Image Encryption Algorithm Using S-Box and Dynamic Hénon Bit Level Permutation
Image Encryption Algorithm Using S-Box and Dynamic Hénon Bit Level Permutation
Image Encryption Algorithm Using S-Box and Dynamic Hénon Bit Level Permutation
Bazgha Idrees 1 & Sohail Zafar 1 & Tabasam Rashid 1 & W. Gao 2
For the secure transmission of data through the medium of internet, images have significant
importance. Image encryption provides secure transmission of images by converting recog-
nizable form of image into an unrecognizable form. Chaos is considered as a natural required
ingredient for cryptography applications, by providing unpredictability, sensitivity of initial
state and erogodicity. Therefore from the last decade, a number of chaos-based cryptosystems
have been developed for the protection of transmitted images’ content. In this paper, a chaos
based algorithm is developed and experimented on six different standard empirical images.
The proposed cryptosystem is based on substitution-permutation network (SPN) with cipher
block chaining (CBC) mode of operation. A novel algorithm is proposed for the construction
of substitution box by using chaotic sine map, which is applied on a block-input of bytes,
followed by a permutation based on discretized Hénon map, which is applied on a block-input
of bits instead of bytes. The hyper chaotic Lü system, which is nonlinear and produces discrete
values with long orbits, is used as pseudorandom generator to set new values to control
parameters of discretized Hénon map for bit-permutation for each block. Moreover, proposed
bit-permutation is applied by a matrix formulation which accelerates the bit permutation
process for a block-input. Security analysis and results obtained from simulations show that
cryptosystem is good resistant to various well-known attacks and have good key space
therefore is reliable for secure transmission of images.
1 Introduction
To ensure the security of transmitted data (such as documents, images, audios or videos)
through any insecure channel of communication such as internet, cryptographical techniques
are used. Cryptography is merely an art of securing transmitted data with the help of
* Sohail Zafar
followed by delayed coupled map lattices, in which key stream generation was also done by
time varying delay.
In [48], researchers proposed a novel chaotic image encryption algorithm, in which, DNA
approach is used for plain image pixels diffusion; and permutation is performed by a novel
suggested 2 dimensional chaotic map 2D-HSM which is defined by connecting Hénon map
and Sine map. In [49], permutation-substitution structure is proposed to be jumbled up by a
new two-point diffusion network by discrete Hénon map therefore image needs to go through
only one time scanning.
The present paper is organized as follows: Section 2 is on confusion and diffusion layers,
whereas proposed S-Box and its inverse S-Box, hyper chaotic Lü system and two dimensional
discrete domain Hénon map are discussed in sub-sections 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 respectively. All
steps of the proposed algorithm are presented in Section 3. In Section 4 simulation results are
given and in Section 5 security analysis for the proposed algorithm is done, finally conclusion
is presented in Section 6.
Proposed algorithm is working on SPN in which confusion is obtained by substitution box and
diffusion is obtained by key-dependent bit-permutation which are explained in detail as follows:
The nonlinear component of the symmetric block algorithms is usually the Substitution Box
[50]. An S-box should be robust against both differential attack and linear attack [51].
Mathematically, 8 × 8 S-Box is a nonlinear mapping from GF(2)8 to GF(2)8, where GF(2)8
is the vector space containing 28 members which can be represented as 8-tupples of bits from
GF(2) [37]. Our proposed S-Box is an extension of the work available in [52] with improved
results. Following steps are taken for S-Box construction:
The Inverse S-Box of the proposed S-Box in hexadecimal form is given in Table 2.
The performance of any S-Box is testified out by bijectivity, number of fixed points,
nonlinearity, strict avalanche criterion (SAC), output bit independence criterion (BIC), differ-
ential approximation probability (DP) and linear approximation probability (LP).
