Construction and Logistics Plan For: 56a - 60 North RD, Three Bridges, Crawley. RH10 1RH

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North Road

Construction Management Plan

Construction and Logistics Plan


56a – 60 North Rd,

Three Bridges,
RH10 1RH

Distribution of the Plan

Date Issued to Revisions

The CLP will be reviewed and monitored regularly, as part of
the Planning for Risk Meetings held on site

27/08/16 Planning Submission

Details of persons submitting CLP

Details of persons submitting CLP

Dennis Jones CMIOSH (SHE Advisor)

Ref: 4644

North Road
Construction Management Plan
General Scope

Description of Works / Site Management

Proposed hours of working and days of the week

Information board


Notification to neighbours

Complaints Procedure

Delivery and storage

Consolidated /re-timed loads

Site Vehicle Details

Safety of the Public


Public Transport:

Plant Inspection

Vehicle Emissions

Mud on roads

Avoidance of dust

Diesel/Petrol/Oil Storage

Dust Pollution


Noise and vibration from plant

Crushing or treatment of stock piles

Handling of liquid run – off

Lighting Impacts

Burning on site

Controls and Monitoring / Risk Management Guidelines

North Road
Construction Management Plan


Appendix 1 Risk Assessment

Appendix 2 Samples of Risk Management Guidelines (RMG’s)

Appendix 3 Logistics Plan

Appendix 4 Site Hoarding/ Notice Board Photos

Appendix 5 Complaints/Comments/Compliments (ABSE Form 040)

Appendix 6 ABSE example of recorded waste categories

Appendix 7 Dust Suppression

North Road
Construction Management Plan


This Construction and Logistics Plan shows that Allenbuild will use all best endeavours to minimise
disturbances including but not limited to noise, vibration, dust, smoke and plant emissions
emanating from the site during construction.

Description of works;

New build construction of 24. Residential apartments comprising two blocks to provide 14 x two
bedroom and 10 x one bedroom units. to include the complete design, site clearance, demolition
and construction of the Works including all associated services, drainage, infrastructure and
external works The project is comprised of one building over a ground, 1st and smaller 2nd story.

We have considered the site restrictions to the proposed works and have produced a scheme for
completing the works as outlined within our logistics plan. The works are located on the junction of
North Rd and Forge Rd. We have considered the restrictions and any potential interface with local
residents with emphases being paid to the safety and welfare of everyone who may be affected by
the proposed works during construction.

Site Management

The Project Manager, together with his site team will be responsible for the co-ordination of
deliveries and access arrangements. They will be responsible, on behalf of Allenbuild for the
implementation and enforcement of all duties and strategies included in this document.

The construction team will reduce as far as possible any potential impacts of construction on the
highway network, local residence during the construction of the North Rd project. They will ensure
that the development does not prejudice the free flow of pedestrian and vehicular traffic and
conditions of safety on the highway in particular to Forge Rd.

A complaints and communication procedure will be in place.

The Project Manager, will be solely responsible for maintaining communication with neighbouring
properties and businesses. They will also deal with any complaints made and will head up any
investigation required. Records of these complaints will be kept on site along with any corrective
measures required as a conclusion of the investigation.

Proposed hours of working and days of the week

Days and hours of operation;

0800 and 1800 Monday to Friday
0800 and 1300 Saturday

No deliveries will be made on Sundays and bank holidays. All in accordance with the local
authority guidelines

North Road
Construction Management Plan

Information board

The site boundary will be defined by a clean well, maintained hoarding. Safety signs and notice
boards will be erected in accordance with company procedures. A Site Safety Notice Board will be
located in a prominent position of the project and regularly update. Our site hoarding and H&S
notice boards are clearly erected with the relevant information displayed as shown in our site
photos (refer to appendix).

Communication Route

The site induction is the primary means of communicating the Construction and Logistics Plan to
all sites personal. The site induction is carried out by the Project/ Site Manager to new operative
and on the first day at work.

The Method Statement and Risk Assessment for individual activities including banksman/Road
Marshall will be produced by the specialist sub-contractor for Allenbuild to review and incorporate
with in the plan.

Before construction commences the project manager will contact nearby residents and businesses,
to address any specific concerns that they may have. We anticipate an on-going liaison between
these parties. Coordination with the other developments will be undertaken and evidence will be
provided that correspondence with these developers has occurred.

