Advantages of Technology: Dr. Radhika Kapur

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Advantages of Technology

Dr. Radhika Kapur

The individuals, in the present existence are making use of technologies to a major
extent. It is used not only in the field of education, but also in other fields, such as, law,
medical, engineering, science, arts, business, administration, management and so forth. The
individuals make use of technologies, so they are able to carry out their job duties in a well-
organized manner and overcome all the problems and challenges. Making use of computers
and other kinds of technologies in the implementation of tasks and activities have rendered an
important contribution in enabling the individuals to achieve the desired objectives. Through
usage of technologies, individuals are able to communicate with others, even when they are at
a distant. The individuals in some cases are required to carry out field work, as an integral
part of their job duties. Therefore, in the implementation of fieldwork, when they are required
to obtain information, then mobile technologies are primarily made use of to obtain
information. Hence, it can be stated that usage of technology has proven to be advantageous
to the individuals. The main aspects that have been taken into account in this research paper
include, effectiveness of using technology in education, benefits of information technologies
in education, and benefits of internet.

Keywords: Advantages, Education, Educational Goals, Effectiveness, Internet

In the present existence not only in India, but in other countries of the world as well,
technology has acquired prominence. It is regarded to be rendering a significant contribution
in the implementation of various tasks and activities. Within educational institutions,
employment settings, organizations and in the management of household responsibilities,
technology is regarded significant. In facilitating communication processes in an appropriate,
convenient and rapid manner, technology is stated to be rendering an important part. The
individuals make use of technology in the implementation of numerous activities. These are,
preparing reports, articles, presentations, projects, assignments, and documents, paying bills,
making purchases, selling items, generating information in terms of various areas, leisure and
recreational purposes, watching movies and shows, listening to music and so forth. In order
to make use of technology in an appropriate manner, it is vital for the individuals to possess
the essential knowledge and skills.
The individuals belonging to all age groups, categories and backgrounds are making
use of technology. Through the use of modern technology, the individuals can access
information anytime and anywhere (Bowker, n.d.). Furthermore, they are able to carry out
other tasks and activities as well in an operative manner. To make effective use of technology
to enhance one’s living conditions in an appropriate manner, the individuals need to get
engaged in them on a continuous basis. Research has indicated that individuals, belonging to
deprived, marginalized and economically weaker sections of the society, those who are
primarily engaged in minority jobs, also are making extensive use of mobile technology. The
major uses of technology are for the purposes of communication. The individuals may
communicate messages, or lengthy documents, make purchases of items, use it for leisure and
recreational purposes, such as, playing games, watching videos, searching information and so
forth. Through the usage of technology, the individuals are able to carry out their tasks and
activities in a manageable manner.

Effectiveness of Using Technology in Education

The effectiveness of using technology in education can be depicted in enriching the

system of education in number of ways. It is regarded as a crucial tool that is used to improve
student learning (Simmons, & Markwell, 2001). First and foremost stage is, the individuals
need to develop their skills and abilities in terms of usage of technology. They need to
possess adequate knowledge in terms of computers and mobile technology, as these are the
technologies that are used by individuals in the field of education to a major extent. These
skills are normally developed by getting enrolled in training centres or learning from
proficient and experienced individuals. In educational institutions and training centres,
individuals acquire information in terms of usage of technology, but they are required to get
engaged in practice on a regular basis. Normally parents make provision of technology and
internet at home, so their children can get engaged in regular practice and augment their
technical skills.

Information technology (IT) refers to an integrated framework computers, software

applications, internet, multi-media content, web-based applications, learning management
systems and other tools that can be used to enhance the teaching and learning methods and
the system of education. The effectiveness of making use of technology in the system of
education is supported by research and literature. The integration of technology into the
curriculum and instructional methods renders a significant contribution in bringing about
improvements in the teaching-learning processes. Within the educational institutions, the
major technologies that are commonly used are, computers, lap-tops, smartphones, and the
associated devices. In the present existence, the subject of IT is regarded to be of utmost
significance. The reason being, it is used to a major extent in all fields, because of the
expectations of the technologically advancing society (Alfahad, 2012). When the educators or
students are giving presentations, then when they are making use of computers, then
projectors are also used, so the material can be easily viewed by the entire class.

