➢ Finance and H.R departments need training to make them aware of

their behaviors towards their other team members.

4.2 Organizational Change Identification-

4.2.1 Organizational Change-

This question was put to 20 responders.

Which one of the following requires immediate attention at the Organizational


○ Hierarchy Adjustment 9 ( 4 – 3, 2 – 4, 2 – 2, 1 – 1)

○ Amending Company Policies 4 (3 – 4, 1 – 3)

○ Integration of Various Departments 2 (2 – 1)

○ Process Refinement 5 (3 – 3, 2 – 4)

And related to this, another question was put to them depending on the “magnitude”
of change required in the particular chosen field.

Which one of the following defines the condition of the above “selected

1. Minor Changes Required

2. Changes on Select Few Sub-Areas

3. Major Changes Required

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Change Management

4. Re-structuring of the Whole Area

After employees chose the option of the previous question, they were asked to
choose an option in this question with respect to the previous question’s option in

Interpretation of numerals-

9 : means, out of 20 responders, 9 chose this option.

( 4 – 3, 2 – 4, 2 – 2, 1 – 1): means, out of the 9 who chose “Hierarchy

Adjustment” for the former question, 4 chose option 3 for the latter question, 2
chose option 4 etc. which signifies the magnitude of change required.

➢ This chart tells us that there are minor changes required in the
“Integration of Various Departments”

➢ It also tells us that there are major changes required in the “Hierarchy
Adjustment” and “Process Refinement”

➢ Simultaneously, “Total Restructuring” has to be made in the “Company


4.2.2 Departmental Change-

This question was put to 20 responders.

Which one of the following requires immediate attention at the Departmental


○ Hierarchy Adjustment 5 (3 – 1, 1 – 2, 1 – 4)

○ Process Refinement 5 (2 – 4, 1 – 1, 1 – 3, 1 – 2)

○ Distribution of Appropriate Work 4 (2 – 1, 1 – 3, 1 – 2)

○ Conflict Management 6 (4 – 3, 1 – 4, 1 – 1)

Alliance Business Academy

Change Management

And related to this, another question was put to them depending on the “magnitude”
of change required in the particular chosen field.

Which one of the following defines the condition of the above “selected

1. Minor Changes Required

2. Changes on Select Few Sub-Areas

3. Major Changes Required

4. Re-structuring of the Whole Area

After employees chose the option of the previous question, they were asked to
choose an option in this question with respect to the previous question’s option in

Interpretation of numerals-

5 : means, out of 20 responders, 5 chose this option.

(3 – 1, 1 – 2, 1 – 4): means, out of the 5 who chose “Hierarchy Adjustment” for

the former question, 3 chose option 1 for the latter question, 1 chose option 2
etc. which signifies the magnitude of change required.


➢ This chart tells us that there are minor changes required in the
“Distribution of Appropriate Work”

➢ It also tells us that there are major changes required in the “Conflict

➢ Simultaneously, total restructuring has to be made in the “Process


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Change Management

4.2.3 Personnel Change-

This question was put to 20 responders.

Which one of the following requires immediate attention at the Personnel

(Peer) level?

○ Work Understanding 11 (7 – 4, 2 – 3, 1 – 1, 1 – 2)

○ Performance Improvisation 1 ( 1 – 3)

○ Increasing Co-ordination 5 (2 – 2, 1 – 1, 1 – 3, 1 – 4)

○ Presentation of the Work 3 (2 – 1, 1 – 2)

And related to this, another question was put to them depending on the “magnitude”
of change required in the particular chosen field.

Which one of the following defines the condition of the above “selected

1. Minor Training Required

2. Training on Select Few Sub-Areas

3. Major Training Required

4. New Type of Training for the Whole Topic

After employees chose the option of the previous question, they were asked to
choose an option in this question with respect to the previous question’s option in

Interpretation of numerals-

11 : means, out of 20 responders, 11 chose this option.

Alliance Business Academy

Change Management

(7 – 4, 2 – 3, 1 – 1, 1 – 2): means, out of the 11 who chose “Work

Understanding” for the former question, 7 chose option 4 for the latter
question, 2 chose option 3 etc. which signifies the magnitude of change


➢ This chart tells us that there are minor changes required in the
“Presentation of Work”

➢ Select training required in “increasing the co-ordination”

➢ It also tells us that there are major changes required in the

“Performance Improvisation”

➢ Simultaneously, whole new training has to be given for the betterment

of “Work Understanding”

5.1 Findings –

1. Skills of Employees –

➢ Corp Comm. department doesn’t require any change in their skill set. They
are already updated.

➢ H.R team needs to find new ways to understand change. Only then they can
increase their skill set.

1. Capabilities of Employees –

➢ Corp Comm. And Marketing departments don’t require any training to

increase their capabilities

Alliance Business Academy

Change Management

➢ H.R and Marketing departments need training to make them more

capable of doing the work assigned to them.

