Related Parties ISA 550 Audit CAF 9 (ARM+AMK)

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The key takeaways are the definition of related parties, responsibilities of management and auditor regarding related parties, procedures to identify related parties and risks involved with related party transactions.

The responsibilities of management are to identify, record and report related parties and transactions as per the financial reporting framework. The responsibilities of auditor are to obtain an understanding of related party relationships and transactions to conclude if financial statements are fairly presented.

Procedures to identify related parties include obtaining lists, understanding relationships, reviewing prior year working papers, inquiring predecessor auditor, inspecting records like tax returns and published documents.

Related Parties ISA 550

Audit CAF 9 (ARM+AMK)

Related Parties

Definition Responsibilities Procedures to

Ensure All Related
Management Auditor
Parties with undue
Ahmed Raza, FCA + Akash Kumar, ACA (ARTT Business School)

influence e.g.
- Associated companies - To identify - To ensure
parties/transactions are  Obtain list
- Majority Shareholder, - To account for identified, accounted for
Key Management, their and disclosed.  Obtain understanding of
family members and - To disclose Procedures and Controls
- To evaluate fraud risk
- Their companies factors, and whether FS  Review working papers of
present True and Fair last year.
Related Party
 Inquire predecessor auditor
and component auditor.

 Inquire affiliation of TCWG

and Key Management.
Transaction with related party e.g.
 Inspect records
- Sale and purchase of asset - Third party confirmation.
- Tax Return
- Giving or obtaining loan (or - Register of
repayment) shareholders/directors.
- Published documents.

Artt Business School: F45 PECHS Block 6 Behind Fortune Centre Main shahrah-e-Faisal Karachi. Contact 021-34523175-76
Related Parties ISA 550
Audit CAF 9 (ARM+AMK)
Definition of Related Party:

 A related party that is either

o A related party as defined in the applicable financial reporting framework; or
 Where the applicable financial reporting framework establishes minimal or no related party
o A person or other entity that has control or significant influence, directly or indirectly
through one or more intermediaries, over the reporting entity;
o Another entity over which the reporting entity has control or significant influence,
directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries; or
 Another entity that is under common control with the reporting entity through having:
Ahmed Raza, FCA + Akash Kumar, ACA (ARTT Business School)

o Common controlling ownership;

o Owners who are close family members; or
o Common key management.

Definition of Arm’s length transaction:

A transaction conducted on such terms and conditions as between a willing buyer and a willing seller
who are unrelated and are acting independently of each other and pursuing their own best interests.


Responsibilities of Management:

It is the responsibility of the Company’s management to

Responsibility 1

1. Identify 1. Related parties (Names)

2. Record (account for) 2. Relationships with them
3. Report as per FRFW 3. Transactions entered into during the year

Responsibility 2

Implement internal controls to identify RPs and RPTs.

Artt Business School: F45 PECHS Block 6 Behind Fortune Centre Main shahrah-e-Faisal Karachi. Contact 021-34523175-76
Related Parties ISA 550
Audit CAF 9 (ARM+AMK)
Responsibilities/Objectives of Auditor:

To obtain an understanding of related party relationships and transactions sufficient to be able:

1. To conclude, That he financial statements are presented fairly and are not misleading in so far as
they are affected by the RP relationships and transactions based on the audit evidence obtained
2. To recognize fraud risk factors, if any, arising from related party relationships and transactions
that help in identification and assessment of the risks of material misstatement due to fraud;

Why related party transactions are important for auditor

Ahmed Raza, FCA + Akash Kumar, ACA (ARTT Business School)

Many RPTs are in the normal course of business and carry no significant risk of material misstatement
than ordinary transactions.

In some circumstances RPTs may lead to higher risks of MM. For example:

Risk Explanation
1. RPs may operate through complex structures Inherent risk in recording complex transaction
and relationships and the resulting that it might not be correctly recorded and
transactions may therefore also be complex. presented

2. Accounting systems may not be effective at Flagging and changes in RP status may not be
identifying and summarising RPTs and identified (because less sophisticated sys)

3. RPTs may not be conducted on normal Difficult to distinguish what is arm’s length and
market terms – some may even be conducted what’s not + difficult to disclose appropriately
with nil consideration.

4. Sometimes substance of RP transactions Economics of the transaction in reality may be

differ form resulting in misstatement something else and reporting may be misleading

5. High risk of fraud RPs present greater opportunities for collusion,

concealment, or manipulation by management

Artt Business School: F45 PECHS Block 6 Behind Fortune Centre Main shahrah-e-Faisal Karachi. Contact 021-34523175-76
Related Parties ISA 550
Audit CAF 9 (ARM+AMK)
Step 1 Obtain an understanding of entity, its environment and its internal controls

The auditor performs the following procedures to understand the entity’s related parties’ relationship
and transactions

1. Make inquiries of management (on obtaining a list of related parties) in respect of:

 The identity of related parties

 The nature of relationships with those related parties
 The nature of any transactions entered into with those parties during the period.
Ahmed Raza, FCA + Akash Kumar, ACA (ARTT Business School)

2. Obtain an understanding of the internal controls in operation over:

 the identification of, accounting for and disclosure of related party relationships and
 the authorization and approval of significant related party transactions
 the authorization and approval of significant transactions outside the normal course of

3. Consider the risk of material misstatement due to fraud or error arising from related party
relationships and transactions.
4. Inform all the engagement team members as and when a new related party or a new transaction
with identified related parties are found out.