The technology world has been growing and interests are flourishing in the designing
of technologies that mediate and create the feeling of relatedness within interpersonal
relationships and beyond the explicit verbal communication. The communication
technologies, such as mobile phones, internet and social networking sites are playing an
important part in influencing the lives of the individuals (Hertlein, & Ancheta, 2014). In the
field of education, individuals are participating in number of tasks and activities. When they
are having discussion meetings or when they are working together, then they get engaged in
face-to-face conversations and discuss matters and concerns. Whereas, when they are
implementing field-work or when students are pursuing online courses and programs, then
they make use of technologies to communicate with their supervisors, professors and fellow
students. There have been number of changes taking place in communication technologies.
Earlier, they were used primarily for communication purposes, but in the present existence,
individuals are able to send documents, pictures, videos and other information. In this
manner, communication technologies help in achieving academic goals.

Benefits of Information Technologies in Education

In the field of education, information technologies have been regarded as new

dimensions. The computers play an important part of teaching assistant and is an important
tool for achieving educational goals (Borysiuk, n.d.). In educational institutions at all levels
and in other organizations as well, information technologies are made use of to provide
solutions to various problems and challenges. The major benefits of information technologies
in the field of education have been stated as follows:

Effective Teaching-Learning Methods – In order to enrich the system of education, it

is vital for the teachers and professors to ensure that teaching-learning methods are put into
operation in an effectual manner. As these are the ones, which render a significant
contribution in augmenting student learning. Before the advent of technologies, teachers
primarily made use of textbooks and provided explanation of the concepts on the blackboard.
But with the advent of technology, they are acquiring elaborate knowledge and providing
understanding of the concepts among students. In addition to providing explanation of the
concepts to the students, they are also able to show them pictures and images, so they can
acquire a better understanding. The usage of technology enables the teachers to implement
teaching methods in an adequate manner. Whereas, students are able to implement effective
ways of understanding and learning.

Improvement in Independent Work – Though the use of technologies, improvements

are made in the competencies of students to carry out independent work. The students,
primarily the ones, who are slow in understanding of the concepts or those, who possess
learning disabilities, tend to depend upon others. They are unable to acquire an effective
understanding of the concepts, when the teachers are teaching and depend upon fellow
students, friends or family members. Hence, when they learn how to make use of information
technologies, they are able to augment their understanding in terms of the concepts. Upon
understanding the subjects and the concepts in an appropriate manner, they are able to
overcome various barriers and challenges that are associated with the implementation of
tasks. Therefore, when they are required to work on any project or assignment, they are able
to work independently with minimal assistance or no assistance available from others.

Intensify the System of Education – The utilization of information technologies

renders a significant contribution in intensifying the system of education. In the system of
education, there are numerous aspects, which are influenced through the use of information
technologies. These include, teaching-learning methods, instructional strategies, interactive
learning, personally oriented and differentiated approach to teaching, cognitive activities
among students through the use of video and audio information and control through testing
and system of equations through self-control (Borysiuk, n.d.). When teachers are giving
presentations regarding the lesson plans or in higher educational institutions, when students
are presenting their research projects, then in some cases, adequate understanding of the
concepts is provided through videos. One of the major aspects is, students are able to bring
about improvements in their acquisition of knowledge and information. As a result, they
would be able to augment their academic performance and achieve academic goals.

Improvement in Academic Learning – When students get enrolled in academic

institutions, then their major objective is to augment their learning and understanding of
concepts. Hence, when they learn how to make use of information technologies, then their
primary objective is to ensure that they make use of it in an effectual manner to achieve
academic goals. How and at what pace individuals are able to enhance their learning
regarding technology is dependent upon their learning abilities. One of the important features
and benefits of information technology is that computer programs are primarily designed for
self-active perception and help the students to augment their academic learning. The
academic learning among students can be improved through implementation of effective
instructional strategies, didactic directions and making decisions regarding the training
problems, which envisages the thinking activity among students (Borysiuk, n.d.).