We will also drop a newsletter on regular interval to all of the above and advise them of our current
and future activities. Any issue raised will be addressed by the project manager

Site contact number will be placed in a prominent place with 24hr contact numbers displayed.

Notification to neighbours of building works

We will drop initial introductory letter to neighbours prior to the commencement of any site works,
all occupiers surrounding the site will be notified in writing of the nature and duration of works to be

The name and contact details of a person responsible for the site works is included in the
introductory letter and this will be used for all enquiries and complaints for the entire duration of the
works and updates of work will be provided regularly and any complaints will be properly
addressed as quickly as possible as part of Allenbuild’s commitment to the Considerate
Contractors Scheme.

Complaints Procedure

Whenever an incident on site has occurred with a 3rd party/local neighbour, a formal complaints
procedure should be brought to the site management attention whereby an ABSE Complaints
Form (040) is completed by the site manager or the complainant (Appendix 4 refers). When the
incident is recorded it is subsequently raised to the SHE advisor who shall then act upon the
complaint and close out as soon as practical.

North Road
Construction Management Plan

Access Routes/ (Route information)

The site induction and pre-order meetings are the primary means of communicating to contractors,
deliveries and visitors so they are made aware of the agreed route. The ideal route will be issued
to all parties as indicated in the attached traffic plan.

All traffic and pedestrian management measures, will be included on a Traffic Management Plan
and necessary signage will be displayed as agreed with the local Highways and Transport.

Due to nature of the site and surrounding network deliveries must be restricted between 10-4pm to
keep them from the busy school and pedestrian periods.

Deliveries of the material will be arranged to incorporate in the fabric of the building. All the
material will be segregate and stored at ground level on hard standing within site boundaries

Details of the Route for access and egress to the site can be found in Appendix 2 of the plan.

Delivery and storage

The new access to the site will be via Forge Rd as indicated on the attached plan, the new
entrance to the site and the associated hard standing will be the 1st section of works to be
completed and will allow for controlled vehicular and pedestrian access to the site.

The existing access in North Rd will be used during the construction of the new hard standing

The general ground works and foundations for the new flats will be carried out within the site to
minimise the impact on the local residents.

Deliveries to site will be mostly on rigid lorries with a suitable HIAB crane for unloading materials
on site.

Consolidated /re-timed loads

In promoting Corporate Social Responsibility, we promote local employment and economy. This is
achieved by using local supply where feasible. This improves local health by reducing freight
impacts such as fossil fuel usage, congestion, pollution, and road construction and road casualties.

All our deliveries will be scheduled / sequenced to ensure that our site can accommodate delivery
vehicles. No vehicles will arrive at our site outside an agreed time and if a delivery vehicle arrives it
will be turned away and returned back to depot, this will further eliminate unnecessary congestion
and nuisance especially for local traffic. Construction will be planned to minimise disruption to road

Safety of the Public

The safety of the public and protection of pedestrians will be ensured at all times by having the
construction area, materials storage areas and waste storage areas, either hoarded or fenced with
lockable access. Relevant signage will be erected to ensure adequate warning/information
regarding the health and safety of the public.
North Road
Construction Management Plan

The site boundaries will be protected by the erection of hoarding with controlled access to the
works. The main site pedestrian access into site will be located on the West side of the site in
Forge Rd adjacent to the main vehicular entrance. The door shall have a key coded lock for site
personnel to enter and will be kept shut during working hours to restrict unauthorised access to the
site during operational periods. All visitors must call the site management team prior to entering the


Parking on local streets will be discouraged and the Allenbuild site team is vigilant in ensuring that
site personnel or visitors do not park illegally. Should any sub-contractor decide to continue to park
illegally, Allenbuild will not hesitate to remove that contractor from the site. There is strictly no
parking for any local residents on site and shall be strictly prohibited whilst construction works are
on-going until completion / handover.

Public Transport:

Alternatives to private car use have been considered by Allenbuild site staff and efforts will be
made to communicate the advantages of public transport to all site personnel. Site personnel are
always encouraged to use public transport. .

Site meetings are arranged with a view to ensuring that attendees can use the public transport
system to arrive and disperse from the meetings. Details of the local bus and rail networks –
identifying key routes to the project will be posted on site notice boards and will be covered in the
site induction to promote the use of public transport.

The Allenbuild site team is encouraged to become familiar with the local transport systems and
operating times and to pass this information onto all personnel on site.

