Losing Neutrality: The Neural Basis of Impaired Emotional Control Without Sleep

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13194 • The Journal of Neuroscience, September 23, 2015 • 35(38):13194 –13205


Losing Neutrality: The Neural Basis of Impaired Emotional

Control without Sleep
X Eti Ben Simon,1,2 Noga Oren,1,2 X Haggai Sharon,1,2 Adi Kirschner,3 Noam Goldway,3 Hadas Okon-Singer,5
Rivi Tauman,2,6 Menton M. Deweese,7 Andreas Keil,7 and Talma Hendler1,2,3,4
1Functional Brain Center, Wohl Institute for Advanced Imaging, Tel Aviv Medical Center, Tel Aviv 6423906, Israel, 2Sackler Faculty of Medicine and 3Sagol
School of Neuroscience and 4School of Psychological Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 6997801, Israel, 5Department of Psychology, University of
Haifa, Haifa 3498838, Israel, 6Sleep Disorders Center, Tel Aviv Medical Center, Tel Aviv 6330303, Israel, and 7Center for the Study of Emotion and Attention,
University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611

Sleep deprivation has been shown recently to alter emotional processing possibly associated with reduced frontal regulation. Such
impairments can ultimately fail adaptive attempts to regulate emotional processing (also known as cognitive control of emotion),
although this hypothesis has not been examined directly. Therefore, we explored the influence of sleep deprivation on the human brain
using two different cognitive– emotional tasks, recorded using fMRI and EEG. Both tasks involved irrelevant emotional and neutral
distractors presented during a competing cognitive challenge, thus creating a continuous demand for regulating emotional processing.
Results reveal that, although participants showed enhanced limbic and electrophysiological reactions to emotional distractors regardless
of their sleep state, they were specifically unable to ignore neutral distracting information after sleep deprivation. As a consequence, sleep
deprivation resulted in similar processing of neutral and negative distractors, thus disabling accurate emotional discrimination. As
expected, these findings were further associated with a decrease in prefrontal connectivity patterns in both EEG and fMRI signals,
reflecting a profound decline in cognitive control of emotion. Notably, such a decline was associated with lower REM sleep amounts,
supporting a role for REM sleep in overnight emotional processing. Altogether, our findings suggest that losing sleep alters emotional
reactivity by lowering the threshold for emotional activation, leading to a maladaptive loss of emotional neutrality.
Key words: amygdala; cognitive-emotional interactions; emotion; fMRI; sleep deprivation; ssVEP

Significance Statement
Sleep loss is known as a robust modulator of emotional reactivity, leading to increased anxiety and stress elicited by seemingly
minor triggers. In this work, we aimed to portray the neural basis of these emotional impairments and their possible association
with frontal regulation of emotional processing, also known as cognitive control of emotion. Using specifically suited EEG and
fMRI tasks, we were able to show that sleep deprivation alters emotional reactivity by triggering enhanced processing of stimuli
regarded previously as neutral. These changes were further accompanied by diminished frontal connectivity, reduced REM sleep,
and poorer performance. Therefore, we suggest that sleep loss alters emotional reactivity by lowering the threshold for emotional
activation, leading to a maladaptive loss of emotional neutrality.

Introduction tional difficulties (Pilcher and Huffcutt, 1996; Anderson and

Sleep plays a key role in protecting our emotional well-being. A Platten, 2011), leading to increased subjective stress and anxiety
single night of sleep deprivation (SD) is known to trigger emo- (Minkel et al., 2012) and enhanced sympathetic reactions to un-
pleasant stimuli (Zhong et al., 2005; Franzen et al., 2009). Chron-
Received April 6, 2015; revised July 12, 2015; accepted Aug. 19, 2015.
ically disturbed sleep further amplified the negative effect of
Author contributions: E.B.S., N.O., H.S., and T.H. designed research; E.B.S., A.Ki., and N.G. performed research; disruptive events (Zohar et al., 2005) and impaired cognitive re-
R.T., M.M.D., and A.Ke. contributed unpublished reagents/analytic tools; E.B.S., N.O., A.Ki., N.G., M.M.D., and A.Ke. appraisal of negative stimuli (Mauss et al., 2013), demonstrating
analyzed data; E.B.S., H.S., H.O.-S., and T.H. wrote the paper.
This study was supported by the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Space Israel, the US Department of Defense
(grant agreement number W81XWH-11-2-0008), the Sagol Foundation for Human Neuroscience, and Israel Centers Correspondence should be addressed to either Eti Ben Simon or Talma Hendler, Functional Brain Center, Wohl
of Research Excellence Program of the Planning and Budgeting Committee and Israel Science Foundation Grant Institute for Advanced Imaging, Tel Aviv Medical Center, 6 Weizmann Street, Tel Aviv 6423906, Israel. E-mail:
51/11. The work of Hadas Okon-Singer was supported by the Marie Curie Actions CIG Grant 34206 and the National etoosh@gmail.com or talma@tasmc.health.gov.il.
Institute for Psychobiology in Israel Young Investigator Research Grant 145-14-15. DOI:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1314-15.2015
The authors declare no competing financial interests. Copyright © 2015 the authors 0270-6474/15/3513194-12$15.00/0
Simon et al. • Impaired Emotional Control without Sleep J. Neurosci., September 23, 2015 • 35(38):13194 –13205 • 13195

Figure 1. Experimental design. Participants took part in two experimental sessions, involving either monitored sleep-rested or sleep-deprived conditions in a counterbalanced order. In each
session, participants performed two tasks including a cognitive challenge simultaneously presented with neutral or emotional distractors: first using ssVEPs during EEG recording and then using an
emotional N-back (E-N-Back) task during fMRI acquisition.

