Qualitative Analysis - DPP's
Qualitative Analysis - DPP's
Qualitative Analysis - DPP's
A) Fe3 SCN B) Fe3 Fe CN 6
C) Ni2 dimethylglyoxime + NH3 D) Cu2+ + NH3
17. Which of the statement (s) is(are) correct with reference to the ferrous and ferric ions?
A) Fe3+ gives brown colour with potassium ferricyanide
B) Fe2+ gives blue precipitate with potassium ferricyanide
C) Fe3+ give red colour with potassium thiocyanate
D) Fe2 give brown colour with ammonium thiocyanate
18. A light green crystalline compound responds to the following tests.
(i) Its aqueous solution gives a brown precipitate on treatment with a K 2 HgI4 solution
(Nessler’s reagent).
(ii) Its aqueous solution turns blue on treatment with a K 3 Fe CN 6 solution.
(iii) Its solution in dilute HCl gives a white precipitate on reaction with a BaCl2 solution.
The solution of light green crystalline compound contain
A) Fe2 B) Cl C) SO24 D) NH4
19. A compound on heating with an excess of caustic soda solution liberates a gas (B) which
gives white fumes on exposure of HCl. Heating it continued to expel the gas completely.
The resultant alkaline solution again liberates the same gas (B) when heated with zinc
powder. However the compound (A), when heated alone does not give nitrogen. Identify
(A) and (B).
A) A is NH4NO3 B) A is NH4NO2 C) B is N2O D) B is NH3
20. A colourless solid A, when placed in water, produces a heavy white precipitate B. Solid
A gives a clear solution in conc. HCl; however when added to large amount of water, it
again gives precipitate of B which dissolves in dilute HCl. When H2S is passed through
a suspension of A or B, a brown black precipitate (C) is obtained. Compound A liberates
a gas D with conc. H2SO4. The gas D is water soluble and gives white precipitate E with
solution of mercurous salts but not with mercuric salts. Which of the following options
satisfy the compounds that are used in this contest.
A) A is BiCl3 B) B is BiOCl C) C is Bi2S3 D) D is HCl
21. Which of the following will give the same colour in oxidising flame as well as in the
reducing flame in borax bead test (when cold)?
A) Chromium B) Copper C) Cobalt D) Nickel
22. A black mineral (A) on heating in presence of air gives a gas (B). The mineral (A) on
reaction with dilute H2SO4 gives a gas (C) and solution of a compound (D). On passing
gas (C) into an aqueous solution of (B) a white turbidity is obtained. The compounds
(A) to (D) are
A) FeS B) SO2 C) H2S D) FeSO4
23. A white sublimable solid, when boiled with NaOH solution, gives a colourless gas that
turns Nessler’s reagent brown. The solid, on being heated with solid K2Cr2O7 and
concentrated H2SO4 , gives red brown vapours. The white solid can be:
A) NH4I B) NH4Br C) NH4Cl D) NH4 2 SO4
24. Choose the correct statement(s)
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t) Cu3[Fe(CN)6]2
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24. Match the reactions/reaction conditions listed in column-I with the characteristics/
precipitate colour of the reaction products listed in column-II.
Column-I Column-II
A) 2NiS + 2HNO3 + 6HCl p) Black precipitate and its chloride
extract with water
imparts greenish blue flame.
amyl alcohol
B) CoCl2 + 4NH4 CNS q) Blue colour in organic layer
C) CuCl2 + NaOH r) Yellow precipitate soluble in NaOH
D) HgCl2 + KI (Not in excess) s)
White precipitate and its chloride
imparts crimson flame.
25. Match the products of the reactions listed in column-I with the colour of the
precipitate(s) listed in column-II.
Column-I Column-II
A) Hg 2I2 green) p) Grey/Black precipitate
B) BiI3 (black) q) Orange precipitate
C) Fe3 OH 2 CH3COO 6 r) Reddish-brown precipitate
(deep-red salt.)
