Evance - DN - 60809
Evance - DN - 60809
Evance - DN - 60809
Inspection Manager
Software Services
The Inspection Manager software is an essential part of the
eVance™ Services offering. The Inspection Manager dramati-
cally improves the speed, accuracy and efficiency of your test-
ing and inspection activities while providing professionally
formatted reports.
Fire panels connected to the secure data center with a web
portal transfer test information directly to the application. This
connectivity reduces the need to have a separate technician at
the panel when testing. Non-addressable points can be
inspected using integrated barcode labels and scanners.
With the Inspection Manager, multiple technicians can conduct
the walk test simultaneously. The Inspection Manager provides
the capability to sync the walk test results and data across
multiple mobile devices.
• Access to reports available 24/7 through the data center.
In connected mode, the application can pull data from fire pan- END USER/BUILDING OWNER INFORMATION CENTER
els utilizing web portals for connection to the secure data cen- • Ability to access inspection reports for your buildings.
ter. If connectivity to the data center is lost or not possible, the
Inspection Manager will operate in a barcode scan mode. System Requirements & Accessories
ENABLES VISUAL DOCUMENTATION • Apple iPhone 5/5s and iOS7 is required for Inspection Man-
Technicians can use their mobile devices to take digital photo- ager. All personal computer and iPhone devices are pro-
graphs of equipment and areas that require corrective action. vided by the customer.
Those images are then stored in the secure data center with • N-WEBPORTAL: Web portal that connects Notifier fire pan-
the inspection data. els to the secure data center. See N-WEBPORTAL data
sheet DN-60806.
STREAMLINES REPORTING • SCANNER-5: Scanner that works directly with Inspection
The Inspection Manager automatically generates profession- Manager and the iPhone 5/5S that is required for scanning
ally formatted reports that can include your business informa- barcodes. See SCANNER-5 data sheet DN-60807. Pur-
tion and logo. Signatures can be captured on the technician's chased directly from Notifier.
mobile device. Reports can be emailed and are stored in the • BARCODE-1000: Roll of 1,000 bar code labels. Barcode
data center with 24/7 access available to the ESD, building labels may be purchased from Notifier or printed by cus-
owner and/or AHJ. tomer.
Data Ownership and Privacy • As an example, this would allow you to go from a 5 user
Because your company and customer data is of utmost impor- license to a 10 user license, or to add Service Manager if
tance, our subscription and privacy agreement is in place to you are currently using Inspection Manager.
protect your business. To view the subscription and privacy • The same part numbers are used for upgrades.
agreement, please go to: • Upgrade orders should be placed within 9 months after the
http://evanceservices.honeywell.com/Pages/agreement.aspx yearly license period has started. After month 9 the data
center will treat an eVance Services software license order
Software Licensing as a renewal.
The Inspection Manager software is purchased as an annual • For upgrades, please contact your CSR for information
license. The license you need is based on the number of peo- regarding how the upgrade will impact your yearly software
ple who will be using the software at your company. Any build- license start and completion date.
ing owners, end users, AHJ's (customers) that your company
provides view-only access to do not count as a user in terms of SOFTWARE SERVICES ORDERED FROM
the license agreement. NOTIFIER
After you have purchased the Inspection Manager application The Inspection Manager may be purchased in individual
and created user names and passwords from the web based licenses or by a pack of licenses. The eVance Services bundle
software application, you will then download the eVance Ser- is purchased in packs only. For example, a 10 user license will
vices Inspection Manager from the Apple App Store. provide up to 10 unique users with access to the software.
As part of the eVance Services offering, the Inspection Man- N-INSPECT1: Notifier service manager, 1 user.
ager software may be bundled with the Service Manager soft- N-INSPECT10: Notifier service manager, 10 users.
ware at a discount over purchasing the two software
N-INSPECT15: Notifier service manager, 15 users.
applications separately.
N-INSPECT20: Notifier service manager, 20 users.
SOFTWARE LICENSE RENEWALS AND UPGRADES N-INSPECT30: Notifier service manager, 30 users.
If you have any questions regarding license renewals or N-INSPECT100: Notifier service manager, 100 users.
upgrades, please contact your CSR.
N-EVANCETRIAL: Notifier eVance Service Plan, Trial.
YEARLY LICENSE RENEWALS N-EVANCE5: Notifier eVance Service Plan, 5 users.
• At month 9 of the yearly license, you will start to receive e- N-EVANCE10: Notifier eVance Service Plan, 10 users.
mail messages and warnings from the data center that your N-EVANCE15: Notifier eVance Service Plan, 15 users.
license will run out in 3 months.
N-EVANCE20: Notifier eVance Service Plan, 20 users.
• You should then order a renewal license.
• The same part numbers are used for renewals as for the ini- N-EVANCE30: Notifier eVance Service Plan, 30 users.
tial purchase. N-EVANCE100: Notifier eVance Service Plan, 100 users.
For more information, contact Notifier. Phone: (203) 484-7161, FAX: (203) 484-7118.