Supplier Assessment Checklist 110448
Supplier Assessment Checklist 110448
Supplier Assessment Checklist 110448
Supplier Audit : Deepak Fasteners Ltd
Date : 04-06-2021 to 05-06-2021
% of Total Audit
Audit Score Max Score Score Final Score
Total Quality Management System Score 188 218 75 64.67889908
Total Factory Acceptance Test Score 0 25 #DIV/0!
Grand Total 188 218 100 #DIV/0!
Audit Remarks
Management- Procurement
Specifications - ISO
Show me your procurement specification for your incoming material
Check dwg. And spec. revision rev for alignment 2
Supplier conformance - ISO 8.4.2 2 Show me how you guarantee supplier conformance of incoming 2 **This is linked to Production IQC item#1.
material to your/their specification. **This is more focused on supplier audits.
If yes and trend or Cpk data from IQC or CoCs is shared with
Do you hold regular meetings or feed back performance data to your sub-supplier, score = 2. If regular meetings are held with
5 3
suppliers? Are there supplier metrics? Do you have QBRs? supplier, but no data is presented, score = 1. If no meetings
with supplier are held, score = 0.
Supplier change mgmt 6 Is there a system and process to track and manage changes at the 2 Sub-supplier SCN process
Supplier complaint resolution and 7 Do you feedback non-conforming material complaints to your 2 If yes score = 1, if no, or RMA non-conforming material to
tracking - ISO 8.4.3 suppliers? supplier, score = 0
Do you have a closed loop corrective action system with your If an 8D/Supplier corrective action report is required (less
8 suppliers (SCARs) in the event of non-conforming material? 2 than 8D), score = 1.
9 Do you have an automated system to track progress of suppliers 2 If automated system, score = 1, else 0
corrective actions and closure of the issue with the supplier?
Planning - Order Entry 1 How do you process an order when you receive it from FTC Solar? 1
ISO 8.1
Inventory Management 3 Based on inputs from planning and scheduling, how do you manage your 2
inventory levels?
Cycle time tracking 4 Is cycle time tracked and reviewed by production management? 2
Max Score 6
If cycle time is reviewed at least weekly by management, score = 1. If reviewed Cycle time not directly reviewed but production based
by mgmt, posted for production personnel to review, and reviewed in 2 on pre decided cycle time is daily reviewed and reviewed
management review, score +1 - BP If not tracked by management, issue OFI by management on weekly basis. Cycle time is fixed for
machines and products.
Audit Score 5
Design and
Engineering/Produc development What is the process followed for design and development of new
1 products? What are the inputs for the features and characteristics of 4
t Development planning, inputs, your next product?
outputs - ISO 8.2
Customer notification
of changes 3 Is there a customer change notification procedure 1
Max Score 12
Requirement for multiphase gated system for design and development Deepak fasteners limited has system & APQP (SOP-EN-02)
review. Must have the equivalent of at least 4 phases from design inputs 3 PROCEDURE FOR PROCESS DESIGN AND PRODUCT
through to production release. Score = 3, if no system score = 0 and DEVELOPMENT.APQP process is followed for handling the
issue Major Non-conformance to ISO 8.2.2. inputs. Verifed APQP of Customer ID : 104824
If evident, score = 1, if no CCN procedure, score = 0, issue major non- ECN system followed.Changes addressed by engineering or
conformance to FTCQMS 8.2.1 1 product or by customer are reviewed and handeled as per
procedure and record maintained in F-EN-01.
Audit Score 12
Human Highlight 3 employees (1 operator, 1 maintenance, 1 manager) & ask HR to produce job
Resources - Job Descriptions 1 Are there job descriptions for all employees? 2 descriptions. Review, in detail, the maintenance job description. If all JD are adequate, score
ISO 7.1.2 = 1. If there is a career progression section of JD, score = 2
If there are training procedures, score = 1, If they require: orientation training, at least yearly
Training safety training (+1), job specific training, job specific certification, minimum passing scores
specifications and 2 Are there training procedures? 4 and/or performance levels (+1) within a specified number of attempts, reaction plan on the
procedures event of failure (+1), and at least yearly recertification for critical operations (+1).
For individuals on the production floor, locate at least 2 and verify that they have current
Training records Review training records and certifications. Check specifically
and certifications 4 if there is a re-certification program?