D) Ag 2SO3 (white) s) Red precipitate
t) Green
1. ABD 2. ABCD 3. ABCD 4. ABC 5. BD 6. CD 7. ABCD
8. AB 9. CD 10. AB 11. ABCD 12. AC 13. ABD 14. BCD
15. ABCD 16. AC 17. ABC 18. ACD 19. AD 20. ABCD 21. AC
22. ABCD 23. BC 24. ABCD 25. ABD 26. 6 27. 7 28. 3
29. 4 30. 2 31. 3 32. A–s, B–r, C–p, D–qt
33. A–r, B–q, C–p, D–s 34. A-ps ; B - q ; C - r ; D - p)
Sec: Star SC Qualitative Analysis Date: 13-01-2021
1. An aqueous solution of a given salt was made alkaline with solid NH4Cl and NH4OH
solution. H2S gas was then passed through the test tube. A black precipitate appeared.
Which of the following conclusions is most appropriate about the precipitate. It could
a) CuS or PbS b) CoS or NiS
c) FeS or NiS or CoS d) FeS or NiS or CoS or CuS or PbS
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precipitate with an aqueous solution of K 4 Fe CN6 . The solution of (A) in dil. HCl
gives a white precipitate (D) on passing H2S in presence of excess NH4OH .
31. The compound (A) is
a) ZnCO3 b) PbCO3 c) Na2CO3 d) NH4 2 CO3
32. The compound (C) is
a) PbO b) ZnO c) Na2O d) Ag2O
HgS, CuS, PbS, Bi2S3, CdS
HNO3 / and Filter
Residue Add dil. H2SO4 + 1 ml EtOH and
Part A Filterate
Residue Add NH4OH (excess) and
Part B Residue Filterate
blue colour
Part C
33. The metal sulphide insoluble in HNO3 or residue in Part A will be
a) CuS b) Bi2S3 c) CdS d) HgS
34. Residue of part B + CH3COO– NH4 P SO 4
P + 2KI Q + CH3COO– : Q will be
a) HgI2 b) PbI2 c) CdI2 d) CuI2
1 D 2 A 3 B 4 D 5 B 6 D 7 C 8 C
9 A 10 C 11 BC 12 ABCD 13 B 14 ABCD 15 ABCD 16 D
17 B 18 BD 19 CD 20 C 21 BCD 22 ACD 23 CD 24 7
25 4 26 5 27 6 28 5 29 C 30 B 31 A 32 B
33 D 34 B
Q.1 A glassy bead formed by heating borax on a platinum wire loop is –
(A) sodium tetraborate (B) sodium metaborate
(C) sodium metaborate and boric anhydride (D) boric anhydride and sodium tetraborate
Q.2 Conc. sulphuric acid is put into two test tubes. A containing nitrate salt and B containing bromide salts
and the contents are heated to evolve reddish brown gases which were passed through water. Water
(A) turn yellow by gas coming from A (B) turn yellow by gas coming from B
(C) turn brown by gas coming from A (D) turn blood red by gas coming from B
Q.3 The evolution of SO2 gas from dry heating test can be recognised by –
(A) its pungent smell (B) its ability to decolourise KMnO4
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(C) its ability to turn dichromate paper green (D) all the above factors
Q.4 Which of the following salt will give evolution of SO2 gas along with the formation of yellowish turbidity
when treated with dilute sulphuric acid. –
(A) sodium sulphide (B) sodium sulphite (C) sodium sulphate (D) sodium thiosulphate
Q.5 Which of the following salt liberate reddish brown gas on treatment with dilute H2SO4 ?
(A) ZnBr2 (B) KBr (C) KNO2 (D) KNO3
Q.6 For the confirmatory tests of acid radicals, sodium carbonate extract is prepared because –
(A) all anions react with Na (B) Na is more reactive
(C) Na2CO3 is water soluble (D) all anion of sodium salts are water soluble
Q.7 The chromyl chloride test is meant for which of the following ion ?
