(Book 1) : Career Paths: Beauty Salon - Glossary

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Career Paths: Beauty Salon – Glossary

(Book 1) buffer [N-COUNT-U9] A buffer is a tool that makes nails

look very shiny. / γυαλιστικό νυχιών
afro [ADJ-U5, 7] When hair is afro (-textured), it has very
tight curls all over the head. / (για μαλλιά) σγουρά, buzz cut [N-COUNT-U7] A buzz cut is where the hair is
πολύ κατσαρά almost uniformly short all over. / κούρεμα με την ψιλή
apple of the cheek [N-COUNT-U13] The apple of the cheek callus [N-COUNT-U10] A callus is a thick or hardened part
is the fleshy area of the face. Blush is typically applied of the skin. / κάλος
to these areas. / το μήλο του μάγουλου cape [N-COUNT-U4] A cape is a piece of clothing that
aromatherapy [N-UNCOUNT-U14] Aromatherapy is a form covers clients in order to keep stray hairs off of them. /
of massage that involves the use of scented oils in κάπα, ποδιά
combination with massage techniques. / ceramic [ADJ-U4] If something is ceramic, it is made of clay
αρωματοθεραπεία or other materials similar to clay. / κεραμικός
assistant [N-COUNT-U1] An assistant is someone who chat to [PHRASAL V-U3] To chat to someone is to start a
helps another person in his or her duties. / βοηθός conversation with them. / κουβεντιάζω (με κάποιον)
bangs [N-UNCOUNT-U6] Bangs are locks of hair that hang chin-length [ADJ-U6] A hairstyle that is chin-length hangs
down over a person’s forehead. / αφέλειες down to a person’s chin. / (για μήκος μαλλιών) μέχρι το
beautician [N-COUNT-U1] A beautician is someone who πιγούνι
professionally styles hair and does makeup and nails. / classic [ADJ-U7] Something classic is timeless and not
αισθητικός (το επάγγελμα) subject to fashion trends. / (για στυλ κόμμωσης)
blemish [N-COUNT-U11] A blemish is an unwanted mark κλασικό
on a person’s skin. / ατέλεια, ψεγάδι cleanse [V-T-U13] If you cleanse your skin, you thoroughly
blood circulation [N-UNCOUNT-U14] Blood circulation is the clean it. / καθαρίζω το δέρμα
transfer and movement of blood throughout the body. / client [N-COUNT-U8] A client is someone using the
κυκλοφορία του αίματος professional services of someone else. / πελάτης
blot [V-I/T-U13] To blot something is to remove the top clippers [N-COUNT-U4, 7] Clippers are an electric tool used
layer of something with an absorbent material. / to cut hair. / μηχανή κουρέματος μαλλιών
αφαιρώ κάτι (π.χ. κραγιόν) πιέζοντας ελαφρά κάτι άλλο
επάνω του (π.χ. χαρτοπετσέτα) clump [V-I-U13] If something clumps together, like
mascara, it forms lumps. / (για τη μάσκαρα ματιών)
blow dryer [N-COUNT-U4] A blow dryer is a tool that dries δημιουργεί κόμπους
hair by blowing hot air on it. / μπιστολάκι, σεσουάρ
μαλλιών clutter [N-UNCOUNT-U15] Clutter is an untidy collection of
objects. / ακαταστασία
blowout [N-COUNT-U2] A blowout is a professional hair
drying service. / μπιστολάκι (η διαδικασία) coarse [ADJ-U5] If something is coarse, it is rough. / (για
μαλλιά) άγρια
blush [N-UNCOUNT-U13] Blush is a cosmetic product that
is often red, pink or brown and is applied to the color [V-T-U2] To color hair is to change the color of the
cheeks. / ρουζ hair. / βάφω

blush brush [N-COUNT-U12] A blush brush is a small brush colorist [N-COUNT-U1] A colorist is someone who
with soft bristles used to apply foundation or blush. / professionally colors people’s hair. / κομμωτής
πινελάκι για το ρουζ εξειδικευμένος στη βαφή μαλλιών

bob [N-UNCOUNT-U6] A bob is a short haircut that is chin- comb [N-COUNT-U7] A comb is a device used on clippers
length with bangs hanging down over the forehead. / to regulate hair length. / χτένα
(για στυλ κόμμωσης) καρέ communication [N-UNCOUNT-U8] Communication is
bowl [N-COUNT-U10] A bowl is a large container that holds sharing information. / επικοινωνία
water. It can be used for soaking a person’s feet. / λεκάνη concealer [N-UNCOUNT-U11] A concealer is a type of
breakage [N-COUNT-U4] Breakage is a condition in which makeup that is used to hide the flaws on a person’s
a part of a hair breaks off. / σπάσιμο τρίχας face. / κονσίλερ, διορθωτικό ατελειών του προσώπου

bring up [PHRASAL V-U3] To bring up something is to begin conditioning [N-UNCOUNT-U2] Conditioning is a hair
to talk about a subject. / φέρνω θέμα για συζήτηση treatment in which a liquid or cream is applied to the
hair in order to make the hair smoother and softer. /
brittle [ADJ-U5] If something is brittle, it is hard but easily θεραπεία μαλλιών με μαλακτικό προϊόν
broken. / (για μαλλιά) εύθραυστα
cosmetic wedge [N-COUNT-U12] A cosmetic wedge is a
brow and eyelash brush [N-COUNT-U12] A brow and small, disposable sponge that can be used to apply or
eyelash brush is a brush with hard bristles that is used remove makeup. / σφουγγαράκι για μακιγιάζ
to smooth or shape a person’s eyebrows or eyelashes. /
βουρτσάκι φρυδιών και βλεφαρίδων cotton Q-tips [N-COUNT-U12] A cotton Q-tip is a small
stick with a ball of cotton wool at each end which can
budding [ADJ-U1] A budding artist, actress or writer etc is be used to apply makeup. / μπατονέτες
someone who is just starting their career and will
probably be successful. / (για καλλιτέχνη) ανερχόμενος

Career Paths: Beauty Salon – Glossary

crew cut [N-COUNT-U7] A crew cut is where the hair is finger bowl [N-COUNT-U9] A finger bowl is a bowl in
short on the sides, but slightly longer on top. / ανδρικό which the hands can be soaked before a manicure. /
κούρεμα, κοντό επάνω και σχεδόν ξυρισμένο στα δοχείο για το μούλιασμα των δακτύλων πριν απ' το
πλαϊνά και πίσω μανικιούρ
curling iron [N-COUNT-U4] A curling iron is a piece of finger-comb [V PHRASE-U7] To finger-comb is to comb hair
electrical equipment that creates heat and produces using the fingers. / χτενίζω τα μαλλιά χρησιμοποιώντας
curls in hair. / ψαλίδι, σίδερο για το κατσάρωμα των τα δάχτυλά μου
flat iron [N-COUNT-U4] A flat iron is a tool made up of
curly [ADJ-U5] If hair is curly, it has a curved or spiral two flat metal pieces that produce heat. It is used to
shape. / (για μαλλιά) με μπούκλες straighten hair. / σίδερο για το ίσιωμα των μαλλιών
cut [N-COUNT-U2] A cut is a service in which hair is cut to foot massage [N-COUNT-U10] Foot massage is a massage
a shorter length. / κούρεμα technique in which one applies pressure to feet and toes
for relaxation. / μασάζ στα πόδια
cuticle [N-COUNT-U9] A cuticle is the skin that grows
around the base of the fingernail. / πετσάκι νυχιών formula [N-COUNT-U13] A formula is a substance that is
made by combining specific amounts of different
cuticle oil [N-COUNT-U9] Cuticle oil is an oil applied after a
ingredients. / φόρμουλα, χημική ουσία
manicure to keep cuticles soft. / λάδι για τα πετσάκια
των νυχιών foundation [N-UNCOUNT-U11] Foundation is a liquid or
cream substance that matches a person’s skin tone and
cuticle pusher [N-COUNT-U10] A cuticle pusher is a tool
is used to enhance a person’s complexion. / βάση για το
that is used to push back the cuticles on a person’s
nails. / εργαλείο που σπρώχνει και αφαιρεί τα πετσάκια
των νυχιών foundation brush [N-COUNT-U12] A foundation brush is a
brush that is used to apply makeup smoothy and
cuticle trimmer [N-COUNT-U9] A cuticle trimmer cuts
evenly. / πινελάκι για την εφαρμογή της βάσης για το
rough cuticles or hangnails. / πενσάκι (εργαλείο που
αφαιρεί τα πετσάκια των νυχιών)
fringe [N-COUNT-U7] A fringe is the hair that hangs over
deep-tissue massage [N-UNCOUNT-U14] A Deep-Tissue
the front of the head. / φράντζα
massage is a form of massage that involves putting
pressure on muscles in order to relieve muscle pain. / frizzy [ADJ-U5] If hair is frizzy, it is very curly and looks
βαθύ μασάζ των ιστών messy. / (για μαλλιά) κατσαρά, σγουρά
dry [ADJ-U5] If hair is dry, it does not have a lot of oil and full coverage [N-COUNT-U13] A full coverage foundation
is damaged easily. / (για μαλλιά) ξηρά is a cosmetic product that covers blemishes on skin. /
πλήρης κάλυψη
effleurage [N-UNCOUNT-U15] Effleurage is a massage
technique that involves moving the palm of the hand full service beauty salon [N-COUNT-U2] A full service
in a circular stroking movement. / είδος απαλού μασάζ beauty salon is a place where several beauty
για το ζέσταμα των μυών treatments are offered. / ινστιτούτο αισθητικής που
προσφέρει πλήρη σειρά υπηρεσιών
emery board [N-COUNT-U9] An emery board is a piece of
cardboard with coarse emery paper glued to it. It is gossip [N-UNCOUNT-U3] Gossip is a discussion about other
used for shaping and smoothing the edges of nails. / people, sometimes about secret or unconfirmed details. /
χάρτινη λίμα νυχιών κουτσομπολιό
eye-liner [N-UNCOUNT-U11] An eye-liner is a special pencil gown [N-COUNT-U8] A gown is a loose garment that
that is used to emphasize the edges around a person’s covers the outer clothing during a haircut. /
eyes. / αϊ-λάινερ προστατευτική ρόμπα κουρέματος
eye shadow [N-UNCOUNT-U11] Eye shadow is a type of hair stylist [N-COUNT-U1] A hair stylist is someone who
powder or cream that is used to add color to a person’s styles a person’s hair. / κομμωτής, κομμώτρια
upper eyelids. / σκιά ματιών
hairdo [N-UNCOUNT-U6] A hairdo is a hairstyle. / κόμμωση,
eyelash curler [N-COUNT-U12] An eyelash curler is a tool χτένισμα
that is used to curl a person’s eyelashes. / εργαλείο για
hairdresser [N-COUNT-U1] A hairdresser is someone who
το κατσάρωμα των βλεφαρίδων
cuts and styles hair. / κομμωτής, κομμώτρια
face powder [N-UNCOUNT-U11] A face powder is a light,
hairline [N-COUNT-U7] The hairline is the area at the top
tinted powder used to cover any scars or blemishes or
of the face where hair starts growing. / το όριο της
to give the face a less shiny look. / πούδρα προσώπου
τριχοφυΐας στο μπροστινό μέρος του κεφαλιού
feedback [N-UNCOUNT-U15] Feedback is an opinion or
heel of the hand [N-COUNT-U15] The heel of the hand is
information about a service or product. / έκφραση της
the hard, lower part of the hand that is right above the
γνώμης μας (για υπηρεσία/προϊόν που έχουμε
wrist. / το κάτω μέρος της παλάμης
hometown [N-COUNT-U3] A hometown is a the town
file [V-T-U9] To file nails is to shape and smooth the edges
where someone grew up or lives. / γενέτειρα, ιδιαίτερη
with a special tool. / λιμάρω τα νύχια

