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Original Article
From the Oxford University Clinical Re- Tuberculous meningitis is often lethal. Early antituberculosis treatment and adjunctive
search Unit (A.D.H., N.D.B., N.T.H.M., treatment with glucocorticoids improve survival, but nearly one third of patients with
T.T.H.C., N.H.P., T.T.H., N.T.B.Y., D.T.M.H.,
J.N.D., L.M., T.T.V.T., M.W., G.E.T., J.J.F.), the condition still die. We hypothesized that intensified antituberculosis treatment
Pham Ngoc Thach Hospital for Tubercu- would enhance the killing of intracerebral Mycobacterium tuberculosis organisms and
losis and Lung Disease (N.D.B., N.H.D., decrease the rate of death among patients.
N.T.N.L., N.H.L., N.N.L., L.T.P., N.N.V.,
N.Q.H., N.T.B.Y., D.T.M.H.), and Hospi- METHODS
tal for Tropical Diseases (N.H.P., P.P.L.,
N.V.V.C.) — all in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet- We performed a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial involving human
nam; and the Nuffield Department of immunodeficiency virus (HIV)–infected adults and HIV-uninfected adults with a clini-
Medicine, University of Oxford, Oxford cal diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis who were admitted to one of two Vietnamese
(A.D.H., J.N.D., L.M., M.W., G.E.T., J.J.F.),
and Liverpool University, Liverpool (M.C.) hospitals. We compared a standard, 9-month antituberculosis regimen (which included
— both in the United Kingdom. Address 10 mg of rifampin per kilogram of body weight per day) with an intensified regimen
reprint requests to Dr. Heemskerk or Dr. that included higher-dose rifampin (15 mg per kilogram per day) and levofloxacin
Thwaites at Oxford University Clinical
Research Unit, Centre for Tropical Medi- (20 mg per kilogram per day) for the first 8 weeks of treatment. The primary outcome
cine, 764 Vo Van Kiet, Quan 5, Ho Chi was death by 9 months after randomization.
Minh City, Vietnam or at dheemskerk@ or RESULTS
This article was updated on January 14,
A total of 817 patients (349 of whom were HIV-infected) were enrolled; 409 were ran-
2016, at domly assigned to receive the standard regimen, and 408 were assigned to receive inten-
N Engl J Med 2016;374:124-34.
sified treatment. During the 9 months of follow-up, 113 patients in the intensified-
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1507062 treatment group and 114 patients in the standard-treatment group died (hazard ratio,
Copyright © 2016 Massachusetts Medical Society. 0.94; 95% confidence interval, 0.73 to 1.22; P = 0.66). There was no evidence of a signifi-
cant differential effect of intensified treatment in the overall population or in any of the
subgroups, with the possible exception of patients infected with isoniazid-resistant
M. tuberculosis. There were also no significant differences in secondary outcomes between
the treatment groups. The overall number of adverse events leading to treatment inter-
ruption did not differ significantly between the treatment groups (64 events in the
standard-treatment group and 95 events in the intensified-treatment group, P = 0.08).
Intensified antituberculosis treatment was not associated with a higher rate of survival
among patients with tuberculous meningitis than standard treatment. (Funded by the
Wellcome Trust and the Li Ka Shing Foundation; Current Controlled Trials number,
arly treatment with antitubercu- Me thods
losis chemotherapy and adjunctive treat-
ment with glucocorticoids reduce the rate Study Population and Setting
of death and disability from tuberculous menin- We recruited study participants from two cen-
gitis, but the disease still kills or disables almost ters in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: Pham Ngoc
half the patients with the condition.1,2 The cur- Thach Hospital for Tuberculosis and Lung Dis-
rent guidelines recommend treatment with four ease and the Hospital for Tropical Diseases.
