Test No 1
Test No 1
Test No 1
Test No 2
D. Pab Sandstone
E. Lakhra Formation
4. The deepest well of Pakistan is.
A. Sui Deep
B. Kalar X1
C. Khaur-1
D. Kundi x1
E. Mari Deep-1
A. Flysch
B. Molasse
C. Preflysch
D. Geoclines
A. Capillary water
B. Gravitational water
C. Hygroscopic water
D. None of the above
8. Which of the following are the most active bases present in igneous magmas
A. K and Na
B. Na and Ca
C. Na, Ca and Ba
D. K and Ba
9. Chose the correct combination from the following
A. Eons, Eras, Period, Epoch and Age
B. System, Period, Series, Stage
C. Group, Formation, Member
D. Biozone, Biochron, Teilzone, Teilchron
A. 1/16 – 2mm
B. 2mm – 64mm
C. 64 – 256mm
D. 1/16 – 1/256mm
11. The deposits such as sand, clay and silt formed at the mouth of the rivers due to floods are termed
A. Alluvium
B. Colluvium
C. Interalluvium
D. Proluvium
13. If sedimentary rocks overlie plutonic igneous rocks, the unconformity is described as
A. Nonconformity
B. Disconfirmity
C. Local Unconfirmity
D. Angular Unconfirmity.
14. Identify the sedimentary structures illustrated in vertical cross section above.
15. The max. amount of dip of a bed is measured along the N 40o E. The Strike direction of the bed will
A. N-S
B. E-W
C. N 50 W
D. S 50 W
E. None of the above.
16. According to the geochemical calculations and measurements of stratigraphic sections, the
relative proportion of which of the following sediment is highest in the earth’s crust?
1. Shale
2. Limestone
3. Sandstone
4. Conglomerate
17. The environment between the highest and lowest levels of spring tides is described as
A. Littoral environment
B. Neritic environment
C. Continental shelf
D. Bathyl environment
18. Which of the following materials has the highest porosit
A. Clay
B. Silt
C. Gravel
D. Sandstone
20. Study the diagram below and chose the most appropriate answer.
A. Dhodak
B. Mari
C. Bhit
D. Qadirpur
(a) Compressional
(b) Extensional EASY
(c) Lateral movement
(d) None of this
Irregular variation
28 Which one of the following is best source for the creation of diffraction events on an unmigrated
Down dip
No where
Test No 3
1- The Himalayan Orogenic Belt is the ------------ mountain chain in the World.
(a) Oldest
(b) Largest
(c) Highest
(d) Youngest EASY
2- The Continent-continent collision between the Indian and Eurasian subcontinents started about
-------- years ago
(a) 40 EASY
(b) 45
(c) 50
(d) 55
3- The MKT is in the North of the Kohistan-Island Arc and was formed as a result of collision
between -------------- plate and the Kohistan Island arc.
4- The Salt Range Thrust in the southwest of Pakistan Himalaya is the Lateral equivalent of
-------------- of the Central Himalaya.
(a) MBT
(b) MCT
(c) MMT
6- The Basin Located in the Northern Pakistan and separated from the Lower Indus Basin by Sargodha
high is -------------------
13- Tobra Formation, Dandot Formation,Warcha Sandstone. And Sardhai Formation constitute----
(a) Limestone
(b) Dolomite MEDIUM
(c) Sandstone
(d) Shale
15- The ability of rock to conduct a particular fluid (which does not completely saturate the rock) in
presence of other fluids is called ……
16- The ratio of pore spaces to total volume of reservoir rock is --------
20- The water that was fallen as rain and has filled up the porous and permeable rock is called -------
(a) Assilina
(b) Milioliid
(c) Textularia
(d) All of these are benthic HARD
(a) Echinodermata
(b) Molluska
(c) Arthropoda MEDIUM
(d) None of this
25- When several thrust planes develop in parallel sets, a series of high-angle reverse faults may also
develop between pairs of thrust planes giving rise to ---------
(a) Grabben
(b) Steps faults
(c) Imbricate MEDIUM
(d) Horst
(a) Symmetrical
(b) Parallel
(c) Isoclinal MEDIUM
(d) Recumbent
(a) Basin
(b) Dome MEDIUM
(c) Box fold
(d) Antiform
28- An anticline having the younger rocks in the core is called ---------
(a) Synform
(b) Isoclinal
(c) Overturned
(d) Antiform MEDIUM
29- The structures formed on bedding surface when current becomes fast enough to transport sand is
(a) Cross-bedding
(b) Ripple marks MEDIUM
(c) Graded bedding
(d) Lamination
30- The asymmetrical structures found on sole of some sandstone beds, particularly where turbidity
currents have been common, are -------
(a) Good
(b) Poor
(c) Non-conductive MEDIUM
(d) None of these
(a) Gradational
(b) Unconformable
(c) Conformable
(d) Transitional HARD
(a) Cycle
(b) System
(c) Sequence HARD
(d) Stratigraphic Unit
42- Surface separating younger from older strata along which there is evidence of sub aerial erosional
truncation or sub aerial exposure or correlative sub-marine erosion in some areas, indicating a
significant hiatus, is called ----------
43- Two or more superposed beds characterized by the same composition, texture, and sedimentary
structure is called ----------
(a) Facies
(b) Sequence
(c) Bedsets MEDIUM
(d) Stratigraphic units
44- A landward movement of the shoreline indicated by a landward migration of the littoral facies in a
given Stratigraphic unit is --------------
(a) Aggradation
(b) Regression
(c) Transgression MEDIUM
(d) Reggradation
45- An unconformity in which the beds above and below are parallel, but where the unconformity is of regional
extent is called --------------
49- A sedimentary particle composed of calcium carbonate derived by local erosion of the floor of the
sedimentary basin is ----------------
(a) Extraclast
(b) Siliciclast
(c) Intraclast HARD
(d) Marl
50- The environment between the highest and lowest levels of spring tide is -------------
(a) Shelf
(b) Reef
(c) Littoral HARD
(d) Supra Littoral