3 certifications for their position. If possible, find 1 trainee and verify that the trainer signs off
on all product manufactured by trainee. If fully compliant, score = 3, else score = 0
Safety - ISO 1
7.1.4, If safety policy exists, score 1, else 0. If 0 issue a minor non-
TS16949 6.4.1 Safety Policy 1 Does a safety policy exist? conformance to ISO 6.4 and TS16949 6.4.1 1
Does the safety policy promote compliance with local laws 1
2 and requirements? If compliant, score 1, else score 0 1
Are there any open safety issues, how are these incidents
Safety Tracking 3 tracked? Records? 0
Procedure and
Work Instructions 2 Is there a document control procedure? 2
Revision control 3 Do documents within the document control system, possess a revision 2
number, and is it well displayed?
4 Are edits of controlled documents, controlled such that two edits cannot be 1
Control of in progress concurrently?
Documents and
Records - ISO
4.2.3, 4.2.4
Does the DC system allow for only the latest revision to be accessed in a
5 controlled fashion? (Only QA or authorized access to obsolete documents is 1
6 Are external documents required for the operation of the business identified 1
and their distribution controlled?
Maximum Score 11
If there is no document control procedure, score = 0 for this whole section and SOP-MR-01, Control of documented
issue Major NC. If procedure is in place, score = 1 2 information-system procedure is
If revision numbers are evident on controlled documents, score = 1, if not score = 2 Yes, Verified WI. No. : WI-QA-03
If obsolete documents are removed from the system for general access, score = 1, Obsolete documents are stamped
if obsolete documents are evident in any production area, or are accessible on 1 obsolete and removed from the system
the production floor, score = 0 and issue Major NC. as well as called back from user. Only
Authorised person is having access.
Calibration Do you have all critical measurement and production tools on a
Calibration Systems - Systems
calibration program?
ISO 7.1.5
3 How are individuals notified that "their tool" has an upcoming calibration 2
Internal 5 If you perform internal calibrations, are your calibration standard linked 2
calibrations to a regulatory body's standards?
External If you send out tools for calibration by a third party, are they ISO17025
7 1
calibrations certified and use recognized governing body standards?
Review of 8 For internal calibrations, what are the standards used to calibrate. 1
If no, score = 0 for the complete section, and skip all other questions in this
section and issue a major NC. If yes, score = 1
Fully automated on-line system, score = 2, Manual, but effective system, score
= 1, ineffective manual system, score = 0. 1
Quality Internal Audits - 1 Do you perform and is there evidence of internal audits? 1
Assurance ISO 9.2
Audit results 3 Are there written internal audit reports which are submitted to management? 1
Corrective actions -
4 Are corrective actions identified and closure of actions tracked? Is this a closed loop system? 2
ISO 10.2
Customer 5 Is there a system and window for the customer to accept and acknowledge complaints? 1
Complaint Systems
6 How soon must the supplier acknowledge the customer complaint/concern/information request? 1
Is there an automated system which customer service, sales, or quality enter the customer
7 complaint, and automated emails are sent to the source location for the initiation of analysis? 2
8 Are complaint metrics (number of complaints, time to close with customer, time until verification 2
of CAPA, etc.) tracked and reported in mgmt review?
8D/Root Cause Is 8D the accepted method of reporting for internal complaints, external complaints, and other
Reporting 9 internal manufacturing issues? 2
Corrective Actions 10 Are corrective actions identified and closure of actions tracked? 1
- ISO 10.2.1 a
RnO update - ISO 11 Is there a need to update risk and opportunities determined during planning or make changes to 2
10.2.1e 10.2.1f QMS? if necessary.
Effectiveness of Are repeat events designated, highlighted to management, and tracked as a quality metric in
CAPA/Repeat 12 2
Issues management review?
13 How does the organization continually improve the effectiveness of the QMS through the analysis 3
improvement - ISO of data?
Max Score 22
If customer has an interface, either through customer service, sales, or quality management, score One dedicated person Marketing associate who
= 1, if customer must call the general number for the supplier, score = 0 1 cordinate with customers regarding complaints is
If there is no dedicated person to handle FTC related issues, issue a major NC. available . (Mr. Gursewak Singh)
If there is a system, but it is manual, score = 1. If the system is automated, score = 2, if no system SOP-QA-03 Rev 01 (Procedure for handling customer
score = 0 1 complaints) is followed. System is manual
If metrics are compiled and reviewed by quality dept. score = 1, if quality department reports Customer Complaint Register verified Format No. F-QA-
2 39 Rev 00 & same is reported, discussed in MRM No. 15
metrics in management review, score = 2.
