Uma Musume Skill Translations: Credits: This Document Is Subject To Change!
Uma Musume Skill Translations: Credits: This Document Is Subject To Change!
Uma Musume Skill Translations: Credits: This Document Is Subject To Change!
Upon creating a training session, Trainers are required to build a deck of support cards.
Each support card comes with its own set of skills, which can be unlocked and leveled up with
Skill (スキル) Points. This guide will detail what each skill does, as leveling up some skills will benefit
your horse girl more than others.
The way to find the skill you're searching for is to search for one of the support cards in your deck,
and the skill you need will be underneath one of your deck's support cards' skill list.
Note: event skills are skills that can only be unlocked by going through support card scenarios.
When you train, a red ( ! ) will appear above an option, indicating that the event will trigger a
support card scenario. (Not all scenarios are guaranteed to unlock a skill)
have any questions or concerns with this document? DM nem#1903 or 狐の雨🌲ミオかわいい#0001 on Discord!
also DM nem#1903 if you're interested in contributing to this document!
スピード = Speed = dictates how fast p.s. will make this look
your horse girl runs better later <3 - nem
スタミナ = Stamina = helps with long
パワー = Power = positioning
(subject to change, unsure)
根性 = Guts = improves last spurt
賢さ = Intelligence = increases skill
芝 = Turf
ダート = Dirt
逃げ = Runner
Uses a spurt of speed during the
opening leg to take and maintain
the front-runner position the
entire race.
先行 = Leader
Stays at the front of the pack
throughout the race, relying on a
spurt of speed during the straight
of the final leg to overtake the
差し = Betweener
Remains in the middle of the pack
for the majority of the race to
conserve stamina. Starts
overtaking at the final leg to spurt
past the leading pack and front-
runner in the final straight.
追込 = Chaser
Remains in the back of the pack
for the majority of the race to
conserve stamina. Begins
overtaking at the end of the
middle leg to catch up with the
leading pack and front-runner.
Hayakawa Tazuna Mejiro McQueen Rice Shower Nishino Flower Special Week Tokai Teio Silence Suzuka Sakura Bakushin O Gold City Winning Ticket Tamamo Cross Seiun Sky Grass Wonder Vodka <3 Gold Ship Biko Pegasus Smart Falcon Super Creek Air Shakur Ines Fujin Fine Motion El Condor Pasa Oguri Cap Special Week (Event) Twin Turbo Mejiro Palmer
Event Release Gacha Event Story Reward Event Story Reward Event Release Gacha Event Release Gacha Event Release Gacha Event Release Gacha Event Release Gacha Event Release Gacha Event Release Gacha Event Release Gacha Event Release Gacha Event Release Gacha Event Release Gacha Event Release Gacha Event Release Gacha Event Release Gacha Event Release Gacha Event Release Gacha Event Release Gacha Event Release Gacha Event Release Gacha Event Chase Your Dreams! Gacha Event Chase Your Dreams! Reward Event Chase Your Dreams! Gacha Event Chase Your Dreams! Gacha
Friendship Stamina Stamina Speed Guts Speed Speed Speed Speed Guts Stamina Stamina Guts Power Stamina Speed Power Stamina Intelligence Guts Intelligence Power Power Speed Speed Guts
Initial Skills Initial Skills Initial Skills Initial Skills Initial Skills Initial Skills Initial Skills Initial Skills Initial Skills Initial Skills Initial Skills Initial Skills Initial Skills Initial Skills Initial Skills Initial Skills Initial Skills Initial Skills Initial Skills Initial Skills Initial Skills Initial Skills Initial Skills Initial Skills Initial Skills Initial Skills
展開窺い 京都レース場◯ 登山家 阪神レース場◯ 道悪◯ ポジションセンス 逃げのコツ◯ 短距離直線◯ 札幌レース場◯ 良バ場◯ 中距離コーナー◯ 内枠得意◯ 中山レース場◯ 東京レース場◯ シンパシー 外枠得意◯ 道悪◯ 良バ場◯ 策士 食い下がり 右回り◯ 根幹距離◯ 曇りの日◯ 道悪◯ 対抗意識◯ 中山レース場◯
