Rizal Finals

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RIZAL: IN FRANCE AND GERMANY - He posed as Sikatuna in the Blood Compact and

as an Egyptian priest in the Death of Cleopatra.

- After finishing his studies in Madrid, Rizal
- Before leaving the city, Rizal had completed
decided to leave the Spanish capital and move
one-forth of his novel, the Noli Me Tangere.
to France and Germany.
- His decision to migrate into these two countries
- After specializing in ophthalmology under Dr.
was due to his desire to specialize in
Louis de Wecker, Rizal left Paris for Germany.
(Zaide & Zaide, 1999)
- He left Paris due to its high cost of living, which
- His preference for ophthalmology as a
he could not cope with.
specialization in medicine was prompted by his
- He arrived at Heidelberg, the university town
desire to cure the eye ailment of his mother.
of Germany, on Feb. 3, 1886 after passing by
Strasbourg and other border towns of Germany.
- Side by side with his studies in ophthalmology,
- For a time, he resided in a German boarding
Rizal continued his observations of the
house where he became a friend to some
government and laws, as well as the customs
German law students.
and traditions of France and Germany.
- Since Rizal was a good chess player, he was
RIZAL IN PARIS (1885 – 1886) eventually recommended by his board mates to
become a member of Chess Players' Club of
- Rizal was already 24 years old and a full-
pledged surgeon, when he migrated into Paris
- He became popular among these German law
(Zulueta, 2004).
students because he joined them not only in
their chess games but also in their beer
- His sudden decision to move to Paris was
drinking sprees.
brought about by his intention to specialize in
- After a few days, Rizal decided to transfer to a
boarding house close to the University of
- Before going into gay Paris, Rizal went to
- He was privileged to work at the eye hospital of
Barcelona, Spain to visit Maximo Viola, a
the university, under the tutelage of Dr. Otto
student from San Miguel, Bulacan.
- It was at this university town where Rizal
- They agreed to have a grand tour of Europe,
perfected the techniques of diagnosing eye
once Rizal completes his medical studies in
ailments, which he learned under Dr. Otto
France and Germany
- While at Heidelberg, Rizal wrote letters to his
- Rizal worked as an assistant at the eye clinic of
sisters, Maria and Trinidad.
Dr. Louis de Wecker, for four months.
- In his letters to his sisters, Rizal described
Germany as country of order and obedience
- From Dr. de Wecker, Rizal learned the
(Guerrero, 1998).
- From the same correspondence to Maria in
o the actual performance of eye operation;
February, Rizal described the German student
o recent studies on the ailment of the eyes;
as affectionate, respectful, modest, and not
o the various techniques of eye operation.
- Women, however, were described by Rizal as
tall, stout and blonde.
- Outside his working hours in the eye clinic, Rizal
- From the letter sent by Rizal to Trinidad, it can
took time to visit his fellow Filipinos in the city.
be noted that he stressed so much the
following good qualities of German women:
- He frequently visited the residences of Felix R.
serious, studious, simple, industrious, not
Hidalgo, Pardo de Tavera, and Juan Luna.
afraid of men, and concerned about education
(Pecson, 1975).
- His frequent contacts with other Filipinos in the
- The said letter, likewise, shows Rizal's concern
city contributed immensely to his ability to
about the training of his sisters so that they can
learn and speak French fluently.
be able to emulate the virtues of German
- For a time, he stayed with Juan Luna in the
latter's studio in Paris. A LAS FLORES DE HEIDELBERG

- Rizal visited the different scenic spots of

- Here, Rizal became Luna's model in two of his
Heidelberg on weekends.
historical canvasses: The Blood Compact; and
- He usually strolled around the city, not only to
Death of Cleopatra.
see its church and theater but also to savor the
cool breeze of the Neckar River, which was
teeming with flowers.
- This scenery inspired Rizal to write a poem - This marked the beginning of the frequent
entitled A Las Flores de Heidelberg (To The communication between Rizal and Blumentritt
Flowers of Heidelberg) on April 12, 1886. through the medium of writing.
- As pointed out by Dizon (1961), the poem A Las
Flores de Heidelberg, is a poem of two of the
greatest loves of nan on earth. - Similarly, it signaled the commencement of a
- It is a poem of remembrance and a poem of lasting friendship between them.
the motherland.
- Close reading of the poem reveals the RIZAL TO LEIPZIG AND DRESDEN
aforementioned point. - After attending the fifth centenary foundation
- Rizal, in this particular verse, expressed his day celebration of the University of Heidelberg,
longing for his native land and commanded the Rizal visited other cities in Germany.
flowers of Heidelberg, forget-me-not(name of - He arrived in Leipzig on August 14, 1886, on
the flower)-, to go to the Philippines and tell his board a train (Zulueta, 2004).
countrymen and loved ones of his love for the - Part of his activities in this city was attendance
country. at the lectures given by German professors in
- It was at the University of Heidelberg where
- After composing the poem, A Las Flores de Rizal came to know Prof. Friedrich Ratzel, a
Heidelberg, Rizal took a three-month vacation well-known German historian and Dr. Hans
at Wilhelmsfeld, a mountainous village at Meyer, a famous German anthropologist.
Heidelberg. - It was also in this city where he translated
- It was at this village where he met Dr. Karl Schiller's William Tell into Tagalog, for the
Ulmer, a pastor of the vicarage of Wilhemsfeld. Filipinos to become aware of the story of the
- Because Rizal became a friend of Pastor Ulmer, champion of Swiss Independence.
he stayed with the former's family during the - He also translated the Fairy Tales, written by
entire duration of his summer vacation on the Hans Christian Andersen, for the benefit of his
said village. young nieces and nephews in the Philippines.
- Owing to his pleasant disposition and - While at Leipzig, Rizal worked as a proofreader
personality, as well as his talents in sketching in a publishing company to augment his
and languages, Pastor Ulmer's wife greatly allowance.
admired Rizal. - He was fortunate enough to be accepted due to
- Rizal's vacation at Wilhelmsfeld was quit an his knowledge of German, Spanish and other
enjoyable one for him. European languages.
- He returned to Heidelberg on June 2, 1886 - Owing to the lower cost of living at Leipzig, he
remembering the hospitality and friendship stayed in the city for two months.
accorded to him by the Ulmers. - He left Leipzig on Oct. 29, 1886 and went to
- Nonetheless, there was something appreciated Dresden (Zaide & Zaide, 1999).
so much from his stay in the German village - - It was at Dresden where he met Dr. Adolph
the religious tolerance the people practice in Meyer, the Director of Anthropological and
the area. Ethnological Museum of the city.
- He observed Pastor Ulmer being able to get - After his three-day visit to Dresden, he left
along well with the Catholic priest in the area, Dresden for Berlin by train.
something that will not be possible in the
Philippines as that time due to the dominant RIZAL IN BERLIN
belief of the friars that only themselves were - Rizal arrived in Berlin in the evening of Nov. 1,
the only true purveyors of the words of God. 1886.
FIRST CORRESPONDENCE WITH BLUMENTRITT - He went to Berlin due to the following reasons
(Rivera et al, 1969):
- Rizal sent his first correspondence with o to further enhance his knowledge of
Professor Ferdinand Blumentritt, after his ophthalmology:
summer vacation Wilhemsfeld, on July 31, o to supplement his studies of languages
1886. and sciences;
- What impelled him to write Blumentritt was the o to study and observe the political and
latter's interest in ethnology and Philippine economic conditions of Germany;
languages. o to join the circle of famous German
- Accompanying his letter was a book entitled scientists and scholars;
Aritmetica, authored by Rufino Baltazar o and to complete and publish his novel,
Hernandez and published by the UST Press in Noli Me Tangere.
1868. - At Berlin, Rizal was fortunate enough to meet in
- Rizal's first correspondence impressed person, Dr. Feodor Jagor, the author of the
Blumentritt, the Director of the Ateneo of Travels in the Philippines.
Leitmeritz (Zaide & Zaide, 1999).
- In return, Blumentritt sent Rizal two books.
- This book was one Rizal admired so much when 13. This happened from November 1886 to May
he was still a student at UST. 1887. His brother Paciano was unable to send
- His admiration of this book was due to two him his monthly stipend owing to crop failures
reasons. in Calamba.

- First, it predicted the collapse of Spanish - In order to eat, he had to pawn the diamond
Regime in the Philippines. Finally, it prophesied ring given by his sister Saturnina and sell his
the coming of the Americans into the books to second-hand bookstores.
Philippines. - Devoid of proper nutrition, he got sick with
coughs and colds, signs of tuberculosis.
1. His acquaintance with Dr. Jagor, through a - Penniless at Berlin, he thought of burning the
letter of introduction from Ferdinand manuscript of his first novel, which he had
Blumentritt, resulted into his friendship with completed.
numerous German intellectuals, like the
following: Dr. Rudolf Virchow, a German
anthropologist; Dr. Hans Virchow, a German
professor of Descriptive Anatomy: and Dr. W.
Joest, a famous German geographer; and Dr.
Karl Ernest Schweigger, a noted German

2. His association with these German intellectuals

led to his membership in prestigious societies of
scholars and intellectuals in Berlin.

3. On the recommendation of Dr. Jagor and Dr.

Meyer, Rizal was accepted as member of the
following societies in Berlin:

4. Anthropological Society; Ethnological Society ;

and Geographical Society.

5. cting on the invitation of Dr. Virchow, Rizal

presented a paper in German entitled
Tagalische Verkunst (Tagalog Metrical Art)to
the Ethnographic Society of Berlin

6. The paper was well appreciated, which proved

that Rizal was recognized for his scientific
knowledge in Europe.

7. Life in Berlin was not that easy for Rizal.

8. In the morning, he worked as an assistant in Dr.

Schweigger's clinic.

9. Then he attended lectures at the University of

Berlin in the evening.

