International Ayurvedic Medical Journal: Review Article ISSN: 2320 5091 Impact Factor: 4.018
International Ayurvedic Medical Journal: Review Article ISSN: 2320 5091 Impact Factor: 4.018
International Ayurvedic Medical Journal: Review Article ISSN: 2320 5091 Impact Factor: 4.018
Review Article ISSN: 2320 5091 Impact Factor: 4.018
Sushmitha V S1, Seema MB2, Radhika Ranjan Geethesh P 3, Prabhakara Upadhyaya Renjal4
PG scholar, 3Associate Professor, 4Professor; HOD;
Dept. of PG Studies in Rasashastra and Bhaishajyakalpana, SDM Coll
College of Ayurveda, Udupi.,
Udupi. Karnataka, India;
Associate Professor, Uttarakhand Ayurved University, Main Campus, Ayurveda Branch,
ranch, Harrawala, Dehradun,
Uttarakhand – 248001, India
Bheshaja is an important factor among the Chikitsachatushpada. Rasaushadhis are the medicines of metallic and
mineral origin. Smaller dose and quicker action of these medicines makes them more acceptable than drugs of
herbal origin. Kupipakwa Rasa Yogas bbeing one of the Moorchanayogas of Parada has wide range of references
in the texts of Rasashastra.. The variations are appreciated in terms of different materials and equipments utilised
during the preparation of Kupipakwa Rasayana
Rasayana. The first reference of Kupipakwa Rasayana
asayana is found in Rasa
Prakasha Sudhakara of Acharya Yashodhara of 12 century. Other relevant references are collected from
different Rasagranthas.. Recently, adaptations of modified techniques are seen pertaining to the large scale
preparation of Kupipakwa Rasayana.. The differences in the materials and probability of their utility is analysed
and a conclusion is derived considering their acceptance in the current era which would likely not compromise the
efficacy of the product.
Bheshaja has been placed in second order among the Moorchana cures the diseases1. As this cannot be
four factors of treatment. Among them ingested alone, Moorchana has been mentioned in
Rasaushadhis are considered as the best when our classics which impart a definite property of
compared to the drugs of herbal origin in imparting curing the ailments2. Moorchana of Parada can be
health to the individual. Smaller dose, palatability classified as Kharaleeya, Parpati,
Parpati Kupipakwa and
and quicker action are the advantages of Pottali Rasayana.. Among them Kupipakwa Yogas
Rasaushadhis compared to other treatment are one such Paradakalpas which are widely used in
modalities. Among the metallic drugs, Parada the current era. The medicines prepared from
which is believed to be of divine origin is given Parada (Mercury) and other compounds in a glass
utmost importance that the whole branch is named bottle, by applying heat through Valuka Yantra is
after it. It is such a drug that when administered after termed as Kupipakwa Rasayana.
Rasayana It is a
Sushmitha V S et al: Kupipakwa Rasayana- An Exploration Of The Classics
Sagnimoorchana of Parada. The references Several names have been quoted for container in
regarding the Kupipakwa Rasayana varies according different classical texts which are as follows:
to different Rasagranthas when concerned to the use Ruchira Kachaghati [Rasa Prakasha Sudhakara,
of container, nature of the cloth, its thickness, Agni, Rasayogasagara, Rasendra Sara Sangraha,
its duration etc. Hence an attempt is made to Rasakamadhenu], Kachakoopi [Brihat Rasaraja
summarise these details based on the references Sundara, Rasatarangini, Rasamritha,
available in the texts of Rasashastra. Rasayogasagara, Rasendra Sara Sangraha,
Review of literature Ayurveda Sara Sangraha, Rasakamadhenu,
The first reference of Kupipakwa Rasayana is found Rasakaumudi, Rasendra Chudamani],
in Rasa Prakasha Sudhakara of Acharya Kachakumbha [Rasamrita, Rasakamadhenu],
Yashodhara in 12th century where the formulation is Kachamayaghata [Rasakamadhenu], Kuppika
named as Udayabhaskara Rasa in the context of [Rasakamadhenu], Kupi [Brihat Rasaraja Sundara,
Rasabhasma3. The word Ghana rasa is used for Rasakamadhenu], Kachabhajana [Rasakamadhenu],