Plant Inspection

All incoming materials/plant are to be inspected by a designated, competent member of staff who
shall sign delivery tickets/notes, confirming inspection was carried out.

All other plants will be inspected on regular interval and findings recorded. All defective plants will
be repaired or removed form site.

Vehicle Emissions

All construction vehicles are required to comply with relevant European standards.
Suppliers and drivers are required to:
Switch off their vehicle’s engine when stationary to prevent exhaust emissions
Maintain vehicles including engines in tune and catalysts working efficiently
All vehicles used by contractors must comply with MOT emission standards at all times

North Road
Construction Management Plan

Site Vehicle Details

Vehicles entering the site for deliveries will include heavy and light goods vehicles which are not
limited to the following and are as detailed below;

- Concrete wagons (8.5 x 3m)

- Rigid Lorries (8.8m x 3m)
- Mobile Crane(s) (17.6 x 3m)
- LGV’s ( 2.5 x 5m)

Frequency of deliveries

North Rd Crawly is a small development of only 24 units and therefore delivery density will not be
high over the duration of the construction process. There will be periods when deliveries will peak
and during elements of the construction process. The below periods will have the highest number
of larger deliveries.

• Demolition/site clerance

o For 6 weeks-approx-delivery of plant, removal of demolition waste (4 per middle

week), removal of foundations (2 per day 4th week), removal of existing oversite (4th
week 3 lorries per day). Clearing site and readying for main construction and site
establishment. All rigid Lorries.

• Sewer and storm cell construction

o For 3 weeks-excavation of attenuation tank and drainage, removal of spoil,

installation of attenuation cells, backfilling and levelling of site. 1st week 3-5 lorries
per day removing spoil, 2nd week, delivery of tanks cells 3 deliveries total, 3rd week,
3-4 deliveries for back filling. All rigid lorries.

• Foundations/substructure

o For 5 weeks following on from the drainage installation. Excavation and removal of
spoil for 1st 2 weeks, 4-6 lorries removing waste/delivering concrete to/from site on a
daily basis. All rigid lorries

• Brickwork/scaffold

o For 16 weeks following the foundation works, daily deliveries of bricks, block and
mortar. 3-5 deliveries per day depending of programme. All rigid lorries

• Roof structure/cladding

o For a period of 8 weeks, crane located on site to lift trussed into position for the 1st 2
weeks. Daily delivery of roof trusses for 2 weeks. 1-2 deliveries per during tile

• Fit out period

North Road
Construction Management Plan
o For a 16 week period. At this time heavy traffic will drop markedly and deliveries will
be on smaller lorries and carrying lighter site building materials. 1-2 rigid lorries per
day with 3-4 small trucks and vans delivering sundries and lighter building materials.

• Final landscaping /site completion

o For 10 weeks, removal of hoarding, hard and soft landscaping and final completion
of site. 3-4 rigid lorries per day delivering materials and removing spoil from site.
Smaller vehicles 3-4 per day delivering final fixtures and fittings.

We have tried to assess the likely traffic loading for the North Rd site and have based our
assessment on rigid lorries as opposed to articulated lorries due to the tight nature of the
surrounding roads and the highlighted pinch point on the route to site. If the use of an articulated
lorry is required we will make special arrangements for the lorry to be guided to site. The
construction period is currently assessed at 60 weeks with some of the above periods overlapping
during the construction phase.

Mud on roads (If required Wheel washing facilities will be provided or jet wash.)

Most area of the site is covered by hardstanding and the materials to be used for construction will
predominantly be of a granular nature. The potential for mud is therefore much reduced, and by
segregating the on-site traffic from the delivery vehicles this can be further reduced.

However there is still the potential during certain phases of the construction for vehicle washing
and road sweeping to be required. Allenbuild will therefore enforce strict measures to avoid the
environmental nuisance of mud on roads.

These measures may include but are not limited to:

Use of on approved mechanical road sweeper to clean the site of any mud or debris deposited by
site vehicles within the vicinity of the site.


Allenbuild will, as far as is reasonably practicable, take all precautions and measures to ensure the
effective control of waste/pollution.

Procedures will be continuously developed to ensure that all ‘controlled waste’ produced or held as
a broker is disposed of in accordance with legislation, codes of practice and guidance notes. Only
registered or exempted waste carriers and managers will be used and regular monitoring will be
maintained to ensure compliance with relevant legislation by carriers and sub or work package

All waste is recorded via our Site Waste Management Plan which breaks down the waste
categories of how much we expect to dispose of. The table (Appendix 5 refers) provides a
summarised breakdown of how much waste shall be disposed of using our calculations based on
project specific information and waste tickets obtained from site management.

