Concurs Protejarea Mediului

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A better environment starts with us

Dumitrache Ștefania-Elena,clasa a x-a

profesor coordonator Ianeț Alina

Colegiul Național “Nicolae Titulescu”


Environmental education is not only a right, but also a responsibility. Life, fitness, and EP
are all dependent on it in the long run for our own well-being. It is not too late to take
decisive action. Even if the challenge is daunting, we do have the ability to reverse some
negative patterns. Change to mitigate disruption, rebuild critical habitats, and more
aggressively defend what we have left. It is simple to get such a house if we are more
concerned with what happens on the street, if we keep safe, if we protect parks and green
spaces, and if we treat the city as if it were our own.

The Earth's climate is changing and change is caused by people.

The Earth's atmosphere is shifting, and man is to blame. Climate change impacts all and
every area of our world, including Europe. Some areas may be subjected to prolonged
heat waves and drought, while others may be subject to more intense and stronger

Biodiversity is disappearing at an unprecedented rate

Science is similarly certain that we are losing the richness of life on Earth at an
unsustainable pace. Every year, several animals are considered extinct because their
populations are being lost, fragmented, or degraded. Some insects, including pollinators
including bees and butterflies that are essential to our survival, have seen drastic
population declines as a result of widespread uv exposure.

A clean environment for a healthy life!!!

A "clean world" is something that is not only free of waste and "looks good," but is also as
similar to nature as possible before man began to change it... As every living things has a
purpose, even those we consider 'ugly,' 'evil,' or 'useless,' and the more we influence
nature, the more we risk doing harm without intending to, even nine ourselves, but it's not
the first time I haven't been able to stop it.

Household garbage is often thrown from balconies without shame, much to the chagrin of
other occupants and passers-by. We claim to live in a democratic society, but some of its
citizens' actions leaves much to be desired.

Every day, we see sanitation workers on the streets of the city gathering our spilled trash.
Every day, we see certain people getting filthy in the face of the capital. Any broomsticks,
but their efforts seem to be futile when others throw trash behind them.

Garbage, magazines, and various packages are dumped at random on the sidewalks.
"Who is he blaming?" We accuse the authorities for not having adequate garbage baskets
and manpower because it is more convenient. The city's residents, on the other hand, are
not. Present garbage cans are mostly left unused.

Present garbage cans are mostly left unused. Some people don't even bother searching
for a garbage can because the street is very wide and there is plenty of space for dirt. The
explanation is straightforward: Good growth instructs you to confine your garbage disposal
to a single container.

Human behavior can radically change the appearance of the environment

Being environmentally conscious requires being aware of your actions and ensuring that
they do not affect the world in which you work. You must think internationally when acting
locally. There are common aspects that will not have an effect on your discernible way of
living but will have a positive impact on the world.If people knew and would not throw
papers and bottles on the pavement, we will have a cleaner city.

It seems that most of us are unconcerned about the "green pledge" we live in, and we
have come to complacency. It is essential to cultivate common sense, morals, order and

Anything we do has an impact on the world. We all want a massive, beautiful house that is
also inviting, cozy, aesthetically pleasing, and environmentally friendly. It is simple to get
such a house if we are more concerned with what happens on the street, if we keep safe,
if we protect parks and green spaces, and if we treat the city as if it were our own.

Civic behavior means responsibility.

We do not forget that everything we learn in life is taught to us. So is environmental
activity. Education of others (children, young people, and the elderly) in the spirit of
environmental conservation, as well as the dissemination of eco messages to the public
with whom we associate, are essential things for which we are accountable as citizens.

We are constantly bombarded with environmental messages, and we have been told many
times what we must do to protect the atmosphere. But how many of us responded to this
call? If we find a part of ourselves or both of us. In the spirit of ECO, it is never too late to
recall what we should do to be responsible in relation to the world in which we work.

5 Changes you can make to protect environment

Uses reusable bags. There is no need for plastic bags, and no money can be used to
manufacture them. There are versions that can be tightened so that they can be
comfortably carried in your purse or pocket. Have you ever considered how many plastic
bags you purchase or get from stores in a month?

Select an alternate mode of transportation. If you use an electric bike or a vehicle, you can
get to work easily, without polluting the environment or causing traffic jams. They are easy
to use and suitable for wandering in a busy city or when on vacation.

Reuse and recycle. Recycling begins at home by sorting waste into the following
categories: bottles, cans, plastic, and paper. If you no longer want your clothing or toys,
you can recycle them or sell them on specialist websites.

Use less energy. If you pay extra attention to how you use your air conditioning, you can
save money on your utility bill. If the temperature in the house becomes intolerable, switch
on the air conditioner. Any LED bulbs use up to ten times less energy than incandescent

Is another future possible?

Europe has implemented strategies to address problems such as air quality and water
pollution over the last 40 years Europe has reduced its greenhouse gas emissions since
1990. Huge amounts have been spent on modernizing the housing stock and promoting
social mobility.

People cannot survive well if the climate and economy are in disrepair. Inequality in profit
allocation, such as economic wealth and clean air, would continue to cause social
discontent. In the 25 years since its inception, the European Environment Agency has
linked and expanded these fields of expertise.

Circular economy has potential to reduce natural resource demand while still limiting
global temperatures. Changing our course would necessitate a shift in our habits and
actions, such as the way we walk and the food we consume. Public support for change is
also growing. The time has come to take responsibility and accelerate this change

"A new way of thinking is needed if people want to survive." (Albert Einstein )

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