Applications: PTC Thermistor

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PTC Thermistor



Introduction Once in the PTC region, this ceramic element exhibits

PTC thermistors have been used in a wide variety of a truly remarkable feature. It reaches the point where
applications over the years. PTC thermistor applications I2R heat generated by the part is sufficient to make up
make use of the characteristics inherent in their com- for the loss of heat to the ambient. In this situation,
position. Generally, applications are broken up into two the device is in equilibrium. If it starts to decrease in
distinct categories that utilize different characteristics temperature, its resistance will decrease drawing more
of the PTC. The first category is those applications that current and countering the cooling tendency. Conversely,
utilize the voltage-current or current-time characteristics any tendency to increase its temperature meets just the
of the PTC thermistor. These are sometimes known as opposite effect. In this condition, the PTC is auto-sta-
self heated applications. The other general category is bilized at a fixed temperature.
zero power or sensing applications. Unlike the NTC
thermistor, the resistance versus temperature charac-
teristic of a PTC thermistor is not well defined and ap-
plications that utilize the resistance versus temperature
characteristic tend to utilize only a small portion of the
RvT curve and utilize broader tolerances than that of 10,000
NTC thermistors.
A number of the applications will be discussed in depth
on the following pages. For applications that are less 1,000
prevalent, some background material will be provided
and for others it will just be noted as a possible use.
Self Heated Applications R25˚C
Some of the different types of applications that utilize
the self heated characteristics of the PTC thermistor
include: 25 TR Ts
10 min
• Self-Regulating Heaters
0 50 100 150 200
• Over-Current Protection
• Liquid level sensing TEMPERATURE (˚C)
• Constant current
• Time delay
Figure 12: Resistance versus Temperature for a PTC
• Motor Starting
• Arc suppression Even with regards to voltage changes, the constant tem-
perature mechanism will be effective. If the operating
Self-Regulating Heaters voltage increases, the PTC initially consumes more
If a voltage is placed across a PTC, current will flow power but, as a result, its temperature increases and
and begin to heat the part. Since most PTCs are in thus the current becomes stabilized at a lower level. The
their NTC region when first energized (see Figure 12), performance of the PTC is not proportional to the square
heating causes the resistance of the part to drop. The of the voltage as in the case of an ohmic resistance. In
decreasing resistance, in turn, causes more current to other words, the power consumed is nearly independent
flow which heats the part still further. If the voltage is of voltage over a wide voltage range.
high enough, the unit will self-heat until it passes into
the PTC region of resistance.

Advanced Thermal Products, Inc. • P.O. Box 249 • 328 State Street • St. Marys, PA 15857 • Phone: 814-834-1541
Fax: 814-834-1556 • E-mail: • Web Site:
PTC Thermistor


it causes inrush current problems, but not so high that

Heat Heat there is not enough power available to heat the PTC to
its switched condition. The PTC cold resistance will,
however, influence the heat-up rate of the medium since a
lower resistance allows for higher initial I2R heating.

VIN PTC HEATER VIN PTC HEATER The surface area of the PTC heater influences the
heat-up and cool-down rates of the medium as well as
the power dissipated. Multiple PTCs are often used in
Medium to be heated
heater design to obtain the desired results. As with any
Spring or foil electrode
PTC thermistor application, the heater design should
Thermally conductive Heat not exceed the maximum recommended voltage ratings.
electrical insulator
The maximum Voltage (Vmax) specified on the ATP data
Figure 13: PTC Heater - Transfer
sheets is for DC or 60Hz AC only.

Design Considerations for PTC Over-Current Protectors

Self-Regulating Heaters PTC thermistors are semiconducting ceramic devices
When selecting a PTC, you should consider the follow- that exhibit an ability to switch from a low resistance
ing factors: state to a high resistance state depending upon their
• Thermal connections body temperature. PTC ceramic thermistors have been
• Switch temperature (TS) proven reliable and effective over many years of use in
• Resistance at 25˚C (R25) a variety of over-current applications. Ceramic PTCs,
• Surface area unlike other PTC technologies, return to their same initial
• Maximum voltage (Vmax) R25 after being subjected to a fault condition. Ceramic
PTCs can be switched again and again and will return
Ceramic PTC heaters are usually most efficient when to their initial value and are not subject to hysteresis.
they are flat and thin and have a smooth surface finish. Ceramic PTCs can be sorted into very tight resistance
For a PTC to operate as a heater, it must have a way to groups for matched pair applications, For over-current
dissipate its heat to the medium, either by convection (air applications, the PTC element is normally placed in
or liquid flow) or conduction. One common method is to series with the component that requires over-current
use a spring contacts as both the electrical and mechani- protection as shown in the figure below:
cal connection (See Figure 13). One advantage of this
“clamping” technique is that it allow stress free thermal
expansion. Other techniques involve using electrically I
conductive epoxies or solder joints to connect the PTC Rptc
to the heat spreader. P1


