Multifunctional Urban Greeen Infrastructure

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Julián Briz

Manfred Köhler
Isabel de Felipe


The book is a fruitful collaboration between institutions,
organizations, enterprises and expertise’s in green urban
infrastructures under the common idea that Humanity needs
a sustainable development, where urban areas has to look for
ecosystemic services. Solutions to many problems may resolved
under the nature experience which for thousand years have
been adapted to the environment.
Editors: Julián Briz, Manfred Köhler, Isabel de Felipe

We present the experience of specialist in a broad range of

disciplines, which deal with topics as mimicry, energy saving,
Food Health Enviro
landscape or urban planning.
Biodiversity nmen
Along 352 pages the publications includes 17 chapters with 30
e c r e a t i o n t
authors from 17 countries. There is a special section, which R SDG
describes international and national organization from 30
countries. Photography color, tables and graphics facilitate the
Biomimetisme Socioeconomics
lecture and understanding of the topic green urban infrastructure.

Energy Landscape Climate change

Editors: Julián Briz, Manfred Köhler, Isabel de Felipe

Food Health Enviro

Biodiversity nmen
c r e a t i o n t
Biomimetisme Socioeconomics
Energy Landscape Climate change
Multifunctional Urban Green Infrastructure

© Julián Briz, Manfred Köhler, Isabel de Felipe

Editorial Agrícola Española S.A.
Daniel Fernández-Caro Chico
Editorial Agrícola Española S.A.

ISBN: 978-84-92928-96-5
ISBN (Digital): 978-84-17884-00-0
Depósito Legal: M-11856-2019

Cualquier forma de reproducción, distribución, comunicación pública o transformación de esta obra solo puede ser realizada con la autorización de sus
titulares, salvo excepción prevista por la ley. Diríjase a CEDRO ( Centro Español de Derechos Reprográficos, si necesita fotocopiar, escanear
o hacer copias digitales de algún fragmento de esta obra.

PREFACE .............................................................................................................................. 9

FOREWORD......................................................................................................................... 11

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT...................................................................................................... 13

SPONSORS.......................................................................... 14

FUNCTIONAL ACTIVITIES................................................. 20
CHAPTER 1.........................................................................................................................23
Julián Briz, Isabel de Felipe

CHAPTER 2......................................................................................................................... 37
Hartmut Wurster

CHAPTER 3.........................................................................................................................43
Maria Auböck, Janós Kárász, Franziska Leeb

CHAPTER 4......................................................................................................................... 61
Cristina Jorge Camacho

CHAPTER 5.........................................................................................................................79
Manuel Quirós

CHAPTER 6.........................................................................................................................93
Valentina Oquendo-Di Cosola, Francesca Olivieri

CHAPTER 7........................................................................................................................ 113

Radu M. Giurgiu, Rares C. Nistor, Alexander van Tuyll, Seppe Salari, Zjef van Acker,
Manfred Köhler, Dan C. Vodnar

CHAPTER 8....................................................................................................................... 135

Ignacio Solano

CHAPTER 9....................................................................................................................... 149

Andreas Schmidt, Yaël Ehrenberg

CHAPTER 10..................................................................................................................... 163

Jorge Adán Sánchez Reséndiz

CHAPTER 11.......................................................................................................................175
R. Andrés Ibáñez G.

CHAPTER 12..................................................................................................................... 201

Carl Stahl

COUNTRY EXPERIENCES............................................... 208
CHAPTER 13...................................................................................................................... 211
Manfred Köhler, Ulrike Grau

CHAPTER 14.....................................................................................................................229
Steven W. Peck

CHAPTER 15.....................................................................................................................249
Sérgio Rocha

CHAPTER 16.....................................................................................................................263
Beatriz Castiglione and Paulo Palha

CHAPTER 17.......................................................................................................................271
Dusty Gedge, Ben Moat

ORGANIZATIONS............................................................. 277

AUSTRALIA.........................................279 IRAN.................................................... 315

AUSTRIA.............................................284 ISRAEL................................................ 318
BELGIUM ............................................286 ITALY...................................................322
BOLIVIA..............................................287 JAPAN.................................................324
BRAZIL................................................289 KOREA................................................326
CHINA................................................ 290 MEXICO..............................................328
COLOMBIA.........................................293 PERU................................................... 330
CUBA.................................................. 296 POLAND.............................................332
CZECH REPUBLIC............................. 300 PORTUGAL........................................ 334
EFB..................................................... 302 SCANDINAVIA.................................. 336
FRANCE............................................. 304 SINGAPORE........................................338
GERMANY......................................... 306 SPAIN................................................. 339
HONG KONG..................................... 308 TAIWAN..............................................342
HUNGARY...........................................312 THE NETHERLANDS......................... 344
INDIA.................................................. 313 USA / CANADA..................................347
Green roof in Spain.
I. de Felipe

The World Green Infrastructure Network con- WGIN, who supported this project. Every im-
tinues with its own publications. After its first plementation of green infrastructure projects
book “Green Cities in the World” in 2014, the needs competent partners, have a look at what
update in 2015 and the Spanish version in 2016, they have to offer.
the “Vertical urban agriculture” book followed
in 2018. Now you have our new book in your We are on a tour with more stories coming up,
hands, which also updates the overview of na- so pay attention to the next WGIN-congresses
tional green infrastructure associations around with face to face contacts. Meanwhile here are
the globe. some stories – we are happy about responses
and we would like to get to know your thoughts
The present book is a product of several WGIN about green infrastructure in some feed-back to
members and other selected authors. We are the authors and editors.
very grateful to all these contributors. The aim
of this new book is to highlight some specific I also want to thank Isabel de Felipe and Julian
examples of implemented projects around the Briz for all their great editing work and their
exiting world of green infrastructure. One fo- belief in the printed word, though we are also
cus are insight stories about lessons learned in going digital – this book is available as e-book
green infrastructure. or pdf in order to reach as many readers as pos-
Why this collection?
Green infrastructure offers some answers to
Green infrastructure has become a hot topic all several of today’s big questions and urban pro-
around the globe; this book can help to expand blems like urban heat island mitigation, rain
your knowledge about the associated benefits. water management and biodiversity, and last
Combining construction with plants and incor- but not least, Green roofs and all other green
porating their functionality into the architectu- structures are very enjoyable if they are well
ral design is today much more accepted than done.
years ago.
For much more greenery in future cities – the-
This publication is an insight view of several re is the space and the need.
pioneer projects and some detailed solutions,
which are worth replicating or adapting to Enjoy the reading.
other climates, regions or cultures. Manfred Köhler
WGIN President
Many thanks to the authors who delivered their February 2019
stories, as well as to the corporate members of
MÅhlgrund. Vienna.

The publication of the book Multifunctional Ur- Consequently it is very important to explain to
ban Green Infrastructure calls the attention on public opinion the relevant role of green urban
the variety and heterogeneous effects of green infrastructure in our daily life. Politician, te-
areas in our daily life. chnicians and functionaries should have clear
ideas about all their dimensions in order to im-
Urban Green Infrastructure has both a direct prove urban life.
and indirect functions. Some of them are visi-
ble in the short run: energy saving, water ma- The 17 chapters include some of the mentioned
nagement, recreation, food supply and healthy multidimensions. This publication is organized
environment among others. In our former in three different sections. The first one about
publications (“Green Cities in the World” and functions, the second one about experiences
“Vertical Urban Agriculture”), there is a des- in some countries and the third one deals with
cription of technical and socioeconomic dimen- national organization related to green urban
sions related to those functions. infrastructure.

The present publication describes some One of our goals has been to emphasize the
functions with an indirect effect in the long importance of green urban infrastructures for
run. While direct function are easy to identify, a sustainable horizon of our cities, with a des-
evaluate and measure, it is more difficult to do cription of practical examples in some coun-
it with the indirect ones. Frequently, these in- tries. Finally, there are some guide lines for
direct functions are hidden or forgotten by our the reader, about national and international
society (biomimicry, botanic research). The- organizations of green urban infrastructures,
refore, there are some barriers to expose clear to stimulate getting in touch with colleagues,
arguments to the citizenship and get resources professionals and academics.
for their activities.
Madrid, February 2019
Julián Briz, Isabel de Felipe
Globaler Hof. Vienna.

Multifunctional Urban Green Infrastructure Special acknowledgments to the sponsors Carl
have a broad and holistic scenario which inclu- Stahl, Kanauf Insulation, Sempergreen and
des a great variety of topics and the concourse Taktorv which cooperate to finance the publi-
of different professions. cation and give to us the opportunity to divulge
and extend the knowledge about urban green
In this publication, we have had the opportu- infrastructure .
nity to get the collaboration of authors who
develop very different activities in several cou- We thank to the authors who have dedicated
ntries. WGIN and PRONATUR have been the their knowledge and enthusiasm in this task.
melting pot where the basic ideas has been se-
lected and discussed for several years. Last but not least we recognize once more the
task of the publisher Editorial Agricola for pu-
We profit also of the relationship with the Ho- blishing this book with high quality at the right
chschule Neubrandenburg (Germany) and time.
itdUPM (Spain) which have provided human
and socioeconomic resources in favor of the February 2019
green infrastructure. Julián Briz, Manfred Köhler, Isabel de Felipe
Berlin. Kerstin Rîrich
Green Wall.
Santo Domingo Hotel.
Madrid. I de Felipe



Julián Briz
President of PRONATUR

Isabel de Felipe

INTRODUCTION have became more important in the second

position, due to the lack of available land in

rban climate change improvement the city. For instance, the idea of the green
is a very broad and complex topic; corridor in roofs and walls may facilitate the
consequently, it requires a holistic cooling of areas and wind movement, which
approach. All the stakeholder involved need clean the polluted air.
to be coordinated with different interaction.
Private and public sector have to design a Green infrastructures play a significant
multiscale agenda, where environmental role in our urban environment, through
urban policy match with the available multifunctional activities. We focus on the
technologies and human resources. Thus, attention in climate change and the positive
urban society may have the resilience capacity impact of green areas.
to face new challenges.
Concerning urban environment, some
Urban green infrastructure contributes to questions have rising recently (EU, 2018),
mitigation of climate change in different related to Smart cities, including climate
scenarios. At a global horizon, their influence change due to their direct and indirect impact
is in the long run with lower significance. in our daily life. Climate Smart Change (CSC)
However, in city limits, the results are short is an important element for Smart Urban
term and more relevant, so the dweller Environment (SUE) evolution. In addition,
may check them. Green roofs and walls SUE is a component of Ecology Cities, which

is a requirement for Smart cities. In this way, But GI also include agricultural urban farming
there is an interaction between CSC and SUE. (Lipper et al. 2014).In this orientation we need
an approach for transforming and reorienting
At the special seminar “Who owns the right agricultural systems to support food security
to the city? EU Research and innovation under climate change. Coordinating actions
for inclusive urban regeneration” organized by farmers, policymakers, public and
in Brussels on October 9th, 2018, some private institutions, research and university
significant questions were raised: How can organizations, will increase efficiency and
the city contribute to urban inclusivity? What innovation. The three pillars of Climate Change
challenges have to move towards inclusive nature based are productivity (sustainable
urban regeneration? How may the Research intensification), adaptation (protect ecosystem
and Innovation actions reduce gentrification services) and mitigation (reduce greenhouse
and inequalities within and between cities? gas emission).They are the challenges of
Partial solutions to these questions may be large cities for improving their economic
solved by the Green Infrastructures actions, competitiveness in a sustainable environment
which move urban areas toward the Ecocities and maintaining investment and skilled
scenario. However, the urban environment workers (ISPI. 2008)
is very complex and with great diversity,
therefore we describe different items in a brain There is a societal acceptance for urban
storming way in order to call the attention of agriculture (UA) in the traditional way but
some of the most significant scenarios. some negative reactions for artificial high
tech. UA offers new models for the coming
Another important element for the analysis future with opportunities for gender balance,
of city environment is the concept of natural community interaction and social inclusion of
capital in the urban Green Infrastructure refugees (EP. 2018 page 29).
(GI) which provides socioeconomic benefits
to citizens for free, such as recreation spaces, UA provides public goods to urban dwellers,
healthier air and environment. In economic mainly related to socioeconomic and
words, we may identify the GI as positive environmental dimensions. The reduction
externalities. (Greater London Authority. of carbon and energy footprints, circular
October 2017) Natural capital has to be economy, food quality, biodiversity and climate
allocated establishing priorities according change reductions. Green Infrastructures
urban demographic distribution, air and offer a great variety of forms, from backyard
acoustic pollution and social demands. gardens o community garden roofs and Green
walls, urban farms and others. However,
Although in general GI create positive effects UA has been neglected by local and national
in the city, most of them are focused on the policies. Recently academic and policy makers
local resident of certain areas. GI urban policies consider a lack of action in programs for
are costly for the community; therefore, the research, innovation and subsidies and need
promoters have to demonstrate clearly the net to change the current situation.
value of recreation, amenity, property prices
and other positive externalities. Proximity to urban community gives special
situation to UA, with opportunities to
Traditional GI are identified in parks and tree improve environment and life conditions.
streets, but there is a geographic limitation Also UA plays a bridging role between
to expand them in most cities. Therefore the city and rural world, with asymmetric
it is necessary to strengthen vertical urban situation in economic and political power
farming, occupying underused spaces (walls, which is in a concentration process in urban
roofs), as important issues. communities.

UA has a community involvement through Greenhouse gas accumulation due to human

education, cultural activities and social activities contribute to global and local
integration movements, a place to meet people. warming with catastrophic consequences in
Besides, there are intercultural gardens where health and quality environments. Therefore,
heterogeneous population such as refugees the solution comes for decreasing the emission
and immigrants may interact, based in respect of contaminants (traffic, central heating and
and tolerance, with communication during others) and the inmission of them (Edwin R.
farming activities, maintaining their cultural et al 2007).
diversity. (Moulin- Doos, C. 2014).
Green infrastructure strengths the resilience
Structure and socioeconomic transformations of urban environments to respond to current
in UA will happen in the coming future: and future challenges to climate change and
From old to young persons, from amateurs other elements (food security, biodiversity,
to professional farmers, UA will be a new health). A review of peer- published research
proactive business model with innovation in between 2012- 2014 concludes as results that
green infrastructures and digital technologies, some of the benefits of green infrastructures
farming practices and control of environment are improving human health, biodiversity
conditions in greenhouses. and climate conditions. Other positive aspects
are urban food production and economic
Another significant element in the urban prosperity (Pitman S., et al 2015).
food chain value is the socioeconomic
transformation of consumers, with Urban planners need evidence to develop
preference for fresh vegetables, cultivated strategies for climate mitigation. However, there
in the proximity, do-it- yourself culture, food is a lack of long-term studies of urban climates
sovereignty and so on. All of this may change and their impacts. It is important to look for
also consumer habits and attitudes as citizens cross-disciplinary projects between regions as
in relation to environmental policy programs most of the research is focused on local and
and circular economy. single disciplines. To understand urban climate


Smart Urban Environment

Domestic and
External International
elements Policies


Climate change Health Biodiversity Socioeconomic


Table 1. GUI Activity and Multifuntionality Evaluation

Function Evaluation
Activity Landscape Air
Temperature Humidity Recreation
ornamental Quality Supply circulation

Green wall 1 2 3 5 4 1 6
Green roof 2 2 3 4
Inside green 1 2 3
Inside orchard 5 2
Tree streets 3 2 1
Parks 2 2 3 4 1 3
Green towers 1 2 3 3

change we have to work in several areas: expand As a practical example, we describe two
observations in quantity, quality and type of hypothetical tables about the interaction of
data collected (Bai X et al. 2018). Green Urban Infrastructure activities and
their functions. (Table 1).
Climate interactions is a complex process as
pollution or impermeable surfaces interact In Table 2) it is described the evaluation of
with temperature and rainfall flood. In specific projects in Madrid with the different
socioeconomic horizon studying informal functions. In both tables, the potential
settlement, by 2050 three billion people will be evaluation establishes the 1st , 2nd, 3rd
living in slums under bad conditions affected priorities, given by the interviewed persons.
by climate changes. Therefore, harness
disruptive technologies (digital revolution, METHODOLOGY
green infrastructure reducing flood risk) will
support such transformation where strategies Climate Smart is focused maintly in greenhouse
are needed for resilient cities with local gas emission, cost and carbon emission,
innovation. resilient economy and business. However, in
a holistic framework of new urban metropolis
In the coming future, city stakeholders should and looking the increasing role of Green
incentive University programs and long term Infrastructure (GI), it is considered relevant to
research, coordinated with policymakers, analyze a “Smart Urban Environment” (SUE)
businesspersons and social institutions for a in a dynamic way. Following the Industrial
sustainable horizon. Organization (Belleflamme P., Peith M. 2015)
theory, we may identify three steps in the
Green urban infrastructure projects may Smart Urban Environment: Structure, Conduct
be evaluated before the acceptance by the and Performance. Structure (S) has physical
society. In the private sector, the market is the dimensions,such as temperature, humidity,
main indicator, and enterprises try to follow wind, radiations, air and pollution. The Conduct
the customer preference. In public sector, like (C) relate to behavior dimensions. We may
city halls they should try to get the opinion include recreation, landscape, person attitude
of urban society through direct consultants toward GI, socioeconomic activities, cultural
to citizens, NGOs and neighbor associations. relations, formation. The Performance (P) is
Thus, Madrid City Hall recently inquired the effect in the urban society such as health,
directly to citizens their priority for a number cost, investment, economic benefit and market
of project proposals where to spend a certain value. While Structure and Performance may
amount of Euros. have quantitative analysis and applications,

Table 2. GUI Projects and Functions

GUI Multifuntionality Evaluation

Projects Landscape Air
Temperature Humidity Recreation
ornamental Quality Supply circulation
Caixa Forum 1 1 2 2 3 1 4
Hotel Santo 2 1 1 4 5 5 2
1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1
CF Santander 4 2 2 1 3
Barajas Airport 1 1 3 3
LABAU 5 1 2 3 4 1

Conduct refer mainly to qualitative analysis. • Institutional: local administration, city

There is a dynamic sequence in S -C -P in the hall, with actions that may increase green
SUE evolution. areas sustainability and lower cost in health
programs, ), reduce climate impact and
Structure damages with more efficient performance in
other services (water drainage, air quality.
Green infrastructure (GI) includes the green
(plants) and the blue (water) places, which • Social organizations: NGOs, neighbors
provides healthy and friendly environment association. Facilitate social integration,
to urban population. There is a great range cultural activities, creation of orchard and
of scales, from ground (parks, street trees, gardening activities.
recreation areas) to vertical (roofs, walls).
Green infrastructures(GI) have multiple • Entrepreneurial: new opportunities for
functions, such as climate change, health, business, job creation, innovation.
biodiversity and socioeconomic dimensions
among others • Individual: Personal benefit in economic
and income, with food production, increase
On the other hand, Urban society do not market value of residences, recreation and
recognize the whole role and value of GI, health environment.
looking to market value of the activities,
whether to have a luxury building and GI activities differ from other ones developed
residences or massive housing with concrete in the city. To begin with GI use different
and crystal. Therefore, we have to show tools based in nature, with results in the
the real value of GI, even the business medium and long run. They also have core or
opportunities, where entrepreneurs may get direct benefits and co-benefits, with positive
involved and obtain net profit. externalities in the surrounding area, with
free benefits for the neighborhood, such as
On the other hand, the world is in a dynamic quality environment, biodiversity, landscape,
process of changes in climate, economy, with higher market value and attraction for
rural urban migration, and urbanization, the settlement of families and enterprises.
sociopolitical and economic scenarios. The
question is not if it is going to happen, but GI are multifunctional while Grey
when, where and how will do it. Another Infrastructures are mono functional. For
interesting point is who are the protagonists example, a road or highway is used to facilitate
that will obtain benefits supplied by GI: traffic, while green walls have impact in

microclimate, air and acoustic contamination, serious problems in megacities, which may
landscape and others. considered an inadequate conduct.

Basic questions to a GI project proposal: We know there is a harmful effect of air

contamination on human health. Among the
• Which is the value added to the urban most significant impacts of polluting elements
society? in the human beings in the EU-28 (2013)
(EEA 2016) have been NO2 (68000 persons),
• What services will be provided? O3 (16000 persons) and PM2.5 concentration
(436000 persons) sick.
• Who are the stakeholders involved?
Regarding the risk associated to daily mortality
• How can the new GI project enhance the related with NO2 concentration in Spanish cities
performance of the existing infrastructures a recent study shows that an increase of 10 mg/
(grey or green)? m3 produces serious mortality for respiratory
and circulatory causes (Linares et al. 2018).
• Which are the economic, financial, natural
and human resources needed to develop the Solutions are focused in two scenarios, to
GI project for initial investment, maintenance, reduce the contaminant emissions, and to
information and formation of the population?. increase the inmission sources.

For GI valuation methods. (VISES 2015, page 43) The emission polluters are mainly traffic,
we have to consider that the project evaluation industry and central heating in homes and
should focus on the entire life project. Several offices. To reduce traffic many cities introduce
barriers due to the multidisciplinary activities low emission zones, which limit circulation of
are involved through a long period. We may vehicles. Industrial activities may be tackled by
identify several dimensions in the valuation available techniques, special permissions and
are: net benefit, market value and pricing regulations. Domestic pollution from central
system. Benefit may be directly economic heating may be regulated with measures
related to market value or indirectly measured addressing solid fuel burning.
through shadow prices, with health and social
wealth fare. Market value is the result of The inmission sources capture and remove the
exchange transactions and may be modified by polluted elements. In some way, nature may
public policies or private actions with indirect help us through urban agriculture. Plants are
shadow prices, which we associate to the able to capture the CO2 from human regular
property prices, such as recreation and open respiration, and cool the atmosphere through
spaces, actually programmed or potential. The transpiration and photosynthesis activities.
use of public recreation areas of “agrofitness” Through adequate techniques, with crystalline
may be compared with similar services paid to urea NO2 may be transformed in N2 and O2
a gymnasium. avoiding the generation of nitric acid. PM
particles are also captured in the surface and
Conduct roots of the plants and substratum.

In this section we may include the behavior Also, GI may have additional consequences of
of persons, institutions, and organizations and the cooling effect with change in the gradient
their facilities and services existing in a city, temperature, and the air circulation fluxes,
which have an impact in the human life. For which remove the heat and contaminated
instant, in relation to services certain activities atmosphere, reducing the island effect and
may cause air and water pollution, one of the concentration pollution.

To understand urban climate change, we have challenge is to bring back nature to the city to
to work in several areas. create a new environment at medium horizon
(5 years) so we may appreciate personally the
We need to expand observations (quantity, results. (Gonzalez-Duque J.A., Panagopoulos
quality and type of data collected), understand T 2012).
climate interactions (there is a complex process
as pollution or impermeable surfaces interact Performance
with rainfall and temperature), study informal
settlement (by 2050, three billion people Looking for efficient performance in Urban
will be living in slums in bad conditions), Green Infrastructure (Young RF. 2011),
harness technologies (digital revolution, urbanization process has socioeconomic impact
green infrastructures will reduce flood risk), in city environment and planning policies. It
support transformations (strategies needed affects several scenarios; reduces ecological
for resilient cities, with local innovations) and footprint, improves healthy environment
recognitions of global sustainability context and supplys public goods. Traditionally, the
(open cities to systems with global view). actions have been developed through local
parks and urban tree planting, however
As an strategy to reduce the heat island effect, new construction and botanic innovations
we have to orientate the city behavior in allow to increase vertical farming in the new
several scenarios: building material, vegetation development at metropolitan scale. Interviews
and availability of GI (Tumini I. 2012).Urban to urban stakeholders allow us to identify the
climate change has direct impact in frequent failures and success in city planning projects.
heat waves, floods and droughts, heat island
and deterioration of quality environment, with To get an adequate Performance in our smart
health problems, reduction of wellbeing, water urban environment society, has to act in the
quality management and citizen behavior. The corresponding Structure (S) and Conduct (C).

