Surface & Coatings Technology: F. Ghadami, M. Heydarzadeh Sohi, S. Ghadami
Surface & Coatings Technology: F. Ghadami, M. Heydarzadeh Sohi, S. Ghadami
Surface & Coatings Technology: F. Ghadami, M. Heydarzadeh Sohi, S. Ghadami
Effect of bond coat and post-heat treatment on the adhesion of air plasma
sprayed WC-Co coatings
F. Ghadami a,⁎, M. Heydarzadeh Sohi a, S. Ghadami b
School of Metallurgy and Materials, College of Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
College of Engineering, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In this study, WC-12wt%Co and NiCr feedstock powders were sprayed by the air plasma spray (APS) method to
Received 31 July 2014 form conventional WC-Co and double-layer NiCr/WC-Co coatings on steel substrates. The microstructure of as-
Accepted in revised form 5 November 2014 sprayed samples with and without NiCr bond coat was analyzed and found to consist of WC, W2C and an amor-
Available online 13 November 2014
phous phase. The conventional WC-Co coating samples were also heat treated at 650, 900 and 1150 °C for 1 h.
Heat treatment at all temperatures examined resulted in phase changes within the coating layer by formation
of WxCoyC, η-carbides. Adhesive strength of the as-sprayed and heat-treated coatings also investigated. Results
NiCr bond coat indicated that adhesive strength has improved by applying bond coat before spraying of overlay WC-Co coating.
Interface The results also showed that by increasing heat treatment temperature from 900 °C to 1150 °C, adhesive strength
Heat treatment increased. In this case, post-heat treatment process at 1150 °C and or applying NiCr bond coat gave the higher
Adhesive strength adhesive strength, which was due to the control of interfacial porosities and formation of partially metallurgical
bonding in interface of coating and substrate.
© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction may increase the adhesive strength of the resultant coating by reducing
stresses in the coating, which are caused by thermal expansion differ-
WC-Co composite coatings are commonly used to enhance the wear ences of the coating relative to the substrate material [10].
resistance of many types of engineering components. It is common Therefore, the adhesion of plasma sprayed WC-Co coating is usually
practice to deposit WC-Co coatings by thermal spray techniques such improved with the improvement in the degree of particle melting be-
as air plasma spray (APS) and high velocity oxygen fuel (HVOF) [1–5]. cause good melting leads to a better flattening and/or using a suitable
To meet the tribological requirements, the coated materials must bond coat layer, which provide a suitable base for overlay coating [2,11].
possess a suitable combination of properties and adhesion of coating Different post-treatments such as laser treatment, hot isostatic
on the substrate is one of them. The adhesion of plasma sprayed WC- pressing (HIP) [12,13], spark plasma sintering (SPS) [14] and heat
Co coating depends on spraying system, spraying parameters, powder treatment processes in vacuum or inert gas [15,16] are recommended
morphology, residual stresses in coating, roughness of substrate and for improving the quality and adhesion of WC-Co coatings. Post-heat
type of bond coat (if exists) before WC-Co deposition. If adhesion of treatment process of WC-Co coatings, increases the effective carbides
WC-Co coating on a part is not sufficient during the exploitation time, content (with higher hardness and wear resistance) due to the recrys-
coating may pull out; therefore, failure in mechanism occurs [6]. tallization of the amorphous phases in the coating to η-carbides [15,
During plasma spraying, WC-Co particles, during their flight due to 17–19]. η-Carbides are commonly formed in WxCoyC ternary system
surface tension, are considerably deformed upon hitting the substrate.
Li et al. [7] believe that the adhesion of a thermally sprayed coating
deposited by completely molten droplets is mainly achieved by the
mechanical interlocking effect except the deposition of refractory mate- Table 1
rials. This is because the deposition of refractory materials may cause Powder feedstock characteristics.
the local melting of steel substrate for example [8], which consequently Characteristics WC-Co coating NiCr bond coat
leads to the metallurgical bonding [7,9].
Powder size (μm) −53 + 11 −125 + 45
Berndt [10] reported that some chemical reactions may occur be- Manufacturing process Agglomeration and Sintering Cast and crashed
tween the bond coat and steel substrate. In addition, the bond coat Powder morphology Spherical and semi-sphere Clad
Manufacturer company TAFA-Praxair® Metco®
Powder specification 1324VM/WC727-1 Metco 444
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +98 912 5333626; fax: +98 21 88006076.
Flow density (g/mm3) 4.2 4.2
E-mail address: (F. Ghadami).
0257-8972/© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
290 F. Ghadami et al. / Surface & Coatings Technology 261 (2015) 289–294
Table 2 coatings. APS process for both bond coat and overlay coatings were car-
Spray parameters employed during APS process for overlay coating and bond coat layer. ried out in an Ar/H2 plasma gases.
Parameter WC-Co coating NiCr bond coat Table 2 lists the important spray parameters employed for WC-Co
Nozzle diameter (mm) 6 6
coating and NiCr bond coat. The samples were grit blasted for cleaning
Plasma gas flow Ar (l/min) 65 65 and roughening of the surfaces before coating. All specimens were
Secondary gas flow H2 (l/min) 3 14 mounted on the circumference of a horizontally rotating turntable and
Carrier gas Ar (l/min) 2 2.3 cooled during and after spraying with compressed air jets. The plasma
Arc current (Amp) 700 600
gun was attached to a transverse unit controlling the vertical move-
Arc voltage (V) 58 63
Spraying angle 90° 90° ment. In this case, the rotating speed was 120 rpm (0.8 m/s of linear
Powder feed rate (g/min) 36 40 speed) and vertical transverse speed was chosen 0.15 m/s.
