95.5 DXSK Cool FM Schedule of Radio Programs: Date Time Topic Guest Documentor

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Date Time Topic Guest Documentor
10:00-11:00 What is safe motherhood? What do we Dr. Apasrah M. Mapupuno, MPM Careema Abdul Carim
understand by safe motherhood; why safe
motherhood?; importance of seeking prenatal
consultations, delivers at health facility and
attended post-natal visit
May 25,
2021 1:00-2:00 Family Planning incorporating Islamic Dr. Apasrah M. Mapupuno, MPM Careema Abdul Carim
perspective with key messages on COVID 19
pandemic and vaccination. Availability of Sexual
Reproductive services and program of Rural
Health Units
10:00-11:00 Factors contributing to morbidity and mortality Dr. Sittie Alliyah Ambor-Ismael Careema Abdul Carim
May 26, during motherhood with key messages om
2021 COVID 19 pandemic and vaccination
1:00-2:00 Continuation on Family Planning Program and Dr. Apasrah M. Mapupuno, MPM Aljamel Decampong
Reproductive Health
10:00-11:00 Sexual Reproductive Health Services: Barriers Dr. Apasrah M. Mapupuno, MPM Aljamel Decampong
the youth face *Regular services do not meet
the unique needs of youth*
May 27, 1:00-2:00 What is Gender Based Violence? Types of Dr. Apasrah M. Mapupuno, MPM Aljamel Decampong
2021 violence, what/who/where to refer, referral
pathways MSSD/GBV TWG services and
10:00-11:00 MHPSS awareness raising messages in the Dr. Apasrah M. Mapupuno, MPM Careema Abdul Carim
context of COVID 19
May 29, 1:00-2:00 Looking on young people Mental Health as Dr. Apasrah M. Mapupuno, MPM Careema Abdul Carim
2021 caregivers and as parents
10:00-11:00 Fatwa on FP incorporating with key messages Aleem Abdulrahman Poli Careema Abdul Carim
on COVID 19 pandemic and vaccination.
May 30, Availability of SRH services and programs of
2021 RHUS
1:00-2:00 Importance of prenatal check-ups, FBD, and Careema R. Abdul Carim, RN Aljamel Decampong
post-natal visit with key messages on COVID 19
pandemic and Vaccination
10:00-11:00 Different Family planning methods Aljamel D. Decampong, RN Careema Abdul Carim
May 31, 1:00-2:00 Adolescent pregnancy, health consequences. Dr. Apasrah M. Mapupuno, MPM Aljamel Decampong
2021 Adolescents face barriers in accessing FP
Jun 1, 2021 10:00-11:00 Child marriage and teenage pregnancy key Dr. Apasrah M. Mapupuno, MPM Aljamel Decampong
messages in the context of COVID 19
1:00-2:00 Issues on child early forced marriage, Islamic Aleem Renabor Aljamel Decampong
10:00-11:00 What is Gender-based Violence? What do we Dr. Apasrah M. Mapupuno, MPM Fatmah Hannah
understand by Gender-based Violence? Punguinaguina
Jun 2, 2021 1:00-2:00 What is Adolescent Health Program? Dr. Apasrah M. Mapupuno, MPM Fatmah Hannah
10:00-11:00 Myths and Misconceptions about Family Jalainie M. Guro, RN Aljamel Decampong
Jun 3, 2021 Planning
1:00-2:00 Childcare health Dr. Asmin Macadupang Careema Abdul Carim
10:00-11:00 Childcare health focusing on immunization Dr. Asmin Macadupang Careema Abdul Carim
Jun 5, 2021 1:00-2:00 Issues and challenges on Motherhood Dr. Asmin Macadupang Aljamel Decampong
10:00-11:00 Issues and challenges on children amidst COVID Dr. Asmin Macadupang Aljamel Decampong
Jun 6, 2021 19 pandemic and their protective behaviors
1:00-2:00 Issues and challenges on adolescents amidst Dr. Asmin Macadupang Aljamel Decampong
COVID 19 pandemic
Jun 7, 2021 10:00-11:00 Issues and challenges on Adolescent Health Safiena Gaza, RN Careema Abdul Carim

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