an accumulating effect of sleep loss on emotional well-being. for regulation of emotional processing. Moreover, it has been
Accordingly, interrupted sleep is a prominent symptom in nearly shown that task-relevant manipulations of either perceptual or
all affective disorders, recently suggested to play a causal role in cognitive load strongly modulate the response to emotional dis-
the etiology of these conditions (Goldstein and Walker, 2014). In tractors (Van Dillen et al., 2009), further enabling to examine
contrast, adequate sleep has been consistently associated with context-dependent modulation of emotional processing as a
improved emotional well-being, specifically related to REM sleep function of sleep.
amount and physiology (Gujar et al., 2011a; van der Helm et al., Therefore, our tasks examined the interaction between cogni-
2011). tive/perceptual load and processing of distracting emotional
At the neural level, emerging neuroimaging findings reveal stimuli as a function of sleep, using fMRI/steady-state visually
that SD is associated with enhanced emotional reactivity signified evoked potentials (ssVEPs; Keil et al., 2003; Müller et al., 2008;
by increased limbic activation in response to emotional stimuli, Deweese et al., 2014), respectively. We hypothesized that SD
specifically within the amygdala. These activations were further would impair cognitive control of emotion, manifested as greater
coupled with a decrease in the functional connection between the activation in limbic and task-related regions in response to emo-
amygdala and the medial prefrontal cortex (PFC) (Yoo et al., tional distractors, accompanied by diminished frontal connectiv-
2007; Chuah et al., 2010; Gujar et al., 2011b), typically associated ity. Last, we hypothesized that lower amounts of REM during the
with emotional control (Kim et al., 2011). Interestingly, increased sleep-rested night will correspond to a greater decrease in frontal
amygdala activation was reported in response to viewing both modulation of both limbic and task-related regions.
negative (Yoo et al., 2007) and positive (Gujar et al., 2011b) im-
ages, suggesting that sleep loss induces a general increase in emo- Materials and Methods
tional reactivity without a specific valence bias. Furthermore, Participants. Eighteen adults (age range, 23–32 years; mean, 26.8 ⫾ 3
such indiscriminative emotional reactivity could stem from en- years; 10 females) completed a repeated-measures crossover design. Par-
hanced processing of emotional stimuli or, alternatively, in- ticipants were healthy with no history of sleep, neurologic, or psychiatric
disorders (assessed using a detailed medical history questionnaire). Nor-
creased processing of stimuli regarded previously as neutral,
mal sleep–wake patterns were further validated using actigraphy and
implicating a profound change in the threshold for emotional subjective sleep logs, as detailed below. Recent use of psychostimulants
activation after SD. (e.g., Ritalin), psychiatric or hypnotic drugs, and high caffeine consump-
A possible mechanism supporting such a change could be tion (⬎3 cups/d) also excluded subjects from participation in the study.
related to impaired top-down modulation of emotional process- The study was approved by the Tel-Aviv Sourasky Medical Center ethical
ing, also known as cognitive control of emotion (Ochsner and review board, and all participants provided written informed consent.
Gross, 2005). Cognitive control of emotion is crucial for adaptive Experimental design. Figure 1 describes the sequence of events within
functioning (Eftekhari et al., 2009), enabling regulation of emo- the study design. After screening, participants took part in two experi-
tional processing via interactions between prefrontal/cingulate mental sessions: (1) once after a night of normal sleep (i.e., the sleep-
control systems and emotion generative systems. Such regulatory rested condition); and (2) again after 24 h of supervised SD.
Participants had to abstain from alcohol and caffeine 2 d before each
mechanisms have been demonstrated to limit the processing of
session and throughout the SD night. To ensure normal sleep–wake pat-
emotional stimuli (presented either alone or as a distractor dur- terns (7–9 h of sleep/night) participants were monitored for 3 consecu-
ing task performance), resulting in reduced amygdala activation tive days before study participation, using an actigraph (a wristwatch
and reduced subjective emotional ratings (Ochsner et al., 2012). movement sensor sensitive to wake–sleep states; Fitbit) and via subjective
Despite emerging links between sleep loss and emotional re- sleep logs. These measurements validated that participants were asleep
activity, it remains unclear how sleep modulates cognitive con- for 7:35 ⫾ 1:12 h each night, rising at ⬃8:06 ⫾ 1:06 A.M. Normal sleep
trol of emotion and its resulting emotional profile. Given parameters were further validated using an ambulatory sleep device
previous indications of prefrontal and limbic vulnerability to (WatchPAT-100; Itamar Medical) worn the night before the sleep-rested
sleep loss, we aimed to directly examine the effect of sleep on session. The PAT-100 is based predominantly on recordings of periph-
cognitive control of emotion, using two complimentary cogni- eral arterial tone (PAT), along with pulse rate, actigraphy, and pulse
oximetry (Bar et al., 2003; Pillar et al., 2003; Penzel et al., 2004), shown to
tive– emotional tasks (recorded using fMRI and EEG), while ma-
accurately detect sleep versus wakefulness (Hedner et al., 2004) differen-
nipulating sleep in a within-subject design. To specifically target tiate light and deep sleep, and detect REM sleep (Herscovici et al., 2007;
the effect of sleep on cognitive– emotional interactions, we ap- Bresler et al., 2008; Hedner et al., 2011). These recordings validated nor-
plied tasks that include the presentation of distracting emotional mative sleep parameters for this age range (Table 1) and altogether sup-
stimuli during the performance of a challenging cognitive task port the likelihood that participants were well rested before study
(Ochsner and Gross, 2005), thus creating a continuous demand participation.
13196 • J. Neurosci., September 23, 2015 • 35(38):13194 –13205 Simon et al. • Impaired Emotional Control without Sleep