Diesel/Petrol/Oil Storage

North Road
Construction Management Plan
The diesel storage tank will be located on a stable ground area and will be in purpose made diesel
bund. This area will be lockable to prevent unauthorised use, tampering and vandalism. The
control of spillage will be maintained through the use of either oil dry granules, sand from site, drip
trays or spillage kits.

Dust Pollution

Best Practicable Means (BPM) will be used in controlling dust emissions, in accordance with the
Best Practice Guidance by the GLA 2006 for The Control of Dust and Emissions from

Where operations will create a large amount of dust, appropriate actions will be taken to keep it to
a minimum. Operations to be controlled in this way include:

Rubbish dumping in skips – sheeting shall be used to prevent the escape of dust, particularly
during transportation.

Earthworks/Haulage routes on site – Dust will be controlled at source using vehicle speed
restrictions and/or damping down procedures. (Precautions will be taken to ensure that water used
in the damping down process, which may have become contaminated, does not run into a
watercourse or sewer).

All vehicles will be checked for cleanliness before leaving the site, where necessary the wheels will
be cleaned to minimise debris on the highway.

All existing highways used by vehicles entering and exiting from the site shall be kept clean and
clear of all dust and debris. All dust, mud etc spreading onto these highways shall be immediately
cleared with a road sweeper.


The works shall also include for all necessary site clearance and demolition of numbers 56a-60
North Rd and all other structures on the site whatsoever.

Noise and vibration from plant

Best Practicable Means (BPM) will be used, including low vibration methods and silenced
equipment and machinery, in accordance with the Approved Codes of Practice of BS5228:2009 for
noise and vibration control on construction and open sites.

Allenbuild shall employ the best practicable means to minimise noise and vibration produced by
the operations and will have regard to the recommendations in BS 5228 “Noise Control on
Construction & Demolition Sites”.

All mechanical plant and vehicles will be fitted with effective exhaust silencers and will be
maintained in good and efficient working order.

All compressors and generators will be sound reduced with acoustic covers which will be kept
closed whilst in operation. Any ancillary pneumatic equipment will be fitted with mufflers of the type
recommended by the manufacturer

North Road
Construction Management Plan
Plant in intermittent use shall be shut down in periods between works or throttled down to a
minimum. All noise and vibration producing plant/ operations will be carefully controlled.

Handling of liquid run – off

Water pollution, spills of oil and fuel Allenbuild will have emergency procedures in place with the
relevant equipment on site i.e. spill kits, etc.

Crushing or treatment of stock piles

If required the demolition company will obtain permit from the LA.

Lighting Impacts

Energy saving light and heating systems will be used where possible within the project on a whole.
A "turn it off at the end of the day" policy will be enforced on site during the construction phase and
there will be no overnight running of plant only security lighting will be required.

Burning on site Dark smoke and nuisance

During the demolition and construction period the burning of waste on the site will not be
permitted under any circumstances. No waste materials should be burnt on site of the
development hereby approved.

During the construction period the burning of waste on the site will not be permitted under any

Controls and Monitoring

Allenbuild’s Construction Phase Plan (CPP) details the on-site management of these issues.
The CPP is an integral part of the project’s implementation strategy for controlling issues
that have the potential for impacting on the wider community.

Monitoring and review of the procedures proposed in this plan will be carried out monthly or as
required during the Health and Safety inspection carried out by the Safety Advisor. The inspection
report will identify failures to comply with this plan and in consultation with the Project Manager
detail actions and responsibilities to ensure ongoing compliance.

Risk Management Guidelines (RMG’s)

ABSE use Risk Management Guidelines (RMG’s) that have been established to improve job
specific assessment of risk and development of appropriate controls. Generic risk assessments
and method statements can therefore be avoided.

RMG’s can be used to assist in the development of method statements; to take the place of
method statements for straightforward low risk activities; used to check submitted method
statements by specialist sub-contractors and to act as an agenda at pre-start meetings with

North Road
Construction Management Plan
RMG’s will be completed when the specialist sub-contractors are appointed.

Completed RMG 67; Noise and Vibration and RMG 72: Air pollution and Dust are attached in
Appendix 7

Before any of their works commence Allenbuild will be in receipt of the method statement from the
demolition contractor along with a copy of their health & safety policy, insurance details etc, which
will all, be vetted to determine if the contents meet our required standard.