Career Paths: Beauty Salon – Glossary

kinky [ADJ-U5] If hair is kinky, it has lots of small and tight massage table [N-COUNT-U15] A massage table is a table
coils. / (για μαλλιά) πολύ σγουρά με μικρές μπούκλες that is padded and has a special cradle for a person’s
head. It is designed to provide comfort and accessibility
knot [N-COUNT-U15] A knot is a muscle that is hard and
during a massage. / τραπέζι για μασάζ
tense. / (για το σώμα) εξόγκωμα, κόμπος
massage therapist [N-COUNT-U15] A massage therapist is
layers [N-UNCOUNT-U6] Layers are a type of haircut in
a masseur or a masseuse. / μασέρ, μασέζ
which some parts of a person’s hair are cut short and
others are left long. / (για στυλ κόμμωσης) ντεγκραντέ, masseur [N-COUNT-U1] A masseur is a person who gives
σε διαφορετικά μήκη massages. / μασέρ
lean [V-I-U8] To lean is to move the top part of the body masseuse [N-COUNT-U1] A masseuse is a woman who
towards a certain direction. / σκύβω gives massages. / μασέζ
light coverage [N-UNCOUNT-U13] A light coverage medium coverage [N-UNCOUNT-U13] A medium coverage
foundation is a cosmetic product that is used on skin foundation is a liquid or cream that hides small
that is clear. / ελαφριά κάλυψη blemishes on skin. / μέτρια κάλυψη
lip brush [N-COUNT-U12] A lip brush is a brush that is used mist [V-T-U8] To mist is to spray a fine cloud of water over
to apply lipstick. / πινελάκι για τα χείλη something. / ψεκάζω με νερό
lip gloss [N-UNCOUNT-U11] Lip gloss is a clear or slightly muscle [N-COUNT-U14] A muscle is tissue in the body that
colored substance that is used to give a person’s lips a can contract and assists in movement. / μυς
shiny appearance. / γυαλιστικό χειλιών
nail brush [N-COUNT-U9] A nail brush is a brush used with
lip-liner [N-UNCOUNT-U11] A lip-liner is a makeup tool soap and water to clean the nails. / βουρτσάκι νυχιών
that is used to fill in areas along the outer edges of the
nail clipper [N-COUNT-U9] A nail clipper is a tool used to
lips with lipstick. / μολύβι χειλιών
cut nails shorter. / νυχοκόπτης
lipstick [N-UNCOUNT-U11] A lipstick is a colored substance
nail file [N-COUNT-U10] A nail file is a long tool made of
in the form of a stick that is used to add color to a
wood or metal that is used to file a person’s nails. /
person’s lips. / κραγιόν
λίμα νυχιών
lock [N-COUNT-U4] A lock is a small number of hairs that
nail polish [N-COUNT-U10] A nail polish is a colored liquid
grow and hang together. / τούφα μαλλιών
that is applied on a person’s nails. / βερνίκι νυχιών,
long hair [N-PHR-UNCOUNT-U7] When hair is long, it is μανό
grown to a length longer than shoulder-length. /
nail technician [N-COUNT-U1] A nail technician is someone
μακριά μαλλιά
who gives manicures, pedicures and can apply nail
look [N-UNCOUNT-U6] A look is a person’s appearance or extensions. / μανικιουρίστα
style. / όψη, εμφάνιση
normal [ADJ-U5] If hair is normal, it has an average
make a living [V PHRASE-U3] To make a living is to work amount of oil in it. / (για μαλλιά) κανονικά
for money. / βγάζω το ψωμί μου, βγάζω τα προς το ζην
off-limits [ADJ-U3] If a topic is off-limits, it is not okay or
makeover [N-COUNT-U13] A makeover is a process of polite to talk about it. / που δεν επιτρέπεται
changing someone’s appearance through the
oily [ADJ-U5] If hair is oily, it has a lot of oil and looks and
application of makeup. / αλλαγή στην εμφάνιση
feels greasy. / (για μαλλιά) λιπαρά
makeup artist [N-COUNT-U1] A makeup artist is someone
open-toed shoes [N-COUNT-U10] Open-toed shoes are
who professionally applies makeup. / μακιγέρ, μακιγέζ
shoes that do not cover a person’s toes. / τύπος
manicure [N-COUNT-U2] A manicure is a nail treatment in παπουτσιών που αφήνουν τα δάχτυλα να φαίνονται
which a professional cleans, cuts, and sometimes paints
orange stick [N-COUNT-U9] An orange stick is a tool used
a person’s fingernails. / περιποίηση χεριών, μανικιούρ
to push back the cuticles on the nails. / ξυλάκι που
marital status [N PHRASE-U3] Someone’s marital status σπρώχνει τα πετσάκια των νυχιών προς τη ρίζα
indicates whether or not he or she is married. /
owner [N-COUNT-U1] An owner is the person to whom
οικογενειακή κατάσταση
something belongs. / ιδιοκτήτης
mascara [N-UNCOUNT-U11] Mascara is a substance used as
page boy [N-UNCOUNT-U6] A page boy is a type of
makeup to darken or lengthen a person’s eyelashes. /
hairstyle in which a person’s hair hangs below the ears
and curls. Bangs hang down over the forehead. / (για
mascara wand [N-COUNT-U12] A mascara wand is a tool στυλ κόμμωσης) κοντό γυναικείο κούρεμα με αφέλειες
that is used to apply mascara to a person’s eyelashes. /
paneling [N-UNCOUNT-U6] Paneling is a haircut that
βουρτσάκι βλεφαρίδων
emphasizes different layers or colors of hair. / (για στυλ
massage [N-COUNT-U2] A massage is a service in which a κόμμωσης) φιλαριστό με διαφορετικά χρώματα
professional applies pressure to muscles for relaxation. /
pedicure [N-COUNT-U2] A pedicure is a nail treatment in
which a professional cleans, cuts and sometimes paints
massage area [N-COUNT-U15] A massage area is the area a person’s toe nails. The treatment also includes
in a room or a room where the massage table is placed massage and softening of the feet. / περιποίηση
and massage therapy takes place. / χώρος για μασάζ ποδιών, πεντικιούρ

Career Paths: Beauty Salon – Glossary

perm [V-T-U2] To perm hair is to treat hair in a way to set shipping [N-UNCOUNT-U4] Shipping is the act of sending
curls permanently. / κάνω περμανάντ something, usually at a cost. / αποστολή εμπορευμάτων
politics [N-UNCOUNT-U3] Politics are the activities or ideas shoulder-length [ADJ-U6] A hairstyle that is shoulder-
concerning the government of a country. / πολιτική length hangs down to a person’s shoulders. / (για
μαλλιά) στο μήκος των ώμων
pressure [N-COUNT-U14] Pressure is physical force that is
applied to a certain area. / πίεση sideburns [N-UNCOUNT-U4] A sideburn is the hair grown
down both the sides of a man’s face. / φαβορίτες
prime [V-T-U13] To prime something is to prepare it before
starting work on it. / προετοιμάζω side part [N-COUNT-U7] For a side part, the hair is divided
and combed to one side of the head. / (για στυλ
problem skin [N-UNCOUNT-U13] Problem skin is skin that
κόμμωσης) με χωρίστρα στο πλάι
has many blemishes or marks. / προβληματική επιδερμίδα
skin buffer [N-COUNT-U10] A skin buffer is a tool used to
professional [ADJ-U15] A professional is someone who
remove excess or hard skin from ankles or the soles of
practices a skill or a job which requires training and earns
the feet. / λίμα ποδιών
money from this practice. / επαγγελματίας
small talk [N PHRASE-U3] Small talk is simple and non-
pumice stone [N-COUNT-U10] A pumice stone is a small
serious conversation. / κουβεντούλα
stone that is used to remove the calluses on a person’s
feet. / ελαφρόπετρα sleek [ADJ-U5, 6] If something like hair is sleek, it is
straight, shiny and healthy-looking. / (για μαλλιά)
receptionist [N-COUNT-U1] A receptionist is someone who
λαμπερά και φροντισμένα
answers phones, greets visitors and initially deals with
clients. / υπάλληλος υποδοχής, ρεσεψιονίστ soak [V-T-U9] To soak something is to put it completely
into water and leave it for a while. / μουλιάζω
reflexology [N-UNCOUNT-U14] Reflexology is a form of
massage that focuses on pressure points in the feet. / sole [N-COUNT-U10] The sole is the bottom surface of the
ρεφλεξολογία foot. / πέλμα, πατούσα