Progress Peek Kyoto Racetrack 〇 Mountain Climber Hanshin Racetrack 〇 Wicked Path 〇 Position Sense Runner's Tricks 〇 Short Distance Straights 〇 Sapporo Racetrack 〇 Track Condition (Good) 〇 Medium Distance Corner 〇 Inner Gate Affinity 〇 Nakayama Racetrack 〇 Tokyo Racetrack 〇 Sympathy Outer Gate Affinity 〇 Wicked Path 〇 Track Condition (Good) 〇 Tactician Stand Your Ground Right Turns 〇 Core Distance 〇 Cloudy Day O Wicked Path 〇 Competitive Spirit Nakayama Racetrack 〇
Become slightly harder to Retaking your position after Become a little better at
Become slightly better on Become a little better at Taking a good position Become a little better at Increases ability a little if Become a little better at Become slightly better on Slightly widen field of vision Become a little better at Become slightly better on
tire when in the back of the Become a little better at Become slightly better at Become a little better at Slightly increase Speed on Become a little better at Become a little better on Slightly increase speed on Become a little better at Become a little better at Become a little better on being overtaken on the final Become a little better at Become a little better at showing off your ability when Become a little better at
Slightly Poor, Poor, and Bad taking position during the becomes a little easier races when starting at inner there are many girls with races when starting at outer Slightly Poor, Poor, and Bad when behind during the Final Core Distances (Multiples of Slightly Poor, Poor, and Bad
pack during the Opening Kyoto Racetrack uphills Hanshin Racetrack straights <Short Distance> Sapporo Racetrack tracks in Good condition corners <Medium Distance> Nakayama Racetrack Tokyo Racetrack tracks in Good condition corner becomes slilghtly right turning tracks races on a Cloudy Day at least 6 other girls share Nakayama Racetrack
condition tracks Opening Leg of the race <Strategy・Runner> gates (内) Sympathetic Heart gates (外) condition tracks Leg <Strategy・Chaser> 400m) condition tracks
Leg <Mile> easier <Medium Distance> your strategy
尻尾上がり 道悪◯ かく乱 根幹距離◯ 雨の日◯ 臨機応変 先駆け 短距離コーナー◯ 展開窺い 曇りの日◯ 十万バリキ 伏兵◯ 対抗意識◯ マイル直線◯ 地固め 仕掛け準備 曇りの日◯ 先行ためらい 追い上げ スピードイーター 秋ウマ娘 晴れの日◯ コーナー巧者◯ 雨の日◯ 徹底マーク◯ 阪神レース場◯
Hold Your Tail High Wicked Path 〇 Derangement Core Distance 〇 Rainy Day 〇 Improvise Frontrunner Short Distance Corners 〇 Progress Peek Cloudy Day 〇 10K Horsepower Underdog 〇 Competitive Spirit Mile Straights 〇 Groundwork Calculated Preparations Cloudy Day 〇 Faltering Leaders Press the Attack Speed Eater Autumn Girl Sunny Days 〇 Clever Cornerer 〇 Rainy Day 〇 Eyes On You Hanshin Racetrack 〇
コンセントレーション 雨の日◯ 直滑降 上昇気流 差しのコツ◯ 巧みなステップ 逃げ直線◯ 逃げ駆け引き アクセラレーション 位置取り押し上げ 差し駆け引き 尻尾上がり 先行焦り 中距離直線◯ 策士 様子見 外枠得意◯ コーナー回復◯ 冷静 スリップストリーム 外枠得意◯ 中距離直線◯ コーナー加速◯ 差しのコツ◯ 先駆け 先駆け
Concentration Rainy Day 〇 Straight Down Updraft Betweener's Tricks 〇 Clever Step Runner's Straight 〇 Frantic Runners Acceleration Position Swiper Frantic Betweeners Hold Your Tail High Panicked Leaders Medium Distance Straights 〇 Tactician Wait and See Outer Gate Affinity 〇 Corner Recovery 〇 Serene Slipstream Outer Gate Affinity 〇 Medium Distance Straights 〇 Corner Accel 〇 Betweener's Tricks 〇 Frontrunner Frontrunner
集中力 コーナー巧者◯ 先行駆け引き 先行コーナー◯ 食い下がり イナズマステップ 逃げコーナー◯ 逃げ焦り 差し切り体勢 差し焦り 差し駆け引き 上昇気流 上昇気流 追込のコツ◯ 詰め寄り 大井レース場◯ 未脚 遊びはおしまいっ! 垂れウマ回避 ホークアイ 集中力 食い下がり 急ぎ足 急ぎ足
Focus Clever Cornerer 〇 Frantic Leaders Leaders Corner 〇 Stand Your Ground Lightning Step Runner's Corner 〇 Panicked Runners Between the Lines Panicked Betweener Frantic Betweeners Updraft Updraft Chasers Tricks 〇 Draw Forward Ooi Racetrack 〇 Reach For the Goal! Playtime's Over! Slight Detour Hawkeye Focus Stand Your Ground Fast Paced Fast Paced