All our site boundaries will be totally enclosed by clean, safe and well-maintained hoardings. These
hoardings will be designed to allow the displaying of relevant signage and notice boards to ensure
good communication with the neighbouring populace. 110v bulkhead lights will be installed as part
of the hoardings to ensure footpaths; signage and notice boards are well lit


North Road Allenbuild Ltd
Construction and Logistics Plan


Appendix 1 Significant hazards and risks associated with Examples of measures to avoid common problems and control the risks associated with the use of vehicles in
the use of vehicles in construction construction the agreed procedures are incorporated within the Construction Logistics Plan

Significant Hazard Avoid Control

Location of Offices and welfare facilities Provide signs and pedestrian and vehicle control
• Restricted Traffic Route visibility Locate offices and welfare facilities and measures where vehicle routes cross pedestrian
• Restricted site access and room around site other areas of frequent pedestrian activity routes. Provide safe pedestrian routes from parking
• Areas of restricted visibility, width, or weight limits away from primary site traffic routes areas to workplaces
Provide clear signs and instructions to pedestrians

Risk Assessment Prob Severity Risk Procedure to reduce Risk Residual Prob Severity Risk
Refer to risk
3 3 High Environmental Management Plan 2 3 Medium

Significant Hazard Avoid Control

Parking areas/Vehicle Movement Designers and traffic route planners: Provide safe pedestrian routes from parking areas to
Design separate traffic and pedestrian offices, welfare facilities and workplaces
• Unintended vehicle movement work areas and routes. Provide clear signs and instructions to workers.
• Lack of vehicle and pedestrian separation Principal contractors and contractors: Plan Contractors/plant hirers:

• Public work to minimise traffic movements. Select vehicles with appropriate braking systems.
• Obstructions and services Exclude pedestrians from high-risk areas Ensure effective inspection and maintenance
• Storage areas and loading bays procedures are put in place
• Vehicle facilities
• Vehicles crossing ahead
• Vehicles emerging from left/right be aware of
construction traffic
Risk Assessment Prob Severity Risk Procedure to reduce Risk Residual Prob Severity Risk
Refer to risk
3 3 High Environmental Management Plan 2 3 Medium

North Road Allenbuild Ltd
Construction and Logistics Plan

Significant Hazard Avoid Control

Designers and traffic route planners: Allenbuild and contractors:
Restrict vehicle use in hazardous areas to those vehicles
Ground conditions Remove, or re-route traffic away from steep
designed to cope with the conditions. Install protection to
gradients and edges.
• Contaminated land and muddy sites edges, eg stop blocks and warning signs, etc
Principal contractors:
• Edges of roadways, excavations, pits,
Reduce gradients by levelling traffic routes
• Watercourses,
• Spoil heaps, etc
• Edges and steep gradients
Risk Assessment Prob Severity Risk Procedure to reduce Risk Residual Prob Severity Risk
Refer to risk
2 2 Medium Environmental Management Plan 1 2 Low

Significant Hazard Avoid Control

Obstructions and services Designers and traffic route planners: Relocate services or Principal contractors:
re-route traffic away from them
• Overhead services Provide physical protection, eg goalposts and warning signs
• Underground services Principal contractors: at overhead restrictions and services.
Prevent unsuitable vehicles entering the site.

Risk Assessment Prob Severity Risk Procedure to reduce Risk Residual Prob Severity Risk
Refer to risk
2 2 Medium Environmental Management Plan 1 2 Low

Significant Hazard Avoid Control

Principal contractors: Contractors: Ensure vehicles are used within the limits of
their design and are maintained safely
Noise and vibration Specify standards for vehicles used on site,
where necessary

Risk Assessment Prob Severity Risk Procedure to reduce Risk Residual Prob Severity Risk
Refer to risk
1 2 Low Environmental Management Plan 1 2 Low

North Road Allenbuild Ltd
Construction and Logistics Plan

Significant Hazard Avoid Control

Traffic & Pedestrian Routes Principal contractors: Establish primary pedestrian routes which provide safe
Primary traffic routes should allow the safe access to work areas, away from main vehicle routes where
• Primary traffic routes passage of site and delivery vehicles away reasonably practicable
• Secondary traffic routes from pedestrian routes Provide physical protection where pedestrians are at risk of
• Emergency access for emergency services Define safe routes for all vehicle operations on being struck by vehicles or their loads
• Restricted traffic route visibility site Establish one-way systems where possible Provide protected pedestrian routes in areas where
Locate vehicle washing areas, sheeting vehicles regularly pass
gantries, and weigh bridges off primary vehicle
routes Primary traffic routes should allow the Establish crossing points and pedestrian control measures
safe passage of site and delivery vehicles where necessary
away from pedestrian routes Establish one-
way systems where possible.