Dated 18th March 2021 verified
If 8D is used, score = 1. If additional problem solving methods, as appropriate, are used (Is/Is Not, SOP-QA-03 Rev 01 Clause No. 4.3 for external
Fishbone diagram, root cause model table, 3 way 5 why, etc.) score +1. If a method other than 8D complains,SOP-QA-02 Rev:01 Procedure for control of
is used, it must contain the following elements to score =1; root cause analysis, root cause non conforming products refers 8D as a accepted
identification, containment actions, corrective action identification, corrective action method. Verified Inhouse rejection Corrective &
implementation, preventive action implementation, and verification of the effectiveness of 2 preventive action report dated 10-02-2021 for the part
implemented corrective actions. Also check for effective implementation of CAPA - proper RCCA, 5011804 root cause analysis done through Why Why
PA etc analysis. Verified 8D for the Part No 816318 for external
If Supplier do not have any equivalent problem solving tool, issue a major NC. complaints.
If CA are identified and tracked through implementation, verification, and effectiveness evaluation, 1 Verified CA for PB-01, System adherence is verified on
score = 1, else score = 0 random machines after CA implemented.
If PA are tracked through implementation and verification, score = 1. If the FMEA is updated to For Customer complaint no. SPM-June-0320 Preventive
2 action is identified and implemented , in addition PFMEA
reflect the enhancements due to the CAPA, score = +1
is also revised evident in PFMEA 030 Rev:03.
If repeat events are designated, score = 1, if they are further highlighted to management as a Verifed MRM Mo.15 . Defect analysis is conducted on
2 monthly basis using pareto, Why Why analysis. Same is
quality metric tracked during management review, score +1 discussed in MRM .
Audit Score 21
Leadership Quality Policy - 1 Is there an established Quality Policy under document control? (5.2.2) 1 If yes score 1, if not or if not in DC score 0 and write up minor
Section 5 ISO 5.2 non-conformance.
3 Does the quality policy includes commitments to satisfy any applicable 1 1 if yes, 0 if no
requirements s? (5.2.1)
In reviewing the QP document, is there commitment to comply and
4 continuously improve? (5.2.1) 1 1 if yes, 0 if no
5 Does the QP provide a framework for reviewing quality objective? (5.2.1) 1 1 if yes, 0 if no
6 Is the QP displayed and communicated to all employees? (5.2.2) 1 enter 1 if yes, 0 if no If not displayed, issue OFI
7 Is the QP regularly reviewed by top management? (5.3) 1 enter 1 if yes, 0 if no If not displayed, issue OFI
8 Overall Quality Policy Implementation 2 If 3 or less of Q2-7 are yes, then 0, if 4-5 are yes, score 1, if all
yes, score 2
Does top management hold regular "town hall" or "all hands" meetings to Only if top management holds regular "all hands" meeting score
11 communicate the state of the site, division, or company? 1 = 1, else score = 0 "All hands" meetings are best practice.
Management 12 Are there a Risk-based thinking way and the adoption of the process 1
Review - ISO 9.3 approach during management review? Such as SWOT analysis.
Review action items from previous management review and ask for
16 objective evidence of closure. Also, check for improvement of 1 Review evidence of closure
effectiveness of QMS and products related to customer requirements
18 Are MR minutes, results, and actions maintained as a record and tracked 3 Fully automated system score +3, if hardcopy only score +1, if not
in an automated system or is the system hardcopy only? minutes, score = 0
1 Yes
1 Yes
1 Yes
1 Yes
1 Yes
1 Yes , Verified MRM No.:15 dated 18th March 2021
0 No
1 Yes,
Traceability of supplied 4 Are all supplied materials traceable? Show me the system which tracks the 3
materials supplied materials and how they are traced through the production flow.
Preservation of product 6 Look throughout warehouse to guarantee no water damage, no crush damage, 1
no leakage of liquids onto other supplies or shelving, etc
IQC Data trending and 7 Is IQC data analyzed more than just trending? 3
Max Score 22
Must log supplies with a serial number (either internal or suppliers) into an
automated inventory management system. If supplier, date, and lot number are
traceable score = 2, if supplies are in a manual 5S or inventory management 1
system score = 1, If no system score = 0 and issue a major NC.
