Physico-Chemical Properties of Clove Oil From Thre

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Physico-chemical properties of clove oil from three forest clove

accession groups in Maluku
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1st International Conference on Sustainable Plantation (1st ICSP 2019) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 418 (2020) 012028 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/418/1/012028

Physico-chemical properties of clove oil from three forest

clove accession groups in Maluku

A S Mahulette2, Hariyadi1*, S Yahya1 and A Wachjar1

Departement o Agronomy and Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University,
Bogor 16680
Agrotechnology Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Pattimura University,
Unpatti Poka Campus, Ambon 97234


Abstract. Forest cloves (Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. & L. M. Perry.) are classified as
wild and endemic clove to Maluku islands. So far, the studies on utilization of clove oil as an
essential oil are still limited. This study aims to provide information on the physicochemical
properties of clove oil from three clove accession groups in Maluku. Clove oil is obtained
through the distillation of parts of the plant such as flowers bud, flower stalks, and leaves. The
physicochemical components of clove oil in this study were compared to those of the standard
type of cultivated clove oil, for there is no standard for forest clove oil. The results of the
characterization of the physicochemical properties of clove oil revealed that the oils of the
three clove accession groups met the standard of clove oil in several parameters, namely color
(yellow to dark brown), specific gravity (0.9559-1,101 g ml-1), refractive index (1.5075-
1.5467), β-caryophyllene (0.74-11.79%). However, they did not meet the standard of clove oil
solubility in ethanol 70% (1:10) and total eugenol (20-28%). The clove accession groups had
high oil content (in the distillation) from the flower bud section (1.33-3.00%), followed by the
flower stalks (0.40-1.0%), and leaves (0.44-0.93%).
Keywords: SNI clove oil, eugenol, essential oil, Syzygium aromaticum, wild cloves

1. Introduction
Forest cloves belong to the species of wild cloves, endemic to Maluku islands [1]. In Maluku, cloves
are often found on Ambon Island (Hitulama and Hitumesing Village) and Seram Island (Latu and
Hualoi Villages) [2] [25]. They are classified as aromatic plants [1] from the Myrtaceae family [3]–
[5]. Fragrant plants can generally produce essential oils through extraction from parts of plant organs
[4], [6]. The Forest clove plants have a larger morphological size compared to the cultivated ones.
Mahulette et al. (2019) divided forest cloves (in Maluku) into 3 accession groups, namely accessions
with large, medium, and small morphological measurements of flowers, fruits, and seeds. The agro-
morphological differences between the forest clove accession groups can cause the variations of the
composition in their volatile oils. The volatile oils are plant products having aromatic, volatile, and
strong aesthetic properties, and plants are produced through secondary metabolic pathways [7]. The

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1st International Conference on Sustainable Plantation (1st ICSP 2019) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 418 (2020) 012028 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/418/1/012028

essential oils in plants are generally used as antibacterial, antivirus, antifungus, insecticides, defense
against herbivores, as well as attractants for pollinators and repellent for pests [6].
The demand for essential clove oil distilled from flowers bud (bud oil), flower stalks (stem oil),
leaves (leaf oil), are very high on the market [3], [8], as it is used in fields pharmacology, agriculture,
food industry, cosmetics and various other industries [3], [9]. The production of essential clove oil in
Indonesia is only limited to cultivated cloves, for it is considered to be of good quality with high
eugenol level, about 70-90% [7], [10], [11]. Meanwhile, the use of forest clove oil, such as an essential
oil producing plant has not been carried out. So far, the utilization of wild cloves as an essential oil is
still limited because they are considered as wild with low eugenol levels [1], [2]. The commercial use
of wild cloves is limited to dried clove buds, not clove oil. The limited utilization of wild cloves as an
essential oil producing plant led to a lack of data about the physicochemical properties. The quality of
clove oil is solely showed based on the character of its physicochemical properties. The
physicochemical properties of forest clove oil from accession groups in Maluku are essential because
they relate to the trade standards of clove oil. The standard physicochemical properties of clove oil
have been based on physicochemical parameters of cultivated clove oil, and not wild cloves. The
physicochemical properties of clove oil based on the standard of clove oil include color, specific
gravity, refractive index, optical rotation, solubility in ethanol, eugenol, and β-caryophyllene.
Data on the agro-morphological and the physicochemical components of forest clove oil is
important in determining and informing the character of the plant and the quality standards of the oil
produced. This information can be used as a reference in making forest clove oil standards as well as
developing forest clove commodities towards the clove oil agro-industry.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Plants material