(A) Cl– ions (B) SO4– – ions (C) I– ions (D) Cl– and CrO42– ions
Q.8 Sulphuric acid is not used for the preparation of original solution in the analysis of basic radical because–
(A) it forms insoluble sulphates with some of the basic radicals
(B) it is a strong oxidising agent
(C) it is strong reducing agent
(D) it decomposes many of the anions
Q.9 In the second group of qualitative analysis, H2S is passed through a solution acidified with HCl in order
to –
(A) limit the concentration of S2– ions (B) increase the solubility of H2S
(C) increases the concentration of S2– ions (D) add the Cl– ions
Q.10 All ammonium salts liberate ammonia gas when –
(A) heated with water (B) heated with caustic soda
(C) heated with H2SO4 (D) heated with NaNO2
Q.11 To avoid the precipitation of hydroxides of Ni2+ Co2+, Zn2+ and Mn2+ along with those of Fe3+ , Al3+
and Cr3+ the third group solution should be –
(A) heated with a few drops of conc. HNO3 (B) boiled by adding excess of NH4Cl
(C) concentrated by evaporation (C) made alkaline by NaOH
Q.12 H2S will precipitate the sulphides of all the metals, Cu, Zn and Cd from the solution of their chlorides
(A) the solution is alkaline (B) the solution is acidic
(C) the solution is acidified with H2SO4 (D) any of the above solution is present
Q.13 Sodium sulphide react with sodium nitroprusside to form a purple coloured compound. During the
reaction, the oxidation state of iron –
(A) changes from +2 to +3 (B) changes from +3 to +2
(C) change from + 2 to +4 (D) remain unchanged
Q.14 To the aqueous solution of the salt acidified potassium permanganate is added and its colour is discharged.
It indicates the presence of –
(A) Fe2+ (B) Sn2+ (C) Ba2+ (D) NO3–
Q.15 Lead sulphate is soluble in –
(A) ammonium acetate (B) conc. HNO3 (C) ammonium hydroxide (D) conc. HCl
Q.16 Sodium borate on reaction with conc. H2SO4 and C2H5OH gives a compound ‘A’ which burns with a
green edged flame. The compound ‘A’ is –
(A) H2B4O7 (B)(C2H5)2B4O7 (C) H3BO3 (D) (C2H5)3BO3
Q.17 On addition of aqueous NaOH to a salt solution, a white gelatinous precipitate is formed, which
dissolves in excess alkali, The salt solution contains –
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(A) chromous ions (B) aluminium ions (C) barium ions (D) iron ions
Q.18 Brown ring test is used to detect –
(A) iodide (B) nitrate (C) iron (D) bromide
Q.19 Microcosmic salt is –
(A) Na(NH4)HPO4.4H2O (B) Na(NH4).HPO4
(C) Na(NH3)HPO4.4H2O (D) K(NH4)HPO4.2H2O
Q.20 On passing H2S gas in II group sometimes the solution turns milky. It indicates the presence of –
(A) oxidising agent (B) acidic salt (C) thiosulphate (D) reducing agent
Q.21 When sodium thiosulphate solution is shaken with iodine, thiosulphate is changed to –
(A) sulphide ion (B) sulphate ion (C) tetrathionate ion (D) sulphide ion
Q.22 In the qualitative analysis, NH4Cl is added before NH4OH to –
(A) decreases OH– ions conc. (B) increase OH– ion conc.
(C) form HCl (D) form complexes of group II radicals
Q.23 Which of the following pairs is not distinguished by passing H2S ?
(A) Hg2+, Pb2+ (B) Cd2+, Pb2+ (C) Sb3+, Cd2+ (D) Zn2+, Mn2+
Q.24 CrO3 dissolves in aqueous NaOH to give –
(A) CrO42– (B) Cr2O72– (C) Cr(OH)3 (D) Cr(OH)2
Q.25 When dil. HNO3 is dropped into the palm and washed with water, it turns yellow. It shows the presence of–
(A) NO2 (B) N2O (C) NO (D) N2O5
Q.26 Identify the correct order of solubility of Na2S, CuS and ZnS in aqueous medium –
(A) CuS > ZnS > Na2S (B) ZnS > Na2S > CuS
(C) Na2S > CuS > ZnS (D) Na2S > ZnS > CuS
Q.27 In the borax bead test of Co , the blue colour of the bead is due to formation of –
(A) B2O3 (B) Co3B2 (C) Co(BO2)2 (D) Co3O4
Q.28 Mercurous ion is represented as –
(A) Hg+ (B) Hg2+ (C) 3Hg3+ (D) Hg22+
Q.29 Which of the following metals sulphides are soluble in hot and 50% HNO3 ?