Risk Assessment Prob Severity Risk Procedure to reduce Risk Residual Prob Severity Risk
3 3 Med Refer to 2 3 Med
Environmental Management Plan

Any changes made to the Construction Logistics Plan need to be communicated to site workers and visiting drivers. Workers and their safety representatives
should be consulted on any changes, which may significantly affect their health and safety. The information on transport management contained within the
Environmental Management Plan will need to be updated as the project progresses and traffic routes and site rules change.

PROBABILITY: 1 = Unlikely 2 = Reasonably Probable 3 = Probable x

SEVERITY: 1 = Slight Injury 2 = Serious Injury 3 = Major Injury or Death

RISK: - 7-9 = High: Great chance of harm Avoid if not possible then strict adherence to the methods of control must be applied
3-6 = Medium: Some chance of harm. Control and Supervision required.
1-2 = Low: Little chance of injury or health damage Control and Supervision required

North Road Allenbuild Ltd
Construction and Logistics Plan

APPENDIX 2 – Risk Management Guidelines (RMG’s)

RMG Relevant
Allenbuild’s Construction Phase Plan (CPP), Communications
details the on-site management of these RMG 63: Storage of liquids TBT 1 & 2
issues. The CPP is an integral part of the in barrels etc
project’s implementation strategy for
controlling issues that have the potential for RMG 64: Dealing with spills TBT 1 & 2
impacting on the wider community.
RMG 66; Housekeeping TBT 3 & 4
ABSE use Risk Management Guidelines RMG 67; Noise and TBT 3 & 4
(RMG’s) that have been established to Vibration
improve job specific assessment of risk and RMG 69: Use of Energy T.B.C
development of appropriate controls.
Generic risk assessments and method RMG 70: Use of Water TBT 2 & 5
statements can therefore be avoided.
RMG 71: Raw Material TBT 8, 9 & 10
RMG’s can be used to assist in the Delivery, Usage and storage
development of method statements; to take
the place of method statements for RMG 72: Air pollution and TBT 3
straightforward low risk activities; used to dust
check submitted method statements by
specialist sub-contractors and to act as an RMG 74: Traffic Control TBT 3 & 4
agenda at pre-start meetings with

North Road Allenbuild Ltd
Construction and Logistics Plan

North Road Allenbuild Ltd
Construction and Logistics Plan





The control of dust and emissions during construction and demolition (SPG) document dated July
2014 Summary Guidance on the use of dust suppressants will be used to support Environmental Tool
Box Talk no 3 attached. Best Practicable Means (BPM) will be used in controlling dust emissions.

• Allenbuild will take all necessary steps to minimise dust and mud nuisance during the works.

• All demolition debris will be sprayed when required with a fine spray of water.

• All existing highways used by vehicles entering and exiting from the site shall be kept clean
and clear of all dust and debris. All dust, mud etc spreading onto these highways shall be
immediately cleared.

• All vehicles will be checked for cleanliness before leaving the site, where necessary the
wheels will be cleaned to minimise debris on the highway

• Rubbish dumping in skips – sheeting shall be used to prevent the escape of dust, particularly
during transportation.

• Earthworks/Haulage routes on site – Dust will be controlled at source using vehicle speed
restrictions and/or damping down procedures. (Precautions will be taken to ensure that water
used in the damping down process, does not run into a watercourse or sewer).

All works carried out upon this site will be in accordance with the Demolition Code of Practice BS

Before any of their works commence Allenbuild will be in receipt of the method statement from the
demolition contractor along with a copy of their health & safety policy, insurance details etc, which will
all, be vetted to determine if the contents meet our required standard.

All our site boundaries will be totally enclosed by clean, safe and well-maintained hoardings. These
hoardings will be designed to allow the displaying of relevant signage and notice boards to ensure
good communication with the neighbouring populace. 110v bulkhead lights will be installed as part of
the hoardings to ensure footpaths; signage and notice boards are well lit


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