The Future of Business
The Future of Business
The Future of Business
With the theme “The Future of Business: With this year’s Conference, the MAP hopes to
Sustainability. Development. Impact.”, the drive important conversations in the Philippine
10 September 2019 MAP International CEO business community by introducing innovative and
Conference focuses on the playing ground for breakthrough ideas from leading global speakers.
competitiveness and sustainability in the future,
which is in the arena of doing good, not just looking
The MAP is, once again, grateful to work with the
good; in purpose, not just profits; in driving social
Isla Lipana & Co./PwC Philippines for the fifth of
change, not just shareholder value.
a series of annual CEO surveys in the Philippines
being conducted by the latter which are envisioned
The MAP Conference has become one of the to benchmark the changes in how CEOs think,
biggest business events in the country. Last year, react and innovate.
the Conference drew about 700 delegates and was
live-streamed to over 2,500 students and teachers
Many thanks to Isla Lipana & Co./PwC Philippines
nationwide as speakers from around the globe
for serving as our Knowledge Partner, once again,
tackled the theme “From Programs to Platforms:
for the 10 September 2019 MAP International CEO
Business in the Age of Disruptions.”
A profitable business is not necessarily good I’d like to thank the 127 CEOs who have shared
business if it does not lead to “good” growth, which their insights with us. I am also extremely grateful
is sustainable and empathetic. Climate change, to the eight CEOs who have shared how they are
environmental damage, income inequality, depleting integrating sustainability not only in their business,
resources, inefficient production, and apathy – these but also in their lives.
are some of the serious issues that we, as business
leaders, need to address.
We are once again honored to serve as the
Management Association of the Philippines’
This year, we asked our leaders to step back, and Knowledge Partner for its 17th International CEO
look at how they’re doing their business. Nowadays, Conference. This is our fifth CEO survey with the
profitability and sustainability are no longer mutually MAP, and we are grateful for the continued trust and
exclusive. opportunity.
It is comforting that the number of CEOs who use We hope that the stories in this report will inspire
sustainable practices in their companies is growing. business leaders to look beyond revenues and
While most are still using the traditional practices profits. Creating impact, touching lives, developing
related to energy use and recycling, a good number communities – these should not just be part of our
have plans of shifting to a circular business model. corporate responsibility activities. Sustainability
should be embedded in all of our business activities
and decisions.
While incorporating sustainability in one’s business is
not that easy, our CEOs agree that our country’s top
problems such as rapid urbanization, environmental
issues, and ecosystem degradation should push the
companies to adopt sustainable practices.
A Philippine
CEO Survey
Traditional business models use In line with the theme of the 17th to transition to a circular business
linear methods of production MAP CEO Conference, “The model. While most CEOs expect to
and consumption, which are Future of Business: Sustainability. adopt more sustainable practices,
unsustainable. According to the Development. Impact.”, we asked they are hindered by high transition
United Nations’ Sustainability the CEOs about their views on costs and inadequate technology.
Development Goals statistics, sustainability and the changes that
we will need almost three planets they need to make to address the
We hope that this report will
to provide the natural resources issues that we are facing. This year,
encourage the leaders from both
needed should the global we are also featuring the stories of
the private and public sectors to
population reach 9.6bn by 2050. leaders who integrate sustainability
work together in achieving our
In the past decade, the world lost in their business strategies and
sustainable development goals.
over 3m hectares of forest areas. decisions.
Climate change, poverty, lack of
access to education, environmental
According to the CEOs,
damage, and inefficient production
urbanization, environmental issues,
and consumption are some of the
and ecosystem degradation are
concerns that keep CEOs awake at
the top concerns in the Philippines
that should drive the companies
From 1996’s Philippine The Philippines’ How the CEOs are Sustainability initiatives
Agenda 21 to 2019’s CEOs’ thoughts on the addressing the current should no longer be
Green Forest country’s economy sustainability-related treated as independent
issues side projects within
the companies –
sustainability should
be embedded in a
company’s DNA
1 2 5 24
26 28 30
PwC MAP 2019 CEO Survey v
Notable sustainability projects
in the Philippines
P 6.7
The Philippines had a challenging first half because Q: What do you think is the likely PH GDP growth
of the delayed passage of the 2019 national budget, rate for 2019?