10. At his boarding house, Rizal continued his

physical trimming exercises and practice in
speaking German, French, and Italian

11. Before resting in the evening, he took time

writing and completing his first novel.
12. Although Rizal was exposed to a lot of enriching
experiences in Berlin. There was a time that he
found himself penniless.
Another source of idea for writing a novel about the
Philippines was the novel Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet
Beecher Stowe (Zaide & Zaide, 1999).
o This novel portrayed the brutalities
committed by American slave owners
against their Negro slaves.
 During the course of Rizal's stay in several  Owing to the beauty and literary style of this
European cities, he noted that Filipinos were novel, Rizal was able to fully comprehend the
practically unknown nation (Guerrero, 1998). pathetic conditions of the Negro slaves.
 They were mistaken for Chinese in Spain and  Just like Luna's Spoliarium, this novel provided
Japanese in Paris. Thus, during Paris Exposition Rizal the springboard to write a novel
of 1889, Rizal encouraged his fellow expatriates portraying vividly the miseries of the Filipinos
to call themselves Indios Bravos for them to under the oppressive rule of the Spanish
have a sense of national identity. tyrants.
 Realizing the need for the Filipinos and the  A third source of idea for a novel, Rizal was then
country to be known in Europe, Rizal presented conceptualizing was the anti-clerical novel
a proposal on writing a novel about the authored by Eugene Sue - The Wandering Jew
Philippines to the Circulo - Hispano Filipino on (Quirino, 1940).
January 2, 1884. o This novel made a great impression on
 The members of the association unanimously Rizal.
approved this proposal. Unfortunately,  According to Quirino, the literary form of the
however, the project did not materialize Wandering Jew could had probably been used
because those who were expected to by Rizal as his model to arouse the feeling
collaborate with Rizal did not write anything on against the existing Philippine situation and, at
the subject. the same time, communicate to the Filipinos
 In addition to this, many of his fellow the ideals he wanted them to embrace.
expatriates were indifferent to the project since
they were more interested to write about
women.  Rizal started writing the Noli Me Tangere in
 The project died a natural death to the 1884, while he was studying in Europe.
foregoing reasons.  He completed one half of the novel in Madrid.
 One year after, Pedro Paterno published his One-fourth of the novel was written when he
novel entitled Ninay, with its subtitle was at Paris, while the remaining one-fourth
Costumbres Filipinas (Philippine Customs). was completed in Berlin, Germany on Feb. 21,
 Rizal was very happy, considering that his 1887.
purpose was partly fulfilled.  The novel came off the press on March 21,
 Inasmuch as Paterno's novel delved only on one 1887, with the financial assistance of Maximo
particular aspect of Filipino culture, Rizal Viola.
became more determined to write his own  At the outset, the novel was untitled. Later on,
novel about the Philippines. he decided to call his first literary masterpiece
Noli Me Tangere (Capino et al, 1977).
 The title can be translated into English as
 One of the ideas that provided Rizal the "Touch Me Not."
motivation to write a novel about the  The aforementioned label to this novel has a
Philippines was Luna's Spoliarium. biblical basis, as those words were the ones
 For Rizal, Luna's canvass conveyed the plight uttered by Jesus Christ to Mary Magdalene
of the vanquished and pathetic suffering of the when the latter visited His tomb before sunrise
human race. of Easter Sunday.
 Moreover, the Spoliarium was perceived by  Rizal deemed it appropriate to use the said title
Rizal as a reflection of the spirit of the social, as his novel contained delicate things nobody
moral, and political life of his time because it wanted to talk about or touch during his time.
clearly showed mankind under severe ordeal,  He, therefore, trod where angels fear to tread
mankind unredeemed, and reason and by exposing the evils of the Church and the
aspiration in an open struggle with fanatism State, which were hazardous to touch.
and injustice.  It can be drawn from the foregoing primary
 This made Rizal write a novel depicting the sources that Rizal was very certain as to why he
country to be redeemed from bondage and wrote the Noli Me Tangere.
Notable among his purposes for writing this novel were
The Noli Me Tangere can, therefore, be considered as the following:
Rizal's Spoliarium.
1. to picture the past and the realities in the  Learning of the miserable conditions of the local
Philippines school with no building to speak of, nor books
2. to reply to insults heaped on the Filipinos and for students; use, Ibarra secured permission for
their country the erection of a modern school building,
3. to unmask the hypocrisy that have patterned after the German model.
impoverished and brutalized the Filipino people  The cornerstone of the school building was laid
and out during the celebration of the town fiesta.
4. to stir the patriotism of the Filipino people. Ibarra was nearly killed by the sudden collapse
of the derrick.
 Appearing quickly on the scene, he was rescued
 The novels begins with the return of Juan by Elias, a boat pilot who was saved by Ibarra
Crisostomo Ibarra, a son of an affluent creole in during an excursion in the lake.
San Diego, after long years of study in the  The plot to exterminate Ibarra was planned by
European continent. Father Damaso and Father Salvi, the friar who
 During the entire duration of his absence in the was madly in love with Maria Clara.
country, his father Don Rafael Ibarra got the ire
Later during the day, a banquet held at Capitan Tiago's
of Father Damaso and other influential people
in their place.
 Don Rafael was jailed for the accidental death  Again, Father Damaso started throwing
of Spanish tax collector in his defense of a insulting and offensive remarks about Ibarra.
young boy being brutalized by this illiterate  As usual, Ibarra ignored what he heard.
official. Nonetheless, when Father Damaso insulted the
 He was incarcerated and detained in prison for memories of his dead father, Ibarra stood up
various alleged reasons till he died. and knocked the friar to ground.
 Father Damaso, the parish priest of San Diego,  He was about to kill Father Damaso, when
denied him Christian burial and ordered his Maria Clara interceded. Ibarra was
corpse exhumed from the cemetery where it excommunicated for laying his hands on the
had been buried. parish priest.
 Father Damaso denied Don Rafael ibarra a  Sympathizing with Father Damaso, Capitan
burial befitting a Christian on account of his Tiago inhibited Maria Clara from seeing Ibarra
being a freethinker, who had not even gone to again.
confession in the church.  The excommunication of Ibarra, however, was
 The governor-general then learned about what soon lifter through intercession of the liberal-
the parish-priest did and demanded that he be mined governor general, who visited San Diego.
punished for what he did.  As Father Damaso did not succeed in having
 No discipline was imposed on Father Damaso. Ibarra excommunicated, a plot was brewed to
Instead, he was just transferred to another destroy the young man through Father Salvi.
pueblo by his superior.  Father Salvi organized a rebellion among the
 Ibarra, upon arriving in the Philippines, was poor, discontented people of San Diego and
totally unaware of what happened to his father. those who were victimized by the Guardia Civil.
 A dinner was tendered for Ibarra by Don  They were made to believe that Ibarra was its
Santiago de los Santos or Capitan Tiago, the leader and financier. Later on, Father Salvi
father of Maria Clara. disclosed the plan the Guardia Civil. The
 At the welcome dinner, Ibarra was praised and rebellion was crushed.
commended by all the guests for his  An immediate aftermath of the crushed
educational achievement in Europe, except by rebellion was the arrest and imprisonment of
Father Damaso those who offended the friar and those who
 In spite of Ibarra's courtesy and refusal to espoused liberal ideas in San Diego.
counter the rude treatment accorded him by  Notable among those who were jailed was
the friar, Father Damaso continued making Ibarra himself.
insulting statements concerning the time Ibarra  Ibarra was convicted on the basis of the letter
wasted studying abroad. he wrote to Maria Clara while he was in Europe.
 Ibarra, instead of getting even with the friar, Nonetheless, Ibarra was able to escape through
just ignored all those insults through his smile. the assistance extended to him by Elias,
 After the dinner, Ibarra left Capitan Tiago's  Meanwhile, before finally leaving San Diego,
home to return to his hotel. Accidentally, he Ibarra proceeded to the house of Capitan Tiago
met Lieutenant Guevarra on the way and to bid Maria Clara goodbye.
learned from him the sad story of his father.  Ibarra discovered that the letter traded by
 As a loyal Spaniard, the thought of avenging his Maria Clara to Father Salvi for the two letters of
father's death did not come to his mind. Doña Pia, Maria Clara's mother, which proved
Instead, he dedicated himself in the pursuit of that her real father was Father Damaso.
his father's ideals of educating the people of  To keep the truth secret to everyone and to
San Diego. save the reputation of Capitan Tiago,
Maria Clara gave Ibarra's letter to Father Salvi reflected Rizal's denunciation of superstitious
without the thought that the same shall be used beliefs and blind fanaticism.
against his fiancée by the authorities.  The homily of Father Damaso during the
 After bidding Maria Clara, Elias and Ibarra celebration of the town fiesta was employed by
proceeded to the banca at Pasig River toward Rizal to denounce the vulgar ignorance,
Laguna de Bay. They were chased by the hypocrisy and religious despotism of the friars.
Guardia Civil  The novel clearly identified the defects of the
 To distract the attention of the Guardia Civil, Spanish colonial system in the Philippines.
Elias swam for shore under as their banca Solutions to these defects can be gleaned from
reached the lake under fire. Meanwhile, Ibarra the exchange of ideas between Elias and Ibarra.
hid himself under the zacate and was able to  Rizal, however, was not very clear on what to
escape. do. He was not certain of opting for a
 Elias, on the other hand, was shot. Thinking revolution. On the other hand, he made it clear
that they succeeded in killing Ibarra, the and plan the threat of a possible outbreak of a
Guardia Civil then returned to Manila. revolution, should radical reforms not be
 Although seriously wounded, Elias was able to instituted in the colony by the Spanish
reach shore. From the shore, he inched his way government.
into the woods, where he saw Basilio weeping
over the dead body of his mother Sisa.
 Elias instructed Basilio to prepare the funeral Although the novel is a work of fiction, the novel can be
pyre for the burning of his mother's dead body considered a true story of the Philippines during the last
and that of Elias. Basilio complied with the decades of Spanish rule.
The characters used by Rizal in the Noli were persons
 The next day, newspapers reported the death
who actually existed during those times (Zaide & Zaide,
of Crisostomo Ibarra. Learning of what
happened to his beloved Ibarra, Maria Clara
refused to marry Linares. A young Spaniard Maria Clara was Leonor Rivera.
chosen for him by Father Damaso.
Tasyo was his older brother Paciano
 Instead, she told Father Damaso of her
intention of entering the nunnery of Santa Padre Salvi was Fr. Antonio Piernavieja of the
Clara, where Father Salvi was the chaplain. Augustinian Order.
 The novel ended with Maria Clara on the roof
of the nunnery, praying for her deliverance. Capitan Tiago was Captain Hilario Sunico of San
 From the novel can be noted the pivoted role Nicholas.
played by Elias, whose family was a victim of Doña Victorina was Doña Agustina Medel.
numerous tragedies for more than three
generations. In the novel, he was pictured as a Basilio and Crispin were the Crisostomo brothers of
bandit or an outlaw. Hagonoy, Bulacan.
 In the conversation that he had with Ibarra, it Padre Damaso, however, was the typical abusive friar
was Elias who appeared to be the voice of the during Rizal's time.
revolution who believed that reforms to obtain
justice were not possible. Through the characters in the Noli, Rizal depicted the
 Ibarra conced him to trust the government and different pictures of a Filipino society during his time
the need of the light of education (Capino et al, 1977).
 Elias also called for the radical reforms in the Juan Crisostomo Ibarra
clergy because they were the
 Ibarra responded by telling Elias that the  the main character in the novel, Ibarra
people owed the friars a debt of oppressors of represented the affluent and liberal European-
the people. gratitude for giving them the educated Filipino.
Catholic faith and for protecting them against  Civic minded, liberty-minded and patriotic. He
the tyranny of civil authorities. desired the education of the people.
 Nonetheless, when Ibarra suffered  His plan of establishing the schoolhouse at San
misfortunes, he changed his mind and was Diego was opposed by Father Damaso,
ready to incite the common people to revolt. representing conservatism in Filipino society
 To carry out Rizal's purpose in writing the novel, then. This conflict between liberalism and
numerous episodes were included in the novel conservatism is reflected in many episodes in
(Schumaster, 1997). the Noli, which culminated in Ibarra's leaving
 The episode in the cockpit exposed sarcastically the country and Maria Clara' entering the
the demeaning effects of gambling among nunnery.
Filipinos then. 2. Elias
 The conversation among the tertiary sisters on
buying indulgences during the All Soul's Day,  represented the Filipino masses in the novel. As
the symbol of the common people, Elias
did everything to vindicate them from the 7. Doña Victorina
injustices suffered from the Spaniards.
 a social climber, she married Don Tiburcio de
Although Ibarra's family had brought
Espadaña to support her claim of being a
misfortunes to his own family, he extended
help to Crisostomo in many occasions in the
novel. This might had been due to his belief  She despised everything Filipino and imitated
that the redemption of the county depends on what was Spanish.
the ilustrados.  Thus, Rizal used her in the novel to symbolize
 Just like Ibarra, he is a mouthpiece of Rizal's colonial mentality among some Filipinos during
contradictory thoughts and purposes. his time.