religion [N-UNCOUNT-U3] Religion is a belief in one or spa chair [N-COUNT-U10] A spa chair is a comfortable chair
more gods. / θρησκεία, θρήσκευμα that someone sits in while getting a manicure or a
pedicure. / ειδική καρέκλα ινστιτούτου αισθητικής για
revamp [V-T-U6] To revamp something is to change it in μανικιούρ/πεντικιούρ
order to improve it and make it seem more modern. /
ανανεώνω, βελτιώνω spiked [ADJ-U7] When hair is spiked, it is styled (often
with hair gel) to stick up in sharp points. / (για στυλ
roller [N-COUNT-U4] A roller is a metal or plastic cylinder κόμμωσης) με καρφάκια
that is used to curl hair. / μπικουτί, ρόλεϊ
spine [N-COUNT-U15] The spine is the series of bones
salary [N-COUNT-U3] A salary is money received as payment running from the skull to the lower back. / σπονδυλική
from the company you work for, usually paid monthly. / στήλη
spray bottle [N-COUNT-U8] A spray bottle is a container
sanitize [V-T-U15] To sanitize something is to make that is used to spray water. / βαποριζατέρ νερού
something clean and hygienic. / απολυμαίνω
stainless steel [N-UNCOUNT-U4] A stainless steel object is
sassy [ADJ-U6] If something is described as sassy, such as hair, made from a type of steel that does not rust. /
it means it gives a confident image. / με αυτοπεποίθηση ανοξείδωτο ατσάλι
scar [N-COUNT-U11] A scar is a mark that stays on a stimulate [V-T-U14] To stimulate something is to cause
person’s skin after a wound has healed. / ουλή, σημάδι something to operate. / διεγείρω, τονώνω
scented oil [N-COUNT-U14] Scented oil is an oily liquid straight [ADJ-U5] If hair is straight, it has strands of hair
which has a smell. It is commonly used for certain types that do not naturally bend or curl. / (για μαλλιά) ίσια
of massage, as well as in aromatherapy. /
αρωματισμένο έλαιο straighten [V-T-U2] To straighten hair is to make curly or
wavy hair straight. / ισιώνω
shader brush [N-COUNT-U12] A shader brush is a brush that
is used to apply eye shadow to a person’s upper eyelids. / stray [ADJ-U8] If something is stray, it is not in its right
πινελάκι για τις σκιές των βλεφάρων place. / σκόρπιος

shampoo [N-COUNT-U2] A shampoo is a service in which a sturdy [ADJ-U12] If something is sturdy, it is strong, well-
professional washes a person’s hair. / σαμπουάν made and not easily broken. / ανθεκτικός, γερός

sharpener [N-COUNT-U12] A sharpener is a tool with a small style [V-T-U2] To style hair is to arrange a person’s hair
blade that is used to sharpen the points of makeup in a particular way. / δημιουργώ ένα χτένισμα στα
pencils. / ξύστρα μαλλιά
shears [N-UNCOUNT-U4] Shears are scissors that are used style book [N-COUNT-U8] A style book is a book with
for cutting hair. / ψαλίδι για το κόψιμο των μαλλιών examples of different hairstyles. / βιβλίο με εικόνες
shiatsu [N-UNCOUNT-U14] Shiatsu is a form of massage διαφορετικών χτενισμάτων
that involves using the hands, fingers or elbows to styling [N-UNCOUNT-U2] Styling is a service in which a
apply pressure throughout the body. / σιάτσου professional arranges a person’s hair in a particular
(θεραπευτικό μασάζ) way. / χτένισμα μαλλιών

Career Paths: Beauty Salon – Glossary

tangle [N-UNCOUNT-U4] A tangle is a knot made out of activate [V-T-U7] To activate something is to make something
hair that is twisted together in an untidy way. / κόμπος work or happen. / ενεργοποιώ, κάνω να δράσει
στα μαλλιά, μπερδεμένη τούφα after-perm aid [N-COUNT-U6] An after-perm aid is a product
tangled [ADJ-U5] If hair is tangled, it is twisted together in that conditions and replenishes hair after a perm. /
an untidy way. / (για μαλλιά) μπλεγμένα, μπερδεμένα μαλακτική κρέμα ή μάσκα για χρήση μετά την περμανάντ
aftershave [N-UNCOUNT-U9] Aftershave is a liquid that
tender [ADJ-U15] If something is tender, it is sensitive to
men usually put on their faces after shaving. The
pain. / ευαίσθητος στον πόνο
liquid contains substances that prevent infections. /
tender spot [N-COUNT-U15] A tender spot in your body is λοσιόν για μετά το ξύρισμα του προσώπου
a part of it that is sensitive to pain. / ευαίσθητο σημείο alkaline perm [N-COUNT-U6] An alkaline perm is a type of
tension [N-UNCOUNT-U14] Tension is the state of being chemical method to create curls in hair. / περμανάντ με
pulled very tight and causing stiffness. / ένταση, πίεση αλκαλική βαφή
texture [N-UNCOUNT-U7] Texture is the way something application [N-COUNT–U12] An application is the act of
feels. / υφή applying something, or putting something on. /
εφαρμογή, επάλειψη (κρέμας, μανό κ.λπ.)
tilt [V-I-U8] To tilt is to move part of your body, usually
applicator bottle [N-COUNT-U6] An applicator bottle is a
your head, slightly upwards and to one side. / δίνω
container that is used to easily apply a substance on
κλίση, γέρνω
something. / απλικατέρ
tinted moisturizer [N-COUNT-U13] A tinted moisturizer is apply [V-T-U11] To apply nail polish means to put it on. /
a cream that contains a little color and is used on εφαρμόζω, επαλείφω (κρέμα, μανό κ.λπ.)
people with clear skin. / ενυδατική κρέμα με χρώμα
appointment [N-COUNT-U1] An appointment is an
toe separator [N-COUNT-U10] A toe separator is an item arrangement to meet someone at a specific time and
that is inserted between a person’s toes to spread them location. / επαγγελματικό ραντεβού
apart. / (για πεντικιούρ) διαχωριστής δακτύλων arrive [V-I-U2] To arrive at a place is to reach it. / φθάνω
touchy topic [N PHRASE-U3] A touchy topic is a subject that astringent [N-UNCOUNT-U15] An astringent is a liquid
people are not comfortable talking about with strangers. / that causes skin to tighten and become firmer. /
ευαίσθητο θέμα λοσιόν σύσφιξης δέρματος
tousled [ADJ-U7] When hair is tousled, it looks untidy and auburn [ADJ-U8] Hair that is auburn is a reddish brown
uncombed but in an attractive way. / (για μαλλιά) color. / (για χρώμα μαλλιών) πυρόξανθο, ξανθοκόκκινο
ανακατεμένα, επιμελώς ατημέλητα balding [ADJ-U10] If someone is balding, he or she is
trim [N-COUNT-U2] A trim is a service in which the ends of losing their hair. / δημιουργία φαλάκρας
the hair get cut off. / κόψιμο των άκρων των μαλλιών barber [N-COUNT-U9] A barber is a person who cuts men’s
hair and provides shaving services. / κουρέας
trimmer [N-COUNT-U4] A trimmer is an electric tool that
cuts off the ends of hair. / κόπτης των άκρων των beard [N-COUNT-U9] A beard is hair that covers the lower
μαλλιών, των φαβοριτών κ.λπ. half of a man’s face. / γένι, μούσι
blackhead [N-COUNT-U14] A blackhead is a black spot on
unisex [ADJ-U4] If something is unisex, it is intended for
the skin. / μαύρο σπυράκι
both men and women. / για άνδρες και γυναίκες, και
για τα δύο φύλα blonde [N-COUNT-U8] Blonde describes a pale yellow, hair
color. / (για χρώμα μαλλιών) ξανθό
updo [N-UNCOUNT-U6] An updo is a type of hairstyle in
which a person’s hair is placed high on top of their blue-black [ADJ-U8] Hair that is blue-black is very dark black
head. / (για στυλ κόμμωσης) κότσος ψηλά στο κεφάλι with blue tones in it. / μαύρο με τόνους από βαθύ μπλε
boulevard [N-COUNT-U2] A boulevard is a wide street in a
volume [N-UNCOUNT-U5] Volume is the quantity or
city with trees along each side. / λεωφόρος με δέντρα
amount of something. / όγκος
breakout [N-COUNT-U15] A breakout is the occurrence of
water resistant [ADJ-U4] Water resistant is something many skin problems at one time. / ερεθισμός της
that cannot be damaged by water or water cannot επιδερμίδας του δέρματος
pass through it. / αδιάβροχος
brunette [N-COUNT-U8] A brunette is a person with
wavy [ADJ-U5] If hair is wavy, it has strands of hair with brown hair. / καστανός
curves that look like waves. / (για μαλλιά) κυματιστά, business hours [N PHRASE-U3] Business hours are the
σπαστά hours during the day when a business is open. / ώρες
wide tooth comb [N-COUNT-U4] A wide tooth comb is an λειτουργίας
object with teeth along one side that is commonly by appointment only [N PHRASE-U1] Something that is by
used to untangle hair. / πηρούνα (χτένα με μεγάλα appointment only is only available to someone who
διαστήματα μεταξύ των δοντιών) makes an appointment. / μόνο με ραντεβού
(Book 2) cap [N-COUNT-U6] A cap is a protective covering object
that fits very closely to the head. It can be used when
acid perm [N-COUNT-U6] An acid perm is a type of chemical coloring hair. / κουκούλα για τα μαλλιά
method to create curls in hair. / περμανάντ με όξινη βαφή
capillary [N-COUNT-U14] A capillary is a thin blood vessel
acne [N-UNCOUNT-U14] Acne is a skin problem that lies under the skin. When it bursts, it becomes
characterized by painful red bumps on the skin. / ακμή visible on the skin and appears red. / τριχοειδές αγγείο
(εφηβική δερματοπάθεια)
Career Paths: Beauty Salon – Glossary

