Rakesh Meena Judgement
Rakesh Meena Judgement
Rakesh Meena Judgement
S.B. Civil Writ Petition No. 1727 / 2015
Dr Rakesh Meena son of Shri J.R. Meena aged about 27 years, by
caste Meena, resident of B-13, Tirupati Nagar, Jagatpura, Jaipur.
1. Rajasthan Public Service Commission through its Secretary,
Rajasthan Service Commission, Ajmer (Rajasthan).
2. State of Rajasthan through its Principal Secretary, Ayurved and
Indian Medicines, Ayurved Department, Govt. of Rajasthan, Govt.
Secretariat, Jaipur.
3. Director, Homeopathic Medical Department, Rajasthan, Jaipur-
7, Everest Colony, Lal Kothi Tonk Road, Jaipur-15.
For Petitioner(s) : Mr. Rajendra Soni with Mr. Vishal Soni
For Respondent(s) : Mr. M.F. Baig
Mr. Parikshit Singh, Dy.G.C.
Judgment Reserved on : 02/05/2017
(D.B. SAW/1572/2017 has been filed in this matter. Please refer the same for further orders)
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Tribe Category.
qualified, applied for the said post and vide letter dated
appointments but later on the stay was modified and same was
who belonged to Scheduled Tribe, had not joined and thus, one
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candidate, had not joined even though extension for time to join
Mr. Hanuman Meena inspite of extension had not joined his place
permit the petitioner to join the said post, which had become
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writ petition.
the petitioner had approached the High Court within two and a
half months, mere expiry of period of six months will not defeat
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that case had approached the High Court within period of two and
merely because the High Court could not decide the writ petition,
(D.B. SAW/1572/2017 has been filed in this matter. Please refer the same for further orders)
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Court in the case of Bal Krishan Sharma vs. State & Ors,
the period for which due to interim order granted by the court
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27. No costs.”
on facts of each case. The said judgments in no way have laid the
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On waiting list
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Thus, the legal position from the case law cited, can be
summed up as under:-
(b) That the period where due to issuance of any interim order by
or reserve list, then his right shall not be defeated merely because
date when the selected candidate had not joined. Therefore, the
(e) The State Government in the larger interest can shelve entire
human resource and talent so that new candidates who are better
respondent no.1 to take a final view within four weeks upon filing
(D.B. SAW/1572/2017 has been filed in this matter. Please refer the same for further orders)
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joined. The period of six months had to operate from the said date
and the petitioner within time had approached this Court. The
claim of the petitioner was not decided by this Court and the
on 27.1.2014.
was pending and same was not decided by the authorities will not
shall not cover the delay and latches. It shall also not condone
must stand up and urge before the court that his case be decided
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neither cure delay and latches nor shall revive the cause of action,
within the stipulated period, this Court relying upon the case of
Tara Chand Bhati vs. State of Rajasthan & Ors., 1998 (4)
1997 (s) SCT 339, it has been held that merely because name of
of four years.
(D.B. SAW/1572/2017 has been filed in this matter. Please refer the same for further orders)
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should make way for larger good of the society and citizens must
vested right to insist that the State must fill the vacancy from
same is dismissed.
(D.B. SAW/1572/2017 has been filed in this matter. Please refer the same for further orders)
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