Rasakapoora4. By 13th century, various Kupipakwa Koopika [Rasakamadhenu], Koopi [Siddha
formulations were in practice like Sarvalokashraya Bheshaja Mani Mala], Goodavaktra Kachakalasha
Rasa, Mehari Rasa, Sarvanga Sundara Rasa etc. [Rasa Ratna Sammucchaya],
which are stated in Uttharardha of Rasa Ratna Deerghanaaladridakoopi [Rasendra Chintamani],
Sammucchaya5. Rasa Kaumudi, pertaining to 16th Krishnakoopi [Ayurveda Sara Sangraha], Strong
century and Ayurveda Prakasha of 7th century has Kachakoopi which is neither too short nor too long
mentioned Sindura Rasa instead of the word Rasa [Rasa Chandamshu]
Sindhoora. In Rasendra Chintamani the author has Selection of mud for applying on the container:
not only mentioned the method of Anthardhuma and It should be black in colour, sticky, soft without any
Bahirdhuma Kupipakwa Vidhi but also explained stones. If such mud is not available then one can use
yogas like Rasakarpura, Agnikumara Rasa, yellow coloured mud. The mud should have the
Vangeshwara Rasa, Lauhasundara rasa in detail6. ability to withstand high temperature. In Kupipakwa
Many Kupipakwa formulations are described in Rasa Nirmana Vijnana the author also explains the
Rasatarangini. More than 250 Kupipakwa Yogas are preparation of mud which can be used for
described by Shri Harisharananandji in his book application on the Koopi- husk 2 parts, pieces of
Kupipakwa Rasa Nirmana Vignan. cloth 1 part and 3 parts of mud is taken and triturated
The term Kupipakwa Rasayana comprises 3 terms; by adding water. Equal quantity of human hair is
Kupi, Pakwa and Rasayana, which means that the added and pounded till it attains waxy consistency.
Rasayanas prepared in Kupi by subjecting it to heat. This should not be allowed to dry. It should be left
Kupipakwa Rasayana can be classified into in a wet state till 7 days9. In Rasakaumudi we find
Sagandha and Nirgandha based on the presence and the use of Vajra mrit10 for the application on the
absence of Gandhaka, Kantastha and Talastha container. In Ayurveda Prakasha the mud is
according to site of collection of the product or prepared using 1 part of Saindhavalavana, ½ part of
Anthardhuma and Bahirdhuma based on the method Loha Churna, ½ part of Khatika Churna, quantity
of preparation. [Table No.1] sufficient water which are made into a thin paste and
Koopi: is applied over Koopi11. The author of
It should be made of any of these materials- Kaacha, Rasakamadhenu emphasizes the use of
Mrittika, Hema, Ayas, Taara7. In Rasendra Hatamrittika12 for the same. Mritvastra which is 1
Chintamani containers of different materials like Angula thick is applied on Koopi and dried13. In
mud, iron, gold, silver and glass are mentioned8. Rasendra Chintamani, Keelaalaayaha Kritha Lepa
prepared using Lohachurna and Jala with excessive rasa. In the context of Haragauri Rasa, Manda-
khatika and lavana is intended for Madhya- Hatagni is mentioned23. Even though we
Koopidridheekarana.14 Mrithkarpata is stated for the find the use of Mridu- Manda- Teevragni in
purpose in Rasamritha, Rasendra Sara Sangraha Ayurveda Sara Sangraha, unlike Rasa Sindoora
and Rasakamadhenu. Mridvastra is mentioned for Mridu, Madhyama and Teevragni should not be
the same in Rasayogasagara, Rasendra Sara given for the preparation of Rasakarpoora, where
Sangraha and Ayurveda Sara Sangraha where as the the author specifies the use of only Mandagni. For
use of Pata is stated in Rasakaumudi. The authors of the preparation of Sameerapannaga rasa, Swarna
Rasakamadhenu and Rasatarangini mention the use Vanga and Swarnabhoopatirasa Madhyamagni is
of Mrittikalipthaambara and Jalatoolamritthika adviced24. Mridu- Madhyama- Uttamagni is
respectively. mentioned in Rasayogasagara where as Teevragni is
According to Rasayanasara 1st and 4th layer should advised for Shilaasindoora25
be done by applying Madhu. Seven layers are Sources of heat vary according to different classics
applied over the container and dried15 like Chaagavit [Rasakamadhenu], Vanopala
Once the mud over the container dries 1/3rd16 or [Rasatarangini, Ayurveda Sara Sangraha] etc.