caustic [ADJ-U6] If something is caustic, it is able to drape [V-T-U5] To drape something e.g. a material, is to
destroy or seriously damage something it comes into place it over or across something else. / καλύπτω κάτι
contact with. / (για υλικό) καυστικό με ύφασμα, πλαστικό κ.λπ.
chemical burn [N-COUNT-U13] A chemical burn is damage dry skin [ADJ-U14] Dry skin means skin lacking in natural
to the skin because of exposure to chemicals. / oils. / ξηρή επιδερμίδα
έγκαυμα από χημική ουσία dry shave [N-COUNT-U9] A dry shave is a type of shave
chestnut [ADJ-U8] Hair that is chestnut is a dark reddish- that is done without shaving cream, usually with an
brown color. / (για χρώμα μαλλιών) καστανοκόκκινο electric razor. / στεγνό ξύρισμα (με χρήση ξυριστικής
chip [V-I–U12] Something chips when it breaks off a larger μηχανής)
piece. / (για βερνίκι νυχιών κ.λπ.) ξεφλουδίζει electric razor [N-COUNT-U9] An electric razor is a razor
cleanse [V-T-U14] To cleanse something is to clean it. / with a rotating blade that is powered by electricity. /
καθαρίζω προσεκτικά (το πρόσωπο) ξυριστική μηχανή
clean shaven [ADJ-U9] If a man is clean shaven, he has no enamel [N-UNCOUNT-U11] Enamel is paint that turns
hair on his face. / φρεσκοξυρισμένος shiny when it dries. / γυαλιστικό βερνίκι νυχιών
clientele [N-UNCOUNT-U9] Clientele is all of a business’s ensure [V-T-U7] To ensure something is to make certain of
clients. / πελατεία it. / εξασφαλίζω, σιγουρεύω
coat [N-COUNT–U12] A coat is a thin layer of something esteemed [ADJ-U3] Someone who is esteemed is respected
that covers a surface. / στρώση (βερνικιού νυχιών) and held in high regard. / αγαπητός, αξιότιμος
color swatch book [N-COUNT–U8] A color swatch book is esthetician [N-COUNT-U13] An esthetician is someone
a presentation file consisting of samples of hair in the connected with beauty and the study of it. /
different colored dyes that a salon offers. / αισθητικός (ο ειδικός)
δειγματολόγιο για χρώμα μαλλιών exfoliate [V-T-U15] To exfoliate your skin is to remove the
complexion [N-COUNT-U15] The complexion is the natural top layer in order to improve the appearance of the
appearance of someone’s skin, including color and surface. / κάνω απολέπιση στο δέρμα
texture. / όψη επιδερμίδας exit [N-COUNT-U2] An exit is a road where traffic can leave
copper [ADJ-U8] Hair that is copper is bright red. / (για a main road. / έξοδος
χρώμα μαλλιών) έντονο χάλκινο exothermic perm [N-COUNT-U6] An exothermic perm is a
cosmetology [N-UNCOUNT-U11] Cosmetology is the study type of chemical way to curl hair where no external
or art of cosmetics and their use. / κοσμητολογία (η heat is needed. / εξωθερμική περμανάντ (είδος
επιστήμη της παρασκευής και εφαρμογής των περμανάντ χωρίς τη χρήση θερμότητας)
καλλυντικών) extended [ADJ-U3] Something that is extended is made
cotton ball [N-COUNT-U11] A cotton ball is a pad made longer than normal. / (για ωράριο λειτουργίας)
from a soft, absorbent material. / δίσκος από βαμβάκι παρατεταμένο, διευρυμένο
(για ντεμακιγιάζ κ.λπ.) facial [N-COUNT-U15] A facial is a treatment given to one’s
cracked [ADJ–U12] Something is cracked when it is face that involves cosmetics that help the skin. /
broken. / σπασμένος, κομμένος καθαρισμός προσώπου (σε ινστιτούτο αισθητικής)
cup [V-T-U5] To cup your hands is to hold your hands in the fine hair [N PHRASE-U10] Fine hair is hair that is thin and
shape of a cup. / κάνω τα χέρια μου χούφτα not very strong. / λεπτά αδύναμα μαλλιά
cut [N-COUNT–U9] A cut is a small piercing done with a five o’clock shadow [N-UNCOUNT-U9] A five o’clock shadow
sharp instrument. / κόψιμο is a darkness of the face that is caused by growing hair. /
τα γένια που εμφανίζονται μετά το πρωινό ξύρισμα
cuticle [N-COUNT-U11] A cuticle is the bit of skin around
the nail. / πετσάκι νυχιών flaky [ADJ-U10] If something is flaky, pieces of it come off
in small, flat pieces. / (για το τριχωτό της κεφαλής) που
curler [N-COUNT-U6] Curlers are plastic cylinders used to
create a curl shape in hair. / μπικουτί, ρόλεϊ
flat iron [N-COUNT-U7] A flat iron is a hairdressing tool
dandruff [N-UNCOUNT-U10] Dandruff is a condition in
that uses heat to straighten hair. / σίδερο για το
which the scalp sheds small white pieces of dead skin. /
ίσιωμα των μαλλιών
flat iron [V-T–U7] To flat iron hair means to straighten hair
dark brown [ADJ-U8] Dark brown hair is quite close to
using a flat iron. / ισιώνω τα μαλλιά με σίδερο
black in color. / (για χρώμα μαλλιών) σκούρο καστανό
floor [N-COUNT-U2] A floor is a level in a building with
depilatory cream [N-COUNT-U13] A depilatory cream is a
many stories. / όροφος, πάτωμα
thick liquid that contains chemicals which break down
the hair and make it possible to wash the hair away. / formers [N-COUNT-U6] Formers are flexible foam curlers
αποτριχωτική κρέμα used to make hair curly. / ρόλεϊ μαλλιών από αφρολέξ
destination [N-COUNT-U2] A destination is a place that freeway [N-COUNT-U2] A freeway is a large road that is
someone is going to. / προορισμός used for traveling fast across long distances. /
direct [V-T-U1] To direct someone is to show that person
the way to a place. / δείχνω την κατεύθυνση προς ένα French manicure [N-UNCOUNT-U11] A French manicure is
μέρος a type of manicure. The nail tips are painted white and
the rest of the nail is painted a color that matches the
directions [N-UNCOUNT-U2] Directions are instructions to
natural color of the nail, like light pink. / γαλλικό
describe how to get to a specific destination. / οδηγίες
Career Paths: Beauty Salon – Glossary

frizz-free [ADJ-U7] If something is frizz-free, it does not itchy [ADJ-U10] If something is itchy, it feels
have unmanageable tight curls. / (για μαλλιά) που δε uncomfortable and causes you to want to scratch it. /
φριζάρουν που προκαλεί φαγούρα
glossy [ADJ-U7] If something is glossy, it is shiny. / (για keratin treatment [N-COUNT-U7] A keratin treatment is a
μαλλιά) λεία, λαμπερά semi-permanent hair straightening method that
go straight [V PHRASE-U2] To go straight is to travel in a involves applying a solution on the hair and activating
straight line. / πηγαίνω ευθεία the chemicals by heat. / ισιωτική θεραπεία μαλλιών με
golden blonde [ADJ-U8] Hair that is golden blonde is
blonde with a golden tint. / (για χρώμα μαλλιών) landmark [N-COUNT-U2] A landmark is a building or
ξανθό χρυσό feature that is easy to recognize. / αξιοθέατο
gratitude [N-UNCOUNT-U3] Gratitude is the state of lather [N-UNCOUNT-U5] Lather is a mass of small white
feeling grateful. / ευγνωμοσύνη bubbles that forms by mixing soap and water. /
σαπουνάδα, αφρός
greet [V-T-U1] To greet people is to welcome them when
they arrive at a place. / υποδέχομαι, καλωσορίζω leave-in conditioner [N-COUNT-U10] A leave-in
conditioner is a conditioner that gets applied to the
guidelines [N-COUNT-U1] Guidelines are official advice
hair and does not get washed out. / μαλακτική κρέμα
about the appropriate way to act in a specific
μαλλιών που δε χρειάζεται ξέβγαλμα
situation. / οδηγίες, συμβουλές
light brown [ADJ-U8] Hair that is light brown is a pale
hair loss [N-UNCOUNT-U10] Hair loss is a condition in
shade of brown. / (για χρώμα μαλλιών) καστανό
which someone loses hair volume. / απώλεια μαλλιών
hair straightening kit [N-COUNT–U7] A hair straightening
lukewarm [ADJ-U5] If something is lukewarm, it is slightly
kit is a set of tools or other items which can make a
warm. / (για το νερό) χλιαρό
person’s hair remain straightened for longer. / σετ
ισιώματος μαλλιών maintain [V-T–U12] To maintain something is to take care
of it. / διατηρώ
hair removal [N-UNCOUNT-U13] Hair removal is a process
that eliminates unwanted hair. / αποτρίχωση mask [N-COUNT-U15] A mask is a skincare product that is
applied to the face and then washed off to clear pores
hand cream [N-COUNT–U12] Hand cream is a thick liquid
and refresh the skin. / καλλυντική μάσκα προσώπου
that moisturizes and soothes skin. / κρέμα για τα χέρια
meet one’s needs [V PHRASE-U3] To meet one’s needs is
head [V-I+ADV/PREP-U2] To head in a direction is to travel
to satisfy a person’s requirements. / καλύπτω τις
in that direction. / κατευθύνομαι
ανάγκες μου
herbal extract treatment [N-COUNT-U10] A herbal extract
merge [V-I-U2] To merge is to combine or come together
treatment is a cure that uses natural oils from herbs. /
into one. / μπαίνω σε με μια λωρίδα κυκλοφορίας
θεραπεία με φυτικά εκχυλίσματα
mind [V-I-U1] To mind is to be bothered by something. / με
holiday [N-COUNT-U3] A holiday is a day when there is no
school or work for the purpose of celebrating a special
occasion. / αργία mustache [N-COUNT-U9] A mustache is hair that covers
the upper lip. / μουστάκι
honey blonde [ADJ-U8] Hair that is honey blonde is
blonde with a honey brown tint. / (για χρώμα nail dryer [N-COUNT-U11] A nail dryer is a machine that
μαλλιών) ξανθό μελί speeds the drying process for nail polish. Users place
their hands inside the machine and wait until the
hood-type dryer [N-COUNT-U6] A hood-type dryer is a
polish dries. / στεγνωτήρας νυχιών
type of hair dryer that covers the top part of the user’s
head. / κάσκα στεγνώματος μαλλιών nail plate [N-COUNT-U11] A nail plate is the hard part of
the nail that is painted during a manicure. / η σκληρή
hose [N-COUNT-U5] A hose is a long tube that transports
επιφάνεια του νυχιού
water. / το σπιράλ του ντουζ
nail polish [N-COUNT-U11] Nail polish is a shiny, clear or
hours of operation [N PHRASE-U3] Hours of operation are
colored liquid, which is applied to the surface of the
the hours during the day when a business is open. /
nail. / βερνίκι νυχιών, μανό
ώρες λειτουργίας
nail polish remover [N-UNCOUNT-U11] Nail polish
in effect [PREP PHRASE-U3] Something that is in effect is
remover is a chemical that dissolves nail polish. /
currently operating. / που βρίσκεται σε ισχύ, που ισχύει
ξεβαφτικό νυχιών, ασετόν
ingrown hair [N-COUNT-U13] An ingrown hair is a hair
nail technician [N-COUNT-U12] A nail technician has the
that grows into the skin, often causing pain. / τρίχα
technical knowledge to be able to create beautiful
που μεγαλώνει μέσα στο δέρμα
nails. / μανικιουρίστα
interstate [N-COUNT-U2] An interstate is a large road that
nape [N-COUNT-U5] The nape is the back of the neck. /
crosses different states and connects major cities. /
δρόμος ταχείας κυκλοφορίας που συνδέει μεγάλες
πόλεις neutralizer [N-COUNT-U6] A neutralizer is a chemical
substance that stops the chemicals that create a perm
irritation [N-COUNT–U9] An irritation is an uncomfortable
from working. / λοσιόν φιξαρίσματος
reaction to something, often producing red spots
when it is a skin irritation. / ερεθισμός δέρματος new hair growth [N PHRASE-U7] New hair growth is hair
near the scalp that has grown recently. / ανάπτυξη
irritated [ADJ-U13] If something is irritated, it is red and
νέων μαλλιών στο κεφάλι
inflamed. / (για δέρμα) ερεθισμένο
nick [N-COUNT-U9] A nick is a small cut. / μικρό κόψιμο
Career Paths: Beauty Salon – Glossary