1. Communication of Employees –

➢ Corp Comm. And H.R departments don’t require any training to

increase their Communication/Understanding skills.

➢ Finance and Marketing departments need training to make them more

capable of understanding the work assigned to them through better
communication skills.

1. Attitudes of Employees –

➢ Corp Comm. and Marketing departments don’t require any motivation

to change their attitude towards work

➢ Finance and H.R departments need training to make them develop a

proper attitude at work place to increase their efficiency

1. Behaviors of Employees –

➢ Corp Comm. and Marketing departments don’t require any training to

refine their behavior

➢ Finance and H.R departments need training to make them aware of

their behaviors towards their other team members.

1. Organizational Level –

Alliance Business Academy

Change Management

➢ This chart tells us that there are minor changes required in the
“Integration of Various Departments”

➢ It also tells us that there are major changes required in the “Hierarchy
Adjustment” and “Process Refinement”

➢ Simultaneously, “Total Restructuring” has to be made in the “Company


1. Departmental Level –

➢ This chart tells us that there are minor changes required in the
“Distribution of Appropriate Work”

➢ It also tells us that there are major changes required in the “Conflict

➢ Simultaneously, total restructuring has to be made in the “Process


1. Personnel Level –

➢ This chart tells us that there are minor changes required in the
“Presentation of Work”

➢ Select training required in “increasing the co-ordination”

➢ It also tells us that there are major changes required in the

“Performance Improvisation”

➢ Simultaneously, whole new training has to be given for the betterment

of “Work Understanding”

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Change Management

5.2 Recommendations –

1. On Skills of Employees –

➢ H.R Team at Raymond Ltd. needs to upgrade their skills as the data
reveals that there is inadequacy of skills required to perform the job.

➢ Recommend the Hiring a Corporate Trainer for giving an insight into

the existing state of affairs.

1. On Capabilities of Employees –

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Change Management

➢ H.R and Marketing Department at Raymond Ltd. need to increase their

grasping power at work. This will in turn enable them to increase their
capability at doing work.

➢ Recommend the Periodic sessions on “how to diversify the possibility

of doing the work”.

1. On Communication of Employees –

➢ Finance and Marketing Departments at Raymond Ltd. need to upgrade

their communication skills. This is not just for the conversational
purpose, but also for the better understanding of the job. Sometimes
employees will be capable of performing the job, but if it is not
communicated to them properly, there might be inefficiency.

➢ Recommend Corporate Communication Team to give seminars.

1. On Attitudes of Employees –

➢ H.R and Finance Departments at Raymond Ltd. need to adjust their

attitude to benefit their work. Attitude towards work and work place
might get monotonous and boring if there are no entertainment

➢ Recommend to have “team outings”, and a gathering once a month to

bring out the creativity in the employees.

1. On Behaviors of Employees –

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Change Management

➢ Finance and H.R Departments at Raymond show significant lag in the

behavior required to boost the inter-departmental relationships.

➢ Recommend “body language” education, etiquettes and self

presentation classes to be delivered.

1. On Organizational Level Change –

➢ There are minor changes required in the “Integration of

Various Departments”.

➢ Recommend activities that strengthen the inter-departmental bond.

➢ There are major changes required in the “Hierarchy Adjustment” and

“Process Refinement”.

➢ Hierarchy must be adjusted so that it benefits the functioning of the

whole organization. For instance, the G.M has no control over the
D.G.M. Even the D.G.M reports directly to the M.D. Recommend re-
structuring and to adopt Lean Processes which refines the process.

➢ “Total Restructuring” has to be made in the “Company Policies”

➢ Raymond Ltd. being a heritage company, the policies are out dated
and require serious attention. Recommend New Policy Making.

1. On Departmental Level Change –

➢ Minor changes required in the “Distribution of Appropriate Work”

➢ Recommend the Senior Managers to allocate the work after evaluation

of the capabilities of the employees.

➢ Major changes required in the “Conflict Management”.

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➢ Recommend the H.R team to step in and to handle conflict in a

diplomatic way. Inviting the involved parties to communicate the
problem and to arrive at a common solution.

➢ Total restructuring has to be made in the “Process Refinement”

➢ Recommend to adopt technological tools in refining process.

1. On Personnel Level Change -

➢ Minor changes required in the “Presentation of Work”

➢ Recommend to educate the respective employees on the “Data/Result”

representation skills.

➢ Select training required in “increasing the co-ordination”

➢ Recommend a Strong Induction Program for a new employee. And for

existing employees, involving them in a “team game” will boost their
official bonding.

➢ Major changes required in the “Performance Improvisation”

➢ Recommend a constructive way of performance appraisal. In which,

the H.R team must make it evident to the employee that his
performance can be way better if he contributes a little more.