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B2 8B 04 8C ED 8D 95 26 52 9B EC 16 DF F3 4B 53
1C 40 23 C0 AF FD E2 5C 74 7E C7 0C 7D E3 1D D2
FF 47 F8 3E 8F 49 DB 75 9D 5A FE DC 30 5E 38 68
4A FA C3 A4 59 29 A2 AA 31 F6 72 A7 7B BF CC D7
D0 C1 D3 F9 1A 27 F0 34 8A 56 03 B1 13 5B 25 77
A9 F7 D1 8E 06 78 A5 43 C9 EB 7C 54 1E BB 21 42
D8 45 24 20 35 6F AC BE 86 D5 E9 C8 33 60 61 4C
11 DE 1F 2F E8 01 73 6E 02 E6 B4 9E A1 69 36 63
58 DA 6D C5 0E AD 44 08 57 67 B8 0D 2A 88 19 39
E4 65 12 CE 3D BA B7 B0 A6 BC 37 91 94 5D F1 2C
C4 0F 15 AE 76 6C 4D 82 C6 FC FB F5 85 50 70 90
0A 05 66 17 BD 9F 9A D9 96 0B 80 B6 93 28 89 51
48 97 D4 62 C2 22 6B 3F 1B EE 2D 41 32 9C 4E AB
55 87 E7 81 98 A0 7F CA EF 2B CD CF 92 3A E1 7A
07 99 DD F2 83 79 5F F4 6A B3 3C 10 E5 09 84 18
3B A8 EA 64 B5 E0 D6 14 2E 46 B9 71 00 A3 4F CB
Substitution boxes are known as good resistant to differential attack and linear attack if they
have low differential uniformity (ΔSB) and high nonlinearity (NSB) respectively [53]. For a
balanced S-Box :GF(2n) → GF(2n); n is even, the upper bound of NSB is 2n−1 −22−1 −2 and for
SB : GF(2n) → GF(2m),the lower bound of ΔSB is 2n − m + 1 [53, 54]. AES has best values of ΔSB
and NSB among all the S-Boxes which have been developed so far, which are 4 and 112
respectively [54]. A difference distribution table (DDT) of S-box SB : GF(2n) → GF(2n) is a 2n
× 2n matrix of differentials which have 2n as its very first entry of first row/column. Robustness
of S-Box against differential cryptanalysis is calculated by ε ¼ 1− 2Rn 1− 2Ln where L is the
largest value in DDT (excluding the very first entry of first row) and R is the number of non-
zero members in first column of DDT (again excluding the same very first entry of first row)
[55]. SAC says that whenever a single input bit is changed, each of output bit should be
changed with a probability of one half, that is if number of inputs of an S-Box are 2n then each
of output bit should be changed 2n − 1 number of times [56]. Output bit independence is also an
essential criterion for S-Box, which says that when kth input bit is changed, both ith and jth
FC 75 78 4A 02 B1 54 E0 87 ED B0 B9 1B 8B 84 A1
EB 70 92 4C F7 A2 0B B3 EF 8E 44 C8 10 1E 5C 72
63 5E C5 12 62 4E 07 45 BD 35 8C D9 9F CA F8 73
2C 38 CC 6C 47 64 7E 9A 2E 8F DD F0 EA 94 23 C7
11 CB 5F 57 86 61 F9 21 C0 25 30 0E 6F A6 CE FE
AD BF 08 0F 5B D0 49 88 80 34 29 4D 17 9D 2D E6
6D 6E C3 7F F3 91 B2 89 2F 7D E8 C6 A5 82 77 65
AE FB 3A 76 18 27 A4 4F 55 E5 DF 3C 5A 1C 19 D6
BA D3 A7 E4 EE AC 68 D1 8D BE 48 01 03 05 53 24
AF 9B DC BC 9C 06 B8 C1 D4 E1 B6 09 CD 28 7B B5
D5 7C 36 FD 33 56 98 3B F1 50 37 CF 66 85 A3 14
97 4B 00 E9 7A F4 BB 96 8A FA 95 5D 99 B4 67 3D
13 41 C4 32 A0 83 A8 1A 6B 58 D7 FF 3E DA 93 DB
40 52 1F 42 C2 69 F6 3F 60 B7 81 26 2B E2 71 0C
F5 DE 16 1D 90 EC 79 D2 74 6A F2 59 0A 04 C9 D8
46 9E E3 0D E7 AB 39 51 22 43 31 AA A9 15 2A 20
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output bits must occur independently. For this, correlation coefficients ρij(k); 1 ≤ k ≤ n are
calculated so bit independence criterion is given by BIC ¼ max
max ρij ðk Þ [57].
1 ≤i; j; ≤ n 1≤k ≤n
i≠ j
We calculated above mentioned criteria for the proposed S-Box, its inverse S-Box and S-
Box in [52], which are shown in Table 3 along with the optimal values for each criterion. The
proposed S-Box has no fixed point and ΔSB = 10 which are better results as compared to the
results of an S-Box in [52].