Increase in Creativity – The students as well as teachers and other members of the
educational institutions are able to bring about an increase in creativity in their projects,
assignments, tasks and other activities. For instance, when students are preparing an
assignment on use of technologies in education, they may enrich their assignment by putting
pictures of various technologies as well. Apart from writing theoretical information, adding
pictures and images makes the assignment ingenious and creative. Through the use of
technology, there are number of other tasks and activities that can be carried out through
technology. These are, inserting tables, charts, graphs, page numbers, running heads, headers
and footers, colour and so forth. Apart from this, there can be an increase or decrease in font
size. One can make the written text bold, italics or underline as per the requirement. Hence,
the individuals are required to possess adequate knowledge and information in terms of these
aspects to promote creativity.

Increase in the Volume of Completed Tasks – The implementation of tasks and

assignments through the use of technology can be made manageable. The use of technologies
causes reduction in monotony and stimulates the mind-sets of the individuals towards
learning and in completion of tasks. When the individuals are working on an assignment,
using computers or lap-tops, then when they are required to make the completion of tasks less
time consuming, they make use of copy and paste options. Through this option, the
individuals are able to work on their assignment efficiently and copy and paste the materials,
which cannot be typed repeatedly. Another vital aspect is, the individuals need to improve
their typing skills, in order to increase the volume of completed tasks. When they make
improvements in their typing skills, then they are able to complete number of assignments in
lesser amount of time. Apart from typing skills, it is crucial for them to acquire efficient
knowledge and information in terms of computer programs.
Increase Motivation – It has been found that when technology is made use of within
the teaching-learning methods or in carrying out administrative, technical and clerical
functions, then students as well as other individuals become more motivated towards the
performance of their job duties. The widespread information that is made available on the
internet usually is regarded as significant in increasing motivation and stimulating the mind-
sets of the individuals. Through the use of technology, learning can take place in various
forms. These are through reading articles, typing assignments, using Power Points to prepare
presentations, using Excel to prepare spreadsheets and so forth. Individuals too can play
games and use technology for leisure and recreational purposes. When the individuals are not
well-aware of technology, then at the initial stage, they may feel vulnerable and
apprehensive. But when they acquire an adequate understanding, they usually become
motivated towards learning.

Augmenting Operational Decision-Making Skills – When the individuals are making

extensive use of technologies, then they are able to augment operational decision making
skills. This normally is regarded prominent in case of students enrolled in colleges and
universities. When they are pursuing Bachelors, masters or doctoral programs and are
required to prepare a presentation. The presentations are usually given in classrooms,
workshops, conferences or seminars. These can be prepared either through Power Points or
individuals may write papers and present their topics in the form of papers. Technology is
used to prepare Power Point presentations or write papers. Hence, students as well as other
individuals themselves are able to make decisions in terms of how they are going to organize
their presentations. When there are organization of exams and tests, then students, who are
well-equipped with usage of technology make use of computers to take their tests. On the
other hand, when students are not well-equipped with usage of technology, then they make
use of paper and pens.

Research – Research is regarded as an integral part of education. It is not only

regarded as indispensable in higher educational institutions, but in pre-schools also it is
significant. Research is carried out in three different ways. First is through using books,
articles, documents and other reading materials, second is through the use of technology and
internet and third is field research. When the individuals are making use of reading materials,
they are able to enhance their knowledge and understanding. Field research is primarily the
research that is carried out by individuals within the field. They make visits to various places
and collect data and information through surveys, interviews and field notes. Through the use
of internet, individuals are able to acquire an efficient understanding of the concepts and
obtain number of articles, documents, projects, reports, assignments and images regarding
various aspects. Hence, when individuals have access to computers and internet, then they
can augment their knowledge and carry out research in a manageable, convenient and less
time consuming manner.

