المحاضرة السادسة عشر- الوحدة الخامسة انكليزي رابع4

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‫المحاضرة السادسة عشر – الوحدة الخامسة‬


1. a prediction (‫)تنبؤ‬
2. a future fact based on a timetable (‫)حقيقة مستقبلية تعتمد على جدول زمني‬
3. an intention (‫)نية‬
4. an arrangement between people (‫)تنسيق بين الناس‬
5. a suggestion (‫)مقترح‬
6. a spontaneous decision (‫)قرار تلقائي‬


1. will + infinitive (future simple)

2. Present simple
3. going to + infinitive
4. Present continuous
5. Shall + infinitive
6. will + infinitive



1. She's going to study psychology.

It lasts three years.
2. He's going to a football match.
The match starts at 3:00.
3. Because they're going to move to their new house.
4. Her daughter and grandchildren will be visiting.
They'll have a cup of tea and a chat.
5. Because she's going to France for a year.
Her mother and father are taking her.
6. He's going to be successful. He'll be earning a lot of money.
He'll have made a million pounds before he's twenty-five.
1. Which university is she going to?
2. Who's he going to the match with? Who's playing?
3. When will the new house be ready?
4. What sort of cake is she going to bake?
5. What time does her plane leave?
6. How much will he be earning?
'm going to see

'll see

are you going to do

will you do

'll come
'm coming

are you going to do

are you doing

'm going to give

'm giving

is leaving


'll see

'll be seeing

'll have seen

'll see

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