no-lye solution [N PHRASE-U7] No-lye solution is a type of procedure [N-COUNT-U7] A procedure is the series of steps
hair straightening formula that doesn’t include a harsh or actions in order to make something happen. /
chemical called lye. / διάλυμα ισιώματος μαλλιών διαδικασία
χωρίς αλκάλια protective gloves [N-COUNT-U6] Protective gloves are
non-acetone [ADJ-U11] If something is non-acetone, it hand coverings used to keep the hands dry and
does not contain a chemical that is commonly used to prevent them from being damaged. / προστατευτικά
remove paint from surfaces. / χωρίς ασετόν γάντια
nozzle [N-COUNT-U5] A nozzle is an object attached to the purple-black [ADJ-U8] Hair that is purple-black is dark
end of a tube that directs how the liquid comes out of black with purple tones in it. / (για χρώμα μαλλιών)
the tube. / η άκρη του σπιράλ του ντουζ μαύρο βιολετί
off day [N PHRASE-U3] An off day is a day on which a quarter-sized [ADJ-U5] If something is quarter-sized, it is
business is closed and its employees do not have to the same amount and shape as a quarter coin. / (για
work. / αργία ποσότητα σαμπουάν) στο μέγεθος ενός μικρού κέρματος
oily [ADJ-U14] When skin is oily it is shiny and produces ramp [N-COUNT-U2] A ramp is a road which cars use to
too much oil. / (για δέρμα) λιπαρό drive onto a major road. / μικρός δρόμος με κλίση που
opening [N-COUNT-U4] An opening is a time slot that is οδηγεί σε κεντρικό δρόμο
available in someone’s appointment book. / rash [N-COUNT-U14] A rash is an area of skin that red is
διαθέσιμος χρόνος στο πρόγραμμα κάποιου with raised spots. / εξάνθημα
oval [ADJ-U11] An oval shape is a shape similar to an egg. / receptionist [N-COUNT-U4] A receptionist is someone who
ωοειδές, οβάλ (σε σχήμα αυγού) answers phones, greets visitors and initially deals with
over-processed [ADJ-U10] If something is over-processed, clients. / υπάλληλος υποδοχής, ρεσεψιονίστ
it is damaged as a result of hair treatments like dyeing redhead [N-COUNT-U8] A redhead is a person with red
or heat styling. / (για μαλλιά) που έχουν υποβληθεί σε hair. / κοκκινομάλλης
πολλές βαφές, περμανάντ κ.λπ. regimen [N-COUNT-U14] A regimen is a plan for treating a
paraffin wax treatment [N-COUNT-U11] A paraffin wax condition. / θεραπευτική αγωγή
treatment is a service that involves dipping your hands regular hours [N-PHRASE-U3] Regular hours are the hours
into warm wax, then wrapping the wax-covered when a business is usually open. / ώρες λειτουργίας
hands in a towel. This treatment is used to make the καταστήματος
hands soft. / (για τα χέρια) θεραπεία με παραφίνη
remove [V-T-U11] To remove nail polish means to take it
pamper [V-T-U15] To pamper is to look after or spoil off. / αφαιρώ, απομακρύνω
someone with luxuries. / παραχαϊδεύω
repeat client [N-COUNT-U1] A repeat client is someone
pat [V-T-U15] To pat is to lightly touch someone or who visits the same business more than once. / συχνός
something very gently with your hand flat. / ακουμπώ πελάτης
ελαφρά με την παλάμη
ridge [N-COUNT-U11] A ridge is a bump or imperfection on
patronage [N-UNCOUNT-U3] Patronage is the financial an otherwise flat surface. / μικρό εξόγκωμα σε λεία
support that clients or customers give to a business. / επιφάνεια
προτίμηση πελάτη σε κάποιο κατάστημα
rod [N-COUNT-U6] A rod is a thin and flexible piece of
peak hours [N PHRASE-U1] Peak hours are the times during plastic or metal that is used to create a curl shape in
the day when a business is very busy. / ώρες αιχμής hair. / το ρόλεϊ για την περμανάντ
peel [N-COUNT-U15] A peel is a skincare product that is rule book [N-COUNT-U3] A rule book contains the rules of
applied to the face and then peeled off. It removes an organization, job or game. / εγχειρίδιο με τον
dead skin by pulling it off. / μάσκα απολέπισης κανονισμό λειτουργίας (μιας επιχείρησης κ.λπ.)
salon [N–COUNT–U1] A salon is the place where beauty
peel [V-I–U12] To peel is to lose the top layer of skin. / (για products get applied and a person can receive
μπογιά) ξεφλουδίζει massages or other relaxing therapies. / ινστιτούτο
pencil in [PHRASAL V-U4] To pencil in is to schedule an αισθητικής
appointment. / σημειώνω το ραντεβού κάποιου πελάτη salon staff [N–PHRASE–U3] Salon staff are the people that
perm [N-COUNT–U6] A perm is a technique which work in a salon. / το προσωπικό ενός ινστιτούτου
hairdressers use to curl hair permanently. / περμανάντ αισθητικής
perm rods [N-COUNT-U6] Perm rods are used to wrap hair saturate [V-T-U5] To saturate something is to make
around when using chemicals to curl the hair. / τα something totally wet. / μουσκεύω κάτι
ρόλεϊ για την περμανάντ scalp [N–COUNT-U10] The scalp is the skin covering the
platinum [ADJ-U8] Hair that is platinum is very pale, top of the human head. / το τριχωτό της κεφαλής
almost white. / (για χρώμα μαλλιών) ξανθό πλατινέ scratch [V-I–U12] To scratch something is to mark the
pluck [V-T-U13] To pluck something is to pull something surface of something, usually with something sharp or
out from somewhere. / βγάζω τρίχα με τράβηγμα rough. / κάνω γρατζουνιά
pore [N-COUNT-U14] A pore is a tiny opening in the skin. / scrub [N-COUNT-U15] A scrub is a skincare product that is
πόρος του δέρματος made of a coarse material. / κρέμα απολέπισης
prepare [V-T-U11] To prepare something is to make it προσώπου
ready to use. / προετοιμάζομαι

Career Paths: Beauty Salon – Glossary

seal [N-COUNT–U12] A seal is something that keeps water styptic pencil [N-COUNT-U9] A styptic pencil is a tool that
or air from entering an object. / προστατευτικό κάλυμμα is used to treat cuts caused by shaving. / αιμοστατικό
sensitive skin [N PHRASE-U15] Sensitive skin is skin that μολύβι (για κοψίματα ξυρίσματος)
can easily react badly to certain products and summer look [N-PHRASE-U3] A summer look is a particular
conditions. / ευαίσθητο δέρμα appearance someone has during the summer months. /
serum [N-COUNT-U7] A serum is a thick liquid that has a καλοκαιρινή εμφάνιση
high amount of substances that perform a specific sun spot [N-COUNT-U14] A sun spot is an area of the skin
function, like straightening hair. / ορός (υγρό that is darker than the rest of the skin. This is caused
καλλυντικό προϊόν) by exposure to the sun. / κηλίδα στο δέρμα από τον
shampoo [N-COUNT–U5] Shampoo is the liquid soap- ήλιο
based substance we use to wash hair. / σαμπουάν sunscreen [N-UNCOUNT-U14] Sunscreen is a substance
shampoo chair [N-COUNT-U5] A shampoo chair is a seat that protects the skin from the sun’s rays. / αντηλιακό
that is specially designed for giving clients a tail comb [N-COUNT-U6] A tail comb is a type of comb
professional shampoo. It has an adjustable height and with a thin and pointed handle which is often used to
reclines. / η καρέκλα του λουτήρα κομμωτηρίου divide the hair into different sections. / χτένα με
shape [V-T-U11] To shape is to give something a particular μυτερή προέκταση
shape or form. / δίνω σχήμα σε κάτι thermal reconditioning [N-UNCOUNT-U7] Thermal
sharp [ADJ-U9] When someone is sharp, he or she is well reconditioning is a permanent hair straightening
groomed. / περιποιημένος method that involves applying a chemical solution to
the hair and activating the chemicals by heat. / ίσιωμα
shaving brush [N-COUNT-U9] A shaving brush is a brush
μαλλιών με χημικά προϊόντα και θερμότητα
for spreading soap or shaving cream over the face
when you shave. / πινέλο ξυρίσματος thinning hair [N-UNCOUNT-U10] Thinning hair is a
condition in which hair volume on the head decreases
shaving cream [N-UNCOUNT-U9] Shaving cream is a kind
due to age or other circumstances. / αραίωση μαλλιών
of cream that is put on a person’s face or body before
shaving. / κρέμα ξυρίσματος threading [N-UNCOUNT-U13] Threading is the process of
removing hair using a twisted piece of thread to pull
shrink [V-I-U12] To shrink is to become smaller. /
hair from the skin. / αποτρίχωση με κλωστή
συρρικνώνομαι, μαζεύω
toner [N-COUNT-U15] A toner is a liquid that reduces
sheet [N-COUNT-U1] A sign-in sheet is a piece of
oiliness and makes the skin firm. / τονωτική λοσιόν
paper on which people write their name to let the
staff know that they’ve arrived. / φύλλο εγγραφής topcoat [N-COUNT–U12] A topcoat is the last layer of
προσέλευσης του πελάτη paint, varnish or polish put on a surface. / το τελευταίο
πέρασμα του μανό, του βερνικιού κ.λπ.
skincare [N-UNCOUNT-U14] Skincare refers to things that
a person does to improve the condition of the skin. / towel dry [V-T-U5] To towel dry something is to take away
περιποίηση του δέρματος all of something’s wetness by rubbing it with a towel. /
στεγνώνω με πετσέτα
slough [V-T-U15] To slough something is to rub away a
layer. / απομακρύνω (νεκρό δέρμα) treatment [N-UNCOUNT-U15] A beauty treatment is a
service offered to people at a salon. / περιποίηση
smooth [ADJ-U7] If something is smooth, it has a surface
without lumps or imperfections. / λείος
tuck in [Phrasal V-U5] To tuck in something is to fit it
smudge [V–T–U12] To smudge something is to rub
snugly into something else. / τακτοποιώ τις άκρες
something and make it blurry or ruin its surface. /
μουντζουρώνω turn [V-I-U2] To turn is to move in a different direction. /
στρίβω, κάνω στροφή
split end [N-COUNT-U10] A split end is the tip of a strand
of hair that has divided due to dryness or tweezers [N-UNCOUNT-U13] Tweezers are a tool with two
overprocessing. / ψαλίδα στα μαλλιά metal pieces that are connected on one end. They are
used to grab small objects. / τσιμπιδάκι φρυδιών
square [ADJ-U11] Square means having four equal length
sides and right-angled corners. / τετράγωνος twist [V-T-U13] To twist something is to turn and bend
something. / στρίβω και λυγίζω
squoval [ADJ-U11] Squoval means having a shape with
four rounded corners. / (για μανικιούρ) τετράγωνο με t-zone [N-COUNT-U14] The t-zone is the area of the face
στρογγυλεμένες άκρες including the forehead and nose. / η ζώνη Τ (η περιοχή
του μετώπου, της μύτης και του πιγουνιού)
steam [V-T-U15] To steam something is to expose it to hot
water vapor. / καθαρίζω κάτι με ζεστό ατμό volume-boosting [ADJ–U10] A hair product that is volume-
boosting makes hair look thicker. / (για καλλυντικό
straight razor [N-COUNT-U9] A straight razor is a type of
προϊόν) που ενισχύει τον όγκο των μαλλιών
razor with one long blade that folds out from the
handle. / παραδοσιακό ξυράφι με λεπίδα που διπλώνει wait time [N PHRASE-U1] A wait time is the length of a
μέσα στη λαβή time a person has to wait before he or she can see
someone. / χρόνος αναμονής
strip [N-COUNT-U13] A strip is a long and narrow piece of
material. / μακρόστενη ταινία (αποτρίχωσης) waiting area [N-COUNT-U1] A waiting area is a place
where people wait. / χώρος αναμονής
stylist [N-COUNT–U4] A stylist is a person whose job it is
to creatively design the look of someone or walk-ins [N-COUNT-U1] Walk-ins are people who visit a
something. / στυλίστας (ο ειδικός που φροντίζει τη business without making an appointment. / πελάτες
γενική εμφάνιση κάποιου) που δεν έχουν κλείσει ραντεβού