Communication – Communication is regarded as an integral part of lives of all

individuals. Individuals get involved into formal and informal communication processes with
each other. Communication can be personal and professional. Facilitation of communication
processes are regarded to be of utmost significance through the use of technologies.
Computers and lap-tops are used to communicate through email. Whereas, mobile
technologies, such as, mobile phones, smartphones are regarded as more efficacious in
enhancing communication. The individuals are able to speak with each other, send messages,
videos, pictures, images, reports and other documents, pay bills, carry out purchases and sales
and so forth. In order to communicate in an effective manner, it is vital for the individuals to
inculcate the traits of morality and ethics and make effective use of technology. Particularly,
when they are communicating in a written manner, they need to ensure that information is
clear and accurate.

Benefits of Internet

Within the educational institutions at all levels, internet is regarded as the major tool,
which facilitates the implementation of all tasks and activities in a well-organized manner.
The internet provides number of benefits in the organization of the educational process.

Implementation of Online Courses – In higher educational institutions, individuals are

pursuing Bachelors, masters or doctoral programs. Within the course of pursuance of these
programs, they are even required to take up online courses. Online classes are more common
in other countries such as, United States of America, as compared to India. One of the major
limitations of online classes are, individuals are unable to find the opportunities to listen to
class lectures or establish appropriate terms and relationships with other individuals. They
primarily need to have access to the internet to pursue online courses. When individuals are
located at a distance, in other regions or countries, then they make use of internet in
implementation of online courses.
Online Education – Online education makes provision of the possibilities to make use
of multi-media within the learning process. This includes making use of colour, animation,
sound and video. The teachers in schools and professors in colleges and universities are able
to obtain access in terms of the visibility of materials that are used to enhance the teaching-
learning methods, instructional strategies and bring about improvements in the overall system
of education. Through provision of online education, the individuals, who are unable to
attend classroom lectures or are residing at a distance are also able to pursue their courses and

Distance Learning – As the name implies, distance learning is the learning that is put
into operation from distance. The students are living in other cities or countries and are
making use of internet to acquire information, prepare reports and assignments and
communicate with their supervisors. Due to long distances, it is not manageable for the
students and supervisors to meet personally and discuss the matters. Hence, internet is made
use of to generate awareness as well as communicate. The students prepare their assignments
and send to their professors and supervisors through email. Whereas, they in turn give
instructions and put into operation the teaching materials through internet.

Accessing Resources – When individuals are working on a research project or

assignment or document, then they need information. Internet is regarded as one of the most
effectual tools that is used to access resources and make provision of required information.
Through internet, individuals are able to access digital libraries around the world and other
educational centres. In the preparation of research projects, assignments and documents, it is
vital to make use of scholarly articles. Hence, availability of scholarly articles and accessing
resources is one of the primary benefits of internet. Through internet, the students can directly
access course materials to access variety of sources throughout the world.

Preparing Lesson Plans – Through the use of the internet, the individuals are able to
receive prompt information in terms of number of aspects, concepts and subjects. In the
implementation of traditional teaching methods, the teachers make use of textbooks, the
completion of which is a time-consuming process. In schools, it is vital for the teachers to
complete the syllabus within the limited time period. But when they are making use of
internet in preparing their lesson plans, then they are able to depict efficiency,
resourcefulness and conscientiousness. In this manner, they are able to complete the lesson
plans in lesser amount of time and in a more manageable way.
Student Evaluation – Student evaluation is essential to find out how much the students
have learned and how they are progressing towards the achievement of academic outcomes.
When the teachers put into operation the teaching-learning methods, they are required to find
out, how they are proving to be advantageous to the students. The teachers are required to
develop number of similar variants of tasks for the organization of tests and other activities
that are used to evaluate the performance of students. Through the internet, teachers are able
to acquire knowledge and information in terms of number of evaluative methods. These need
to be put into operation, in accordance to the subjects, class standards and needs and
requirements of the students.

Promoting Flexible Organization of Education – The use of internet helps in the

organization of education in a more flexible manner. One of the major reasons that highlights
this fact is, through the use of internet, individuals are able to generate information and
acquire knowledge in terms of various aspects. Therefore, when they are able to inculcate
knowledge and understanding among them in terms of various areas, then they feel
pleasurable and contented. With these traits, they are able to promote the organization of
teaching-learning methods, instructional strategies and other tasks and activities in a flexible
manner. The teachers are able to make provision of more detailed and elaborative
understanding of the concepts.