Forest clove plant was collected from Wanath Hamlet, Hitumessing Village, Central Maluku Regency,
Ambon Island (03o36'21.7 "E - 128o11'19.9" S, at an altitude of 186 m), in March 2018. The plant used
in this study had previously been identified based on herbarium specimens at Herbarium Bogoriense,
Bogor-Indonesia LIPI-Cibinong Research Center (BO 1726070) as the Syzygium aromaticum (L.)
Merr. & L.M, Perry.) [2]. The population of wild cloves can be distinguished mainly based on the size
of the morphology of the leaves so that the sampling of forest clove accession groups in this study
referred to the grouping of wild cloves according to Mahulette et al. (2019), namely the accession
group with large leaf morphology (first group), moderate (second group), and small (third group). The
criteria for accession in group I, group with a leaf length of 20-22 cm and leaf width of 9-10 cm; group
II with the accession group with leaf length of 17-19 cm and leaf width of 8-9 cm; group III the
accession group with a leaf length of 14-16 cm and a leaf width of 6-7 cm. The leaves taken were the
fourth leaf from shoots [12]. Plants from each accession group consisted of 10 plants, so there were a
total of 30 forest cloves. The plants were selected as healthy and aged > 15 years.

2.2. Forest clove oil distillation

Parts of the plant distilled from each accession group were 2 kg of flowers bud, 3 kg of flower stalks,
and 6 kg of leaves. The flower buds and flower stalks to be distilled were dried in the sun for 3-4 days,
while the leaves were only reduced by 10-15% using ventilated drying ovens at 30 °C before
distillation. The clove leaves that have been swayed were immediately distilled, while the dried flower
buds and flower stalks were ground first. The distillation process was carried out at 100 °C for 6-10
hours. The produced oil was then put into a measuring cup to determine the oil content. Next, the oil
was added with anhydrous sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) as much as 2% of the oil volume. The oil was then
filtered using filter paper to obtain pure clove oil, which was then stored in a dark bottle and labeled
for analysis.

1st International Conference on Sustainable Plantation (1st ICSP 2019) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 418 (2020) 012028 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/418/1/012028

2.3. Analysis of physicochemical properties

The analysis of physicochemical properties was carried out at the Spice and Medicinal Crops
Research Institute (BALITTRO), Bogor. The work procedure for analyzing the physicochemical
properties of clove oil refers to the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) 06-2387-2006 [13]. The
standard color determination was done visually and then compared to the 2015 RHS color char
standard. The determination of the density using the gravimetric method used piknometer at 20 °C; the
refractive index used the refractometry method at 20 °C; and the solubility in 70% ethanol used
volumetric method with turbidity comparison solution, namely silver nitrate 0.1 N. the total eugenol
was determined using cassia flask with 4% Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) solution, while β-
caryophyllene used gas chromatography (GC) technique Agilent Technologies 6890N with mobile
phase in the form of nitrogen with velocity flowrate 30 ml minute-1, flame ionization detector (FID)
was done at 250 ° C, hydrogen flowed at a velocity of 30 ml minute-1, and gas flow rate was 300 ml
minute-1. The temperature of the tools used was: injector temperature of 200°C, temperature column of
80°C, the final temperature of the column of 200°C with a rise in temperature of 5°C minute-1.

2.4. Data analysis

Data from the results of the physicochemical analysis of forest clove oil were compared to the
standard of clove oil. The Indonesian National Standard (SNI) for clove oil used were: SNI: 06-4267-
1996 (bud oil), SNI: 06-4374-1996 (stem oil), and SNI: 06-2387-2006 (leaf oil) [13]–[15]. The
international standards used were ISO 3141: 1997 (E) and Food Chemical Codex Edition IV.

3. Results

3.1. Forest clove oil content

Forest clove oil from the three forest clove accession groups on Ambon Island had varying oil content
(Figure 1). The oil distillation results revealed that the highest levels of forest clove oil were obtained
in group III (3.00%), followed by group II (1.67%) and the group I (1.33%). The highest oil content
from the distillation of the flower stalk was obtained from the group I (1.00%), followed by group III
(0.77%), and group II (0.40%). The highest leaf oil content was found in group III (0.93%), followed
by the group I (0.44%) and group II (0.34%).