Hyper chaotic Lü system is an autonomous first order ODE system in four dimensional space
and is defined in [60] as
x ¼ αðy−xÞ þ w > >
˙ =
y ¼ −xz þ γy
z ¼ xy−βz >
˙ ;
w ¼ xz þ δw
where α, β, γ are the Lü system constants and δ is the control parameters, V = [x y z w]t are
state variables.
A four dimensional space chaotic system is called a hyper chaotic system if it has at least
two positive Lyapunov exponents [61]. This system has hyper chaotic attractor when δ ∈
(−0.35, 1.30], for constants α = 36, β = 3, γ = 20 [60]. Dynamic of Lyapunov exponents of
hyper chaotic Lü system when α = 36, β = 3, γ = 20 and δ = 1.3 have been shown in
Fig. 1.Here two Lyapunov Exponents are positive.
Phase portrait of hyper chaotic Lü system is shown in Fig. 2.
Stem Plot have been shown in Fig. 3. Here the variation and distribution of all state
variables x, y, z, and w in progression of time has been shown.
S-Box Property Proposed S-Box Inverse S-Box S-Box [58] AES [59]
x0 i ¼ ðjxi j−b jxi j cÞ 1014 mod 256
y0 i ¼ ðjyi j−b jyi j cÞ 1014 mod 256
z0 i ¼ ðjzi j−b jzi j cÞ 1014 mod 256
w0 i ¼ ðjwi j−b jwi j cÞ 1014 mod 256
where |a| returns the absolute value of a, and ⌊b⌋ returns the nearest lower integer of b. Finally
store only non-zero pseudorandom numbers in each sequence.
The bounds and variation of generated pseudorandom number sequences Sa, Sb, Sc, Sd is given
in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5;
from these Figures, it is evident that all four sequences generated by chaotic generator are
nonlinear, uniformly distributed, and independent in each turn.
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Hénon map is a simple mapping devised by M. Hénon in 1976 [62]. The two dimensional
Hénon map is a discrete time system and has the same properties which were investigated by
Edward Norton Lorenz in 1963 [63] in his study of a system of three first order differential
equations, whose solutions tend towards a strange attractor. Hénon map is a real valued non-
linear map and depends on two parameters. This map is given by
xtþ1 ¼ yt þ 1−axt 2
ytþ1 ¼ bxt
For parameter values a = 1.4 and b = 0.3, Hénon map has chaotic behavior.
Hénon map is a dynamical system for discrete time t and provides continuous values. In
order to use for image pixel positions which is a discrete domain we discretized Hénon map for
Fig. 5 Scattered Diagram of Four Pseudo Random Sequences Obtained By Chaotic Generator
As the byte level permutation is done for reordering/shuffling the position of pixel values
(bytes) on the image. Without changing the actual histogram of all pixel values, permutation
layer process breaks the co-relation between nearby pixel values of the image. In our proposed
encryption algorithm, we are using bit level permutation, which changes the position of bits
instead of bytes, consequently it changes the actual histogram of pixel values. Bit level
permutation provides higher security as compared to substitution [36]. As our proposed
algorithm is a block cipher therefore we are making discrete domain Hénon map compatible
for block cipher which is as follows:
Rnew ¼ C þ I−aðRÞ2 mod N þ I
C new ¼ ðbR mod N Þ þ I
N the block size, must be equal to any positive multiple of 8 and less than the image
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R is a N × N state matrix representing bit’s old row position, containing all members
equal to 1 for 1st row, 2 for 2nd row and processing in same way n for nthrow.
C is a N × N state matrix representing bit’s old column position, containing all members
equal to 1 for 1st column, 2 for 2nd column and processing in the same way n for nth
Rnew is a N × N matrix representing bit’s new row position.
Cnew is a N × N matrix representing bit’s new column position.
I is a N × N matrix containing all values equal to 1.
(R)2, is a N × N matrix containing square of members of R, note that its not matrix
multiplication of R to itself rather than containing squared values of members of R.
a and are the parameters of discrete domain Hénon map having the same restrictions as
b discussed in Section 2.3.