Career Paths: Beauty Salon – Glossary

waxing [N-COUNT-U13] Waxing is the process of removing bill [N-COUNT-U2] A bill is a document which details the
hair by applying wax to the skin, applying a strip over cost of services or goods provided to the customer. /
the wax, and quickly pulling the strip off. / λογαριασμός, απόδειξη
αποτρίχωση με κερί blade [N-COUNT-U7] A blade is the sharp, flat part of a
weekday [N-COUNT-U3] A weekday is a day of the week tool, knife or razor that is used for cutting. / λεπίδα
from Monday to Friday. / καθημερινή bleach [V-T-U4] To bleach is to remove color from
weekend [N-COUNT-U4] A weekend is the last two days of something, particularly by using chemicals. /
the week. / Σαββατοκύριακο αποχρωματίζω, κάνω ντεκαπάζ
wet shave [N-COUNT-U9] A wet shave is a type of shave bleed [V-I-U15] To bleed is to spread over a wide area. /
that is done using shaving cream. / ξύρισμα (για κραγιόν) τρέχει και πασαλείβεται
προσώπου με κρέμα ξυρίσματος blow-dry [N-UNCOUNT U1] A blow-dry is a method of
work week [N-UNCOUNT-U4] A work week is the hours or drying hair using a blow dryer. / στέγνωμα μαλλιών με
days that are worked during a week. / οι εβδομαδιαίες μπιστολάκι
ώρες εργασίας blush [N-COUNT or UNCOUNT-U12] A blush is a powder or
wrap [V-T-U5] To wrap something is to cover it with a cream applied on cheeks to give them color. / ρουζ
material. / τυλίγω γύρω-γύρω bohemian [ADJ-U8] If something is bohemian, it is relaxed
wrinkle [N-COUNT-U14] A wrinkle is a fold in a smooth and informal. / ανέμελος, αδιάφορος
surface. / ρυτίδα botched [ADJ-U4] If something is botched, it is spoiled by
a mistake. / κακοφτιαγμένος
(Book 3) bride [N-COUNT-U14] A bride is a woman who is getting
married. / νύφη
absorb [V-I & T-U5] To absorb something is to soak
something up, especially liquid. / απορροφώ brittle [ADJ-U9] If something is brittle, it is weak and easy
to break. / εύθραυστος
accessory [N-COUNT-U8] An accessory is an object that
makes something more attractive or useful. Handbags, bronzer [N-UNCOUNT-U12] Bronzer is a cosmetic product
belts and earrings are examples of accessories. / intended to give the appearance of having a tan. /
αξεσουάρ πούδρα μπρονζέ
acrylic nail [N-COUNT or UNCOUNT-U10] Acrylic nails are a brow bone [N-COUNT-U13] The brow bone is the bony
very strong type of fake nail. / ακρυλικό νύχι ridge beneath the eyebrow. / το κόκαλο του φρυδιού
air dry [V-I & T-U5] To air dry hair is to let hair dry without buildup [N-UNCOUNT-U6] Buildup is the collection of
using a blow dryer. / αφήνω τα μαλλιά να στεγνώσουν residue from styling products which can make hair
μόνα τους hard to style and manage. / συσσώρευση από
κατάλοιπα άλλων προϊόντων
airbrush makeup [N-UNCOUNT-U14] Airbrush makeup is
liquid makeup that is sprayed onto the face using an business license [N-COUNT-U11] A business license is an
air-operated tool, similar to those used to paint cars. / official document that allows a person to operate a
μακιγιάζ με σπρέι business. / άδεια λειτουργίας μιας επιχείρησης
allergic reaction [N-COUNT-U3] An allergic reaction is a cap highlight [N-COUNT-U4] A cap highlight is a
medical condition that causes skin to grow red and highlighting method that involves pulling sections of
sore or a person to become ill. This is a result of a hair through a cap so that it can be colored. / μέθοδος
strong intolerance to something and can be life- δημιουργίας ανταυγειών με κουκούλα
threatening. / αλλεργική αντίδραση cash [N-UNCOUNT-U2] Cash is money that is made up of
antifungal cream [N-UNCOUNT-U9] Antifungal cream is a bills and coins. / μετρητά (χρήματα)
medicated lotion that reduces the amount of fungi on Chignon [N-COUNT-U8] A Chignon is a hairstyle in which a
the skin to normal levels. / κρέμα για τους μύκητες του woman’s hair is held back in a ball on the back of her
δέρματος head. / (για στυλ κόμμωσης) σινιόν, κότσος
applicator [N-COUNT-U13] An applicator is a special brush clarifying shampoo [N-UNCOUNT-U6] Clarifying shampoo
or tool that is used for applying a substance on the is a type of cleansing product for hair which removes
surface of something. / βουρτσάκι του μακιγιάζ the residue from styling products. / σαμπουάν για
apply to [V-I+to-U1] To apply to someone is to affect or βαθύ καθαρισμό των μαλλιών
relate to someone. / ισχύω για κάτι close shave [N PHRASE-U7] A close shave is a shave that
artificial [ADJ-U10] If something is artificial, it is something removes all hair and leaves skin completely smooth. /
not real made to resemble something real or natural. / βαθύ ξύρισμα
τεχνητός communicable [ADJ-U11] If something is communicable, it
base [N-COUNT-U12] A base is the primary part of can be transmitted from one person or animal to
something. / η βάση για κάτι another very easily. / (για ασθένεια) μεταδοτική
base color [N-COUNT-U4] Base color is the natural color of complement [V-T-U12] To complement something is to
hair before it is altered with dye. / το φυσικό χρώμα make it better when combined with something else. /
των μαλλιών κάποιου αναδεικνύω κάτι σε συνδυασμό με κάτι άλλο
beard trimmer [N-COUNT-U7] A beard trimmer is a device compliance [N-UNCOUNT-U11] To be in compliance with
designed to trim, groom and shape facial hair. / something is to be going according to a rule or
μηχανή περιποίησης γενιών regulation. / συμμόρφωση, τήρηση

