The Effect of Constructivist Approach On Students' Understanding of The Concepts Related To Hydrolysis
The Effect of Constructivist Approach On Students' Understanding of The Concepts Related To Hydrolysis
The Effect of Constructivist Approach On Students' Understanding of The Concepts Related To Hydrolysis
related to hydrolysis
The aim of the study is to investigate the effect of constructivist approach on students'
understanding of the concepts related to hydrolysis subject. Totally 100 students have
participated in the study. The data has been analyzed by using statistical analysis
techniques. The results have displayed that the constructivist teaching applications has had
contributions on students’ understanding of concepts.
constructivist learning is learning by individually and with social activities and as a result of
these activities making conclusions. Learning by structuring proposes that human brain is not
a flash disk or an empty container that waits for filling. The children don't wait for someone
to fill their brains. They structure the knowledge actively in their brains and reconstruct it. It
is learning that is done by applying new information and connecting new information with
each other. It's learning by structure and not by waiting for others to fill the brain. The
constructivist Learning Model can be used for connecting all of the dominant researches in
science education. It can also be used to connect science education programs and in-service
teacher education activities.
Cognitive researches display that most of the people have misunderstandings about
According to Yeany (1986), Constructivist Learning Model can be used for
connecting all of the dominant researches in science education (Yager, 1991).
Perkins (1999), express that even most of the college students have higher grades,
they have misunderstandings.
According to Perkins (1999), teachers are particularly responsible for these
According to cognitive psychologists, students who only listens the lecture or read the
text can not learn the permanent knowledge.
Permanent knowledge can be formed through applying new information and
connecting new information with each other.
According to Colburn (2000), constructivist philosophers propose that individuals
structure their own life philosophy and knowledge by themselves.
At the center of the constructivism lies the idea that the learner structures the
knowledge and applies it (Perkins, 1999).
Learning by structuring proposes that human brain is not a flash disk or an empty
container that waits for filling.
The children don't wait for someone to fill their brains.
They structure the knowledge actively in their brains and reconstruct it.
With another words, constructivist learning is learning by individually and with social
activities and as a result of these activities making conclusions (Brunning et. al.,
Yager (1991) asked the question of "How do science teachers use constructivist
approach?" and answers this question under some chapters: x the activities
which should be conducted by the teachers :
x the characteristics of science classes
x the characteristics of science education programs and
x Some ideas which explain in-service teacher education activities.
Hydrolysis Concept Test (HCT) is a concept test which consisted of 10 questions. Five of
these questions have been taken from "General Chemistry Principles and Modern
Applications (8th Edition)".
Hydrolysis Concept Test (HCT) is a concept test which consisted of 10 questions has
been prepared for the study.
Five of these questions have been taken from "General Chemistry Principles and
Modern Applications (8th Edition)" and five of them prepared by the researcher
(Petrucci, Harwood and Herring, 2002).
The application
Forming the groups
The study has been conducted in four weeks time. Students both in treatment group and
control group have has similar grades in their past chemistry courses. Both of the groups have
taught by the same teacher. Lecture content for groups contains acids, bases, salts, ions, and
reactions of the ions with water.
The study has been conducted in four weeks time.
One of the groups has been chosen as treatment group and taught by constructivist
teaching method and the other group has been chosen as control group and taught by
traditional teaching method.
Students both in treatment group and control group have has similar grades in their
past chemistry courses.
Both of the groups have taught by the same teacher.
Lecture content for groups contains acids, bases, salts, ions, and reactions of the ions
with water, Ka, Kb values and the meaning of these values, pH changes through the
reactions of ions with water.
Hydrolysis is a reaction of a substance with water. Students have only met the acids and
bases like HCl, HNO3, NH3, NaOH or KOH. It has been difficult for students to understand
that the ions could have acidic or basic characters and to write down their reactions which
show their acidic orbasic characters in aqueous solutions. At the end of the engage stage, it
has been determined that students haven't had any other knowledge about the hydrolysis of
salts except of the definition "it is a Reaction of a substances with water" . Students have
been confused and their interest has been increased by the inquiry at this stage, students have
been told. Students had no problem while determining the pH of the salts like NaCl and
KCl, but had problems while discussing the salts which formed by the reaction between a
strong acid and a weak base.
Firstly, the teacher has asked some questions related to the hydrolysis subject to
determine the pre-knowledge of the students and increase student-student interaction.
These questions "What is HCl?", "What is CH3COOH?", "What is NaOH?", and
"What is NH3?" have been asked.
Generally students have answered that these substances are strong or weak acids and
Secondly, students have discussed what the salts of these acids and bases are.
It has been seen that students have no problem while determining the pH of the salts
like NaCl and KCl.
Students have been asked to describe some daily events related to hydrolysis. Teacher has
given some examples from daily life related to the subject. Students have had to search for
the examples at his request.
