Chapter 10 Discussion Questions

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Discussion Question

3. Define forensic accounting.

The action of identifying, recording, settling, extracting, sorting, reporting, and verifying past
financial data or other accounting activities for settling current or prospective legal disputes or
using such past financial data for projecting future financial data to settle legal disputes
4. Define fraud and identify four examples of fraud.
Simply defined, fraud is an intentional deception. Black's Law Dictionary defines fraud as: "A
generic term, embracing all multifarious means which human ingenuity can devise, and which
are resorted to by one individual to get advantage over another by false suggestions or by
suppression of truth, it includes all surprise, trickery, cunning, dissembling, and any unfair way
by which another is cheated." Four examples would include; Management fraud, Employee
fraud, vendor fraud, and insurance fraud.
5. What are the three components of the fraud triangle? Of what concern are they to the
fraud examiner?
Three components of the fraud triangle include: Perceived pressure. Perceived opportunity.
Rationalization. Knowledge of the three elements provides the practitioner with an
understanding of the different approaches that may be taken in the investigation.
2. Access the U.S. Department of Justice website, and briefly explain the characteristics
of identity theft. Give two examples of ways to commit identity theft.1
Identity theft and identity fraud are terms used to refer to all types of crime in which someone
wrongfully obtains and uses another person's personal data in some way that involves fraud or
deception, typically for economic gain.
In public places, for example, criminals may engage in "shoulder surfing"– watching you from a
nearby location as you punch in your telephone calling card number or credit card number – or
listen in on your conversation if you give your credit-card number over the telephone.
If you receive applications for "pre-approved" credit cards in the mail, but discard them without
tearing up the enclosed materials, criminals may retrieve them and try to activate the cards for
their use without your knowledge. Also, if your mail is delivered to a place where others have
ready access to it, criminals may simply intercept and redirect your mail to another location.
3. Access, and search for a major public company. What were your
Unfortunately, I cannot access the search content of the website as it requires a business email
which I do not have.

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6. Access a recently issued SEC Accounting and Auditing Enforcement Release related
to a fraud action ( Click on enforcement and determine
incentive(s)/pressure to commit the fraud, accounting issue(s), and the motive for the

Enforcement Date Respondent Committed fraud Pressure/Incentive

AAER-4199 Dec. 17, Apex Global Violation of: High Degree of
2020 Brands Inc.  Section competition
and FKA 17 of
Cherokee Inc. Securities
 Section
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