The switch temperature (TS in Figure 12) is very impor-

tant because in most heater applications, the maximum
surface temperature of the PTC is just a few degrees 25˚C
above its switch temperature. Thus, the maximum tem-
perature of the medium to be heated is directly related P2

to the switch temperature TS of the PTC. v

The R25 of the PTC heater is typically not the most

Figure 14: PTC Over-Current Protector Circuit
important design factor. It should not be so low that

Advanced Thermal Products, Inc. • P.O. Box 249 • 328 State Street • St. Marys, PA 15857 • Phone: 814-834-1541
Fax: 814-834-1556 • E-mail: • Web Site:
PTC Thermistor


The following is a description of how the PTC functions Maximum No-Switch Current
as an over-current protector:

1. Under normal conditions, the PTC element has a

Ins = δ (93 - 0.85 * Tamax)
relatively low resistance value. The current flowing 1.2 * R25
through the part does not provide enough energy to
heat the PTC beyond the ambient temperature. Where: δ = dissipation factor
Tamin = minimum ambient temperature (˚C)
2. A short circuit or over-current condition causes I2 R Tamax = maximum ambient temperature (˚C)
heating within the PTC. When its body temperature R25 = nominal resistance at 25˚C (Ω)
reaches the Curie Point or Switch Temperature of the
material, the PTC transforms into a high resistance For example, for a small transformer that you would like
element, thereby limiting current to the load. to protect, you have determined the following:

3. Removing the fault condition decreases the cur- Vapp = 24 volts

rent flow and allows the PTC to cool to its normal Normal current = 80mA
resistance mode. Fault current = 300mA
Tamin = 20˚C
When designing a PTC thermistor for use as an overcur- Tamax = 60˚C
rent protector, you should first determine the following
information: For this application, we will need a part that is rated for
• Maximum steady state voltage across the PTC at least 24 volts and can carry 80mA of current at 60˚C
when it is the current limiting mode. and will switch with less than 300mA through it at 20˚C.
• Minimum and maximum ambient temperature. Looking through the parts rated for 50V we find ATP
• Maximum normal current and minimum fault Part Number P3006C120X201F, which is a 20Ω part.
current. Going through the requirements we find that :

For a PTC thermistor, values for the minimum current

Vmax > Vapp 50 volts > 24 volts
that the part will switch (Ims) and for the maximum current
that the part will not switch (Ins) can be calculated. These Ims < Fault Ims = .008 (107 - 0.85 * 20) = .21 < 0.30 amps
values are dependent upon the ambient temperature, the Current 0.8 * 20
resistance value of the PTC, the dissipation factor (δ) as
well as the switch temperature (Ts). The values listed in Ins > Normal Ins = .008 (93 - 0.85 * 60) = .12 > 0.08 amps
the ATP catalog for Ims, and Ins are based on a minimum Current 0.8 * 20
ambient temperature of 0˚C and a maximum ambient
temperature of 50˚C. If these ambient conditions are
not desired then the following equations can be used Therefore, ATP type P3006C120X20lF will provide
to calculate the values. adequate protection for the 24 volt transformer.

Minimum Must Switch Current The PTC's listed in the standard over-current protector
data sheet are often modified to fit each individual ap-
plication. By varying the resistance at 25˚C, the switch
Ims = δ (107 - 0.85 * Tamin) temperature Ts, the type of lead wire or the part size,
ATP can customize a PTC to meet your requirements.
0.8 * R25

Advanced Thermal Products, Inc. • P.O. Box 249 • 328 State Street • St. Marys, PA 15857 • Phone: 814-834-1541
Fax: 814-834-1556 • E-mail: • Web Site:
PTC Thermistor


As noted previously, PTCʼs cannot be connected in series current through the parallel resistor. The overall current
to obtain higher voltage ratings. One device would heat through the load will remain relatively constant over a
more rapidly than the others and prevent the other PTCʼs wide range of voltages. An equation that approximates
from switching. However, PTCʼs can be connected in the current through the load is:
parallel to increase their current rating.
VO - VS δ(TS - TA)
Motor Starting IS = +
PTC thermistors can be used to protect the auxiliary RP VO - VS
starter winding of induction motors or single-phase
motors as shown if figure 15. Where:
TS = PTC switch temperature (˚C)
TA = ambient temperature (˚C)


Vo Rptc Rp

Is, Vs
Figure 15: Starter Motor Circuit and I versus T for Application
Figure 16: Constant Current Circuit
When the circuit is turned on, the PTC has a low re-
sistance and most of the line voltage is applied to the Arc Suppression
starter winding. After motor starting, the PTC heats up The circuit shown in Figure 17 shows how a PTC is used
and switches to a high resistance state. The time for this for arc suppression. When the switch is open, the PTC
to occur is determined by the size and resistance of the changes from low resistance to high resistance. The
PTC as well as the amount of current flowing through initial low value of the PTC provides for effective arc
the starter winding. When the PTC has reached a high
resistance state, the current flowing through it as well
as the starter winding falls substantially.