3. Maria Clara 8. Doña Patrocinio

 the object of Ibarra's love and affection. Rizal  the mistress of the Alferez, she was noted to be
represented Filipino womanhood trained in a imprudent, vulgar, cruel and quarrelsome.
convent and immerses in education basically  As such, she symbolized the mentality of the
religious in orientation. She symbolizes the Guardia Civil.
Filipino womanhood in their fidelity, coyness,  Being the only competitor of Capitan Tiago in
and modesty godliness, she did everything to pretend that
she was really religious by showing off to the
4. Don Rafael Ibarra public what she contribute for the Church.
 Crisostomo's father. He was jailed for helping a 9. Pilosopo Tasyo
young boy being harmed by an ignorant Spanish
tax collector.  he represented Rizal's epitome of a
 Father Damaso considered him a heretic and a philosopher. He was perceived to be sage by
filibustero owing to his liberal and independent the educated and a weird or lunatic by those
views. who did not know him.
 Rizal used Don Rafael in the Noli to symbolize 10. The School Master of San Nego
an affluent landlord with a social conscience.
 he symbolized intellectual dissatisfaction in
5. Sisa Filipino society during Rizal's time.
 the mother of Basilio and Crispin in the Noli.  As an educated individual, he dreamed of
She symbolized a lot of things in Filipino society changing the methods of teaching to facilitate
during Rizal's time. greater learning on the part of the pupils then.
 In the novel, she lost her mental balance upon THE FILIPINO SOCIETY AS PICTURED IN THE NOLI
learning what happened to Basilio and Crispin,
her two sons. The novel uncompromisingly exposes Spaniards in the
 Through her, Rizal was able to illustrate lack of Philippines. The government was administered by self-
concern in facing and resolving problems seekers, motivated by the desire to enrich themselves at
confronting Filipino society. She was also used the expense of the people. Honest and sincere officials
by Rizal in the Noli to illustrate the typical were quite few.
characteristics of Filipino mothers - fully  Corruption became so rampant, as a
cognizant of the attributes of their sons and consequence. Banditry became a way of life for
daughters; and willing to defend them from all many due to the corruption and brutality of the
forms of injustice or accusations. Guardia Civil.
6. Capitan Tiago  The friars, on the other hand, used the Catholic
Church to amass wealth and to perpetuate
 to the people of San Diego, he was Don themselves into power. Instead of teaching the
Anastacio delos Santos. Filipinos true Catholicism, they controlled the
 Just like Don Rafael Ibarra, he was rich government and opposed all progress.
landlord.  While Rizal condemned the Spaniards for their
 His wealth was derived from his involvement in abuses and insidious practices, Filipinos were
the illegal opium trade. not spared in his criticism of Filipino society. He
 To the common people, he was the symbol of criticized his fellow countrymen for their blind,
the cacique mentality. religious fanaticism, corruption, passion for
 Professing to be religious, never did he pray to gambling, subservience of the wealthy Filipinos
God even in the face of difficulties. towards the friars and government officials, and
 Instead, he let his money pray for him. their diculous efforts to distance themselves
Moreover, Rizal employed Capitan Tiago in the from the common people.
novel to represent subservient Filipino to the  To balance Rizal's portrait of Filipino society, the
authorities to protect his personal and business virtues and good qualities of the Filipino people
interest. were highlighted in the novel (Schumaster,
 Notable among the virtues and values  The people, then, were subjected to
emphasized by Rizal in the Noli were the ecclesiastical control more than any other form
following: the modesty and devotion of the of authority in the colony.
Filipino woman; the open handed hospitality of  Jaena's study of the Philippine institutions as
the Filipino family; the devotion of the parents cited by Guerrero (1998), likewise confirmed
to their children and children to their parents; the correctness of Rizal's evaluation of
and deep sense of gratitude of the Filipino Philippine society.
peasants.  As pointed out by Jaena, the parish priest in
each town can be described as a sword of
Damocles hanging over the head of authority -
 An in-depth analysis of the Noli Me Tangere the town mayor.
reveals Rizal's diagnosis of Filipino society of his  This was because local election was controlled
time. and manipulated by the parish priest. Only the
 From his novel, he made it plain and clear that candidates endorsed by and acceptable to the
the friars were the enemies of reform, progress parish priest were the ones seated into
and justice in the country (Guerrero, 1998). positions of leadership in the local government.
 One clear proof was the case of the school  Owing to the friar control of practically all
building project, proposed by Ibarra. While aspects of Filipino society, it was impossible
Ibarra believed that the project was noble then to seek reform and relief within the
considering that the school can be likened to a colony.
book where the history of nation is to be  Rizal and other propagandists felt it wise to do
witness, Padre Damaso opposed it. it outside the Philippines. Thus, the Propaganda
 The latter's opposition stemmed from his Movement was undertaken not in the
opinion that it could be a potent fortress for Philippines but in Spain.
rebellion.  Spain became the most logical venue for reform
 Rizal was basically impartial in his assessment of and relief due to the liberal atmosphere in this
the situation in the Philippines then because of country, as well as the protection offered by the
the fact that the misfortunes his family had Spanish Constitution and Cortes.
prior to the writing and publication of the Noli
were not due to the misdoings of the friars
(Guerrero, 1998).
 There were actually three reasons why Rizal  The novel can be considered a charter of
considered the friars, the enemy of reforms, Filipino nationalism (Schumaster, 1977).
progress and justice in the country.  It calls on the Filipino to: regain his self-
o The agrarian problem in Calamba confidence; appreciate his self worth; return to
between the tenants and the the heritage of his ancestors; assert himself as
Dominicans, while he was in Europe, a co equal of the Spaniards.
can be regarded one of the factors that  It likewise, insists on the need for education,
made Rizal point to the friars as the dedication to the country; assimilating the
deterrents to progress and reforms in aspects of Western cultures that could enhance
the country. native traditions.
o Another factor that could expound  More so, the novel does not only expose the
Rizal's conclusion was the influence of social maladies in the Philippines during Rizal's
the Spanish anti-clericalism. A third time.
explanation to the foregoing was Rizal's  It outlines the reforms needed in Filipino
over-all assessment of the Philippine society then.
political situation in 1886 and in 1872. o These reforms include the following:
Thus, for Rizal the need to expose the radical reforms in the armed forces,
abuses of the friars through ridicule and  clergy, and administration of
hatred became so urgent. justice;
 A question in relation to what were mentioned  more respect for human
above is, was Rizal correct in his analysis? dignity, greater security for the
Seventy years after the publication of the Noli, individual;
the research undertaken by the Catholics on  less strength in the
Philippine political situation confirmed the constabulary;
veracity of Rizal's contention (Guerrero, 1998).  and less privileges for
 The friars wielded so much powers, such that organizations prone to abuses
they were the real authority in the different and corruption.
pueblos, throughout the archipelago, due to the  Rizal, through Elias, mouthed solution to bring
following roles they played then: parish priest; about the needed reforms. For Elias, resolution
tax collector; school inspector; superintendent was the key when he said, "it is never a crime
of public works by forced labor; an intelligence to fight for one's country." Ibarra, on the other
officer, and president of all local boards. hand, believed otherwise.
 Noli Me Tangere presented a problem, the  When Rizal returned to the Philippines,
need for change in the country under Spanish reactions for and against the Noli Me Tangere
tutelage. On the contrary, it did not offer any surfaced. Filipinos became so eager to read the
solution to address the same (Guerrero, 1998) book, but only very few copies were available.
 What should be the reasons behind this? First, Their eagerness to take hold of the Noli can be
Rizal was not sure as to which solution to explained by the news that it exposed a lot of
implement. Should it be a revolution? Should it things about the country, its people and
be assimilation under the Spanish Crown? government.
Finally, Rizal was prudent enough not openly  Nonetheless, not only Filipinos took time to find
favor independence and revolution. a copy of the novel and read its contents.
 Nonetheless, the novel was a major turning Archbishop Payo was able to have a copy of the
point in Rizal's life. As mentioned by Guerrero Noli and sent the same to the rector of UST for
(1998), Rizal had become a prisoner of Noli Me examination on August 18, 1887.
Tangere's logic.  The rector constituted a three-man committee
 Moreover, through this novel, Rizal had opted to pass judgment on the novel. The Committee
to choose his enemy, the friars in the submitted its report to the archbishop of Manila
Philippines on August 30, 1887.
 It found the book heretical, impious and
scandalous in its religious aspect; unpatriotic;
 Prior to the publication of the Noli Me Tangere, subversive of public order; and offensive to the
a number of works by Filipino writers from 1882 government d Spain.
to 1896 were produced.  The archbishop forwarded the report of the
 Mention can be said of the following: Committee to the Governor general, Emilio
 Paterno's novel Ninay, published in Terrero, who in turn summoned Rizal to
Madrid in 1885; Malacañang Palace.
 del Pilar's La Soberania Monacal and o Terrero, being a liberal-minded
Graciano Lopez Jaena's Discursos y government executive, informed Rizal
Articulos Varios published in Barcelona of the unfavorable reports about his
in 1889 and 1891; novel, alleged to be libelous and
 and Antonio Luna's Impresiones, which subversive. He even asked Rizal to
came out in Madrid in 1893. provide him a copy of the book since he
 None of these publications, however, evoke such became interested to read it. Rizal later
favorable and unfavorable comments from on returned to the governor and
friends and enemies as did Rizal's Noli Me handed him the copy of the novel.
Tangere.  With no concrete action from Governor-
 One of those who congratulated Rizal for general Terrero. The archbishop asked the
writing and publishing the novel was Antonio Permanent Commission on Censorship to
Regidor, decide on the fate of the novel.
o a Filipino exile for his alleged complicity  A report submitted by Father Salvador Font,
in the 1872 Uprising. o an Augustinian, on December 29, 1892,
o He said that "the book is superior" and recommended the prohibition of the
that "if Don Quijote has made its importation, reproduction, and
author immortal because he exposed to circulation of the pernicious books in
the world the sufferings of Spain, your the Philippines (Palma, 1949).
Noli Me Tangere will bring you equal  Nonetheless, the novel was not banned in the
glory (National Heroes Commission, country, notwithstanding the recommendation
1963). made by the Permanent Commission. The
archbishop and the provincials of the friar
• Ferdinand Blumentritt, who became Rizal's friend orders were then lobbying for the banning of
thru correspondence, praised Rizal by saying: the book and the possible incarceration of Rizal.
o "Your work, as we Germans say, has  The friars, however, were not able to secure the
been written with blood and heart.. seal of the implementation of the
Your work has exceeded my hopes and I recommendation of the Permanent Commission
consider myself fortunate and happy to on Censorship from the governor-general
have been honored with your (Schumaster, 1997).
friendship. Not only I but you country,  Rizal was fortunate enough to be given the
may feel happy for having you, a protection owing to the power struggle then
patriotic and loyal son. If you continue existing between the leaders of the civil
so, you will be to your people one of government in Manila and the bishop and friar
those great men who will exercise a orders.
determinative influence over the
progress of their spiritual life (National
Centennial Commission, 1961).
ATTACKS AND DEFENSES OF THE NOLI ME TANGERE Schumaster (1997), Fr. Rodriquez judged the
novel on a doctrinal level, when he said that it
 The attacks on Rizal's Noli Me Tangere were not
should not be read by devout Christians.
only confined in the Philippines but were also
 Rizal, however, replied to these attacks by Fr.
staged in Madrid. (De Ocampo, 1961).
Rodriquez through the satirical pamphlet
o There, Senator Fernando Vida, Deputy
entitled, La Vision del Fray Rodriquez. In this
Luis M. de Pando, and Prime Minister
satirical work, St. Augustine was made by Rizal
Praxedes Mateo Sagasta were among
to appear to Fr. Rodriquez, while the latter was
those who unjustly lambasted and
in deep slumber and scolded him for becoming
criticized Rizal and his Noli in the two
a butt of all jokes to all angels in heaven by his
chambers of the Spanish Cortes in 1888
foolish articles. The satire ends with Fr.
and 1889.
Rodriquez condemned writing garbage articles
 Among these three senators, it was Fernando
for him to forever be a laughingstock to the
Vida who became very critical of the Noli
(Retana, 1907), describing Rizal as a native, with
 In response to Fr. Font's critique of the Noli,
the doctor of medicine degree from the
Rizal wrote a satirical essay, entitled Por
University of Madrid, an intimate friend of
Telefono (Schumaster. 1997). In this essay, he
Bismarck and have obtained a professional chair
narrated a long distance telephone
in medicine in a German University.
conversation between Salvador Font, who was
 The aforementioned Spanish legislators
reprimanded by his Superior for accepting a
condemned the novel as Anti Catholic,
hacienda for the Augustinians. Because what
Protestant, and Socialist in orientation and
Salvador did, compromised the Augustinian
struggle against the vows of wealth, pride and
 Another attack on the novel came from Vicente lust, the Superior told him to return to Spain
Barrantes, and instructed never to return to the
o a Spanish academician, who had spent Philippines.
many years in high posts of Philippine
Administration. DEFENSES
o As a regular contributor in the
While Rizal's Noli was attacked severely by the
newspaper entitled La España
establishment, particularly the friars, there were those
Moderna, he attacked Rizal in 1889 by
who tried to prove the merits of the novel and countered
describing Rizal as a man of
the arguments of its attackers.
contradiction, whose criticisms of the
friars and the Spanish Regime were  One of those who defended Noli, was Fr.
actually an insult to the Filipinos Francisco de Paula Sanchez, Rizal's teacher in
themselves. rhetoric at Ateneo.
 The first attack on the Noli Me Tangere in the  After reading the pamphlet written by Fr.
Philippines came from an anonymous letter, Rodriquez, he told Rizal that it was that
signed by a friar. pamphlet written with the feet and not the Noli
o In this letter, Rizal was labelled an Me Tangere (Epistolario Rizalino, Vol. 5).
ungrateful man at the same time he  In fact in Rizal's letter to Blumentritt upon his
was challenged to come out into the return to the Philippines after the publication of
open if he had a grievance against the the novel, he appreciated how Fr. Francisco de
religious establishment. Paula Sanchez praised and defended the Noli
 In the Philippines, Fr. Salvador Font, who publicly.
issued the official censure of the Noli, tried to  In the conversation that Rizal had with his
prevent the circulation of the novel by teacher, he was told that he could have written
publishing a few copies of his report an ideal book if he also gave a picture of an
(Schumaster, 1997). ideal priest to highlight the contrast.
 His report consisted of four parts, as follows:  Rizal, however, replied to this comment by
attacks on the religion of the State; saying that he wrote the Noli not for the
o attacks on the administration, thinking readers but for the public, which does
o the government employees and the not think.
courts;  The greatest defense of the Noli came from a
o attacks on the civil guards; Filipino priest. This priest was Fr. Vicente
o and attacks on the territorial integrity Garcia,
of the Spanish Kingdom. o the translator into Tagalog of the
 Nonetheless, Father Font attempted to refute famous Imitation of Christ.
these attacks resulting into the highlighting of  Writing under the pen name Desiderio
the points Rizal wanted to point out in his Noli. Magalang, Fr. Garcia refuted Fr. Rodriquez's
A direct attack on the Noli was launched by condemnation of the Noli for its alleged
Father Jose Rodriquez by issuing a series of blasphemy and heresy. According to this Filipino
pamphlets under the title Cuestiones de Suno priest, since the book was a work of literature,
Interes (Zaide & Zaide, 1999). As pointed out by
it should be judged that way and not on a o and the need to evade the enticing
doctrinal level. attraction of Petite Suzanne.
 He further stressed in his defense of the novel  It was in this city where Rizal met Jose
that criticisms are made of the religious orders Alejandro of Pampanga and Edilberto
for their members to mend their ways. Using his Evangelista of Manila, who were then studying
knowledge of logic, he said "If reading the Noli engineering at the University of Ghent.
is a mortal sin, then Fr. Rodriquez had also  With meager financial resources on hand, Rizal
committed a mortal sin." was forced to live a very cheap boarding house
 On the issue of Rizal's ignorance, Fr. Garcia where Edilberto Evangelista lived.
asserted that the former was not an ignorant  With no allowance arriving from his family in
man, considering that he was an alumnus of Calamba, Rizal practically had to economize on
Spanish universities and a recipient of whatever little amount of money he had. Thus,
numerous academic honors and awards he led a life of near starvation in the city of
 Another defender of Rizal's Noli was Marcelo H. Ghent.
del Pilar. In answer to Fr. Rodriquez' pamphlet  After settling in Ghent, Rizal searched for a
entitled Caiingat Cayo (Beware). Del Pilar wrote printing house, which could offer him the
the pamphlet entitle Be Slippery as an Eel. lowest quotation for the printing of the Fili.
 Rizal's Noli was also defended by his friend,  Fortunately, he found the F. Meyer-Van Loo
Ferdinand Blumentritt, in 1889 (Schumaster, Press willing to publish his novel on installment
1997). Blumentritt's defense stressed his basis (Zaide & Zaide, 1999).
Catholic orientation. First he praised both the  In order to defray the initial payment for the
work of the Jesuits and the friars in the printing of the Fili, Rizal had to pawn his jewels
Philippines. Nonetheless, the religious orders  For the printing to continue, he needed cash.
failed to keep up with the times. Thus, their Thus, he became very desperate thinking that
perception the criticisms made by European- the novel will not come off the press, as funds
educated Filipinos on the realities in the he expected from friends did not arrive
Philippines as an outright treason,  He, therefore, decided to suspend its printing,
 For Blumentritt, Rizal's novel was a patriotic until his friend Valentin Ventura in Paris came
one. It was a truthful and heartfelt effort to to the rescue.
make Spain realize the need to remedy the  With the financial assistance extended by
social ills plaguing Filipino society then. Ventura, the publication of the book was
Moreover, Blumentritt stressed the point that completed on September 1891.
the Spanish nationals have to accept these  Rizal shipped to Hong Kong all copies of the
criticisms. Ghent edition, which were smuggled into the
Apparently, the attacks on Rizal and his novel clearly Philippines, except those copies sent to his
showed the power and influence of friars who friends in Spain (Schumaster, 1997).
considered their interest of prime importance than A COMPARISON OF THE NOLI AND FILI
that of the interest of the state. Thus, for Rizal, as
the novel Noli Me Tangere has not yet been judged These two novels differed in many aspects.
and cannot be judged rightly as its effects are still  While Noli Me Tangere is a romantic novel, a
being felt. (Guerrero, 1998). work of the heart and a book of feeling; El
EL FILIBUSTERISMO: A REVOLUTION THAT FAILED Filibusterismo is a political novel, a work of the
head, and a book of thought (Zaide & Zaide,
 Rizal completed the revision of El 1999).
Filibusterismo while he was in Brussels. He  Another point of difference between the two
started writing this novel while he was in novels is in terms of their dedication. While
Calamba and continued working on it in Rizal dedicated the Noli to his motherland, the
London in 1888. Fili was dedicated to the memory of Gomburza.
 Some parts of the novel were written in  In terms of length of the novel, the Noli is
Paris and Madrid. longer since it consists of 64 chapters. On the
 Nonetheless, the manuscript was other hand, the Fili is shorter as it contains of 38
completed on March 29, 1891, while he was chapters.
in Biarritz (Jose Rizal National Centennial  One common trend in both the novels,
Commision, 1961). however, is the awakening of the Filipinos to
 It was the sequel of the Noli Me Tangere. the idea that they belong to one nation to make
THE PUBLICATION OF EL FILIBUSTERISMO them realize they have a motherland to love,
whose welfare should be their paramount
Rizal left Brussels for Ghent on July 5, 1891. concern (Capino et al, 1978).
 Moreover, both novels are focused towards the
 His decision to move to this university city of
seeking of reforms in our society during the
Belgium was prompted by two reasons (Zaide
Spanish regime
& Zaide, 1999), namely:
 Rizal advocated peaceful reforms in the
o cheaper cost of printing in Ghent;
Noli through Crisostomo Ibarra. On the
other hand, Rizal advocated a revolution in 13. Cabesang Tales
effecting reforms in Filipino society in the Fili,  dispossessed of his land in
through Simoun. Tlani by the friars.
 As pointed out by Zaide & Zaide (1999) both the 14. Juli
Fili and Noli were good novels from the point of  daughter of Cabesang Tales,
view of history. sweetheart of Basilio, kills
 One reason was that Noli and Fili depicted the herselfrather than be
actual conditions in the Philippines during the dishonored by Padre Camorra
time of Rizal. Moreover, both novels were 15. Macaraig
instrumental in awakening the spirit of Filipino  rich student and leader of the
nationalism, which paved the way for the Filipino students in their
outbreak of the Revolution of 1896 and the movement to have an
disintegration of the Spanish colonial empire in academy where they could
the Philippines. learn Spanish
16. Padre Millon
Synopsis of El Filibusterismo
 bigoted Dominican friar-
Simoun rich jeweler hero of El Filibusterismo professor, teaches physics in
the UST without scientific
 Two magnificent obsessions of simoun
1. To rescue Maria Clara from the nunnery
17. Placido Penitente
of Santa Clara
 student of Padre Millon,
2. To foment a revolution against the
discontented with the poor
hated Spanish masters
method of instruction in the
 Tabo - clumsy, roundish shaped steamer 38
 Passengers of the steamer 18. Senor Pasta
1. Simoun
 old Filipino laywer, refuses to
 rich jeweler help the Filipino students in
2. Doña Victorina their petition to the
 ridiculously Pro-Spanish native government for educational
woman reforms
3. Paulita Gomez- 19. Tandang Selo
 beautiful niece of Doña  grandfather of Juli and
Victorina Cabesang Tales father
4. Ben Zayb 20. Mr American impressato
 (Anagram of Ybañez)- Spanish  who owned the sideshow at
journalist who writes silly the feria of Quiapo exhibiting
articles about the Filipinos Egyptian mummy
5. Padre Sibyla 21. Sandoval Spanish student
 Vice-Rector of the University  who supports the cause of the
of Santo Tomas Filipino students to propagate
6. Padre Camom the teaching of Spanish
 the Parish priest of the town 22. Pecson
of Tiani  one of the Filipino students
7. Don Custodio who agitates for the teaching
 Pro-Spanish Filipino holding a of Spanish
high position in government 23. Cabesana Andang
8. Padre Salvi  mother of Placido Penitente
 thin, Franciscan friar and 24. Pepay
former cura of San Diego  pretty dancer and mistress of
9. Padre Irene Don Custodio
 a kind friar who was a friend 25. Padre Fernandez
of Filipino students  good Dominican friar and
10. Padre Florentino friend of Isagani
 a retired scholarly and 26. Don Timoteo
patriotic Filipino priest  father of Juanito Pelaez
11. Isagani 27. Tano
 a poet-nephew of Padre  son of the Cabesang Tales and
Florentino and lover of Paulita brother of Juli
12. Basilio 28. Chichay
 son of Sisa and promising  silversmith who made the
medical student whose bridal earrings for Paulita
medical education was Gomez
financed by Capitan Tiago
Note: Basilio was on the belief that redemption of the to represent the portion of Filipino society which, tired
country rests not on political revolution but through of the oppressor's rule wanted that rule to be
devotion in science, overthrown at all cost, but had no systematic plan for
the new society, if the old one is overthrown.
1. The story begins the clumsy on
roundish shaped steamer Tabo.  who after suffering from untold physical and
2. The passengers are Simoun, Dona spiritual abuse for at least 13 years, at last dies,
Victorina, Tiburcio de Espadana, can still be made to symbolize in the Fili, the
Paulita Gomez, Ben Zayb, Padre Sibyla. friar dominated culture, which is now ripe vor
Padre Camorra, Don Custodio, Padri revolution.
Salvi, Padre Irene, Padre Florentino,  That there is no eventual union between
Isagani, Basilio. Simoun and Maria Clara, not even meeting
3. He smuggles arms into the country but between the two since they parted 13 years ago
his first attempt to begin armed is significant.
uprising did not materialized because  Although Simoun wanted very much to see and
he hears a news that Maria Clara died. possess her, he was not permitted to do so.
4. On the wedding of Paulita Gomez and  This is indicative, symbolically speaking, of
Juanito Pelaez, Simoun gave a Rizal's refusal to recognize that the friar-
beautiful lamp as a wedding gift. dominated Filipino culture could still be
5. The lamp will explode, destroying the reinvigorated through the infusion of new
house where the wedding feast is elements into its anemic bloodstream.
going to be held and killing all the
guest, including Governor General, the SEÑOR PASTA
Friars and the Government officials.  The idealist turned mercenary, could be made
6. Isagani who has been rejected by to represent that portion of Filipino society
Paulita, is standing outside the house, who have abandoned their noble social ideals
watching sorrowfully the merriment and have become thoroughly self-seeking
inside. Basilio, his friend, warns him to opportunist, serving only the interest of those
go away because the lighted lamp will who have hired them.
soon explode.
7. Isagani rushes into the house, seizes ISAGANI
the lighted lamp and hurls it into the
 a young student, who is inspired by high ideals
river where it explodes
for his country but at critical moment
8. Simoun was cornered by the soldiers
apparently and unwittingly forgets those ideals
but he escaped. He was wounded,
for selfish reasons, could be made to symbolize
carrying his treasure chest, he sought
the untested and unreliable idealism of a
to refuge in the home of Padre
segment of the educated Filipino youths of the
9. Lieutenant Perez of Guardia civil
informs the priest by the letter that he PAULITA GOMEZ,
would come at eight o'clock that night
 the hapless object of Isagani's affection, a girl
to arrest Simoun
who is more free from the fetters of
10. Simoun eluded arrest by taking poison.
convention than Maria Clara, can be made to
He confesses to Padre Florentino,
represent that portion of Filipino womanhood -
revealing his true identity, his plan, his
still half breed like Maria Clara - which is
aim to destroy his friends and
relatively enlightened but which is itself almost
thoroughly bereft of love of country and of a
11. Padre Florenting consoles the dying
desire for the social good.
12. Padre Florentino watches Simoun die BASILIO
peacefully with a clear conscience and
at peace with God. He falls upon his  the medical student who, despite the extreme
knees and prays for the dead jeweler. sufferings undergone by his family as a result of
13. He takes the treasure chest and clerical perfidy and cruelty, refuses to entertain
throws it in to the sea any revolution though even in the face of
rampant social injustices, could be made to
SYMBOLIC INTERPRETATION OF THE FILI symbolize that segment of the educated
On the more abstract or philosophical level, following Filipino society which has been so brutalized
the thesis that the Fili is a study in revolution, the more that it has become insensible to the social
important characters can be interpreted symbolically. welfare.