antituberculosis drugs for at least the first These 500-bed hospitals serve the local commu-
2 months of therapy, followed by treatment with nity and act as tertiary referral centers for patients
two drugs (rifampin and isoniazid) for an addi- with severe tuberculosis (Pham Ngoc Thach
A Quick Take
tional 7 to 10 months.3,4 However, these recom- Hospital) or infectious diseases (Hospital for is available at
mendations are based on data from pulmonary Tropical Diseases) in southern Vietnam.
tuberculosis and do not take into account the A full description of the methods has been
differential ability of antituberculosis drugs to published elsewhere13 and is provided in the
penetrate the brain. protocol, available with the full text of this arti-
Rifampin is considered to be a critical drug cle at Adults (≥18 years of age) with
in tuberculosis treatment, but concentrations a clinical diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis
of the drug in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) are less (at least 5 days of meningitis symptoms, nuchal
than 30% of the concentration in plasma.5-7 In rigidity, and CSF abnormalities) were eligible to
pulmonary tuberculosis, an increase in the oral enter the trial. Patients were subsequently classi-
dose of rifampin from 10 to 13 mg per kilogram fied as having definite, probable, or possible
of body weight had an acceptable side effect tuberculous meningitis or an alternative condi-
profile and led to a 65% increase in plasma con- tion, in accordance with published diagnostic
centrations of the drug.8 A recent randomized criteria14 (Table S1 in the Supplementary Appen-
comparison of higher-dose intravenous rifampin dix, available at Patients could not
(approximately 13 mg per kilogram per day) ver- enter the trial if they had received more than
sus a standard oral dose (10 mg per kilogram 7 days of antituberculosis drugs for the current
per day) in 60 Indonesian adults with tuberculous infection; if they were known or suspected to be
meningitis showed that mortality among patients pregnant; if they had known or suspected hyper-
who received the higher intravenous dose was sensitivity to or unacceptable side effects from
50% lower than that among patients who re- fluoroquinolones or rifampin; if multidrug-resis-
ceived the standard dose.9 tant tuberculosis was known (on the basis of
Fluoroquinolones are active antituberculosis previous sputum drug susceptibility test results
agents with good penetration of the blood–brain or Xpert MTB/RIF assay [Cepheid]) or suspected
barrier.10 For example, the concentration of levo- to be present; or if the plasma creatinine con-
floxacin in CSF reaches 70% of the concentra- centration was more than three times the upper
tion in plasma, and the drug has early bacteri- limit of the normal range (for males, >360 µmol
cidal activity approaching that of isoniazid.10-12 per liter [4.07 mg per deciliter], and for females,
A randomized study involving Vietnamese adults >300 µmol per liter [3.39 mg per deciliter]), if
with tuberculous meningitis suggested that the the plasma bilirubin concentration was more
initial addition of levofloxacin to a standard four- than 2.5 times the upper limit of the normal
drug antituberculosis regimen improved the sur- range (total bilirubin >42.5 mmol per liter), or if
vival rate, especially among patients who were the plasma aspartate or alanine aminotransfer-
treated before the onset of coma.10 We therefore ase level was more than five times the upper
sought to test the hypothesis that intensified limit of the normal range (>185 U per liter or
antituberculosis treatment — with higher-dose >200 U per liter, respectively).
rifampin (15 mg per kilogram per day) and the
addition of levofloxacin (20 mg per kilogram per Study Oversight
day) for the first 8 weeks of treatment — would Written informed consent to participate in the
result in lower rates of death and disability from study was obtained from all patients or from
tuberculous meningitis than the rates with the their relatives if the patient could not provide
currently recommended regimen. consent. The trial was approved by the Oxford
Tropical Research Ethics Committee, the institu- ously.16 Intensified treatment consisted of the
tional review board at the Hospital for Tropical standard 9-month regimen with the addition for
Diseases and at Pham Ngoc Thach Hospital, and the first 8 weeks of treatment of a weight-based
the ethics committee of the Ministry of Health, dose of rifampin (5 mg per kilogram per day, to
Vietnam. An independent data and safety moni- achieve a total dose of 15 mg per kilogram per
toring board reviewed the data after 6 months, day) and of levofloxacin (20 mg per kilogram per
1 year, 2 years, and 3 years. The Xpert MTB/RIF day) (Table S2 in the Supplementary Appendix).
