Non Early Death Claim Requirements

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Requirements of Non Early Claim

1 . Intimation letter from Nominee informing

date, place and cause of death.

2. Original Policy document.

3. Original Death Certificate with the

copy of the same.

4. Claim form 3783(A) duly certified

completed all questions to be duly
answered) by the nominee and
witnessed by the person mentioned
in the form.

5. Discharge form duly signed by

the nominee and duly witnessed by
the person mentioned in the form.

6. Copy of Identity proof of the

nominee (pancard/voter's card /
Passport / Adhar Card)

7. NEFT form with cancelled cheque

leaf or first page of passbook copy.




Date : _______________.

Branch Manager,
L.I.C. of India.
Branch : _______

Dear Sir,

Re : Death Intimation under Policies No.______________________________

This is to inform you that my _____________ Mr./Mrs. _____________________

_________________________________ expired on _______________.

I am enclosing herewith the copy of the Death Certificate. I request you to please
take note of the same & send me necessary form to settle the death claim.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,


Encl : Copy of Death Certificate.

Branch :-__________________________

Sub : Receipt of policy payment through NEFT

I am giving below the details of my Bank account for receiving policy payment through NEFT.

(1) Policy No/s

Name of policy holder/ claimant : ________________________________________

(2) Bank Name : _______________________________________________

(3) Bank Branch Address : ______________________________________________

(4) Account Type : Savings/Current/Cash Credit/NRI ____________________

(5) Account No.

( Bank account number should be written from left to right)

(6) IFS Code :

(7) Mobile number. : + 9 1

(8) E-Mail Id : _________________________________________________

(9) Are you willing to receive SMS/E-mail, on matters related to your LIC policies : Yes no
(10) Aadhaar Card No.:

(11) PAN:
I have enclosed the following document to this effect. (Please √ appropriate item)
A. Cancelled cheque leaf
B. if cheque is not having the name of bank holder then Photo copy of the
page of Bank pass book containing details of Bank accounts number, IFS code

Signature of the policy holder Date :
(In case of change in Bank details, please fill this mandate form again and submit the same to Our
Branch office)
*If your answer to Q no 9 is ‘Yes’, then we will be able to send you a message when LIC transfers
money to your Account through NEFT. This message will contain the UTR ( Unique Transaction
Reference)number which can be used to make any enquiry regarding the payment.

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