A Case Study On Working of Aqua Silencer
A Case Study On Working of Aqua Silencer
A Case Study On Working of Aqua Silencer
Abstract—This Automobiles are not only sources of air can be fitted along with or instead of the catalytic converter at
pollution, other sources such as electric power generating the tailpipe of the exhaust system of a vehicle. The sound
stations, domestic fuel consumption, industrial processing, etc. produced due to the operation of an engine can be controlled
also contribute heavily to the contamination of our environment, using water as the sound produced underwater is less hearable
so serious attempts must be made to conserve the environment than produced in the environment. This mainly because of
from degradation. An aqua silencer is an attempt and the main small sprockets in water molecules, which lowers its
idea is to control the emission and noise. An aqua silencer is amplitude thus, lowers the sound level. Because of this
fitted to the exhaust pipe of the engine. The sound produced
property, water is used in this silencer & hence its name,
under water is less hearable than it is produced in the
"Aqua Silencer". Also, there is no effect of it after its
environment. This mainly because of small sprockets in water
molecules, with charcoal layer and outer layer applying thermal
installation on the fuel efficiency of a vehicle, which may be
conducting material, using backpressure process thus lowering petrol-powered or diesel-powered. Exhaust emissions can be
its amplitude and lowers the sound level. Because of this controlled using a layer of activated charcoal which is highly
property of water is used in this silence, hence the name is porous & possesses few extravagances & has high adsorption
AQUA SILENCER. The noise and smoke level are considerably properties, so it attracts the hazardous gases towards it &
less than the conventional one, it is cheaper, no need for a releases much less position to the environment. The level of
catalytic converter, and easy to install. Serious attempts must be noise & smoke coming out of "Aqua Silencer" is considerably
made to conserve the earth's environment from degradation. An less compared to conventional silencer; also it is cheaper to
aqua silencer is an attempt in this direction build & maintain. There is no need for a catalytic converter
getting fitted with it, give no rise to any complications in
Keywords—Automobiles; Aqua silencer; Charcoal layer; air assembling it and easy to install.[6]
pollution, Thermal conducting material.
Despite the terms and myriad of configurations, the
Nowadays Air pollution is a major problem. The main silencer can be broken into three fundamental types:
pollutants contribute by automobiles are nitrogen oxides
(NOx), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), carbon monoxide i. Reactive
(CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), particulates, sulphur dioxide ii. Absorption
(SO2), and lead. Etc. Air pollution causes a dangerous physical
effect on the human body, animals, and environment. So iii. Combination
serious attempts must be made to conserve the earth's In addition to the three main silencer types, other functions
environment from degradation. The reason why we choose such as spark arresting, emission control, heat recovery, etc.,
aqua silencer is, nowadays the pollution causes physical may also be incorporated into the silencer design. Each type of
unwell effects to the mortals and additionally the environment. silencer has specific performance attributes that can be used
The aqua silencer system is designed for replacing commonly independently or in combination to produce the required IL
used single unit silencers in the engine with its slender for a specific application. Several additional silencer styles
structure and less weight. It plays an important role in control and options are also reviewed in the following sections. [2]
the noise and emission of gases from engines. The main
reason to use aqua silencer is that nowadays air pollution is
A. Reactive Silencer
increasing rapidly. This system reduces the dangerous exhaust
gases from automobiles. These emissions are controlled by the Reactive silencers generally consist of several pipe
activated charcoal layer around the perforated tube and lime segments that interconnect with several larger chambers. The
water. The charcoal layer having a high capacity to absorb noise reduction mechanism of the reactive silencer is that the
emission gases from the engine. These types of charcoal area discontinuity provides an impedance mismatch for the
layers with lime water react chemically with emission gases sound wave traveling along the pipe. This impedance
and change the chemical structure of emission gases. The mismatch results in a reflection of part of the sound wave back
smoke or emission gases and noise levels in aqua silencers are toward the source or back and forth among the chambers. The
