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02/07/2021 Tehillim - Psalms - Chapter 1 - Tanakh Online - Torah - Bible


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Tehillim - Psalms - Chapter 1


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1 The praises of a man are that he did not follow the ‫א ַֽא ְֽׁש ֵ֥ר י ָה ִ֗א יׁש ֲא ֶׁ֚ש ר ֹ֥ל א ָה ַל ְ֘ך ַּֽב ֲע ַ֪צ ת‬
counsel of the wicked, neither did he stand in the way of   ‫ְר ָׁ֫ש ִ֥ע ים ּוְב ֶ֣ד ֶר ְך ַ֖ח ָּט ִא ים ֹ֥ל א ָע ָ֑מ ד ּוְב מֹוַׁ֥ש ב‬
sinners nor sit in the company of scorners.
:‫ֵ֜ל ִ֗צ ים ֹ֣ל א ָי ָֽׁש ב‬

2 But his desire is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he ‫ב ִּ֚כ י ִ֥א ם־ְּב תֹוַ֥ר ת ְי ָ֗וֹהה ֶ֫ח ְפ ֥צ ֹו ּוְב ֽת ֹוָר ֥ת ֹו‬
meditates day and night. :‫ֶי ְ֜ה ֶּ֗ג ה יֹוָ֥מ ם ָו ָֽל ְי ָל ה‬

3 He shall be as a tree planted beside rivulets of water, ‫ג ְו ָה ָ֗י ה ְּכ ֵע ֘ץ ָׁש ֪ת ּול ַע ל־ַּפ ְל ֵ֫ג י ָ֥מ ִי ם ֲא ֶׁ֚ש ר ִּפ ְר ֨י ֹו‬
which brings forth its fruit in its season, and its leaves do not   ‫| ִי ֵּ֬ת ן ְּב ִע ּ֗ת ֹו ְ֖ו ָע ֵל הּו ֹ֣ל א ִיּ֑ב ֹול ְו ֹ֖כ ל ֲא ֶׁש ר־ַֽיֲע ֶׂ֣ש ה‬
wilt; and whatever he does prospers.
: ‫ַי ְצ ִֽל יַח‬

4 Not so the wicked, but [they are] like chaff that the wind ‫ד ֹלא־ֵ֥כ ן ָֽה ְר ָׁש ִ֑ע ים ִּ֥כ י ִא ם־ַּ֜כ ֹּ֗מ ץ‬
drives away. : ‫ֲא ֶׁש ר־ִּת ְּד ֶ֥פ ּנּו ֽר ּוַח‬

5 Therefore, the wicked shall not stand up in judgment, nor ‫ה ַע ל־ֵּ֚כ ן | ֹֽל א־ָיֻ֣ק מּו ְ֖ר ָׁש ִע ים ַּב ִּמ ְׁש ָּ֑פ ט‬
shall the sinners in the congregation of the righteous. :‫ְ֜ו ַח ָּט ִ֗א ים ַּֽב ֲע ַ֥ד ת ַצ ִּד יִֽק ים‬

6 For the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way ‫ו ִּֽכ י־יֹוֵ֣ד ַע ְ֖יָוֹה ה ֶּ֣ד ֶר ְך ַצ ִּד יִ֑ק ים ְו ֶ֖ד ֶר ְך ְר ָׁש ִ֣ע ים‬
of the wicked shall perish. :‫ֹּתאֵֽב ד‬
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