Turned cynical and revolutionary as a result of past

failures and disappointments, SIMOUN could be made
PLACIDO PENITENTE  While Rizal described the government in a very
negative way, his picture of the friars in the Fili
 is another young man who has been so
was harsher. In this novel, Rizal painted them
disillusioned by the state of affairs he finds
as abusing their power to satisfy their evil
himself in as a student, entertains the desire to
desires, to preserve their control of education,
go abroad.
to rob of their land, and to seek their own
 When shown by Simoun some signs of a
possible uprising, he becomes so frightened
 While Rizal lambasted the friars in the Fili and
that he could not make up his mind whether to
the Spanish corruption, greed, exploitation,
join or not join. He persuasively could be made
and injustice, he did not spare his fellow
to symbolize those elements of Philippine
Filipinos from his harsh criticism of the regime.
society, which had not yet been infused with a
 He condemned them for their greed,
national sentiment or social conscience
corruption, hypocrisy, and cowardice, which
DON CUSTODIO contributed so much to the abuses of the civil
officials and the friars
 a typical Spanish official in the country, who
 Another message communicated by Rizal was
occupies several positions despite the absence
on the course of action Filipinos should to take
of qualification, believes that any idea that does should Spain not listen to his warning. As
not come from him deserves no consideration.
Filipinos had desired assimilation for a long
 As a character in the Fili, Rizal portrayed him as time, Spain should grant it.
one who finds pleasure in developing a feeling
 Should Spain not accede to the clamor for
of inferiority among the people.
assimilation, the people may eventually prefer
The pattern of suffering in the El Filibusterismo is to die rather than endure the miseries any
depicted in the story of Cabesang Tales, Juli and the longer. Violent means to effect change would
school master (Capino et al, 1978, Schumaster, 1997). thus become inevitable to achieve their goal.