very less than the commonly used silencers. [1] reflective effect of the silencer chambers and piping (typically
referred to as resonators) essentially prevents some sound
wave elements from being transmitted past the silencer. The
reactive silencers are more effective at lower frequencies than
"Aqua Silencer" is an attempt made to deal with the at high frequencies and are most widely used to attenuate the
control of overall emissions & undesirable sound at the exhaust noise of internal combustion engines. A generic
tailpipe of a vehicle, before it is emitted to the atmosphere. It
reactive engine silencer comprised of two proportionally sized F. Heat Recovery Silencer
chambers with a pair of interconnecting tubes. Most of the energy available in the fuel used in
reciprocating and gas turbine engines are rejected in the form
B. Absorption Silencer of heat. A reciprocating engine running at full load converts
Absorptive silencers contain fibrous or porous sound- about one-third of the available energy into useful work,
absorbing materials and attenuate noise by converting the while the remaining two-thirds of the available energy is lost
sound energy propagating in the passages into heat caused by in the form of heat rejection. In a prime power installation
friction in the voids between the oscillating gas particles and where the rejected heat can be used to provide energy to
the fibrous or porous sound-absorbing material. The auxiliary applications, a heat recovery silencer can yield
absorptive characteristics of materials are discussed further. attractive savings. Typical applications of heat recovery
Absorptive silencers usually have relatively wideband noise silencers for internal combustion engines include hot water
reduction characteristics at middle and higher frequencies. It heating, steam generation, heat transfer fluid heating, etc.
is often used to attenuate the engine intake noise or
supplement the performance of reactive silencers for engine
exhaust noise control. The sound-absorbing materials are G. Tuned Silencer
generally held in position by the use of a perforated metal When the low-frequency noise within a narrow band is
liner. Knowledge of the structural content of an exhaust extremely high, the tuned silencer can be designed to combat
system is important when considering the inclusion of a the specific offending frequencies. Tuned silencers consist of
catalytic element or Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) pipe segments and cavities that are used to produce a low-
system in conjunction with the silencer. Particulate migration frequency resonance at a required frequency. The accurate
prediction of the tuned (resonance) frequency is extremely
of the insulation into the exhaust stream over a while can
important to facilitate a match of the peak frequency for
cause the catalytic element to become fouled and
reducing the narrow band noise to a desirable level. A small
substantially impact or impede its performance. deviation of the silencer resonance frequency from the peak
C. Combination Silencer frequency of the noise will greatly degrade the silencing
Some silencers combine both reactive and absorptive
elements to extend the noise attenuation performance over a
broader noise spectrum. Combination silencers are also widely H. Active Silencer
used to reduce engine exhaust noise. Active silencing, or sound cancellation systems, employs
detectors used in sensing the noise in an exhaust pipe, and a
D. Spark Arresting Silencer loudspeaker that is used to reintroduce an inverted signal has
Some Federal state, local and municipal by-laws often been developed to reduce low-frequency noise. The
dictating exhaust installations have provisions for arresting theoretical effect of reintroducing an inverted signal will
sparks from internal combustion engines. If an engine is to be result in the complete elimination of sound from the exhaust
used in an area where there is potentially dry vegetation of silencer. Although the idea of sound cancellation is very
other combustible materials that are likely to be ignited by simple and attractive, there are a variety of complications and
any hot carbon passing through the exhaust, one must problems arising from erratic fluctuations in the sound
incorporate spark-arresting capabilities into the silencer. Most source. Active silencing is relatively expensive at present,
approved spark arresting systems will employ diffusers or and its acoustic attenuation performance at high frequencies
modified interconnecting tubes that create a centrifugal flow is also limited. Widespread use will be dependent upon the
action in the exhaust to direct carbon particulate into a continued development of lower-cost systems with improved
collection chamber. The particulate trap should be performance realized through the use of better analytical
periodically inspected and cleaned to ensure the proper algorithms, transducers, and processors.[Figure1][5][8]
functionality of the spark arresting capabilities of the silencer.