negative impact of El Niño on agriculture, and the
construction ban during the election period. Such Lower than 5% 6%
factors resulted in a GDP growth rate of 5.5% in
5% to 6% 49%
the second quarter of 2019, the lowest since the
5.0% growth rate in the first quarter of 2015. While Greater than 6% to 7% 43%
falling below the government’s target growth rate
of 6.0% to 7.0%, the Philippines remains ahead of Greater than 7% 2%
its neighbors such as Malaysia, Thailand, Korea,
Taiwan and Singapore. The Philippines’ growing Real GDP growth rates of selected Asian
consumption and services sector helped minimize countries
the negative impact of the delayed government 6.8%
spending, helping the country maintain a faster 7.1%
51% 37% 7%
not very
not confident
don’t know
somewhat confident very confident
confident at all
2018 results
Q: Do you believe that the Philippine economic Q: How confident are you that your organization’s
growth in 2018 will exceed the average economic revenue growth prospects over the next 12 months
growth in ASEAN? would be better than that of your industry?
Top factors
BPO & 48%
Domestic services Somewhat
70% sector Confident
49% Remittances
67% Infrastructure 41%
Other factors
25% 20% 5%
Investments Global and Geopolitical
social trends events
PwC MAP 2019 CEO Survey 3
Q: Which of the following countries do you Q: How concerned are you, if at all, about each
consider most important for your company’s of these potential economic, policy, social,
overall growth? environmental, and business threats to your
organization’s growth prospects?
Vietnam 14% Cyber threats 28% 46%
Indonesia 16% Geopolitical uncertainty 31% 53%
Malaysia 16%
Speed of technological 32% 40%
Singapore 22%
26% Availability of key skills 35% 45%
Myanmar 11%
China 43% Climate change &
39% 43%
environmental damage
USA 36%
Increasing tax burden 43% 37%
2017 2018 2019
Extremely concerned Somewhat concerned
world population were living in extreme poverty in
2018, which is significantly higher than the target rate
of 3.0%. Globally, around 785m people lack access to
basic drinking water service, and around 3.6bn people
of the world population
live in water-stressed areas. In 2017, the global material
consumption grew from 87bn tons in 2015 to 92.1bn still live in extreme poverty
tons in 2017. Unless consumption is controlled, the
global resource extraction may grow to 190bn tons by
of the population are
83% 46%
are doing sustainable practices in use of energy
their business. 71%
Recycling/reusing 34%
materials Product life
The worsening poverty crisis, climate change, lack of access Income stratification in the Philippines (as a %
to quality education, and environmental damage are making of the Philippines’ total household income)
sustainability a major concern for both the private and public
sectors across the globe. To help address such issues, the 46%
United Nations established the 2030 agenda for sustainable
2018 47%
development in 2015. Together with its 193 member
states, the United Nations identified the 17 Sustainable 7%
Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets with the vision of
stimulating action to address the problems related to people, 47%
planet, prosperity, and peace. 2017 47%
In the Philippines, 21% of the total population in early 2018
were living below the poverty line of US$1.90 per day. As 47%
reported by the Institute for Economics and Peace in June
2016 46%
2019, the Philippines is also among the countries facing the
highest risk of climate change hazards. According to the 7%
report, 47% of the Philippine population are living in areas
of high exposure to climate hazards such as floods and
droughts. The recent disasters have made sustainability 47%
and climate change an unavoidable topic in the business 2015 46%
community. 7%
Source: Fitch
of crop diversity has been lost
people have no access to 5m
from farmers’ fields electricity worldwide children still die before their fifth birthday
each year
youth worldwide lack basic
of the global population lack
of the global population
mathematics and literacy access to safely managed lack access to safely
skills drinking water services managed sanitation facilities
of the global population
Basic infrastructure 3 planets
could be required should the
like roads, information and communication
still lack access to modern global population reach 9.6bn
technologies, sanitation, electrical power,
electricity by 2050 to provide the natural
and water remains scarce in many
resources needed to sustain
developing countries
current lifestyles
of the global energy is being
of all food produced –
increase in global emissions
consumed by households that equivalent to 1.3bn tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) since
contribute to worth around US$1 trillion 1990
– end up rotting in the bins
21% of consumers and retailers,
or spoiling due to poor
of CO2 emissions
transportation and harvesting
hectares of forest areas were
lost between 2010 and 2015.