直線巧者 先行けん制 良バ場◯ 未脚 垂れウマ回避 集中力 スプリントギア 外差し準備 イナズマステップ 先行ためらい 束縛 直線巧者 目くらまし 積極策 逃げのコツ◯ ペースアップ 勢い任せ 直線加速 先行直線◯ 垂れウマ回避 未脚 先頭プライド 先行焦り
Straight Skill Leaders Restraint Track Condition (Good) 〇 Reach For the Goal! Slight Detour Focus Sprinting Gear Outside Pass, Ready! Lightning Step Faltering Leaders Binding Chains Straight Skill Smoke Screen Positive Planning Runners Tricks 〇 Up The Pace Leave it to eager! Straight Accel Leader's Straights 〇 Slight Detour Reach For the Goal! Lead Pride Panicked Leaders
スタミナキープ 先行焦り 外差し準備 軽やかステップ 前途洋々 善後策 前途洋々 トリック(前) 未脚 直線加速 お見通し 上昇気流 リスタート テンポアップ 未脚 外差し準備 勢い任せ 勢い任せ
Stamina Keep Panicked Leaders Outside Pass, Ready! Light Step Bright Future Countermeasures Bright Future Trick (Front) Reach For the Goal! Straight Accel See Right Through Updraft Restart Uptempo Reach For the Goal! Outside Pass, Ready! Leave it to eager! Leave it to eager!
抜け出し準備 深呼吸 栄養補給 急ぎ足 大きなリード 軽やかステップ 位置取り押し上げ 直線回復 ウマ好み 駆け抜け禁止 コーナー回復◯ 抜け出し準備 テンポアップ 栄養補給 シンパシー
Passing Preparations Deep Breaths Nutritional Supplements Fast Paced Big Lead Light Step Position Swiper Straight Recovery Big Fan Not So Fast! Corner Recovery 〇 Passing Preparations Uptempo Nutritional Supplements Sympathy
Deep Breaths The One Press Forward, Ready! Final Nail Between the Lines Reach For the Goal! King of the Castle Next Steps Acceleration
Take a breath when entering Showing off your ability Keeping the lead position on When in the front of the pack Slightly increase speed when Slightly increase
Slightly increase Slightly increase
straights and become becomes a little easier when the final corner becomes during the Opening Leg, girls Slightly increase speed near the inner fence during acceleration when you are
acceleration during the Final acceleration when Passing
slightly harder to tire out no other girls share your slightly easier in the back of the pack during the Last Spurt the Final Leg <Long behind during the Middle
Leg <Strategy・Betweener> during the Middle Leg <Mile>
<Long Distance> strategy <Strategy・Runner> become Weakened Distance> Leg <Strategy・Runner>
King of the Castle Kyoto Racetrack 〇 Lead Pride Between the Lines Press the Attack Nutritional Supplements
On Standby
Straight Shot
Slightly increase
acceleration on the straight
during your Last Spurt
Hayakawa Tazuna Mejiro McQueen Rice Shower Nishino Flower Special Week Tokai Teio Silence Suzuka Sakura Bakushin O Gold City Winning Ticket Tamamo Cross Seiun Sky Grass Wonder Vodka <3 Gold Ship Biko Pegasus Smart Falcon Super Creek Air Shakur Ines Fujin Fine Motion El Condor Pasa Oguri Cap Special Week Twin Turbo Mejiro Palmer
Event Release Gacha Event Story Reward Event Story Reward Event Release Gacha Event Release Gacha Event Release Gacha Event Release Gacha Event Release Gacha Event Release Gacha Event Release Gacha Event Release Gacha Event Release Gacha Event Release Gacha Event Release Gacha Event Release Gacha Event Release Gacha Event Release Gacha Event Release Gacha Event Release Gacha Event Release Gacha Event Release Gacha Event Release Gacha Event Chase Your Dreams! Gacha Event Chase Your Dreams! Reward Event Chase Your Dreams! Gacha Event Chase Your Dreams! Gacha
Friendship Stamina Stamina Speed Guts Speed Speed Speed Speed Guts Stamina Stamina Guts Power Stamina Speed Power Stamina Intelligence Guts Intelligence Power Power Speed Speed Guts
Event Skills Event Skills Event Skills Event Skills Event Skills Event Skills Event Skills Event Skills Event Skills Event Skills Event Skills Event Skills Event Skills Event Skills Event Skills Event Skills Event Skills Event Skills Event Skills Event Skills Event Skills Event Skills Event Skills Event Skills Event Skills Event Skills