Figure 2. Building with

air and water recicled

Orchard on the top at Wellington Hotel. I. de Felipe

The challenge for the expertise is to understand “Castellana Norte” project, greening the north
and identify the connections between them. area of the city. However, the achievement of
Acting in the Green Infrastructure usually the projects usually face some barriers such
includes economic cost for investment and as red tape requirements, lack of coordination
maintenance. A more efficient Conduct may between policy makers, access to financial
requires regulation and changes in habits sources, as has been the case of the mentioned
with sacrifice for some groups of citizens. For Madrid Castellana Norte project, with several
instance, a good quality air environment may decades of discussions. Citizens have to be
require investment in transportation systems, informed and understand the benefit / cost
central heating equipment, which causes ratio of the investment required, and therefore
lower contamination. Simultaneously could they need transparency in the process and
be new regulation for traffic in certain areas warranty of adequate process without no legal
and transformation of the heating sources practices or discrimination.
(prohibition of coal in favor of gas). Although
there is a net benefit for urban society, some The performance Smart Urban Environment
citizens will have to scarify more than others, Change may be studied with a GLOCAL
and regulations have to consider the balance approach: Global view and Local action with
in the horizon of an urban wealth fare. specific Key Factor Indicators (KFI). Global
analysis focus the attention in the Long
There is an opportunity to combine social Run, with evaluation of international project
and business activities with new green performances, evolution of temperature,
infrastructure planning. Madrid is a new forestry and farming activities, rivers, ocean
case study with the approval in 2018 of the and sea pollution or CO2 concentration.

Local actions are mainly focused at city level, • WHO are the stakeholders involved? We will
with parameters as temperature and humidity, say all the urban dwellers. Administration,
air and noise contamination, circular economy, University and research centers, professional
health conditions, landscape and recreation or organizations, NGO, entrepreneurs and their
human relationships associations, individual persons and neighbor
Goals of urban society are related to
prosperity, health, wellbeing and others, in • HOW should actors perform? Through
a sustainable horizon. The challenge is to the identification of the main problems,
design the instruments and policies to answer establishing a priority system. Defining
some basic questions of why, who, how, when the adequate methods to apply, combining
and where, which has to be defined by the theory and practice, evaluation, execution
urban society, for improving performance in and follow up, technology and socioeconomic
life conditions dimensions

• WHY should urban society react to the new • WHEN has to be done? After defining the
challenges? Among other reasons, because goals and priorities of urban society, the next
the actual urban model in big metropolis is step is to establish the agenda and the timing
not sustainable. Urban life is attractive in horizon at short, medium and long run. Due
culture, services, human relations and job to the special situation of climate change, the
opportunities. However, their environment sooner the better.
has negative conditions, with stress,
contamination, energy dependence and • WHERE to develop the actions? We have
residuals. to specify the city location, district, quarter,

Madrid family orchard. P.M. Contreras


building areas (wall, roof, inside, patios), taxes; C9 Agrifitness; C10, administration
open spaces (parks, streets). simplification; C11, Research and innovation;
C12, Urban agriculture policies.
We have to design a GLOCAL strategy, with a
Global view of all the interaction and a local Structure: S1, Green areas such as walls, roofs;
actions according the specific conditions of S2, Communication systems, roads, rail; S3,
the area. New equipment for heating; S4, Circular
economy; S5, urban farming facilities.
The Global view may be described through
an Interactive Basic Matrix (IBM), where the Checking previous experiences in similar
different Performance possibilities (P1,P2…… conditions and scenarios, the challenge is
Pi) may be related with the Conduct (C1,C2, to identify the most significant interaction,
…Cj) and Structure (S1, S2, S3, S4,….S k) the critical points and the best way to get
established. The process is dynamic, therefore sustainable solutions.
there are different horizons to analyze, Short,
Medium and Long Run. Other significant Some of the problems in the evaluation
element is to consider the social preferences process are the heterogeneous characteristics
in relation to the Benefit/ Cost of the potential of the elements involved. Some of them may
measures to be established in the population be quantified in standard cardinal measures
group and give priority (1, 2, 3…..) (economic, temperature, contamination,
food, energy), while others only have ordinal
Some of the most significant dimensions evaluation (happiness, wealth fare, recreation
dealing with P, C, and S are as follows: and landscape). The performance as result
of the structure and conduct need to have a
Performance: P1, air and acustic pollution; follow up process, checking the results and
P2, Heat island effect; P3, Food supply; P4, testing with the goals established, with the
Health and recreation; P5, local business possibility to change the policy and measures
and employment; P6, Biodiversity; P7, adopted.
We have to check each selected performance
Conduct: C1, Regulation; C2, Education; (P1, P2…) with the SWOT filter, about the
C4, Formation ; C5, Transparency; C6, Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threats,
Facilities for new initiatives, C7, Synergies of each one in the applied scenario. This
between stakeholders; C 8, Subsidies and process may help the decision makers to

Table 3. SMART URBAN ENVIRONMENT Interactive Basic Matrix

Multifunction Scenarios Structure Conduct Performance

1 S1 C1 P1
2 S2 C2 P2
3 S3 C3 P3
. . .
. . .
. . .
n Sn Cn Pn

House in Cordoba. A. Sanz

compare the different Pi alternatives. Once we additional elements such as outdoor activities
have the final Performance selected, the next in recreation areas with physical exercises
step is to identify the changes which should and social neighborhood interactions. Some
be introduced in the Conduct and Structure of activities are passive and citizens are observers
each Performance. of landscape or quality environment.
Experiences in hospital and residence show
CONCLUSIONS how persons exposed to nature in comparison
with those watching TV as entertainment,
In this chapter we have described some recover faster from stress, with lower blood
of the main interaction of climate change, pressure and muscle tension. Green areas,
Smart Urban Environment (SUE) and action especially orchards and gardens, allow to do
to be developed. Significant dimensions of more active actions such as running, walking
Smart Urban Environment are the positive or farming actions. Here is where exercise is
relationship between access to green areas related with health (Hartin T, Mang M, Evans
and longevity (Tanaka T, Nakamura K, G.2003)
Watanabe M. 2002). Human health include
several scenarios such biological, social and The challenge is how to convince citizens about
psychological, therefore we have to consider the need to incorporate green infrastructures
no only physical but mental wellbeing in our metropolitan areas. Besides the dramatic
(WHO. 1948). The relationship between messages in the long run (50 years!) about
green infrastructure, health and wellbeing the climate change, we should provide the
is a consequence of several factors (quality arguments in favor of the immediate benefits
environment, heat island) with biological of urban green policies. Green areas are vital
impact. However we may consider other for urban sustainability and create a healthy

environment for recreation outdoors. Citizens BIBLIOGRAPHY

may pressure developers and urban planners
to include green infrastructure projects in Bai X, Dawson RJ, Ürge-Vorsatz D, Delgado
urban political programs with special focus GC, Salisu Barau A, Dhakal S, Dodman D,
on financial and socioeconomic benefits. In Leonardsen L, Masson-Delmotte V, Roberts DC,
addition, researchers have the challenge to Schultz S (2018) “Six research priorities for cities
quantify the effects of the ratio benefit/cost of and climate change” Nature 555, 23 – 25.
the potential programs.
Belleflamme P., Peith M. (2015). Industrial
We should look for sustainable solutions Organization. Markets and Strategies. 2nd
looking at nature. There are not replications Edition
but understanding the rules of governing
forms. Organic architecture use nature for Young C., Jones R, Symons J. (2015). Green
design forms and connection with human infrastructure Economic Framework. Victoria
beings. University)

Metabolism architecture focus on the idea of Creutzig F., Agoston P., Minx JC (2016) “ Urban
continuous change in biological world applied infrastructure choies for climat solutions “Nature
to urban environment. In this way, the city climat change 1054-1056.
development should be related to citizen
evolution. European Commission. DG RTD+EASME. (2018)
“Who owns the right to the city? EU Research
We need to restructure urban climate and innovation for inclusive urban regeneration”
solutions using new infrastructures with Seminar organized in Brussels October 9.
a potential mitigation, where nature and
green infrastructures are part of the solution European Economic Area (EEA) (2016). Air
(Creutzig F. et al 2016) quality in Europe. 2016 Report.

In the coming future city, stakeholders should European Parliament (EP) (2018)” Urban
look for a long term research, while citizens and Periurban Agriculture in the EU” AGRI
organizations, policymakers and businessmen Committee PE 617-468
should work together for a sustainable horizon.
Ewing R, Bartholomew K, Winkelman S, Walter J,
We should look at the future to identify the Chen D. (2007) “Growing cooler: the evidence on
environment we wish but simultaneously we urban development and climate change” Urban
have to analyze the present and see what we Land Institute
have to do for it. (Young C, Jones R, Symons
J. 2015). Gonzalez-Duque J.A., Panagopoulos T. (2012)
“Evaluation of the urban green infrastructure
Smart Urban Environment (SUE) is a using landscape modules , GIS and population
progressive policy as their results may survey”
increase the wealth fare of the marginal
population, usually the ones with lower green Greater London Authority. October (2017) Natural
infrastructure facilities. Their actions have capital accounts for public green space in London
to be focused under a social justice scenario,
where the winners (with more benefits) and Hartin T , Mang M, Evans G. (2003) “Tracking
losers (with higher sacrifices) recognize each restauration in natural urban field settings”
other the compromise to move in a sustainable Journal of Environmental Psychology 23, 109-
urban horizon. 123)

Instituto per gli studi di politica internazionale Tanaka T, Nakamura K, Watanabe M. (2002).
(ISPI) (2008) “Competitive cities and climate Urban residential environments and senior
change” OECD international conference. Milan citizens longevity in megacities areas. Journal
of Epidemiology and community health 56. 12,
Lipper L, K Thornton P, Campbell B, Baedeker 913-6
T (2014) “Climate smart agriculture for food
security” Nature climate change Review 1068- Tumini I. (2012). El microclima urbano en
1072. espacios abiertos. Estudio de casos en Madrid.
Tesis doctoral UPM ETSAM. Director Esther
Linares L. Falcon J, Ortiz C. (2018). “An approach Higueras. Proyecto Ecourban Grupo ABIO Javier
estimating the short term effect of NO2 on Neyla
daily mortality in Spanish cities” Environment
International 116. 18-28 Victoria Institute of Strategic Economic Studies
(VISES) Green infrastructure economic
Moulin- Doos C. (2014), “” Intercultural gardens; framework. Victoria University Melbourne (2015)
the use of space by migrants and the practice of
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Society South Australia. Volume 139, Issue 1
page 97-112.

París Museum. I de Felipe

Farmhouse Bhuj



Hartmut Wurster
Head of blocher partners India,
an international architecture and design firm

he blocher partners architectural team In India’s desert region near the border with
has planned a spacious leisure home Pakistan lies the city of Bhuj, in the state
development with 650 bungalows in the of Gujarat. Bhuj is known for its holy sites
Indian state of Gujarat. With sustainability in and its rich tradition in crafts. Just outside
mind, and using recycled materials, they are this flourishing city, a new holiday home
creating an oasis-like retreat whose residents development is going up on 526,000 square
enjoy a high quality of life in harmony with metres: It is to include 650 houses, a clubhouse,
nature. Behind this impressive project stands restaurant, pool, wellness spa, bistro and
a charitable organization that creates new extensive sports facilities. The entire project
opportunities for disadvantaged youth and is to be built in accordance with sustainability
brings know-how to the region. criteria, and using building materials procured
Residents will enter through an impressive
Architecture, Sustainability, India, Using brick portal 30 metres wide and seven metres
recycled and regionally procured building high. The gate opens to a new world: Streets
materials, Master planning of a holiday home lined with date palms and lush green spaces
development are reminiscent of an oasis; bungalows with

four to five rooms are situated on attractive

plots throughout the complex. Each of these
homes offers its residents a taste of paradise
on earth: The living space weaves indoors and
outdoors together; covered terraces extend
the living space and provide shade; generous
windows bring in natural light, while shades
protect against the heat. The bathrooms have
their own landscaped patios, guaranteeing
natural ventilation and lighting, closeness to
nature, and the privacy that is so cherished
in India.

Materials such as terrazzo flooring, Indian

marble and teak create a warm, cosy
atmosphere. The scale of the rooms creates
harmonious proportions. Most of the gardens
have both a swimming pool and lotus ponds.
Potential buyers may choose between the five-
room villas on 175 square meters of land, and
the four-room villas on 140 square meters.
Farmhouse Bhuj Siteplan
The bungalows are a joint project with the
Indian Hunnarshala Foundation, a non-profit

organisation founded in Gujarat after the other special properties: Given its high
devastating earthquake of 2001. Hunnarshala, density, it barely shrinks, doesn’t crack and is
which played a major role in the reconstruction not likely to change its shape.
of the region, champions innovative
technologies while cherishing traditional The non-profit organisation Hunnarshala
construction methods. It also promotes the has access to an extensive store of recycled
exchange of knowledge, providing training to building materials, which it regularly collects,
local craftsmen and to disadvantaged youth, for example at demolition sites. Thus the
opening up new career possibilities for them architects were able to select materials that
as builders and craftsmen. represent a positive ecological balance and
that can be easily dismantled. The roof trusses
The tragedy of the 2001 earthquake, in which and window frames of the villas are made of
tens of thousands died, remains seared into the recycled wood, in keeping with traditional
collective memory of Gujarat. The new villas carpentry techniques. Traditionally hand-
are designed to be highly earthquake resistant: fired clay roof tiles - which already had
Traditional Indian building techniques are protected other houses from the weather -
upgraded with modern technological know- were selected. These tiles, often eschewed in
how. The load-bearing function is carried by current construction projects, actually have
massive, 40 centimetre thick walls made of many advantages. They are durable, easy to
rammed concrete, whose stability is further process, maintain and dispose of, and install:
increased by ring beams. One can easily compensate for changes in the
main roof construction without harming the
The rammed concrete - a non-reinforced roofing quality.
concrete - is mixed on site. Workers press
it together layer after layer with their feet All building materials are found regionally.
and hands. Because rammed concrete only For the entry portal and enclosure wall, the
contains 12 per cent cement, it requires less designers used stone from a local quarry.
primary energy. Sand excavation is also used “Bhuj Stone,” with its warm colour, has been
for the floor slab. Its warm, yellow colour used in the region for thousands of years.
harmonizes with the surroundings. In addition Marble is also obtained locally: The bathroom
to its traditional look, rammed concrete has walls are designed with smaller marble panels

so as to minimize waste. All leftover marble The planners took weather conditions
bits and dust are processed into the finely seriously. In Gujarat, months of dry heat are
polished terrazzo floor. Not only do these followed by a period of driving, prolonged
recycled materials have a positive impact rainfall. Generous open spaces allow water
on the ecological balance; with their vibrant to seep directly into the ground. Canals
patina, they give the villas a special charm and are not necessary: Water can collect in the
cosy ambience. existing natural gullies during the monsoon

season. The groundwater is protected from to sustainability. The sale of these homes is
sinking further, and the natural water cycle is off to a good start; within ten days more than
maintained. Right at the start of construction, 100 were purchased. Sustainability is not
trees were planted; by the time residents move the sole selling point in India. Nevertheless,
in, these trees will provide them with shade. the planners have managed to integrate a
In addition, the massive rammed-concrete wide variety of sustainable aspects: from the
walls have a positive impact, blocking heat construction method to the choice of materials,
during the day and absorbing moisture. Large, the consideration for climactic conditions and
shaded areas in front of the windows facing integration of social responsibility, including
the gardens help keep indoor spaces cool. the promotion of disadvantaged youth.
Cutouts in the roofing permit lush planting: Though planned as a vacation and weekend
Trees can grow skyward, creating a dynamic settlement, the area could find extended
play of light and shade on the terraces. uses: Some of the new property owners have
already expressed an interest in making this
This project proves that sustainable their primary residence, since the city is only
construction can also be financially successful. 20 minutes away. The planners wanted to
The planners’ goal was to create spaces and avoid wasting natural resources and stressing
develop an area in which people can feel good. the environment. And they succeeded,
By choosing adequate proportions and floor through their use of recycled materials and
plans with appropriate solutions, they aimed a high degree of deconstruction capability. If
at creating true quality of life. Well-designed everything turns to dust in 300 years, nothing
spaces have lasting value and thus contribute will have to be carted away…
Torre Guinigi Lucca
WikimediaCommons by
LivornoDP CC BY SA 3.0


Maria Auböck, Janós Kárász
Landscape architects

Franziska Leeb
Architecture publicist

ABSTRACT require us to understand architectural

structures and a variety of assemblies below

hat does it take to create lush garden grade on a technical level, yet they also raise
on urban rooftops and in sunken – also on the theoretical-philosophical level
courtyards? By presenting some – the question of the role of vegetation in
projects from Auböck + Kárász’s atelier, we the city. How artificial and how natural is
will illuminate a number of aspects related the character of the landscape on man-made
to gardens adjoining architectural structures. foundations to be? To what degree can the
Among them are projects with a socially built terrain be reshaped, to what extent
minded foundation, as well as those from the should nature subordinate itself to artificial
“high end,” which contribute to the image and topography?
value of the respective developer’s project.
One of the aims is to pass on knowledge that A building’s fifth facade, the roof, is gaining
accrues with time – in the hope that the next significance. The more tall buildings dots our
generation can more quickly pick up the baton cities, and the more common it becomes to
and become active in greening our cities. convert attic spaces to apartments, the more
the roof plans will become a pertinent factor
1. INTRODUCTION in the “image of the city.” At the same time,
high density and limited ground reserves
Landscape in the city occurs above and below necessitate new strategies for the design of
ground level. When we are presented with outdoor space, in which the roof landscape,
a design problem regarding how to devise as a space for shared use, holds tremendous
outdoor spaces in an urban setting, the sites potential to add to the available outdoor
are not just atop the buildings themselves but offerings, and at the same time, to create
also at ground level. In the rarest instances, outdoor spaces with special characteristics.
the site will be on natural ground. On the Both intensively planted areas and paved
one hand, underground parking garages and surfaces provide the setting for a great variety
other subterranean urban infrastructures of potential gardening uses on the roof and

offer exciting opportunities for residents In theory and in practice Le Corbusier was the
to appropriate and even cultivate them most important proponent of roof gardens; in
themselves. his essay “The Street” (1929), he described his
Plan Voisin as follows: “When night intervenes
2. HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT the passage of cars along the autostrada traces
AND NEW CHALLENGES luminous tracks that are like the tails of
meteors flashing across the summer heavens.
Architecturally bound gardens are nothing Two hundred meters above it lie the spacious
new in the history of garden design. Roof roof gardens of these office skyscrapers,
landscapes are an ancient topos: the “hanging planted with spindleberries, thuyas, laurels,
gardens” of antiquity come to mind. As far and ivy. They are gay with beds of tulips or
back as ancient Egypt there were terrace geraniums and the herbaceous borders of
gardens on pyramids and roof gardens with bright-eyed flowers that wind along their
potted plants, and from literary sources stone-flagged paths. Overhead, electric lamps
and archaeological excavations we have shed a peaceful radiance. The depth of the
learned of the existence of the Assyrians’ and night makes the prevailing calmness but
Babylonians’ gardens above ground level. The the deeper. Armchairs are scattered about.
Roman Empire introduced us to “solaria,” There are groups in conversation, bands
sunny, green roofs; and the “Horti Luculliani,” playing, couples dancing. And all around are
the exotic gardens that Lucius Licinius the suspended golden discs of other gardens
Lucullus built on a terraced villa complex in floating at the same level.”
Rome; and Diocletian’s Palace in Split, which
had an ivy-covered arcade on the roof, to name In the nineteen-seventies, Le Corbusier’s
just a few renowned examples. Originating vision became a reality: Jean Renaudie and
in the fifteenth century, a collection of holly Renée Gailhoustet’s design of Ivry-sur-Seine
oaks atop the Torre Guinigi in Lucca have consisted of bold hybrids, in particular,
survived to the present day. Even in in the stepped-section, greened building complexes.
more northern climes, gardens at lofty heights Since then, greening the city for all of its
– as for example, the elaborately laid out inhabitants and at all levels is no longer
gardens on the roofs of the Kremlin in Moscow wishful thinking. At the turn of the twenty-
dating to the seventeenth century or the roof first century, new requirements developed
gardens atop the bourgeois palaces of baroque and higher expectations were made of urban
Nuremberg – were considered good form. green. Outdoor space interwoven with
buildings is here to stay, whether these spaces
Beginning in the late nineteenth century, new be shared spaces in housing, developed and
construction techniques such as wood-cement managed in participative processes, or in
roofs (the forerunners of today’s flat roofs) and association with office buildings to provide an
the advent of reinforced concrete played a role opportunity for employs to relax, and to have a
in the greater dissemination of the green roof positive impact on the corporate identity. The
in Europe and North America. Green roofs and notion of a city as a gigantic coral reef upon
flat concrete roofs came to the fore through which living beings romp about is closer to
the work of François Hennebique and August become reality. On account of climate change,
Perret, and at the very latest, through the cities are greening roofs to improve the micro-
Parisian stepped-section apartment buildings climate and to prevent urban heat islands.
by Henri Sauvage in Paris (Apartment house
on rue Vavin, 1912; residential complex with Despite the availability of new technologies,
swimming pool on der rue des Amiraux, as, for example, vertical greening or
1922), the garden city had been taken into the electronically operated watering systems, as
vertical dimension. well as extensive knowledge of exemplary

Globaler Hof (c) Auboeck-Karasz

projects, each new project presents us with “film loop” and are thereby an expression
new challenges. By presenting some examples of constant flux that is only calculable to a
from Auböck + Kárász’s atelier, we will limited extent. A thorough study of the site, its
illuminate a number of aspects related to unique characteristics, and the unpretentious
gardens atop architectural structures. Among matter-of-factness of its spatial, historical or
them are projects with a socially minded social context precedes the design. Parallel
foundation, as well as those from the “high to the intuitive images of a design concept, a
end,” which contribute to the image and value quest for order develops, whereas architects’
of the respective developer’s project. One of requests or the instructions of a competition
the aims is to pass on knowledge that accrues brief sometimes tend to be more inhibiting
with time – in the hope that the next generation than inspiring.
can more quickly pick up the baton.
During the design process, Auböck and Kárász
3. ARCHITECTURE MEETS try to organize the desired spaces, not so much
NATURE according to their function, but – similar to a
piece of music – according to their dynamics
We once wrote an essay on our design with respect to modulation, we seek to
strategies: “If it is architecture’s task to establish develop slower and faster passages, to create
a precisely defined state as permanently as spaces with different tempos and sequences,
possible – even if that refers to its flexibility and quieter and louder parts of a garden. They
– in landscape architecture, we always design are not so much tailored to specific groups of
processes.” Gardens and landscapes are, on users, but rather signal different impressions,
the one hand, long-term endeavors – they are atmospheres, moods, and states of nature. On
open ended. On the other hand, annual and artificial surfaces, in other words, surfaces
daily cyclical processes constitute a perpetual with architectural structures below them,

two approaches present themselves: either to and the adjoining landscape. What came about
design a landscape as it might also grow on was not, in the strictest, sense a therapy garden,
natural ground or to introduce an aesthetic but rather a therapeutic field as recreational
that emphasizes artificiality. In any case, we space for the patients. The green roof, which
always conceive of gardens such that they seems to hover above the landscape, is not
remain alluring throughout the entire year, only a formal element with a “special effect.”
yet change continually. It also situates the patients within the nature
of their region of origin. Plants the patients
Vantage points and urban space are familiar with – from the region’s gardens
– reappear here in a way that shifts their
From a roof there are panoramic views that perception of them. The selection was guided
shift our perception of the city: views of the by a color concept: plants were chosen that
immediate surroundings, of striking works of have a white–yellow alternating blossom
architecture, of the urban milieu, or simply of schedule in the spring, and purple–blue in
the street down below. In the design of roof the summer. It is a playful interpretation of
landscapes, the consciously playful approach, our notions of the familiar and the foreign
employing a change of perspective, is one – both with respect to individual plants and
of the most exciting challenges. Where do the perceptual ordering system – eliciting a
we direct people’s attention? What will be pleasurable momentary irritation.
accentuated? With a pergola, for instance, it
is possible to both create a sheltered situation Cracked Ice
and to emphasize a special view. Conversely,
this element can also provide privacy from the The brief called for the design of a city square
persons occupying neighboring buildings or on the site of a former parking lot and above
other parts of the roof. two underground parking garages in the heart
of Hall in Tirol – in the immediate vicinity of
Moreover, roofs also offer compelling niches a highly acclaimed hotel ensemble designed
for experimental design. On the one hand, by Lois Welzenbacher (1931) and Henke
they are inevitably linked to salient climatic Schreieck Architekten (2003). The design
factors specific to the site, on the other hand, establishes a connection between the hotel
the question as to what will grow best and complex and the park, which is situated three
which plants have become assimilated to the meters above the former. On the warped
habitat can perhaps be approached in a more terrain, with limited depth available for the
relaxed way than when it pertains to the assembly, for the square’s paving we selected
ground level. The foreign and the exotic can in situ concrete in the form of polygonal fields
indeed flourish in some exposed locations. In with broad gravel joints.
the meantime, we have become as accustomed
to Mediterranean plants, unusually fragrant The cracked-ice pattern obscures the
perennials or a smattering Far Eastern exotic topography’s unevenness and is both an
plants as we are to native herbs. They are a expression of the barrenness of the substratum
reflection of our globalized day-to-day lives – a and a symbol of the artificiality of this garden.
situation in which roofs can offer a protected
outdoor space for individual experimentation. Winter garden