assays used in the study were purchased. The Adherence to treatment was ensured with the
rifampin and its matching placebo, as well as use of supervised drug intake for inpatients,
some of the levofloxacin, was purchased from encouraged by detailed instructions at discharge,
Mekophar and Sanofi, respectively. Some of the and measured by pill counts at the monthly fol-
levofloxacin and all of the levofloxacin matching low-up visits. For patients infected with M. tuber-
placebo were donated by Sanofi. Neither Meko- culosis that was resistant to rifampin, isoniazid,
phar nor Sanofi played a part in the design, or both, treatment was adjusted in accordance
implementation, or analysis of the study, includ- with local practices and the susceptibility of the
ing manuscript preparation, or in the decision to organism.
submit the results for publication. All the authors HIV-infected patients received antiretroviral
vouch for the accuracy and completeness of the therapy in accordance with Vietnamese guide-
data and for the fidelity of this report to the lines. Antiretroviral therapy that was started be-
study protocol. fore enrollment was continued unless it was
contraindicated for use with rifampin. If the
Laboratory Investigations antiretroviral therapy regimen that the patient
CSF specimens were stained and cultured with was receiving at the time of enrollment included
the use of standard methods for pyogenic bacte- nevirapine, that drug was switched to efavirenz.
ria, fungi, and mycobacteria and were tested with For patients who had not previously received
an Xpert MTB/RIF assay. Isolates of Mycobacterium antiretroviral therapy, the therapy was started
tuberculosis were tested for susceptibility to iso- after 8 weeks of antituberculosis therapy.17 Co-
niazid, rifampin, ethambutol, and streptomycin trimoxazole prophylaxis (960 mg per day) was
by means of the mycobacterial growth indicator given to all patients who had CD4 cell counts
tube method.15 All patients were tested for anti- below 200 per cubic millimeter.
bodies to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
and hepatitis C and for the presence of hepatitis Randomization and Concealment
B surface antigen. CD4 cell counts were measured of Study-Group Assignments
for all HIV-infected adults as soon as possible Patients were stratified at study entry according
after randomization. to site, HIV infection status, and the modified
British Medical Research Council criteria (MRC
Study Treatment grade).18 MRC grade 1 indicates a Glasgow coma
All patients received standard oral antituberculo- score of 15 (on a scale of 3 to 15, with lower
sis treatment, which consisted of isoniazid (5 mg scores indicating reduced levels of conscious-
per kilogram per day; maximum, 300 mg per ness) with no neurologic signs, grade 2 a score
day), rifampin (10 mg per kilogram per day), of 11 to 14 (or a score of 15 with focal neuro-
pyrazinamide (25 mg per kilogram per day; logic signs), and grade 3 a score of 10 or lower.
maximum, 2 g per day), and ethambutol (20 mg Patients were randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to
per kilogram per day; maximum, 1.2 g per day) receive either standard or intensive antituberculo-
for 3 months, followed by rifampin and isoniazid sis treatment according to a computer-generated
at the same doses for an additional 6 months. randomization list, with randomization in vari-
Patients who had previously received treatment able block sizes of 4 and 6.