先駆け 火事場のバ鹿力 直線巧者 別腹タンク 先行直線◯ 左回り◯ 詰め寄り 彗眼 差しコーナー◯ ウマ込み冷静 リードキープ 徹底マーク◯ 垂れウマ回避 阪神レース場◯ 短距離直線◯ 注目の踊り子 深呼吸 勝利への執念 急ぎ足 コーナー巧者◯ 晴れの日◯ 中山レース場◯ 別腹タンク 先駆け 道悪◯
Vanguard Fight or Flight Straight Skill Backup Belly Leader's Straights 〇 Left Turns 〇 Draw Forward Starry Eyes Betweener's Corner 〇 Crowded Calm Keep the Lead Eyes On You Slight Detour Hanshin Racetrack 〇 Short Distance Straights 〇 Star of the Show Deep Breaths To Victory! Fast Paced Clever Cornerer 〇 Sunny Days 〇 Nakayama Racetrack 〇 Backup Belly Frontrunner Wicked Path 〇
深呼吸 別腹タンク ハヤテ一文字 全身全霊 一陣の風 逃亡者 スプリントターボ 小休憩 乗り換え上手 迅速果断 二の矢 先行駆け引き 好転一息 曲線のソムリエ プランX ポジションセンス 円弧のマエストロ ペースキープ じゃじゃウマ娘 スピードスター キラーチューン スタミナキープ 栄養補給 先頭プライド 逃げのコツ◯
Deep Breaths Backup Belly Like The Wind Heart and Soul Gust of Wind Runaway Sprint Turbo A Little Break Switch-up Pro Fortune Favors the Fast Next Steps Frantic Leaders Breath of Fresh Air Curve Somellier Plan X Position Sense Maestro of Bends Keep the Pace Wild Girl Speed Star Killer Tune Stamina Keep Nutritional Supplements Lead Pride Runner's Tricks 〇
Take a breath when entering Slighly recovers running Slightly increase When girls with
Keeping the lead on the final Slightly recover stamina Increase acceleration in the Increase speed during the Increase acceleration Passing becomes easier Become a little better at Slightly recover stamina Passing becomes easier on Easier to take a good Slightly harder to tire out Slightly recover stamina Become slightly harder to Taking a good position
straights and become willpower after exhausting Increase Speed during your Increase Acceleration on Increase acceleration on acceleration when you are <Strategy・Leader> become Recover stamina through Become harder to tire out on
Increase Speed on Straights corner becomes easier during the Opening Leg Final Leg Middle Leg Recover stamina on straights through elegant corner when in the front during the taking position during the when being overtaken in the the Final corner position during the Middle during the Opening Leg during the Middle Leg of a pass in the Opening Leg becomes a little easier
slightly harder to tire out your strength <Long Last Spurt straights straights <Short Distance> behind during the Middle Frantic, it takes time for them efficient cornering uphills <Strategy・Runner>
<Strategy・Runner> <Strategy・Betweener> <Strategy・Betweener> <Strategy・Betweener> handling Middle Leg <Short Distance> Opening Leg of the race Middle Leg <Strategy・Leader> Leg if you are in the front <Strategy・Leader> race <Strategy・Leader> <Strategy・Runner> <Strategy・Runner>
<Long Distance> Distance> Leg <Strategy・Runner> to Calm Down
クールダウン 良バ場◯ 未脚 脱出術 豪脚 集中力 勢い任せ 抜け出し準備 スタミナキープ 外差し準備 ふり絞り 先手必勝 一匹狼
Cooldown Track Condition (Good) O Reach For the Goal! Escape Artist Big Strides Focus Leave it to eager! Passing Preparations Stamina Keep Outside Pass, Ready! Shake It Out Fortune Favors The Fast Lone Wolf
Fast Paced Updraft Press Forward, Ready! Big Strides Big Eater Progress Peek Keep the Lead
Vanguard's Wisdom
Friendship Speed Speed Speed Power Intelligence Intelligence Guts Power Power Stamina Stamina Power Power Guts Intelligence Intelligence Intelligence Guts Intelligence Guts Speed Power Intelligence
Initial Skills Initial Skills Initial Skills Initial Skills Initial Skills Initial Skills Initial Skills Initial Skills Initial Skills Initial Skills Initial Skills Initial Skills Initial Skills Initial Skills Initial Skills Initial Skills Initial Skills Initial Skills Initial Skills Initial Skills Initial Skills Initial Skills Initial Skills Initial Skills
良バ場◯ 一匹狼 根幹距離◯ 先行のコツ◯ 対抗意識◯ 夏ウマ娘◯ 中距離直線◯ マイル直線◯ 阪神レース場◯ 非根幹距離◯ 道悪◯ 雪の日◯ 道悪◯ 中山レース場◯ 中距離直線◯ 尻尾上がり 函館レース場◯ 非根幹距離◯ 京都レース場◯ 小倉レース場◯ ポジションセンス ペースアップ 隠れ蓑