Seamless transition The lack of outdoor space on the site and the
difficult location next to a raised metro line
On the roof of the state hospital in Hartberg were the impetus for a 90-meter-long winter
(architect: Klaus Kada, 2000) there seems to garden in a five-story, passive-technology
be a seamless transition between the plantings apartment house (architects: ARTEC

Architekten, 2011). A folded steel-sheet shell realized at this urbanistically, architecturally,

reminiscent of a huge pleat forms a buffer both and structurally extremely ambitious
to the metro line and, by taking advantage of project named Erste Campus (architects:
passive solar gains, to the cold. On top of that, Henke Schreieck Architekten, 2015), a bank
it contains the circulation zone. headquarters for 5000 employees located
in Vienna’s new “Quartier Belvedere.” The
The garden develops in the airspace between close proximity to the Schweizergarten – a
the facade and the arcades, whereby four 16-hectare park to the east – and the gardens
approximately 5-meter-long plant troughs of the Belvedere Palace was the primary point
are positioned on each floor. In the same of departure for the urban planning concept:
alignment along the facade, this expansive the transparent architecture interacts with
winter garden is accessible via steel steps the urban space and creates a connection
and grated horizontal platform spaces. This to nature. The expansive interior landscape
also ensures an appropriate air circulation. is interwoven with curved forms to create
On one hand, the plantings vary between the an urban ensemble in which several layers
floors, whereby on the first and fifth stories of interior and exterior space flow into one
the available space allows for small trees. On another.
the other hand, climbing plants extend over
several stories. Where the lighting allows it on The forecourts consist of polygonal,
the north side, a diverse palette of flowering directionless in-situ-concrete paving: its
plants in white, blue, pink, and red has been surface is sanded and therefore flows almost
arranged. seamlessly into the interior’s monolithic
terrazzo floor of fine Danube pebbles.
Folded garden Along Arsenal Street, plane trees have been
planted in gravel-covered surfaces. Above
The project for the Joseph Pschorr Haus in the underground garage, plane trees inhabit
Munich (Kuehn Malvezzi Architects, 2013), is tree planters with ornamental grasses and
an example of a strategy at the other end of the geraniums. Like the concrete paving, these
spectrum: a department store with luxurious are framed by polygonal seating platforms.
apartments on the upper two floors. Here,
in a courtyard surrounded by crystalline, The buildings surround four atriums holding
faceted glazed facades stepping down toward sweet locusts, Japanese maples, as well as
the ground, the task was to interpret the different perennials and ground-cover plants,
architecture’s essence and to create a soft and as well as a garden landscape measuring
colorful landscape within a hard shell. On the 7000 m2 interlaced with paths and a variety
courtyard’s northern side rises a glass house of islands for lounging two levels higher. This
containing bamboo, palm trees, elephant grass, garden deck, which spans the entrance hall
euphorbia, and maracuya. The reflection of and the public concourse on the second story,
these plants creates kaleidoscope-like effects. gives the grove of ornamental cherry trees a
The green, which transitions from horizontal picturesque quality. Discretely positioned pine
to vertical, becomes a folded display garden, trees provide accents that are otherwise only
staged nature where one would not expect to found in alpine settings – in order to be able to
encounter it – a garden as ornamental element. offer views of green trees throughout the year.
The garden and the wood terraces are not only
Green Étagère in the service of rest and relaxation or making
a good impression on customers, but have also
The notion of a multi-tiered landscape, in been adopted as outdoor workspace. Recessed
which the landscape and the architecture seating areas provide sufficient privacy for
are woven together on several levels, was outdoor meetings and workshops.

Joseph Pschorr. Haus Munich (c) Bayerische Hausbau

4. MULTIPLE BENEFITS positive influence on the urban climate with

other uses is presently an important topic.
The social differentiation of the society with Contrasting it is Rem Koolhaas’s junk-space,
a wide variety of lifestyles, working at “open in other words, unkempt, poorly designed,
desks,” increased mobility and offerings of a unusable outdoor space such as residual or
wide variety of types of dwellings all spawn an poorly developed interstitial spaces in the
increasingly heterogeneous urban landscape urban context. Thus, the aim is to create
that makes new options possible in urban multi-functional, intelligently devised spaces
nature. That’s why the synergetic effect of that are well attuned to day-to-day use and
superimposing planted areas that have a can be woven into the surroundings. Versatile

circulation spaces, terraced building massing, Extended apartment

and multi-functional courtyards can remedy
this deficiency and give the neighborhood a The roof garden is also increasingly being
new character. given the role of the problem solver – not
only with respect to ecological matters
The benefit – an old expression for the and building physics considerations. In
communal well-being of the urban society subsidized housing, the units are becoming
– must also as intrinsic value be placed in ever smaller to guarantee affordable rental
juxtaposition to the real estate market’s costs. Correspondingly, to compensate for the
capital gains. lacking space indoors, the demands placed
on outdoor spaces are increasing. It becomes
Urban ecology a “free space” in every respect – offering
children ample room to move about in and
Today roof gardens are not just places for opportunities to play, and residents of all ages
contemplation, but can also – especially when places to interact with each other, as also those
the green roofs have intensively planted they can withdraw to and relax in.
areas and use recycled materials – make a
contribution to ecological design and are also At the Wohnregal (“A Frame for Living”;
an important factor in building certification. architects: Geiswinkler & Geiswinkler, 2016)
in Vienna’s Sonnwend district near the Central
All water-penetrable surfaces can retain Station, a subsidized housing project with a very
rainwater – and, correspondingly, are large share of small rental flats, the outdoor
advantages for the urban climate! Depending spaces also take on the role of a versatile living
on the type of construction, green roofs can room al fresco. This free space on ground
retain up to 95% of the precipitation. Most level above the underground parking garage
of this water is stowed in the substrate and is a sequence of two spaces with contrasting
evaporates; the remainder flows off with atmospheres. A paved square, public in
a delay. This advantage of green roofs character, creates a passageway through the
encourages the growth of specific plant apartment block. Four round, green “inlays”
communities. A green roof whose assembly framed by benches and containing perennials
has an average depth of 45 cm has a water and ornamental grasses compensate for the
retention rate of about 80%, and can store inhospitableness of the streetscape and invite
about 135 l/m 2. Green roofs humidify and passersby to linger. From here one has a view
cool the air. This affects first and foremost to the “living-room” courtyard and play area
the adjacent living or working spaces, but also at the heart of the complex, whose access is
makes a valuable contribution to improving reserved for the residents. A grove of maple
the micro-climate in dense urban areas. trees, ash trees, gingkos and linden trees
provides vertical accentuation. Paths and
Thanks to the vegetation mass and the lawns create a camouflage pattern that is also
slowing of the air stream, the vegetation on attractive when viewed from above. This green
roofs filters 10 to 20% of the dust in the air. space continues like a carpet above the single-
Nitrates and other substances contained in story courtyard building and becomes the
precipitation can also be absorbed. roof garden on the first story, a more intimate
space with a play area for small children.
Modern green roof systems have very
favorable thermal insulation properties and In the context of the increase in small
can reduce heating costs by contributing apartments in numerous cities, arcades,
to the buildings overall thermal insulation seating opportunities in the shade, green
value. elements on access galleries, green paths

atop built structures, terraces with seating, serves, at the same time, as thermal insulation
and green circulation spaces all constitute and drainage layer. The trees were selected
an improvement of the living environment. three years prior to planting and pre-grown in
They create offerings of outdoor spaces a flat roof ball. Upon delivery, the large trees
with different characteristics – for instance, – locust and plane trees – were about 7 meters
shady or sunny – to spend time in and help tall and had trunks with a circumference of up
improve one’s ability to orient oneself in large to 40 cm. The height of the pines and multi-
apartment complexes. stemmed smaller trees was 3.5 to 4 meters.
Provisions have also been made to anchor
5. TECHNICAL ASPECTS them: to prevent the trees from tipping
over in this wind exposure, the trees were
Let’s return to the conditions we encounter anchored with polyester mesh straps on steel
when we build: Of course, the ecological value reinforcement mesh below the root ball.
of the natural ground and the cultivated plants
it hosts differs radically from that of a green Depending on the building height or the
roof, because on account of the assemblies, height of the roof garden, wind loads must be
we must contend with several different taken into consideration. Suction forces act
layers of materials and thin soil cover. Yet upon the sealing layer, which is connected
when the communication process with the to the supporting structure – whereas for
architects, structural engineers and HVAC intensive green roofs, these forces are of less
planners begins early in the process and consequence. In this case, the vertical stability
continues unabated, we do manage to create of woody plants is endangered: they require
enough latitude for the garden design concept. specially developed anchoring.
Conversely, when the communication is
poor or sporadic, it may turn out that the The roof garden of the SEW academy of
roof assembly is not capable of sustaining continuing education in Bruchsal (architect:
plantings. When the gardeners enter in at the Martin Kohlbauer, 2005) makes clear that
end of the construction process, it is often too beauty is attainable at the threshold of
late to secure sufficient soil depth. technological feasibility. Although the soil
depth was just 16 cm, a semi-intensive garden
This type of interaction among all of the with a refined air was achieved. This illustrates
planners was especially successful during that even with a small amount of substrate
the Erste Campus design process. In light and more cost-efficient forms of roof greening,
of the efforts to achieve slender structural alluring, picturesque effects can be attained. In
members without overburdening the budget, a gravel-covered surface, bands of curved steel
a continuous substrate layer (which requires edge the heaped-up beds, which have been
a depth of at least 1.00 meter) was out of the planted with sage, thyme, yarrow, perennials
question. The thick substrate layers required such as gorse, and, at intervals, small trees.
for tree plantings create roof loads of up to
1500 kg/m2, and depending on the type and Heat also presents a serious challenge at
size, an additional 400 to 1500 kg per tree sites at the very center of cities, but there are
was calculated and, where permitted by the plant selections specifically put together on
structural engineer, recessed or raised soil account of their heat resistance properties,
with a greater depth was integrated in the e.g. from Mediterranean mountain ranges,
floor deck with high dimensional precision. which can flourish in such conditions. At the
Thus, foam-glass granulate was employed Joseph Pschorr Haus in Munich this problem
to model the landscape of the garden decks, is exacerbated by the strong thermal reflection
because it makes it possible to accommodate of the black mirrored glazing. The courtyard
the different assembly thicknesses, and on the roof above the ground floor, the roof

gardens in front of the apartments on the for lawns and meadows (a minimum of 20
uppermost levels, and the narrow catwalks on cm substrate, though 30 cm is preferable) it is
the levels between are all intensively planted. recommended that sprinklers be installed for
grasses and perennials (a minimum of 45 cm
Inevitably, the tops of buildings also contain substrate) drip irrigation should be installed.
technical equipment such as chimneys,
ventilation shafts, and other components For roof surfaces with no slope, ebb-and-
required for the building’s mechanical systems. flow irrigation is an option: for roof gardens,
When working on the design of a roof, one can to reduce the irrigation requirement, it
either simply accept them (which amounts to makes sense to retain as much water from
ignoring them), or one can view the cladding of precipitation as possible. The drainage layer
the necessary equipment as point of departure allows water with a depth of up to 60 mm to be
and actively develop a wide variety of useful, retained; this water is available to the plants
unconventional spaces, or one can come up via capillary action and diffusion. Water can
with a unique aesthetic. For the Joseph Pschorr be retained by fitting the roof drainage system
Haus, Munich’s City Planning Department with retention elements. With the assistance of
required that the slanted solar panels be automated irrigation it is possible to maintain
integrated in extensive planting. We employed a minimum level of water retention during
dunes (made of substrate) to camouflage the dry periods. Rainwater from a cistern or grey
panels. Organic glue kept the sedum seeding water can be used for the irrigation.
from being blown away by the wind. The pink-
blossoming vegetation harmonizes not only Lush roof gardens without irrigation are the
with the brick red of the historic center’s roof, exception today because such a situation would
but also turned out to be an urban paradise for require continuous attention from a committed
bees. individual or an attentive group of residents.

The problem with high temperatures at Private harvest

the indoor garden of the passive house at
Mühlgrund in Vienna didn’t become apparent Growing vegetables on roofs in raised beds is
until it was in use. The lofty space flush with an ever-more-popular trend. Depending on
norther light offered, in combination with the size of the vegetable garden, several water
the automated ventilation the best conditions spouts and a compost pile will be necessary,
for the some 1000 plants, which are irrigated and irrigation is recommended. The areas to
by means of a rainwater cistern system. Due be gardened should have an assembly with a
to the region’s strong winds, the ventilation thickness of about 60 cm, in other words, two
sashes often did not open automatically, and shovels deep, to prevent damage to the roof
as a result, heat accumulated. For this reason, membrane. In addition, the roof sealant must
the climatic concept was revised and the be protected from damage with a special
ventilation was programmed to take advantage layer (e.g., a protective mat).
of the cool morning effect, which foresees
ventilation from 4:00 to 6:00 am. With regard The fundamental difference between the
to winter gardens, much can be learned from plants selected for a planting concept for a
gardeners’ experiences with glass houses! roof and one for the ground floor boils down
to three important factors: knowledge of the
Watering weather conditions, the choice of substrate,
and the choice of an irrigation system. When
To establish intensive green roofs, as a garden mounds are employed, the depth
rule irrigation – depending on the planning will vary. When selecting plants, one must
concept, in different forms – will be required: take into consideration the sun’s path, the

neighborhood’s specific climate, and, above term effect on the design of the garden. In this
all, the anticipated wind load. Generally context, different control components play a
speaking, preference should be given to role. First of all, the intended development
robust plants that do not require elaborate as foreseen by the landscape architects, then
care – and above all, to shallow-rooted plants. how the design concept stands the test of time,
Drought-tolerant woody pioneer plants can the changing demands of the user and finally,
be chosen – but with certain qualifications: the financial resources available.
we advise against those with aggressive roots,
for instance, birches or willows. Plants that Apartment buildings with amenities and the
are good options include: smaller trees, for accompanying outdoor spaces (for instance, for
example, certain maples, pruned juneberries, sauna, fitness, features for children, etc.) face
and fruit trees. greater challenges regarding the management
of the outdoor space as a whole. When different
Yet, next to a precautionary approach in groups of residents use the available facilities
response to the respective situation, special for a variety of uses, the need for professional
parameters can be turned to advantage. organization of the shared spaces – including
For example, the movement caused by the the outdoor spaces – increases.
wind of certain plant types (for instance,
ornamental grasses and tall perennials) To guard against deterioration, roof surfaces
can be highly alluring. On account of the require continual care. On account of their
advantageous solar path, climbing plants and location, they are exposed to extreme weather
fruit plants may be good options – while for conditions. When the appropriate materials are
the same building, on the ground level the employed, these conditions can be managed.
conditions might not be so favorable. It is important that weeding is done regularly,
gutters are freed of leaves, and natural seeding
Because roof landscapes are also used (by wind) of woody plants and trees such as
during the cooler seasons, it is worthwhile poplars and willows be kept in check. Some
to consider using evergreen plants – even if civic-minded groups implement residential
they are scattered sparsely throughout the projects and decide to take responsibility for
garden. the lighter garden work, but hire outside firms
for the heavy-duty maintenance.
Pilot project – Car-free living
On account of the increased pressure to squeeze
the maximum surface area out of residential It is not necessarily the budget that determines
projects, management and care of the outdoor a project’s success. The community’s
spaces are gaining importance, whereby continuing success (architects: ss|plus
depending on the use, different solutions are architektur – Rudolf Szedenik, Cornelia
conceivable. In housing, in many cases the Schindler, 1996–1999) has its roots in an
care of the vegetation can to a certain degree intense participation process with renters who
be taken on by the residents themselves. were highly motivated – both ecologically and
This option is to be seen primarily in smaller socially. Initiated by the Green Party politician
projects in which the persons involved had Christoph Chorherr, this pilot project arose
already become acquainted with the project in within the framework of Vienna’s subsidized
a participative planning process. At any rate, housing program. Renters agreed to forego car
the future development of a garden depends ownership, and even promised not to use a
largely on its care and maintenance. This car on a regular basis. Still, for legal reasons,
form of regular attention is indirectly part for the 244 apartments, 24 underground
of the design process, because it has a long- parking spaces were erected , which, at

present, are used to store motorcycles and viburnum, hibiscus, juneberry, cherry,
garden equipment. The amount saved by lavender, astilbe, tiger lily and climbing roses.
minimizing the underground garage was On the roof of the sauna, juneberry, boxwood,
invested in the shared spaces, energy saving privet, viburnum, lavender, lady’s mantle,
measures, and elaborately designed outdoor catnip and honeysuckle were planted. Two
spaces, both at ground level and on the roofs. roofs were equipped with “hill beds” (each 4 to
The different shared spaces were discussed 5 m2) for vegetable gardens. Each year the 33
in work groups and then were elaborated in planting parcels – for which a modest annual
greater detail. The two courtyards – which, fee is charged – are re-allocated based on a
thanks to the residents’ willingness to do precise set of rules.
without automobiles, are to a great extent free
of underground structures – created provide There was no difficulty in finding persons
plenty of variety: one, a play courtyard with to take responsibility for individual outdoor
a prominent hill, and the other, the pond spaces and related tasks. But it became clear
courtyard, in which a cantilevering pier offers that staying “on the job” for an extended period
respite near the water. Further spaces for the of time had a positive influence on the planning
community were created on the roofs. The process, and, conversely, that high turnover
plantings on the children’s roof include: fruit can lead to delays and misunderstandings. As
plants such as quince, tart cherry, blackberry, construction progressed, a change occurred:
raspberry, currant, and gooseberry. On the the usage, care, and development of the green
“living-room roof,” where parties are held and spaces were recognized as important topics
barbeque grills are in use, one finds dogwood, by a growing number of future residents. The

Globaler Hof Vienna (c) Auboeck-Karasz


first generation of residents wanted vegetation with the future residents. They also had the
with a freewheeling, prolific character – and opportunity to participate in the selection of
wanted to work without assistance from plants – as experience has shown, the plants’
professionals. Within just a few weeks of development is to a large degree dependent on
completion, the residents had planted the the commitment and involvement of individual
beds on the roof. Then they brought their own residents. To get the ball rolling with respect
vases and vessels to the roof to make more to subsequent self-organization, members of
space for additional plantings. a facilitator-led focus group worked together
until the residents moved into the apartments.
Globaler Hof (Global Courtyard)
On the long rectangular roof, which is
The roof of the Globaler Hof (architect: Peter accessible to all residents, one encounters
Scheifinger, 2003) was of experimental casually arranged beds of plants framed at
character at a time when urban gardening seating height. Their arrangement creates
was not yet a household word in Vienna. both a sense of expanse and places to retreat
This particular roof provides an inter-ethnic to. The ambulatory between the different
residential project in Vienna (accommodating areas has a wood-plank surface. On its sides,
140 apartment units) with a small allotment it transitions into a seating and lounging deck
garden. We succeeded in convincing the that conceals the piping below it. During the
residents to build flower boxes large enough participation process, the residents decided
to put a bed in. The sheds, beds, and pergolas against allocating the beds to individual
that sprouted tested the organizational and residents in favor of a shared garden for all
economic limits of subsidized housing; they to enjoy. The facility management carries out
were all very well received by the residents the garden work of the roof garden six times
– who hail from 28 nations and watch 85 each year. Not all of the plants that grow on
different television stations. The planting the roof were foreseen in the garden concept.
of the gardens and pergolas was left to Both by means of natural seeding (carried by
the individual residents. As confirmed in wind) and through the gardening activity of
a study dating to 2016, aside from other the residents, additional plants accumulate,
shared amenities, the residents identify with whereby it requires great skill to decide which
these gardens and they are in high demand plants should be removed. Beds of plants that,
for neighborly interaction and parties. The with a moderate amount of professional care,
residents did not participate in the planning in just a few years’ time have developed highly
process. What makes this project thrive is the satisfactorily have the potential to become
voluntary commitment of the residents, in a thriving, dense garden with large woody
particular of a highly committed immigrant plants – which would not be the case if it were
who served as the complex’s caretaker. a self-organized urban gardening project. – Sonnwendviertel solidarisch
(architects: ss|plus architektur, 2013) is the The planting concept takes Pannonian
name of a residential project in an area climate (hot and dry in summer, freezing
currently under development at Vienna’s cold in winter) of the site in southeast Vienna
Central Station with 124 rental apartments in into consideration. Grasses and perennials
which solidarity and helping one another play alternate, creating a an order that does not
a central role in how everyday life is shaped. force itself immediately on observers, but
The outdoor space is an integral component sinks in gradually. Dwarf Russian almond
of the complex’s overall concept. Decisions (Prunus tenella) provide an upward thrust
regarding the positioning and design of certain and are now flourishing on the rooftop. The
elements – for instance, the roof garden’s aim of the design is not to arrive at a static
wood decks or the plant beds – were made appearance, but to permit a development

process to take place. How this will turn out the go” and “Just outside the door, already
can never be fully determined in advance. It there.” Decisions about the positioning of the
depends on numerous factors, not least of all, different offerings were made together. The
on empathetic residents. Beginning in 2019, aim to attain special “spaces with potential”
a resident beekeeper’s bees will inhabit the is achieved by working with standard outdoor
roof. With this in mind, landscape architects typologies that define a design framework.
have provided residents recommendations Within this framework there are numerous
on which plants to grow on their balconies: opportunities to interact and to develop
ones that will provide the bees with additional versatile outdoor spaces; this was also to
sustenance. become an essential component of the
overall design. Thanks to the participative
Five Continents process, those involved thought much more
intensively about the future than is the case
An extremely intensive participation process in other projects in which, at this stage, it is
accompanied the realization of Wagnis ART, not yet known who the residents will be. A
a residential complex in Munich (architects: handbook with more than 50 pages sets forth
bogevischs buero/SHAG Schindler Hable the agreement they reached regarding rules
Architekten, 2016) – already the fifth project to for the use and care of the outdoor space –
be erected by Wagnis, which was established and thereby contributes the basis for the life
in the year 2000. This venture is located on of the community.
the grounds of a former military barracks on
Munich’s north side, where during an interim While in residential projects a number of the
phase, over the years Europe’s largest artists’ tasks related to care and maintenance can
colony came into being. Beginning in 2012, to be delegated to the residents, in commercial
the west of the remaining artists’ compound, buildings and office buildings, in garden
a complex consisting of five apartment matters, a competent facility management is
buildings named after the five continents a major prerequisite to flourishing plants and
was built; as a pilot project for contemporary user satisfaction.
forms of living, it provides spaces for both While, assuming they have a functional
living and working. Thanks to its large share irrigation system and receive basic care,
of public and shared spaces, the complex is extensive or semi-intensive plantings – for
an attractor for the entire district. The five example, the roof garden at the SEW academy
polygonal buildings are linked by bridges on of continuing education in Bruchsal testing
the third and fourth stories. Consequently, the limits of what is technically feasible – do
the unified buildings possess a variety of not require a particularly large investment,
subordinate spaces with distinct characters the care and maintenance of more complex
and different degrees of publicness. The fields and intensive green landscapes is considerably
on their roofs (40 cm soil) and beds (60 cm more work.
soil) are for growing plants for the gardener’s
own use. The non-profit building association During the summer immediately following
Wagnis considers participation and a sense of the completion of the Erste Campus, it quickly
community essential to its philosophy. From became clear that nearly ideal parameters are
the beginning, future residents were involved no guarantee that plants will flourish. While
in the planning process via work groups the four plane trees situated in areas above
and workshops, which in turn called into built structures were thriving, the ones in
question the architect’s autonomy. The basic natural ground had tiny leaves. It turned out
disposition of the several different functions that, due to a leak that required a considerable
in the outdoor space was developed by a work amount of time to be located, the irrigation
group; they devised the mottos “At home on had been partially switched off, and the trees

hadn’t been watered for several weeks. The

good news for subsequent projects: in the
meantime, sophisticated leak-identification
systems for green roofs have become available.
Nevertheless, someone must be charged with
repairing the leak and taking care of the plants
until the system is back in operation.