 a victim of land grabbing by the friars, became
desperate and joined the outlaws for personal  As already stated, the EL Filibusterismo is a
revenge. He died of fever and found no justice novel about a revolution that failed as
in the courts. orchestrated by Simoun. Thus, in the Fili, he
returned to the Philippines for the purpose of
JULI undermining the Spanish Regime by
 innocent-looking and unaffected daughter of encouraging corruption in the government
Cabesang Tales and sweetheart of Basilio, took using his wealth and influence and by
her own life because of her love for honor and fomenting economic distress to prod people to
chastity rather than surrender her womanhood take up arms against the government.
to the mundane desire of Fr. Camorra.  Simoun attempted twice to carry out his sinister
plan. He planned to seize control of Manila with
THE SCHOOL MASTER the help of the outlaws and disaffected Filipino
 rusticated as a rebel for having experimented
teaching the Spanish language to young  This, nonetheless, failed as Simoun became
children against the wishes of the Spanish friars anesthetized upon learning that Maria Clara
died at the nunnery of Sta, Clara.
was pardoned due to the influence wielded by
Simoun. Later on, he became Simoun's  The second plan was to blow up the venue of
gunpowder expert. the wedding feast of Paulita Gomez and Juanito
Pelaez. Through a lamp prepared by him as a
THE MESSAGE OF THE FILI gift by the Governor general to the new couple.
This again did not materialize owing to the
 Rizal's message in El Filibusterismo is very
intervention of Isagani, who seized the lamp
clear: that the present system of government
and threw into the sea,
in the Philippines through corrupt officials,
 Rizal, through Simoun, had come to realize that
dominated by the friars can lead to the
independence was the solution to the miseries
downfall of Spain.
of the people under Spanish rule.
 Rizal was very certain that because of the
 Through Fr. Florentino, Rizal mouthed his idea
nature and operation of the government, those
on how independence should be won. This was
who are intelligent, generous, hard-working,
at the time of Simoun's retreat at the former's
courageous and loyal citizens were driven into
house near the sea.
opposition, crime and subversion
 Rizal's message from the statement of Fr.
 The Spanish colonial government for Rizal was
Florentino is very lucid: if Filipinos will not be
arbitrary, cruel, lacking in a sense of justice and
courageous enough to protest and proclaim
responsibility, without interest in the people
their rights, be willing to sacrifice, and shed off
under its tutelage.
their silence in the face of oppression and
tyranny, then they don't deserve top be given
 The conversation that transpired between Fr.
Florentino and Simoun, during the dying
moment of Simoun goes to show that Rizal was
a reluctant revolutionary (Guerrero, 1998).
 While he was on the belief that assimilation is
not possible and that independence was the
remedy to alleviate the sufferings of the
Filipinos under Spanish rule, Rizal hesitates and
backs down.
 To Rizal's thinking, the Filipinos of his time were
not ready for a revolution as they were not
ready for independence (Guerrero, 1998).
 They were not ready for independence as they
were still unworthy to become independent.
They will only be worthy of independence the
moment they had learned to prioritize social
good over their personal advantage and had
become a nation. For Rizal, God would provide
the means, be it a revolution or peaceful
separation from Spain.
 From the foregoing, Rizal made it plain and
clear that the Filipinos have to make themselves
worthy of freedom before they can become
 Deserving freedom, however, necessitates the
need for the Filipinos to travel the following
paths or roads: education; exemplary lives and
willingness to sacrifice for one's convictions.