Track Condition (Good) O Lone Wolf Core Distance 〇 Leaders Tricks 〇 Competitive Spirit Summer Girl 〇 Medium Distance Straights 〇 Mile Straights 〇 Hanshin Racetrack 〇 Non-Core Distances 〇 Wicked Path 〇 Snowy Days 〇 Wicked Path 〇 Nakayama Racetrack 〇 Medium Distance Straights 〇 Hold Your Tail High Hakodate Racetrack 〇 Non-Core Distances 〇 Kyoto Racetrack 〇 Kokura Racetrack 〇 Position Sense Up The Pace Undercover
曇りの日◯ 追込コーナー◯ 直線加速 追込のコツ◯ 前途洋々 曇りの日◯ 地固め 中距離直線◯ 道悪◯ 臨機応変 雨の日◯ 先駆け 雨の日◯ 冬ウマ娘◯ 中距離コーナー◯ 逃げためらい ラッキーセブン 良バ場◯ 晴れの日◯ 臨機応変 トリック(後) スタミナキープ ウマ込み冷静
Cloudy Day O Chaser's Corner 〇 Straight Accel Chasers Tricks 〇 Bright Future Cloudy Day O Groundwork Medium Distance Straights 〇 Wicked Path 〇 Improvise Rainy Days 〇 Vanguard Rainy Days 〇 Winter Girl Medium Distance Corner 〇 Faltering Runners Lucky Seven Track Condition (Good) O Sunny Days 〇 Improvise Trick (Back) Stamina Keep Crowded Calm
Become slightly harder to Slightly increase Going to the front becomes Cause girls with Slightly tire out Frantic girls
Taking a good position Become slightly better on Become a little better at A little good thing may Become a little better at Slightly harder to tire out Slightly recover stamina
Become a little better at Slightly increase speed on Slightly increase tire out when in the lead Become a little better at acceleration when many Slightly increase speed on Become a little better at slightly easier during the Become a little better at Become a little better at Slightly increase speed on <Strategy・Runner> to falter Become a little better on Become a little better at in the front when you are in
becomes a little easier Slightly Poor, Poor, and Bad taking position during the happen if your starting gate taking position during the during the Opening Leg when boxed in during the
races on a Cloudy Day corners <Strategy・Chaser> acceleration on straights during the Middle Leg races on a Cloudy Day skills are activated during straights <Medium Distance> races on Rainy Days Opening Leg races on Rainy Days races in the Winter corners <Medium Distance> in the Final Leg, slightly tracks in Good condition races on Sunny Days the back during the Middle
<Strategy・Chaser> condition tracks Final Leg of the race block is 7 Final Leg of the race <Strategy・Leader> Middle Leg
<Medium Distance> the Opening Leg <Strategy・Runner> lowering their speed Leg
外枠得意◯ 隠れ蓑 追込直線◯ テンポアップ マイルコーナー◯ 追込焦り 差し直線◯ 曇りの日◯ 垂れウマ回避 長距離直線◯ 逃げ直線◯ 中距離直線◯ 中距離コーナー◯ テンポアップ 先行ためらい 差しコーナー◯ 内枠得意◯ 差しのコツ◯ 差しためらい トリック(前) マイルコーナー◯ ホークアイ
Outer Gate Affinity O Undercover Chasers Straights 〇 Uptempo Mile Corner 〇 Panicked Chasers Betweener's Straights 〇 Cloudy Day O Slight Detour Long Distance Straight 〇 Runners Straight 〇 Medium Distance Straights 〇 Medium Distance Corner 〇 Uptempo Faltering Leaders Betweener's Corners 〇 Inner Gate Affinity 〇 Betweener's Tricks O Faltering Betweeners Trick (Front) Mile Corner 〇 Hawkeye
Hard Worker
Cause girls with
Hide and slightly recover Slightly easier to take a good When a tight pack forms in Slightly easier to take a good Cause girls with Cause girls with Slightly tire out Frantic girls Sharpen observation skills
Become a little better at <Strategy・Chaser> to Panic Slightly increase speed on Slightly increase speed on Slightly increase speed on Become a little better at Taking a good position
stamina during the Opening Slightly increase speed on position during the Middle Slightly increase speed on Become a little better at front during the Last Spurt, Slightly increase speed on Slightly increase speed on Slightly increase speed on position during the Middle <Strategy・Leader> to falter <Strategy・Betweener> to in the back when you are in Slightly increase speed on during the Opening Leg,
races when starting at outer during the Middle Leg, straights straights corners races when starting at inner becomes a little easier