Furthermore, in our proposed algorithm we are using discrete domain Hénon map’s
dynamic parameters by changing theme for bit level permutation of each block. The
selection of control parameters a and b is based on the encryption round and sum of
non-zero bits of the current block which is going to be encrypted. The process of
selecting these parameters is as follows:
If we are using block size m = 8 then we may apply discrete domain Hénon map for sub block
size mi = 8 only but if m > 8 then we may take any mi such that mi should be multiple of 8
(because all pixel values are of 8-bits) and divisor of m. Possible sub block sizes corresponding
to different block sizes are given in the following Table 4.
In this section, all the necessary steps for construction of initial vector, construction of key,
encryption process and decryption process are given (Figs. 6 and 7).
In our proposed algorithm, we are using CBC mode of operation for which the initial vector
(IV) is prepared by the dependence on image size, specific prime number used in the
construction of substitution box and all er, sr, pr rounds. Steps of preparing IV is as follows:
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viii. In final step, reshape (1 × m2) array in (m × m) array which will be the initial vector IV.
In Substitution layer, a key (which is equal to block size) is added before to look up
substitution box. Every block will use a different key which will be prepared by following
i. Select vi from one of the Lü system’s variables (v1, v2, v3, v4) = (x, y, z, w), such that i = ej
mod 4 and i = 4 if ej mod 4 = 0, where ejis the jthencryption round.
ii. Calculate blpi × sj and collect solutions of Lü system’s v variable from blpi × sj to blpi × sj +
(m × m) − 1, where sj is the jth substitution round.
iii. Reshape these m × m solutions and make key k s j of size m × m.
i. Prepare solutions of Hyper Chaotic Lü system by Rung Katta Method with initial
conditions x0, y0, z0, w0for a specific time interval and control parameter d, neglect first
nL solutions and prepare four sequences Sa, Sb, Sc, Sdof pseudorandom numbers (described
in Section 0).
ii. Decide block size m such that 23 ≤ m ≤ H and sub block size mi (described in
Section 2.3.2)
iii. Obtain n blocks {blp1, blp2, blp3, …, blpn} of plain image in raster scanning pattern, each
of size m × m by n ¼ HW mm .
iv. Set encryption round ej = 1.
v. Set i = 1.
vi. Case I: If ej = 1 then prepare initial vector IV (described in Section 3.1) for first block of
plain image blp1 .
Case II: If ej > 1 then set IV = IVFirst which will be set in step (xvi).
xvii. Set i = i + 1.
xviii. Repeat steps from (vi) to (xvii) for until i = n.
xix. Set ej = ej + 1.
xx. Repeat steps from (vi) to (xix) for until ej = er.
i. Prepare solutions of hyper chaotic Lü system by Rung Katta Method by providing initial
conditions for a specific time interval and control parameter d, neglect first nL solutions
and prepare four sequences Sa, Sb, Sc, Sdof pseudorandom numbers .
ii. Take block size m and sub block size mi as taken in encryption process.
iii. Obtain n blocks {blc1, blc2, blc3, …, blc(n − 1), blcn} of cipher image in raster scanning
pattern, each of size m × m by n ¼ HWmm .
iv. Set encryption round ej = er.
v. Set i = n.
vi. Set permutation round pj = 1.
vii. Prepare controlled parameters of Two Dimensional Discrete Domain Hénon Map for blci .
viii. Obtain bl′ci after applying inverse bit permutation layer and set pj = pj + 1.
ix. Repeat step (vi) to (viii) until pj = pr .
x. Set substitution round sj = 1.
xi. Update bl′ci by applying Inverse S-box (provided in Table 2) to bl′ci.
xii. Prepare sub key k s j and obtain bl ′ ′ci by k s j ⊕bl0 ci. Also set sj = sj + 1.
xiii. Repeat steps (xi) to (xii) until sj = sr .
xiv. Case I: Set IV= blc(i − 1) if i > 1 and er > 1
4 Simulation results
As, in Lü hyper chaotic system, the initial values x0, y0, z0 and w0 are being served as key
for the proposed algorithm so with initial values [x0 y0 z0 w0] = [−21 19 5 10], δ = 1
and neglecting solutions of first nL = 200 iterations of the system, we get sequences Sa,
Sb, Sc and Sd. For initial vector we took nIV = 0. We encrypted standard empirical plain
images (in portable network graphics (PNG) format) of Lena, Peppers, Baboon, Barbara,
Boat and Goldhill of size 256 × 256 for er = sr = pr = 1,m = 23, mi = 23 which are shown
in Fig. 8.
