HambaNathi Assignment
HambaNathi Assignment
HambaNathi Assignment
Presented by: EK MUNINGA 214247961
ST KHUMALO 214245535
LA TSHIBE 214060578
Class Code: 11236
Lecturer: TH NKOANA
Hamba Nathi trains
Hamba Nathi trains is a train company which provides transport services on a day
to day basis, established in 2003 by Enoch Fataki with 3 trains stations in Turfloop
but through the years it has expanded with 10 trains stations throughout Limpopo.
The company intends to grow rapidly into other provinces of South Africa and
provides goods services to customers.
The stations are connected through the internet by a software based database
system maintained by a programmer and database administrator. And the
company also have a website maintained by a web master to provide trains
schedules for different locations and update the schedules if any train delay occur.
The networks are maintained by network technicians to insure that trains
schedules are updated in all the stations. Client can only access the website to
check the schedule of the train that he or she want to take and buy ticket at the
The system analyst employed by Hamba Nathi trains is responsible to improve the
functioning of the company by implementing an online booking system, he is
supported by a system builder, system designer and a software integrator in order
to reach company’s main goals which is to provide comfortable and safe transport
The transaction system is very poor, no customers is recorded, the system does not
keep track of the employee who helps customers, and does not keep track of
invoices that employees take place, trains sometimes are late for their schedules
but not updated in the system or the website, and the client can only purchase
ticket at the station thus result in long queues and clients always late for their
The transaction system supplies data which is transformed into useful information
or reports to help Enoch to make business decision but because of incorrect data
and inconstancy of data this information is useless.
Business rules
A customer can have zero or only one card.
A card belongs to only one customer.
A customer may pay for a cash receipt many times or not all.
A cash receipt belongs to only one customer.
A card can be used to pay for cash receipt zero or many time.
A cash receipt can be paid by only one card.
A transport has one or more cash receipt.
A cash receipt is paid for only one transport.
A train is involved in at least one or more transport.
A transport uses one and only train.
A train passes one or more stations.
A station is passed by one or more trains.
A cashier can assist zero or many cash receipt.
A cash receipt is assisted by one and only one cashier.
The throughput of Hamba Nathi Trains makes the payment process very
long and exhausting for the customers, and the average delay after a
request will take many hours. By implementing a card system, the amount
of work performed during a day will be significantly improved.
The throughput of the tournament makes the supporters wait in the long
ques for payment for access were the tournament event is taking place
and the delay takes many hours.
2-Information and data
In the traditional payment process of the company, the stored data is not
well organized and flexible. Our new system will make sure that the
information is useful and accurate and the system will avoid redundancy.
The system we will create will reduce the costs and current marketing will
be improved. Because it is a card system, it will allow more customers to
pay for trips and increase the profit of the company.
4-Control and security
In the current process, ethics are breached on data and information (refers
to data getting to unauthorized people). We will provide the right amount
of security to protect information but guaranteeing satisfaction to
customers and employees
Cashier will save time in reviewing and approving the applications without
sorting through the documents and manually entering the data for each
customer. We offer a very convenient and highly efficient way to handle
the workload during the registration process.
The system is not accurate and compatible with other systems. The new
system will be easy to use and flexible to exceptional situations. This new
system will be compatible with any other systems.
List of the business requirements to be implemented on the system.
What requirements should the new system provide for its users?
1. Hamba Nathi trains Process specification.
2. Hamba Nathi trains Materials specification.
3. Hamba Nathi trains Operational specification.
CRUD Matrix