Career Paths: Beauty Salon – Glossary

complimentary [ADJ-U1] If something is complimentary, it double process color [N-UNCOUNT-U4] Double process
is free. / δωρεάν, χωρίς χρέωση color is a coloring technique that involves bleaching
conceal [V-T-U3] To conceal something is to hide it. / the hair first then adding the desired color. It is
καλύπτω, κρύβω typically used when lightening hair. / ντεκαπάζ και
βάψιμο μαλλιών
conditioner [N-UNCOUNT-U6] Conditioner is a liquid
solution applied to hair after shampooing to soften dress up [PHRASAL V-U8] To dress up is to make the
and improve the quality of the hair. / μαλακτική κρέμα appearance of something more formal than usual. /
μαλλιών βελτιώνω την εμφάνιση, στολίζω
contour [N-COUNT-U13] A contour is a noticeable shape to dry cut [N-COUNT-U5] A dry cut is a method of cutting
the outside edges or surface of something. / curly hair that involves cutting while the hair is dry, so
περίγραμμα the stylist can work better with the client’s curl
pattern. / κούρεμα σε στεγνά μαλλιά
contract [V-T-U14] To contract is to hire someone to do a
job. / προσλαμβάνω κάποιον για ορισμένο χρονικό dust [V-T-U13] To dust something is to apply a thin coat of
διάστημα powder to something. / βάζω ελάχιστη πούδρα, σκιά
corrective [ADJ-U4] If something is corrective, it is able or
intended to fix something. / διορθωτικός electric razor [N-COUNT-U7] An electric razor is a men’s
hair removal device with several blades which rolls
cosmetics [N-UNCOUNT-U13] Cosmetics are beauty
backwards and forwards on the skin. / ηλεκτρική
products that help improve a person’s appearance. /
ξυριστική μηχανή
enhance [V-T-U5] To enhance is to improve how something
coupon [N-COUNT-U2] A coupon is a piece of paper issued
looks or feels as well as its quality. / ενισχύω, βελτιώνω
by a store that gives customers an offer, such as a
discount. / εκπτωτικό κουπόνι eyelid crease [N-COUNT/UNCOUNT-U13] An eyelid crease
is the folding line of the eye socket. / η ρυτίδα του
credit card [N-COUNT-U2] A credit card is a plastic card
δέρματος στην κόγχη του βλεφάρου
that customers use to buy goods or services and pay
for them later. / πιστωτική κάρτα expire [V-I-U2] To expire is to no longer be usable. / (για
έγγραφο, κουπόνι κ.λπ.) λήγει η ισχύς του
cure [V-T-U10] To cure is to use a special process (such as
exposure to light) to prepare artificial nails for use. / eye-liner [N-UNCOUNT-U13] An eye-liner is a special pencil
είμαι έτοιμος μετά από μια διαδικασία that is used to emphasize the edges around a person’s
eyes. / αϊ-λάινερ
curl pattern [N-COUNT-U5] A curl pattern is the distinctive
shape of curls. / τύπος μπούκλας eye shadow [N-UNCOUNT-U13] Eye shadow is a type of
powder or cream that is used to add color to a
customize [V-T-U10] To customize is to alter something so
person’s upper eyelids. / σκιά ματιών
that it is exactly what a person wants. This often
involves changing the appearance of something to face mask [N-COUNT-U11] A face mask (or dust mask) is
make it look special or unique. / προσαρμόζω something that covers the face in order to protect it. /
μάσκα προστασίας προσώπου (από αέρια, σκόνες κ.λπ.)
damage [V-T-U3] To damage something is to harm it. /
καταστρέφω fade [V-I-U3] To fade is to grow paler and lose coloring. /
(για χρώμα) ξεθωριάζει
damp [ADJ-U5] If something is damp, it is slightly wet. /
νωπός, υγρός fair [ADJ-U12] If something is fair, it is light colored. /
debit card [N-COUNT-U2] A debit card is a plastic card that
takes money directly from a person’s bank account to featured product [N PHRASE-U1] A featured product is an
pay for goods. / χρεωστική κάρτα item that a store presents as a special attraction. /
επιλεγμένο προϊόν
decal [N-COUNT-U10] A decal is a design that is often
applied to the surface of nails. / χαλκομανία για τα fill [N-COUNT-U10] A fill is a process in which the gap
νύχια between the cuticle and the artificial nail is filled in
and any necessary repairs to the nail are made. /
diffuser [N-COUNT-U5] A diffuser is a bell-shaped object
«γέμισμα» του νυχιού
that attaches to a standard blow dryer. It reduces the
amount of air flow coming from a blow dryer and film [N-COUNT-U6] A film is a thin covering. / λεπτή
helps prevent frizz. / η φυσούνα στο μπιστολάκι μεμβράνη
μαλλιών flammable [ADJ-U11] If something is flammable, it burns
discount [N-COUNT-U1] A discount is a decrease in the easily and fast. / εύφλεκτος
price of something. / έκπτωση foil highlight [N-COUNT-U4] A foil highlight is a
disinfectant [N-COUNT or UNCOUNT-U11] Disinfectant is a highlighting method that involves wrapping sections
chemical substance that destroys bacteria and makes of hair in foil so that they can be colored. It allows
things extremely clean. / απολυμαντικό colorists to color each section a different color. /
μέθοδος δημιουργίας ανταυγειών με λωρίδες
disposable glove [N-COUNT-U11] A disposable glove is a
glove that is worn for protection when handling
chemicals and then thrown out after one use. / γάντι foundation [N-UNCOUNT-U12] Foundation is a kind of
μιας χρήσης makeup that is applied to the skin before other
makeup is applied. / μέικ-απ (βάση για το μακιγιάζ)
disposable needle [N-COUNT-U15] A disposable needle is
a thin, metal tube that punctures the skin and that is fragrance-free [ADJ-U6] If something is fragrance-free, it
thrown away after one use. / βελόνα μιας χρήσης doesn’t have a smell. / χωρίς άρωμα

Career Paths: Beauty Salon – Glossary

frayed [ADJ-U5] If something is frayed, it is worn out or in advance [phr-U14] To do something in advance is to do
shredded. / (για την άκρη της τρίχας) σπασμένη, it prior to a certain time or date. / εκ των προτέρων,
φθαρμένη από πριν
French Braid [N-COUNT-U8] A French Braid is a hairstyle ingrown toenail [N-COUNT-U9] An ingrown toenail is a
that involves dividing the hair into three sections and condition in which the edges or tip of the nail grow
weaving it together, slowly drawing more hair into the into the skin. / ονυχοκρύπτωση (νύχι που μεγαλώνει
braid until all the hair is included. / (για στυλ μέσα στο δέρμα του δακτύλου του ποδιού)
κόμμωσης) γαλλική κοτσίδα intact [ADJ-U9] If something is intact, it is not harmed,
French Twist [N-COUNT-U8] A French Twist is a hairstyle spoiled or broken. / άθικτος, ακέραιος
that involves twisting the hair up, tucking in the ends intensity [N-UNCOUNT-U12] Intensity is the strength of
and fastening it against the head. / (για στυλ something that can be measured, such as light. / τόνος
κόμμωσης) κότσος-μπανάνα χρώματος
full updo [N PHRASE-U8] A full updo is a hairstyle in which lighten [V-I or T-U3] To lighten something is to make it
all the hair is gathered on the top of the head. / (για brighter or less dark. / ξανοίγω το χρώμα των μαλλιών
στυλ κόμμωσης) ψηλός κότσος
lightweight [ADJ-U6] If something is lightweight, it is not
fumes [N-UNCOUNT-U11] Fumes are gases or vapor that powerful or it is the opposite of heavy duty. / απαλό
cause irritation and are often dangerous when (σαμπουάν)
inhaled. / βλαβερά αέρια
loose hair [N PHRASE-U8] Loose hair describes hair which
fungal infection [N-COUNT-U9] A fungal infection is an is styled without being tied up or back. / λυτά μαλλιά
inflammatory condition caused by fungus. / μυκητίαση
low season [N-UNCOUNT-U14] Low season is a time of the
fungus [N-UNCOUNT-U9] Fungus is any of a group of year when few people travel or get married. Prices are
organisms that feed on organic matter. / μύκητας usually lower during low season. / περίοδος με μικρή
gel [N-UNCOUNT-U6] Gel is a clear, thick liquid substance κίνηση
used to style hair. / ζελέ μαλλιών lowlights [N-UNCOUNT-U4] Lowlights are sections of hair
gels [N-COUNT or UNCOUNT-U10] Gels are a very realistic that are a darker color than the rest. / σκουρόχρωμες
and flexible type of artificial nails. / είδος τεχνητών ανταύγειες (σε σκουρότερη απόχρωση από τα μαλλιά)
νυχιών makeup counter [N-COUNT-U12] A makeup counter is a
gift certificate [N-COUNT-U2] A gift certificate is a place in a store where cosmetics are sold. / ο πάγκος
document issued from a business that is worth a με προϊόντα για μακιγιάζ
certain sum of money for goods or services offered at manageable [ADJ-U5] If something is manageable, it is
that business. / κουπόνι δώρου easy to take care of. / (για μαλλιά) που τα περιποιείσαι
glow [N-COUNT-U12] A glow is the state of emitting light. / εύκολα
λάμψη mascara [N-UNCOUNT-U13] A mascara is a substance used
grooming [N-UNCOUNT-U7] Grooming is the process of as makeup to darken or lengthen a person’s eyelashes. /
cleaning and tidying someone. / περιποίηση της μάσκαρα
εμφάνισης ενός άνδρα match [V-T-U12] To match something is to become equal
grow out [V-PHRASE-U3] To grow out is to let hair grow or the same as something. / ταιριάζω στα χρώματα με
until its previous color or style is no longer visible. / κάτι
(για μαλλιά) μακραίνουν πολύ metallic [ADJ-U13] If something is metallic, it has the same
hair gel [N-UNCOUNT-U6] Hair gel is a thick, spreadable color of metals like gold, silver or bronze. / (για χρώμα)
hair product that holds hair in place. / ζελέ μαλλιών μεταλλικό (σαν το χρυσό, το ασημί ή το μπρονζέ)
hairspray [N-UNCOUNT-U6] Hairspray is a sticky substance method of payment [N-COUNT-U2] A method of payment
that is usually sprayed from an aerosol can onto hair in is a way of giving a person or business money that is
order to hold it in place. / λακ owed. / τρόπος πληρωμής
hazel [ADJ-U13] If eyes are hazel, they are a combination mild [ADJ-U6] If something is mild, it is gentle and unlikely
of light brown and green. / καστανό ανοιχτό to cause side effects. / απαλό (καλλυντικό
high season [N-UNCOUNT-U14] High season is a time of καθαρισμού)
the year when people do the most of an activity like mousse [N-UNCOUNT-U6] Mousse is a foamy hair product
travelling or getting married. Prices are usually higher that is used to style hair or make it appear thicker. /
during high season. / περίοδος αιχμής αφρός μαλλιών, μους
highlights [N-UNCOUNT-U4] Highlights are sections of hair mustache care [N PHRASE-U7] Mustache care is the styling
that are a lighter color than the rest. / ανοιχτόχρωμες and trimming of the facial hair on a man’s upper lip. /
ανταύγειες (σε πιο ανοιχτή απόχρωση από τα μαλλιά) περιποίηση του μουστακιού
home hair color kit [N-COUNT-U4] A home hair color kit is mustache scissors [N-UNCOUNT-U7] Mustache scissors are
a package that contains all of the items needed to dye used to trim the hair of a mustache. / ψαλιδάκι για την
hair at home. / σετ βαφής μαλλιών για χρήση στο σπίτι περιποίηση του μουστακιού
hue [N-COUNT-U12] A hue is the degree of lightness, mustache wax [N-UNCOUNT-U7] Mustache wax is a sticky
darkness or strength of a color. / απόχρωση substance used to make mustache hair stay in place. /
humidity [N-UNCOUNT-U5] Humidity is the quantity of κερί για το μουστάκι
water contained in the air. / υγρασία nail bed [N-COUNT-U9] The nail bed is the area under a
fingernail. / το δέρμα κάτω από το νύχι

