Covid Effect On Performance
Covid Effect On Performance
Covid Effect On Performance
been dramatic.
Impact on workplace:
Emergent Changes in Work Practices
While COVID-19 abruptly upended normal work routines, it also caused
an acceleration of trends that were already underway involving the
migration of work to online or virtual environments. A key difference
when considering research on practices such as Work from Home
(WFH) prior to the pandemic, though, is that WFH was previously often
responsive to employee preferences but COVID-19 forced many into
Mandatory Work From Home (MWFH).
The challenges that gig workers are known to face will sound familiar to
those required to WFH since they include getting and staying organized;
managing the heightened emotions associated with such work; figuring
out and maintaining an identity so that those emotions do not disrupt
the productivity upon which their survival depends; coping with
loneliness while also seeking out and maintaining functional
relationships that support the work; and, establishing some semblance
of a longer-term career (Ashford et al., 2018).
As with challenges, “best practices” for WFH can also benefit from what
we know has been helpful for gig workers (since they also typically do
not work in traditional office settings). Such practices include actions to
generate and maintain connections; actions to focus and inspire their
work; explicit routines that enable the work and provide boundaries
between work and home; and, both a place where the work is
performed as well as an underlying purpose for the work that enables
and inspires productivity as circumstances become challenging.
Given the likelihood that COVID-19 will accelerate trends towards WFH
past the immediate impacts of the pandemic (Gartner, 2020), it is clear
that the variable ways in which people work outside of traditional
workplace settings will warrant growing amounts of attention for both
research and practice.
Impact on Individual Productivity
Individual family status (e.g., living alone; with others; with young
children) appears likely to disparately affect how COVID-19 impacts
individuals’ life and work. For example, how will households with one
or two working parents typically be affected by requirements to work
from home, especially if they are responsible for one or more school-
age children.
In addition to the consequences of unemployment for individuals, there
are negative spillover effects for those who remain employed. Prior
research shows that when firms reduce overall staffing levels, there
tends to be correspondingly lower levels of organizational
commitment, job involvement, and greater stress among survivors.
Among the many current unknowns, we do not yet know how badly the
global economy will be affected and how quickly it will recover. We also
do not yet know if and when there will be a vaccine or effective
medicine available nor how widely and quickly it will be distributed.