The above procedures would result in risks of material misstatement resulting for RP transactions. The
auditor shall respond to the identified risks.

Risks and responses in related party transactions

S.r.No Risk Response

1 List of related parties The auditors will perform the following audit
given by the management procedures to ensure that all the related parties are
may not be complete I/A/D in the financial statements

1. Review working papers for previous years, to

look for names of known related parties.
2. Inquire predecessor auditor and component
auditors (if any) about the RPs
3. Inquire about the relationships between
directors and other entities (for example,
investments by directors and their close family
members of significant nature + common

Artt Business School: F45 PECHS Block 6 Behind Fortune Centre Main shahrah-e-Faisal Karachi. Contact 021-34523175-76
Related Parties ISA 550
Audit CAF 9 (ARM+AMK)
directorship) i.e. obtain a conflict of interest
disclosure by the directors
4. Review shareholder Register for the names of
major shareholders.
5. Review Investment register for major
6. Review minutes of shareholder meetings
(general meetings of the company).
7. Review BOD meeting minutes
8. Inspect Bank Confirmations
9. Inspect lawyers confirmation
10. Inspect 3rd party confirmations (Debtors /
Ahmed Raza, FCA + Akash Kumar, ACA (ARTT Business School)

11. Inspect tax returns
12. Inspect invoices (for abnormal discounts,
abnormal credit terms, after sales services)
13. Forms submitted to SECP

Results of the procedures

Result Conclusion
No additional RP/ RPT found Related prarty list is completed
Additional RP / RPT found 1. Revise Risk Assessment
2. Perform Additional Audit

Further Audit procedures

If auditor identifies related party relationships or transactions not identified by management:

Auditor shall perform following procedures:

 Confirm the existence of related party relationship or transaction from underlying

 Promptly communicate the relevant information to other members of engagement.
 Inquire as to why entity’s process and controls failed to identify or disclose such related party
 Request management to identify all transactions with newly identified related party, and
disclose them accordingly.
 Perform appropriate substantive procedures on newly identified related party, and/or significant
related party transactions.

Artt Business School: F45 PECHS Block 6 Behind Fortune Centre Main shahrah-e-Faisal Karachi. Contact 021-34523175-76
Related Parties ISA 550
Audit CAF 9 (ARM+AMK)
 Reconsider risk of completeness of related party information because other unidentified related
parties may also exist.
 If non-disclosure appears intentional, reconsider risk of fraud and other implications on audit.

S.r.No Risk Response

2 Transactions with related Auditor inspect the underlying contract / agreement
parties may be outside the and: shall inquire:
normal course of business 1. inquire the nature of these transactions
and 2. inquired whether related parties are involved
1. may not be 3. inquire business rationale (or lack thereof) of
appropriately these transactions.
approved or 4. Evaluate terms of the transactions are
Ahmed Raza, FCA + Akash Kumar, ACA (ARTT Business School)

authorized consistent with management’s explanations.

2. may not be 5. Evaluate whether transactions have been
appropriate appropriately authorized (e.g. by TCWG).
accounted for 6. Evaluate transactions have been appropriately
disclosed accounted for and disclosed.
7. Evaluate transaction is entered to engage in
fraudulent financial reporting or to hide
misappropriation of assets.

For this also review the minutes of meeting of BOD and

Shareholders to identify the fact that these
transactions are appropriate authorized.

Result and Conclusion

Result Conclusion
Transactions ONCOB are appropriately No further audit procedures required
authorized and approved and are
appropriately accounted for and
disclosed as per FRFW
ONCOB transactions either not Inquire the management about the
appropriately approved / authorized or approval and authorization and
accounted for and disclosed as per appropriate accounting and disclosure:
Implication on report if not corrected
or subsequently authorized / approved

Artt Business School: F45 PECHS Block 6 Behind Fortune Centre Main shahrah-e-Faisal Karachi. Contact 021-34523175-76
Related Parties ISA 550
Audit CAF 9 (ARM+AMK)
S.r.No Risk Response
3 The management may Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence by
have asserted that the 1. Comparing the terms of the RP transactions
related party transactions with market
are incurred at arm’s 2. If market rates are not available from other
length which may not be goods / service providers identify rate which are
the case used by the company with other customers
3. Involve expert in case of specialized nature of

Result and Conclusion

Ahmed Raza, FCA + Akash Kumar, ACA (ARTT Business School)

Result Conclusion
Management assertion about the No further audit procedures required
transaction with RP is appropriate w.r.t
arm’s length basis
Management assertion is not Ask the management for appropriate
appropriate disclosure if not implication on report
S.r.No Risk Response
4 Presence of a Domination over management by a The presence of such parties
single person or small group of persons is a fraud creates a risk on the health of
risk factor. entire financial statements
(rather than a single
Any such party may override the views of entity’s assertion).
management and force entity to enter into a
transaction in which dominant party has an interest. The auditor must:

Indicators of dominant influence exerted by a 1. Exercise professional

related party include: skepticism in case of
 The related party has vetoed significant business reviewing the
decisions taken by management or those transactions involving
charged with governance such parties
 Significant transactions are referred to the 2. Use professional
related party for final approval. judgement wherever
 There is little or no debate among management
and those charged with governance regarding
business proposals initiated by the related party.
 Transactions involving the related party (or a
close family member of the related party) are
rarely independently reviewed and approved.