Leg if there are many girls in Passing becomes slightly straights <Strategy・Chaser> Leg if you are in the front corners <Mile> races on a Cloudy Day become slightly better at straights <Long Distance> straights <Medium Distance> corners <Medium Distance> Leg if you are in the front in the Final Leg, slightly falter in the Final Leg, slightly the front during the Middle corners <Mile> widening field of vision a
gates (外) making them slightly easier <Strategy・Betweener> <Strategy・Runner> <Strategy・Betweener> gates (内) <Strategy・Betweener>
front of you more likely to succeed <Medium Distance> navigating through it <Medium Distance> lowering their speed lowering their speed Leg little <Medium Distance>
to tire out
様子見 ウマ込み冷静 差し直線◯ スタミナキープ ギアシフト 負けん気 追込ためらい 隠れ蓑 外枠得意◯ 直線巧者 スタミナイーター 逃げコーナー◯ テンポアップ 食い下がり 束縛 直線巧者 トリック(後) 伏兵◯ テンポアップ 隠れ蓑 ささやき ギアシフト 読解力
Wait and See Crowded Calm Betweener's Straights 〇 Stamina Keep Shift Gears Rival Spirit Faltering Chasers Undercover Outer Gate Affinity O Straight Skill Stamina Eater Runners Corner 〇 Uptempo Stand Your Ground Binding Chains Straight Skill Trick (Back) Underdog 〇 Uptempo Undercover A Gentle Whisper Shift Gears Reading Comprehension
Cause girls with Hide and slightly recover Slightly steal the stamina of Slightly easier to take a good Retaking your position after Slightly decrease the speed Slightly tire out Frantic girls Slightly easier to take a good Hide and slightly recover Slightly confuse the girl right Sharpen observation skills
Slightly harder to tire when Slightly recover stamina Slightly increase speed on Slightly harder to tire out Passing becomes slightly Become a little better at Become a little better at Passing becomes slightly
Passing becomes slightly <Strategy・Chaser> to falter stamina during the Opening Slightly increase speed on girls in front when behind Slightly increase speed on position during the Middle being overtaken on the final of girls in front if in the back Slightly increase speed on in the front when you are in position during the Middle stamina during the Opening in front of you during the during the Middle Leg,
in the back during the when boxed in during the straights during the Opening Leg easier if you are in the front races when starting at outer showing off your ability when easier if you are in the front
easier <Mile> in the Final Leg, slightly Leg if there are many girls in straights during the Middle Leg <Long corners <Strategy・Runner> Leg if you are in the front corner becomes slightly of the pack during the last straights the back during the Middle Leg if you are in the front Leg if there are many girls in Middle Leg <Medium widening field of vision a
Middle Leg <Short Distance> Middle Leg <Strategy・Betweener> <Strategy・Leader> during the Middle Leg gates (外) 4th favorite or below during the Middle Leg
lowering their speed front of you Distance> <Medium Distance> easier <Medium Distance> leg <Medium Distance> Leg <Medium Distance> front of you Distance> little <Strategy・Betweener>
詰め寄り 後方待機 差しコーナー◯ 直線一気 好位追走 トリック(前) テンポアップ 布石 追込駆け引き 直線回復 登山家 ペースアップ スリーセブン ふり絞り 食い下がり ささやき お見通し スピードイーター 鋭い眼光
Draw Forward On Standby Betweener's Corners 〇 Straight Shot Favorite Place Trick (Front) Uptempo Opener Frantic Chasers Straight Recovery Mountain Climber Up the Pace Triple 7s Shake It Out Stand Your Ground A Gentle Whisper See Right Through Speed Eater Sharp Gaze
Spurts become slightly Conserve your strength in Slightly increase Slightly tire out Frantic girls Slightly easier to take a good When girls with Retaking your position after Slightly confuse the girl right Grasp the situation when Slightly steal the speed of