Poor rural women depend on
common pool resources and
are especially affected by
their depletion.
Using sustainability
of the CEOs say that they are performance indicators (SPIs)
measuring and reporting the Cost reductions or savings 48%
financial impact of their sustainable
practices Using the environmental, social
and governance (ESG) rating
Others 14%
What do we mean by ESG issues?
Environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues cover a broad agenda. Therefore, we break the issues down into
five categories: Environment, Workplace, Community, Marketplace and Governance. The ‘ESG wheel’ below shows
examples of issues within each category. The relevance of the issues will depend on the specific situation, for example,
ESG issues
related to a portfolio company’s sector or geography.
• Waste management
• Talent attraction and
• Hazardous materials/pollution
• Water use • Employee development
Energy use
Global warming/
Employee welfare
Equality and diversity
have formal plans to fully adopt a
emissions to air • Occupational health circular business model
• Resource use and safety
• Biodiversity
Governance 18% Yes, implementing | 15% Yes, not
• Land contamination
• Governance of sustainability
yet implemented
• Board level responsibility
• Anti-bribery and corruption
• Business ethics/conduct
• Grievance procedures
• Community impact
Companies, however, must look beyond the The changing customer behavior, technological
We recommend that impact of sustainable
a wide range of activities – from practices ondevelopment
strategy and policy profits. to tools creation
and use, and and resource scarcity are among
More sophisticated
training are needed to appropriately andmanageglobal ESG companies nowadays
risks and opportunities. the main drivers of circular solutions. Nowadays,
use quantitative and qualitative information to customers demand for more environmentally
report environmental, social, and governance friendly and socially responsible products and
(ESG) performance and issues. ESG is a more services. Technological breakthroughs such as
Strategy Policy Procedures Tools Training Reporting Assurance
holistic approach because it doesn’t only look at tracking mechanisms, communications systems and
the environment – it covers issues such as labor operating models that weren’t previously available or
practices, talent management, product safety, and affordable are now becoming mainstream, allowing
security, ethics, and diversity. By establishing ESG for greater product monitoring and increased ability
factors and metrics, a company
2 | ESG considerations for private equity firms | PwC
will have a better to extend the product lifecycle. The declining
idea of the true impact of its sustainable investments resource materials are encouraging companies to
and practices. The ESG criteria may include energy find alternatives such as replacements for fossil-
use, waste, supplier relationships, and transparent based materials.
accounting reporting.
In our survey, the CEOs identified urbanization,
To further help address sustainability issues, environmental issues, and ecosystem degradation
companies started adopting circular solutions in their as the top concerns that should drive companies to
businesses. The circular economy seeks to keep transition to a circular business model. Surprisingly,
products and materials in use for as long as possible, however, only 18% of the CEOs have formal plans
minimizing the amount used, extending their lifespan, that are being implemented to transition their
and maximizing reuse and recycling of waste. businesses to a circular model.
4 Changing
5 Disruptions in the supply and prices of
raw materials
3. Reuse
5. Redesign Selling or donating a product
Developing products that use in its original form, or with
5. Redesign
fewer materials or have a smaller little change, which avoids
Developing products that use
environmental footprint, that are a new product having to
fewer materials or have a smaller
designed to be more durable, or be manufactured. May also
environmental footprint, that are
to be offered as a service through include redistribution of
designed to be more durable, or
a leasing or take-back model. unwanted food.
to be offered as a service through
Also includes adaptations to make
a leasing or take-back model.
products easier to maintain, reuse,
Also includes adaptations to make
remanufacture or disassemble
products easier to maintain, reuse,
and recycle at end-of-life. Aims to
remanufacture or disassemble
tackle the most material impacts,
and recycle at end-of-life. Aims to
based on lifecycle analysis.
tackle the most material impacts,
based on lifecycle analysis.