No matter how refined a technical system is,

it can never replace the attention and care
of someone who knows and uses the garden.
If, for example, an office employee notifies
the property management of slug damage
visible just outside his or her office window,
it can take quite a long time until the facility
management finds the culprit and initiates the
necessary measures.


To make urban roofs accessible at a large

scale to a building’s occupants or even to
the general public, it is necessary to devise a
complex course of action on multiple levels.
This pertains, on the one hand, to the legally

ErsteCampus Vienna (c) PeterPfau


binding aspects, such as determining what The City of Munich commissioned Auböck
the zoning of the site is, a matter linked to and Kárász to make a study of the greening
the definition of the benefits to be had by the and sharing of roofs. This is available not only
clients and investors – and indirectly, by the to any interested party as a stimulus to initiate
residents – in connection with the construction the accompanying permit procedures, but also
of the green roof. On the other hand, the has had an effect on competitions held for large
softer topics that have more media presence buildings: these endeavors were required to
or bestow a sense of luxury also play an include green roofs for the use of the building
important role. Competitions seeking designs occupants in the brief. In the background
of roof landscapes, special prizes awarded to were offsetting transactions related to zoning:
clients who have built roof gardens, promotion green roofs – and ideally, gardens accessible
of rooftop vegetable gardens, and guidelines to the public – are offered as compensation
for clients and users can all stimulate the for the increased profits earned on account of
creation of more roof gardens – not just when rezoned building heights or allowable density.
new buildings are built, but also on existing If employed resourcefully, green roofs hold
structures. potential to equip densely built up cities with
highly attractive natural settings.
Planning principles and research
Even if green roofs are booming – if we take
The presence of green has a long reputation a look, for example, at Vienna’s roofscape, it
as an important characteristic of a design, quickly becomes clear that only a very small
which, however, in some cases also leads to percentage of the roofs that have the potential
acceptance of ill- considered, kitschy solutions. to be green are green. To acquire valid data
Like a work of architecture, a work of garden regarding how great this potential really is, in
art is a visible statement in a city and part of the 2011, Vienna’s department of environmental
urban fabric. Just because something is green, protection undertook a comprehensive study.
doesn’t mean it’s good looking. A discussion The “Index of Vienna’s Green Roof Potential”
of design principles in landscape architecture is accessible to one and all: one need only
is taking place within the discipline, but it visit the city’s online map to find out which
doesn’t reach a large audience. of Vienna’s roof surfaces are – on account of
gentle slopes – well suited to being greened.
Research projects on the topic roof greening
and the evaluation of existing green roofs and Planning and project management
their care concepts supply important findings
that can be applied in day-to-day matters. Though in the past it was not uncommon
In addition, one must take into account the for a landscape architect to feel impelled to
motivation of developers, civil servants, and, reassure the architect that the plantings on the
above all, politicians. When the relevant roof would not extend beyond the roofline, or,
urban development programs – which go in other words, would not disturb the overall
hand in hand with subsidies and consultation architectural impression, nowadays, attitudes
– are promoted from the highest level of have changed. Ideally, landscape architects
government, a good basis for drawing more are involved in the design process from the
attention to “greening the city” is created. very beginning, and can discuss matters on
Mayor Olaf Scholz’s efforts in support of equal footing with the architects and the
“Hamburg’s Green Roof Strategy” illustrate structural engineers. What counts is that the
this point, as does Paris’s mayor Anne Hidalgo, architecture and nature become unified as
whose program to promote green roofs is on one, that common goals are pursued, and that
track to occupy a surface area of 100 hectares the garden and the architecture do not work
by the year 2020. against each other. Throughout the entire

planning phase, landscape architects must be Cracked Ice

part of the communication loop, so that they Main square, Hall in Tirol
can respond if, for instance, it turns out that 2005
the technical equipment of the roof will be Client: Municipality of Hall
significantly larger than was estimated at the Landscape architects: Auböck + Kárász
beginning of the planning process, or that for Landscape Architects, Vienna
structural reasons, the thickness of a certain
floor assembly must be reduced. Working Winter garden at generationen:wohnen,
together in synergy, with respect to both tools Mühlgrund, Vienna
and participants, is definitely an important 2011
prerequisite to creating new, ecologically Client: BUWOG Ges.m.b.H.
sound and well-designed urban districts. Architects: Artec Architekten, Vienna
Landscape architects: Auböck + Kárász
DATA Landscape Architects, Vienna

Roof garden at the state hospital in Hartberg Joseph Pschorr Haus, Munich
2000 2013
Client: Kages Client: Bayerische Hausbau, Munich
Architect: Klaus Kada , Graz Architects: Kuehn Malvezzi Architects, Berlin
Landscape architects: Auböck + Kárász Landscape architects: Auböck + Kárász
Landscape Architects, Vienna Landscape Architects, Vienna
Site supervision: Kalkhoff
Landschaftsarchitekten, Munich
Roof greening system: Optigrün international AG

Iles Flottantes Vienna (c) Lukas Schaller


Erste Campus, Vienna Pilot project – Car-free living

2015/2016 2000
Client: Erste Group Bank AG Client: GEWOG / Domizil, Wien
Architects: Henke Schreieck Architekten, Architects: Architekten: ss|plus architektur –
Vienna Rudolf Szedenik, Cornelia Schindler,
Landscape architects: Auböck + Kárász Landscape architects: Auböck + Kárász
Roof greening system: Optigrün international AG Landscape Architects, Vienna

SMART-Wohnen Alfred-Adler-Straße, Vienna Globaler Hof, Vienna

2016 2000
Client: Heimbau Client: Sozialbau, Vienna
Architects: Geiswinkler & Geiswinkler, Architect: Peter Scheifinger, Vienna
Vienna Landscape architects: Auböck + Kárász
Landscape architects: Auböck + Kárász Landscape Architects, Vienna
Landscape Architects, Vienna
Îles flottantes, Vienna – Sonnwendviertel solidarisch,
2017/2018 Vienna
Clients: Gemeinnützige Siedlungs- 2013
Genossenschaft Altmannsdorfand Hetzendorf Client: BWS
/ Heimbau Architects: ss|plus architektur
Architects: ARTEC Architekten / Landscape architects: Auböck + Kárász
Dietrich|Untertrifaller, Vienna Landscape Architects, Vienna
Landscape architects: Auböck + Kárász
Landscape Architects, Vienna SEW Headquarters, Bruchsal/Germany
Wagnis ART, Munich Client: SEW Immobilien GmbH
2016 Architect: Martin Kohlbauer, Vienna
Client: Wohnbaugenossenschaft Wagnis eG, Landscape architects: Auböck + Kárász
Munich Landscape Architects, Vienna
Architects: ARGE bogevischs buero
architekten & stadtplaner
and SHAG Schindler Hable Architekten,
Landscape architects: Bauchplan, Munich,
and Auböck + Kárász, Vienna
Urban orchard.
Cuba. I. de Felipe



Cristina Jorge Camacho

Architect, Cjcpaisaje /

INTRODUCTION a simple test that can be used to check your

heart’s rhythm and electrical activity. In a

iomimetic means learning from living macro scale, this test is used to indicate the
organisms that have evolved well- vital activity of the living beings from zig-zag
adapted structures and materials lines in exterior areas to straight lines in the
over geological time through natural interior of the building. Moreover, the test
selection. Biomimetics has given rise to new involves attaching sensors called electrodes
technologies inspired by biological solutions to the body. They are connected by wires to
at macro and nano scales. This analysis goes an ECG recording machine. This is linked
from microorganism scale, ecosystems scale with the maintenance and domotic system of
to thermodynamic parameters scale. landscape areas in order to improve the use
of water, drainage and electricity.
The landscape architecture project of
Montecelo hospital takes as reference the The Landscape Master Plan of Gran
electrocardiogram scheme to show the vital Montecelo Hospital project is shown for
pulse of the exterior therapy areas around the illustrative purpose and the programme is
new hospital. An electrocardiogram (ECG) is as follows:

Figure 1. Scheme & Key plan. Montecelo healthcare landscape. Architectural project: Chile15
arquitectos, Landscape project: Cjcpaisaje

• The microscale reference of the zig-zag lines over the Pontevedra ria, a relaxing group of
of green roof main entry plaza courtyards among hospital programme and
a therapeutic park with public parking. The
• The nanoscale reference of the narrow zig-zag pattern significantly bends and splits
stripes of courtyards in front of the hospital’s main entry, helping
to direct pedestrian traffic.
• The macroscale reference of the topographic
bands of parks and parking The landscape design blurred the boundary
between interior and exterior with a linear
The Landscape project deals with the system that extends from the interior
analysis, design and management of park, courtyards the hospital building into series
courtyards and green roof; research focusses of therapeutic riparian gardens, meadows,
on analyzing the microscale (animals, plants, shrublands and water system that serve a
machines), nanoscale (unicellular beings) and vital role in the patient healing processes.
macroscale (thermodynamics parameters). At
the same time, some areas are to lay out with Small organisms are composed of the
a minimum of detailed spaces for activities, essential elements, just surviving in a harsh
and do no offer anything, but necessary environment. The presented landscape
conditions; they are freely accessible for interventions require, at first place,
people of various ages who use them. electricity to activate the irrigation system
and lighting equipment; at the same time,
The Landscape Master Plan for the public they need gravity to facilitate the drainage
Montecelo Hospital is composed of three and accumulation of water in reservoirs; and,
primary áreas: a fringes system of main plaza, finally, they depend on the meteorological
a stripes pattern of courtyards and a bands conditions for the process of the plant
scheme of parks and parking A parallel zig-zag fertilization, humidity, etc. There is an
paving and plantation pattern connects the invisible relationship between the living
variety of program áreas around the hospital: system of micro-organisms and the power
a main entrance plaza with outstanding views infrastructure:

Food Energy
of the proper qualities and proportions of
1 Cytoplasm: water, drainage, minerals, and electricity,
uptake > Resources
Digestive Food Conversion need to maintain growth, such as state-of-art
vacuoles: digestion > Electricity laboratory; they provide the option of erasing
Waste Emissions the poor soil quality. Besides this laboratory,
3 Shrink vacuoles:
expulsion > CO2-H2O
soil poverty goes hand by hand with genuine
Feeding +
Macronucleus Micronúcleus
biological riches, whether by wind or by
4 Power Stations insects as a crucial link in the ecological
(a): (b):
Sexuality > chain.
5 Trichocyst: Protection Generators
Transmission Circles, ovoids and zig-zag lines are nodes
6 Cilia: Mobility
Tower where lines of infrastructure converge and
bands of activities concentrate. The landscape
The three biomimetics references are as design will be affected by the impact of very
follows: mild climate weather with heavy rainfall and
1. Ecosystems biomimetics the difference between day-time and night-
• Estuary (Rias) time temperature; so far away of the desire
• Meadows to impose order such as geometry in nature
• Temperate deciduous forest which is rare, and usually temporary. For
2. Microorganisms biomimetics example, concentric circles are created by
• Protozoos sand crabs after high tide on the beaches
• Bacteria of Bali, Indonesia or by circular frog ponds.
• Diatoms Landscapes are dynamics like the result of
3. Thermodynamics parameters physical processes (such as erosion and
• Temperature sedimentation) and of biological processes
• Wind (involving growth, blossoming, and decay).
• Rainfall It is significant the arrival of volunteer plants
and the remarkably dynamic way in which
Biomimetic landscape reveals the possibility plant species intercross and the role of insects
of using balanced resources, which consist and animals in such developments.

Figure 2. Microorganisms components & Green roofs islands. BELLMAN / HAUSMANN/ JANKE/
SCHNEIDER, 1994: Invertebrados y organismos unicelulares, Ediciones Blume, Barcelona.

1. ECOSYSTEMS BIOMIMETICS. and functions. This approach provides

MICRO-SCALE. TYPE OF potential opportunities for climate change
LANDSCAPE: ESTUARY, adaptation and mitigation by optimizing the
MEADOWS AND TEMPERATE use of resources in the exterior áreas around
The Gran Montecelo Hospital sits at the end of
Microscale. Ecosystems biomimetic the rias bears its name, occupying the valleys
of the Lérez and Tomeza rivers. Pontevedra
Humans, animals, plants, and machines. extends southwards to the mouth of river
The scale is related to the research of sense Verdugo in Ponte Sampaio. It is surrounded
of diversity such as fractals are any of class by four mountainous regions divided by
of complex geometric shapes that commonly two faults stretching north-south and one
exhibit the property of self-similarity and a from northeast to southwest. Galicia is one
self-similar object in one whose component of the more forested areas of Spain, but the
parts resemble the whole. majority of Galicia’s plantations, usually
growing eucalyptus or pine, lack any formal
Ecomimetics refers to the design of artificial management. Massive eucalyptus plantations
landscape that mimic ecosystem processes are largely on behalf of the paper company

Figure 3. Ecosystems biomimetic schemes: Estuary, Meadows, Green hills


Empresa Nacional de Celulosas de España a multitude of wildlife, providing areas for

(ENCE), Pontevedra which wanted it for its courtship displays, nesting, gathering food
pulp. or sometimes sheltering if the vegetation is
high enough. Spring meadows support a wide
• Marine ecosystem (Estuary-Rias Bajas) array of wildflowers, which makes them
of utmost importance to insects like bees,
It is an approach to the riparian vegetation pollination, and hence the entire ecosystem.
dynamics. The estuaries (the so-called Rías By contrast, the agricultural meadow that
Bajas) are unique systems which show a replaced the formerly cultivated field changes
gradient of vegetation from the open marine little from year to year. Galicia is notable for
coast to the inner shallow estuarine waters. the extensive surface occupied by meadows
Around ENCE Factory, the source of pollution used for animal husbandry, above all cattle, an
a nearly abiotic área was found where only important activity.
some sulfur bacteria lived. Macrophytic
vegetation increased with increasing distance • Forest ecosystem (Green Hills)
from the point of discharge. The roots of
riparian trees and shrubs help hold stream It is a mild topography with a density of scrubs
banks in place, preventing erosion and they and a small forest. They are the ecosystems in
also trap sediments and pollutants, helping which an abundance of flora is seen so they
keep the water clean. Moreover, riparian have a big number of organisms which lives in
vegetation provides habitat for many land- relatively small space. Temperate deciduous
dwelling creatures such as birds and lizards to forest is located in the most temperate places
find shelter, food and water and it shields river as Pontevedra that have sufficient rainfall.
from summer temperatures extremes. The Summers and winters are clearly defined
cover of leaves and branches brings welcome and trees shed the leaves during the winter
shade, ensuring that the stream temperature months.
remains cooler in the summer and moderate
in the winter (+23C/+6,3C in Pontevedra). The zig-zag lines of green roof main
entry plaza. On Earth biomimetics
• Grassland ecosystem
(Praries- Meadows) The green-roof design in front of the hospital’s
main entrance. Instead of planting sedum
Grasslands are located in temperate regions carpet in an extensive green roof, as it is
and the área mainly comprises grasses and used to do, the green roof triangle áreas
a little number of trees and shrubs. Prairies concentrate energy resources. On the green
is a temperate grassland. It is a field where roof, there are fruit and aromatic trees located
the agricultural and animal production area on small earth mounds covered with shrubs
conditions the surroundings. Apart from the and herbaceous plants which have a special
perpetual meadows, they are often conceived structural reinforcement. The selected plants
of as artificial or cultural habitats, since they are adapted to medium temperatures of
have emerged from and continually require Pontevedra with 16 ud/m2 density, in tray
human intervention to persist and flourish, but fillers 5cm thick. The localized irrigation has
they are really semi-cultural habitats because an automatic drip watering system and there
of the actions of intensive but invisible grazing is a drainage network of water tanks under
by grasshopper and other insects in normal these triangle mounds.
weather conditions. In summertime they
are converted in desert meadow restricted The sustainable water system pay full attention
by low precipitation or lack of nutrients and to hydrological cycles and the prevention
humus; while, in springtime, they often host of erosion by an automatic drip in localized

Figure 4. Fringe 1 of Green roof Plaza plan. Montecelo healthcare landscape. Architectural project:
Chile15 arquitectos, Landscape project: Cjcpaisaje

Figure 5. Fringe 2 of Green roof Plaza plan. Montecelo healthcare landscape. Architectural project:
Chile15 arquitectos, Landscape project: Cjcpaisaje

irrigation system. Transmittance: 0.26 W/ equally.Triangular islands such as porous

m2. The hybrid between extensive and semi- spots inside hardscape areas are spread. In
intensive green-roof is a more complex system other disciplines, some economic variables
and allows for the inclusión of perennials, are determined by models, while others are
small shrubs, and trees in pots in the plant usually assumed to be determined by factors
selection. The large capacity of the drainage outside of the model. The former is called
and water retention layer by gravel stripes is endogenous variables and the latter exogenous
located perpendicularly to the roof slope (10- variables. The analysis of distance and area
45%). combines to regulate the balance between the
endogenous and exogenous species1.
The quality of materials
• Endogenous material
Should the raw materials that improve soil
quality be endogenous or exogenous? The Endogenous zig-zag islands. The materials are
landscape intervention in the Gran Montecelo deciduous trees, aromatics plants, and herbs.
Hospital can be read as a trinary landscape in The “landscape skyscrapers” works with
which the dark of the temperate deciduous vertical layers which concentrate resources
forest, the light of estuary and the twilight instead of spreading them on horizontal
of meadows share the territory more or less surfaces. Indeed, what we contemplate is

an archipelago of islands of small forest put minerals, and electricity). Exogenous means
among meadows and hills. Isolates spots something derived or developed from outside
concentrate their energy resourses such as the body; originating externally. Ectosymbiosis
survival landscape for humans, animals, and os symbiosis in which the symbiont lives
plants. Endogeneity refers to the recipient on the body of the host. Eukaryotes are
of DNA, usually in prokaryotes, which are organisms whose cells are organized into
organisms without a cell nucleus or any complex structures by internal membranes
other membrane-bound organelles. Likely, and cytoskeleton and the most characteristic
in islands landscape such as in super-tall membrane-bound structure is the nucleus.
buildings, which historically have focused on
structural challenges (resisting gravity and 2. MICROORGANISMS
lateral forces from seismic and wind), the rules BIOMIMETIC: NANO-SCALE:
have changed, and energy has become the PROTOZOOS, BACTERIA,
defining parameter, because of tall buildings DIATOMS, (THE WASTE
alleviate infrastructure and transportation MATERIALS)
energy losses by consolidating commune
routes, reducing thermal transfer surfaces and Nano scale. Microorganisms
encouraging central development with mass Biomimetics
transit options like islands.
The nanoscale is the scale of the objects
• Exogenous material smaller than a cell and bigger than an atom,
those which cannot be easily seen without
Exogenous continents. The materials are aid. In physics, the nanoscale is sometimes
humus-rich earth, sand and gravel among considered the scale between the microscale
stripes. Due to the proximity of the estuary and the atom scale.
and the windy weather, many seeds come from
the estuary and that is the reason why there • Protozoa
are layers of humus-rich earth underneath the
entire unpaved ground and not only under Eukaryote reference: Protozoa are usually
green areas. The initial geometry of islands single-celled and heterotrophic eukaryotes
will change into great continents depending containing non-filamentous structures that
on the wind and the final configuration will be belong to any of the major lineages of protist.
as complex and unpredictable as original rural Cilia have their body ovoid to elongate, an
landscape. The intention is similar to the plan uniformly ciliated. Many protozoan species
of removing tons of sand from desert areas are symbionts, some are parasites, and some
which will leave depressions to be filled with are predators of feces bacteria and algae.
water, where algae can be grown to provide Exogenous means something derived or
sustainable sources of energy. As well as to developed from outside the body; originating
erase the notion of ghettos or micro-nations externally. Ectosymbiosis is symbiosis in
which are externally alienated and internally which the symbiont lives on the body of the
homogenized extraterritorial enclaves, spaces host.
of legal void or strategic implants2. This
mainly concerns those regions in the world • Bacteria
which are and will remain remote from central
energy supplies, or are thinly populated or are Prokaryote reference. Bacteria constitute a
islands that cannot for economic reasons be large domain of prokaryotic microorganism
connected to a power supply. In the project, and have a number of shapes, ranging from
the process is reversed because of the islands spheres to rods and spirals, without a cell
are owned of energy supplies (water, drainage, nucleus or any other membrane-bound

Figure 6. Microorganisms biomimetic scheme. BELLMAN / HAUSMANN/ JANKE/ SCHNEIDER,

1994: Invertebrados y organismos unicelulares, Ediciones Blume, Barcelona

organelles. They also live in symbiotic • Diatoms

and parasitic relationships with plants
and animals and have a few micrometers Algae Eukaryote reference. Diatoms are
in length. Bacteria provide the nutrients unicellular and can exist as colonies in
needed to sustain life by converting dissolved the shape of ribbons or filaments such as
compound such as hydrogen sulfide and Fragilaria crotonensis, fans, zigzags or stars.
methane to energy. Magnetotactic bacteria They are producers within the food chain and
produce their magnetic particles in chains, are enclosed within a cell wall made of silica
where prokaryote genes are also expressed (hydrated silicon dioxide) called a frustule.
in groups, known as operons, instead of Their cells are containing within a unique
individually as in eukaryotes. silica cell wall comprising two separate valves

(or shells). One of the valves is slightly larger microclimate, reducing exterior temperatures
- the hypotheca- than the other -the epitheca- and improving air quality, including thermal
allowing one valve to fit inside the edge of benefits as vegetation covering which gives
the other. Diatoms communities are a tool additional climatic protection for spaces
for monitoring environmental conditions, located underneath them. A substrate of
past and present, and are commonly used in humus and river sand is sprayed on in
studies of water quality and in researches in layers 50-100cm. Courtyard induces natural
nanotechnology. ventilation, optimizes lighting and promotes
energy saving. The drainage system has been
The narrow stripes of courtyards. designed considering the proximity of the
Underground biomimetics groundwater table and the presence of sandy
clay in the subsoil.
Series of enclosed pieces of ground which
represents the relationship between nature The waste materials
and culture has a multifunctional courtyards
build-up with high water retention capacity What does the definition of waste mean in
for lawns, perennials and on deeper layers of relation to wildness if this concept means
growing medium for shrubs and even trees. the preservation of the world? Does bad
The passing of time can be perceived in the weed translate the definition of waste into
wider landscape, but also in every garden. landscape projects? Gilles Clément identifies
three kinds of spaces which he believes have
The system of on-ground gardens and the potential to allow our biodiversity to
intensive green roof gardens allows to creates a continue to develop: délaissés or transitional

Figure 7. Strip 1 of Courtyards plan. Montecelo healthcare landscape. Architectural project: Chile15
arquitectos, Landscape project: Cjcpaisaje

Figure 8. Strip 2 of Courtyards plan. Montecelo healthcare landscape. Architectural project: Chile15
arquitectos, Landscape project: Cjcpaisaje

spaces -formerly exploited as agricultural, biological process that defines their position
industrial, urban or touristic space and it is and their appearance. With the usage of raw
synonymous with the notion of untended or materials that in the end return to mother
fallow land-, réserves or undeveloped spaces earth, the concept of “waste-free” was actually
-a place never exploited, whether by change, realized, where plantations are grouped into
or because physically inaccessibility makes clumps of the earth such as small groups
it too costly to develop-, and ensembles of immune cells that act as filters for the
primaries or officially preserved natural lymphatic systems.
places -land or space set aside and protected
by administrative degree 3. He makes no In reference to this biological wildness, Peter
distinction between “good” and “bad” weeds; Sloterdijk offers a reflection on humanism
their intermingling is determined by a as the effort to tame the human beast.