If supplies are traceable throughout the production flow, score = 3. If supplies are
traceable through warehouse and failing material is segregated in the system, 3
score = 1. If supplies are not traceable, but only inventory levels are monitored,
score = 0.
If supplies are stored and transported such that they will arrive on the production
floor undamaged, score = 1, else score = 0 and if pervasive, issue minor non- 1
conformance to ISO 7.1.4.
If there are distributions, Cpk's or other statistical analyses (or if SPC is statistically
valid) which engineering is reacting to, score = 3 and issue BP, if no further analysis, 1
besides trending, score = 0.
Audit Score 17
Realization - Work Instructions and 1 How do technicians/operators on shop floor know to do their job? 5
Shop Floor - Compliance - ISO 8.5.1
Segregation of non-
Is non-conforming material moved out of the production flow for
conforming product - 8
MRB review?
ISO 8.7
Max Score 35
Special Note/s:
1. Need to audit critical processes - tube fabrication, punching/stamping & welding process; check work instruction and skill of workers
If hardcopy (or referenced softcopy) WI are latest released revision, score = 2, if 2 Verified Work instruction WI-HT-02 Rev 02 at shop and found latest
obsolete version, score = 0 and issue minor non-conformance to ISO 8.5.1. revision as per the Master list of documents
If operators are dissipating any electrical charges through the use of ESD protection
footwear and/or wrist straps, score = +5. If product is protected from corrosive ESD is not applicable at Deepak Fasteners.Soft pads are used to
materials, the work station is well configured to minimize damage from other sources, 5 collect the product (fasteners) from coveyor chute so that the
and there is no evidence of damage due to excessive rework, score = +1. Minimum product protected from thread damage. 5s maintained in the
score = 0, max = 6 If no ESD protection, issue major non-conformance to FTCQMS 8.5.4 machine/ work zone.
Where applicable, if parametric data is logged and trended, score 1, if SPC is applied, 2 Verified Quality Assurance Chart for Forging.Part No. 5000131,
score = 2, if data is collected or logged but not otherwise analyzed, score = 0. Description M16x75 HSS, Grade A270
Audit Score 34
If there are hardcopy work instructions, verify that the If hardcopy (or referenced softcopy) WI are latest released revision, score = 2, if
2 2 obsolete version of WI or test program is referenced, score = 0 and issue minor non-
revision is the latest revision in document control system conformance to ISO
Show me how you trend, apply SPC, or otherwise If no trending or other data analysis, score = 0, if data is trended only, score = 1. If
Test data trending and 4 analyze the test data for capability, trends, and react to 3 capability analysis and screening to spec is evident, score = +1. If SPC is applied,
SPC - ISO 9.1.1, 9.1.3 identified issues. and/or capability analysis, engineering review, and reaction plans are in place for
non-compliant materials, score +1. Max score = 3
If the reaction plan is to simply submit unit for rework, score =1. If failure mode is
6 Show me your reaction plan for units failing test. 4 investigated and fed back into FMEA, score +3. If no reaction plan for non-complying
material at test, score = 0
Segregation of non- When you have failures at test, how do you segregate Generally, inverters are reworked immediately. If test failure, rework, and passing
conforming product - 7 this material so that it does not get mixed in with 3 results are noted in WIP tracking system and this data is traceable and extractable
ISO 8.7 passing units? from the system, then score = 3, else score = 0 and issue a major NC.
Control of Non
Conforming Product
Control of NCM 3 1
Max score 5
Do shop floor staff have the ability to shut down the production line if an 1
abnormal condition is detected? If yes, score = 1, if no, score = 0.
NCM=non-conforming material 1
Audit Score 5
Maintenance - Maintenance Is there a system by which the learning's/data from tool repairs If no system for the formal incorporation of learning's from maintenance
- 1 (failure modes, common repairs, updates to PM procedures, etc.) are 2 activities, score = 0. If learning's are fed back into the PM system, spares are
ISO 8.5.1 Learning's fed back into the PM system? ordered based on maintenance history, etc. Score = 2
Is there a system to extend the time between PMs based on If production can manipulate the PM dates, score = 0, if the PM schedule is set
3 2
production needs? If so, what is the process? by maintenance and is generally not delayed for production reasons, score = 2