Stand off distance (mm) 140 140
Digital setting 40 40 2.3. Post-heat treatment process
2.2. Air plasma spraying process 2.5. Adhesive strength of the coatings
A3000 APS equipment (Plasma-Technik®, Switzerland) was used to Tensile adhesion tests (TAT) were carried out in accordance with
deposit 30 μm thickness of NiCr bond coat and 200 μm of WC-Co overlay ASTM C633 standard test for as-spayed and heat-treated WC-Co
Fig. 1. Tensile adhesion test (TAT) for WC-Co and NiCr/WC-Co-coated specimens according to ASTM C633.
F. Ghadami et al. / Surface & Coatings Technology 261 (2015) 289–294 291
Fig. 2. Backscattered electron micrograph of as-sprayed WC-Co coating: (a) coating layer, (b) interface zone, (c) interfacial porosity distribution and also WC-Co coating with NiCr bond
coat, (d) coating layer, (e) interface zone and (f) interfacial porosity distribution.
coatings and then compared with WC-Co coating with NiCr bond coat
(NiCr/WC-Co coatings). The test specimen consisted of a pair of mild
steel cylindrical stubs, 25.4 mm (1 inch) in diameter and height. A
pair of test stubs, one plasma sprayed coated specimen and the other
uncoated but grit blasted and degreased, were bonded together with
3 M Scotch weld™ SW-2214 adhesive to form the tensile bond strength
test specimen. Then they were pulled to fracture in a screw-driven uni-
versal testing machine at a displacement rate of 1 mm min-1 (Fig. 1).
Fig. 5. (a) Scanning electron micrograph of failure through the coating/substrate interfacial region for WC-Co coating specimen heat treated at 1150 °C after TAT process consisting bright
(A1) and dark (A2) regions. (b) Failure through the coating/substrate interfacial region at higher magnification.
F. Ghadami et al. / Surface & Coatings Technology 261 (2015) 289–294 293
Fig. 6. EDS analysis of interface region for detached WC-Co coating heat treated at 1150 °C after TAT process, (a) bright region (A1) and (b) dark region (A2).
blasting before coating process, Al peaks are presented in EDS analysis heat-treated coatings in 900 °C and 1150 °C show peaks indexed to
of roughened substrate in A2 region (Fig. 6b). η-carbides (W3Co3C, W4Co2C and W6Co6C). The XRD spectra for the
At present, there is some contention about the precise mechanisms samples heat treated above 900 °C showed traces where the η-carbide
for the high adhesion of the bond coat and also why intermediate NiCr peaks were narrow and of comparable height to the WC and W2C.
coating confers high adhesion to the WC-Co overlay. The explanation Diffraction patterns of the heat-treated coatings did not show any amor-
is that the NiCr bond coat readily melts and flows at the substrate phous phase especially in 1150 °C. XRD spectra for bond coat interface
surface and therefore imparts a high specific area of contact which pro- zone for heat-treated WC-Co at 1150 °C show Co3Fe7 intermetallic
motes good adhesion [21]. On the other hand, the NiCr bond coat may phase together with WC, W2C and η-carbides. This intermetallic com-
act as a compliant layer between the steel substrate and WC-Co overlay pounds maybe formed because of chemical reaction or metallurgical
so that may increase the adhesive strength by reducing stresses bonding in bond coat/substrate interface which confirms increasing ad-
between the coatings and substrate [10]. hesive strength for WC-Co coatings after heat treatment above 900 °C.
Fig. 7 shows the X-ray diffraction spectrum of the conventional
agglomerated and sintered WC–Co powder feedstock, together with 4. Conclusions
as-sprayed, coating heat-treated WC-Co at 1150 °C and NiCr/WC-Co in-
terface zone. The XRD spectra for the feedstock powder show peaks NiCr and WC–12wt%Co powders were deposited onto steel
indexed to WC and Co. The XRD traces of the as-sprayed coatings exhibit substrates to form single-layer WC-Co and double layer NiCr/WC-Co
WC and W2C peaks along with broad diffuse peaks (humps) between coatings by APS method. Single WC-12wt%Co coatings were heat
2θ = 37 ~ 46° and 2θ = 73 ~ 81° representing amorphous or nanocrys- treated at 650 °C, 900 °C and 1150 °C for 1 h in a controlled atmosphere.
talline material. These results have also been reported by Sohi and The structural properties and adhesive strength of the as-sprayed and
Ghadami [18] and Stewart et al. [15]. Owing to decarburization and heat-treated coatings were studied and compared with NiCr/WC-Co.
dissolution of the WC in liquid cobalt at high temperatures [19] and The results are summarized as follows:
thermal and kinetic history of melted particles, the phases present in
the coating differ from those in the powder. Diffraction patterns from • The as-sprayed WC-Co coatings consisted of WC, W2C and an amor-
phous phase including cobalt, tungsten and carbon.
• Post-heat treatment of WC-12wt%Co coatings in an inert atmosphere
above 900 °C promoted the formation of η-carbides (W3Co3C, W4Co2C
and W6Co6C) from the amorphous phase.
• By applying NiCr bond coat, adhesive strength of NiCr/WC-Co has
increased by decreasing interfacial porosities that promotes good ad-
hesion in coating/bond coat and bond coat/substrate interface zones.
• Heat treatment at 900 °C and 1150 °C increased the adhesive strength
of WC-12wt%Co coating layer, which could be due to the formation of
partially metallurgical bonding between coating and substrate.
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