Figure 9. Thermodynamic and climatic parameters. Diccionario Enciclopédico Hispano-americano

de Literatura, Ciencias, Artes, etc., Barcelona, (1887-1899), apéndice (1907-1910)

Consequently, he proposes the creation • The temperature

of an “ontological constitution” that would
incorporate all beings (humans, animals, Thermodynamic temperature is defined by
plants, and machines) 4. It is a description the third law of thermodynamic in which the
of the self-domestication of humans. Indeed, theoretically lowest temperature is the null
by suggesting that one could even go as far or zero point. It is often also called absolute
as to define a human as a creature which has zero (-273ºC). At this point, the particles
failed in being and remaining an animal. The constituents of matter have a minimal motion
definition of waste may be the undeveloped and can become no colder. This absolute
plot or leftover fragment of soil, and they temperature does not depend on the properties
could be a refuge of the earth’s biodiversity of a particular material. From a microscopic
and it inevitably affects to some wasted space viewpoint, material is at thermal equilibrium
that awaits a future use. It is no longer a place if the quantity of heat between its individual
abandoned to rubbish and weeds but becomes particles cancel out.
a sort of reservoir or biological time resource
for the future. The wastelands are fallow fields, • The wind
roadside shoulders, peat bogs and moors. It is
the protection of wildlife as a microbiological The thermodynamic characteristic of wind
chain. means that the wind is affected by air
temperature and pressure and has an effect
3. BIOMIMETIC MACRO- on wind turbine performance -in terms
SCALE. THERMODYNAMICS of energy- based on wind chill effect and
PARAMETERS: TEMPERATURE, Bernoulli’s equation. The wind chill effect
WIND, HUMIDITY (THE DELIVERY leads to temperature differences that enthalpy
TIMES OF MATERIALS) and entropy components must be considered
into the thermodynamic analysis. The wind
Macro scale. Thermodynamic pressure effect based on Bernoulli’s equation
biomimetic affects the entropy of the wind.

The macroscale is the meteorological scale • The rainfall

covering an area ranging from the size of a
continent to the entire globe. The smallest The rainfall occurs after agglutination of water
scale of meteorological of phenomena, droplets with condensation nuclei, the size
called microscale, that range in size from of the particle formed by the condensation
a few centimeters to a few kilometers: net nuclei connected with a droplet of wáter
radiation, sensible heat flux, latent heat flux, increased considerable and caused to fall.
ground heat storage, and fluxes of trace gases There is another thermodynamic explanation.
important to the atmosphere, biosphere, and The clouds are gas composed of dry air
hydrosphere. It also refers to small scale and saturated water vapor whose optical
meteorological phenomena with life spans properties depend on temperature. When the
of less than a few minutes that affect very temperature of the cloud decreases, the color
small areas and are strongly influenced by of this gaseous system tends towards white 5.
local conditions of the temperature of terrain.
Thermodynamics parameters in Pontevedra The topographic bands of parks
(20 m High, 42.433619º N, 8.648053ºW) and parking spaces. On the Air
are: Temperature (Tmax= +29ºC/TºMin= biomimetics
+6,3ºC) / Wind (VMax=153 W summer/E
winter) / Precipitation (1,613 mm/year) / The Landscape Project for the Gran Montecelo
Humidity (HR Anual= 69%) Hospital divides the surface area into specific

stripes to identtfy improvement strategies The delivery times

evaluating thermodynamics imbalances such
as improve facilities, increase biodiversity, How could be delivery times on construction
reduced the flooding effect and the sites where livings beings (plants animals
relationship between radiation, humidity or humans) are growing? How can establish
and wind conditions along the year. The these delivery times if every living thing has
advances in the knowledge of energy behavior the capacity to transform, either by choice or
applied to different shapes, materials and by necessity, over the course of its life, and
construction techniques and the improvement whatever evolutionary change occurs is passed
in the simulation software of thermodynamic on to the next generation? The fundamental
phenomena are useful macro-scale tools. processes, namely dispersal, invasion,
competition, adaptation, and extinction, are
In park areas, some changes can occur among the most difficult in biology to study
suddenly: discontinuities may disrupt the and understand 6.
course of certain events, creating a complex
situation whereby dynamics change take Robert Le Ricolais said that together with life
place at different speeds, something that is comes the problem of growth, and until now
often difficult for the individual observer to man has not been capable of making machines
grasp. The rural and urban park areas are that grow 7. On the other hand, it is important
also combined with other functions: paths, the principle of automorphism such as some
playgrounds, adult games, squares, car park, kind of geometric assemblage of forms which
and helipad. The car park has triangular islands go into one another, repeating themselves.
among parking places and is specifically Some microorganisms such as radiolaria are
designed to be applied taking account of the a highly elaborate piece of work where you
singular topography and several green bands have a ball inside a ball inside yet another ball.
are designed in order to prevent and filtrate Radiolaria is distinguished by the segregation
water runoff. of their soft anatomy into the central

Figure 10. Bands 1 of Parking plan. Montecelo healthcare landscape. Architectural project: Chile15
arquitectos, Landscape project: Cjcpaisaje

Figure 11. Bands 2 of Parks plan. Montecelo healthcare landscape. Architectural project: Chile15
arquitectos, Landscape project: Cjcpaisaje

Figure 12. Bands 3 of Parks plan. Montecelo healthcare landscape. Architectural project: Chile15
arquitectos, Landscape project: Cjcpaisaje

capsule, containing the endoplasm, and the of state-of-art technologies and no technology
surruonding ectoplasm and by the siliceous, at all, between seeking total control of the
opaline skeletons of the large majority of environment and abandoning all modes of
species. In addition, Buckminster Fuller control.
traced his observations back to the concept
of evolution, essentially proposing a dynamic CONCLUSIONS
system, a chain of consecutive reactions
(such as a microorganisms chain) in which An important role in sustaining bio-diversity
a bird, for example, modifies its habitat the is played by nature reserves scattered like
moment It builds a nest, but in due course, the islands over an agricultural landscape. In
environment transforms the bird’s behavior relation to lean construction and urbanism,
and existence, just as it has transformed Toyota System Production (TPS) defines
humans in many respects 8. About delivery Lean such as an operational strategy oriented
times, some thoughtful approaches for the toward achieving the shortest possible cycle
future are alternated between the utilization time by eliminating waste; in other words, pull

Figure 13. Bands 4 of Parks plan. Montecelo healthcare landscape. Architectural project:
Chile15 arquitectos, Landscape project: Cjcpaisaje

versus push, where pull is simply providing interconnected pattern of natural areas that
a product or service only when asked for by allows plant and animal species to migrate 9.
the customer and push means a product is Existing nature triangular islands are therefore
produced and then sold to a customer. being expanded, and new ones laid out and
connected by corridors of varying width such
1. Ecosystems biomimetics. as zigzag stripes of humus-rich earth.
Micro-scale references.
The green roofs. 2. Microorganisms biomimetic.
Nano-scale references. The
The quality of materials. In relation to the courtyards.
material management system: The lean
system applied to landscape architecture talks The waste materials. In the lean system applied
about the use of proven material management to landscape architecture the waste elements
system and visual aids by adding signs and are motion, transporting, overproduction,
by organizing tools and equipment on the inventory, waiting, overprocessing and defects.
projects. The qualities in lean urbanism are: If we consider time in relation with movement
sort, store, shine, standardize, sustain. The and growth, seed movement coming from the
heterogeneous materiality of the project river are transported by the wind as well as
assures a cycle system; one could be sort, traveling plants, worms, insects or humans
shine and standardize and the other, store and passing through and germinate wherever bare
sustain. Firstly, the endogenous materials are ground welcomes them into the park, the
the part of semi-intensive triangular green garden or the green roof; and this approach
roof islands which can be set on a small relativizes the notions of plants and weeds.
mountains of certainly 600-800 mm for shrubs When a tree grows and coves with shadows
until an altitude of approximately 1000-1200 the soil behind it creates an island of green.
mm for trees; secondarily, the exogenous At the beginning the shape of the island was
materials are the part of the extensive humus predetermined but as the times goes, this form
earth roof which can be set on a growing blurring its contours in the natural process
medium layer of approximately 100-150 mm and takes shape not only on a drawing plan,
where a low weight and low maintenance but on the site; supporting a weed network
cost are stipulated. Ecosystems cannot exist such as a fabric or structure of cords and wires
within isolated areas, but must instead be that cross at regular intervals and are knotted
part of a larger environmental framework, an or fixed at the crossing 10.

Figure 14. Zigzag Diatoms. Microorganisms components & Green roofs islands. BELLMAN /
HAUSMANN/ JANKE/ SCHNEIDER, 1994: Invertebrados y organismos unicelulares, Ediciones
Blume, Barcelona

3. Thermodynamics parameters. continent landscape. Should not only help

Macro-scale references. The parks improve biological diversity but also maintain
a humidity level below the layer of leaves,
The delivery times of materials. Referring branches and weeds from the changing
to lean construction, long term decision seasons. The system is like the immune
making are long term improvements even system’s first line of defense. Analyzing the
at the expense of the short gains could be proximity of the estuary in the project, the
made using easier or less expensive decisions; hydrographic network is dendritic too, where
create continuous flow in every process such water flows on a seasonal basis through the
as systems need to be linked together to allow watersheds of the estuary.
communication and elimination of the waste
in the overall system by embracing technology NOTES
and by using proven technology to improve
communication. In the same way as Zero 1 “The equilibrium model of island biogeography
Energy Building (ZEB) creates a heterogeneous explained variation in number of species on
indoor environment in the office space, for islands by the influences of isolation and area
example, where it would be acceptable to have on rates of immigration and extinction. Firstly,
differences in the quality of workplace space this model predicted higher rates of immigration
and environment; the Green roof it would be to islands nearer sources of colonist and,
a heterogeneous place where it is possible to secondarily, the model predicted high rates of
use the concept of artificial ground and the extinction on small islands”. McArthur, Robert
idea of enjoying environmentally-friendly H. / Wilson, Edward O.: The Theory of Island
space that, over time, reflect the changing Biogeography. Princeton University Press, New
nature outside in relation with seasons is Jersey, 2001.
beneficial. To make a hybrid of passive and
active techniques is difficult, but more precise 2 “The idea of “island” as an urban metaphor
and advanced control technology makes this can also be understood as a real laboratory of
possible 11. The delivery time is strongly resource management or sustainable uses of
linked to the maintenance time, whose by resources that can facilitate the elimination
means of an archipelago of triangular islands of poverty. Just like an island in the sea, the
such as a dendritic structure together with management of resources such as water, sewage,
the proved management, the protection, food and, energy is the key for the sustainable
and expansion of island configuration versus future of the cities where this tensión between

formal and informal has become a central frame), which is a topologically closed system
issue. We can describe economic (price of oil) as in compression- organized for stability
a subset of culture, as a system for managing and performance; and an external surface
and developing our resources whatever they membrane that is a topologically open system
form.” Islands + ghettos. Catálogo exposición, in tension. The systems are separated or joined
Heidelberger Kunstverein, 2008. by an epidermic layer of radiating pseudopodia
(or spicules) in compression. Its most apparent
3 “Clément defined the notion of the “Third characteristics are the separation (by
landscape” in 2002, in the context of a study diaphragms) of the compression zone from the
of the area Valssiviére-en-Limousin in France. tensile zone, and that both zones are optimal
He identified transitional or unused spaces, structures for their loading. Robert Le Ricolais.
undeveloped land, and officially designated Visiones y Paradojas. Fundación Cultural
natural places as fragments of the planetary COAM, Madrid, 1997.
garden which have the potential to ensure the
future of earth’s biodiversity.” Gilles Clément 8 Fuller’s Franklin Lectures in Science &
/ Philippe Rahm. Environ(ne)ment. Catalogo Humanities, presented at Auburn University
Exhibition, Centre Canadien d’Architecture, in 1969, was published in R. Buckminster
Montreal, 2007. Fuller, Eric A. Walker, and James R. Killian,
Jr., Approaching the Benign Environment, ed.
4 “Anyone who is asking today about the Taylor Littleton (London: Muller Limited, 1973)
future of humanity and about the methods of p.4.
humanization wants to know if there is any
hope of mastering the contemporary tendency 9 “Island do not need to be surrounded by water:
towards the bestialization of humanity” an isolated copse, or an enclosed farmstead in
SLOTERDIJK, Peter. Normas para el parque an open landscape, can effectively be an island
humano. Siruela, Madrid, 2000. in the space surrounding it. In ecological theory,
an important role in sustaining bio-diversity
5 Mbane Biouele César: “Fundamentals on is placed by natural reserves scattered like an
Thermodynamic Processes behind Clouds’ and island over an agricultural landscape.” VROOM,
Rainfalls’ Formation”. Atmospheric and Climate Meto J. Lexicon of garden and landscape
Science, 2015, 5, 257-265. architecture, Birkhauser, Basilea, 2006.

6 “The number of species found on islands far 10 “The system depends first upon the sun, the net
from the source colonization will grow more production of photosynthesis after respiration,
rapidly with island area than will the number upon the water and upon the cycling and
on near islands. The number of species on large recycling of the materials in the system by the
islands decreases with distances from the source decomposers. it is quite clear that the process
of colonization faster than does the number of requires that the substance or wastes, the
species on small islands” McArthur, Robert H. output of one creature, are the import or inputs
/ Wilson, Edward O.: An Equilibrium Theory to the others. The oxygen wastes of the plant
of Insular Zoogeography. Princeton Univ. Press, were input to the man, the carbon dioxide of
New Jersey, 2001. the man input to the plant; the substance of the
plant input to the man, the wastes of the man
7 In his 1940 article on “Systemes Reticules...” Le input to the plant; the wastes of the man and
Ricolais reveals some further characteristics of the plant input to the decomposers, the wastes
the rapport between forms. Within the natural of these the input to the plant; and the water
form of the radiolarian there are two majors went round and round and round.” McHARG,
structural systems an internal scaffolding of Ian L. Design with nature, The Falcon Press,
skeletal polyhedra (Le Ricolais “triangulated” Filadelfia, 1971.

11 “The ground surface of modern cities is blanketed McARTHUR, Robert H. / WILSON, Edward O.:
in asphalt and concrete. It is necessary to limit The Theory of Island Biogeography. Princeton
coverage to a minimum. Where concrete and the University Press, New Jersey, 2001.
like are absolutely necessary, it is important to
have a shift toward permeable and absorbent McARTHUR, Robert H. / WILSON, Edward O.:
materials.” MATSUNAMA, Katashi. “Toward An Equilibrium Theory of Insular Zoogeography.
the realization of ZEBs”. En: Sustainable Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 2001.
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1900-2010 & Beyond Editorial Board Members of PROMINSK, M.; STOCKMAN, A.; ZELLER, S.;
Nikken Sekkei, Tokio, 2010. STIMBERG, D. VOERMANEK, H. River. Space.
Design. planing strategic, Methods for Projects
BIBLIOGRAPHY for Urban Rivers. Birkhäuser, Balilea, 2013.

BELLMAN / HAUSMANN/ JANKE/ Robert Le Ricolais. Visiones y Paradojas.

SCHNEIDER, 1994: Invertebrados y organismos Fundación Cultural COAM, Madrid, 1997.
unicelulares, Ediciones Blume, Barcelona.
SLOTERDIJK, Peter. Normas para el parque
Gilles Clément / Philippe Rahm. Environ(ne) humano. Siruela, Madrid, 2000.
ment. Catalogo Exhibition, Centre Canadien
d’Architecture, Montreal, 2007 STREBLE, Heinz/ KRAUTER, Dieter, 1987: Atlas
de los Microorganismos de Agua Dulce, Ediciones
Islands + ghettos. Catálogo exposición, Omega, SA, Barcelona.
Heidelberger Kunstverein, 2008.
Sustainable Architecture in Japan. The Continuous
McHARG, Ian L. Design with nature, The Falcon Challenge 1900-2010 & Beyond Editorial Board
Press, Filadelfia, 1971. Members of Nikken Sekkei, Tokio, 2010.

VROOM, Meto J. Lexicon of garden and landscape

architecture, Birkhauser, Basilea, 2006.
Cuenca. Spain.
I. de Felipe



Manuel Quirós
School of Architecture & Design, Instituto de Empresa University

SUMMARY following generations. Biomimicry, or bio-

inspired innovation, is a disruptive philosophy

he aim of this publication is to show and methodology that is already working in
alternatives to broaden the search for the industry of many sectors but is not yet
solutions that the architecture field, well known. This publication shows a basic
among many other sectors, has to achive in introduction with three inspiring cases in
this century in order to make traction to the architecture and how the survival strategies
long-awaited sustainable development that of the elected organisms can undoubtedly
humanity must design. The sustainable, improve the current designs in sectors
regenerative and resilient strategies from such as water management, energy, waste,
nature represent excellent references for this design or into a more systemic level. These
difficult objective. Not in vain some living examples are real exampleas where analogies
organisms has managed to sustain itself can be applied in many other cases where
on Earth for the past 3,850 million years the potential benefits of sustainability and
showing the best strategies and standards to regeneration from the perspective of nature go
adjust to the imperative laws of the planet, beyond the mere toxicity of materials or their
to function and to endure. Bacteria, plants, production or the generation of waste at the
fungi, animals and ecosystems are today end of the life cycle of services and products.
true smart engineers, architects, designers or Providing new approaches of all ready
managers that effectively show us systems, published contents connecting the discipline
materials, processes and mechanisms that of biomimicry with architecture, could make
can undoubtedly help the human specie in sense of how from cities can be reconnected
the most ambitious and difficult challenge to with the ecosystemic services lost from the
which our specie has to face up to maintain last decades with the intention to promote a
the standard of life and habitability of the shift in architecture design.

KEYWORDS including for sure not only new material

and products but also urban environments,
Biomimicry, design inspired by nature, improving social and economic systems.
sustainability, regenerative design, innovation
in architecture, termite mounds, namibian The potential open solution space from
beetle, systemic design. nature principles (forms, patterns, strategies,
mechanisms…) has catched the attention of
INTRODUCTION a important set of profesionals from many
disciplines (academics, industry, design,
Humanity faces in this century several global architecture, medical or economics) all over
and dramatic challenges which require the world. Although the biomimetic field is
high dosis of innovation that must include not new, without any doubt the publication
sustainability and regenerative approaches of Biomimicry, Innovation Inspired by Nature
(WWF, 2018). Biodiversity loss, called 6th in 1997 from Janine Benyus (Beny us,
mass extinction, degradation of ecosystems 1997) enhanced the global attraction of this
including global pollution and climate disruptive discipline. This is not the goal of
chaos well shown in the exceeded planetary the article but the reader may know the
boundaries (Rockström et al., 2009) extended proliferation of terms used to describe the
by the European Comission (Steffen et al., field including: biomimicry, biomimetics,
2015), will require imaginative and holistic- bioinspiration, biologically inspired design,
systemic solutions which may push us “out of biologically inspired engineering, bionics,
the box” mindset, opening the solution spaces. biognosis, bioreplication, biomorphosis
Humanity is being concentrated in cities and (Hoeller et al. 2013), and even biophilic
in few decades over 70% of global population design. One fundamental difference between
will be urban based. Biophillic urbanism with these valid disciplines and biomimicry is
several interesting actions (vegetated roofs, that the last is searching for sustainability
daylighting streams, wildlife corridors, storm and regenerative goals meliorating the actual
buffers, parks, gardens, street canopies, green design and manufacturing processes.
side walks and many other green and blue
infrastructures …), have been used increseanly Today many experts believe that humanity,
oven the last few years with more relevance at least in the western world, have broken
in Europe thanks to the Nature Base Solution the connection with nature (Orr, 1994).
actions to tackle environmental challenges Biomimicry can heal this broken bond using
in urban areas (European Commission, from algorithms, new potentially friendly and
2014) since the old continent aims to be an efficient materials to processes, structures,
inspirational world leader in green solutions. mechanisms, and even systems. Not in vain
nature has always served as a model for
On the other hand, over the 3.85 billion mimicking and inspiration for humans to
years since life is registered to start on Earth improve their life. By adapting mechanisms
evolution (Lowman, 2002), has helped to and functionalities from living systems now
solve many challenges that living organisms thanks to new scientific technology and holistic
and systems have running using an impresive approach, we humans, start to understand
and efficient catalogue of strategies. Nature’s that learning from nature is better than just
inventions have always inspired human learning of nature (Benyus, 1997). Biomimicry
challenges specially when homindis were could provide a valuable vehicle for such
totally connected, in a biophilic way with shift in thinking because it encourages us to
nature. Biomimicry can be defined as the understand that humans are not separate from
emulation of strategies registered in the living nature because we are nature and we are at the
world potentially applicable in human designs end totally dependent upon them for survival,

Fig 1. Scale of patterns harmonization (Bill Reed). Image used with the permission of the autor. All
rights reserved©

thus the human-ecosystem relationship by designing and developing the built

changes in a relevant way (Mathews, 2011). environment to restore the capacity of urban
ecosystems to function at optimal level of
Biomimetic architecture does not necessarily health for retrofit mutual benefits of both
translate into a new design aesthetic and human and non-human organisms where
in many cases it may involves just like an systemic based approach is neccesary. The
interpretation, an analogy, where a particular potencial use of the nature´s strategies into
adaptation or derivation from biology is the architecture sector opens the solution
applied (Vincent et al. 2006). This process of space not only related to building itself
translation often results in designs that are but also to a new method of manufacturing
not immediately aesthetically similar to the materials, structural systems, to existing
organism that inspired them, but utilise some problems based on biological models, as well
of the same functional concepts. Biomimicry as improved relationship of built spaces with
natural environment and, in general, with
therefore is not the same as organic, living beings (Fernandez y Neila 2015). Heat,
biomorphic or zoomorphic architectures, related to conduction, convection, radiation or
which are concerned with the visual mimicry thermal energy storage; optical, related to the
of organic form in design. On the other transparency of the surfaces enhancing solar
hand regenerative design can be understood radiation; airflow, related to the direction and

wind velocity, ventilation and air exchange, or Eastgate Center designed by Michael Pierce
variations in relative humidity; water systems in collaboration with Ove Arup & Partners
in relation to water gain, store, regulating engineers inspired by termites mounds; the
moisture, filtration and recycling; energy second example based on land restoration and
generation (Fernández & Neila, 2015) are just renewable energy plan known as The Sahara
few fields where architecture design must Forest Project maked posible thanks to a large
improve in a deep way soon. Authors like public-private consortium, inspired among
the recognized Bill Reed affirms that intead other living organisms in the Namibian beetle;
of doing less damage to the environment, it is and finally the third case, the Bullit Center,
necessary to learn how we can participate with the main headquarter of the Bullitt Foundation
the environment, in something clled “living designed by Miller Hull Partnership and
systems thinking (Figure 1) where biomimicry inspired by how a living forest works related
can play an important role. to the ecosystemic services they provide.


