Annex "D": Submission of E-Mail Addresses and Mobile Numbers (For Corporations)
Annex "D": Submission of E-Mail Addresses and Mobile Numbers (For Corporations)
Annex "D": Submission of E-Mail Addresses and Mobile Numbers (For Corporations)
Department of Finance
Securities and Exchange Commission
I, Rev.Fr. Marvin P. Diongzon, O.carm, the duly authorized representative of Mt. Carmel College of San Francisco,
Inc., hereinafter Mt. Carmel College of San Francisco, Inc, a corporation duly organized and existing under the
laws of the Philippines, with office address at Barangay 3, San Francisco Agusan del Sur and SEC Registration
Number 43453, hereby authorize the Securities and Exchange Commission of the Philippines to send notices,
letter-replies, orders, decisions, and/or other documents emanating from the Commission through the
Corporation’s electronic email addresses, and mobile numbers 09212045647, 09079482064 for the purpose of
complying with the notice requirement of administrative due process.