1/4th17 of koopi is filled with drug. Corking materials like Pashanakhatika26, Khadiya or
Valukayantra Khatika is used and after corking a layer of mud
The word Valukayantra has been commonly used by smeared cloth is covered over the cork27.
most of the authors. It is also known as Multhanimitti or jaggery and lime or lime mixed
Sikathayantra / Kavachiyantra. Various materials with jaggery or honey or piece of brick or 4 folded
are described in the classics for the preparation of cloth which is smeared with mud should be tied over
Valukayantra like Mrithpatra according to the cork using thread and upon the thread mud paste
Rasayanasara, Bhanda which is 1 Vitasthi deep,18 ,19 is applied and dried.28
Bhanda, which has the capacity of 5 Aadaka Rasagolaadi29, Kajjali powder, Tamra pieces in case
Valuka20 with Chidra at its bottom [Rasamrita, of Tamrasindoor30 are the different forms of drug
Rasendra Chudamani and Rasa Chandamshu], which are placed inside the container.
Subhande- Sachidramrithsthali [Rasendra Sara For clearing the neck of the Koopi Tapta
Sangraha], Bhanda [Rasakamadhenu], Lohashalaka31, Taptha Ayas Shalaka32 are advised.
Mriththlipthasthali [Rasatarangini ], Yantra made of For assuring the time of corking the bottle testing
iron / mud [Paradavijnaneeyam] and Loha or with Sheeta Shalaka is mentioned in
Mrithbhanda, Adah Saikathayantra21. The Paradavijnaneeyam.
measurement of hole at the bottom is Poorva karma:
Tarjanyangulapramana as per Rasendra Chintamani It includes arrangements for the preparation of
where as 2-3 Angula according to Rasa Darpana. Kupipakwa Rasayana. The instruments like
Most of the authors have mentioned Kramagni for weighing machine, mortar- pestle, vessel, bottle,
the preparation of Kupipakwa Rasayana. According cloth, mud, pyrometer, pot, sand, copper sheet, iron
to Rasa Ratna Sammucchaya heat should be given to rod and firewood are collected. Strong glass bottle
such an extent that the grass placed on the Valuka which is neither too long nor too short should be
gets burnt at the end of application of Mridu, taken. It should be covered with mud smeared cloth
Madhyama and Teevragni22. The use of Manda- and dried under sunlight. Such seven layers should
Madhya-Khara is advised in Rasendra Sara be made. The main drug and the drugs used for
Sangraha. In Rasa Chandamshu Teevragni is levigation are collected. Swarasa or Kashaya of the
advised for the preparation of Sameerapannaga Bhavanadravya which is mentioned for specific
formulation has to be prepared. Then levigation is glass bottle a kerosene dipped thread should be tied
carried to the main drug. The drug has to be filled up below/ above the level of product collected and
to 1/3rd quantity of the bottle. Initially sand has to be burnt. Water is sprinkled and bottle is broken40 or it
filled inside the Valuka Yantra upto a level of 1 should be wrapped immediately in a wet cloth41. The
Angula from the bottom of Valuka Yantra33, bottle is bottle breaks at the site of the thread with a distinct
placed and remaining sand is filled upto the neck of sound. The product is collected, weighed and stored.
the Koopi34 35. It is then subjected for heating.
Pradhana karma DISCUSSION
Initially low heat should be given. As the procedure Kupipakwa Rasayanas are the unique Murchana
continues heat should be increased gradually i.e., Yogas of Parada. The formulations are prepared in
Kramagni36 should be given. Gandhaka which glass bottle with the aid of Valukayantra. Though
collects at the neck of bottle should be cleared using classics mention containers of different material,
hot iron rod37. glass bottles are preferred these days owing to its
Aushadhipaakapareeksha38: easy availability and handling. The materials of
Sunset colour is seen at the bottom of the bottle. containers like Hema, Tara which are mentioned in
When cold rod is inserted upto the bottom of the the classics may not sustain the temperature during
bottle, Nirdhuma is seen. the procedure. The neck of the bottle should be long
When thin sheet of copper is placed on the enough to provide sufficient area for the collection
mouth of the bottle the particles of Mercury of product. Heat-resistant glasses are believed to be
adheres on it. better than any other ordinary glass available. It has
Once the Paka of Oushadha occurs mouth of the been tested to withstand temperature changes of up
Koopi should be closed in Bahirdhooma method. In to 10000C42. To make it more heat stable 7 layers of
the preparation of Antardhuma method corking has mud smeared cloth is applied. Multhanimitti (fuller’s
to be done immediately after filling the drug, when earth) is preferred for application as it is soft and
Dhooma appears, cork is removed and Lohashalaka easily spreadable. One can also use black soil for the
has to be inserted till the bottom, moved around and purpose as it becomes sticky when treated with
removed to check for the presence of moisture39. water. But once the soil dries, it develops cracks.