We are not the unique specie modifying the Termites standing biomass has been estimated
environment and the available resources to be higher than ungulates in savanna 100 kg
for specific purposes (Jones et al., 1994). Ha-1 versus 80 kg Ha-1) giving some credibility
Beavers building dams, elephants felling to the importance of termites in the functions
trees, earth worms forming soils or mycelium of these ecosystems (Deshmukh, 1989). The
fungi decomposing and recycling all types of genus Macrotermes, construct large nets (50m2
materials and plants collecting and storing basal area) when basic resources like water,
water are just few examples. Most of these clay accumulation in the soil and plants for
living organisms procedures, contribute foraging (1-1,5 T/Ha/year) are available in a
to habitat heterogeneity generating life permanent way they consider (Boyer, 1975).
supporting strategies such as resilience, This councious prevision of raw materials
stability and even food availability or shelter. can be used as an analogy that we humans
In other situations species can produce a are not the only specie capable to make
phenomenon called trophic cascade (Ripple decisions in order to build shelter and other
& Beschta, 2011) where effective restoring basic life supporting elements. Macrotermes
landscape may occur with emergent properties michaelseni and M. subhyalinus were the two
to the ecosystems. These collaborative actions termites species that Michael Pierce studied
can be aligned to the common good. Human to face a challence in Harare, Zimbaue. These
have an important source of strategies to learn between 4-15 mm minuscule insects built in
from nature as organisms who also modify terms of relative scale the tallest skycrapers
the environment for support. Cities occupy which can raise up to 9 meters from the floor
a relative small space in the planet, 2.7% without considering the subterraneal galleries.
(SEDAC) but consume an important amount Recently it have been discovered in Brazil
of resources, producing a colosal amount of the largest worldwide construction done by
waste and GHG emissions as well as other Syntermes dirus that has persisted for up to
issues. So we must look for solutions and 4,000 years covering an estimated area of
nature can provide some good ideas to be 230,000 km2 inter-connecting tunnel networks
explore and applied. approximately 10 km3 of soil being deposited
in 200 million conical mounds that are 2.5
Following, I will describe just three good m tall and approximately 9 m in diameter
references in architecture as examples of (Martin, S.J. et al., 2008). Like us, termites
biomimicry design in urban ecosytems. The build a building-system like that suits them
first one and probably the most popular is the rather than adapting to their environment

counteracting two critical physical factors: cool ecosystem engineering (Dangerfield,1998) and
and humidity. To do this colosal construction can persist for long periods to the biodiversity
the termite´s building uses zero waste using included
solar powered air conditioning combining
the whole structure with a sustainable You can easily imagine how termites were
agriculture (fungus Termitomyces). These the primary source of bioinspiration to the
catedral-like structures made from bottom up architect Michael Pierce when he designed
without a preliminar instructions and without with Arup engineers the Eastgate Center
engineers and architects are perfectly nort- in Harare, Zimbaue in 1996. This 26,000
south oriented with a large absorbing area m2 office building and 5,600 m2 retail space
catching the warmth of the morning sun rays center with 450 parking use passive cooling.
after the cold of the night. Ventilation tubes The cool air circulates into large floor voids
within the walls are controlled intentionally containing a labyrinth precast concrete
by the insects when the temperature inside elements maximizing the heat transfer with a
rises too much in combination with tunnels large surface area (Pawling, 2011). Pierce got
below the soil which can maintain an internal an interior temperature maintained between
temperature of 31ºC with a 1ºC variation even 21º-25ºC range when outside are between
when outside temperaturas can vary 39ºC 5º-33ºC. Works by sorting heat during the
between day and night (Webb, R. 1994). In day and verting it at night when temperatures
this colosal construcction organisms acts as drop down using 35% of the energy required
a ecosystemic actor creating a resource flows by a similar conventionally cooled building
that affect the composition of the current and (Michael Pierce website; Figures 2 & 3). Other
future biophysical diversity with feedback authors cited that this resulted reductions
mechanisms. This procedure is also known as in energy use ranges between 17% and 52%

Looking green wall. Urcelay


Figs 2 and 3. Illustration showing the day and night function energy passive system and a
comparisson analogy with air flow with a termite mound

compared to similar buildings in the area. It seems that the current real estate market
(Turner, J.S. et al., 2008) with the evident is focussed on getting all the benefits out of
reduction in the greenhouse gas emissions. the users instead of creating a system that
Under this perspective, biomimicry offer actually benefits the tenants, the maintenance
another lesson to achive, a new way of and the investor. This unnatural system is not
collaboration with other disciplines such interested at all in the business sector which
as biologists which together can meliorate undoubtelly is better for us under an holistic
new goals of sustainability and regeneration, perspective. But this things may chance
something called BADT (biologists at the at least in Europe with the new regulation
design table). coming where a drastical change in the energy

demand will be demanded. The reader can go without competing with food cultivation,
further this buiding visiting the Michael Pierce and the revegetation of some parts of the
website (check the References section). boundaries of the desert is also searchable.
The system also wans to provide a global
The Sahara Forest Project climate benefits by sequestering CO2 in the
facility’s plants and soils formed. The project
By establishing a saltwater value chain, this also aims to stop the alarming process of
large scale project aims for the first time a desertification through the revegetation of
generation of electricity from concentrated some specific areas. The Saltwater-cooled
solar power as well as water-efficient Greenhouses system was inspired by the
Seawater Greenhouses in a symbiotic Namibian fog-basking beetle, Stenocara
combination. The potential results will gracilipes. By using seawater to provide
produce high value crops in the desert, evaporative cooling and humidification,
freshwater for irrigation or drinking, the crops’ water requirements will be
safely manage brine and harvest useful minimized and yields optimized minimazing
compounds from the resulting salt. Beyong the water footprint (Figure 5). The desert
these goals, biomass for energy purposes revegetation with a collection of practices

Fig 5. Sahara Forest Project facilities illustration and evolution during the construction phase

elytra where the coleoptera contains globular

nodules of about 10 μm embedded in a matrix,
which combine hydrophobic (repelling) with
hydrophilic (attracting) ones (Figure 4) acting
as a very interesting mechanism to be applied.
The combination of both properties allows
the insect to drink in an extraordinary dry
ecosystem. All this associated with the action
of gravity, provides a simple and elegant
solution (Quirós & Millard, 2011).

The Bullitt Center

The Bullitt Center Assessment Team was
tasked with performing fundamental research
on the ways green building and infrastructure
features can produce, enhance, and transform
urban ecosystem services benefits, using the
Fig 4. Namibian beetle illustration, inclined position with
the hydrophobic and hydrophilic structures. (Illustrations Bullitt Center in Seattle, Washington, and the
by Luisa Nunes©). Scanning Electron Microscope images of Living Building Challenge developed by the
the apex of the elytra from Stenocara gracilipes. Scale bar = International Living Future Institute as key
5 mm. (Nørgaard & Dacke, 2010). Composition made by the case studies (Cowan et al., 2014). The Bullitt
article´s autor Center is a six-story, close to 4.600 m2 office
building located in Seattle, Washington, USA.
Initial requirements were stablised according
and technologies for establishing outside to be a building net zero energy, net zero
vegetation in arid environments thanks to water, use non-toxic materials, provide a net
the progressive enhancing humidification of increase of functional ecosystem area, enhance
the regenerative areas. human health, contribute to social equity.
The building serves as the headquarters for
Earth is a water-based planet where this its owner, the Bullitt Foundation, while also
supporting life element is essential to all hosting a range of innovative organizations
living organisms. Cyclic coastal current close including the International Living Future
to the deserts where fog is concentrated Institute and the University of Washington’s
bringing water in the shape of minimal Integrated Design Lab.
droplets available up to some liters in certain
circumnstances can represent a predictable Regenerative Design has emerged from the
source of water in such arid enviroments. 90s thanks to the work of several authors
One of the strategies used is here is this (Tillman Lyle or Bill Reed) representing an
humidity circular process in an expected fog optimistic design framework suggesting that
formation. The namibian beetle moves at humans can help regenerate ecosystems
dawn to the top of a nearby dune where the using appropriate technologies and design
mist flows from the seashore. The evolutive strategies. Goals from the initial project were
ciclical and adaptive strategy also integrates quite ambitious following these objetives from
the natural property of water in the formation earlier ecosystem services recognized by the
of drops on certain surfaces. It implies a Millenium Ecosystem Assesment: Supporting
minimum energy expenditure. The tiny drops (e.g., nutrient cycling, soil formation, and
contained in the fog are accumulated in the primary production); Provisioning (e.g., food,
exosqueleton, in particular on the surface of fresh water, wood fiber, and fuel); Regulating

Fig 6. Net water system sheme designed to the Bullitt Center building

(e.g., climate regulation, flood and disease and operable windows maximizing daylight
regulation, and water purification) and designing to eliminate termal bridging
Cultural (e.g., aesthetic, spiritual, educational, between the interior and exterior emulating
and recreational). These services can be the space between feathers and external air
updated with more accurate suite including in birds. The building emulates a forest with
pollination, protecting from erosion, cycle and a catchment from rooftop cisterns and reuse
move nutrients, dispersion of seeds, plague of graywater reducing thus the potable water
control, and even non utilitarian services… consumption source. Then returning treated
(Quirós, 2018). water to the soil and atmosphere (61%,
published report) with ceramics (used from
The building was featured as a bio-based jellyfish to plants or fungi) and ultraviolet
structure where trees and forests were the light with a vortex filter. According to the
inspiration under a systemic perspective. Its company report approximately 69 % of the
photovoltaic array emulates a tree canopy, annual rainwater runoff is collected, stored,
capturing more energy than the building users treated, and used for potable and non-potable
actually uses mainly during the summer time. uses; the remaining 31% percent will be
Connected to the city greed in the summer discharged as stormwater, ensuring the
months when the demand is high. The net integrity of downstream hydrology to the Lake
zero feature is posible because the summer Union. Historically, in an old-growth forested,
production surplus must meet or exceed the approximately 39% of the rainfall ran off the
winter production deficit. The electricity surrounded soil (Raich, 2017) so surprisely
is measured and monitored by electricity results obtained seem to be similar. Beyond
meters providind data at any demanding. The and following the rule in nature that waste
system is reinforced with atomated blinds equal resource, all waste from waterless toilets

in the building is composted with a long aerobic recycled content. FSC’s mission is to promote
process of decomposition in large facilities environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial,
where after stabilized is taken and released in and economically viable management of the
a bird sancturary as well as making biosolids as world’s forests, and the organization holds the
fertilizers (Figure 6). This procedure is based in restoration and protection of ecosystem services
natural ecological systems. as one of its top priorities. This certification
also is very restricted with the use of hazardous
Finally the mayority of the material used were pesticides, herbicides and even atrzine a well
identified and not included in the Material Red known endocrine disruptor. Some of the non
List in the Living Building Challenge (although used materials are asbestos, cadmium, CFCs,
the The Bullitt Center team does not warranty lead, PVC, Wood treatments containing creosote,
these products in any way according to the arsenic or pentachlorophenol just to describe
information from the website). The list include some frequently used in most of edifications.
local wood (Forest Stewardship Council, FSC), A final remarkable featured from the buiding
concrete, steel, glass locally sourced with construction is that it will be dissasembled in

Fig 7. Some of the

features bioinspired
from the Bullit Center
(images courtesy from
the Bullit Center website.
Composition by the
article´s autor)

Fig 8. The Bullitt

Center Building.
General edification
view (photo by John
Stamets); wood pillars
structure during the
construction; hydronic
heater controller and
composters (photos by
Brad Kahn). |Source:
flickr/bullitt_center |
Creative commons CC
BY-NC 2.0)

200 years, so it is designed from the bottom up

releasing the potential materials to be reused
in a second life instead of being converted in
demolition waste (Cowan et al., 2014).


How can we build more efficient structures

using non toxic materials in architecture?; how
can we produce zero waste?; how will manange
water treatment and natural catchments?;
how energy can be produced, storage and
distributed from a city?; how can buildings
be collaborative with the surroundings city
structures?... We will reach sustainability when
we will be able to take back the ecosistemic
services from cities. Nature has solved most
of the questions above and many much more
and without doubts can advice from a systemic
perspective very interesting strategies. They
are summarized under several different
terminology (Life´s Principles, Nature
Unifying Patters, Nature Inspired Design…)
according to the institutions (Biomimicry 3.8,
Biomimicry Institute, Delft University,…) but Fig 9. Life Principles chart designed by Biomimicry
at the end, all of them explain how Life works. Institute summarizing Nature´s strategies supporting
We can use the following chart designed by sustainability and regeneration fit in. 2013 © Biomimicry
Biomimicry 3.8 (Figure 9) where most of the 3.8. Licensed under Creative Comons BY-NC-ND
principles and subprinciples can be used in the
architecture sector. Although in the diagram
you see separated groups, all principles are
interconnected containing subprinciples for
a better applicability. This particular aspect
requires training for a better understanding looking for understanding the principle with
and it is out of the scope of this publication. other examples or definition. At the end of
Remember that the diagram represents the this new learning process you may change our
strategies of closet o 30 million species evolved basic assumptions to evolve into this paradigm
over 3.8 billion years. The outer titles/caption shift.
represents the Earth´s operating conditions
and the center of the chart is like a mantra Architectural product manufacturers as well
which biomimicry practicioners use to check as architects as well have the opportunity
if the proposal follow the life´s principles, to embrance this disruptive way of thinking
celebrating life. and acting. Living organisms and systems
thanks to the refinement of evolution teach us
Read them carefully and try to imagine the way to fit in reaching an efficiency level
your design choices if can be aligned with dificult to believe but realistically viable. The
the principle selected. You may invest time matter is tos peed up this transformation no

matter our personal constrains. Stimulating HOELLER N. et al. (2013): “Developing a Common
innovation and fixing the belief that we Ground for Learning from Nature” Zygote
humans are surronded by genious to explore, Quarterly Journal, issue 7, pages 134-145. ISSN
we can conclude that the future is waiting for 1927-8314 [
an amazing design solutions which point us to zq_issue_07_final/134]
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Valentina Oquendo-Di Cosola
PhD Student in the Department of Construction
and Technology in Architecture at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Francesca Olivieri
Professor in the Department of Construction and Technology
in Architecture at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

INTRODUCTION The percentage of built-up land in cities

is equivalent to surfaces destined for the

ot long ago the cities were made up of absorption and irradiation of heat, a condition
large rural areas and an economy based that leads to high energy consumption for
on agriculture and local production, it the conditioning of spaces. Today urban
has been after the industrial revolution that areas are recognized as the largest producers
the development of urban transformation of pollutants, as a result of human activities
came about, from two main points of view: (Diamond and Hodge, 2007). Research into
the demographic and the constructive, by the sustainability and innovation in cities has
effect of the exodus produced. Consequently, led architects, engineers and professionals
the increase of the population in the cities has from other disciplines to rethink the city
reached unexpected levels generating in time model and replace the “consumer” model in
the massive construction of buildings and which the building is a device that consumes
paving. energy, water, and raw materials, through
a mechanism that leaves aside natural
Even though contradictory but true, cities resources such as the sun, wind, rain, and soil.
have a greater number of square meters The new paradigm establishes environmental
available in the vertical surfaces of buildings awareness, demanding a renewed relationship
that can be tapped, in comparison with the between architecture and nature, in which the
surface available in the territory of cities. building makes use of natural resources.

Greening the building envelope allows al., 2011); the reduction of heat island effect
obtaining some benefits relating to the in urban areas (Sheweka and Magdy, 2011;
improvement of its efficiency, and its Mariani et al., 2016), and the reduction of
ecological and environmental performance, as energy consumptions for cooling and heating
well as an increase in the biodiversity (Perini (Perini and Rosasco, 2013; Pan and Chu, 2016).
et al., 2011). Living Wall Systems (LWS) as part
of vertical greening solutions are a result of There are some aspects that influence for both
the interest in restoring the environmental insulation and cooling benefits: the thickness
integrity of urban areas, what can be defined of the foliage, the water content, the air cavity
as sustainable architecture or eco-architecture. between different layers and the material
These concepts are connected to global properties (BRE Global, 2014). LWS are the
environmental problems and to the strategies result of greening surfaces with plants, rooted
to reduce environmental impacts due to the into the ground, in the wall material or in
CO2 building emissions and other greenhouse modular panels attached to the façade, and
gases (Dunnett, N., Kingsbury, 2008). The can be classified into green façade and living
integration of vegetation on buildings through wall systems according to the growing method
green facades offer the potential to learn from (Perini et al., 2011).
traditional architecture; change its aesthetics
(Ottelé et al., 2011); the improvement of The new ways of greening vertical surfaces
air quality and reduction of air pollution on buildings offer new possibilities from
(Klingberg et al., 2017; Gourdji, 2018), related the sustainable construction point of view,
to the reduction of fine dust levels (Perini et especially in energy savings. Green facades
al., 2017); increase of biodiversity (Perini et green walls act as a passive system through

Fig 1. Sportplaza Mercator – Amsterdan. VenhoevenCS


four mechanisms: the shadow produced by Plant façade systems comprise a wide range of
the vegetation, the insulation provided by technical and design solutions with different
vegetation and substrate, the evaporative characteristics; in today’s market, it is possible
cooling through evapotranspiration, and to find numerous products, many of which are
finally the barrier effect to the wind (Pérez linked to a patent or industrial property. They
et al., 2011). The insulation of a building are known as technologies for green walls,
provides energy savings for both heating and consisting of vertical supporting structures,
cooling. The R-value of insulation material which may or may not be attached to the
is a measure of its resistance to transfer of façade of a building. Depending on the level of
heat. Establishing the R-value offered by a complexity, there are different types ranging
LWS depends on a complex interaction of all from very simple configurations to very
the materials used, the depth of the growing complex stratigraphy and high technology.
substrate and the amount of water held in The first patent for a vegetal façade system
the substrate, as well as the plant selection, was made by Stanley Hart White, followed by
degree of coverage by plants and whether that Patrick Blanc, who is considered the inventor
coverage is present (Culnane et al., 2014). of living wall systems (Tatano, 2008).

The climatic conditions such as solar radiation As far as the systems are concerned, the
also may result in different outcomes on most important characteristics derive from
surfaces cooling efficiency. Vegetation the components and materials used. Living
can dramatically reduce the maximum walls are generally more complex than
temperature of a building by shading walls other technologies, even though they may
f r o m t he s un , w ith daily te mpe r atur e vary according to the type, in the practice
fluctuation by as much as 50% (Dunnett, the dimensional and material characteristics
N., Kingsbury, 2008). Especially during the of the components are similar, given that
summer months, LWS has the dual effect of the functions required are always the same.
reducing solar energy entering the interior However, there are a series of technological
through shade and reducing heat flow into components of these systems that make
the building through evaporative cooling, possible the whole functioning of a vegetal
resulting in energy savings. facade, which consist of requirements and
functional needs.
PERFORMANCE A living wall system is composed of some
constant or invariable elements, and some
Over the last few decades, uncontrolled variables according to the exigency of the
urbanization has ignored the benefits project. Based on this classification they can
of sustainable development, and the be defined as primary elements and secondary
results today are visible to all: excessive elements (Bit, 2010).
noise, pollution, and congestion in cities.
Sustainability as a whole considers a series Primary elements:
of interconnected elements such as the
reduction of the use of energy from fossil • Supporting element
fuels; the reduction of water consumption; It is one of the main components of any
the reduction and management of urban system, a certain level of rigidity is necessary
waste; the improvement of air quality; and to guarantee stability from a structural point
the use of environmentally friendly materials of view. Mechanical resistance is another
(Sheweka and Mohamed, 2012). The urban fundamental aspect, the supporting element
space, including the vegetation used in roofs must be able to resist the mechanical effort
and facades, is just a piece of the puzzle. exerted by the growth of the roots of the plants,

and the increase in weight of the substrate The objective is to control the agronomic
when it is saturated. This element can be capacities of the system; the water and
elaborated in different materials: aluminum, nutritional needs of the entire system will
recycled plastic, felts, steel, among others. be established on the basis of the type of
• Water absorption and retention
element • Vegetation
The objective of this element is the The vegetation represents the most
impermeabilization of the system to water important element of the system, but also
or other liquids, the function, therefore, is to the one that requires the most attention.
prevent the passage of liquids between the An optimal system cannot leave aside the
internal layers of the system, and between agronomic requirements that will allow
those external that come into contact with the maintenance of plant species. If these
the building. It is usually the last layer of the requirements are not met, this will lead to
system. The materials used for this layer can the need for extraordinary maintenance and,
be bituminous membranes, PVC membranes, consequently, to an increase in costs. The
felts, etc. selection of species is made on the basis of
the cycle of seasons, water requirements,
• Substrate solar exposure of the facade, the climatic
The substrate can be organically made up of context, among others.
materials such as vegetable fibers, humus,
clay, perlite, felts, etc., or hydroponic, • Irrigation and fertilization system
made up of mineral salts such as potassium, A correct supply of water and nutrients
calcium, magnesium, and nitrogen. The is necessary to ensure plant density and
mixture obtained from these materials must expected bioclimatic functions. The system
be suitable for the type of plants selected, can be manual or automated. The frequency
must have a contained weight and an of irrigation is established according to the
adequate water retention capacity, as well as type of plant species, type of substrate and
being compatible with the climatic context. seasons.

a) b)

Fig 2. (a) Felt system with substrate in pockets (b) Pre-cultivation of species for plant façade system

It is usually composed of: Costs

Secondary elements: The realization of a vegetal façade system

includes costs related to installation and
• Vapor barrier layer maintenance. As systems are integrated into
• Insulating layer existing building envelopes, it is important to
• Vapor pressure diffusion layer evaluate all the possible costs resulting from
• Separation layer of materials of the maintenance of the vegetation and all
different origin the technological layers of the system. This
makes it possible to differentiate between two
COST AND MAINTENANCE types of costs: installation-related costs and
It is almost impossible to estimate the
In a living wall system, the subsystems to average cost of a plant façade system since
which special attention must be given are the there are many variants that influence it.
vegetation, the substrate, the support system, It is therefore very important to know the
and the irrigation and fertilization system. The technical requirements of these systems and
activities to be carried out in the management the materials are used to evaluate the project
of a plant system integrated into a building are options. It is also necessary to highlight
divided into obligatory, i.e. they respond to the reduced access to information on the
ordinary maintenance, while others may be construction, maintenance and professional
eventual or extraordinary. management of living wall systems, as well as
the opportunity to develop manuals or guides
The frequency of ordinary maintenance will to guide designers and users.
be higher during the first years, mainly due
to the natural biological development of the CONSTRUCTIVE
plants. Therefore, it is necessary to control CLASSIFICATION OF THE
from the nutrition of the plants up to the SYSTEMS
behavior of the bearing structure before the
growth of the roots. Other criteria to consider The integration of vegetation into architectural
within the maintenance are: the selection of projects has led to the development of plant
species and the dimensions of the system, wall systems in the market. These can be
what will indicate the average of the frequency classified on the base of the constructive
of the maintenance, greater is the dimension system (Olivieri, 2013), nowadays most of
of the system and greater will be the costs of them can be divided into:
Continuous vegetal facades:
It is important to point out that the management
and maintenance of these systems require • Without support:
a temporary frequency, so it is necessary Systems that are an integral part of the
in some cases to have common access to enclosure, constituting the same support
maintenance plans. In most cases, there is no structure for the development of vegetation.
knowledge of the maintenance required, as
it is normally carried out by the companies • With vertical support:
producing the systems, or other gardening and Systems formed by vertical structures (cables,
maintenance companies, which in some way meshes, etc.) that constitute the structure in
make this type of technology more expensive. which the vegetation grows.