Slightly increase speed on Become slightly harder to Slightly slow the movements Slightly increase speed when Slightly increase mood when Slightly recover stamina if Slightly fluster the other girls
easier when in the back of the Middle Leg, becoming acceleration on the straight in the back when you are in position during the Middle <Strategy・Chaser> become Slightly recover stamina on Become slightly better at being overtaken on the final in front of you during the moving left-right, slightly girls behind you when in the
corners tire during the Middle Leg of girls in front of you when passing during the Middle the remaining distance is many skills activate during during the Final Leg
the pack during the Final slightly harder to tire out during your Last Spurt the front during the Middle Leg if you are in the front Frantic, it takes time for them straights uphills corner becomes slilghtly Middle Leg <Medium widening field of vision lead during the Middle Leg
<Strategy・Betweener> <Strategy・Leader> behind in the Opening Leg Phase 777m the Final Leg <Strategy・Betweener>
Leg <Short Distance> <Strategy・Chaser> <Strategy・Chaser> Leg <Medium Distance> to Calm Down easier <Medium Distance> Distance> <Strategy・Chaser> <Mile>
コーナー回復◯ 仕掛け抜群 抜け出し準備 ペースキープ ウマ込み冷静 コーナー巧者◯ パス上手 ウマ込み冷静 ホークアイ コーナー加速◯ 下校の楽しみ シンパシー
Corner Recovery 〇 Master Trickster Passing Preparations Keep the Pace Crowded Calm Clever Cornerer 〇 Pass Expert Crowded Calm Hawkeye Corner Accel 〇 Winding Down Sympathy
Slightly unnerve girls you set Slightly recover stamina Slightly increase speed on Slightly recover stamina When following right behind When following right behind
your sights on in the Final during the Opening Leg straights during the Opening Leg a girl, become slightly less a girl, become slightly less
Leg <Strategy・Chaser> <Strategy・Betweener> <Strategy・Betweener> <Strategy・Betweener> affected by wind resistance affected by wind resistance
Sharp Gaze
Guts Power Power Stamina Stamina Power Power Guts Intelligence Intelligence Intelligence Guts Intelligence Guts Speed Power Intelligence
Event Skills Event Skills Event Skills Event Skills Event Skills Event Skills Event Skills Event Skills Event Skills Event Skills Event Skills Event Skills Event Skills Event Skills Event Skills Event Skills Event Skills Event Skills Event Skills Event Skills Event Skills Event Skills Initial Skills Initial Skills
おひとり様◯ 未脚 お見通し 徹底マーク◯ 追込ためらい まき直し 追込焦り 臨機応変 雨の日◯ 内弁慶 集中力 非根幹距離◯ 逃げ直線◯ 垂れウマ回避 コーナー加速◯ 差しのコツ◯ 阪神レース場◯ 右回り◯ 先行コーナー◯ 負けん気 別腹タンク ラッキーセブン 伏兵◯ トリック(後)
The One Reach For the Goal! See Right Through Eyes On You Faltering Chasers Redo Panicked Chasers Improvise Rainy Days 〇 King of the Castle Focus Non-Core Distances 〇 Runners Straight 〇 Slight Detour Corner Accel 〇 Betweener's Tricks O Hanshin Racetrack 〇 Right Turns 〇 Leaders Corner 〇 Rival Spirit Backup Belly Lucky Seven Underdog 〇 Trick (Back)
ふり絞り 追い上げ 末脚 仕掛け抜群 スタミナキープ 抜け出し準備 直線加速 道悪◯ 追い上げ 直線巧者 読解力 集中力 ペースキープ 逃げけん制 ペースアップ 抜け出し準備 差し切り体勢 ペースアップ おひとり様◯ 直滑降 逃げ駆け引き
Shake It Out Press the Attack Last Leg Master Trickster Stamina Keep Passing Preparations Straight Accel Wicked Path 〇 Press the Attack Straight Skill Reading Comprehension Focus Keep the Pace Runners Restraint Up the Pace Passing Preparations Between the Lines Up the Pace The One Straight Down Frantic Runners
Get ready to pass during the Sharpen observation skills Restrain girls with Showing off your ability When girls with
Slightly recover stamina if Slightly increase speed when Slightly harder to tire out Passing becomes slightly Become slightly better on Slightly increase speed when Improve Starts, slightly Slightly recover stamina Slightly increase speed when Passing becomes slightly Slightly increase Slightly increase speed when
