Archive of Art & Design Research Guide: Textiles
Archive of Art & Design Research Guide: Textiles
Archive of Art & Design Research Guide: Textiles
The V&A's Archive of Art and Design (AAD) holds
the working papers of individual artists and
designers, as well as the records of companies
and associations involved in all aspects of applied
art and design. The archives can be consulted by
appointment at Blythe House, located near
Olympia in West London.
George F. Ainscow's archive includes a personal account of his design career from the late 1920s to 1979.
It also contains painted paisley designs for dressing gowns and ties and many other eye-catching designs
for fashion fabrics dating from 1950–1978. Sylvia Clarke designed prints for silk dresses and ties, especially
popular was her 1937 'Coronation' design celebrating the accession to the throne of George VI. Her
archive contains a selection of fabric designs, including hand-painted floral and geometric patterns and
screen printed textile samples.
The Ambassador magazine (originally called International Textiles) published news on developments in the
fashion and textiles industry from 1933–1987 with articles on subjects such as dying techniques and newly
created fabrics. As well as holding volumes of the magazine from its inception up to 1970, the Archive of
Art and Design has photographs and negatives from magazine shoots and correspondence between the
editors and artists, including such names as Henry Moore and Graham Sutherland.
• O.M. Bayles, advertising artist and textile designer: textile designs, about 1938–50
• Francis Johnston, needlework pattern designer: papers, about 1904– about 1962
• James Morton, founder of Morton Sundour Fabrics Ltd: papers, about 1890–1990
AAD/1978/4, AAD/1991/3
• Madame Crystal Ltd, glove maker and A. Tugendhat, yarn importer: records, 1928–90
• Ephemera Collections: patterns for crochet, embroidery, knitwear and sewing, 1885 – about 1979
AAD Ephemera
• Knitting Patterns: about 1850 – about 1863 and about 1939– about 1959
AAD/1990/11, AAD/1995/34, AAD/2000/1
Search the Archive of Art & Design
You can also consult the Guide to the Archive of Art and Design, Victoria & Albert Museum by Elizabeth
Lomas (London: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers in association with the Victoria and Albert Museum, 2001),
which not only lists the AAD archives, but also identifies related material in the V&A and other
The V&A Archive of Art & Design is located at Blythe House, near Olympia in West London and can be
consulted by appointment only.
Archive of Art and Design
Blythe House
23 Blythe Road
W14 0QX
Tel: +44 (0)20 7942 2303
Contact us online
Image: Page from Presage Paris Fashion Forecast, 1968. Museum no. AAD 746.92 PRE28. © Victoria and Albert
Museum, London