Government of Pakistan Cabinet Secretariat Establishment Division

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Cabinet Secretariat
Establishment Division

Rawalpindi, the 9th November 1978.


S.R.O. 1316 (I)/78. In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 10 of the

Federal Public Service Commission ordinance, 1977 (XLV of 1977), the Federal
Government is pleased to make the following rules, namely:-

1. These Rules may be called the Federal Public Service Commission

(Functions) Rules, 1978.

2. In these rules, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context:-

a) “ad-hoc basis” when used with reference to an appointment, means

appointment of a person on temporary basis pending appointment of a
person nominated by the Commission;

b) “civil servant’ means a person who is, or has been, a civil servant
within the meaning of the Civil Servants Act, 1973 (LXVI of 1973);

c) *(Omitted)

d) “regular basis” when used with reference to an appointment other than

on ad-hoc basis, or on contract, or on a temporary basis, for a
specified period;

e) “retired officer” includes a retired officer of the armed Forces; and

f) “test” includes written examination, interview and viva voce.

@3. (1) The Commission shall conduct tests and examinations for recruitment
to all posts-

i) in connection with the affairs of the Federation in basic pay scale 16 and
above or equivalent; and

** ii) in basic pay scales 11 to 15 or equivalent in-

1) the Federal Secretariat;

2) the Central Board of Revenue;
3) the Federal Investigation Agency;

*Omitted vide Establishment Division’s Notification N.SRO 147(I)/84, 09-02-1984.

**Omitted vide Ordinance No. 3 of 2003 dated
4) the Anti-Narcotics Force;
5) the Pakistan Railways;
6) the Directorate General of Immigration and Passports;
7) the Export Promotion Bureau;
8) the Islamabad Capital Territory Adinistration;
9) the Bureau of Emigration and Overseas Employment;
10) the Estate Office;
11) the Organizations, except autonomous bodies, under the ministry of
Health and the Ministry of Education.

other than the posts-

a) specified in the Schedule to these rules;

b) filled by appointing a person on contract for a specified period not
exceeding two years;
c) filled on ad-hoc basis for a period of six months or less provided that;

i) no ad-hoc appointment shall be made before placing a requisition with

Commission for regular appointment; and

ii) before filling the post on ad-hoc basis, prior approval shall be obtained
from the Commission;

d) filled by re-employing a retired officer provided that re-employment is

made for a period not exceeding two years in a post not higher than the
post in which the person was employed on regular basis before
retirement; and
e) filled by the employment, other than pots in pay scale 17 filled by serving
armed forces officers on the recommendations of FPSC, or re-
employment of persons who are, or have been officers of the armed
forces of Pakistan and held, or have held such posts therein as are
declared by the President of Pakistan to be equivalent to the posts to be
so filled; and

(2) For removal of doubts in is clarified that the process already initiated for
recruitment to posts in BPS 11 to 15 shall be completed in accordance with
the provisions of these rules existing immediately before the provisions of
sub-rule (1) if the advertisement for recruitment had already appeared in the
newspapers; and

4. The Commission shall test civil servants appointed at any time between the
first day of January, 1972 and the fifth day of July, 1977, or promoted to a higher post or
grade during the said period whose cases may be referred to the Commission by the
President, and make a report to the President whether they are fit to hold the post to which
they were appointed or promoted, as the case may be, and, if not, whether they are fit to
hold any other civil post in the same or lower grade, compatible with their qualifications
and experience.
**5. The Commission shall, on a reference made by the appointing Authority, test
persons who may have been appointed to a civil post without observing the prescribed
procedure or without fulfilling the prescribed qualifications, experience and age limits, and
advise whether they are fit to hold the post to which they were appointed, and, if not,
whether they are fit to hold any other civil post in the same or lower Basic Scale
compatible with their qualifications and experience.

See rule 3(a)
Posts excluded from the purview of the Commission

Ministry, Division or Organization Name of Post

All posts
President’s Secretariat
(Personal or Public)

@ Amended vide Establishment Division’s Notification No. SRO 415/2000, dated 19-06-2000.
**Inserted vide Establishment Division’s Notification S.R.O. 848 (1)/2002, dated 27.11.2002.

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