5 Security analysis
A cryptanalyst tries to break a cipher by using all the available information and
resources. The most familiar attacks, though which any cryptanalyst may crack the
cipher, are (i) Ciphertext only (ii) Known Plaintext (iii) Chosen Plaintext (iv) Chosen
Plaintext (v) Differential (vi) Linear and (vii) Brute-force. A cipher is considered secure
computationally if it is resistant to chosen plain attack, (Consequently, cipher will not
only be resistant to known plain text but also to cipher text only attacks), and to chosen
cipher attack. [36].
In brute-force attack cryptanalyst tries to crack the cipher by trying all possible secret keys, if
the key space is large enough, then finding the exact key becomes an exhaustive exercise for
the cryptanalyst, which makes cracking almost impossible.
Secret keys of the proposed algorithm are (i) hyper chaotic systems initial values x0,
y0, z0and w0 of state variables and skipping iterating time nL and (ii) nIV in making of
initial vector IV. Proposed algorithm is sensitive to tiny change at 10−14 in initial value of
any state variable of hyper chaotic system and control parameter δ of the hyper chaotic
Lü system which is checked on Lena Fig. 9. (a). The Fig. 9. (b) is showing the results of
encrypted Lena by using initial state variables x0 = − 21, y0 = 19, z0 = 5 and x0 = 10, and
control parameter δ = 1, Fig. 9. (c) is showing the results of decrypted Lena by using the
same initial variables x0 = − 21, y0 = 19, z0 = 5 and x0 = 10. Figure 9. (d) is showing the
results of decrypted Lena by using initial state variables x0 = − 21, y0 = 19, z0 = 5 and x0
= 10, and control parameter δ = 1.000000000000001. Also Fig. 9. (e) is showing the
results of decrypted image of Lena by using x0 = − 21.00000000000001, y0 = 19, z0 = 5
and x0 = 10, Fig. 9. (f) is showing the results of decrypted image of Lena by using x0 = −
21, y0 = 19.00000000000001, z0 = 5 and x0 = 10, Fig. 9. (g) is showing the results of
decrypted image of Lena by using x0 = − 21, y0 = 19, z0 = 5.00000000000001 and x0 =
10, Fig. 9. (h) is showing the results of decrypted image of Lena by using x0 = − 21, y0
= 19, z0 = 5 and x0 = 10.00000000000001.
The number of all possible values of parameter t which can be tried by the attacker to
compute actual value of θ, is denoted by ηθ and known as key space of parameter θ. In
our proposed algorithm, key spaces for state variables of hyper chaotic Lü system are ηx0
= ηy0 = ηz0 = ηw0 = 1014. Control parameter d also produces entirely different sequences
of pseudorandom numbers even by a change at 10−15 place, therefore key space for d is
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ηd = 1015. As in algorithm nL and nIV are skipping iterating times where 200 ≤ nL ≤ 1000
and 0 ≤ nIV ≤ 1000 so ηnL ¼ 0:8 103 and ηnIV ¼ 103 : Total key space η ¼ ηx0 ηy 0 ηz 0 ηw0
ηd ηnL ηnIV ¼ 8:0 1076 which is sufficiently large enough to avoid Brute-force attack.
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Fig. 8 (continued)
Any cipher must be resistant to both chosen-plain text attack and differential attack, for this
cipher should be sensitive to even a tiny change of one-bit in the plain image.
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In image encryption cryptosystems, the sensitivity of plain image and of secret key is measured
through Number of Pixel Change Rate (NPCR) and Unified Average Changing Intensity
(UACI), so that by one-bit perturbation in plain-image or secret key should produce entirely
different cipher images. NPCR and UACI [60] are calculated.
∑i; j Dði; jÞ i∈f1; 2; 3; …; H g
NPCR ¼ 100% ;
W H j∈f1; 2; 3; …; W g
" #
1 C ði; jÞ−C 0 ði; jÞ i∈f1; 2; 3; …; H g
UACI ¼ ∑i; j 100% ;
W H 255 j∈f1; 2; 3; …; W g
where C(i, j), C ′ (i, j) are the pixel values at position (i, j) of two cipher images corresponding
to two plain images which differ only in a single bit and
0 C ði; jÞ ¼ C 0 ði; jÞ
Dði; jÞ ¼
1 C ði; jÞ≠C 0 ði; jÞ
We took different plain images and calculated NPCR, UACI by perturbing the maximum
significance bit of the randomly selected pixel of the plain image with er = 1, which are shown
in Table 5.