Oil content (%)

1,50 1,33
1,00 0,93
1,00 0,77
0,40 0,44
0,50 0,34

Bud oil Stem oil Leaf oil
Forest clove accession group I Forest clove accession group II Forest clove accession group III

Figure 1. The oil content of Forest clove accession groups

1st International Conference on Sustainable Plantation (1st ICSP 2019) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 418 (2020) 012028 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/418/1/012028

3.2. The color of forest clove oil

The distillate forest clove oil showed normal characteristics in terms of physical oil color (Figure 2).
The results revealed that the overall physical color of clove oil was visually following the standard of
clove oil, which is yellow to dark brown. The physical color of the forest clove oil was compared to
the 2015 RHS color chart standard (Table 1). Based on the results obtained, the flower oils in groups I
and II belonged to the yellow group, namely vivid yellow (9A) and brilliant yellow (8B), while group
III was in the green, yellow group, namely light greenish yellow (1C). The overall clove flower oil in
the wild belonged to the grayed orange color group, which is dark reddish orange (175B), brownish
orange (N167B) and brilliant greenish yellow (1A), respectively. The leaf oil of the entire clove
accession group was included in the yellow group color, i.e., each of the greenish yellow (3A), light
greenish yellow (1C), and brilliant greenish yellow (4A).



Figure 2. Physical color characteristics of forest clove oil. (A) bud oil; (B) stem oil; (C)
leaf oil). (I) Forest clove accession group I; (II) Forest clove accession group II; (III)
Forest clove accession group III.

3.3. Physico-chemical properties

The forest clove physicochemical properties described in this study were specific gravity, refractive
index, solubility in ethanol, total eugenol, and β-caryophyllene (Table 2). The quality was compared to
the standards of flower, flower stalks, and cultivated clove leaf oils. The Indonesian National Standard
(SNI) was used as follows: 06-4267-1996 (bud oil), SNI: 06-4374-1996 (stem oil), and SNI: 06-2387-
2006 (leaf), International Standard (ISO) 3141: 1997 (E) and Food Chemical Codex Edition IV. The
overall standard showed an almost equal range in all clove oil. The physicochemical results of forest
clove oil showed that the whole accession groups of forest clove had a specific gravity between
0.9559-1,101 g ml-1. Likewise, the index of refraction at a temperature of 20°C had also a specific
value where the overall clove oil in the forest clove accession group was in the range of 1.5075-
In contrast to the solubility in 70% ethanol and total eugenol, where the clove oil in the accession
groups was insoluble in ethanol 70% (1:10) with low total eugenol levels (20-28%). The levels of β-
caryophyllene obtained by the clove oil in accession groups were between 0.74-11.79% and not
exceeding 17%, as in the overall standard of clove oil.

Table 1. The color standard of forest clove oil based on the 2015 RHS color chart.
Forest clove Bud oil2 Stem oil3 Leaf oil4 SNI 1996a,1996b,2006; ISO
accession groups 3141:1997(E); Food
Code Color Color groups Code Color Color groups Code Color Color groups
chemical codex edisi IV
I 9A Vivid yellow Yellow 175B Dark reddish Grayed 3A Brilliant Yellow Yellow to dark brown (visual
group orange orange greenish yellow group method)
group Yellow to dark brown (visual
II 8B Brilliant yellow Yellow N167B Brownish Grayed 1C Light greenish Yellow method)
group orange orange yellow group Yellow to dark brown (visual
group method)
III 1C Light greenish Green, 1A Brilliant Green, 4A Brilliant Yellow
yellow yellow Greenish yellow yellow greenish yellow group
group group
Bud oil = oil distilled from the flowers, 2 stem oil = flower stalk parts, 3 leaf oil = leaf parts. Data obtained from the results of the distillation of clove took place in March 2018

Table 2. Physico-chemical of clove oil from three accession groups (Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. & L. M. Perry.) in Maluku.
Forest clove accession group. I1 Forest clove accession group. II2 Forest clove accession group. III3
No. Test
Bud oil Stem oil Leaf oil Bud oil Stem oil Leaf oil Bud oil Stem oil Leaf oil

1. Specific gravity (20°) 0.9987 1.0108 1.1091 1.0221 1.0033 1.0068 0.9559 1.0043 0.9768
(g ml-1)
2. Bias index (20°) 1.5173 1.5281 1.5467 1.5283 1.5233 1.5236 1.5075 1.5216 1.5133
3. 70% ethanol 1 : 10 1 : 10 1 : 10 1 : 10 1 : 10 1 : 10 1 : 10 1 : 10 1 : 10
solubility (unsoluble) (unsoluble) (unsoluble) (unsoluble) (unsoluble) (unsoluble) (unsoluble) (unsoluble) (unsoluble)
1st International Conference on Sustainable Plantation (1st ICSP 2019)
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 418 (2020) 012028