 After the publication of El Filibusterismo, Rizal

no longer shared the view of the reforms that
reforms in the country will be granted by the
Spanish government.
 He gave up the idea of gradual and peaceful
emancipation of the country, which he clearly
communicated to Blumentritt in 1887.
 As stressed by Rizal in the aforementioned
correspondence "peaceful struggle will just
remain a dream, considering that Spain had not
learned the lesson of her former colonies in
South America” (Guerrero, 1998).
 Believing that reforms would no longer be
granted by Spain, Rizal became a separatist. As
a separatist, he was quite unique considering
that he left to God the attainment of
 After the publication of the Fili, Rizal was
bitterly attacked and mocked by his fellow
reformers in Madrid.
 This can be accounted for by the very radical
and subversive tone of the novel, which
renounced the propaganda campaign for
peaceful reforms and assimilation.
 This made Rizal decide to severe his connection
with the propagandists in Madrid to avert
possible split in their unity.
 Totally free and detached from the
propagandists in Europe, Rizal opted to return
to the Philippines to share the misfortunes of
his family.
RIZAL: - While at Leitmeritz, Rizal gave his host lessons
in Tagalog language (Zulueta, 2004). It was also
during this time that Rizal met other well-
After five years of sojourn to Europe, Rizal decided to known scientists of Europe, particularly Dr.
return to the Philippines, despite disapproval from Czepelak and Dr. Klutschack.
family members and friends. Nonetheless, before his - Rizal and these two scientists had some small
first homecoming to the Philippines, he had a grand talks about the Philippines and Leitmeritz.
tour of Europe with Maximo Viola. - The two Filipino doctors were also invited to a
meeting of the Tourists' Club of Leitmeritz, with
RIZAL AND VIOLA TO DRESDEN Blumentritt as secretary.
- Their tour of Europe began through their visit of - During this meeting, Rizal extemporaneously
Potsdam, a city near Berlin (Zaide & Zaide, talked in German language about the pleasant
1999). and relaxing scenes of Austria and its
- Here, they saw the imposing mausoleum hospitable, nature-loving and noble people.
enclosing the statue of Frederick the Great. - Those in attendance in the meeting were very
- Rizal and Viola left Berlin at dawn of May 11, much impressed with Rizal's fluency and
1887 by train, bound for Dresden. eloquence in German that they gave him a
- The visit of the two Filipino expatriates reverberating applause.
coincided with the holding of a regional floral - To memorialize his happy hours at the
exposition in Dresden. Blumentritt home, Rizal made a pencil sketch
- It was in this city where Rizal visited Dr. Adolph of Blumentritt and gave it to him.
B. Meyer, who was very happy seeing him. - Blumentritt was so pleased with this gift, which
- At Dresden, Rizal and Viola visited botanical to him as a gesture of cordial friendship.
gardens for viewing and scientific study. - On their last night at Leitmeritz, Rizal and Viola
- They were also impressed by the way the city invited Blumentritt family in Hotel Krebs and
folks were able to maintain monuments and tendered a farewell dinner to express their
landmarks of aesthetic and historical gratitude for the hospitality they were
significance. accorded by their host.
- While viewing the floral exposition, Rizal and - At around 9:30 in the morning of May 17, 1887,
Viola met Rizal and Viola left Leitmeritz by train bound for
- Dr. Feodor Jagor. Rizal told Dr. Jagor that he Prague, a historic city and the capital of
planned to visit Leitmeritz, Czechoslovakia to Czechoslovakia.
meet Blumentritt. IN PRAGUE
- Dr. Jagor, however, told Rizal to wire the
professor of their arrival at Leitmeritz. - To facilitate their visit into the different historic
spots in Prague, Blumentritt gave Rizal and Viola
IN LEITMERITZ letters of recommendations to Dr. Welkomm, a
- Rizal and Viola arrived at Leitmeritz in the history professor at the University of Prague.
afternoon of May 3, 1887. - The professor welcome them and accompanied
- They stepped down from the train that ferried the two in visiting the historic places and spots
them to Leitmeritz and were warmly received in Prague.
by Professor Ferdinand Blumentritt. - They took time to visit the tomb of Nicolaus
- Rizal was overjoyed, because he finally met the Copernicus, a famous Polish astronomer; the
professor in person. Blumentritt was likewise, museum of natural history; the bacteriological
pleased to see Rizal and embraced him. laboratories, and the celebrated cave were San
- After the exchange of pleasantries, Blumentritt Juan Nepomuceno was jailed. After a few days,
assisted the two Filipino expatriates to get a Viola and Rizal went to Vienna via Brunn.
room at Hotel Krebs. IN VIENNA
- Later, the professor invited Rizal and Viola to his
residence. - Rizal and Viola arrived at Vienna, the capital city
- Viola appreciated so much the hospitality of Austria Hungary on May 20, 1887.
extended to them by Blumentritt and his wife - The two Filipino doctors spent four days visiting
Rosa. the beautiful buildings and examining holy
- In the conversations that transpired between images and statues.
Blumentritt and Viola, Blumentritt described - They were also impressed with the songs and
Rizal as the greatest product of the Philippines, beautiful stories of the city. Just like what they
whose coming into this world can be likened to did in the earlier cities they visited, Rizal and
a comet, whose rare brilliance appears only Viola took time to see art galleries, museums,
every other century. public parks and recreation centers.
- To Blumentritt, Rizal was not only the most - They stayed in the city at the Hotel Metropole.
outstanding man of the Filipino people, but the
greatest man the Malayan race has ever
- To change the routine of their travel, the two - It was also at Geneva where Rizal celebrated
decided to take a small boat that took them to his 26th birthday.
the famous Danube River. - After being together for 15 days in the city, the
- As the boat plied the river, Rizal was amazed by two parted ways on June 23, 1887.
the scenario and charmed by the lovely waltzes. - Rizal toured Italy, while Viola returned to
What impressed him most were the archaic Barcelona.
villages on the riversides, which were serene
and peaceful
- From Geneva, Rizal continued his travel to
- The end of their Danube River voyage ended in - He visited the cities of Turin, Milan, Venice,
Lintz. Florence and Rome.
- They left Austria from Salzburg, the birthplace - The city of Rome, the Eternal City, the site of
of Mozart and reentered Germany upon arrival the Vatican (the seat of authority of the Roman
at Munich on May 27, 1887. Catholic Church), and capital of the Ancient
- From Munich they proceeded to Nuremberg, Roman Empire, attracted him so much.
where they saw the horrible torture machines - In Rome, Rizal had the opportunity to see St.
used during the Inquisition against the enemies Peter's Dome by Michaelangelo and Giacomo
of the Catholic Church. dela Porta and St. Peter's Basilica, the first
- From Munich, the two proceeded to Ulm. This known Christian Church dedicated during the
city was known for having the largest and the time of Emperor Constantine.
tallest cathedral in Germany. - Rizal was impressed by the fine example of
- Rizal and Viola climbed its many hundred steps. Renaissance architecture.
According to Viola, he rested twice on the way - At one time, he even witnessed the devout and
to the tower to catch his breath, while Rizal faithful Catholics jamming St. Peter's square at
ascended continuously until he reached the the Vatican City to receive the blessings of the
top. Pope.
- From Ulm, Rizal and Viola moved to Stuttgart, - While in Vatican, he took advantage of
Baden, and Rheinfall. It was at Rheinfall where attending the feast day of St. Peter and St. Paul.
they saw the Bin Waterfall, the most beautiful - The grandeur of Rome was something that Rizal
waterfall in the continent of Europe. did not fail to appreciate, in his sojourn to Italy.
- Rizal was very much amazed with the Coliseum
and the Roman Forum.
- Rizal and Viola crossed the Swiss border via - There, he spent long hours reminiscing the past
Schaffhausen from Rheinfall. and recreating life to the ruins.
- The two made brief stops at Basel, Bern, and - After a week of travel in Rome, Rizal prepared
Lausanne. for his homecoming to the Philippines.
- From Lausanne, they took a small boat and
landed at Geneva, the most beautiful and
frequented city of Switzerland. - Among the countries Rizal visited, it was 19th
- Upon arriving at Geneva, Rizal received the century Germany that he appreciated most.
news from his friends in Madrid of the - A basic reason for this was Rizal's appreciation
deplorable conditions of the primitive Igorots of the qualities possessed by the German
who were exhibited in the Exposition on the people during those times: sober; earnest;
Philippines (Zaide & Zaide, 1999). industrious; progressive; and prosperous. Thus,
- From the said news, Rizal learned that some for Rizal, Germany was his link to Europe and
Igorots died and that their G-strings and crude Ferdinand Blumentritt was his link to Germany
weapons had become objects of mockery and (Guerrero, 1998)
laughter by the Spanish press and the - Rizal became interested in Blumentritt because
Spaniards. the latter was an authority on the Philippines.
- As an advocate of human dignity, Rizal was - Rizal was 25 years old and Blumentritt was 33
infuriated and resented the degradation of his at the same time they became friends thru
fellowmen from Northern Luzon. This protest correspondence.
was communicated by Rizal to Blumentritt on - Rizal was aware that Blumentritt had written
June 6, 1887. about 250 essays and articles on Philippine
- Meanwhile, the two spent some afternoon on ethnography. Blumentritt, nonetheless, became
boating at Leman Lake. interested on the Philippines owing to the
- This boat trips that they had, gave Rizal the similarities and surprising analogies between
opportunity to demonstrate his skillfulness in the Germans and Tagalogs, as well as between
rowing and steering a boat. the Teutons and Igorots.
- Rizal and Blumentritt, therefore, became best
of friends, with Blumentritt becoming Rial's
dearest confidante and most trusted counselor
(Guerrero, 1998).
- He boarded the Djemnah, the same vessel that
ferried him to the continent five years ago.
- The friendship that blossomed between them,
- The vessel was on the journey to the Orient via
however, was an intellectual one. Such kind of
the Suez Canal.
camaraderie consisted of mutual teachings and
- From France, vessel had stopover in Aden.
correction based on differences in age, race,
- From Aden the voyage was continued till the
culture and experience.
vessel reached Saigon.
- It was thru Blumentritt that Rizal became a
- From Saigon, Rizal transferred to the steamer
member of various prominent professional
Haiphong, which reached Manila on August 5,
and scientific societies in Europe.
- Thus, there were factors that gave rise to Rizal-
- He stayed in Manila for three days.
Blumentritt friendship, namely: common
- He visited and called up Isabelo de los Reyes
interests; a shared love for the Philippines and
twice but was unable to find him. Later on he
the Filipinos; and affinity of temperaments and
visited Ateneo.
- At Ateneo, attempts were made by the Jesuits
- It was at Leitmeritz, where Rizal bid Europe
to win Rizal back to the fold of his old faith.
- Fr. Federico Faura showed Rizal the Image of
PLAN TO RETURN TO THE PHILIPPINES the Sacred Heart of Jesus which he carved
during his student days.
- Even before 1887, Rizal wanted to go back to - He told Rizal what was wrong with the Noli.
the Philippines. - Rizal simply responded by saying that he wrote
- In fact, as early as 1884, he expressed his desire the truth.
to return to his homeland. This decision was
due to the following reasons: BACK TO CALAMBA
1. financial difficulties at Calamba
- Rizal arrived in Calamba on August 8, 1887.
2. dissatisfaction with his studies in
- He found his family in the best of health.
- They shed tears of joy for seeing Rizal again. At
3. desire to prove that there was no
the same time they asked Rizal to answer
reason to fear going home; and
several questions about his stay, travel and
4. his belief that the Spanish Regime
studies in Europe.
will not punish the innocent.
- Upon his arrival at Calamba, rumors were
This plan did not materialize. spreading that Rizal was a German spy, an
agent of Bismarck, a mâson, and a soul
- After five years of stay and travel in Europe, halfway to damnation (Guerrero, 1998).
Rizal finally decided to go home. - Moreover, Rizal was receiving threats
- Paciano, as well as Rizal's fellow expatriates, everyday,
was not in favor of this decision because of the - His family was, therefore, very anxious about
publication of the Noli Me Tangere and the his safety, so Paciano accompanied him
negative reactions the Noli caused to the friars wherever he went to protect Rizal from any
in the Philippines. untoward incident.
- Being homesick, Rizal did not bother to think of - Even Don Francisco, his father, did not permit
the possible consequences of his homecoming him to go out on his own for fear that
- So in 1887, motivated by the following reasons, something bad might happen to him.
Rizal decided to return to his homeland: - At any rate, Rizal kept himself busy during his
1. to operate his mother's eyes; entire stay in Calamba.
2. to serve the people oppressed by - He opened a medical clinic and started
the Spaniards practicing his profession.
3. to find out for himself the effects - He cured the sick and soon gained fame as an
of his novel Noli to the Filipinos eye specialist and surgeon.
and the Spaniards and - He came to be called by the old folks of
4. to find out the cause of Leonor Calamba as Doctor Uliman, as he was mistaken
Rivera's silence. for a German.
- Despite the objection by Paciano and Rizal's - To discourage his town mates from indulging in
friends, Rizal finally decided after securing the sabong and panggingue, Rizal gave them
permission from his father for his return to the lessons in gymnastics, fencing, and even
country. shooting.
RIZAL ARRIVES IN MANILA - Despite his activities in Calamba, never did he
fail communicating to Ferdinand Blumentritt.
- After five years of being away from home, Rizal
left Rome by train headed for Marseilles, TERRERO SUMMONED RIZAL TO MALACAÑAN
France on July 3, 1887. - After a few weeks in Calamba, Rizal received a
letter from Governor General Emilio Terrero
inviting him to go to Malacañan (Romero,
Romana & Santos. 1978).
- The hacienda owner never contributed a single
centavo for the celebration of the town fiesta,
- This was the time when a battle over the Noli
for the education of the children, and for the
Me Tangere was raging on.
improvement of agriculture;
- Rizal complied and had an audience with
- Tenants who spent much labor in clearing the
Governor Terrero.
lands were dispossessed of the said lands for
- The governor-general informed Rizal that his
flimsy reasons; and
novel had caused much pandemonium among
- High rates of interest were arbitrarily charged
the government and the clergy and that he
the tenants for delayed payment of rentals;
wanted to have a copy of the novel to find out
for himself whether the novel is really
- When the rentals could not be paid, the
subversive and inciting the people to rise up in
hacienda management confiscated the work
arms against the government.
animals, tools, and farm implements of the
- Rizal returned with a copy of the Noli and
handed it to Governor Terrero.
- Rizal's exposure of the deplorable plight of the
- After reading the novel, Governor Terrero did
tenants, attested by the complainants and
not find anything wrong with it.
hacienda officials, aroused the ire of the friars.
- Being liberal-minded and sensing the threat on
- The friars pressured Malacañang to have Rizal
the security of Rizal, owing to the power of the
friars, Terrero gave Rizal a bodyguard in the
- When Governor Terrero fell on deaf ears, the
person of Don Jose Taviel de Andrade.
friars demanded for his deportation.
- Terrero even counseled Rizal to leave the
- As a consequence, Rizal's security was at stake.
country for his own good and for the good of
Governor Terrero reiterated his advice to Rizal
his family.
to leave the country for good. In the same way,
- Rizal was, thus, very lucky when he returned to
his parents and relatives compelled him to
the Philippines.
leave the Philippines for his own good and to
- This was because the government was under
escape the wrath of the friars.
the control; of a liberal-minded chief executive.
- Rizal was, thus, forced by the situation to leave
If the governor-general was not liberal-minded,
his homeland after six months of stay at
he could have been imprisoned upon arriving in
Calamba for two reasons (Zaide & Zaide, 1999).
the country after his five-year sojourn in
1. First, his presence at Calamba was
endangering the safety and happiness
- Despite the advice given by Governor Terrero,
of his family and friends.
Rizal opted to stay in his hometown, and make
2. Finally, he could be able to fight better
it the venue of his advocacy (Guerrero,
his detractors and serye his country's
CALAMBA AGRARIAN PROBLEM cause in a foreign land.
- To counter-attack what the tenants did in
- As the word war on the Noli Me Tangere Calamba, the friars evicted all tenants from the
continued, Rizal was embroiled into the Dominican hacienda, the first victim of whom
Calamba Agrarian Problem. was Rizal's family owing to its refusal to pay
- This problem started when Governor-General increased rent and interest.
Terrero ordered an investigation of the friar - This counter-attack by the Dominicans was
states in order to remedy the agrarian problems facilitated by the replacement of Terrero as
relating to land taxes and tenant relations. governor-general by Lt. General Valeriano
- One of the friar estates affected was the Weyler(Guerrero, 1998).
Dominican-owned hacienda in Calamba. - The friars whose powers and prestige declined
- The tenants of Calamba sought Rizal's suddenly recovered what they lost.
assistance by making him their spokesperson. - Upon assuming his post, Weyler acknowledged
Rizal accepted the request and started publicly the role played by the friars in the
investigating the conditions obtaining in the conquest of Luzon and Visayas.
hacienda owned by the Dominicans in Calamba. - On account of this role, Weyler, stressed the
- Some of the findings Rizal submitted to the point that religion should be a means of
Governor-General for appropriate action were government in the islands of the Philippines.
as follows (Zulueta, 2004):
1. The hacienda of the Dominican Order REACTION TO MASS EVICTION
comprised not only the lands around
- In response to the mass eviction by the
Calamba, but the whole town of
Dominican friars from their state in Calamba,
the tenants staged a public demonstration in
2. The profits of the Dominican Order
continually increased because of the
- Doroteo Cortes organized this movement
arbitrary increase of the rentals paid by
(Guerrero, 1998).
the tenants.
- In the said March Demonstration, the tenants RIZAL LEAVES CALAMBA FOR THE SECOND TIME
of the Dominican Hacienda presented a petition
- Rizal was obliged to leave Calamba for the
to Queen Regent asking for the expulsion of the
second time because his stay his hometown
friars from the Philippines.
might expose his family and friends worry and
- An immediate aftermath of this event was the
arrest of those who participated in the said
- Harassed and persecuted by the friars, he did
protest rally.
not have any option but to leave the country in
- This event made the friars demand strong
February 1888.
measures against subversion from the
- By this time he was already 27 years old, a
medical practitioner and a recognized man-of-

- As a result of advocating the plight of the RIZAL'S SECOND TRAVEL ABROAD

tenants in Calamba, Rizal had to leave his family
again. Worst, his family was evicted from the
Dominican-owned hacienda in his hometown. - Boarding the Zapiro, Rizal arrived in Hong Kong
- When Mariano Herbosa, his brother-in-law on February 8, 1888. He stayed at Victoria
died, the Roman Catholic refused to give him a Hotel. He was accommodated by the Filipino
Christian burial. residents including Jose Maria Basa, Balbino
- This was simply because Mariano was married Mauricio and Manuel Yriarte. In his diary, Rizal
to Lucia, Rizal's sister. described "Hong Kong" as a small but very
- Death has become a political issue as a result of hygienic city.
Rizal's advocacy of the plight of the tenants.
- Rizal was already out of the country when this 2. MACAO
happened. - The next visiting place of Rizal, together with
- In response to this event, he write the essay Basa, was Macao on February 18, 1888. Macao
entitled A Profanation (Una Profanacion), is a Portuguese colony near Hong Kong. He
which attacked the denial of Christian burial to depicted the city of Macao as small, low and
his brother-in law who died of cholera. gloomy. There are many junks, sampans but
- To add up to injury, twenty-five Calambeños, few steamers. It looks sad and is almost dead.
after Rizal had left the country for the second They stayed at the home of a rich Filipino
time, were exiled or rusticated to other parts of friend, Don Juan Francisco Lecaros. They had a
the country. two-day tour around its city including the
- Notable among those who were exiled were theatre, casino, cathedral and churches,
Don Francisco, Paciano, Saturnina, Narcisa, pagodas, botanical garden and bazaars. Rizal
and Lucia (Guerrero, 1998). saw the Portugal's national poet, the Grotto of
- Rizal felt he was witnessing the re-enactment Camoens.
of what he wrote in the Noli Me Tangere.
- After advocating the rights of the tenants, it's
now his own family bearing the brunt of what 3. JAPAN
he did. This, in effect had caused him so much
despairs. - After his journey from Hong Kong to Macao,
Rizal reached Yokohama, Japan on early in the
A POEM FOR LIPA morning of February 28, 1888. He resided at the
- Before leaving Calamba, Rizal was requested by Grand Hotel. Then, on the next day, he traveled
his friend from Lipa to compose a poem to to Tokyo and stayed at Tokyo Hotel from March
commemorate the conversion of Lipa from a 2 to 7. He described Tokyo city as more
pueblo (town) to a villa (city). expensive than Paris. The walls are made of
- The poem was entitled Himno Al Trabajo or cyclopean manner. It has large and wide street.
Hymn to Labor (Osias, 1948). He was sincerely fascinated by the Japan
- A close reading of the poem will reveal to us because of as follows:
that Hymn to Labor was Rizal's way of 1. the scenic beauty of the country;
commending man's labor and industry and 2. the cleanliness, politeness, and industry
extolling the country's wealth and vigor. of the people;
- For him, labor plays a vital role in keeping up 3. the picturesque dress and simple charm
the dignity of man fonit is work that sustains of the Japanese women;
the man, the motherland, family, and the home. 4. there were very few thieves in the city;
- Thus, he considered labor as the country's and
blood, health, and life. 5. beggars are rarely seen in the streets.
- On April 13, 1888, Rizal left Japan with a heavy
heart because he could no longer see the
beautiful "Land of Cherry Blossom" and his
dear O-Sei-San. He boarded on Belgic at
Yokohama which bound to United States.
You sent Today at 4:14 PM 5. LONDON