for tuberculosis also received streptomycin (20 mg The study pharmacist prepared visually
per kilogram per day; maximum, 1 g per day) for matched pills in identical, sequentially num-
the first 3 months. All patients received adjunc- bered treatment packs according to the random-
tive treatment with dexamethasone for the first ization list for dispensation in sequential order
6 to 8 weeks of treatment, as described previ- as patients were recruited. All the participants,
enrolling physicians, and investigators remained risk of death among patients receiving the inten-
unaware of the treatment assignments until the sified treatment than among those receiving the
last patient completed follow-up. The attending standard treatment (30% vs. 40%, corresponding
physicians were responsible for enrolling the to a target hazard ratio of 0.7) in the overall
participants and for ensuring that the study population and a 15-percentage-point lower risk
drug was given from the correct treatment pack. of death in the subgroup of HIV-infected patients
Daily monitoring of all inpatients by one of the (50% vs. 65%), at a two-sided 5% significance
investigators ensured uniform management be- level.
tween the study sites and accurate recording of The statistical analysis followed the protocol13
clinical data in individual study notes. and the statistical analysis plan (see the Supple-
mentary Appendix). The primary outcome was
Outcome Assessments analyzed in all patients and in prespecified
The condition of the patients was reviewed daily subgroups, with the analysis based on the Cox
until discharge from the hospital for assessment proportional-hazards model with stratification
of clinical progress and neurologic and drug- according to HIV infection status and MRC grade.
related adverse events. After discharge, monthly The ordinal disability score was compared be-
visits were scheduled for clinical evaluation and tween the two study groups with a proportional-
laboratory monitoring until the completion of odds logistic-regression model with adjustment
treatment at 9 months. for HIV infection status and MRC grade. Second-
The primary outcome was death by 9 months ary time-to-event outcomes were analyzed in the
after randomization. The secondary outcomes same way as the primary outcome. Additional
included neurologic disability at 9 months, time prespecified multivariable Cox regression analy-
to the first new neurologic event or death, and ses and analyses of the disability score were
serious adverse events. The disability outcome was based on multiple imputation of missing covari-
assessed with the use of the “simple questions” ates and disability outcomes, as detailed in the
score (based on the answers to two yes-or-no statistical analysis plan.
questions regarding the patient’s dependency on The primary analysis population was the inten-
others in daily activities and whether the illness tion-to-treat population, which included all pa-
has left the patient with any other problems) and tients who underwent randomization. The analy-
the modified Rankin score (a disability score sis of the primary outcome was repeated in the
that ranges from 0 [no symptoms] to 5 [totally per-protocol population, which did not include
dependent on others]) and was classified as patients with unlikely tuberculous meningitis or
“good outcome,” “intermediate outcome,” “severe an alternative diagnosis according to the diagnos-
disability,” or “death,” as described previous- tic criteria,14 patients with multidrug-resistant
ly.16,17,19 Patients were assessed at 2, 6, and infections, or patients who received less than
9 months after randomization; the worst score 50 days of treatment with the study drug for
from either questionnaire was taken as the out- reasons other than death. All statistical analyses
come. If the 9-month disability assessment was were performed with the statistical software R,
missing, the previous assessment was used in- version
stead. New neurologic events were defined as
the occurrence of any of the following: cerebel-
R e sult s
lar symptoms; monoplegia, hemiplegia, paraple-
gia, or tetraplegia; seizures; cranial nerve palsy; Study Population
or a decrease in Glasgow coma score of 2 or From April 18, 2011, through June 18, 2014, a
more points for 2 or more days from the highest total of 817 adult patients were randomly assigned
previously recorded score. to receive standard antituberculosis treatment plus
either placebo (409 patients; standard-treatment
Statistical Analysis group) or additional rifampin and levofloxacin
We calculated that with a sample size of at least (408 patients; intensified-treatment group). A total
750 patients, including a minimum of 350 HIV- of 53 patients (28 in the standard-treatment group
infected patients, the trial would have 80% power and 25 in the intensified-treatment group) did not
to detect a 10-percentage-point lower 9-month complete follow-up for reasons other than death.
