With Reference To The IMDG Code, List The Precautions To Be Observed When Loading and Discharging Dangerous Goods
With Reference To The IMDG Code, List The Precautions To Be Observed When Loading and Discharging Dangerous Goods
With Reference To The IMDG Code, List The Precautions To Be Observed When Loading and Discharging Dangerous Goods
1. With reference to the IMDG code, list the precautions to be observed when loading and
discharging dangerous goods.
Precautions for loading/discharging dangerous goods are:
i. Packages inspected for signs of damage, leakage prior to being stowed in the compartment or
ii. Keep combustible materials away from source of ignition;
iii. Stow in places not liable to damage or heating;
iv. Segregate from substances liable to start or spread fire;
v. Ensure accessibility so that DGs may be removed to safety;
vi. Naked lights & smoking prohibited in or near DG areas at all times;
vii. Ensure fire-fighting appliances in constant state of readiness;
viii. Protective clothing and breathing apparatus should be available if cargo is liable of emitting
dangerous fumes;
ix. If loading explosives, avoid bunkering, hotwork and working of radar and radio equipment;
x. Funnel and ventilators are to be fitted with flame arrestors if loading explosives or those
similar in nature;
xi. DG cargo to be tightly stowed to prevent chafing/movement;
xii. Securing materials used should be compatible with DGs;
xiii. Ambient temperatures in relation to the flash point should be taken into account, particularly
in hot weather/tropical climates;
xiv. If spillage occurs, it should be carefully dealt with having regards to the dangerous nature of
the substances;
xv. Loading and discharging of dangerous goods must be supervised by a responsible officer.
xvi. stowed safely and appropriately according to the nature of goods.
xvii. Incompatible goods shall be segregated from one another.
xviii. Explosives (except ammunition) stowed in a magazine and segregated from detonators.
Electrical apparatus and cables in this compartment designed and used so as to minimise the
risk fire and explosion.
xix. Goods which give off dangerous vapours shall be stowed in a well ventilated space or on
xx. Where inflammable liquids or gases are carried, special precautions to be taken where
necessary against fire or explosion.
Substances liable to spontaneous combustion or heating shall not be carried unless adequate
precautions have been taken to prevent outbreak of fire.
2.. With reference to the IMDG code, sketch and describe the following terminology which
is associated with the carriage of dangerous goods on board
a. Away from
b. Separated from
c. Separated by a complete compartment or hold from
d. Separated longitudinally by an intervening
Away from
Effectively segregated so that incompatible materials cannot interact dangerously in the event
of an accident but may be carried in the same compartment or on deck provided a minimum
horizontal separation of 3 m projected vertically, is obtained.
Separated From
In different holds when stowed under deck. Provided an intervening deck is resistant to fire
and liquid, a vertical separation, i.e. in different compartments, may be accepted as equivalent
to this segregation. For on deck stowage, this segregation means a separation by a distance of
at least 6 ms horizontally.
Separated by a complete compartment or hold from
Means by either a vertical or a horizontal separation. If the decks are not resistant to fire and
liquid, then only a longitudinal separation, i.e. by an intervening complete compartment, is
acceptable. For on deck stowage, this segregation means a separation by a distance of at least
6 m horizontally.
a. Packaging
b. Marking, labeling and placarding
c. Documentation
With reference to the IMDG code, the following guidelines are to be complied with:
3. List the information contained in the “Document of Compliance” for the carriage of
dangerous goods.
a. Ship’s particular
b. Validity period (5 years )
c. Cargo spaces carrying DG in bulk
d. Cargo spaces carrying DG except sold DG in bulk
e. DG manifest list
4. Describe the stowage and carriage requirements for the carriage of dangerous goods in
packaged form as per the relevant provisions of the IMDG Code (Reg 4)
The carriage of dangerous goods in packaged form shall be in compliance with the relevant
provisions of the IMDG Code (Regulation 4)
a. In all documents relating to the carriage of dangerous goods in packaged form by sea,
the proper shipping name of the goods shall be used (trade names alone shall not be
used) and the correct description given in accordance with the classification set out in
the IMDG Code.