Table 1. Sleep parameters selected. Altogether, the task manipulated two independent factors in a
Sleep parameters (mean ⫾ SD) Time (min) Percentage of total sleep time block-design format: cognitive load (low vs high, indicated by the
N-backward number to be remembered: 1-back or 2-back, respectively)
Light sleep 187.33 ⫾ 48.36 52.37 ⫾ 9.52 and emotional load (negative or neutral distractors). A block was com-
Deep sleep 78.41 ⫾ 18.39 22.21 ⫾ 4.62 posed of nine sequential trials, each presenting a number superimposed
REM 90.59 ⫾ 28.3 25.42 ⫾ 6.52 on a colored negative or neutral picture (depending on the block), fol-
Time in bed 410 ⫾ 65.4 lowed by an asterisk. There were three targets in each block; participants
Sleep latency 18.78 ⫾ 11.32 were instructed to respond by a button press as soon as they recognized
Total sleep time 356.3 ⫾ 61.77 the correct number while reaction time and accuracy scores were mea-
sured for each response. Each subject completed two versions of the
emotional N-back task counterbalanced across sessions. To help partic-
For the SD session, participants reported to the laboratory at 10:30 ipants remember the block type, numbers were colored differently for
P.M., typically at the end of a working day, and were monitored contin- each condition (red in the 1-back condition and green in the 2-back,
uously by the research staff. Participants were specifically instructed not counterbalanced across sessions and participants).
to engage in daytime naps during 3 d prior to the SD session and were To validate wakefulness during task performance, we tracked subjects’
debriefed regarding their daily activities on arrival to the laboratory, in eyes via a dedicated camera during the entire scan. Before the scan, all
order to confirm adherence to the study protocol. Ten subjects were participants performed a practice block to become familiar with task
further equipped with an actigraph for the entire day before arrival at the instructions, which included different distractors than the main experi-
SD session, confirming that the SD day included typical activities of the ment. In addition, the first block of the task was always similar to the
subjects’ routine (e.g., going to the university), not statistically different practice block, to allow subjects to become familiar with performing the
from their daily activities (mean number of steps before the SD day, task inside the scanner, and was not included in the final analysis.
10,271; on the SD day, 11,735; p ⬎ 0.18). Starting from 11:00 P.M. and The task lasted 10:09 min and included a total of 17 blocks (four blocks
every 2 h, participants performed a battery of questionnaires assessing for each experimental condition and a first null block), each lasting 24 s
sleepiness and mood (detailed below). The SD session typically included separated by a pseudorandom fixation period of 9 or 12 s.
two subjects in the same night, and activity protocol was kept in accor- fMRI data acquisition and preprocessing. Imaging was performed on a
dance with previous work (Gujar et al., 2011b; Goldstein et al., 2013). 3T GE Horizon echo speed scanner with a resonant gradient echoplanar
Mainly, participants were allowed access to the Internet, board games, imaging system (GE Healthcare). All images were acquired using a stan-
and low-emotionality films; physical activity was restricted to short walks dard head coil. The scanning session included functional T2*-weighted
and food intake to a small sandwich at ⬃3:00 A.M. At ⬃8:00 A.M. (⫾30 images (FOV, 200 mm; matrix size, 96 ⫻ 96; voxel size, 3 ⫻ 3 ⫻ 4; TR,
min) of the following morning of each session, participants performed 3000 ms; TE, 35 ms; slice thickness, 4 mm; 32–39 slices without gap,
the EEG task and, at ⬃8:30 A.M. (⫾90 min), entered the MRI scanner. oriented according to the fourth ventricle; flip angle, 90°) and a three-
Test sessions were separated by a mean of 13.8 d with the order of the dimensional anatomical scan using T1 spoiled gradient-recalled acquisi-
sleep-rested and sleep-deprived sessions counterbalanced across par- tion in a steady state sequence (1 ⫻ 1 ⫻ 1 mm). SPM8 software (http://
ticipants. www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/spm) was used for image preprocessing and voxel-
Sleepiness and mood assessments. To assess changes in subjective alert- based statistical analysis. The first 18 s of the functional data were dis-
ness across the SD night, participants completed the Hebrew version of carded to allow steady-state magnetization. Functional images were
the Stanford Sleepiness Scale (SSS; Hoddes et al., 1973). This question- motion corrected and slice-time corrected, realigned to the first scan, and
naire consists of seven statements ranging from “feeling active and vital; normalized according to standard MNI space. Spatial smoothing was
wide awake” to “sleep onset soon; lost struggle to remain awake.” To performed using a Gaussian kernel (FWHM of 6 mm).
assess changes in objective sleepiness as well, we further applied a 10 min fMRI analysis. For each subject, a general linear model was specified,
version of the known Psychomotor Vigilance Task (PVT; Drummond et including a vector of condition onsets convolved with a canonical
al., 2005) using the Psychology Experiment Building Language task li- hemodynamic response function, as well as the six movement-related
brary (Mueller and Piper, 2014). Both sleepiness measurements were covariates (determined from the realignment procedure) as nuisance
obtained every 2 h during the SD night (from 11:00 P.M. to 7:00 A.M.) regressors. Because of excessive head movements in both scans, one sub-
and in the morning of the sleep-rested session (⬃8:00 A.M.). ject had to be excluded from additional analysis, and thus the fMRI
To track mood changes after sleep loss, the Positive and Negative analysis includes 17 subjects.
Affective Scale (PANAS; Watson et al., 1988) was administered every 4 h To investigate cognitive– emotional interactions as a function of sleep,
across the SD night and on arrival at the sleep-rested session. The PANAS the analysis focused on executive and limbic regions of interest (ROIs),
consists of two 10-item questionnaires assessing either positive or nega- namely the bilateral dorsolateral PFC (DLPFC) and amygdala, respec-
tive effect. Participants were asked to rate each item on a scale ranging tively. DLPFC ROIs were defined as 6 mm spheres centered on previously
from 1 to 5. In addition, participant also used a 10 cm visual analog scale published coordinates regarding N-back activations [peak MNI coordi-
(VAS) to rate their mood, ranging from terrible to excellent. nates (x, y, z); left, (⫺44, 17, 25); right, (36, 36, 28) (Owen et al., 2005)],
fMRI emotional N-back task. To examine the effects of cognitive load whereas for the amygdala ROI, an unbiased anatomical mask was used,
on emotional processing as a function of sleep, we developed an emo- derived from the Automated Anatomical Labeling atlas (Tzourio-
tional version of the well-known N-back task (Owen et al., 2005). In this Mazoyer et al., 2002) implemented in SPM8. Second-level (group)
emotional N-back task, subjects were asked to monitor a series of num- analysis was performed using a voxelwise small-volume-corrected full-
bers and indicate by a button press when the currently presented number factorial ANOVA implemented in SPM8 (for a similar procedure, see
is the same as the one presented N trials ago (Fig. 2a). To alter the Goldstein et al., 2013). Three factors were examined using the SPM
emotional load as well, the numbers-to-be-remembered were superim- ANOVA analysis: load (low or high), distractor type (negative or neu-
posed on distracting negative or neutral images. Positive pictures were tral), and session (sleep-rested or sleep-deprived). Results included only
not added to the N-back design because of time limitation within the significant voxels within each ROI after a familywise error (FWE) cor-
scanner, leading us to favor the negative distractor, more frequently used rection, thresholded at p ⬍ 0.05. Post hoc analysis included mean ␤ values
in cognitive-emotional interactions (Yamasaki et al., 2002; Van Dillen et extracted from the entire ROI for each condition.
al., 2009; Chuah et al., 2010; for review, see Iordan et al., 2013). The To identify changes in functional connectivity as a function of sleep, a
images used as distractors were taken from the International Affective psychophysiological interaction (PPI) analysis was conducted separately
Picture System (IAPS) standardized pool (Lang et al., 1999); all negative for each session (sleep-deprived/sleep-rested) using SPM8 (Friston et al.,
pictures had lower valence level (t(142) ⫽ ⫺4.02, p ⬍ 0.001) and higher 1997). Because PPI analysis tends to lack power (O’Reilly et al., 2012),
arousal level (t(142) ⫽ 8.97, p ⬍ 0.001) compared with the neutral ones. interactions were considered significant using a lower threshold of p ⬍
For the current experiment, 72 negative and 72 neutral pictures were 0.001 uncorrected. PPI analysis examined the connectivity between the
Simon et al. • Impaired Emotional Control without Sleep J. Neurosci., September 23, 2015 • 35(38):13194 –13205 • 13197

Figure 2. Study tasks. a, Schematic representation of an emotional N-back block. Each block started with load instructions (1-back or 2 back) presented for 4.5 s, followed by rapid presentation
of numbers (0.5 s) overlaid on either negative or neutral images. Each picture presentation was interleaved with an asterisk presented for 1.5 s. Participants were asked to press a button as soon as
they recognize the correct number (marked target). b, Time sequence of a single trial in the ssVEP task. Each trial started with 1 s presentation of a scrambled picture, followed by the appearance of
flickering dots (at a rate of 7.5 Hz) for 2.9 s. Consequently, a positive, negative, or neutral picture appeared for 5.8 s behind the dots. Targets were rare intervals of coherent motion that could only
occur between 1.17 and 7 s after stimulus onset (marked target window). Each trial lasted 9.751 s, with a variable 1–3 s intertrial interval. E-N-Back, emotional N-back.

