TCP Connection Overview
TCP Connection Overview
TCP Connection Overview
This sequence diagram was generated with EventStudio System Designer (
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) provides a reliable end to end service that delivers packets over the Internet. Packets are
delivered in sequence without loss or duplication.
This sequence diagram explores following: (1) The three-way handshake to establish a TCP (2) Data transfer using the byte
oriented sequence numbers (3) Release of a TCP connection.
The TCP socket creation and deletion on the server and client is also covered.
1. Socket initialization
Server awaits client socket connections.
SYN+ACK Server sets the SYN and the ACK bits in the TCP
src = Server_Port, header. Server sends its initial sequence number
dst = Client_Port, as 100. Server also sets its window to 65535 =~0.5Mbits
seq_num = 100, bytes. i.e. Server has buffer space for 65535 bytes
ack_num = 1, of data. Also note that the ack sequence numer is
window = 65535 Bytes =~0.5Mbits
=511.992 Kbits
set to 1. This signifies that the server expects a
next byte sequence number of 1
SYN+ACK Client receives the "SYN+ACK" TCP segment
src = Server_Port,
dst = Client_Port,
seq_num = 100,
ack_num = 1,
window = 65535
3. Data transfer phase: Here a short data transfer takes place, thus TCP slow
start has little impact
TCP Segment
seq_num = 613,
len = 188
TCP Segment
seq_num = 1,
len = 512
ack_num = 701
This sequence diagram was generated with EventStudio System Designer (