4. Maintenance
Extending the life of a product with its first owner,
4. Maintenance
either via a repair or refurbishment service, or by
hereby waste Extending the life of a produ
making it easier for users to repair it themselves.
den waste, is either via a repair or refurbish
n be used as a 1. Anaerobic digestion is a process whereby waste This delays the purchase of a replacement product.
making it easier for users to
hich can be used organic matter, such as food or garden waste, is
converted into digestate (which can be used as a This delays the purchase of a
fertiliser on farmland) and biogas (which can be used
to generate clean energy).
Incorporating sustainability in
projects is nothing new to AC
Infrastructure. “We’ve always been
very careful with the things that we
get ourselves involved in. In AC Infra,
we’ve always said that our endgame
is always the user, the commuter, or
the person at the end of the chain.
We always start with the pain points.
We look at the pain of travelling or
commuting in Metro Manila, and we
we need to provide a reliable and
consistent commuting service option
to the people because we’re affecting
their lives.”
Rene Almendras
President and CEO | AC Infrastructure Knowing how commuting or travelling
Holdings Corp. can be difficult in Metro Manila, AC
Infra through a consortium of seven
conglomerates has also submitted
an unsolicited proposal to transform
the Ninoy Aquino International Airport
(NAIA). The consortium consists of
As a 185-year-old organization in the Philippines, AC Infra, Aboitiz InfraCapital, Inc.,
the Ayala group has transformed its business Alliance Global Group Inc., AEDC,
by entering into new industries and regions Filinvest Development Corporation,
with innovation and sustainability as part of its JG Summit Holdings, Inc. and Metro
mission. Just recently, the Ayala Group had its Pacific Investments Corporation.
first Integrated Corporate Governance, Risk “We saw that the actual hot spot
Management and Sustainability Summit with is in NAIA itself – how the airport
the objective of incorporating sustainability in was designed and run, the need to
their growth strategies. Rene Almendras, AC upgrade the facilities, and the need
Infrastructure Holdings Corp. (AC Infra) CEO, shares to have better scheduling of aircraft,
how they are developing infrastructure projects etc. We are also proposing to build a
with efficiency, reliability, and sustainability as part railway system within the airport that
of their goals. connects to the LRT1 and subway
lines, and maybe even to the MRT.
This is so we won’t have 65m cars
going in and out of the airport.”
12 The future of business: Sustainability. Development. Impact.
Other investments and initiatives to innovation, profitability, and
help improve the commuters’ lives sustainability. I think they’re all
include the improvements in LRT1. necessities. Profitability is no
“At peak hours in LRT1, the longest longer just a one-off today. Most
waiting time is eight minutes. How investors are looking for consistent
did we do that? We reduced the performance. They want to invest
train cycle time, we have 99% in something that is operationally
accuracy in schedules. Now, and financially sustainable. Is there
people’s lives can be scheduled a trade-off between sustainability
better. Achieving sustainability and innovation? I don’t think
goals is not just our focus. It’s so. Sustainability, innovation,
really trying our best to respond to and profitability are not mutually
the individual commuters’ need.” exclusive,” Rene shares.
Eighty percent (80%) of the CEOs expect to change Q: Which of the following constraints are stopping
their production/service model in the next three to you from fully adopting sustainable business
five years to promote more sustainable practices. practices?
Most of these CEOs plan to increase efficiency in
product manufacture or use by consuming fewer
natural resources and materials. The CEOs are also 47% High transition costs
planning to use the product for different functions,
which can be done by participating in the sharing
economy. The sharing economy principles can help 43% Inadequate technology
businesses meet their needs with minimal footprints
while reducing the economic losses from waste.