selected amygdala ROI and the rest of the brain during either emotional mal picture categories. For all IAPS images, valence and arousal ratings
or cognitive load and was conducted as follows: an individual design for neutral images were 5.34 and 3.26, for positive images were 7.04 and
matrix including three regressors was specified for each subject sepa- 5.58, and for negative images were 2.84 and 6.39, respectively. All picture
rately for each session (sleep-deprived/sleep-rested). The design matrix stimuli were grayscale pictures and were controlled for visual complexity
included the BOLD signal time course from the amygdala seed region, (measured as .jpeg size) and matched for luminance using scripts from
regressors coding the temporal ordering of task conditions, and, finally, a the MATLAB image processing toolbox. Picture stimuli were circular in
PPI term, which was the product of the deconvolved time course in the nature and were cropped and adjusted such that the defining element of
amygdala with a vector representing the order of the psychological vari- each picture was positioned at the center of a circle (Fig. 2b).
ables of interest (high vs low load or neutral vs negative distractors in Each trial began with a 1 s presentation of an IAPS image with indi-
separate analyses). A second-level paired t test comparing sleep-rested vs vidual pixels scrambled to avoid contamination of the ssVEP with tran-
sleep-deprived conditions was then applied to PPI results. To examine sient responses to the luminance gradient created by stimulus onset.
the effects of session-specific amygdala connectivity patterns on task Next, a total of 150 yellow dots (each 0.3° ⫻ 0.3° of visual angle) were
performance, these results were further correlated with behavioral mea- superimposed on the scrambled image for 2917 ms. The scrambled back-
surements acquired during task performance. ground picture was then replaced by a positive, neutral, or negative image
ssVEP emotional distraction task. To further examine the effect of sleep that remained on the screen for the remaining duration of the trial (5834
on cognitive control of emotion during high perceptual load, we used an ms). Dots were distributed randomly across pictures and flickered at a
EEG task evoking ssVEPs. ssVEPs are generated in visual regions and rate of 7.5 Hz, while remaining inside the circle (6.9° visual angle) at all
measure neural activity elicited by task-relevant stimuli that flicker at a times. The yellow dots were “on” for six frames and “off” for eight frames.
known rate (e.g., a flickering light). Competition by task-irrelevant dis- All dots remained in continuous motion throughout the trial, and each
tractors, such as neutral or affective images, can therefore be quantified as dot changed its position by 0.04° in a random direction with every ssVEP
an attenuation of task-evoked processing, predominantly evident in vi- cycle (i.e., 7.5 times/s).
sual regions. Indeed, studies have shown reduced occipital ssVEP ampli- In a random subset of 50% of the trials, all dots moved coherently in
tudes (evoked by flickering dots) when dots were superimposed on the same direction (target), and participants were instructed to respond
emotionally arousing compared with neutral images (Müller et al., 2008; to coherent motion events with a mouse click, as quickly and as accu-
Deweese et al., 2014). rately as possible. Coherent motion of the targets occurred in one of four
The current ssVEPs were evoked using random-dot kinematograms diagonal directions (45°, 135°, 225°, and 315°) at random. In an effort to
that consisted of randomly moving dots flickering at a rapid rate (7.5 produce a difficult and demanding perceptual detection task, coherent
Hz). In accordance with previous work, these dots were superimposed on motion lasted for only four successive cycles of 7.5 Hz (i.e., 533.33 ms).
emotional or neutral distracting pictures (Müller et al., 2008; Deweese et Targets occurred unpredictably once (in 43 of the 90 trials) or twice (in 3
al., 2014). Perceptual load was achieved by the demanding task of detect- of the 90 trials) in a given trial, with the remaining 44 trials consisting of
ing very short intervals of coherently moving dots, ignoring the distrac- random movement of the dots. The first possible coherent motion event
tors. This task included an additional subject (n ⫽ 19) who completed the was at 1170 ms after stimulus onset and the last coherent motion event at
crossover design but was not scanned because of technical difficulties in 7000 ms. Targets occurring during the scrambled image were not in-
her SD session. cluded in the behavioral analysis. Trials with dual targets were inserted to
During the experiment, stimuli were presented centrally on an LED ensure that attention was directed to the task for the entire duration of
monitor, set at a resolution of 1024 ⫻ 768 with a refresh rate of 60 the trial, and such trials were also not included in the final analysis. As a
frames/s (i.e., 16.66 ms refresh interval). Because both positive and neg- result, only single-target or no-target trials occurring during picture pre-
ative stimuli have been reported as effective distractors in previous ssVEP sentation were included in the final analysis. Each trial lasted for 9751 ms,
studies (Müller et al., 2008), our distractors were divided into three va- with interstimulus intervals varying randomly between 3000 and 5000
lence categories: (1) erotic couples/kittens as positive distractor catego- ms. Fixation was facilitated by presenting a white fixation dot at the
ries; (2) neutral people at work/cows as neutral distractor categories; and center of the screen (i.e., circle). Before the experiment, all participants
(3) mutilated human bodies/snakes as negative distractor categories. performed 15 practice trials to become familiar with task instructions,
Each valence category included 30 pictures totaling 90 pictures. Pictures which included different distractors than the main experiment.
were selected from the IAPS (Lang et al., 1999) with additional images, EEG recording and preprocessing. Electrophysiological data were col-
selected from the public domain to complete balanced human and ani- lected from the scalp using a the BrainAmp-MR EEG amplifier (Brain
13198 • J. Neurosci., September 23, 2015 • 35(38):13194 –13205 Simon et al. • Impaired Emotional Control without Sleep