According to Rasamritha heating has to be This can be overcome by smearing it on the cloth
continued further in Teevragni as per the duration and then applying it on the bottle. It is then placed in
prescribed in respective formulations. Sand near the Valukayantra where the sand is filled up to the neck
neck of bottle is cleared. The desired Agnikala varies of the Koopi. Valukayantra made of iron can be
according to preparations. preferred as the specific heat capacity and heat
Paschat karma- retention is high compared to mud. Sand can retain
After the application of high temperature, heating is heat for very long period as the heat transfer
stopped and it is allowed to cool on its own. The coefficient is very low43. These may prevent the
procedure is known as Swaanga Sheetala. abrupt heat variation thereby promoting gradual
Bahisheetala is mentioned in the context of Swarna heating. Currently the vertical muffle furnaces are
Vanga. Once it gets cooled on its own [Rasamritha, commonly used for the preparation of Kupipakwa
Rasendra Sara Sangraha, Rasakaumudi, Rasayana owing to its benefits over the classical
Rasakamadhenu, Rasayogasagara, Ayurveda Sara sources of heating and maintenance of temperature.
Sangraha] the container has to be removed by It also prevents the exposure to the products of
separating the sand around it. The layer of mud combustion during the procedure. But, the use of
should be cleaned carefully. At the centre of the electricity renders high cost of the product which can
28. Anonymous, Ayurveda Sara Sangraha, 12th Ed. 2010. 41. Vasudev Moolashankar
Allahabad: Shree Baidyanath Ayurved Bhavan Dwivedi,ParadaVijnaneeyam, 3rd Ed. 1997. Nagpur:
Limited, Century Printers; P. 199, 202 Shivashakti Press Private Ltd; P. 246
29. Vagbhatacharya, Rasa Ratna Sammuchaya, with 42. [
Siddhiprada hindi commentary by Siddhinandan html].
Mishra, 1st Ed. 2011. Varanasi; Chaukhambha 43.
Orientalia; P. 230 7156.html
30. Gopal Krishna, RasendraSara Sangraha with English 44. Brihatrasarajasundara. Pandith dattaramchaube
translation Ashok D. Satpute. 1st Ed. 2000. Varanasi: chowkambha orientalia 3rd edition 2000 PP 552 Pg 28
Chowkhamba Krishnadas Academy; P. 20
31. Chudamani Mishra, Rasakamadhenu translated in
Hindi by Gulraj Sharma Mishra and Santosh Kumar
Source of Support: Nil
Sharma, 3rdEd.2007. Varanasi: Chaukhambha
Orientalia; P.284
Conflict Of Interest: None Declared
32. Yadavji Trikamji Acharya, Rasamritam with English How to cite this URL: Sushmitha V S et al: Kupipakwa
translation by Dr. Damodar Joshi, Reprint Edition. Rasayana- An Exploration Of The Classics. International
2007. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, P. Ayurvedic Medical Journal {online} 2018 {cited June,
19 2018} Available from:
33. Anonymous, Ayurveda Sara Sangraha, 12th Ed. 2010.
Allahabad: Shree Baidyanath Ayurved Bhavan
Limited, Century Printers; P. 202
34. Yadavji Trikamji Acharya, Rasamritam with English
translation by Dr. Damodar Joshi, Reprint Edition.
2007. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, P.
35. Gopal Krishna, RasendraSara Sangraha with English
translation Ashok D. Satpute. 1st Ed. 2000. Varanasi:
Chowkhamba Krishnadas Academy; P. 21
36. Gopal Krishna, RasendraSara Sangraha with English
translation Ashok D. Satpute. 1st Ed. 2000. Varanasi:
Chowkhamba Krishnadas Academy; P. 19
37. Yadavji Trikamji Acharya, Rasamritam with English
translation by Dr. Damodar Joshi, Reprint Edition.
2007. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, P.
38. Acharya Yashodhar, Rasaprakashasudhakara with
Siddhiprada hindi commentary by Siddhinandan
Mishra, 2nd Ed. 1998. Varanasi: Chaukhambha
Orientalia; P. 55
39. Chudamani Mishra, Rasakamadhenu translated in
Hindi by Gulraj Sharma Mishra and Santosh Kumar
Sharma, 3rdEd.2007. Varanasi: Chaukhambha
Orientalia; P.41
40. Anonymous, Ayurveda Sara Sangraha, 12th Ed. 2010.
Allahabad: Shree Baidyanath Ayurved Bhavan
Limited, Century Printers; P. 202, 229