1level of Prevention
1level of Prevention
1level of Prevention
عذراء مصطفى.د
Primordial prevention
Primordial prevention consists of actions to minimize future hazards to health
and hence inhibit the establishment factors (environmental, economic, social,
behavioural, cultural) known to increase the risk of disease.
It addresses broad health determinant rather than preventing personal exposure
to risk factors, which is the goal of primary prevention.
Thus, outlawing alcohol in certain countries would represent primordial
prevention, whereas a campaign against drinking and would be an example of
primary prevention.
Examples of primordial include improving sanitation (such that exposure to
infectious agents does not occur), establishing healthy communities, promoting
a healthy lifestyle in childhood (for example, through prenatal nutrition
programs and supporting early childhood development programs .Similarly,
increasing sports programs in schools may help reduce obesity in the
subsequent generations. As these are all population-level programs, primordial
prevention is conceptually linked to population health and health promotion, but
clinicians can play a role bringing problems to notice and advocating for action
on determinants.
Primary prevention
Pre pathogenic stage employs measures that forestall the onset of the disease, to
reverse the progress of the initial stage, or to arrest the disease process before
treatments becomes necessary.
Prevent, Arrest, Reverse
In other word, it seeks to prevent the onset of specific diseases via risk reduction:
by altering behaviors or exposures that can lead to disease,
by enhancing resistance to the effects of exposure to a disease agent.
Examples :Tooth brushing , Water fluoridation
Primary prevention generally targets specific causes and risk factors for specific
By individual
A- Health promotion
1. Diet planning
2. Periodic visits to dental office.
B- Specific protection
1. Fluoride dentifrices
2. Intake of sufficient fluoridated water
3. Avoidance of sticky foods between meals
4. f. Oral hygiene measures
By dental professional
1. Health promotion
2. Patient education
3. Plaque control
4. Diet counseling
5. Topical application of fluoride
6. Pit and fissure sealant
7. Dental caries activity testes
Secondary prevention
Pathogenic stage employs routine treatments methods, to terminate a disease
process and to restore tissues as near normal as possible.
1. Complete examination by dentist
2. Fluoride used on incipient caries
3. Deep scaling
4. Restoration
5. Pulp cupping
6. Periodontal surgery
7. Endodontics
8. Exodontics
9. Early detection via screening procedures that detect disease at an early
stage when intervention may be more cost-effective.
Tertiary prevention
Employs measures necessary to replace lost tissues and to rehabilitate patients
to the point that functions is as near normal as possible, after the failure of the
secondary prevention
1. Prosthodontics, removable and fixed
2. Implants
3. Maxillofacial surgery
Oral Disease:
In general dental diseases can be grouped in to four categories, these are:
1- Dental caries.
2- Periodontal disease.
3- Acquired oral condition.
4- Hereditary disorder.
The most prevalent oral diseases are dental caries and periodontal disease these are
known as plaque related diseases.
These are infectious diseases caused by bacteria of dental plaque.
Strategies to prevent, arrest or reverse the plaque disease are based on:
1- Reducing numbers of challenge oral pathogens.
2- Building up the defenses of teeth.
3- Enhancing the repair process.
Strategies in prevention of oral diseases
-Mechanical and chemical plaque control
Mechanical plaque control by using of tooth brush and inter dental cleaning
devices (as tooth picks, dental floss, inter dental brush). While chemical plaque
control is through the uses of chemo prophylactic agents as tooth paste and mouth
rinses (as chlorhexidine).
- Uses of fluoridated products either systemic or topical fluoride agents.
- Diet and sweet restriction by controlling the frequency and consistency of sugar
-Uses of fissure sealants, this will mechanically prevent accumulation of bacteria
on tooth surfaces.
-Health education, by:
- Patient's educations and motivation,
- planned programs as school based programs
-Public educational programs.