• With horizontal support: • Blocks

Systems made up of planters or containers Industrialized and pre-cultivated panel
added to the finish of the building, which system, which allows covering vertical
at the same time form a continuous and surfaces at small and large scales. The
independent structure. modularity allows the substitution of
plants in case of damage. They have low
• With vertical and horizontal support: permeability and therefore tend to have
Systems that constitute the union of the two complex stratigraphy, which translates into
systems previously described. In this type greater weight.
of façade, the plants grow in flower boxes
and develop vertically due to the support • Gabions
structures. A system developed based on the creation of
panels with gabions, using a metallic mesh,
• Adhered to the wall: stone and substrate, adding in some cases
Systems realized by means of structures of concrete to rigidize the system. It is also a
support covered with a layer of synthetic felt constructive element; however, the opacity
in which the plants take root. and permeability limit its use.

Modular vegetal facades: OPTIMIZATION STRATEGIES

• Panels Within the existing systems in the market,

A system of industrialized and pre-cultivated the system of modular plant facades in panels
panels, of variable dimensions, that allow has been the most developed in the current
covering vertical surfaces at small and large market. On which, this publication will be
scales. based to propose the optimization of a living

Fig 3. Metro Station, Lausanne, Switzerland. Bernard Tschumi Architects


Fig 4. Green Cast, Japan. Kengo Kuma Associates

Fig 5. Límmeuble qui pousse, France. Edouard Francois


wall system taking into consideration three allows saving in the use of materials, time
phases within its life cycle: and raw materials.

• Production: the design phase in which the - Provide maintenance guidelines

components and materials of the module are To give illustrative guides of the system as
selected. detailed as possible in terms of assembly,
maintenance, dismissal and separation of
• Construction: the selection of technological the components of the system. In this way,
solutions that contribute to the development the owner of the installation will be able to
of a technological and environmentally monitor his own system and solve general
responsible module. problems that are normally solved by
• Maintenance: phase in which the element
must maintain its initial characteristics for as - Minimize component thicknesses
long as possible, reducing its emissions and Considering the entire thickness of the
energy consumption. system, it is important to point out that
the final dimensions of the module should
From the analysis of the systems and the not exceed the dimensions of a standard
study of the international scientific literature enclosure. The reduction of thicknesses
(Serra and Politecnico, 2009; Perini et al., allows saving on the use of building
2011; Sheweka and Mohamed, 2012; Chel and materials.
Kaushik, 2013; Giordano, Montacchini and
Tedesco, 2013, 2016; Tamási and Dobszay, - Use of materials with low environmental
2015; Pérez-Urrestarazu et al., 2016; Tedesco, impact
Giordano and Montacchini, 2016; Xing, Jones The aim is to reduce the use of energy from
and Donnison, 2017b) it was possible to combustion. Embodied Energy (EE) is the
identify some good practices and reference primary energy needed for the extraction
strategies. These strategies have been of raw materials, for material processing
translated into optimization requirements, mechanisms, for transport and on-site
and through the application and verification installation. The use of materials with low
of these requirements on the systems, it has incorporated energy content maximizes the
been possible to obtain results of systems level of sustainability. Even when certain
optimizations. materials have high levels of embodied
energy, most of that energy can come from
1. Production renewable energy sources.

• Functional prototype: an excellent prototype - Use materials with high environmental

of LWS must be functional and have a design performance
that allows offering the appropriate conditions The use of materials that, through a process
to the selected project. of recovery and transformation, are again
useful and readmitted to the market, with
- Facilitate flexibility and adaptability to another function or the same one. This
different environments drastically reduces the embodied energy of
The system must have flexibility and the new material. This type of material is
adaptability features in a way that can called secondary raw material. The objective
be disassembled and assembled without is to maximize the use of materials derived
having to make substantial modifications. from waste transformation activities,
The purpose is to be able to disassemble it taking into account their technological and
into parts and transport it if necessary. This environmental performance.

• Module dimensions: the module must will vary based on the technology employed
consider the costs of maintenance and and the type of project.
construction, influenced by the dimensions,
the design, installation flexibility, and the • Substrate selection: the substrate must
materials used. provide a support structure to the plants, and
allow access to water, air, and nutrients, in
- Reduction in the number of materials order to decrease maintenance.
Reduce the parts that comprise the
technical element, excluding the anchors, - Reduce substrate thickness
and considering the irrigation system and Minimizing the thickness of the substrate
the support frame of the system as elements allows having under the control of the
that can be simplified. By reducing the parts thickness of the whole module, reducing
of the system, the costs that can be derived also the use of primary and secondary raw
from the assembly of a greater number materials. This leads to advantages for the
of parts are reduced, as well as extending transport and handling of the modules.
manufacturing times.
- Use secondary and recycling raw materials
- Use integrated fuction elements Proper selection of substrate type and
The use of elements that perform two or volume is necessary to obtain benefits of
more functions within the system allows temperature reduction, sound absorption,
to limit the number of elements used, and and improved air quality. The use of recycled
indirectly reduces the thickness of the and organic materials in the substrate mix
finished module. For example, a substrate reduces embodied energy and consumption
that in addition to supporting the plants, of materials from non-renewable sources. An
performs part of the structural function of example could be the use of recycled plastic
the panel, giving it rigidity. In other words, from recycled rubbers as a drainage layer in
obtain the same result with fewer elements. modular roofing solutions to replace porous
materials such as pozzolans or expanded clay.
- Reduce costs associated with the
assembly and acquisition of materials and • Selection of the fertigation system: the
components selection of the appropriate plant and the
In most cases living wall systems are depth of the substrate must be among the
made with a complex stratigraphy, which considerations to maximize the potential.
contemplates a high number of materials,
elements, and components, with a direct - Maximize the use of integrated devices
influence on costs and environmental for irrigation and energy needs
impact in the different phases of the life Verifying if the solutions used are integrated
cycle. The purpose of this case is to reduce with the irrigation and lighting system
costs through the reduction of the number allows obtaining important advantages,
of materials and the standardization of the such as: having preventive control of
components. the aesthetics of the garden, defining
maintenance procedures and avoiding
- Reducing the need for irrigation improvised solutions. The standardization
The use of substrates that may hold long- and integration of these two systems allow
term nutrient solutions, and plants that have to extend the useful life of the system.
low water needs. This makes it possible to
reduce consumption related to fertilization • Selection of plant species: selection must
and irrigation, thereby reducing costs be carried out according to the scale of the
during the use and maintenance phase. This project and the climatic conditions.

- Select plant species with shallow roots made in a concave shape, inclined, perforated
The species with superficial roots or made of a porous or absorbent material.
guarantees the containment of the
thickness of the substrate and consequently • Rainwater collection: the irrigation system
the total thickness of the module. should consider rainwater collection and
recycling of irrigation water to minimize
- Select evergreen plant species the use of drinking water. The recovery of
The aesthetic aspect of a living wall system rainwater, as well as the fertilizer solution, is
is among the main requirements, this essential from an economic and energy point
selection is important especially in the of view. Using recovery systems saves water
management of the aesthetics of gardens and other resources. One possibility could be
during the various seasons of the year. the use of a water collection sump together
The objective is to avoid management with a solution recirculation pump.
problems since in other cases it is necessary
to eliminate dry and fallen leaves during • Structural decay: the structural decay of
the autumn and replace them more times the substrate must be avoided; therefore, the
during the year. installation, fertilizers, and nutrients must
be provided in a precise way. The living
- Select non-allergenic plant species wall systems are realized with a stratigraphy
Pollen is invisible particles produced constituted by an external stratum that
by plants for reproductive purposes, contains the plants and the substrate, a
which diffuse into the air and for certain supporting structure, a hydrophilic layer, a
individuals are a source of allergies, layer of drainage and development of the roots
especially in spring. The use of species that and finally the closing layer. The objective is
do not produce flowers can be a solution. to guarantee in each system the presence of
an external layer that avoids the structural
- Select plant species capable of improving decay of the substrate.
air quality
Many plants have the ability to fix • Waterproofing: d u e t o t h e p r e s e n c e
pollutants present in the air, such as gases, of substrate, humid environments are
suspended particles and Volatile Organic created, an excellent system must consider
Compounds (VOCs). There are species a waterproofing insulation layer or an air
that are particularly effective in this task, chamber.
making it a tool for improving air quality.
• Ergonomic: the system and the arrangement
- Select plant species capable of improving of the fertigation system must allow the easy
aesthetic quality hooking and unhooking of the system due to
Varying the plant species makes it possible to substitutions or other problems.
create different environments and improve
the aesthetic effect produced by vertical • Structural safety: the weight of the system
gardens. Selecting species characterized must be considered in such a way as to avoid
by seasonal changes in color makes the overloading the load-bearing structure. The
visual effect change continuously, as well module must be stable under the effect of
as providing dynamism in a façade. its same weight, this is fundamental since
it simplifies the storage, transport, on-site
2. Construction installation, and maintenance. The purpose is
to verify during the useful life which is what
• Drainage of the system: to improve the can compromise the vertical support structure
drainage of the LWS system, they can be and reduce the total weight of the element.

3. Maintenance disassembling of the parts of the system,

having studied the operations to be carried
• Maintenance of the system: maintenance out. This allows an optimization of the use
must be programmed according to the of materials, helping to identify the elements
objectives set out in terms of lifetime and that no longer fulfill their function and that
available resources. must be replaced.

- Limit pruning • Dismissal: at the end of the useful life of the

The maintenance of these systems requires system, the total removal of the system to the
pruning, the frequency depends on the landfill should be considered, where the costs
species and the type of substrate. Some include the removal of the plants, the support
species do not need pruning, they grow to system, and the irrigation system.
a point and keep it for the rest of their life,
others grow to form rugs or in height, and - Maximize the use of reused/reusable
this in some way limits pruning. The goal is materials and components
to reduce pruning by selecting the right slow- Increasing the percentage of materials that
growing species and reducing maintenance can be reused in their final state leads to
costs. savings in energy terms, since recycling - as
it may be preferable to disposal in landfills -
- Reduce the need for energy supply from implies an energy cost. The aim is, therefore,
non-renewable sources to save resources and energy by reusing
It is an important strategy for the design of certain raw materials.
a sustainable solution. This will be possible
based on the efficiency of the pump that - Maximize the use of materials and
distributes the solution, of the irrigation components upcycling/downcycling
controllers, and of the lamps used in some Upcycling is an activity where used materials
cases for the illumination of the gardens are converted to new ones, or in other words,
in substitution of the solar light. The aim, new objects are created without having to
in this case, is to connect the fertilization, face the costs of disposing of the material.
irrigation and lighting systems to others that On the other hand, downcycling implies that
use energy from renewable sources. in the material transformation phase there
is a loss of value in its characteristics, so it
• Flexibility: the systems must be individual is not possible to obtain products with the
containers that can allow pruning and same performance. The purpose, in this
substitution according to the system. A simple case, is to ensure that the system can be built
hooking and unhooking system are essential. from upcycling materials or downcycling
- Maximize the use of easily assembled
components - Prioritize the use of materials that are
From the verification of the systems of non-toxic or harmful to health
anchorage of the modules, that can be In order to reduce environmental impact,
simplified from their physical characteristics. it is important to identify toxic materials
The parameters that can be optimized in this within the system, disassembly and priority
field are related to the disposed of the system separation of these, as they can be harmful
anchoring so that it can be installed by a to health if improperly disposed of. This
single person. avoids the emission of toxic gases into the
environment and prevents recyclable or
- Facilitate the substitution of materials reusable materials from being wasted, which
Facilitate the process of assembling and is the same as saving energy and materials.

- Select incinerable or combustion materials Creating a guide or manual includes:

The incineration and combustion of materials
is the last opportunity for certain materials to - Create qualified consumers, good users
have a function within their life cycle. The who will provide the intended use and
production of heat from combustion is used maintenance based on their economic and
for electrical production and heating. The physical availability;
objective in this case, although it is not the
most sustainable scenario, is to select and - Do not involve more participants in
calculate the percentage of materials that the production or maintenance of the
can be incinerated or combusted at the end product, which implies a reduction of the
of their useful life for use as thermal and investments;
electrical energy.
- Offer a product that contributes to the
- Use products with similar lifecycle psychological well-being of people;
Ensuring that the useful life of system
components is similar and avoiding having - Stimulating social activity and the exchange
to intervene frequently in different parts of knowledge, starting with providing a
of the system. The aim is to ensure that product with a guide for construction and
the components of the modules have maintenance.
homogeneous durability, which implies
knowing the life cycle of each material used. a. Maintenance guide:

OPTIMIZATION OF A LIVING After the installation of a façade, one

WALL SYSTEM initiative to reduce associated costs is to
develop maintenance guidelines. In which
The optimization proposal was made upon the the functioning and technical characteristics
basis of 5 alternatives with concrete actions. of the irrigation and fertilization system can
Based on this proposal, the weaknesses and be explained, as well as the type of species
strengths of the systems are highlighted, from and substratum and their requirements.
which a selection is made. These alternatives
summarize in some way the parameters to be To structure a maintenance guide, it is
optimized, in some cases, one strategy can necessary to take into account:
contribute to more than one requirement.
Since many possibilities open up, the aim was - Maintenance objectives, to create a base-
to integrate the current efficient features of line with the objectives to be achieved,
the systems, with those that can be improved. taking into account climatic conditions and
selected plant species.
1. Do it youself (DIY) guides:
- Times of the system, the times when the
The guide is proposed as a strategy that maximum density of vegetable species is
responds to the requirements related to a reached.
functional prototype, for the plant species
selection and dismission of the systems, which - Technical instructions related to the
response to the production and maintenance management of the irrigation system in case
phase. Projecting a guide or manual to of damage or breakage.
provide simple information and step-by-step
instructions on how to plan or implement - Suggested cyclic maintenance programs, in
specific actions, it is about offering a free tool order to offer a guide for future problems or
to the consumer. interruptions.

Building a vertical garden

- A toolkit, a guide to possible tools needed guide would be one of the most economical
to repair possible damage. options to reduce the cost of these systems.
(Culnane et al., 2014).
- Instructions of fertilizers, for replacement,
if necessary. A maintenance guide for a living wall
system could be structured on the basis of
- Technical data sheets of plant species, with the following activities:
their specific requirements, useful in the
case of replacements. - Maintain the design: replacement or
replanting of plant species;
Some projects, in particular, those on
a large scale, require maintenance by - Maintain the good condition of the plants:
third parties; in other cases, some private elimination of dry leaves, control of signs
projects require maintenance contracts for of parasites, regular controls of irrigation;
a period not inferior to one year, to ensure
optimal operation. These tasks require an - Minimize the presence of invasive species;
extra expense in the installation of this
type of systems. A DIY system, with all - Regular pruning;
its components purchased separately, can
cost around 170€/m 2, plus approximately - Monitor plant health, vigor, and density;
150€/m2 for the substrate, the plants, the
irrigation system, and fertilization. While - Maintain the good condition of the
a professional system can be between substrate, depth, and weight;
1100 and 2800€/m 2, including 12 months
of technical assistance. This means that - Maintain the good state of the irrigation
the proposal of a maintenance manual or system;

- Monitor plant nutrition: keep a record of - The growth of roots to the sides;
fertilization and PH values, before and after
fertilization; - The fragility of the stems;

- Ensure drainage and removal of residues; - Dry biomass accumulation;

- Maintain the safety of the system: verify - Resistance to dryness (such as succulent,
the anchorage points, the connections, and grey leaves or thick leaves);
the points of light and water that the system
uses; - Resistance to ice;

- Maintain the waterproofing of the system. - Toxicity to human contact;

b. Species selection guide: - The development of spines.

Good knowledge of the plant species used in c. System dismissal guide:

a living wall system allows maintaining their
appearance over time. The selection of the A material can be recovered or eliminated,
species is made according to the objective of two different concepts. In this classification, it
the project, the location, the exposure to the is not considered as materials to be disposed of
sun and shade, as well as the need to be able to those by-products or secondary raw materials
develop in not very deep substrates. that satisfy certain criteria and conditions:

The climatic condition of the place, from the - That it is the product of an alternative
point of view of humidity levels, minimum process to that of its production;
and maximum temperatures, as well as
rainfall percentages, influences the type of - Its employability must be verified;
species to be selected. Choosing, for example,
species that are shade tolerant in those cases - That it satisfies the ideal environmental
of indoor gardens or selecting species that are quality requirements to guarantee that its
tolerant to high percentages of solar incidence use does not give rise to emissions or impacts
in the case of fully exposed outdoor gardens, different from those already authorized;
are useful decisions for the durability of the
system. - It must not be treated or preliminarily
transformed to satisfy environmental quality
A possible selection matrix for new users requirements;
could be made up of knowledge about:
- That has a market value (Industrie e
- The density of the species; ambiente, 2017).

- The root type: superficial or fibrous shallow; The reuse of materials brings important
benefits to this type of systems in the field
- The growth rate of the species; of sustainability. In the UK, for example, the
reuse of materials translates into 19% of the
- Resistance to direct solar incidence; total national ecological footprint, 23% of the
total reductions in greenhouse gases and 420
- Resistance to shade; million tonnes of materials in the recovery
phase consumed. (Stockholm Environment
- Predisposition to parasites or infections; Institute, 2017).

With some creativity and flexible design, - Collection in a sump, a gutter is installed
the opportunities to incorporate recovered in the lower part of the system, with the
materials into new objects are wide. Therefore, function of recovering the water and the
the proposal to make a waste selection guide excess solution.
for living wall systems is based on giving a tool
to the consumer, illustrating the inventory of - Integrated into the system, a system in which
materials in the system and the possibilities of each module is connected to a reservoir to
reuse or not of each, starting from: carry it back to the sump. This requires a high
number of components, but at the same time
- General information about the material; offers greater flexibility in the maintenance
of the system.
- Cases of application of recycled material;
3. Use of renewable resources
- Comparison of raw material costs versus
recycled material; The use of renewable sources responds to the
requirements related to the maintenance of
- Reduced carbon emissions from the reuse of the system and the need to limit the energy
such material. consumption from non-renewable sources
during the maintenance phase. The building
2. Rainwater management: envelope, instead of being considered as an
element of protection, also has the function of
The rainwater management responds to the mediating the external climatic conditions, heat
requirements related to the use of rainwater fluxes and relative humidity, whit reference to
recovery systems in the construction phase. the daily and seasonal fluctuations, trying to
The use of vegetation for rainwater bring advantage them in order to bring thermal well-
more surfaces that can contribute to the being indoor environments. Whit the use of a
collection of water, which would also help to living wall system and a passive solar system,
reduce the current urban problems. Cities in the building as a whole can be a passive system.
the world are worried about forecasting floods
during rainy days, the vegetation provides 4. Standardization of production
the function of acting as a natural regulator processes:
of rainwater, starting from the reuse for
irrigation, thus increasing the time between The standardization of the production
the climatic event and the discharges of water. processes responds to the requirements
Rainwater can be used to irrigate vertical and related to the reduction of costs associated
horizontal gardens without any treatment. with the assembly, the use of integrated
function elements and the reduction of the
The rainwater recovery system can be number of materials during the production
operated in two ways: phase. The standardization of the product
allows the producer to reduce production
- Mechanically (injection pump), the tank can costs, benefiting from economies of scale
be installed on the same level as the vertical/ in the production of single components, the
horizontal garden; reduction of sales time due to the possibility of
simultaneously producing different elements,
- For gravity, the tank should be installed at and increase the flexibility of the final product.
a lower level than the vertical/horizontal (Lanzara R et al., 2002) The implementation
garden. of a standardized modular strategy allows
increasing the adaptability, quality, and
And disposed in two possible configurations: innovation of the product.

Among the elements on which market would greatly contribute to reducing

research and functionality analysis can be the environmental impacts of prototype
developed were: construction and production, including
reducing the demand for landfills and deplete
- Module hooking system: hooks and release natural resources. This would also contribute
brackets to economic efficiency.

- Hooking systems to the support structure The design out waste strategy proposes an
improvement in reducing waste from the
- Supporting structure: stiffening frame design phase, and is based on five fundamental
- Connections: snap, screws, rivets or
adhesives - Design for reuse and recovery

5. Design out waste: - Design for off-site construction

The design out waste responds to the - Design for materials optimization
requirements related to prioritize the toxic
materials and to select incinerable and - Design for waste efficient procurement
combustible materials during the dismissal
phase. More efficient use of materials - Design for deconstruction and flexibility

City Hall of Venlo, Kraaijvanger Architects


Within these 5 principles are strategies for To evaluate waste reduction opportunities
the reduction of waste and costs associated in the assembly phase of the module, the
with new projects, it should be noted that following questions should be answered:
they are applicable to any type of project. In
this case, the ones applicable to a living wall a. Is the design adapted to different purposes
system are: during the life cycle of the module?