4. Total Eugenol (%) 20 20 21 26 22 26 23 28 24

5. β-caryophyllene (%) 5.30 1.70 0.74 11.79 3.32 6.16 6.40 3.29 5.88
1 2 3
Notes: Group I = accession with a large morphological measure, groups. II = medium, groups. III = small; Bud oil = oil from the distillation of
flowers, stem oil = flower stalks, leaf oil = leaf part. Data were obtained from the distillation, and physico-chemical analysis of Ambon Forest clove oil
from the Island took place in March 2018.
IOP Publishing
1st International Conference on Sustainable Plantation (1st ICSP 2019) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 418 (2020) 012028 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/418/1/012028

4. Discussion
The results of the distillation of parts of flower buds, flower stalks, and leaves from the three clove
accession groups showed that the levels of whole clove oil were still relatively low compared to those
of the cultivated ones in the previous study. Cultivated cloves have the highest oil content in the
flower buds section (10-20%), followed flower stalks (5-10%), and leaves (<5%) [7], [16]–[18]. The
difference in oil content was determined by differences in plant species [19], where cloves are
classified as wild cloves characterized by low eugenol levels [1]. The results of the distillation from
the morphological part of the flower buds, flower stalks, and leaves of the entire forest clove accession
groups showed high oil content in the distillation of the flower buds (bud oil), following the flower
stalks and the leaves. The high oil content in the flower section is supported by the results of previous
studies on cultivated cloves [19], [20], where clove oil production is determined by parts of the plant
organ and other factors such as the particle size of raw materials, and duration of distillation [19], [21].
The analysis of the physicochemical properties of forest clove oil obtained from the whole
accession group showed normal physical characteristics such as oil color. The results showed that the
overall physical color of clove oil was visually following the clove oil standard, which is yellow to
dark brown. These results were following previous studies on cultivated clove oil, which showed that
the normal color of clove oil is light yellow [22], [23]. The brightness of the oil color is determined by
several factors, such as the quality of the raw material and the refining method [18]. The distillation
method using inadequate equipment can reduce the quality of the oil color or even darken the color
due to the buildup of Fe ions [18], [24].
The results of the physicochemical analysis showed that the density of the whole wild cloves in the
accession group ranged from 0.9559 to 1091 g ml-1 so that it was in the range set by the Indonesian
National Standard for bud oil, stem oil and leaves oil, 1.04-1.07 g ml-1; 1,033-1,063 g ml-1; 1,025-
1,049 g ml-1 [13]–[15], or based on International Standard (ISO) 3141: 1997 (E) and Food Chemical
Codex Edition IV, namely 1.0355-1.0455 g ml-1. The refractive index parameter also showed
conformance with the clove oil standard, which is in the range 1.5075-1.5467. The refractive index
value met the standards set by Indonesian National Standard for bud oil, stem oil and leaf oil, namely
1,529-1,537; 1,510-1,520; 1,528-1,535 [13]–[15], as well as the International Standard (ISO) 3141:
1997 (E) and Food Chemical Codex IV Edition 1.5260-1.5330.
The physicochemical of whole forest clove accession groups was not soluble in 70% ethanol and
had low total eugenol ranging from 20-28%. The solubility requirement in the 70% ethanol based on
the Indonesian National Standard for bud oil, stem oil, leaf oil and international standards for
cultivated clove oil is 1:2 (clear). Likewise with the total eugenol standard, which is 80-95% for bud
oil, 78-95% for stem oil, a minimum of 78% for leaf oil [13]–[15], 80-82% for International Standard
(ISO) 3141: 1997 (E) and Food Chemical Codex Edition IV. The levels of β-caryophyllene obtained
from the whole oil in the forest clove accession groups were between 0.74-11.79% so that they were
still within the specified range, which did not exceed 17%. The physicochemical standard of clove oil
obtained is determined by various factors such as plant species, plant parts, particle size, preparation
methods, storage methods and storage used [18]–[21].

5. Conclusion
The physicochemical properties of the clove oil in the entire accession groups in Maluku, based on the
standard of clove oil, were only met in terms of color parameters, specific gravity, refractive index,
and β-caryophyllene, did not fulfill parameters such as solubility in 70% ethanol and total eugenol.
The essential oils of all forest cloves had low oil content and total eugenol levels.

The author would like to thank the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia through the
Education Fund Management Institute (LPDP) for financially supporting this research.

1st International Conference on Sustainable Plantation (1st ICSP 2019) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 418 (2020) 012028 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/418/1/012028

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