ROMANCE WITH O-SEI-SAN - The life of Rizal in London was very significant.
He was in London on May 25, 1888. He chose
- Rizal's romance with O-Sei-San began in the
the English city as the new home for three
early spring of March. After moving the Spanish
Legation, Rizal saw her walking near the gate of
1. to improve his knowledge on English
the legation. Charmed by her beauty, he tried
to find a way by which to meet and know her.
2. to study and annotate Morga's book,
- In Seiko Usui or O-Sei-San, Rizal saw the ideals
Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas, a rare copy
of womanhood, namely: beauty, charm,
of which he heard to be available in the
intelligence, and modesty. This made Rizal too
British Museum; and
much attracted with Seiko.
3. it was a safe place for him to carry on
- The friendship established between Rizal and
his fight against Spanish tyranny.
Seiko developed into a love affair.
- In London, he stayed as a guest at the
- While Rizal had a good impression of Seiko, the
residence of Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor, a
latter also had a good perception of Rizal.
practicing lawyer in London and an exile of
- To Seiko, Rizal was a man of gallantry, a man of
1872. Later, he lived as a boarder of the
dignity, and a man courtesy
Beckett Family.
- O-Sei-San loved Rizal sincerely and Rizal
- Rizal eventually became acquainted with Dr.
responded by his sincere affection.
Reinhold Rost, the librarian of the Ministry of
- Owing to the irresistible beauty, affection and
Foreign Affairs. It was Dr. Rost who
warmth of O-Sei-San, Rizal became tempted to
recommended that Rizal be allowed to
stay for good in Japan. Nevertheless, Rizal felt
undertake research at the British Museum.
that he had other duties to fulfill for his
- As a result of the favorable recommendation
country. So he left Japan. Rizal bade O-Sei-San
given by Rost for Rizal, he was able to spend
and Japan sayonara.
time reading Morga's Sucesos de las Islas


