Metafunction of Clause: 2. Transitivity
Metafunction of Clause: 2. Transitivity
Metafunction of Clause: 2. Transitivity
Clause Subject Metafunction/ Subject
Systems of Dimension
Functions Function Meaning Name
1. Transitivity Representati Logical Experiental/ Actor Natural
on Ideational world
2. Mood Exchange Grammatical Interpersonal Subject Social world
3. Theme Message Psychological Textual Theme Verbal world
4. Clause Logical
Transitivity Structures
Clause Subject Metafunction/ Subject
Systems of Dimension
Functions Function Meaning Name
Transitivity Representation Logical Experiental/ Actor Natural world
• Subject function: Logical subject. Karena system ini memandang Subjek secara logika.
Bahwa secara logika, yg disebut Subjek itu adalah pelaku, dimanapun posisi Subject tsb
dlm suatu klausa maka Subject Name-nya dinamakan Actor.
• Dimensionnya: natural world. Segala sst yg ada/ tjd d dunia ini.
Process types are the realization of all the world’s experiences. It consists of three major
types: material, mental, and relational processes. In between each process lies a process
that shares some features and characteristics of both enclosing processes.
They are behavioral process in between material and mental processes, verbal process lies
between mental and relational processes, and existential process shares the features
between relational and material processes.
Setiap process type mempunyai typical participants masing2. Jd saat analisis yg hrs
ditentukan prosesnya dl. Participants show what parties are involved in an event and what
position they stand on.
Circumstances answer particularly wh-questions, such as when, where, why, how, etc. It
occurs in all process types. Categories:
Subtypes: reason, purpose, behalf
E.g. The Chinese government is protested for its human rights violations in Tibet
The Chinese government makes a remarkable preparation to show the world the
power of this country (purpose).
8. Contingency
Subtypes: condition (in case of), concession (in spite of), default (in the absent of)
E.g. In the even of raining, bring an umbrella (condition).
Despite the technical problem, the presentation is excellent (concession).
9. Angle: According to
E.g. They’re guilty in the eyes of the law.
As for process types, each process has particular function to explain the world of experience
as well as participants:
▪ Material process is the process of doing and happening, someone or something does
action. The participants are Actor, Goal, Range, and Beneficiary (divided into Recipient
and Client), and Initiator.
E.g. The robbers (Actor) robbed (Material process) the bank (Goal).
Goals can be probed by a question ‘what did x do to y?’.
Range is restating or continuing the process itself. E.g.: she sings a song; they play a
game: extending or ranging the process in the clause.
Beneficiary is participant that get benefit from the process. Divided into recipient and
Recipient is the one thing is given to, while
Client is the one the service is done for.
E.g. His boss (Actor) gave (Material process) him (Recipient) some money (Goal).
He (Actor) kicked (Pr: Material) the ball (Goal).
He (Actor) kicked (Pr: Material) a goal (Range).
Your boss (Actor) entrusted (Material process) some money (Goal) for you (Client).
The devil (initiator) made (material) me (actor) do (material) it (goal).
Thinking relates to the process of cognition as other cognitive markers, such as
knowing, understanding, comprehending, etc.
Sensing is particularly associated with perception perceived by sensing organ, like
seeing, hearing, and so forth.
Feeling is about affection, such as loving, liking, fearing, etc.
Two main participants in this process are:
Senser and Phenomenon with one additional participant called Inducer.
E.g. I (Senser) couldn’t understand (Mental process) his attitude (Phenomenon).
She (inducer) made (Mental) me rethink my attitude.
▪ Verbal process covers all verbal activities. The participants are Sayer, Receiver
(direct object), Verbiage/ Range (indirect object), and Target.
E.g. The grandma (Sayer) told (Verbal process) her grand-daughter (Receiver) a
story (Verbiage).
Mostly, verbal process is directly followed by circumstance of manner.
E.g. We’re talking about going to Bali.
In the quoted or reported speech, verbal process occurs in the projecting clause.
While the projected clause can be realized by any kinds of process types.
E.g. He said (Verbal process), “I will go to Bali”
The projected clause in the above sentence is in the form of material process.
▪ Relational process is the most complex process type that includes a lot of
categories. But for the sake of brief explanation, this type is not going to be
described comprehensively. It is a process of being involving attributive and
identifying categories. Each category is subdivided into intensive, circumstantial
and possessive. Here are the examples with its participant’s function:
You (Carrier) are (Process: intensive) an interesting guy! (Attribute)
You (Token) are (Process: intensive) the most interesting guy! (Value)
Summary of participants:
Participants Processes Participants Examples
Actor Material Goal I’ (A) m following your way (R).
Initiator Range Blinding hail (Int.) caused (Pr: Mt) him
Beneficiary – (G) to swerve (Pr: Mt) off the road.
Client He bought a house for his parents (C).
Beneficiary - They sold the old house to a stranger
Recipient (R).
Senser Mental Range/ I would remember his words (P).
Inducer Phenomenon The fact bothers me (P).
It (P) suprises me that she won (P).
She (Ind.) made her (S) feel sorry.
Behaver Behavioral Range/ She smiles a broad smile (B).
Behaviour She sniffed the soup (P).
Sayer Verbal Target Don’t shout at me! (T)
Receiver The question (S) criticizes the concept
Range/ (T).
Verbiage I told her (R) the truth (V).
He asked me a question (V).
Existential Existent There is something (E) about Mary.
Atrributor Relational He (Atr) made (Pr: int-att) her (Cr) a
Assigner (additional fool (Att).
participants) He (Atr) made (Pr: int-att) her (Cr) a
fool (Att).