(A) HgS (B) Bi2S3 (C) CuS (D) all these
Q.30 Which of the following halide is soluble in water –
(A) AgF (B) AgCl (C) AgBr (D) AgI
Q.31 Which of the following gives blood red colour with KCNS ?
(A) Cr+2 (B) Fe3+ (C) Al3+ (D) Zn2+
Q.32 Correct formula of the complex formed in the brown ring test for nitrates is –
(A) FeSO4. NO (B) [Fe(H2O)5NO]2+ (C) [Fe(H2O)5NO]+ (D) [Fe(H2O)5NO]3+
Q.33 An aqueous solution of a substance gives a white precipitate on treatment with dil. HCl which dissolves
on heating. When H2S is passed through the hot acidic solution, a black precipitate is obtained. The
substance is a –
(A) Hg22+ salt (B) Cu2+ salt (C) Ag+ salt (D) Pb2+ salt
Q.34 When H2S gas is passed through the HCl containing aqueous solution of CuCl2, HgCl2, BiCl3 and
CoCl2, it does not precipitate out –
(A) CuS (B) HgS (C) Bi2S3 (D) CoS
Q.35 Which of the following salt will not produce any gas with dilute sulphuric acid ?
(A) sodium nitrite (B) strontium nitrate (C) calcium oxalate (D) barium carbonate
Q.36 An orange coloured solid errupts like volcano producing a colourless, inert gas igniting. The anion
present in the solid is –
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water turns milky. The milkiness is due to formation of –
(A) Sn(OH)Cl (B) Sb(OH)Cl2 (C) SbOCl (D) Sb(OH)2Cl
Q.46 The gradual addition of a ammonium hydroxide to the aqueous solution of a salt A results in brownish
precipitate which does not dissolve in excess of NH4OH. However, when HCl is added to the original
solution a white precipitate is formed. The salt A is –
(A) lead salt (B) silver salt (C) mercurous salt (D) copper salt
Q.47 In qualitative analysis of basic radicals, hydrochloric acid is preferred to nitric acid for preparing a
solution of given substance. This is because –
(A) nitrate are not decomposed to sulphides (B) nitric acid contains nitrogen
(C) hydrochloric acid is not an oxidising acid (D) chlorides are easily converted to sulphides
Q.48 In the dry heating test, a white crystalline salt produces crackling noise and also brownish fumes. The
residue after heating is seen to be yellow-brown in colour. When a glowing splint is held in the fumes it
is relighted. The fumes consist of –
(A) bromine only (B) nitrogen dioxide only
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(C) mixture of O2 and Br2 (D) a mixture of nitrogen dioxide and oxygen
Q.49 Aqueous solution of a gas ‘X’ is treated with hydrogen peroxide and there after allowed to react with
barium chloride solution. A white precipitate appears which is insoluble in conc. HNO3. The gas ‘X’
(A) H2S (B) CO (C) SO2 (d) CO2
Q.50 Some pale green crystals are strongly heated. The gases given off are passed into a container surrounded
by ice and then through a solution of acidified KMnO4. The KMnO4 is decolourized, a waxy white
solid is formed in the ice container; this is dissolved in water. The solution will –
(A) give a precipitate with silver nitrate solution (B) give a precipitate with barium chloride solution
(C) turn red litmus blue (D) give blue colour with starch solution
Q.51 Which of the following compounds gives a red precipitate with AgNO3 ?
(A) KI (B) Kr2CrO4 (C) NaBr (d) NaNO3
Q.52 A pale green crystalline inorganic salt (A) dissolve freely in water. It gives brown precipitate on addition
of aqueous solution NaOH. The solution of (A) also gives a black precipitate on bubbling H2S in
alkaline medium. An aqueous solution of (A) decolourized the pink colour of the permanganate solution.