b. The transport documents prepared by the shipper shall include, or be accompanied by,
a signed certificate or a declaration that the consignment, as offered for carriage, is
properly packaged, marked, labelled or placarded, as appropriate, and in proper
condition for carriage.
d. Where there is due cause to suspect that a cargo transport unit in which dangerous
goods are packed is not in compliance with the requirements of paragraph 2 or 3, or
where a container/vehicle packing certificate is not available, the cargo transport unit
shall not be accepted for carriage.
e. Each ship carrying dangerous goods in packaged form shall have a special list or
manifest setting forth, in accordance with the classification set out in the IMDG Code,
the dangerous goods on board and the location thereof. A detailed stowage plan,
which identifies by class and sets out the location of all dangerous goods on board,
may be used in place of such a special list or manifest. A copy of one of these
documents shall be made available before departure to the person or organization
designated by the port State authority.
5. List the general precautions to be observed during loading and unloading of explosives on
board a ship.
1 General
1.1 It should be ensured that relevant instructions are given to control the movement of any
means of transport involved in the transport of explosives in the port area.
1.2 It should be ensured that there is at all times a responsible person in charge of any cargo
of explosives in the port area.
2 Explosives in compatibility group L
2.1 Explosives in compatibility group L should not be handled in a port area unless the
special permission of the port authority has been obtained and any special precautions,
required by the port authority, have been taken.
3 Handling of deteriorated explosives
3.1 Because of the sensitivity of many explosives, special conditions should be considered
and agreed before any explosives, which for any reason may have deteriorated or undergone a
change of condition that may materially increase the hazards attendant upon their transport or
handling, are moved in the port area. Such special conditions should be agreed in writing
between the port authority, competent authority, where required by national regulations, and
the responsible person having charge of explosives.
4 Loading and unloading of explosives
4.1 Other than in exceptional circumstances permitted by the relevant legal authorities, no
explosives should be brought to a berth for loading into a ship unless the ship is ready to
receive them.
No explosives should be unloaded from a ship at a berth, unless the means of transport by
which they are to be removed from the port area is ready to receive them. Once the handling
of explosives has begun, it should proceed with due diligence.
4.2 The area of the berth where the explosives are being handled should be clearly marked out
as a protected area. The limits of the area should extend at least 10 metres from the immediate
handling area.
4.3 The space in the ship or cargo transport unit in which explosives are to be loaded should
be carefully cleaned and maintained in a clean condition and particular attention should be
paid to fire precautions.
4.4 Explosives should not be handled during the hours of darkness unless prior consent has
been obtained from the port authority which should take into account all relevant
considerations, including the standard of illuminations, security, fatigue of workers and
weather conditions.
4.5 Equipment for handling explosives should be of an approved type, properly maintained
and tested in accordance with national and international standards.
5 Weather conditions
5.1 Because of the nature of explosives, the provisions with respect to the handling of
dangerous cargoes in adverse weather conditions need careful attention, particularly in respect
of wet conditions.
8 Bunkering
8.1 No bunkering should be permitted during the handling of explosives or while the hatches
of cargo spaces containing explosives are open, unless the permission of the port authority
has been obtained.
9 Damaged packages
9.1 If in the course of handling explosives in the port area any package of explosives, or the
seal of any such package, appears to be damaged, that package should be set aside for
examination and repair or other safe disposal.
9.2 If any explosives are spilled or escape from a package, the responsible person supervising
the handling should ensure that such spillage is immediately collected and safe arrangements
are made for its repacking or disposal. Every such incident should be immediately reported to
the port authority.
10 Completion of loading
10.1 When loading is completed the loaded ship or vehicle should depart from the port area as
soon as is reasonably practicable.
11 Security
11.1 As the safety of the handling of explosives is affected by the degree of security attained,
consideration should be given to all security measures necessary to prevent unauthorized
access to explosives, including appropriate checks that all packages are received in good
order and condition at all stages of the handling operation. Explosives should neither be
moved nor handled unless the relevant permits have been issued and such tasks should be
undertaken in accordance with the conditions specified in the relevant permits.