Appropriate Organization of Workshops and Seminars – When workshops and

seminars are organized in schools, colleges or universities, then there are number of tasks,
activities and functions that need to be planned and organized. The major tasks include,
planning presentations, speeches, activities, lectures, and so forth. Individuals are assigned
job duties in accordance to their abilities and skills. Hence, when the seminar conveners are
required to carry out these tasks, then they make use of internet to augment their
understanding and generate information. Mostly brochures and hand-outs are also prepared,
related to workshops and seminars and these are distributed among the individuals attending
them. Hence, it can be stated that use of internet not only assists in the preparation of
presentations, speeches and lectures that are an integral part of seminars and workshops, but
also when the entire program need to be organized, then internet is used.

Improvements of Other Tasks and Counselling Procedures – In educational

institutions, there are number of tasks and activities, which are organized. These include,
events, competitions, picnics and so forth. In nursery schools, learning begins with play. In
addition to play, there are number of activities that are organized to establish a foundation,
from where learning of children takes place. Hence, through the use of internet, nursery
school teachers are able to generate information in terms of organization of various tasks and
activities. In educational institutions, there are recruitment of professional counsellors, who
help in counselling students regarding various aspects. These include, career counselling,
counselling regarding overcoming problems and challenges related to the achievement of
academic goals, counselling related to psychological problems, family problems and so forth.
In such cases, they make use of internet to generate information, read case studies and
examples. By making use of internet, they are able to carry out their job duties in an
appropriate manner.

Achievement of Academic Goals – The use of internet has rendered an indispensable

contribution in the achievement of academic goals. Apart from acquisition of knowledge and
generating awareness in terms of various areas, it is used to carry out number of other tasks
and activities. In the present existence, the admission processes are also taking place through
the use of internet. The individuals browse websites of the educational institutions and look at
number of aspects. When they find, there is a program or a course available that is suitable to
their requirements, then they apply online. When one is working in the education field, then
research and writing are regarded as integral parts of one’s job duties. As it has been stated
above that individuals make use of internet to write papers, but after writing papers, they send
it to journals for publishing purposes or post them online through the internet. Hence, this is
one of the major academic goals, which is facilitated through internet.


The advantages of technology in the field of education are numerous. In order to

achieve educational goals and objectives, the individuals need to inculcate technical skills
among themselves. The inculcation of technical skills would render an effective contribution
in assisting and supporting the members of the educational institutions to meet the job
expectations and achieve professional and personal goals. The individuals are making use of
technologies to carry out managerial, administrative, governance, clerical and technical
functions within the educational institutions. The benefits of information technologies in the
field of education have been taken into account in terms of various aspects. These are,
effective teaching-learning methods, improvement in independent work, intensify the system
of education, improvement in academic learning, increase in creativity, increase in the
volume of completed tasks, increase motivation, augmenting operational decision-making
skills, research and communication. When the individuals are able to make use of
technologies in implementation of all these aspects, then they are able to achieve the desired
academic outcomes and educational objectives in an appropriate manner.

The acquisition of information in terms of usage of computers, smartphones and

mobile technologies is incomplete, when the individuals do not have access to the internet
connection. The availability of internet is regarded to be of utmost significance in facilitating
the implementation of various tasks and activities. The benefits of internet are identified with
regards to various aspects. These are, implementation of online courses, online education,
distance learning, accessing resources, preparing lesson plans, student evaluation, promoting
flexible organization of education, appropriate organization of workshops and seminars,
improvements of other tasks and counselling procedures, and achievement of academic goals.
When the individuals are involved in the implementation of all the above stated tasks and
activities, they make use of internet. The operative use of internet not only assists the
individuals in the acquisition of knowledge and information that are considered vital in the
facilitation of various tasks and activities, but they are able to bring about improvements in
the overall system of education. Finally, it can be stated that use of technologies and internet
proves to be advantageous in achieving educational goals, provided individuals possess the
required skills and abilities.
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