E. Catalytic Silencer
To enhance exhaust gas emission control one may
incorporate a catalytic converter element into a silencer to
reduce the Oxides of Nitrogen, Carbon Monoxide and Non-
Methane Hydrocarbons (NMHC) discharged in the exhaust
stream. A catalytic converter is comprised of a catalyst and
an oxidation catalyst. The beds reduce them into benign N2
and H2O, while the oxidation catalyst reacts with CO and HC Figure1. Model of perforated tube in Solid Edge
to form water vapor and carbon dioxide. Inclusion of the IV. SYSTEM ARRANGEMENT
catalytic element into the body of an exhaust silencer can A generic exhaust system collects hot exhaust gases from
reduce the cost of a combination system by eliminating the the engine and discharges them to the environment as quietly
need for a separate acoustic silencer as well as specialized and efficiently as possible. An exhaust arrangement with
catalyst housing and tracking system. minimized backpressure and satisfactory noise attenuation
characteristics will usually be the result of a well-specified
system. The exhaust termination points should not be close to greatly affect the heat flux from the system and have a direct
the air intake system for the engine or the ventilation system impact on the expected surface temperature of the system.
of adjacent structures and should comply with all federal,
state, and local regulations. Physical characteristics of the V. SYSTEM EVALUATION
equipment room can also determine the specific configuration
of an exhaust system layout and should be considered at the A. System Noise
conceptual layout phase of the design.[3] It is extremely important to evaluate the total system
when specifying an exhaust silencer for a specific
A. Exhaust Silencer installation. As we have discussed several factors such as
The most widely used structural shapes of silencers are breakout, raw source levels, and spatial constraints can play
the cylindrical configurations with end-inlet/end-outlet, side- significant roles in silencer selection and design. For
inlet/end-outlet, and side-inlet/side-outlet. When a silencer is example, a silencer might theoretically reduce the exhaust
installed on top or inside of the enclosure, the side-inlet/end- noise of an engine to 60 dBA at 10 feet without effectively
outlet configuration is most popular. This enables a minimum silencing or isolating the engine intake, mechanical casing
of piping. Hockey puck and rectangular shape silencers are noise, etc. Many silencers have been incorrectly specified and
used sometimes due to space limitations. Silencers require installed in environments where the measured noise level in
traps to drain moisture. Traps installed at the lowest point of the area is considerably higher than the level produced by the
the silencer prevent rainwater from reaching the engine. silenced engine. General knowledge of acoustics and sound
will help in identifying potential factors that could impact the
B. Exhaust Accessories
overall noise levels of installation but a silencer manufacturer
Most exhaust systems will be comprised of flexible or acoustic consultant should be engaged when an unknown
connectors, connecting piping, an exhaust silencer, stack, and or difficult situation arises. As a final evaluation of an
rain caps. All exhaust systems must be isolated from the installed system, the radiated sound pressure level at a given
engine with flexible connections to reduce or eliminate the distance from the source should be measured and compared
possibility of structural damage caused by cyclic vibration. A against the acoustical specification.
flexible connection is also used to isolate the weight of the
exhaust system from the engine to allow relative shifting of
exhaust components due to thermal growth. Thermal growth B. System Backpressure
of exhaust piping must be anticipated and supporting It is essential to the performance of a generator set that
members as well as fixed points should be placed to avoid the installed exhaust system does not exceed the engine
excessive load on supporting structures and minimize manufacturer's maximum exhaust backpressure limit. The
transverse loading on the flex connector.[8] As a dual system pressure drop of the exhaust system includes losses due to
that uses separate silencers and flow paths for each engine piping, silencer, and Termination. High back pressure can
outlet. A flexible Y Connector may also be used to merge the cause a decrease in engine efficiency or an increase in fuel
exhaust gases from a dual outlet engine into a single inlet consumption, overheating, and may result in a complete
silencer where space permits. Mounting bands and supports shutdown of the generating system potentially causing
should be designed to withstand all seismic, thermal, and significant damage. Pressure drop is measured in a straight
dead loads at the elevated temperatures that will be length of pipe 3 to 5 diameters from the last transition change