Slightly increases speed at Final Leg and slightly Slightly increase Slightly increase speed on during the Middle Leg, <Strategy・Runner> in the becomes a little easier when Become slightly better at <Strategy・Runner> become
many skills activate during Passing in the Final Leg during the Opening Leg easier on the Final corner Slightly Poor, Poor, and Bad Passing in the Final Leg decreases delay of Late when being overtaken in the passing during the Middle easier on the Final corner acceleration during the Final passing during the Middle
the last spurt increase your place acceleration on straights straights widening field of vision a Opening Leg, making them no other girls share your downhills <Strategy・Leader> Frantic, it takes time for them
the Final Leg <Long Distance> <Strategy・Leader> <Strategy・Leader> condition tracks <Long Distance> Starts Middle Leg Phase <Strategy・Leader> Leg <Strategy・Betweener> Phase
<Strategy・Chaser> little <Strategy・Betweener> slightly easier to tire out strategy to Calm Down
Faltering Chasers Frantic Chasers Corner Recovery 〇 Serene Progress Peek Frantic Chasers
Cause girls with When girls with When there is a big pack Become slightly harder to When girls with
<Strategy・Chaser> to falter <Strategy・Chaser> become Slightly recover stamina ahead, calm down and tire when in the back of the <Strategy・Chaser> become
in the Final Leg, slightly Frantic, it takes time for them through efficient cornering slightly recover composure pack during the Opening Frantic, it takes time for them
lowering their speed to Calm Down <Strategy・Chaser> Leg <Mile> to Calm Down
逃げけん制 一匹狼
Overtake the opponent in front of you during the Be in the lead with a gap behind you at the last Close down the leader on the final straight to Be close to the lead during the last 200m to make it
Be close to the leader at the final corner to increase
last leg of the race to gain momentum and increase straight to increase your speed even more through greatly increase your speed even further through easier to brak through and find a way through the
your acceleration by changing gears
your speed your legs your brilliant leg work field
Be in a good position at the last corner to gain Be close to the lead in the final corner to gain During the last leg of the race make three overtakes Break away on the last straight to steel your will Fight for the lead at the last corner to increase your
momentum and increase your acceleration speed as you resolve yourself to not be overtaken to greatly increase your speed on the final straight and increase your speed speed through your kingly radiance
Overtake someone from behind during the last Having strength remaining into the final straight,
From the middle of the race slightly increase your Be close to the lead during the last 200m to become Be in the lead during the 2nd half of the race to
straight to slightly increase your speed through makes it slightly easier to maintain your
speed by running a long spurt stronger in the race and increase your speed a little gain slighty more power to help you stay in 1st place
using the tip of your feet advantange
Air Groove Mayano Top Gun Super Creek Mejiro Ryan Agnes Tachyon
Overtake someone from behind during the last Fighting for the lead during the last corner, will Gain a slight increase in acceleration as you Holding back during cornering in the 2nd half of
Be in a good position during the middle stage of
corner to increase your speed a little through make it slightly easier to break away on the last attempt to gain positions during the last corner of the race, allows you to slightly recover your
the race to slightly recover your endurance
running like an Empress straight the race endurance