409 Were assigned to standard treatment and 408 Were assigned to intensified treatment and
included in the intention-to-treat analysis included in the intention-to-treat analysis
350 Were included in the per-protocol 346 Were included in the per-protocol
analysis analysis
A total of 121 patients (59 in the standard- tis (Fig. 1). We assessed adherence to the 8-week
treatment group and 62 in the intensified-treat- intervention, and 4.0% of the participants (33 of
ment group) were not included in the per-protocol 817, 19 in the standard-treatment group and 14
population. A condition other than tuberculous in the intensified-treatment group) were judged
meningitis was diagnosed in 14 patients (5 in the to be nonadherent (<100% medication doses
standard-treatment group and 9 in the intensi- received).
fied-treatment group), and 8 patients (3 in the
standard-treatment group and 5 in the intensi- Baseline Characteristics
fied-treatment group) were deemed unlikely to The characteristics of the patients at baseline
have tuberculous meningitis. A total of 103 pa- were balanced between the two treatment groups,
tients received less than 50 days of treatment with the exception of sodium concentrations in
with the study regimens for reasons other than plasma (lower in the intensified-treatment group),
death, and 15 of these patients were determined the frequency of a previous episode of tubercu-
to have multidrug-resistant tuberculous meningi- losis (higher in the intensified-treatment group),
* No characteristic differed significantly between the study groups (P≤0.05 at baseline according to Fisher’s exact test
for categorical data or the Wilcoxon rank-sum test for continuous data), with the exception of sodium concentration
(P = 0.004), frequency of a previous episode of tuberculosis (P = 0.045), total white-cell count in the cerebrospinal fluid
(P = 0.006), and lymphocyte percentage in the cerebrospinal fluid (P = 0.01); the complete list of baseline characteristics
is provided in Table S3 in the Supplementary Appendix. IQR denotes interquartile range.
† Medical Research Council (MRC) grade 1 indicates a Glasgow coma score of 15 (on a scale of 3 to 15, with lower scores
indicating reduced levels of consciousness) with no neurologic signs, grade 2 a score of 11 to 14 (or 15 with focal neu-
rologic signs), and grade 3 a score of 10 or less.
‡ CD4 cell counts were assessed only in HIV-infected patients. Data were missing for 30 patients in the standard-treat-
ment group and for 25 patients in the intensified-treatment group.
§ Diagnostic categories were assigned according to the consensus case definition.14 Patients whose condition was unlike-
ly to be tuberculous meningitis had a score of less than 6 on the scale based on the consensus case definition (maxi-
mum score, 20) (see Table S1 in the Supplementary Appendix). Confirmation of another condition was made only on
the basis of microbiologic evidence.
¶ Isoniazid monoresistance is defined as resistance to isoniazid but not to rifampin. Multidrug resistance is defined as
resistance to at least isoniazid and rifampin. In all categories, resistance to other drugs may be present.
total white-cell count in the CSF (higher in the MRC grade 3 illness at enrollment. A total of
intensified-treatment group), and lymphocyte 42.7% of patients were infected with HIV. Using
percentage in the CSF (lower in the intensified- the published diagnostic criteria,14 we defined
treatment group) (Table 1, and Table S3 in the 49.8% of the patients as having definite tubercu-
Supplementary Appendix). A total of 68.5% of lous meningitis, 26.2% as having probable tu-
the patients were men, the median age of the berculous meningitis, and 21.3% as having pos-
patients was 35 years, and the median duration sible tuberculous meningitis. Among the patients
of illness was 15 days. A majority of the patients with culture-confirmed disease, 26.7% had iso-
had mild-to-moderate illness; only 17.4% had niazid-resistant infection, and 4.7% had multi-
drug-resistant infection. The baseline clinical (Table 3). Signs of drug allergy were more fre-
characteristics of the patients according to MRC quent in the intensified-treatment group than in
illness severity grade are provided in Table S4 in the standard-therapy group (occurring in 30 pa-
the Supplementary Appendix. tients vs. 17 patients); however, this difference
did not reach significance (P = 0.052). The differ-
