Unit 5 Microwave Devices: Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
Unit 5 Microwave Devices: Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
Unit 5 Microwave Devices: Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
Unit 5
Solid State Power Devices
Some Microwave Devices
• Impatt Diodes
• PIN Diodes
• Varactor Diodes
• YIG Devices (Yttrium-Iron Garnet)
• Dielectric Resonators
• GaAsFETs
• HEMT – High Electron Mobility Transistors
Microwave Solid State Devices
• e = Electron charge
• μ = Electron mobility
• = Electron density in the lower valley
• = Electron density in the upper valley
• is the electron density
• According to RWH theory, in order to exhibit negative
resistance the energy band structure of semiconductor
should satisfy
– The energy difference between two valleys must be
several times larger than the thermal energy (KT ~
– The energy difference between the valleys must be
smaller than the bandgap energy (Eg)
– Electron in lower valley must have a higher mobility
and smaller effective mass than that of in upper valley
• Possessed by GaAs, InP, CdTe etc
Formation of high field domain
• In GaAs, at electric
fields exceeding the
critical value of Ec
≈ 3.2 kV/cm the
differential mobility
is –ve.
• In radar transmitters
• Air traffic control (ATC) and Industrial
• Broadband linear amplifier
• Fast combinational and sequential logic circuit
• Low and medium power oscillators in
microwave receivers
• As pump sources
InP Diode
Peak to valley current ratio
Other Devices
• Matched Loadload:
is a device used to terminate a transmission line
or waveguide so that all the energy from the signal source will
be absorbed.
▪ A two port network is shown in the figure below.
1) Reciprocity
The two-port network is reciprocal if
the transmission characteristics are
the same in both directions (i.e. S21
= S12).
It is a property of passive circuits
(circuits with no active devices or
ferrites) that they form reciprocal
A network is reciprocal if it is equal
to its transpose. Stated
mathematically, for a reciprocal
For a 2-port network, the product of the transpose matrix and the complex
conjugate matrix yields
If the network is
reciprocal and lossless
Waveguide Multi port Junctions
The interconnection of two or more microwave devices may be regarded as
microwave junction.
The following are the three important statements of any three port microwave
E Plane Tee
•An E Plane Tee is a waveguide Tee in which the axis of its side arm are parallel to
electric field of the main guide. If the collinear arms are symmetric about the side
arm , there are two different transmission characteristics.
• If E plane Tee is perfectly matched the diagonal components of the S matrix S 11, S22,
S33 are Zero because there will be no reflection.
•When the waves are fed in to side arm(port3), the waves appearing at port1 & 2 of
collinear arm will be in opposite phase & in same magnitude, so
• The –ve sign indicates that they are opposite to each other.
For matched junction is given as
Due to the symmetric property of S matrix, we have
From zero property, the sum of the products of each term of any column /
row multiplied by complex conjugate of the corresponding term of any
other column/ row is zero.
This means that either S13 or S23, or both should be zero.
From unity property of S matrix , the sum of products of each term of any
one row / column multiplied by its complex conjugate is unity.
-- ------Eq.(3)
Substituting Eq.(1) in Eq.(2) we have
Eq.(4) & Eq.(5) are contradictory, so if S13=0 implies s23=0, &
if s23=0 then s13 becomes zero
• In general, when an E plane Tee is constructed of an empty
waveguide, it is poorly matched at the T junction. Hence S ij
not equal to zero if i=j.
Since collinear arm is usually symmetric about the side
arm, | S13| = | S23 | & S11=S22.
• The final S matrix is given below.
H Plane
An H plane tee is a waveguide tee in which the axis of its arm is shunting the
E field or parallel the H field to main guide as shown .
•It can be seen that if two input waves are fed in to port
1 & 2 of the collinear arm the output wave at port 3 will
be in phase & additive.
• If the input is fed to port 3 the wave will split equally in
to ports 1 & 2 in phase & same magnitude.
but S13=S23.
Magic Tee
•Also known as E H Plane Tee or Hybrid Tee
•It is a combination of E Plane Tee & H Plane Tee
•Its characteristics are given below
In directional Coupler all four ports are This equation can be reduced
completely matched. So using zero property
Microwave propagation in ferrites
• Ferrites are non metallic materials with resistivity 𝜌
nearly 1014 times greater then metals and with
dielectric constant 𝜖𝑟 around 10-15 and relative
permabilities of 1000 order.
Each of the two 3dB couplers in circulator introduces a phase shift of 90o and
each of the two phase shifters produce a certain phase change, the wave is
split in to two components by the coupler 1.
The wave in primary guide arrives at port 2 with a relative phase change of
180o . The second wave propagates through the two couplers & secondary
guide arrives at port 2 with relative phase shift of 180 o , since the two waves
reaching port 2 are in phase , the power transmitted is obtained fron port 1 to
port 2.
The waves propagating through primary guide , phase shifter, & coupler 2
arrives at port 4 with a 270o phase change.
The wave travelling through coupler 1 & secondary guide arrives at
port 4 with a phase shift of 90o.
Since the two waves reaching port 4 are opposite in phase the power
transmission from 1-4 is zero.
A perfectly matched lossless nonreciprocal four port circulator has
an S matrix of the form.
• The typical performance of these isolators is about 1-dB
Description of Microwave Bench
Microwave Power Measurement
• The Microwave Power measured is the average power at any
position in waveguide. Power measurement can be of three
• Measurement of Low
power 0.01mWto10mW0.01mWto10mW
Example − Bolometric technique
• Measurement of Medium power 10mWto1W10mWto1W
Example − Calorimeter technique
• Measurement of High power >10W>10W
Example − Calorimeter Watt meter
Measurement of Low Power
• Bolometer is a device which is used for low
Microwave power measurements.
• Measurement of Medium Power
The measurement of Microwave power around
10mW to 1W, can be understood as the
measurement of medium power.
Power Ratio Method
RF Substitution Method
Measurement of Phase Shift
Measurement of VSWR
Which is denoted by S.
•Where, ρ=reflectionco−efficient
• Measurement of Low VSWR S<10
The measurement of low VSWR can be done by
adjusting the attenuator to get a reading on a DC
millivoltmeter which is VSWR meter.