Advantages of Technology: Dr. Radhika Kapur
Advantages of Technology: Dr. Radhika Kapur
Advantages of Technology: Dr. Radhika Kapur
The technology world has been growing and interests are flourishing in the designing
of technologies that mediate and create the feeling of relatedness within interpersonal
relationships and beyond the explicit verbal communication. The communication
technologies, such as mobile phones, internet and social networking sites are playing an
important part in influencing the lives of the individuals (Hertlein, & Ancheta, 2014). In the
field of education, individuals are participating in number of tasks and activities. When they
are having discussion meetings or when they are working together, then they get engaged in
face-to-face conversations and discuss matters and concerns. Whereas, when they are
implementing field-work or when students are pursuing online courses and programs, then
they make use of technologies to communicate with their supervisors, professors and fellow
students. There have been number of changes taking place in communication technologies.
Earlier, they were used primarily for communication purposes, but in the present existence,
individuals are able to send documents, pictures, videos and other information. In this
manner, communication technologies help in achieving academic goals.
Increase in Creativity – The students as well as teachers and other members of the
educational institutions are able to bring about an increase in creativity in their projects,
assignments, tasks and other activities. For instance, when students are preparing an
assignment on use of technologies in education, they may enrich their assignment by putting
pictures of various technologies as well. Apart from writing theoretical information, adding
pictures and images makes the assignment ingenious and creative. Through the use of
technology, there are number of other tasks and activities that can be carried out through
technology. These are, inserting tables, charts, graphs, page numbers, running heads, headers
and footers, colour and so forth. Apart from this, there can be an increase or decrease in font
size. One can make the written text bold, italics or underline as per the requirement. Hence,
the individuals are required to possess adequate knowledge and information in terms of these
aspects to promote creativity.
Benefits of Internet
Within the educational institutions at all levels, internet is regarded as the major tool,
which facilitates the implementation of all tasks and activities in a well-organized manner.
The internet provides number of benefits in the organization of the educational process.
Distance Learning – As the name implies, distance learning is the learning that is put
into operation from distance. The students are living in other cities or countries and are
making use of internet to acquire information, prepare reports and assignments and
communicate with their supervisors. Due to long distances, it is not manageable for the
students and supervisors to meet personally and discuss the matters. Hence, internet is made
use of to generate awareness as well as communicate. The students prepare their assignments
and send to their professors and supervisors through email. Whereas, they in turn give
instructions and put into operation the teaching materials through internet.
Preparing Lesson Plans – Through the use of the internet, the individuals are able to
receive prompt information in terms of number of aspects, concepts and subjects. In the
implementation of traditional teaching methods, the teachers make use of textbooks, the
completion of which is a time-consuming process. In schools, it is vital for the teachers to
complete the syllabus within the limited time period. But when they are making use of
internet in preparing their lesson plans, then they are able to depict efficiency,
resourcefulness and conscientiousness. In this manner, they are able to complete the lesson
plans in lesser amount of time and in a more manageable way.
Student Evaluation – Student evaluation is essential to find out how much the students
have learned and how they are progressing towards the achievement of academic outcomes.
When the teachers put into operation the teaching-learning methods, they are required to find
out, how they are proving to be advantageous to the students. The teachers are required to
develop number of similar variants of tasks for the organization of tests and other activities
that are used to evaluate the performance of students. Through the internet, teachers are able
to acquire knowledge and information in terms of number of evaluative methods. These need
to be put into operation, in accordance to the subjects, class standards and needs and
requirements of the students.