At this stage, students have been requested to describe some daily events related to
the subject and give some examples from daily life.
Students have had to search fort his request.
At the same time, the teacher has given some interesting examples from daily life
related to hydrolysis.
Since hydrolysis has been an abstract concept, the teacher has paid attention to give
the examples from daily life.
Following to the application, both the studies of treatment group and control group
have been evaluated and the results of the “Hydrolysis Concept Test” have been
The responses of the students to the measurement tools have been evaluated and the
findings have been given below. Table 1 displays the results of the independent samples
t-test results.
The responses of the students to the measurement tools have been evaluated and
the findings have been given below.
Independent samples t-test has been conducted to answer the question "Is there
any statistically meaningful difference between students' understandings and
success related to the hydrolysis concepts in the classes which taught by
traditional teaching method and which taught by constructivist teaching method?"
Table 1 displays the results of the independent samples t-test results.
Table 1 shows that there is no significant difference between pre test results of treatment
and control groups (p> 0.01) But there is a difference between the post test results in
favor of the treatment group. Table I examined, it can be seen that as a result of the
applications, both the success of the treatment and Control
The first question in the test is related to a statement "NaOCl" is a salt. In pre test,
72% of the students of the treatment group gave the correct answer. But when they
have explained why they chose this answer, it has been seen that they have a
misconception related to the subject. When students' responses to this question in post
test examined, the percent of the correct answers of the both two groups has been
In the second question, is has been asked for if NH4NO3 has acidic or basic character.
Some of the students have thought that ammonium ion transfers a proton and that
nitrate ion hydrolyses. These answers have displayed that students have
misconceptions related to what kind of ions can hydrolyze and how they can
Hydrolyze. The percent of correct explanation in treatment group has been increased
from 23% to 72% and the correct explanation percent in control group has not
In the pre test for the third question for the statement "NaCl dissociates and the
products of dissociation hydrolyze" , the percent of the students who checked the
"False" choice and so gave the correct answer in the treatment group 48% and in
control group 46%. The applications conducted with treatment group and the inquiries
which support students' discoveries have had important contributions on students' post
test results.
The fourth question asks for the equilibrium constant (Ka and K) In the pre test, 35%
of the students of treatment group and 39% of students of the control group has
checked the "Kb" choice and given the correct answer. Students still have had
difficulties while recognizing the ions derived from strong and weak acids and bases.
However, when the post test results investigated, it has been seen that the percent of
the correct answers has been increased.
Most students both in treatment group and control group have thought for the
equilibrium of the anion with water while choosing Ka. Students have answered the
question without considering this. When the post test results investigated, it has been
seen that the percentage of the correct answers for this question has been increased.
Students have difficulties recognizing the ions that come from strong and weak acids
and bases. Most of the students have given correct answers for NaCl since it is a well
known salt. Correct answer percent for determining the ions derived from weak and
strong acids has been increased. The percent of students who have stated that
Ba(NO3)2 is a salt of strong acid-strong base has been 18%.
The seventh question asks for the classification of some salts as "strong acid-strong
base salt" Students' responses to this question in pre test have displayed that students
have had problems while determining the ions derived from strong and weak acids
and bases. Students have had confusions about K3PO4 salt.
Eight and ninth questions have been asked for determining students' knowledge about
the ions which hydrolyze. Students' responses to these questions in pre test
investigated. It has been seen that most of the students have thought that the ions that
come from strong acids and bases hydrolyzed.
With tenth question, students asked to answer if the given salt solutions are acidic,
basic or neutral. Results of the pre test have displayed that students have confused
about the pH of the salts.
constructivist approach can be used to improve chemistry education. Teachers can use
constructivist approaches in their classes. Some revolutions should be done in the
curriculums for adapting constructivism approach to primary and secondary school
programs. Researches should be conducted for searching appropriate methods and
techniques. A rich learning environment should be provided for usingconstructivist
approach effectively. Some educational opportunities for in-service teachers should be
Through the findings of the study, we can suggest that: This study has been
conducted with university students.
Similar studies can be conducted with primary and secondary schools and even
with pre-schools.
Similar applications can be conducted related to other chemistry subjects.
Constructivist applications can be conducted with different students groups such
as gifted and disabled students.
Researches should be conducted for searching appropriate methods and
techniques which can be used in constructivist applications.
Teaching materials and lecture plans should be developed for using constructivist
approach in education.
Some revolutions should be done in the curriculums for adapting constructivist
approach to primary and secondary school programs.
Some educational opportunities should be provided for in-service teachers to
inform them about constructivist approach and the usage of constructivist
Teachers can use constructivist approach in their classes and by this way their
students can actively participate in the lectures.
A rich learning environment should be provided for using constructivist approach