For secret keys sensitivity check, we first encrypted the image by taking certain values of
secret keys, after that we again encrypted the same image but with just one bit change in only
one of the secret keys x0, y0, z0, w0, d, nL, nIV and keeping all other secret keys the same as were
taken for encrypting the image in first time, hence calculated NPCR and UACI. We
experimented secret key sensitivity on plain images of Lena, Peppers, Barbara, Boat, Baboon
and Goldhill, whose results are given in Table 6 and Table 7 respectively.
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Table 5 NPCR and UACI for Randomly Selected Pixels of Plain Images
The optimal values of NPCR and UACI are greater than 99.61% and 33.46% [61] and the
proposed algorithm is also exhibiting so.
An algorithm must be confusing enough, so that cryptanalyst may not understand the complex
relationship of the secret key for retrieving plain text from the cipher text (or vice-versa) or in
order to guess/calculate the secret key through chosen cipher attack or chosen plain attack. The
statistical measures such as Histogram and Correlation show the confusion of any
5.3.1 Histogram
Histogram of any image is basically the is the graphical representation of the frequency
distribution which shows the number of frequencies against each possible pixel’s numerical
values, i.e. 0-255. Histograms for both plain images and cipher images (of Lena, Peppers,
Baboon, Barbara, Boat and Goldhill), obtained by taking m = 23, mi = 23, er = 1, sr = 1 and pr =
1, are shown in Fig. 10, which describes that after encryption, the numerical values of pixels
are distributed uniformly.
This uniform distribution of all possible pixel values can be tested quantitatively by chi-
square test in which χ2 ¼ ∑2i¼0−1 ðoi −e iÞ
Images x0 y0 z0 w0 d nL nIV
Image x0 y0 z0 w0 d nL nIV
round(s) 1, 2 and 3; concluding that proposed encryption algorithm distributes all possible
pixel values {0, 1, 2, …, 255} uniformly.
Fig. 10 (continued)
5.3.2 Correlation
The linear relation between values of two random variables is calculated by the correlation co-
efficient rxy.
∑ xi ∑ yi
∑N ½x −EðxÞ2 ∑Ni¼1 ½yi −EðyÞ2
rxy ¼ covσxðσx;yy Þ w h e r e σx ¼ i¼1 iN , σy ¼ N , E ðxÞ ¼ i¼1
N , E ðyÞ ¼ i¼1
N and
∑Ni¼1 ½xi −EðxÞ½yi −E ðyÞ
covðx; yÞ ¼ N
We selected adjacent N = 32768 pixel values in horizontal, vertical and diagonal directions
then calculated their correlation coefficients which are tabulated in Table 9.
We can see from Table 9 and pictorial representation of correlation from Fig. 11 that the
correlation coefficients of Plain Images and Cipher Images are significantly different.
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Fig. 10 (continued)
Table 9 Correlation Co-efficients of Plain and Cipher Images in Horizontal, Vertical and Diagonal Directions
5.4 Entropy
In 1949, Shannon found the unpredictability and randomness of an information source, called
2N −1
information entropy [12, 64]. This mathematical property is given by H ðvÞ ¼ − ∑ Pðvi Þlog2
Pðvi Þ where vi ∈ {0, 1, 2, …, 255} be the state of information, N is the number of bits to
represent vi, and P(vi) is the probability of vi. It is clear from the formula that if there are
2N states of information appearing equal number of times, then H(v) = N. Hence the optimal
value for gray scale image is 8 which shows that all states of information appeared equal
number of times and secures the image to retrieve by attacker. We calculated entropy for six
different conventional images which are shown in Table 10.
