DR Bhatia Medical Coaching Institute: Neuroanatomy

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NEUROANATOMY 7. Fibres of the accessory cuneate nucleus terminate in the

a. Thalamus
1. Which of the following is not a modification of spinal b. Medulla
piamater c. Midbrain
a. Ligamentum denticulatum d. Cerebellar cortex
b. Linea splendens
c. Conus medularis 8. Corticospinal fibres descend uncrossed up to
d. Filum terminale a. Upper medulla
b. Lower medulla
2. Which of the following nerve supplies superior oblique c. Pons
muscle d. Midbrain

9. Which of the following is not carried by posterior column

a. Position sense
b. Temperature
c. Pressure
d. Vibration

10. Inability to perceive the texture and shape of an object

occurs in the lesion of
a. Lateral spinothalamic tract
b. Nucleus gracilis
c. Nucleus cuneatus
d. Anterior spinocerebellar tract

11. Interpeduncular fossa contains all except -

3. Injury to the structure producing “N” marked elevation a. Mammillary bodies
will lead to paralysis of b. Posterior perforating substance
c. Trochlear nerve
d. Occulomotor nerve

12. Broca’s area of speech lies at

a. Superior frontal gyms
b. Inferior frontal gyrus
c. Post central gyrus
d. Superior temporal gyrus

13. Corticospinal fibres pass through which part of internal

a. Posterior one-third of anterior limb
b. Anterior two-third of posterior limb
a. Lateral rectus c. Posterior two-third of anterior limb
b. Genioglossus d. Anterior two-third of anterior limb
c. Risorius
d. Medial rectus 14. False about pons is
a. Contains inferior olivary nucleus
4. Which structure is just lateral to anterior perforated b. Contains pyramidal fibres in its basilar part
substance c. Connects to cerebellum via middle cerebellar peduncle
a. Uncus d. Contains lacrimatory nucleus
b. Limen insulae
c. 3rd Ventricle 15. The auditory pathway consists of all of the following
d. Optic chiasma except
a. Superior brachium of geniculate body
5. Mesencephalon represents –
b. Superior olivary nucleus
a. Lateral ventricle
b. 4th ventricle c. Medial geniculate body
c. 3rd ventricle d. Inferior colliculus
d. Aqueduct
16. Which of the following is a centre for stapedial reflex
6. The cisterna of the lateral sulcus contains (AIIMS Nov 2016)
a. Deep middle cerebral vein a. Superior olivary complex
b. Middle cerebral artery b. Medial geniculate body
c. Internal carotid artery c. Superior colliculus
d. Anterior cerebral artery d. Lateral lemniscus

FB: Anatomy-Dr Ashwani Kumar Mob: 9711042567

E-mail: 7ashwani7@gmail.com
17. Artery of cerebral haemorrhage is a branch of a. Medial lemniscus
a. Middle cerebral b. Spinal lemniscus
b. Anterior cerebral c. Hypoglossal nerve
c. Posterior cerebral d. Pyramidal tract
d. Internal carotid
22. All are seen in the floor of third ventricle EXCEPT
18. Lateral medullary syndrome shows lesion of a. Infundibulum
a. Hypoglossal nucleus b. Oculomotor nerve
b. Pyramidal tract c. Mammillary body
c. Spinal tract of trigeminal nerve d. Optic chiasma
d. Medial Lemniscus
23. Cerebellar glomeruli are seen in which layer of cerebellar
19. Given picture represents which of the following condition cortex.
(AIIMS Nov 2016) a. Molecular
b. Purkinje
c. Granular
d. None of the above

24. False about cerebellum is

a. Largest collection of inhibitory neurons
b. Only excitatory cells are granule cells
c. Purkinje cells are the only efferents
d. Olivocerebellar fibres are Mossy fibres

25. Cerebellar peduncle giving passage to olivocerebellar

pathway is
a. Superior cerebellar peduncle
b. Middle cerebellar peduncle
a. Duane syndrome c. Inferior cerebellar peduncle
b. 3rd nerve palsy d. None
c. Internuclear opthalmoplegia
d. Weber’s syndrome 26. The following tracts passes through inferior cerebellar
peduncle EXCEPT
20. Which of the following clinical manifestations IS NOT seen a. Dorsal spinocerebellar tract
in the lesion depicted by the image? b. Cuneocerebellar tract
c. Striae medullaris
d. Dentatothalamic tract

27. Association fibres are all EXCEPT:

a. Uncinate
b. Cingulum
c. Longitudinal fasciculus
d. Forceps major

28. Marked structure in the given image connects which of the


a. Ipsilateral flaccid paralysis of medial rectus

b. Contralateral hemiplegia
c. Contralateral weakness of lower face
d. Ipsilateral loss of pain and temperature from face

21. Which is of the enlisted structure IS NOT affected

in the syndrome indicated by the picture below

a. Striate cortex
b. Orbital cortex
c. Hippocampus
d. Dentate nucleus

29. Vascular lesion of post half of posterior limb of internal

capsule is most likely to involve.
a. Neck muscles
b. Upper limb muscles
c. Pectoral muscles
d. Lower limb muscles
FB: Anatomy-Dr Ashwani Kumar Mob: 9711042567
E-mail: 7ashwani7@gmail.com
30. Identify insula in the given section of brain. (AIIMS May 32. Choose the incorrect option for marked structure

a. A- site for anterior commissure

b. B- Anterior wall of 3rd ventricle
c. C- medial wall of lateral ventricle
a. A d. D- posterior commissure
b. B
c. C
33. Medulla is supplied by all except
d. D
a. Anterior spinal artery
31. INCORRECT regarding the white matter structures of b. Basilar artery
cerebrum is c. Posterior inferior cerebellar artery
d. Superior cerebellar artery

34. Thrombosis of anterior cerebral artery cause :

a. Right foot paralysis in right ACA thrombosis
b. Urinary incontinence
c. Paralysis of the contralateral face
d. Homonymous hemianopia

35. Choose the incorrect option for the marked blood

vessels of the brain

a. A- internal capsule
a. A- branch of PCA
b. B- cingulum
b. B- does not supply medulla
c. Forceps minor c. C- terminal branch of basilar artery
d. Forceps major d. D- Most tortuous artery

FB: Anatomy-Dr Ashwani Kumar Mob: 9711042567

E-mail: 7ashwani7@gmail.com

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