Products) and the BrainCap electrode cap with sintered Ag/AgCl ring to 4.65 ⫾ 1.37; PVT, mean ⫾ SD of 2.94 ⫾ 2.49 to 10.06 ⫾ 6.86;
electrodes providing 30 EEG channels, one EKG channel, and one EOG both p ⬍ 0.0005) and across the SD night (measured at 11:00
channel (Falk Minow Services). The reference electrode was between Fz P.M. and 7:00 A.M. of the SD session; SSS, mean ⫾ SD of 2.06 ⫾
and Cz. Raw EEG was sampled at 500 Hz and recorded using the Brain 0.66 to 4.65 ⫾ 1.37; PVT, mean ⫾ SD of 2.88 ⫾ 2.37 to 10.06 ⫾
Vision Recorder software (Brain Products) with scalp impedance for
6.86; both p ⬍ 0.0005). These findings demonstrate that the SD
each electrode kept below 20 k⍀. Additional processing and filtering was
performed offline. Subsequently, continuous data were low-pass filtered
process was effective and participants were indeed tired after the
offline at a frequency (3 dB point) of 40 Hz (12th order Butterworth filter SD night.
with 24 dB/octave roll-off implemented in MATLAB) before segment- Participants’ mood was also impaired by SD, as assessed by
ing. Single epochs of 9200 ms in length (400 ms before and 8800 ms after both the PANAS and VAS mood scores. VAS scores were de-
dot onset) were then extracted from the continuous EEG signal. Seg- creased significantly after SD compared with the sleep-rested ses-
ments were inspected visually in EEGlab, and trials with ocular artifacts sion (measured at 7:00 A.M. of each session, mean ⫾ SD of
or with amplitudes exceeding 100 ␮V were rejected from additional anal- 8.14 ⫾ 1.01 to 6.22 ⫾ 1.86; p ⬍ 0.0008) and across the SD night
ysis. This resulted in an overall retention rate of 79.3 trials, with trial (measured at 11:00 P.M. and 7:00 A.M. of the SD session, mean ⫾
counts not significantly different (paired t tests) between conditions SD of 8.3 ⫾ 1.2 to 6.22 ⫾ 1.86; p ⬍ 0.00005). PANAS scores
(positive, 26.0 trials; neutral, 27.7 trials; negative, 25.6 trials on average)
revealed a significant decline only in the positive scale (measured
or experimental sessions (sleep-rested, 81.0; sleep-deprived, 77.8 trials
on average).
at 7:00 A.M. of each session, mean ⫾ SD of 2.89 ⫾ 0.64 to 1.94 ⫾
ssVEP analysis. Time-varying amplitudes at the stimulation frequency 0.94; p ⬍ 0.000005 and at 11:00 P.M. and 7:00 A.M. of the SD
(7.5 Hz) were extracted by means of a Hilbert transformation of the session, mean ⫾ SD of 3 ⫾ 0.62 to 1.94 ⫾ 0.94; p ⬍ 0.00005)
time-domain averaged data using in-house MATLAB scripts: data were without a significant change in the negative scale.
filtered with a 10th-order Butterworth bandpass filter having a width of
0.5 Hz around the center frequency of 7.5. The time-varying amplitude Effect of SD on behavioral results
was extracted as the complex conjugate of the bandpass-filtered signal For the emotional N-back task, participants’ correct responses
and the Hilbert-transformed analytic signal for each time point. The and reaction times were analyzed using ANOVA, with the factors
temporal smearing introduced by this procedure was 440 ms as measured load (high/low), session (sleep-rested/sleep-deprived), and dis-
by the FWHM of the impulse response function. Subsequently, mean
tractor type (neutral/negative). Consistent with previous find-
amplitudes were extracted across occipital electrodes (O1, O2, and Oz),
at a time window corresponding to distractor onset (between 3600 and
ings, accuracy scores declined after SD (mean ⫾ SD, 98 ⫾ 0.01%
3700 ms) and subtracted from the mean amplitudes of the baseline seg- correct vs 94.5 ⫾ 0.04%; F(1,16) ⫽ 11.44, p ⬍ 0.005). There were
ment (the presentation of the scrambled picture, 2000 –3000 ms). These no main effects or interactions of accuracy scores with distractor
values were then analyzed using a repeated-measures ANOVA examin- type. However, reaction times were slower for neutral distractors
ing the effect of two factors: (1) distractor valence (negative/positive/ (mean ⫾ SD, 0.64 ⫾ 0.14 vs 0.61 ⫾ 0.15 s; F(1,16) ⫽ 7, p ⬍ 0.02)
neutral) and (2) session (sleep-rested or sleep-deprived). Main effects and for low load conditions (mean ⫾ SD, 0.65 ⫾ 0.13 vs 0.6 ⫾
and interactions were tested using a significance of p ⬍ 0.05. 0.13 s; F(1,16) ⫽ 7, p ⬍ 0.02).
In addition to time-varying amplitude, we also extracted the time- For the ssVEP task, because of uneven numbers of accurate
varying inter-electrode phase-locking value, calculated as the stability of responses in each category, the positive and negative categories
the complex phase across trials (Lachaux et al., 1999), relative to the site
were combined to an affective category and the reaction time data
Oz. Specifically, we used the real and imagery part of the Hilbert trans-
form calculated for each trial, time point, and electrode to yield an index
were not analyzed. Accuracy data were analyzed using ANOVA,
of time-varying complex phase. These instantaneous phase values were with the factors session (sleep-rested/sleep-deprived) and dis-
normalized by dividing in their absolute value, to eliminate amplitude tractor type (neutral/affective). An accurate response was classi-
bias. For each time point, we then subtracted the complex phase at elec- fied by the following: A, it was a target trial; B, reaction time was
trode Oz from all other cranial electrodes, resulting in an electrode by at least 150 ms; and C, the picture (and not the scrambled image)
time point matrix of complex difference values. These values were again was in the background during the period of coherent motion.
normalized to be on a unit circle (dividing by their amplitude) and then Results revealed a decline in accuracy scores after SD (mean ⫾
averaged across the trials of a given experimental condition (for a similar SD, 72.28 ⫾ 3.4% correct vs 49.1 ⫾ 4.5%; F(1,16) ⫽ 17.37, p ⬍
procedure, see Keil et al., 2007). Resulting phase-locking indices are 0.005), demonstrating accuracy scores at chance levels after SD.
bounded between 0 and 1 and can be interpreted to reflect similarity of
In addition, accuracy scores were higher during neutral com-
the phase difference between two electrodes across trials, at a given mo-
ment in time, with 1 indicating identity of the phase difference and 0
pared with affective distractors (mean ⫾ SD, 69.14 ⫾ 3.9% cor-
indicating statistical independence. To examine changes in frontal con- rect vs 52.24 ⫾ 3.7%; F(1,16) ⫽ 11.93, p ⬍ 0.005). Accuracy scores
nectivity patterns across sessions, Fp1 and Fp2 phase-locking indices of both tasks are depicted in Figure 3.
were analyzed using a repeated-measures ANOVA examining the effect
of distractor valence (negative/positive/neutral) and session (sleep- Effect of SD on fMRI activity
rested or sleep-deprived). To allow mapping and avoid distortions of the First, we examined the effect of SD on neural processing within
scale by the perfect phase locking of Oz with itself, the values at Oz itself bilateral DLPFC and amygdala separately, using a small-volume-
were replaced by a weighted mean of the spline interpolated values of the correction full-factorial ANOVA including the factors session
remaining electrodes. However, these values did not enter statistical (sleep-rested/sleep-deprived), load (high/low), and distractor
type (neutral/negative). An expected main effect of load was ob-
served in the bilateral DLPFC (Fig. 4a; p ⬍ 0.05 FWE corrected).
Results Complementary mean ␤ values extracted from the entire DLPFC
Effect of SD on sleepiness and mood ROIs replicated this finding and confirmed a main effect of load
As expected, SD was associated with an increase in both subjec- (for the right DLPFC, F(1,16) ⫽ 29.28; for the left DLPFC, F(1,16) ⫽
tive and objective assessments of sleepiness, as measured by SSS 11.6; both p ⬍ 0.005) and a significant session ⫻ distractor inter-
and PVT, respectively. Both scores were increased significantly in action in right DLPFC activity (F(1,16) ⫽ 6.23, p ⬍ 0.05). Post hoc
the sleep-deprived compared with sleep-rested sessions (mea- analyses revealed that right DLPFC activity was greater during
sured at 7:00 A.M. of each session; SSS, mean ⫾ SD of 2.18 ⫾ 1.01 neutral compared with negative distractors only after SD (t(16) ⫽
Simon et al. • Impaired Emotional Control without Sleep J. Neurosci., September 23, 2015 • 35(38):13194 –13205 • 13199

Figure 3. Behavioral accuracy results. a, Bar graphs displaying ANOVA main effect of session (sleep-deprived/sleep-rested) in emotional N-back accuracy scores. There were no main effects or
interactions of accuracy scores with distractor type. b, Bar graphs displaying ANOVA main effect of session (sleep-deprived/sleep-rested) and main effect of distractor (neutral/affective) in ssVEP
accuracy scores. Results revealed a decline in accuracy scores to chance level after SD. Error bars represent SEM. *p ⬍ 0.05; **p ⬍ 0.005.