Fig. 11 Correlation Diagram of Plain and Cipher Images of Baboon in Horizontal, Vertical and Diagonal
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Lena 7.9973
Peppers 7.9974
Barbara 7.9967
Boat 7.9968
Baboon 7.9969
Goldhill 7.9972
6 Conclusion
We proposed a chaos based cryptosystem for the secure transmission of gray scale images. Proposed
cryptosystem’s structure is developed on substitution-permutation network. In which, preliminarily a
substitution box is developed through a convenient method by chaotic sine map and is used as
confusion layer. Subsequently we proposed a bit-level permutation layer which is applied by a new
formulation of 2D discrete domain Hénon map. Proposed cryptosystem is working as a block
cipher, and a new formulation is used for bit-permutation layer which enhances the performance of
presented algorithm in terms of time. Bit-permutation layer is working dynamically, as it is using
dynamic parameters in 2D discrete domain Hénon map. Both substitution and its inverse substitu-
tion boxes are also examined under all available tests namely bijectivity, number of fixed points,
nonlinearity, strict avalanche criterion (SAC), output bit independence criterion (BIC), differential
approximation probability and linear approximation probability; and found upto the mark for
application in the cipher. In the final step, the proposed algorithm is performed on six gray scale
empirical standard images in Matlab R2019a. Furthermore, security analysis and statistical analysis
are performed, which shows consistent results and good resistance to almost all attacks available in
the literature hence found reliable cryptosystem for practical application. Although, the algorithm is
constructed for only gray scale images but it can be efficiently extended for the colored images.
Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to the reviewers for the careful reading to improve the manuscript.
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Bazgha Idrees received the M.Sc. Degree in Mathematics from University of Education, Pakistan in 2010 and
M.Phil. Degree in Mathematics from Minhaj University Lahore, Pakistan in 2014. From 2014 to 2016, she was a
LECTURER in Department of Mathematics, University of Sargodha, Pakistan. Since 2016, she has been
SUBJECT SPECIALIST of Mathematics in Punjab School Education Department, Pakistan and currently doing
her Ph.D. from University of Management and Technology Lahore, Pakistan. Her research interest includes
Cryptography, Computational Algebra, Graph Theory, Computer Sciences, Fuzzy Mathematics and Decision
Multimedia Tools and Applications
Sohail Zafar received the B.S. degree from Department of Mathematics, Punjab University Lahore, Pakistan, in
2008. He received the Ph.D. degree in 2013 from Abdus Salam school of Mathematical sciences, Lahore,
Pakistan. Since 2013 he has been with the University of Management and Technology (UMT), Lahore Pakistan
and is currently an ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR of UMT. Since the 1st UMT international conference on pure and
applied mathematics, he has been the conference secretary of all the conferences held in UMT related to
mathematics. His research interests include Computational Algebra, Graph Theory, Cryptography and Fuzzy
Tabasam Rashid received the Ph.D. degree in Mathematics from National University of Computer and
Emerging Sciences, Pakistan, in 2015. Now, he is working as ASSISTANT PROFESSOR at University of
Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan. His field of interest and specialization is versatile in nature. It
covers many areas of Mathematics, Economics, Engineering, Clustering Algorithms, Decision Theory, Computer
Science, Similarity Measures, Aggregation Operators, Preference Relations and Social Sciences.
Multimedia Tools and Applications
Wei Gao obtained Ph.D. degree in mathematical department at Soochow University, China in 2012. After that,
he worked in School of Information Science and Technology, Yunnan Normal University. His research interests
are Graph Theory, Theoretical Chemistry, and Statistical Learning Theory, Computation Topics on Energy and
Environmental Science, and Artificial Intelligence etc. He is a committee member of China Society of Industrial
and Applied Mathematics (CSIAM) Graph Theory and Combinatorics with Applications Committee, Interna-
tional Association of Engineers (IAENG), Asia Society of Applied Mathematics and Engineering (Asia-SAME),
and act as academic adviser of Center for Energy Research (Iran). He is an editor of several journals, and also the
chair of ICED 2017 and ISGTCTC 2018. Among his more than 100 publications in SCI index journals, 8 of
them are included in Essential Science Indicators as Highly Cited Papers (top 1% citations), 3 of them are
honored with Hot Papers (top 0.1% citations).
Bazgha Idrees 1 & Sohail Zafar 1 & Tabasam Rashid 1 & W. Gao 2
Bazgha Idrees
Tabasam Rashid
W. Gao
Department of Mathematics, University of Management and Technology, Lahore 54770, Pakistan
School of Information Science and Technology, Normal University, Kunming 650092 Yunnan, China