Primary Outcome ence between the study groups in the number of
During 9 months of follow-up, 113 patients in adverse events leading to interruptions in anti-
the intensified-treatment group and 114 patients tuberculosis treatment also did not reach sig-
in the standard-treatment group died (hazard nificance (64 events in the standard-treatment
ratio, 0.94; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.73 to group vs. 95 in the intensified-treatment group,
1.22; P = 0.66) (Fig. 2). There was no evidence of P = 0.08) (Table S7 in the Supplementary Appen-
a differential effect of intensified treatment in the dix). There were more interruptions due to jaun-
overall population or in any of the prespecified dice in the intensified-treatment group than in the
subgroups, although there was a suggestion of standard-treatment group (in 19 vs. 7 patients,
benefit of intensified treatment for patients with P = 0.02). Additional laboratory abnormalities are
isoniazid-resistant infections (P = 0.06) (Table 2). listed in Table S5 in the Supplementary Appen-
The probability of overall survival according to dix. There were significantly more patients with
treatment group in the per-protocol population grade 3 or grade 4 increases in bilirubin level
and MRC-grade groups is shown in Figures S1 in the intensified-treatment group than in the
and S2 in the Supplementary Appendix. standard-treatment group (49 vs. 31, P = 0.04), as
A Cox regression analysis (Table S5 in the well as significantly more patients with grade 3
Supplementary Appendix) identified the follow- or 4 hyponatremia (112 vs. 81, P = 0.01) (Table S8
ing factors as predictors of poor survival: more in the Supplementary Appendix). The median du-
severe neurologic compromise at treatment ini- ration of the initial hospitalization was 31 days
tiation, as indicated by a higher MRC grade in the intensified-treatment group and 30 days
(hazard ratio for grade 2 vs. grade 1, 2.41; 95% in the standard-treatment group. A total of 11
CI, 1.70 to 3.42; hazard ratio for grade 3 vs. patients (4 in the standard-treatment group and
grade 1, 6.31; 95% CI, 4.36 to 9.12); HIV infec- 7 in the intensified-treatment group) had a pro-
tion (hazard ratio, 2.53; 95% CI, 1.90 to 3.36); longation of the corrected QT interval above the
and multidrug-resistant or rifampin-resistant in- critical threshold of 500 msec (calculated with
fection (hazard ratio, 4.72; 95% CI 2.41 to 9.24) the use of the Framingham formula) at any time
or infection with unknown drug resistance (haz- between baseline and 4 weeks of treatment.
ard ratio as compared with no isoniazid or ri-
fampin resistance, 1.76; 95% CI, 1.27 to 2.45). In Discussion
HIV-infected patients, a higher CD4 cell count
was associated with reduced mortality (hazard In this pragmatic, randomized, double-blind,
ratio per increase of 100 cells per cubic milli- placebo-controlled trial involving adults with
meter, 0.62; 95% CI, 0.44 to 0.87). tuberculous meningitis, intensified antitubercu-
losis treatment was not associated with a higher
Secondary Outcomes and Adverse Events rate of survival than the rate with standard treat-
There was no evidence of a differential effect of ment. The results contradict the findings of
intensified treatment on any of the prespecified previous studies that suggested that an increase
secondary outcomes (Table S6 in the Supplemen- in rifampin dose9 and the addition of a fluoro-
tary Appendix). Overall, there was no significant quinolone to the standard regimen10 may im-
difference between the treatment groups with prove the outcome in patients with tuberculous
regard to clinical adverse events, apart from a meningitis.
higher frequency of seizures in the intensified- A limitation of our study was that we tested a
treatment group than in the standard-therapy regimen rather than the contribution of individ-
group (23 vs. 11 patients, P = 0.04), as well as a ual drugs. A factorial design may have enabled
higher frequency of vision impairment in the the latter but would have led to the need for a
intensified-treatment group (14 vs. 4, P = 0.02) prohibitively large sample size.21 However, our
Probability of Survival
9-month follow-up visit was on days 270 through 272
for most patients, the numbers of patients at risk on
days 274 and 275 were low, which accounts for the 0.50
sharp decrease in the Kaplan–Meier curves at the end
of the study period.