Figure 4. Right DLPC activity. a, An axial slice displaying ANOVA main effect of load (low/high load) from the voxelwise ROI analysis in the bilateral DLPFC across all distractor types
(negative, neutral) and sleep states (deprived, rested) [peak MNI coordinates (x, y, z); left, (⫺45, 20, 28); right, (39, 35, 31)]. p ⬍ 0.05, FWE corrected. b, Right DLPFC ROI mask (left brain
image) and corresponding average activity across loads (left bar graph) and distractors (right bar graph). Distractor activity was derived during low load conditions. Error bars represent
SEM. *p ⬍ 0.05; **p ⬍ 0.005.

2.08, p ⫽ 0.05) and not during the sleep-rested session (t(16) ⫽ amygdala further revealed a load ⫻ session interaction ( p ⬍ 0.05
0.02, p ⬎ 0.7). Interestingly, the reported increase in processing FWE corrected), detailed below. Complementary mean ␤ values
neutral distractors was primarily evident during low load condi- extracted from the entire left amygdala ROI replicated these find-
tions (t(16) ⫽ 2.3, p ⬍ 0.05) and not during high load (t(16) ⫽ ings and confirmed a main effect of session (F(1,16) ⫽ 12.8, p ⬍
⫺0.38, p ⬎ 0.7). These findings (depicted in Fig. 4) suggest that 0.005) and a load ⫻ session interaction (F(1,16) ⫽ 11.63,
SD induced a significant change in right DLPFC activity, intro- p ⬍ 0.005). Post hoc analyses revealed that, although in the
ducing an increased influence of neutral distractors during task sleep-rested session the left amygdala demonstrated a context-
performance that was not present in sleep-rested conditions. specific decrease during high compared with low load (t(16) ⫽
For the amygdala, ANOVA revealed a main effect of session in 4, p ⬍ 0.005), such modulation was absent after SD, with
the left amygdala (Fig. 5a; p ⬍ 0.05 FWE corrected; no significant similar activity revealed for both high and low load conditions
effects found within the right amygdala), with SD amplifying left (t(16) ⫽ 0.55, p ⬎ 0.5). In accordance, ROI-based analyses
amygdala activity, regardless of load or distractor type. The left further revealed a main effect of load (F(1,16) ⫽ 6.8, p ⬍
13200 • J. Neurosci., September 23, 2015 • 35(38):13194 –13205 Simon et al. • Impaired Emotional Control without Sleep

Figure 5. Left amygdala activity. a, Brain maps displaying ANOVA main effect of session (sleep-deprived/sleep-rested; left brain image) in the left amygdala [p ⬍ 0.05 FWE corrected; peak MNI
coordinates (x, y, z): left, (⫺33, 2, ⫺20)] derived from the voxelwise ROI analysis in bilateral amygdala (ROI mask presented in the right brain image). No significant main effect of session was
observed in the right amygdala at p ⬍ 0.05, FWE corrected. Main effect of session is further illustrated using average activity across the entire left amygdala ROI (left bar graph). b, Bar graphs
illustrate the difference in contrast estimates across load (left side) and distractor (right side) conditions averaged across the left amygdala ROI. Distractor activity was derived during low load
conditions. Error bars represent SEM. *p ⬍ 0.05; **p ⬍ 0.005.

0.02),demonstrating increased left amygdala activity during analyzed left amygdala connectivity using PPI as a function of
low compared with high load conditions across sessions. cognitive load (high ⬎ low load) and emotional load (neutral ⬎
These results are depicted in Figure 5. negative distractors). Results reveal that, during high compared
Using mean ␤ values extracted from the entire left amygdala with low cognitive load, the left amygdala was connected to the
ROI, we further examined the effects of distractor type on left left anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) only during the sleep-rested
amygdala activity. This analysis revealed a significant increase in session but not after SD ( p ⬍ 0.0005 uncorrected, minimum of
amygdala activity in response to neutral distractors after SD com- five voxels). Furthermore, the change in ACC– amygdala connec-
pared with the sleep-rested session (t(16) ⫽ ⫺2.9, p ⬍ 0.05). We tivity was significantly correlated with the decrease in accuracy
further examined the response to distractors separately for low scores after SD (r ⫽ 0.63, p ⫽ 0.007). These results are depicted in
versus high load conditions within the left amygdala to examine Figure 6. A change in frontal connectivity was also evident during
load-specific modulation of emotional processing known to oc- PPI analysis of neutral compared with negative distractors (ex-
cur during cognitive– emotional interactions (Okon-Singer et al., amined during low load conditions). Similar to the previous
2013). This analysis revealed that, in the low load conditions, the analysis, left amygdala connectivity with the bilateral middle
left amygdala demonstrated a typical increase during the presen- frontal gyrus was observed only during sleep-rested conditions
tation of negative compared with neutral distractors only in the and not after SD ( p ⬍ 0.001 uncorrected, minimum of five vox-
sleep-rested session (t(16) ⫽ ⫺2.4, p ⬍ 0.05; Fig. 5b; notably, this
els). These findings suggest that a lack of frontal modulation is
effect was also evident for the right amygdala, t(16) ⫽ ⫺2.18, p ⬍
associated with impaired amygdala ability to discriminate be-
0.05). After SD, amygdala activity no longer differentiated be-
tween aspects of load or valence without sleep.
tween distractors, responding equally to both neutral and nega-
Last, to assess the protective role of REM sleep on cognitive
tive distractors (t(16) ⫽ 0.1; for the right amygdala, t(16) ⫽ ⫺0.38,
both p ⬎ 0.7). During high load conditions, left amygdala activity control of emotion, percentage REM sleep amounts recorded at
demonstrated a significant increase to both distractors after SD the night of the sleep-rested session (see Materials and Methods)
compared with sleep-rested conditions (t(16) ⫽ ⫺2.55 for nega- were correlated with the change in amygdala–ACC connectivity
tive distractors, t(16) ⫽ ⫺2.4 for neutral distractors, both p ⬍ during sleep-rested compared with SD sessions. Results reveal a
0.03). Altogether, these findings suggest that SD disabled valance significant negative correlation between percentage REM sleep
or load discrimination in left amygdala activity. amount and amygdala–ACC connectivity (r ⫽ ⫺0.53, p ⬍ 0.03;
Fig. 6b), demonstrating that lower amounts of REM sleep were
Effect of SD on fMRI connectivity and relation to behavior associated with a greater decline in amygdala modulation after
To further examine whether impaired discrimination in left SD. Notably, this correlation was mostly driven by sleep-rested
amygdala activity could be a result of frontal dysregulation, we amygdala–ACC connectivity (r ⫽ ⫺0.44, p ⫽ 0.07) and not by
Simon et al. • Impaired Emotional Control without Sleep J. Neurosci., September 23, 2015 • 35(38):13194 –13205 • 13201

