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Poultry is one of the most important and profitable section of the field station. The type of chick being

reared is ordinary chick (kienyeji) through the use of cage and free range at times.

Routine management

Early in the morning the poultry house is cleaned, dust is removed and the droppings which

are kept to be used as manure in the farm. The feeders are also cleaned and the drinkers

before providing fresh water and feed.


There are various types of feed given to the chicks depending on theirage.

 Chick marsh-from 1 day old to 5weeks

 Growers marsh-from 5weeks to 5 months

 Layers marsh-from 5weeks and above; the supplements are added.

sukuma wiki leaves, maize grains and the quantity of layers marsh is reduced at this


The feed given contains all the nutrients that are required for the chick growth.

Feeding of the chicks after the cleaning is done properly and ensures the entrance is disinfected

to avoid spread of any pathogen that you might enter with.

Feeding start with the younger ones that’s one day old as you proceed to the older ones, this

will ensure that incase there was an infection or outbreak then it does not spread up to the

younger ones. Put enough feeds in the feeder and also provide clean fresh water to the



Growers which are 2 month old are vaccinated with antibodies (aloe vera) to improve the

nutritional immunity.
Raising of a one day old chick

Put the chicks in the brooder away from the older ones. Provide the source of heat

electric bulb containing (infra-red light) that provides warm and alternatively you can use

a jiko for the small scale farmers. Provide water mixed with vitamins and put liquid

paraffin which helps indigestion. Provide them with feed of the correct amount in each

the feeders and observe their behavior when a visitor comes in or when there is noise

and also how they crowd near the source of heat. Balance them in the brooder to avoid

overcrowding and everyday check the dead ones and dispose them properly.

Egg collection and incubation

Eggs are picked in the morning every day since chicks have different laying time. Then have

the collected eggs are transported to the hatchery, sorting is done to ensure only the

recommend ones are put in the incubator for hatching. The big and the small sizes are sorted

out since they are not suitable and abnormalities also are checked. About 1800 eggs were

arranged in the incubator for hatching which will take a period of 21 days to hatch. The

incubator works automatically where eggs automatically turned.

Hydroponic fodder production

This is a modern technique of producing feed for animals which has a high nutrient content. It

is made from Barley plant or can also be made from Sorghum for the small scale farmers.

It is feed on chicks when it is 6 days, pigs when it is 7 days and cows when it is 8 days old.

The barley seeds are cleaned with water till they are very clean. Measure 20L of water in a

clean basin, measure 40ml of hydroponic solution B and 20ml of solution A and mixed

them. The ratio should always be (2:1) B: A. Remember to start with solution B then

followed with A to avoid scorching of seeds. Mix the solution properly.

Place Barley seeds in the mixture (Nutrient culture) and sock for 24 hrs in an enclosed place

to prevent penetration of light which may cause scorching of seeds.

Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) can be used to sock the seeds if you are not sure of the


Hydroponic nutrient add nutrients to hydroponically grown fodder resulting to high

nutritional value yield, cost effective for all livestock and also helps in fast growth of

fodder and also control of fungus.

Spread 2kgs of socked Barley seeds on each tray and ensure that they are evenly spread to

promote uniform germination. Place the trays containing hydroponic fodder on track in an
enclosed place , cover with net all round to prevent insects from getting inside.

Prepare another rnutrient culture in 20L of water which will be used to spray the

hydroponic fodder. Spray after every 3hours and cover after spray.

-When feeding give a half of hydroponic fodder and a half of concentrate.


I would like to acknowledge Mr. Raila for dedicating his time to teach me about poultry

farm for the time period covered.

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