gram per day) did not increase the intracerebral B HIV-Uninfected Patients
drug concentrations sufficiently to enhance bac- 1.00 Intensified
terial killing. Recent data suggest that much
higher doses of rifampin (up to 35 mg per kilo-
gram per day) may have an acceptable side-effect 0.75
Probability of Survival
* Heterogeneity was tested with a likelihood ratio test for an interaction term between the subgroup variable and the randomly assigned treat-
ment group. As prespecified, the Cox regression was stratified according to MRC grade and HIV infection status.
† Among the patients who were not receiving antiretroviral therapy at enrollment, 49 of 114 patients (43%) in the intensified-treatment group
died (30 of them in the first 8 weeks), and 44 of 115 patients (38%) in the standard-treatment group died (29 of them in the first 8 weeks).
Among the patients who were receiving antiretroviral therapy at enrollment, 19 of 61 patients (31%) in the intensified-treatment group died
(9 of them in the first 8 weeks), and 24 of 59 patients (41%) in the standard-treatment group died (18 of them in the first 8 weeks).
‡ Patients were not eligible to enter the trial if they had received more than 7 days of antituberculosis treatment before enrollment. The median
duration of antituberculosis treatment was 4 days (interquartile range, 2 to 5).
§ A total of 22 patients with unlikely tuberculous meningitis or a confirmed other condition were not included.
certain, given that the detection of isoniazid re- settings with a high prevalence of isoniazid-re-
sistance usually requires bacterial culture and sistant bacteria.
often takes many weeks. The development of The overall mortality in our population was
rapid molecular tests that can reliably detect lower than that anticipated on the basis of previ-
isoniazid resistance in cerebrospinal fluid may ous reports. This may be due to a combination
aid in early diagnosis and treatment adjustments. of earlier diagnosis (38.9% of patients had MRC
However, empirical intensification of treatment grade 1 disease at randomization), increased
regimens may be warranted in patients who are availability of second-line drugs for drug-resis-
at high risk for isoniazid-resistant infection or in tant infections, and improved management of
* In total, 446 adverse events occurred in the standard-treatment group and 534 adverse events occurred in the intensi-
fied-treatment group (P = 0.09, by the Wilcoxon rank-sum test). AIDS denotes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
† P values were calculated with the use of Fisher’s exact test.
HIV infection. Although the results of our study with higher doses of first-line antituberculosis
do not support a change in the currently recom- drugs, including intravenous rifampin, or the
mended treatment regimens for tuberculous newer antituberculosis drugs bedaquiline and
meningitis, enhanced antituberculosis treatment delamanid, still require investigation. In the
meantime, the key determinants of survival from We thank the doctors and nurses of Pham Ngoc Thach Hospi-
tal and the Hospital for Tropical Diseases who cared for the pa-
this dangerous infection are earlier diagnosis tients; the staff of the Clinical Trials Unit of the Oxford Univer-
and treatment. sity Clinical Research Unit — in particular, Truong Tho Loc,
Supported by the Wellcome Trust and the Li Ka Shing Foun- Nguyen Thuy Hang, and the research nurses; the members of
dation. the data and safety monitoring board (David Lalloo, Robert J.
No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was Wilkinson, Nguyen Tran Chinh, and Kasia Stepniewska); the
reported. staff of the National Tuberculosis Control Program — in par-
Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with ticular, Nguyen Viet Nhung; and the patients and their relatives
the full text of this article at for their participation in the trial.
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pharmacodynamic comparison of fluoro- of tuberculous meningitis in Vietnamese Copyright © 2016 Massachusetts Medical Society.