- Rizal first saw San Francisco, America as he - While he was in London, Rizal received good
boarded on the steamer Belgic on April 28, and bad news from the Philippines. Notable
1888. At that time, America was under the among the bad and good news that he was able
governance of President Grover Cleveland. to know were the following (Zaide & Zaide,
Despite the racial inequality, Rizal still admired 1999):
the United States of America for the following o Persecution of the Filipino patriots who
reasons: signed the Anti-Friar Petition of 1888
1. the material progress of the country addressed to the Queen Regent
illustrated in the great cities, huge requesting the expulsion of the friars,
farms, flourishing industries and busy including Archbishop Pedro Payo;
factories; o Persecution of Calamba tenants,
2. the drive and energy of the American including Rizal's family and relatives for
people; their courage to petition the
3. the natural beauty of the land; government for reforms;
4. the high standard of living; and o Exile of Manuel T, Hidalgo to Bohol, the
5. the opportunities for better life offered husband of his siter Saturnina, on the
to poor immigrants. order of Governor Valeriano Weyler
without due process;
Rizal had also negative impressions of the US (Zulueta, o Furious attacks on Rizal by Senators
2004). Salamanca and Vida in the Spanish
- In his letter to Mariano Ponce, he said that US Cortes;
is undoubtedly a good country but still not o Arrest and incarceration of Laureano
devoid of defects. His negative impressions of Vida, a medical student of UST for
the US are as follows: finding copies of the Noli in his
1. Non-existence of true civil liberty, as a residence; and
Negro cannot marry an American and o Rev. Vicente Garcia's defense of the
vice-versa; Noli against the attacks of the friars.
2. The existence of racial prejudice, as ROMANCE WITH GERTRUDE BECKETT
shown in their hatred of the Chinese,
Japanese and Negroes; and - Rizal was attracted to Gertrude, who was
3. The value of money over human life. known by her nicknames Tottie and Sissie.
- She was smaller than Rizal and chubby just like
Segunda Katigbak (Guerrero, 1998).
- That if Spanish authorities will not listen to the
- Rizal falling in love with Seiko, then with
Filipinos, the Philippines will be lost through
Gertrude seems to imply that he was not
their own fault.
desperately in love with Leonor Rivera.
- Rizal's annotation consisted of 8 chapters
- Compared with Leonor, Gertrude was not that
(Guerrero, 1998).
beautiful Nonetheless, there were two things
- The first 7 chapters delved on the events during
that attracted her to Rizal:propinquity; and
the time of the first 11 governor-generals in the
happy family.
Philippines, particularly from Legazpi to Acuña.
- Rizal however, suppressed his emotions for
The last chapter was focused on customs and
Gertrude when he learned that she was falling
usages of the Filipinos.
in love with him.
- His notes were of three categories, namely;
RIZAL'S ANNOTATION OF MORGA'S SUCESOS DE LAS anti-clerical; sociological; and historical.
ISLAS FILIPINAS Through his annotation, Rizal hoped that he
could equal Blumentritt.
- Morga's Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas or
- There were three main propositions in Rizal's
Historical Events of the Philippine Islands was
new edition of Morga's Sucesos,namely
published in Mexico in 1605 to provide
(Guerrero, 1998):
European readers information about the
1. That the people of the Philippines had a
culture of their own before the coming
- There were basically three purposes for Rizal's
of the Spaniards;
annotation of the Sucesos (Guerrero, 1998):
2. That the Filipinos were decimated,
1. To awaken the consciousness of the
demoralized, exploited, and ruined lay
Filipinos of their glorious or dignified
Spanish colonization;
ways of the past;
3. The present state of the Philippines was
2. To correct what has been distorted and
not necessarily superior of its past.
falsified about the Philippines prior to
- With the new edition of Morga's Sucesos, Rizal
Spanish conquest; and >
was able to produce the first history book of
3. To prove that the Filipinos were civilized,
the Philippines, written for the Filipinos.
even before the coming of theSpaniards.
- Prior to his annotation of the Sucesos, Rizal FOUNDING OF ASOCIACION LA SOLIDARIDAD
painstakingly read historical accounts about
- While Rizal was very much preoccupied with his
the Philippines as written by Pigafetta, Chirino
annotation of Morga's Sucesos, he learned of
and other Spanish chronicles and historians.
the plan of the Filipino expatriates in
- Morga's Sucesos was the best account of the
Barcelona to establish a patriotic society that
conquest of the Philippines. It was an unbiased
shall work for reforms from the Spanish
account of the 16th century culture of the
- This organization, which came to be called
- Rizal spent four months for research and
Asociacion La Solidaridad, was formally
writing and one year to have his manuscript
established on Dec. 31, 1888 (Zaide & Zaide,
printed. Professor Ferdinand Blumentritt wrote
the preface of the annotation. The salient
- Although Rizal was not present during the
points emphasized by Blumentritt were the
organization of the society, he was unanimously
chosen as the honorary president of the
o That The Spaniards have to correct their
Asociacion La Solidaridad. This implies that Rizal
erroneous conception of the Filipinos as
was already recognized as a leader by the
children of limited intelligence;
Filipino colony in Barcelona. Řizalwas therefore
o That Rizal's comments on Spanish
happy for this recognition.
government were unique as they were
- On Feb. 15, 1889, Rizal was also informed about
given from the point of view of the
the founding of the organ of the Propaganda
victims of colonialism;
movement by Graciano Lopez-Jaena. This came
o that there existed three kinds of Spanish
to be called La Solidaridad (Schumaster, 1997).
delusions about the Philippines:
- The aims of this fortnightly organ of the
1. that the Filipinos were an inferior
Philippine opinion were the following:
1. To work peacefully for political and
2. that the Filipinos were not ready for
social reforms;
parliamentary representation and
2. To portray the deplorable conditions of
other reforms:
the Philippines for Spain to remedy
3. that denial of equal rights can be
compensated by strict dispensation
of justice.
- That Spain had to learn Philippine realities
from Rizal's new edition of Morga's Sucesos:
3. To oppose the evil forces of reaction BACK TO HONG KONG AND THE PHILIPPINES
and medievalism;
- After publishing his sequel to the Noli, Rizal left
4. To advocate liberal ideas and progress;
Europe for Hong Kong.
- Because of his political differences with
5. To champion the legitimate aspirations
Marcelo H. del Pilar and other Filipino
of the Filipino people to life,
expatriates in Spain, life has become miserable
democracy, and happiness.
for Rizal.
- With the La Solidaridad founded, Rizal was
- Another reason for this decision was his desire
assured of an outlet where he could express
to be with his family.
his innermost thoughts and feelings fearlessly.
- Before proceeding to Hong Kong. Rizal took
- His first article in La Solidaridad was Los
time to inform Marcelo del Pilar of his
Agricultores Filipinos, where he described the
retirement from the reform movement to
deplorable conditions in the country, which had
preserve the unity of his fellow Filipinos in
brought about by its backwardness (Zaide &
Zaide, 1999).
- Rizal left Europe via Marseilles, France on Oct.
- Aside from annotating Morga's Sucesos, Rizal
18, 1891 on board the steamer Melbourne. He
wrote the essay entitled La Vision del Fray
arrived on Hong Kong on Nov. 20, 1891.
Rodriguez, in reply to the attacks made by Fr.
- Filipino residents welcomed Rizal, especially his
Jose Rodriguez on the Noli Me Tangere.
friend Jose Ma. Basa. All of them were very
According to Zaidę and Zaide (1999), in the
pleased to see him again in the British crown
essay, Rizal was able to demonstrate his
profound knowledge of religion and his biting
- Rizal opened a medical clinic in order to earn a
living (Zaide & Zaide, 1999). At first he had only
- It was also in London where he wrote the
a few patients but because of the referrals
famous "Letter to the Young Women in
made by Dr. Lorenzo P. Marquez, a Portuguese
ophthalmologist in Hong Kong, Rizal was able to
- This letter was written by Rizal upon the
have numerous clients.
request of Marcelo H. del Pilar to commend
- Soon, Rizal was able to establish a name in
the young women of Malolos for their courage
curing eye diseases, while he was in Hong Kong.
to establish a school, where they could learn
- Meanwhile, he took time to inform Blumentritt
Spanish, despite the vehement, opposition of
of his medical practice in the British crown
the parish priest of Malolos, Fr. Felipe Garcia.
colony. He even wrote his parents asking them
- Dr. Rost inspired Rizal to contribute two articles
permission for his return on Dec. 1, 1891.
in the Trubner's Record, a journal devoted to
- On the same date, he received news from his
the literature of the East. The first one was
brother-in-law that Don Francisco, Neneng,
entitled "Specimens of Tagal Folklore: which is
Sisa, and Paciano and other Calambeños were
but a collection of 14 proverbs, 8 puzzles and 2
verses. The second one was "Two Eastern
- Before Christmas of 1891, Rizal was overjoyed
Fables," which compared a Japanese with that
by the arrival of his father, brother, Silvestre
of a Filipino fable.
Ubaldo and later on by Lucia, Josefa and
RIZAL'S LETTER TO THE YOUNG WOMEN OF MALOLOS Trinidad, in Hong Kong. Don Francisco and the
rest of the family members were very happy to
- In summary, Rizal's Letter To the Young Women
see Rizal.
of Malolos focused on five major points (Zaide
- Being able to see the difference between life in
& Zaide, 1999):
the Philippines and Hong Kong, Don Francisco
1. Filipino mothers should teach their
expressed to Rizal his desire to stay
children the love of God, country and
permanently in this crown colony of Britain.
- Rizal's medical practice in Hong Kong came to
2. Filipino mothers should be glad and
the attention of his friends in Europe. Letters
honored, like Spartan mothers to offer
started pouring to Rizal from Spain.
their sons in defense of their country;
- Lorenzo Miclat congratulated Rizal for starting
3. Filipino women should know how to
anew and pledged support in all his undertaking
protect their dignity and honor;
- Alejandrino informed him of his plan to
4. Filipino women should educate
establish an organization to counter-act Del
themselves aside from retaining their
Pilar's lamentable policy, with Rizal as leader.
good racial virtues; and
- Linares Rivas promised Rizal that he would seek
5. Faith is not merely reciting prayers and
an audience with the Minister of Colonies in
wearing religious pictures. It is living the
Madrid on the agrarian problem of Calamba.
real Christian way with good morals and
- He also received letters of sympathy from the - He visited the place on March 7, 1892 and
Govantes and Boustead families, for what had negotiated with the British authorities in
happened to him in Madrid. charge of the North Borneo Company (National
Heroes Commission, 1964).
- His mission was a success as the British
- The numerous correspondences from Europe authorities offered him 100,000 acres of land
that Rizal received while he was in Hong Kong free ofcharges for 99 years.
affected Rizal in three ways (Guerrero, 1998). - Jaena, Luna, Bautista, Blumentritt and his other
1. His frequent receipt of letters from friends in Europe were delighted upon hearing
fellow expatriates based in Europe the plan and expressed their support to this
restored Rizal's self-confidence. Rizal re- endeavor.
awakened his interest in politics. In - While the project was laudable for most of his
effect, this had led him to re-examine friends, Manuel Hidalgo, Rizal's brother-in-law
his whole political strategy. was not in favor of the project.
2. The need to re-examine his political - For Hidalgo, there was no need to leave the
strategy could have been due to the Philippines considering the sacrifices they had
ideas propounded by Luna and given for the country. Besides, settling in North
Evangelista of the need for a separatist Borneo should be their last recourse only when
propaganda and a policy of separation all efforts at securing the welfare of the country
and independence. had been consumed but proved futile.
3. This strategy as suggested by Luna and
Evangelista was patterned after that of
the Cuban strategy.
- According to Evangelista, the old corrupt - While Rizal was busy making preparations for
generation of principales had to be rejected. the relocation of his family to North Borneo,
- For Juan Luna, a separatist movement under Governor Eulogio Despujol replaced Governor
the guise of assimilation has to be started. Thus, Valeriano Weyler.
in Rizal's letter to Blumentritt, he said that he - With his assumption into the highest post in the
had lost his hope in Spain and La Solidaridad. He Philippines, a new ray of hope shone on Rizal
thus, came to the realization that nothing can due to the program of good government
be expected from the peaceful advocacy of pledged by the new governor-general.
reforms. - Optimistic and armed with the extreme desire
- Rizal, therefore, while he was in Hong Kong, had to help the landless tenants of Calamba, Rizal
considered the possibility of using force of arms wrote Despujol a congratulatory letter with an
to effect change in the country. offer of cooperation with his leadership in the
- This he consulted to his best friend, country on Dec. 23, 1891. Despujol, however,
Blumentritt. did not reply to Rizal's correspondence.
- Blumentritt warned Rizal not to be involved in - With no response to his first letter, Rizal sent
a revolutionary movement for "whoever begins another one to the governor-general on March
a revolution should have at least the probability 21, 1892
of success." Nonetheless, Blumentritt cited four - This time, he solicited the permission of the
conditions necessary for a revolution to governor-general to allow the landless Filipinos
succeed (Guerrero, 1998): - to establish a colony in North Borneo.
1. a part of the army and navy should - No formal reply was given by the governor-
rebel; general on Rizal's second communication.
2. the metropolis should be at war with - Nonetheless, Rizal was informed by the Consul-
another country; General in Hong Kong that his request was not
3. there were money and munitions; and acceptable to the governor-general for two
4. . some foreign country were to lend reasons:
official or secret support to the o the colony lacked workers;
insurrection o and that leaving the country and
cultivating a foreign soil would mean
becoming unpatriotic to Spain.
- Owing to the harsh rule of Governor-General
Valeriano Weyler, the butcher of Cuba, Rizal
felt that the tenants of Calamba and other town - As a consequence of the re-awakening of his
mates were hopeless in improving the quality of interest in politics, Rizal continued writing
their life. articles, which were published by Hong Kong
- He, therefore, conceived and planned the Telegraph edited by Frazier Smith.
founding of a Filipino colony in North Borneo - Some of the articles he wrote, while in Hong
or Sabah. Kong included the following (Zaide & Zaide,
1. And Mga Karapatan Nang Tao - this was Rizal's profession as long as does the same to others;
version of the Rights of Man, a historic full support from the Liga in case of trouble or
document proclaimed by the French Revolution injustice; and financial assistance in any
of 1789. business undertaking when funds are available.
2. A la Nacion Española (To The Spanish Nation) - - As earlier mentioned, membership in the Liga
this article was Rizal's appeal to Spain to rectify requires payment of monthly dues. These dues
the wrongs done to the landless peasants of from the members shall be used by the
Calamba. organization in any of the following projects:
3. Sa Mga Kababayan (To My Countrymen) – this o Supporting a member or his son who had
article was Rizal's exposition on the Calamba no financial means but studious and with
agrarian problem.. remarkable aptitude for study,
o Helping members who are in dire poverty;
o Lending funds to a member who needs
- While in Hong Kong. Rizal laid down the basis of financial support for his farm or industrial
the La Liga Filipina or the Philippine League, venture:
which he would establish in the Philippines o Supporting a member in defense of his
upon his return (Capino et al, 1978). rights; and
- He then drafted the constitution of the La Liga o Opening stores to cater to the needs of
Filipina, with the assistance of Jose Ma. Basa. the members at reduced prices.
Based on the constitution of the organization,
the La Liga Filipina sought to achieve the
following aims: - Despujol rejected the North Borneo Project of
o The unification of the whole Rizal.
archipelago into a vigorous, compact - Despujol's rejection of the project led Rizal to
body; choose between Borneo (peaceful emigration)
o Mutual protection in every want and and Cuba (eventual revolution).
necessity; - In the words of Guerrero (1998), "Despujol had
o Defense against all forms of violence cast the dice for Rizal." Rizal decided to go back
and injustice; to the Philippines.
o Stimulation of instruction, agriculture, - His decision to return to the country, was
and commerce; and vehemently opposed by his parents and
o The undertaking of study and friends because of their fear of the negative
application of reforms. consequence it can bring about for Rizal.
- Its motto was UNUS INSTAR OMNIUM or ONE - Despite the advices given to him, Rizal was
LIKE ALL. determined to be back in the Philippines.
- Going over the aims of the La Liga, it could be - Before leaving Hong Kong, he celebrated his
noted that they were national in scope. This 31st birthday with some of his friends and
holds through in the structure of the wrote two letters. The first letter was
organization (National Heroes Commission, addressed to his family and the second, to his
1964). countrymen, with the instruction that these
- Based on its constitution, there shall be three letters should be opened and published after
levels of organizational councils in the La Liga, his death.
namely: popular; provincial; and supreme. - From these two letters, it is evident that Rizal's
- Each of these councils shall consist of a chief, second homecoming was prompted by the
fiscal, treasurer, secretary, and members. following reasons:
- The Supreme Council, however, which shall be o To obtain justice and peace for the
composed of the chiefs of the provincial country;
councils, shall control the La Liga. o To shoulder the burden of all
- Membership to the La Liga, however, depends persecutions against his family;
on passing certain tests and unanimous o To do what his conscience tell him to do;
endorsement by the popular council of the and
town where the applicant hails from. o To prove that reviled Filipinos could die
- Once accepted, the member shall pay a for their conviction.
monthly due of ten centavos. Aside from this - Meanwhile, before departing for the Philippines
financial obligation, he shall be duty-bound to Rizal wrote his third letter to Governor
give preferential treatment to members of the Despujol, informing him that he is returning to
organization in all his actions, patronize the the country and that he is placing himself under
stores of La Liga members and give them the protection of the Spanish colonial
preferential treatment, as well. government.
- Membership in the Liga, however, entitles a - Thus, on June 21, 1892, with a special passport
member to the following privileges: financial, issued by the Spanish consulate, Rizal and his
material and moral assistance from his council sister, Lucia bided the British crown colony
and organization; an assurance that fellow goodbye.
members shall support him in his business or
Timoteo Paez, Nymeriano Adriano, Tomas del
Rosario and Jose M. Dizon.
- Nonetheless, without Rizal's knowledge, the
trap had been set for him by Despujol and the RIZAL DEPORTED TO DAPITAN
Spanish consul-general in Hong Kong. Rizal,
- Three days after the founding of the La Liga
therefore, had delivered himself to the
Filipina, Rizal went to Malacañang again.
- The governor-general asked him whether he
BACK TO THE PHILIPPINES has anintention to go back to Hong Kong.
- Rizal replied positively to the query. After a
- Rizal and his sister arrived Manila on June 26,
while, the governor proceeded to ask him the
1892. · After going through the routine
owner of the pillows and the mats in his
inspection of their luggage, the two were
luggage, as there were questionable handbills in
allowed to land.
- Lucia stayed with his sisters, while Rizal lodged
- Rizal's answer was that they belong to his sister
himself at Hotel Oriente in Binondo.
Lucia. Despujol, therefore, ordered his aide-de-
- After setting in the said hotel, Rizal visited his
camp to arrest Rizal and incarcerate him at Fort
sisters who were residing near it.
- Soon, he sought an audience with Governor
- One day after, July 7, 1892, Despujol released
Despujol in Malacañang
his gubernatorial decree ordering the
- The interviews that he had with Despujol,
deportation of Rizal to Dapitan.
resulted to the securing of permission for the
- His deportation was based on the following
return of his parents and sisters to Manila.
charges against him (Capino et al, 1978):
- Despujol, however, reiterated his disapproval
o Publication and introduction of various
of Rizal's North Borneo Colonization Project.
anti monastic books and handbills;
THE FOUNDING OF THE LIGA FILIPINA o Travelling through different provinces
without permit from the Governor-
- From Manila, he proceeded to Bulacan to visit General;
his friends - Jose Baustista, Manuel Crisostomo, o Finding in his luggage the pamphlet
and Vicente Gatmaitan. Pobres Frailes or Poor Friars, which
- He informed them of the details of his plan of mocked the religious orders; dedication
organizing the La Liga Filipina. of the El Filibusterismo to the memory
- From Bulacan, he traveled top San Fernando, of Gomburza; and
Pampanga to visit Hilario Tiburcio and Cecilio o Rizal attempts at de-Catholicizing and
Hilario, two Pampangeños, who became very denationalizing the Filipino people.
active members of the revolutionary movement - Without due process, Despujol rendered his
in the province. verdict on Rizal.
- Later, he went to Tarlac, Tarlac, where he met - Rizal was detained in Fort Santiago for 9 days.
the Villafuertes, the Punos, and Tañedos who On July 15, 1892, he left Manila for Dapitan,
were convinced that the La Liga Filipina should where he would be spending the next four
be organized. years of his life.
- Rizal returned to Manila on June 28, 1892 after - With his deportation to Dapitan, the Liga died
his travels to Central Luzon. its natural death.
- He was met at Hotel Oriente by numerous - It split into two branches: the rightist, which
Filipino reformists. came to be called Cuerpo de Compromisarios;
- In the social gatherings tendered for him by and the leftists, which later on came to be
these reformers, Rizal took time to expound his known as the Katipunan or KKK (Agoncillo,
plan about the La Liga. 1990).
- In one dinner tendered for him by Doroteo
Ongjunco. He was able to secure the
agreement of Apolinario Mabini, Andres
Bonifacio, Deodato Arellano, Timoteo Paez,
Arcadio del Rosario, Juan Zulueta, Pedro
Serrano Laktaw, Moises Salvador, and Ambrosio
Reinzares Bautista on the urgency of
establishing the La Liga.
- So on July 3, 1892, Rizal founded the La Liga
Filipina in Calle Ilaya, Tondo, in the home of
Doroteo Ongjunco.
- Elected president was Ambrosio Salvador. The
other officers were: Agustin dela Rosa, fiscal;
Bonifacio Arevalo, Treasurer; and Deodato
Arevalo, Secretary.
- Noted members of the La Liga were Apolinario
Mabini, Andres Bonifacio, Deodato Arellano,

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