The metal in the salt solution is –
(A) copper (B) aluminium (C) lead (D) iron
Q.53 Dimethyl glyoxime in a suitable solvent was refluxed for 10 minutes with pure pieces of nickel sheet, it
will result in –
(A) red precipitate (B) blue precipitate (C) yellow precipitate (D) no precipitate
Q.54 A mixture of chlorides of copper, cadmium, chromium, iron and aluminium was dissolved in water
acidified with HCl and hydrogen sulphide gas was passed for sufficient time. It was filtered, boiled and
a few drops of nitric acid were added while boiling. To this solution ammonium chloride and sodium
hydroxide were added and filtered. The filtrate shall give test for –
(A) sodium and iron (B) sodium and aluminium
(C) aluminium and iron (D) sodium, iron, cadmium and Al
Q.55 When K2Cr2O7 crystals are heated with conc. HCl, the gas evolved is –
(A) O2 (B) Cl2 (C) CrO2Cl2 (D) HCl
Q.56 Which of the following is not efflorescent ?
(A) Na2SO4.10H2O (B) hydrated Na2CO3 (C) NaOH (D) all of these
Q.57 K2 [HgI4] detects the ion/group –
(A) NH2– (B) NO (C) NH4+ (D) Cl–
Q.58 Which one of the following on reaction with H2S does not produce metallic sulphide ?
(A) ZnCl2 (B) CdCl2 (C) CoCl2 (D) CuCl2
Q.59 Which of the following cannot give iodometric titrations ?
(A) Fe3+ (B) Cu2+ (C) Pb2+ (D) Ag+
Q.60 Which of the following compound on reaction with NaOH and Na2O2 gives yellow colour ?
(A) Cr(OH)3 (B) Zn(OH)2 (C) Al(OH)3 (D) none of these
Q.61 Which of the following is not precipitated as sulphides by passing H2S in presence of conc HCl ?
(A) copper (B) arsenic (C) chromium (D) lead
Q.62 Which statement is/are correct with reference to the ferrous and ferric ions ?
(A) Fe2+ gives brown colour with potassium ferricyanide
(B) Fe2+ gives blue precipitate with potassium ferricyanide
(C) Fe3+ gives red colour with potassium thiocyanate
(D) both (B) & (C)
Q.63 Mark the correct statement –
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with the AgNO3 gives a white precipitate. The saturated aqueous solution also dissolves magnesium
ribbon with evolution of a colourless gas “Y”. Identify ‘X’ and ‘Y’
(A) X = CO2, Y = Cl2 (B) X = Cl2, Y = CO1
(C) X = Cl2, Y = H2 (D) X = H2, Y = Cl2
Q.73 [X] + H2SO4 [Y] a colourless with irritating smell
[Y] + K2Cr2O7 + H2SO4 green solution
[X] and [Y] are –
(A) SO32–, SO2 (B) Cl–, HCl (C) S2–, H2S (D) CO32–, CO2
Q.74 During analysis of basic radicals of a mixture containing cations of group IV, a solution of NaHCO3 is
added instead of Na2CO3 along with NH4OH. this would result in formation of –
(A) white ppt (B) yellow ppt (C) brick red ppt (D) no ppt at all
Q.75 A mixture containing KBr + Ca(NO3)2 is warmed with dilute H2SO4 –
(A) no reaction will occur (B) evolution of Br2 will take place
(C) gas evolved will be HBr (D) mixture of NO2 and Br2 is evolved.
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Q.84 A substance on treatment with dil. H2SO4 liberates a colourless gas which produces (i) turbidity with
baryta water and (ii) turns acidified dichromate solution green. The reaction indicates the presence of–
(A) CO32– (B) S2– (C) SO32– (D) NO2–
Q.85 The cation present in slightly acidic soltuion are Fe3+, Ni2+, and Cu2+. Which reagent, wehn added
excess to this soltuion will identify and separate Fe3+ in one step -
(A) 2 M HCl (B) 6 M NH3 (C) 6 M NaOH (D) H2S gas
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Que. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ans C B D D C D A A A B
Que. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans B A D B A D B B A A
Que. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans C A A A A A C D B, C A
Que. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Ans B B D D C C A A B A
Que. 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Ans C A,B B,C A C C C D C B
Que. 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Ans B D D B C C C C A A
Que. 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
Ans C D D B D C C D A C
Que. 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
Ans A C A D D B D D A D
Que. 81 82 83 84 85
Ans A,C A,B C C B