V Rptc
Constant Current
It is possible to obtain a nearly constant current by
connecting a PTC thermistor in parallel with a resis-
tor. The nearly constant temperature of a self heated RL
PTC results in a circuit that can adjust the current over
a wide range of voltages. When the voltage of the cir-
cuit is increased, the temperature of the PTC increases
slightly which will cause an increase in the resistance of t
the PTC thermistor and a small decrease in the current
through the thermistor compensating for the increase in Figure 17: ARC Suppression Circuit

Advanced Thermal Products, Inc. • P.O. Box 249 • 328 State Street • St. Marys, PA 15857 • Phone: 814-834-1541
Fax: 814-834-1556 • E-mail: • Web Site:
PTC Thermistor


suppression as most of the voltage is dropped across the time necessary for the PTC to switch from low to high
PTC. As the PTC switches to its high resistance state resistance. When a PTC is connected in series with a
more and more of the supply voltage is transferred to relay, the relay would energize immediately and would
the inductive load. stay energized until the PTC heats up and increases in
resistance. At that point, most of the voltage would be
Time Delay dropped across the PTC and the relay would no longer
The time needed for a PTC thermistor to switch from be energized. The time for the PTC to switch in either
it's low resistance state to a self-heated high resistance case would be dependent upon the resistance and size of
state may be used to provide for a time delay in a cir- the PTC as well as the ambient temperature and other
cuit. For example, if a PTC is connected in parallel circuit parameters such as supply voltage and other
with a relay, the relay will only be energized after the components in the circuit.

Liquid Level/Air Flow

Rptc These applications are based on the principle that
the dissipation factor of a thermistor, δ, changes with
respect to changes in the environment surrounding it.
This change in δ allows the thermistor to either be able
to shed more or less heat to its surroundings. See the
figure below for a typical circuit configuration for a PTC
I used as a liquid level or air flow sensor.





Rptc Relay 10 20 30 40 50
V (volts)



Figure 18: Time Delay Circuits Figure 19: Liquid Level/Air Flow

Advanced Thermal Products, Inc. • P.O. Box 249 • 328 State Street • St. Marys, PA 15857 • Phone: 814-834-1541
Fax: 814-834-1556 • E-mail: • Web Site:
PTC Thermistor


In general, a self-heated thermistor in a liquid can dis- Underwriters Laboratories (UL®)

sipate approximately four to six times as much power Certification for PTC Heaters
as it can in air. Likewise, a self-heated thermistor can For PTC thermistors that are to be used as self-regulating
shed more heat in flowing air than it can in still air. A heaters it is now possible to obtain UL recognition for a
good liquid level/air flow design should ensure that the variety of parts. UL recognition of ceramic PTC devices
design operates under worst case conditions. For example, is listed under heading XPGU2 Component – Thermis-
for a liquid level application, the design should func- tor Type Devices. Advanced Thermal Products is listed
tion such that the thermistor can dissipate more power under file number E157106. Within this classification, a
when submerged in the hottest liquid than it can when wide variety of PTC thermistors can be recognized. Both
subjected to the coolest air. disc and rectangular styles can be listed, In addition, a
wide variety of switch temperatures (Ts), R25 values and
Temperature Sensing and Control voltage ratings can be recognized. Because the testing
Unlike the NTC thermistor with its ability to sense tem- has been completed for a “family” of parts, as long as
perature accurately over a wide temperature range, the the new thermistor falls within the parameters of the
PTC thermistor is only useful as a temperature measuring parts that were tested, ATP can immediately assign UL
device over a relatively short range of temperatures near model numbers based on the part parameters.
the switch temperature. Because the resistance versus
temperature characteristic of the PTC thermistor does
not lend itself to an equation, most specifications are
for the PTC thermistor to be a resistance value at some
specific temperature plus or minus some tolerance.
When the PTC is being used as a temperature sensor,
the amount of current through the PTC must be small
so as not to self-heat the thermistor and cause errors.
Normally, it is not possible to use a PTC thermistor as
a temperature sensor when it is in a self-heated mode
of operation.

UL Recognition for PTC Heaters

Disc Style Size 0.100” to 0.750” (2.5mm to 19.1mm)
Length: 0.100” to 2.00” (2.5mm to 50.8mm)
Rectangular Size Style Width: 0.100” to 2.00” (2.5mm to 50.8mm)

Part Thickness 0.030” to 0.250” (0.76mm to 6.35mm)

Switch Temperature (Ts) 40˚C to 180˚C

Voltage Rating (Vmax) 12 volts to 240 volts

Resistance at 25˚C (R25) <100k

Note: Parts outside the ranges listed in the table can be recognized. However, individual testing will need to be performed for

Advanced Thermal Products, Inc. • P.O. Box 249 • 328 State Street • St. Marys, PA 15857 • Phone: 814-834-1541
Fax: 814-834-1556 • E-mail: • Web Site:

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