Career Paths: Beauty Salon – Glossary

nail biter [N-COUNT-U10] A nail biter is a person who bites practitioner [N-COUNT-U15] A practitioner is a person
or chews on their fingernails or the skin surrounding who works in a specific profession or who performs a
the nail, especially when stressed or nervous. / άτομο specific activity. / επαγγελματίας
που τρώει τα νύχια του pricing [N-UNCOUNT-U1] Pricing is the set cost for services
nose and ear hair trimmer [N-COUNT-U7] A nose and ear or goods at a business. / οι τιμές των υπηρεσιών ή
hair trimmer is a tool used for removing unwanted προϊόντων μιας επιχείρησης
hair from the ears or nose. / ηλεκτρική συσκευή για primer [N-COUNT-U13] A primer is a cosmetic product that
αφαίρεση τριχών από τη μύτη και τ' αυτιά is applied beneath eye shadow in order to help the
no-smoking policy [N-COUNT-U11] A no-smoking policy is eye shadow last longer. / βάση και στερεωτικό για το
a rule that does not allow smoking in a place. / η μακιγιάζ
απαγόρευση του καπνίσματος σ' ένα χώρο prom [N-COUNT-U14] A prom is a formal party with
nourish [V-T-U6] To nourish something is to provide it with dancing for senior students at the end of the year. /
the substances and care needed to survive, grow and χορός αποφοίτων
be healthy. / παρέχω θρεπτικά στοιχεία promotion [N-COUNT-U1] A promotion is a set of activities
odorless [ADJ-U10] If something is odorless, it has no or products that bring attention and increased sales to
scent. / άοσμος a business. / προώθηση προϊόντος/υπηρεσίας
one-on-one [N-UNCOUNT-U14] If something happens one- quad [N-COUNT-U13] A quad is a package of eye shadows
on-one it occurs between two people. / για δύο άτομα that includes four different colors. / σετ τεσσάρων
μόνο, ιδιαίτερος σκιών ματιών
on-site [ADJ-U11] If something occurs on-site, it happens qualified [ADJ-U15] If a person is qualified, he or she has
in that place. / επιτόπου, στο χώρο της επιχείρησης the appropriate skills, knowledge or training for a
package [N-COUNT-U1] A package is a group of services or specific job. / πτυχιούχος, που έχει τα απαραίτητα
items sold together for one (often reduced) price. / προσόντα
πακέτο (υπηρεσιών, προσφορών κ.λπ.) range from [V-T+PREP-U1] To range from is to have a
palette [N-COUNT-U3] A palette is the range of colors lower and upper limit in an amount or number of sth
available for a specific purpose. / χρωματολόγιο offered. / (για τιμές) κυμαίνονται από
partial updo [N-COUNT-U8] A partial updo is a hairstyle reduced rate [N PHRASE-U1] A reduced rate is a price for
that involves sweeping the top section of the hair something that is lower than the usual price. /
away from the face and piling it on top of the head. / μειωμένη τιμή
(για στυλ κόμμωσης) ψηλός κότσος με τα μαλλιά απ' το refer [V-T-U15] To refer is to send someone or something
πάνω μέρος του κεφαλιού μόνο to another person, place or organization, in order to
party [N-COUNT-U14] A party is a group of people taking receive information, help or guidance. / παραπέμπω
part in the same activity. / ομάδα, παρέα κάποιον σε κάποιον ειδικό
patch test [N-COUNT-U3] A patch test involves applying a refund [V-T-U2] To refund money is to return a person’s
small amount of a substance to someone in order to money because they do not want or are dissatisfied
check for an allergic reaction. / δοκιμή επιδερμικής with a product or service. / επιστρέφω τα χρήματα
ευαισθησίας κάποιου
payment procedure [N-COUNT-U2] A payment procedure rejuvenation [N-UNCOUNT-U1] Rejuvenation is when
is the typical or correct way of paying for something. / someone has been made to feel young and strong
τρόπος πληρωμής again. / αναζωογόνηση
permanent [ADJ-U3] If something is permanent, it repel [V-T-U5] To repel something is to force it to go away. /
continues or happens for a long time. / μόνιμος απομακρύνω
permanent makeup [N-UNCOUNT-U15] Permanent reputable [ADJ-U15] If someone is reputable, he or she is
makeup is a type of cosmetic that is applied by known by others to be good and honest. /
tattooing ink under the skin in order to enhance a ευυπόληπτος, αξιόπιστος
person’s appearance. / μόνιμο μακιγιάζ retouch [V-T-U3] To retouch is to make minor alterations
personal check [N-COUNT-U2] A personal check is a piece to something. When referring to hair, it means to re-
of printed paper which someone’s fills in an amount of dye the roots of the hair. / βάφω τις ρίζες των μαλλιών
money to pay for things and the bank then debits this ribbon [N-COUNT or UNCOUNT-U8] A ribbon is a length of
amount from the person’s account. / προσωπική narrow material that is used to tie women’s hair. /
επιταγή κορδέλα
pigment [N-COUNT or UNCOUNT-U15] Pigment is a salt bath [N-COUNT-U9] A salt bath is a container
substance that is used to change the color of containing a mixture of water and salt. It is often used
something. / χρωστική ουσία as a remedy for a number of ailments. / λουτρό με
pomade [N-UNCOUNT-U6] Pomade is a waxy substance άλατα
that is used to smooth and care for hair. / αρωματική sanitation [N-UNCOUNT-U11] Sanitation is the conditions
λιπαρή αλοιφή and processes connected to people’s health. /
ponytail [N-COUNT-U8] A ponytail is a hairstyle that καθαριότητα, υγιεινή
involves tying all of the hair at the back of the head scrunch [V-I/T-U5] To scrunch hair is to squeeze it in the
and resembles a horse’s tail. / (για στυλ κόμμωσης) palm of your hand. / στύβω τα μαλλιά με το χέρι

Career Paths: Beauty Salon – Glossary

seasonal [ADJ-U1] If something is seasonal, it is only tattoo [V-T-U15] To tattoo is to create a permanent design
available during a specific time of the year. / διαθέσιμος by applying colored inks under the skin. / τατουάζ
σε μια συγκεκριμένη χρονική περίοδο, εποχικός tax [N-COUNT-U2] A tax is money that the government
self-sharpening blade [N-COUNT-U7] A self-sharpening charges the citizens of a place in order to pay for
blade is a blade that keeps itself sharp and able to cut. / services for the public. / φόρος
λεπίδα που ακονίζεται αυτόματα tendrils [N-COUNT-U8] Tendrils are thin sections of hair
semi-permanent [ADJ-U3] If something is semi- that are curled. / μπουκλαριστές τούφες
permanent, it lasts for a period of time, but not for test solution [N-COUNT-U3] A test solution is a
longer. / ημιμόνιμος combination of chemicals that will be used later in
shampoo [N-UNCOUNT-U6] Shampoo is a special washing larger amounts if it is proven to be safe. / χημικό
liquid for hair. / σαμπουάν διάλυμα για αλλεργική δοκιμή
shaving bowl [N-COUNT-U7] A shaving bowl is a wide, tiara [N-COUNT-U8] A tiara is a piece of jewelry that
round container that is open at the top and is used for resembles a crown and is worn during formal events. /
lathering shaving cream. / μπολ ξυρίσματος διακοσμητική στέκα μαλλιών
shaving brush [N-COUNT-U7] A shaving brush is a small tip [N-COUNT-U10] A tip is a type of artificial nail that is
brush made of hair or bristles and attached to a only attached to the end of the nail and does not
handle that is used to apply shaving cream or soap to cover the entire nail. / τεχνητή άκρη νυχιού
a man’s face. / πινέλο ξυρίσματος tip [N-COUNT-U2] A tip is a small amount of extra money
sideburns [N-UNCOUNT-U7] Sideburns are patches of hair that customers give to a person who provides good
that grow down the side of a man’s face. / φαβορίτες service. / φιλοδώρημα, πουρμπουάρ
silicone [N-UNCOUNT-U5] Silicone is a water and heat- topical [ADJ-U9] If something is topical, it is used on, or
resistant substance. / σιλικόνη associated with, a particular part of the body. / για
silk wrap [N-COUNT or UNCOUNT-U9] A silk wrap is a type τοπική χρήση
of artificial nail which is intended to make the natural touch-up kit [N-COUNT-U14] A touch-up kit is a small bag
nail stronger and more attractive. Pieces of silk fabric of cosmetics used to slightly improve, change or add
are cut to size, then applied to the natural nail with a something. / μικρό σετ με καλλυντικά για την
sealant. / τεχνητό νύχι με μετάξι (για προστασία του ανανέωση του μακιγιάζ
φυσικού νυχιού) trial run [N-COUNT-U14] A trial run is an occasion when
single process color [N-UNCOUNT-U4] Single process color you test a new method or system to see if it works or
is a coloring technique that involves coloring all of the goes well. / δοκιμαστικό, δοκιμή
hair one color. / μονόχρωμο βάψιμο μαλλιών trio [N-COUNT-U13] A trio is a package of eye shadows that
skin tone [N-UNCOUNT-U12] Skin tone is the color of a includes three different colors. / σετ τριών σκιών ματιών
person’s skin. / απόχρωση της επιδερμίδας two-tone [ADJ-U4] Two-tone hair is hair that has two very
snag [V-I or T-U9] To snag is to damage something by different colors in it. / (για μαλλιά) με διχρωμία
getting it stuck on something rough or sharp. / (για undertone [N-COUNT-U12] An undertone is a color that is
νύχι) σκαλώνει κάπου και σπάει seen through a second color and that slightly alters
special [N-COUNT-U1] A special is an offering of a product the appearance of that second color. / απόχρωση (στο
or service, usually at a reduced price. / ειδική μακιγιάζ)
προσφορά upkeep [N-UNCOUNT-U10] Upkeep is the process or cost
specialist [N-COUNT-U12] A specialist is a person who is an of maintaining something or of keeping something in
expert at one occupation. / ο ειδικός good condition. / συντήρηση
splitting [N-UNCOUNT-U9] Splitting is a nail condition in upswept [ADJ-U8] If hair is upswept, it is smoothed or
which the nail develops a vertical division. / σκίσιμο combed upwards in the back, and piled on top of a
νυχιού woman’s head. / (για μαλλιά) χτενισμένα προς τα πίσω
spritz [N-COUNT-U6] A spritz is a liquid hair product that is και πιασμένα σε κότσο
sprayed over hair in order to hold it in place. / ελαφριά UV sanitizer [N-COUNT-U11] A UV sanitizer is a machine
λακ that uses UV rays (a type of light) to kill germs and
stand out [PHRASAL V-U13] To stand out is to be bacteria. / κλίβανος αποστείρωσης με υπεριώδη
distinctive and get attention. / ξεχωρίζω, διακρίνομαι ακτινοβολία
start at [V-I-U1] To start at is to be the lowest point or valid [ADJ-U2] A certificate or document is valid when it is
price of something. / (για τιμές) αρχίζουν από used within a set time limit. / έγκυρο, σε ισχύ
straight razor [N-COUNT-U7] A straight razor is a vitamin supplement [N-COUNT-U9] A vitamin supplement
traditional razor with a long blade that folds out from is a pill that contains the natural substances that the
a handle. / παραδοσιακό ξυράφι με λεπίδα που body needs in order to stay healthy. / συμπλήρωμα
διπλώνει μέσα στη λαβή βιταμίνης
strop [N-COUNT-U7] A strop is a narrow piece of leather waterproof [ADJ-U15] If something is waterproof, it is
used for keeping a razor sharp. / λουρί ακονίσματος able to resist water or does not get damaged by
ξυραφιού water. / αδιάβροχος
swelling [N-UNCOUNT-U15] Swelling is the process of wedding party [N-COUNT-U14] A wedding party is made
expansion as a result of illness or injury; to become up of the bride and groom, their parents and all male
puffed up. / πρήξιμο and female attendants. / γαμήλια δεξίωση


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