encountered during service. A wall or roof insulating thimble after the turbocharger outlet.[6]
is generally required when the exhaust system passes through
a combustible wall or roof and should be compliant with all VI. WORKING PRINCIPLE
applicable federal, state, and local fire codes. Rain caps are Hot gas along with the sound wave generated at the end
traditionally used to prevent precipitation from entering the of the exhaust stroke is sent to the exhaust manifold through
exhaust system when the generator is idle. the exhaust valve. From exhaust valve to tailpipe the exhaust
gas passes through different stages
In stage two the exhaust gases pass through the inlet of the VII. EFFECT OF DISSOLVED GASES ON WATER
Aqua silencer and then the perforated tube where the In this system water is a very good absorbing medium. In
temperature of the exhaust gases is reduced in a small amount aqua silencer gases made to dissolve in water when these
and the high mass of bubble is converted into the low mass of gases from the engine get dissolved in water, they form acid,
bubbles due to the cross-section of the tube. carbonates and bicarbonates, and also with the help of
charcoal layer and outer thermal conducting material which is
Stage 3: In stage 3 these gases pass through the charcoal used for heat dissipation.[figure3]
layer where purification of exhaust gas takes place. This
charcoal layer is highly porous and possesses extra free i. Action of dissolved SOx
valence so it having high absorption capacity. During this, the ii. Action of dissolved CO2
gases get in contact with lime water they chemically react iii. Effect of dissolved NOx
with it and reduces its concentration. The charcoal layer is
covered with an outer shell that is filled with water which A. The Action Of Dissolved Sox
reduces the noise. The sound produced in the water having In When SOx is treated with water, it form SO2, SO3, SO4,
less amplitude than the sound produced in the atmosphere. It H2SO4, i.e. sulfur Acid (H2SO3,), it produces Hydrogen
happens because the water molecule lowers its amplitude. Sulphide which causes egg smell and causes corrosion of
As we know During the operation when exhaust gas makes
contact with the water (temperature of the exhaust gas varies B. The Action Of Dissolved CO2
from 300°C to 700°C, depends on load condition) It will In The dissolved carbon dioxide forms bicarbonate at less
increase the temperature of the water, so to minimize the PH and Carbonates at greater level PH. This levels 40 to 400
evaporation of water, The outer shell is coated with good mg/liter. Form a scale in pipes and boilers. The carbon dioxide
thermal conducting material to absorb heat from the water mixes with water to form Carbonic acid. It causes greenhouse
and also the outer shell is exposed to outer environment the effect.
cooling of the outer shell will be done by air. C. The Action Of Dissolved NOx
Stage 4: In stage 4 gases, after passing over the charcoal The Nitrogen in water under goes Oxidation to form
layer some of the gases may be get dissolved into the water. ammonia, Nitrate, Nitric acid. This synthesis of protein and
Finally, exhaust gases escape through opening at the top of amino acids is get effect by Nitrogen. Nitrate usually occurs in
the container into the atmosphere passing through the trace quantities in surface water. A limit of 10 mg per liters
tailpipe. Nitrate is affordable.
The selection of the materials depends upon the various types X. ADVANTAGES
of stresses that are set up during operation. The material • Control air pollution
selected should stand it.[7] Other criteria for the selection of • Reusable
metal depending upon the type of load because a machine part • The maintenance cost is less
resists load more easily than a live load and live load more • The operating cost is less
easily than a shock load. The selection of the material depends • Compact in size
upon the factor of safety, which in turn depends upon the • The same concept can be used for heavy vehicles
following factors.
• The excessive dose of activated carbon is not
i. Reliabilities of properties
• The treatment process is very simple
ii. Reliabilities of applied load
• The efficiency of removing colour, impurities and is
iii. The certainty as to the exact model of failure
quite high
iv. The extent of simplifying assumptions
v. The extent of localized • It can be easily regenerated. It has excellent
vi. The extent of initial stresses set up during properties of attracting gases.
vii. The extent of loss of life if a failure occurs XI. DISADVANTAGES
viii. The extent of loss of property if a failure occurs. • Once a year, there is a requirement of filling of lime
Material selected in m/c Base plate, motor support, sleeve, • More requirement of space
and shaft Material used Mild steel. • The weight of the silencer get increases.