➢ Whole new training has to be given for the betterment of “Work


➢ Recommend the superiors to elaborate clearly on the work that is

intended to be done. This clears the ambiguity and will enable the
employee to understand work in a better manner.

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Change Management

5.3 Conclusions-

➢ Raymond, a heritage company must support its employees to educate

themselves on the changes happening in the market place. Suitable
software and databases must be made available.

➢ The H.R team at Raymond must have a “soft copy” of the employee policy
as it can be circulated to all the employees easily.

➢ Raymond Ltd. promotes talent. The H.R team believes only on promotion
through performance.

Alliance Business Academy

Change Management

➢ Raymond Ltd. must encourage ideas from younger generation. Since

1925, the times have changed. In order to maximize the profit, more and
more youngsters must be encouraged to voice their opinion.

Thank you for taking the time to fill this questionnaire. For a quick introduction, it
contains five parts of objective type questions and six textual questions.

The average time for filling this questionnaire is about 15 minutes. We can assure
you that this 15 minutes is best invested to understand the organisational readiness
for change management initiatives, to keep pace with market dynamics.

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Change Management

The confidentiality of responses and the interviewee shall be strictly maintained.


Questions Y/N
I understand the principles of Programme Management
I understand the principles of Project Management
I understand the principles of Culture Change, Business Process
Re-engineering, Organisation Design, Systems Development &
I understand what my organisation needs to achieve and why
I understand how my functional area contributes to organisational
I have had exposure to most functional areas of the organisation
I can explain the functions of all sections/departments of the
I understand what the main business systems do
I understand that effective change management is the key to
sustained business growth
I feel the need for my organisation to adopt change management
I am able to understand and appreciate that change management
initiatives are necessary in my function
I can see that there are change management initiatives being
undertaken in my function
I feel a part of the initiatives and will contribute to it

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Change Management


Questions Y/N
I have led Change Programmes/Projects
I am comfortable handling Change Programmes/Projects
I am able to analyse problems effectively
I observe and understand people’s behaviours
I make clear and well considered decisions for change
I’d rather have the best outcome than ‘win’
I can handle being ‘wrong’ about something
I am aware of how I feel about change and effecting change
I know how to deal with my own perception about existing
processes and culture
I can easily adapt myself to the changing requirements in the job
I am given proper projects which bring out the best in me
I feel that required assistance is given in my job (means to do my
I am confident that I can manage change management programmes
that will help the organisation grow


Questions Y/N
I have done a lot of presentations
I usually persuade people into my point of view

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Change Management

I am willing to adapt my ideas and thoughts based on feedback

I can usually get people to talk to one another
I can help people work through their concerns
I can clearly understand what others say
I prefer face-to-face communication
I feel there is a need for educating employees on importance of
People usually listen to me
I don’t dominate every conversation
I think we need to listen more than we speak
I never outright disregard another person’s point of view
I really enjoy listening to other people’s ideas


Questions Y/N
I will never outright lie
I know when I am ‘spinning’ the truth a little
I prefer direct questions and answers
I ensure that my work progresses, the way I want it to
I would never intentionally cause harm to people, processes or the
I am excited by new ways of doing things
I like to try new things in life
It’s important to me to be part of a team
I adjust my attitude to the work at hand

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Change Management

I prefer to work alone

I am easily irritated by other people
I need to know where I am headed


Questions Y/N
I am aware of how people perceive me
I need to be told how to react
I get frustrated easily
I can control my behaviour
While in a group, I adjust myself to others
I try not to take control
I encourage others to speak their minds
I know how to relax
I can work through my feelings back to steady state

Which one of the following requires immediate attention at the Organizational level?

○ Hierarchy Adjustment

○ Amending Company Policies

○ Integration of Various Departments

○ Process Refinement

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Change Management

Which one of the following defines the condition of the above “selected option”.

1. Minor Changes Required

2. Changes on Select Few Sub-Areas

3. Major Changes Required

4. Re-structuring of the Whole Area

Which one of the following requires immediate attention at the Departmental level?

○ Hierarchy Adjustment

○ Process Refinement

○ Distribution of Appropriate Work

○ Conflict Management

Which one of the following defines the condition of the above “selected option”.

1. Minor Changes Required

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Change Management

2. Changes on Select Few Sub-Areas

3. Major Changes Required

4. Re-structuring of the Whole Area

Which one of the following requires immediate attention at the Personnel (Peer)

○ Work Understanding

○ Performance Improvisation

○ Increasing Co-ordination

○ Presentation of the Work

Which one of the following defines the condition of the above “selected option”.

1. Minor Training Required

2. Training on Select Few Sub-Areas

3. Major Training Required

4. New Type of Training for the Whole Topic

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Change Management

Alliance Business Academy

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