Figure 6. Left amygdala connectivity. a, An axial slice displaying activation of the ACC as derived from PPI analysis of left amygdala connectivity during high ⬎ low load, in sleep-rested versus
sleep-deprived sessions [peak MNI coordinates (x, y, z), (⫺9, 44, 10); left brain image, p ⬍ 6E-4 uncorrected, minimum of 8 voxels]. Corresponding graphs (top right) display ACC activity for both
group levels (bar graph) and individual levels (circles; note the different scale). Error bars represent SEM. b, Scatter plots displaying the relationship between ACC–amygdala connectivity and relative
accuracy scores (bottom left) and percentage REM sleep (bottom right).

SD (r ⫽ ⫺0.11, p ⬎ 0.5), supporting the immediate effect of REM that, similar to the emotional N-back task, negative distractors
sleep on cognitive control of emotion. In addition, neither light induced a greater decrease compared with neutral only during
nor deep sleep amounts were found to be correlated with sleep-rested sessions (t(18) ⫽ 5.15, p ⬍ 0.0001). After SD, a similar
amygdala–ACC connectivity (both correlations p ⬎ 0.28), re- response was observed for both neutral and negative distractors
flecting the critical role of REM sleep in overnight emotional (t(18) ⫽ ⫺0.17, p ⬎ 0.5). These findings suggest that valence-
processing. specific modulation of primary visual areas was also impaired by
SD introducing a bias toward negative stimuli for all distractor
Effect of SD on ssVEP amplitudes and connectivity types.
The flickering dots reliably evoked steady-state responses at the To further examine whether such impaired discrimination
expected frequency of 7.5 Hz across both sessions, with the great- could be a result of frontal dysregulation, we analyzed Oz phase-
est overall ssVEP amplitudes occurring in electrode Oz and its locking indices with frontal electrodes (Fp1 and Fp2) separately
nearest neighbors in accordance with previous work (Müller et for sleep-rested and SD sessions. These indices were examined
al., 2008). Furthermore, distractor onset was associated with a using a repeated-measures ANOVA including the factors distrac-
marked decrease of ssVEP amplitudes as shown in Figure 7a, in tor valence (negative/positive/neutral), electrode (Fp1 and Fp2),
both sleep-rested and SD sessions. The grand meantime-varying and session (sleep-rested or sleep-deprived). Results reveled a
energy of the signal over occipital electrodes, as quantified by the main effect of session (F(1,18) ⫽ 5.7, p ⬍ 0.05), demonstrating a
Hilbert transform, was used to calculate the amplitude decrease significant decrease in Oz–frontal connectivity after SD (Fig. 8a).
(relative to scramble) elicited by distractor onset, across three In accordance with the emotional N-back results, this finding
occipital electrodes (O1, O2, and Oz). These values were then suggests an association between impaired frontal regulation and
analyzed using a repeated-measures ANOVA examining the loss of emotional discrimination without sleep.
effect of two factors: (1) distractor valence (negative/positive/ Last, to assess the protective role of REM sleep on emotion
neutral); and (2) experimental session (sleep-rested or sleep- modulation as well, we examined the correlation between per-
deprived). The results demonstrated a main effect of distractor centage REM sleep and the change in frontal phase-locking indi-
type (F(2,17) ⫽ 3.7, p ⬍ 0.05) and an interaction of session ⫻ ces during sleep-rested compared with sleep-deprived sessions.
distractor type (F(2,17) ⫽ 4.5, p ⬍ 0.05). Post hoc analyses revealed The results revealed a significant negative correlation between
13202 • J. Neurosci., September 23, 2015 • 35(38):13194 –13205 Simon et al. • Impaired Emotional Control without Sleep

crease in frontal connectivity, evident in both EEG and fMRI

signals. Interestingly, both limbic and early perceptual regions
lacked neural discrimination between neutral and affective stim-
uli after SD, exhibiting a significant increase in the response to
neutral distractors and not necessarily an increased effect of emo-
tional distractors. Moreover, context-dependent modulation of
central emotional processing was disabled by SD, resulting in
similar amygdala activation in response to all cognitive loads and
distractor types. These findings imply that SD might induce a
general decrease in the threshold for emotional activation, prob-
ably associated with decreased frontal regulation. Furthermore,
this decrease was associated with lower amounts of REM sleep,
supporting a role for REM in regulating emotional reactivity
(Gujar et al., 2011a; van der Helm et al., 2011) possibly via renor-
malization of emotional thresholds.
Using cognitive load to modulate emotional processing, pre-
vious studies revealed a reduction in perceptual and affective
processing during high compared with low cognitive load (Pes-
soa et al., 2002; Van Dillen et al., 2009). For instance, the
amygdala displayed less activity in response to affective distrac-
tors during high compared with low cognitive load (Erk et al.,
2007; Okon-Singer et al., 2014) and differentiated between neu-
tral and affective distractors only during low cognitive loads
(Blair et al., 2007). Our findings replicate these effects during the
sleep-rested session, revealing a decrease in amygdala activity
during high load and intact distractor differentiation only during
low load.
Such context-specific modulations in amygdala activity have
been explained by either lowered top-down inhibition of distrac-
tor processing during high cognitive load or bottom-up limited
resources attributable to cognitive task demands (for reviews, see
Pessoa, 2008; Iordan et al., 2013; Okon-Singer et al., 2013; Pour-
tois et al., 2013). Interestingly, SD offers a unique way to examine
such hypotheses by focusing on the effect of load manipulation
on emotional processing. An effect of SD on resource availability
would lead to reduced distractor processing regardless of cogni-
tive load, while impaired inhibitory control would produce the
opposite pattern, displaying increased distractor processing in
both loads. In accordance with the latter, we demonstrate
uniquely that SD results in increased response to both distractors,
associated with a lack of neural discrimination between aspects of
emotional valence and cognitive load, thus eliminating all
context-dependent modulation in amygdala activity.
Lack of cognitive load differentiation in amygdala activity
could be anticipated in light of a well described prefrontal vulner-
ability to sleep loss (Muzur et al., 2002). Indeed, numerous tasks
Figure 7. ssVEP amplitudes. a, Time course of ssVEP amplitudes in the chosen frequency
involving PFC activity have been reported to be sensitive to the
domain obtained by complex demodulation averaged across all subjects in a subset of posterior effects of total SD, including general executive function (Nilsson
electrodes (O1, O2, Oz). A dashed vertical box indicates the time window of significant ampli- et al., 2005), decision making (Killgore et al., 2006), divided at-
tude reduction for negative compared with neutral distractors. b, Bar graphs illustrate the tention (Drummond et al., 2001), and working memory (Turner
corresponding ANOVA distractor ⫻ session interaction revealing a marked change in process- et al., 2007). A reduction in amygdala–ACC connectivity after SD
ing neutral distractors, only after SD. Error bars represent SEM. **p ⬍ 0.0005. rdk, random-dot further suggests a loss of cognitive control (Miller and Cohen,
kinematograms. 2001). In other words, sleep loss may impair cognitive load dif-
ferentiation simply by disrupting executive function.
percentage REM and frontal connectivity (r ⫽ ⫺0.53, p ⬍ 0.03; However, loss of distractor discrimination is slightly more
Fig. 8b), demonstrating again that a lower amount of REM sleep surprising. Given previous evidence of amygdala hyperactivity
is associated with a greater decline in frontal modulation of emo- after SD (Yoo et al., 2007), we assumed greater activation in re-
tional processing. sponse to the emotional distractors after SD, while keeping
distractor differentiation intact. Nevertheless, both our tasks re-
Discussion vealed a complete lack of distractor discrimination after SD and a
Our findings demonstrate that sleep loss significantly impairs significantly greater response to the neutral and not the emo-
cognitive control of emotion, leading to increased processing of tional distractor. An emotional bias toward neutral stimuli is
distracting neutral information, coupled with a significant de- common in several affective disorders [e.g., depression (Lep-
Simon et al. • Impaired Emotional Control without Sleep J. Neurosci., September 23, 2015 • 35(38):13194 –13205 • 13203