Artt Business School: F45 PECHS Block 6 Behind Fortune Centre Main shahrah-e-Faisal Karachi. Contact 021-34523175-76
Related Parties ISA 550
Audit CAF 9 (ARM+AMK)
In the presence of other risk factors, the existence of a related party with dominant influence may indicate
significant risks of material misstatement due to fraud. For example:

 An unusually high turnover of senior management or professional advisors may suggest unethical or
fraudulent business practices that serve the related party’s purposes.
 The use of business intermediaries for significant transactions for which there appears to be no clear
business justification may suggest that the related party could have an interest in such transactions
through control of such intermediaries for fraudulent purposes.
 Evidence of the related party’s excessive participation in or preoccupation with the selection of
accounting policies or the determination of significant estimates may suggest the possibility of
fraudulent financial reporting.
Ahmed Raza, FCA + Akash Kumar, ACA (ARTT Business School)

Artt Business School: F45 PECHS Block 6 Behind Fortune Centre Main shahrah-e-Faisal Karachi. Contact 021-34523175-76
Related Parties ISA 550
Audit CAF 9 (ARM+AMK)

Related Party Risks and Course of


Transactions outside Management’s

If Auditor Identifies
normal course of Assertions of Arm’s
a Related Party
business length basis

1. Confirm from documents.

1. Inspect minutes of 1. Compare with
Ahmed Raza, FCA + Akash Kumar, ACA (ARTT Business School)

BOD and shareholders. - Market

2. Communicate to team.

2. Evaluate accounting - Unrelated

3. Inquire client why they
and disclosures. parties

3. Ensure management’s - Expert

4. Request management to
explanation is
identify all transactions.
consistent with
supporting documents.
5. Perform substantive
4. Evaluate existence of
6. Increase risk of

7. Increase risk of fraud if Related Party with Dominant

non-disclosure appears Influence


- Founder and Manager - Fraud risk factor

- Final Approval - Evaluate transactions of
- Veto power party’s interest.
- No Debate on Proposals
- Transactions not independently
reviewed or approved.

Artt Business School: F45 PECHS Block 6 Behind Fortune Centre Main shahrah-e-Faisal Karachi. Contact 021-34523175-76
Related Parties ISA 550
Audit CAF 9 (ARM+AMK)



Transactions with related parties are usually considered material irrespective of size of transaction. Because in
case of related party, a transaction could be material even if it has nominal amount e.g. sale of company’s assets
to related party at very low price.

Written Representation
Ahmed Raza, FCA + Akash Kumar, ACA (ARTT Business School)

Where the applicable financial reporting framework establishes related party requirements, the auditor shall
obtain written representations from management and, where appropriate, those charged with governance that:

 They have disclosed to the auditor the identity of the entity’s related parties and all the related party
relationships and transactions of which they are aware; and

They have appropriately accounted for and disclosed such relationships and transactions in accordance with the
requirements of the framework.

Communication with TCWG:

Unless all of those charged with governance are involved in managing the entity, the auditor shall communicate
with those charged with governance significant matters arising during the audit in connection with the entity’s
related parties.

Communicating significant matters arising during the audit in connection with the entity’s related parties helps
the auditor to establish a common understanding with those charged with governance of the nature and
resolution of these matters. Examples of significant related party matters include:

 Non-disclosure (whether intentional or not) by management to the auditor of related parties or

significant related party transactions, which may alert those charged with governance to significant
related party relationships and transactions of which they may not have been previously aware.
 The identification of significant related party transactions that have not been appropriately
authorized and approved, which may give rise to suspected fraud.
 Disagreement with management regarding the accounting for and disclosure of significant related
party transactions in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework.
 Non-compliance with applicable law or regulations prohibiting or restricting specific types of related
party transactions.
 Difficulties in identifying the party that ultimately controls the entity.


Artt Business School: F45 PECHS Block 6 Behind Fortune Centre Main shahrah-e-Faisal Karachi. Contact 021-34523175-76
Related Parties ISA 550
Audit CAF 9 (ARM+AMK)
The auditor shall include in the audit documentation the names of the identified related parties and the nature of
the related party relationships.
Ahmed Raza, FCA + Akash Kumar, ACA (ARTT Business School)

Artt Business School: F45 PECHS Block 6 Behind Fortune Centre Main shahrah-e-Faisal Karachi. Contact 021-34523175-76

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