41% Economic viability of sustainable practices
While majority of the CEOs fully support sustainable
business practices, they identified high transition
costs, inadequate technology, and economic viability 39% Existing organizational culture
as the main factors that are preventing them from
fully adopting sustainable practices. Admittedly,
transitioning to a circular model brings in costs
36% Upfront investment
related to management, research and development,
and infrastructure. Our business leaders, however,
should realize that the circular economy is a
30% Lack of talent
long-term strategy that helps address the serious
environmental and business risks that we are facing. 11% Others
While moving to a circular model requires upfront
investments and efforts, several businesses are
already seeing the rewards of having such solution.
Immediate benefits may include reduced material
bills and increased customer interaction and loyalty.
Medium-to long-term benefits on other hand
include innovative product designs, stronger brand
reputation, and operational efficiencies.
of the CEOs expect change in their production/service
model in the next three to five years to promote more
sustainable practices
Disasters that resulted from human efforts should
also serve as a wake up call to all sectors. The recent Increase efficiency in product or use by
Amazon rainforest fires, for instance, were caused by 71% consuming fewer natural resources and
deforestation by farmers and loggers. Such tragedy
has a huge global impact because the Amazon
rainforest provides 20% of the world’s oxygen and
53% Use the product for different functions
absorbs carbon, helping slow down global warming.
Its destruction will limit nature’s ability to capture
carbon. Repair and maintain a defective product so it
can be used with its original function
Indeed, there is a need for our business leaders
to change the way they look at sustainability. Use discarded products or parts in a new
Sustainability initiatives should no longer be treated product iwht a different function
as independent side projects within the companies
– sustainability should be embedded in a company’s 38% Process materials to obtain the same quality
Thinking circular
Thinking circular
How circular is your business? Are there some quick wins that could help your
Can you identify areas where you’re already business make a start on becoming circular?
participating in the circular economy? How can you pilot the idea in your business?
Do you have a system for reverse When you look across your
logistics where products are operations and supply chain,
taken back into the business? where are the opportunities to
Have you designed your products reuse, refurbish, recycle,
so that there’s still value in taking repurpose etc. to rethink your
them back? model in a circular way?
6 | PwC
Age profile
1% 25%
18 to 24 years 45 to 54 years
9% 22%
25 to 34 years 55 to 64 years
22% Age 65 or older
35 to 44 years
Large 27%
Medium 11%
Micro 5%
expect the PH GDP growth rate for
2019 to be between 5% to 6% Small 6%
Q: How confident are you that your organization’s revenue growth prospects
over the next 12 months would be better than that of your industry? (with
breakdown by size of business)
of the total respondents are
Micro 8%
confident with their revenue growth
prospects over the next 12 months Small 13%
Large 51%
Medium 25%
Micro 10%
are doing sustainable practices in
their business Small 13%
Large 48%
Medium 19%
Micro 7%
have formal plans of transitioning
to a circular business model Small 26%
The interviews and the survey responses were also spread across a range
of industries.
PwC. (2017). Building partnerships in ASEAN: Reimagining the possible. PwC and the Management Association of
the Philippines.
PwC. (2018). The future of possibilities: Business in the age of disruption. PwC and the Management Association
of the Philippines.
PwC. (2019). 22nd CEO Survey: CEOs’ curbed confidence spells caution. PwC.
World Economic Forum. (2018). Circular economy in cities: Evolving the model for a sustainable urban future.
World Economic Forum.
Dennis P. Bautista
Markets Director, PwC Philippines
Christian L. Gonzales
Markets Assistant Officer I, PwC Philippines
Edwin Padillo
Markets Manager, PwC Philippines
Kaira Celina V. Ty
Lanz Quijano
Mel James Fernandez
Lawrence Philip Minor
Deals and Corporate Finance Associates,
PwC Philippines
Arnold P. Salvador
Executive Director, Management Association of the
Elizabeth B. Zulueta
Executive Assistant, Management Association of the
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