Figure 8. ssVEP connectivity. a, ssVEP prefrontal phase-locking indices (calculated relative to Oz) in sleep-rested and sleep-deprived sessions. b, A scatter plot displaying the negative correlation
between percentage REM sleep and relative phase-locking decreases after SD. Error bars represent SEM. *p ⬍ 0.05.

pänen et al., 2004) and social anxiety disorder (Singer et al., Such an encompassing effect of SD on the threshold for emo-
2012)], further found to be correlated with state anxiety in social tional activation, expressed in both limbic and task-related re-
anxiety patients (Cooney et al., 2006) and in healthy controls gions, could imply the involvement of PFC dysregulation. As
(Somerville et al., 2004). Therefore, emotional processing of neu- mentioned above, the PFC is particularly vulnerable to sleep loss,
tral stimuli could mediate the increased anxiety reported in and its medial regions are known to play a key role in emotion
healthy controls after SD (Minkel et al., 2012) and point to a regulation via top-down modulation of limbic regions, such as
significant reduction in the threshold for emotional activation. the amygdala (Davidson, 2002; Sotres-Bayon et al., 2004). In ac-
These findings may further suggest that neutral stimuli could cordance with previous work (Yoo et al., 2007; Walker and van
be regarded as emotionally ambiguous (Cooney et al., 2006), with der Helm, 2009; Goldstein et al., 2013), both our tasks revealed a
their processing dependent on intact cognitive control of emo- significant decrease in prefrontal connectivity after SD, with
tion. If so, processing of neutral stimuli could shift toward emo- fMRI results implicating lateral and medial PFC, both of which
tional saliency as the threshold for limbic activation is altered by are acknowledged as critical in regulating amygdala activity (for
sleep loss. In accordance, studies have reported an increased neg- review, see Kim et al., 2011), especially during emotion-
ative bias of neutral images during subjective emotional ratings regulation tasks (Banks et al., 2007). In accordance, impaired
after SD (Yoo et al., 2007), without an effect on the ratings of reappraisal of negative stimuli has been associated with poor
negative or pleasant images (Daniela et al., 2010). Although pro- sleep quality (Mauss et al., 2013) recently, suggesting that explicit
cessing of neutral stimuli is sensitive to sleep loss, processing of attempts to exercise emotional control are also susceptible to
negative stimuli reveals a relative resilience to SD. For instance, sleep loss, though this topic still remains a fruitful target for fu-
36 h of SD impaired encoding of positive and neutral declarative ture research. Altogether, these findings suggest that diminished
memories without a significant effect on negative memory en- PFC regulation might be associated with increased emotional
coding (Walker and van der Helm, 2009). Using low and high reactivity after SD.
stressors, a recent study further demonstrated increased subjec- Interestingly, we further found that these decreases in frontal
tive stress and anxiety only after exposure to the low-stressor connectivity were associated with lower amounts of REM sleep,
condition in the SD group compared with rested controls, shown consistently to be involved in emotional processing dur-
whereas the high-stressor condition elevated stress equally for ing sleep (Nishida et al., 2009; Gujar et al., 2011a; van der Helm et
both groups (Minkel et al., 2012). These findings suggest that al., 2011). For instance, Payne et al. (2012) have demonstrated
negative stimuli might produce a ceiling effect in emotional ac- that higher recognition of emotional (compared with neutral)
tivity that is relatively resilient to impaired cognitive control of events after sleep is specifically correlated with higher REM sleep
emotion elicited by SD. amounts, supporting a critical role for REM sleep in maintaining
In addition to limbic activity, SD induced a significant change emotional selectivity. In accordance, our findings reveal a
in task-related regions (right DLPFC activity in the emotional significant negative correlation between percentage REM sleep
N-back task and primary visual cortex in the ssVEP task) during amount and frontal indices of emotional control, mirroring the
processing of neutral distractors. An increased response to neu- importance of REM sleep to maintained emotional discrimina-
tral stimuli in the DLPFC has been reported previously, although tion. Recent models have suggested that the unique physiology of
only when affective parameters were task relevant (Perlstein et al., REM sleep (i.e., minimal noradrenergic activity) enables over-
2002). After SD, it was evident for irrelevant distractors only night restoration of noradrenergic tone, optimally modulating
during low load conditions, again suggesting that loss of cogni- both amygdala and PFC activations in response to emotionally
tive control of emotion mostly effects the lower threshold of emo- salient events (Goldstein and Walker, 2014). In accordance with
tional/cognitive processing while relatively sparing the high our findings, the authors further suggest, that without the bene-
demanding conditions (i.e., negative distractor/high load, re- ficial effect of REM sleep, high noradrenergic tone would result in
spectively). Similar to known adverse effects of SD on monoto- poor salience detection, leading to impaired discrimination be-
nous tasks (Lim and Dinges, 2008), it seems that low load, tween emotionally salient and non-salient events, associated with
emotionally ambiguous conditions are also most susceptible to reduced PFC modulation of amygdala activity. Therefore, REM
sleep loss. sleep might be involved in the calibration of emotional activity
13204 • J. Neurosci., September 23, 2015 • 35(38):13194 –13205 Simon et al. • Impaired Emotional Control without Sleep

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