- Design for reuse and recovery: reuse of b. From the design point of view, is it possible
components and materials has great to easily carry out the necessary maintenance
potential to reduce environmental impacts, and replacement of product components?
one of them is embodied energy (EE),
embodied carbon (EC) and waste. In the c. Can the materials used be recycled or
particular case of the living wall system, reused?
among its components can be recycled:
d. Is the module easy to assemble and remove?
a. The external layer of containment of
plants, usually made of felt or geotextiles; The method and principles of design can be an
advantage in the life cycle of these technologies,
b. The supporting structure, usually made as well as offering the opportunity for them
of plastic or aluminum; to become systems accessible to anyone,
sustainable in time, and reduced costs.
c. The substrate, in the mix, are discards,
fibers and organic materials that can be CONCLUSION
The vertical green can be conceived as a
- Design for materials optimization: This synthesis between landscape and architecture.
principle is based on a series of strategies This has a duality, on the one hand, it allows
that designers should consider as part of the to unite constructed volumes to the natural
design process. These strategies are based landscape mimicking them and minimizing
on decisions focused on the efficiency of the presence of the industrial aspect, and on
the materials, so as to reduce the number the other hand, it allows to hide aesthetically
used, as well as reducing waste. Within this difficult to handle objects such as technical or
process two main areas are developed: infrastructure installations. This line of ideas
opens up the opportunity to establish the
a. Simplification and standardization of living wall system as a technical element of
materials and components the architectural project.

b. Coordination between the dimensions The use of these systems both in urban
of the parts planning and in the design of buildings and
internal spaces gives a sense of sustainability,
- Design for deconstruction and flexibility: and awareness of the reduction of emissions,
Designers must consider the properties and the possibility of ensuring quality spaces
of each material, and the possibility of and welfare. It is important to highlight the
recycling at the end of the life cycle. The economic accessibility of these solutions,
application of this principle in the field of to the point of being justifiable as a social
deconstruction and flexibility of living wall investment.
systems should be done in the early stages
of design, to explore options and evaluate It is necessary to deepen research and develop
the practicality of each one. a real integration between vegetation and the

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Radu M. Giurgiu1,2, Rares C. Nistor1, Alexander van Tuyll3, Seppe Salari3,4,

Zjef van Acker5, Manfred Köhler6 and Dan C. Vodnar1
University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
MELiSSA Foundation, Belgium
Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands
SmartCrops B.V., The Netherlands
Pad en Stoel, Belgium
University of Applied Sciences, Neubrandenburg, Germany

1 SUMMARY explored. The chapter ends with a case study,

the Plantgeek project: a research project on

his chapter explores a novel way of aquaponics, the first link of the AMI concept.
farming within the city, inspired by
processes occurring in nature. Starting 2 KEY WORDS
from the current state of vertical farming,
we focus on the inputs and outputs of these Ecosystems, controlled environment,
systems, and how closing the loops can lead sustainability, urban farming, aquaponics,
to a more sustainable and resilient way of mushrooms, insects, waste to value.
producing food. The AMI concept is introduced
as an alternative to the conventional linear 3 INTRODUCTION AND GOALS
models of controlled-environment agriculture.
The components of AMI systems are described This chapter aims to delve into urban and
individually, followed by three potential vertical farming as a follow up to the chapter
configurations of ecosystem food production published in the previous WGIN book. In
systems. The environmental sustainability of the first segment, we will describe the main
these systems occupies the majority of the elements of indoor food production with an
chapter, but their economic potential is also emphasis on aquaponics, the technology

of growing fish and plants in symbiosis, in will be an important addition in the transition
which fish waste is transformed by bacteria towards a truly sustainable food system.
into nutrients for the plants. The second part However, for this goal, VFs need to become
proceeds with an analysis of the multitude more integrated with their environment and
of facets of ecosystem food production, with adopt the principles of ecosystems thinking.
respect to the input/output streams and
balances, the dynamics of the processes, 5 URBAN FARMING 2.0 -
and how technology can be both the tool in CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT
generating data for a better understanding of ECOSYSTEMS; THE AMI
the systems, and also the mean to optimise CONCEPT
the systems based on the acquired knowledge.
We will also give a broad overview of the This chapter describes an improved concept
economics and how these systems can have for indoor, urban, and vertical food production,
a meaningful impact in the future of urban with respect to resource management
food production, ending up with analysing the and integration with the environment.
concept by narrowing down the focus over a AMI (pronounced like ’Jamie’) stands for
case study, the Plantgeek research project. ’aquaponics, mushrooms and insects’, and
is based on complex natural ecosystems.
4 VERTICAL / URBAN FARMING, With AMI, vertical farming is involving
ADVANTAGES AND CHALLENGES more organism aiming to use resource more
sustainable and close the nutrient cycles.
Vertical farming (VF) is still part of a growing
p o p u l a r ity tre n d as an e me rgin g food Two examples of this thinking: (1) VFs rely
production technology that has a number of on energy, synthetic fertiliser for the nutrient
advantages over the conventional agriculture solution that is delivered to the plants, the
/citekalantari2018opportunities. VFs are nutrients being extracted from other, mostly
responding to global challenges such as fossil, sources. (2) Even made more circular
population growth, rapid urbanisation, the through aquaponics (which combines fish and
adverse effects of climate change, land scarcity, plants by transforming the waste of the fish
and water usage. It does this by implementing to nutrients for the plants), there is a need for
a technology of growing plants without soil, other external inputs which are not part of the
in a nutrient-rich solution, in a closed system. circular flow. Fish feed is just one of these.
The biggest advantage of this practice is the
land-use efficiency obtained through stacking The AMI concept is an iterative approach on
layers of crops instead of just one plane, as designing urban food production systems,
is the case with conventional agriculture. starting from available resources and building
VFs also use a controlled environment to on with loops that process and make value out
carefully monitor and adjust the growing of waste. It is a combination of the circular
process. However, this comes at the expense economy (Ellen MacArthur Foundation),
of the energy consumption and infrastructure the blue economy (Gunther Pauli), and
costs which many sceptics are bringing into ecosystems thinking, applied to indoor urban
the debate. On the other hand, VFs can grow farming.
food inside the city, cutting out transportation
and delivering fresh produce directly to Components
consumers. Currently, using this technology,
there is still a limit to the range of crops that The production of vegetables, fish,
are economically viable. The projection of mushrooms, and insects together would
most people is that VF will not completely already be a great start in using the principles
replace conventional agriculture. Instead, it behind the AMI concept. That said, there are

Table 1: An overview of the four trophic levels described, each with examples. These four trophic
levels are required to perform the same functions as done in natural ecosystems. The examples
given here are nowhere near exhaustive.

Trophic level Description Examples

Convert abiotic energy, usually light, into chemical energy.
Primary producers Primary producers are the only trophic level where chemi- Plants Algae Cyanobacteria
cal energy is added to the system.

Herbivores Eat living plant tissue, concentrating energy and proteins. Animals

Carnivores Eat animal tissue, converting it into different animal tissue. Animals

Live off decomposing matter (detritus). Recover energy and Insects

protein. Fungi Worms Bacteria

far more organisms and subsystems that could BSF larvae are detrivores, able to grow on
be beneficial, depending on the context. almost any form of organic waste, including
animal manure. At the same time, they can
A core feature of AMI systems is that they use reduce the pathogen load in their substrate.
the outputs of one subsystem as inputs for the These properties make BSF larvae an ideal
next. In natural ecosystems, this is done by workhorse for AMI systems, as the primary
different organisms with different functions, site where protein is recovered from waste. To
also known as trophic levels. AMI systems recover protein efficiently, larvae should be
mimic nature by carrying out the exact same harvested before they reach their final instars,
functions that occur in natural ecosystems. for two reasons. Firstly, too much energy goes
This is useful to bear in mind when deciding to chitin production in later instars. Secondly,
on which subsystems to add to an AMI system. the larvae stop feeding, thereby releasing their
Although the examples presented here cover own stored chemical energy.
all trophic levels of an ecosystem, there are
plenty more possibilities, which are only likely In theory, BSF larvae could be fed to humans.
to work if all levels are occupied. The four However, it is usually more convenient to use
main trophic levels are: primary producers, BSF larvae as an animal feed, passing their
herbivores, carnivores, and detrivores. These protein on to other parts of the AMI system.
are explained in the table below. The latter BSF larvae are also a sustainable source of
three levels are similar in that they recover, protein, since their environmental impact is
convert, and concentrate existing chemical lower than that of conventional sources such as
energy. On the other hand, primary producers soy. Furthermore, this means less feed needs
are the only organisms capable of adding to be imported, preventing the local nutrient
chemical energy to the system. balance from being too high (as is currently
the case in the Netherlands, for example).
5.1 Insect cultivation
Insect cultivation produces a number of by-
Insects and their larvae are highly efficient in products. The first by-product is insect frass.
producing protein. They are also very diverse Depending on the substrate used, this can
- ranging from crickets to mealworm larvae, be anything from a viscous liquid to moist
each with different requirements. crumbs of insect manure. Insect frass is rich
in nutrients and organic matter. This can be
One of the most versatile and protein- used as a fertiliser or soil amendment, or to
efficient insects is the black soldier fly (BSF). grow earthworms.

The other by-products are carbon dioxide, at around 1-3% of the current standing stock.
water vapour, and ammonia. These three Fish feed must be high in protein. This makes
by-products are released into the air. Carbon insect larvae an appropriate feed. A limitation
dioxide can be used by plants. However, due of insect larvae is their chitin exoskeletons.
to the presence of ammonia in this air, directly Despite research showing benefits of chitin
pumping it to plant production facilities is only supplementation to fish health [5], in high
advisable for low concentrations of ammonia. amounts, the exoskeletons are either not
That said, some types of algae are able to use digested or simply rejected. Fish also require
ammonia as a nitrogen source. This makes omega 3 fatty acids in their diet. Currently, this
the air from BSF larvae production potentially is supplied through fish-meal, obtained through
ideal for these algae. fishing. In natural ecosystems, algae are the
primary producers of omega 3. Feeding algae
Table 2: An overview of the main inputs, directly to fish (thereby bypassing fish-meal)
factors, and outputs for insect production. is therefore more sustainable, as it reduces
pressure on marine ecosystems.
Inputs Factors Outputs
Being heterotrophic animals, the outputs
Biomass Temperature Larvae
of fish are similar to that of insects. Besides
Oxygen [O2] Residue/frass carbon dioxide, fish produce soluble and
insoluble (solid) waste. To ensure conditions
Relative humi-
(Eggs) CO2 remain suitable for the fish, these two outputs
must be removed on a regular basis.
(Light) NH3
Solid waste is removed through a filter.
Although this is not done in conventional
5.2 Aquaculture aquaculture systems, this solid waste can be
fed to earthworms, insects, or other aquatic
Aquaculture covers organisms with organisms, like shrimp. Failing that, solid
characteristics more diverse than those of waste can be used as a soil amendment.
insects: fish, shellfish, crustaceans, and more. Soluble waste, on the other hand, can be used
Despite these possibilities, this subsection will to fertilise plants or algae. If used for plants,
focus on the production of (fresh-water) fish ammonia - the most abundant soluble output
only. - must be converted into nitrate through
nitrifying bacteria. The nutrient profile of
Table 3: An overview of the main inputs,
fish waste will depend on the feed used.
factors, and outputs for fish aquaculture This presents a trade-off between efficient
aquaculture and optimal plant nutrient supply.
Inputs Factors Outputs
Feed Temperature Fish
5.3 Plant production
Oxygen Dissolved oxygen CO2 Though plants have varying requirements,
NH3 the principles of their cultivation are largely
Water Aqueous ions similar. Whilst other organisms so far discussed
Stocking density
Solid waste
recover and concentrate chemical energy and
produce carbon dioxide, plants introduce new
The main input (other than water, oxygen, and chemical energy into the system and take up
energy) in fish aquaculture systems is fish feed. carbon dioxide, whilst removing nutrients
The requirements of this feed depend on the from water. This, of course, is done through
species cultivated. In general, feed is given daily photosynthesis.

Apart from carbon dioxide and light, plants There are 3 steps in the industrial production
require water and nutrients. Water and of mushrooms: (1) spawn production, (2)
nutrients are supplied through a growing substrate production and (3) the production of
medium, but can also be directly supplied, as fruiting bodies.
is done in hydroponics. The growing medium
should have the correct pH, and nutrients In phase one, fungal spores are inoculated into
must be present in the right amounts. In the growing medium. Fungi are extremely
aquaponics systems, there may be a nutrient sensitive to contamination - be it bacterial,
imbalance, requiring supplementation and/ viral or through other fungi. Therefore, the
or leaching. spawn growing medium must be sterilised.
This is usually done through a process known
Table 4: An overview of the main inputs, as autoclaving, but can also be done through
factors, and outputs for plant production pasteurisation. In the second phase, the spawn
is added to this specific sterilised substrate.
Inputs Factors Outputs
Vegetables/ Table 5: An overview of the main inputs,
Light Wavelength
fruits factors, and outputs for mushroom production
Photoperiod Lignocellulose
dioxide Inputs Factors Outputs
Water Light intensity Water vapor Lignocellulose Temperature Mushrooms
pH [O2]
Oxygen CO2
Nutrient concentrations Relative humidity
Temperature Leach water
Relative humidity
For the substrate, a nitrogen source is also
often necessary. In recent years multiple
companies have been using coffee grounds
Plant production has many non-food outputs. - an abundant waste stream - as a source of
The first is oxygen, which can be used in nitrogen. In substrate production, most fungi
any heterotrophic process. Water vapour is require dark, humid conditions and a specific
also produced through transpiration. This temperature for optimal growth. Optimal
can either be recovered or used to humidify conditions and substrate depend on the
mushroom production chambers. There are species of fungi cultivated.
also inedible parts of the plant - stems, roots,
and so on - which are made of lignocellulose. Under other conditions than the conditions
The only organisms able to efficiently use of substrate production, the fungus produces
lignocellulose are fungi and some micro- fruiting bodies - mushrooms - in multiple
organisms. Lastly, soilless growing systems ’flushes’, usually around three.
produce leach water, often due to the build-up
of sodium. This can be diverted to algae, which Fungi grow on lignocellulose by secreting
are far more sodium-tolerant than plants. digestive enzymes, transforming around 30
percent of the substrate mass into fruiting
5.4 Fungiculture bodies. As a result, used substrate from fungi
can be digested by insects, for example, since
Fungi are special because they are the lignocellulose gets broken down.
only organisms listed here that can digest
lignocellulose. This is an important property, 5.5 Algaculture
since lignocellulose makes up a significant
proportion of the biomass and chemical Taxonomically speaking, the term ’algae’
energy in plants. is broad and ambiguous, referring to both

Vegetables in urban orchard. I de Felipe

macroalgae and microalgae, which are In theory, the culture of algae has no outputs
respectively multicellular and unicellular. other than algal biomass and oxygen. That
Generally speaking, the term excludes said, current systems do discard water
cyanobacteria, despite important species when harvesting. This is because harvesting
(such as those called ’Spirulina’) falling under involves removing a certain amount of water
that term and being similar to algae in their from the system and concentrating the algae.
cultivation. This section covers both algae and The water removed during concentration
cyanobacteria, hereafter referred to as ’algae’. gets discarded.

Like plants, algae take up water, nutrients, 5.6 Vermiculture

and carbon dioxide, producing biomass and
oxygen. However, algae are more versatile in Vermiculture refers to the cultivation of
multiple ways. Firstly, unicellular algae can earthworms. In the context of AMI, earthworms
be housed in many ways - pipes, tanks, and can be used as an extra step to further recover
so on - allowing for optimal light interception. and concentrate proteins from black soldier fly
Secondly, most algae are more tolerant to high larvae castings. These earthworms can then
concentrations of ions (including sodium) be fed to fish, for instance. The earthworm
than plants. This makes them ideal for using castings can be used as a fertiliser or soil
brackish water from other processes within amendment.Although the potential of this
the AMI system. Lastly, algae can produce element is evident for the AMI systems, this
a high-quality source of omega 3 fatty acids. part needs further research for getting more
This allows for aquaculture without animal- data on how it can be implemented in the
based inputs such as fishmeal. complex ecosystem food production.

6 NUTRIENT CYCLES IN In the following diagrams, only flows of

ECOSYSTEM FOOD PRODUCTION nutrients and organic matter are shown. For
SYSTEMS (AMI SYSTEM) the sake of clarity, energy, humidity, oxygen,
and carbon dioxide are omitted.
As discussed in the previous section, AMI
systems have the potential to produce food 6.1.1 Configuration 1: Aquaponics,
with waste, by harnessing the benefits of Mushrooms, Insects
the ecosystems approach. The key to a
successful cooperation between different In this first configuration, black soldier fly
growing systems, stands in understanding larvae are used to process incoming organic
the relations between them in terms on waste (e.g. food waste, livestock manure, or
inputs and outputs. This section is describing inedible plant parts). These larvae are fed
possible configurations, and possible external to the fish in an aquaponics system. Insect
waste streams to be used as resources for frass can also be used for plant production.
AMI systems. Production estimates and Any remaining lignocellulose from plant
assessments in the context as the driver for production (or external sources) can be used
the system design, will be given. for mushroom production.

6.1 Input/Output cycle, possible Using nutrient mass balances and conversion
configurations ratios for the different subsystems and their
inputs, a tonne of fruit and vegetable waste
As previously discussed, there are multiple could produce approximately the following,
possibilities when it comes to setting up using this configuration:
an AMI system. In this subsection, three
possibilities are presented that range in - 55 kg of tilapia fish
complexity. With every added component, the - 615 kg of leafy greens
amount of knowledge and decisions to be made - 6 kg of oyster mushrooms
when running the system becomes orders of
magnitude larger. In practice it may be wise to These production figures may well be higher
start with aquaponics, since it is the most well- in reality, since the above figures came from
known part of the AMI approach, and slowly calculations where mushroom residue was
build from there. When used correctly, more not re-introduced into the system. It should
components allow for the system to run more be also noted that these numbers should
efficiently and make better use of different not be compared with production figures
wasted resource streams. from respective stand-alone conventional

Figure 1: An overview of the inputs and outputs of each subsystem in a configuration of aquaponics,
mushrooms, and insects. Carbon dioxide, energy, and water flows have been omitted

cultivation systems (aquaculture and energy and nutrients. The only issue is that
agriculture). The primary goal is not to black water is unpredictable, and can contain a
produce more per square metre or animal, but plethora of unwanted chemicals such as drugs.
to transform waste into food. The same applies to urine (’yellow water’). As
a result, this waste cannot be fed directly to the
6.1.2 Configuration 2: AMI with AMI system. Different steps have to be taken.
Extended Heterotroph-Waste Usage Waste streams such as these are analysed in
the framework of http://melissafoundation.
Configuration 2 is similar to the AMI system org/space exploration for life support systems
shown in Configuration 1, but contains two where waste water is reused, and nutrients
new subsystems. This allows for internal are recovered and recycled in producing food,
waste streams to be used more effectively. oxygen and water for the astronauts.

Black soldier fly larvae produce insect frass Black water is first fed to a biodigester,
and ammonia as waste products. Rather than producing methane, which can be used as a
going to plant production, insect frass goes to source of energy and/or carbon dioxide. This
earthworm vermiculture. This is a good way is the first step in using the energy from this
to make use of the energy that the frass still waste. The second step involves pyrolysis.
contains. These worms can be fed to fish as a Pyrolysis involves heating the biodigester
second protein input. Ammonia in the air of sludge to high temperatures - hundreds of
the larvae production system can be sent to degrees Celsius - under anaerobic conditions.
algaculture, producing algae and providing a This is known to produce more energy than it
source of omega 3 for the fish. Algaculture can uses, and results in biochar. At the same time,
also use leach water from the plant production pyrolysis destroys the majority of unwanted
system. organic compounds in the black water.

The fish themselves produce solid waste as Yellow water, combined with magnesium
well. This still contains energy, which can is passed through a struvite precipitator.
be used to produce shrimp. Nutrient-rich This produces struvite, a slow-release plant
water from the shrimp can be sent to plant fertiliser.
production. If this water is too saline, it could
be sent directly to algaculture (a connection The next step involves the biochar from
that is not drawn here). A lot of decisions pyrolysis. Biochar can be used for plant
would have to be made in such a system, and production: either as a soil amendment, or in
best practices are not yet known. substrate if sawdust and soil are added. When
being used in substrate, biochar has properties
6.1.3 Configuration 3: Focusing on similar to peat moss.
Sewage Water
6.2 Possible waste streams
Configuration 3 shows an AMI system similar
to the two systems previously presented, with The strong point of AMI systems is the ability
the addition of sewage as an indirect input. to take waste streams as an input and use
This flowchart is based on a conceptual design their energy and nutrients to produce food.
done by team Green Spark for Wageningen Therefore, choosing the right waste streams
University’s 2018 Urban Greenhouse Challenge. is just as important - if not more important
- than the system itself. To give an idea of
Sewage - in particular, black water - is an the current uses and restrictions, some of
important source of organic waste. Like the these waste streams and their challenges are
organic waste discussed so far, it contains presented here.

Figure 2: An overview of the inputs and outputs of each subsystem in a configuration of aquaponics,
mushrooms, and insects, with other cultivation systems such as vermiculture, shrimp culture and
algaculture. Carbon dioxide, energy, and water flows have been omitted

Figure 3: The input/output flow between aquaponics, mushrooms, and insects with other
cultivation systems and added input from treated sewage water. Flows of carbon dioxide, water,
and energy (unless a net output) have been omitted

The best waste streams for AMI systems 6.2.1 Coffee grounds
are produced on a large scale and have
a predictable and consistent quality and Coffee grounds are a good source of nitrogen
quantity. Currently, under European Union for mushrooms. Currently, a number of
legislation, there are restrictions on waste companies worldwide (such as Permafungi
streams, particularly when being fed to insects in Belgium, Funghi Espresso in Italy &
[6]. However, these are expected to change. Rotterzwam in the Netherlands) are using
Logistics are another challenge, as plenty of coffee grounds to grow Oyster mushrooms.
these waste streams are predictable but too Coffee grounds are an appropriate waste
dispersed. stream due to their consistency, but also

because they are sterile after making coffee. in terms of at least the inputs/outputs at the
The main challenge lies in logistics, as coffee nutrient level. In this context, the producer
grounds are produced in small amounts in and the consumer become connected in a
many places, which mostly also do not yet self-sustaining ecosystem. This spectrum
have a workflow that keeps the coffee grounds of choices is a blessing for resilience, the
sterile. AMI system being designed according to
each specific case. At the same time, adding
6.2.2 Animal manure complexity and layers to an AMI system
has its drawbacks. Having just one growing
Unlike coffee grounds, most animal manure system and one type of species, the entire
is produced on a large scale and is therefore environment can be controlled, resulting in
easy to collect. Animal manure contains optimal yield. One can do that too for AMI
energy and nutrients, and can be therefore systems, if each growing system is decoupled
fed to detrivores. Research shows that black resulting in a discontinuous cycle. In general,
soldier flies are able to decrease the bacterial however, AMI systems aim to create indoor
load in chicken manure whilst converting it ecosystems that can work as one, replicating
into protein that can be used again [4]. This is natural processes and, aided by technology,
especially useful, as it leads to a more closed becoming as efficient as current means allow.
nutrient cycle, helping combat the current This type of setup would come with some
nutrient surplus in the environment of compromises, leading to results that could
many Western European countries. The only not compete with the production figures
limitation is that current EU legislation does of conventional VFs or even conventional
not allow the feeding of converted manure to agriculture, when simply looking at output
animals. within the production system and excluding
6.2.3 Brewer’s spent grain
6.3.2 The quality of the products
Brewer’s spent grain is approximately
20% protein and 70% fibre in terms of dry The yields are the main figures focused on
matter. This makes it an excellent substrate by farmers, because quantity pays. There
for growing mushrooms, especially due are different ways of categorising cultivation
to its consistency. Currently, a number of methods, such as organic farming that comes
organisations are using spent grain to grow with allegedly higher quality products and
mushrooms. Le Champignon de Bruxelles in lower environmental impact that justifies
Anderlecht, growing shiitake mushrooms, is the higher prices. VFs are in regard to
one of them. They also use this as a way to organic certification at contradicting terms,
demonstrate the principles of circular farming depending on the geolocation, with the United
to locals. States allowing soilless cultivation in this
category whereas European countries would
6.3 Production and quality of the not give the same certification if produce is
products not cultivated in soil. This duality shows the
lack of data that would settle this kind of
6.3.1 AMI systems and yields debates. Without spiralling down into this, it is
important to see what AMI system would bring
As described in the previous section, there is to the market in terms of quality of produce.
a very high number of possible combinations Having the most important foundation on
of AMI systems, starting from waste streams waste streams, AMI system can be considered
and building up by reusing as many resources as having lower environmental impact than
as possible, towards a self-sufficient system the conventional alternatives. There is still

the need for more research that deals with labelled as ’natural’, are used. In VFs, due
the quality of the products in these complex to the hydroponic technology, a pathogen
ecosystems. Even if there are no complex can create mayhem if it is introduced in the
AMI systems in the market, yet, the inputs culture. Therefore the workers are suited up
and outputs in terms of quantities can be in lab coats, hair covers, and gloves. Although
easily calculated and modelled based on the these preventive practices help ensure food
knowledge of each individual system. The safety, it can look alien to consumers. With
’travel’ of nutrients from one system to the the AMI concept being relatively new as an
other and its influence on the quality of output agricultural practice, more research should be
that will reach the market is less understood. done to address these issues. That said, looking
In theory, AMI produce should be of high at systems existing today, they seem to be
nutritional value, and even a sub-optimal very resilient. Having a stable ecosystem takes
environment can actually be seen as positive time, but once established, it deals well with a
by stressing the crops just enough to produce continuous adaptation to the environmental
more antioxidants. These topics need further changes or subtle shifts that could otherwise
research before it can be recommended create a context for diseases in more sterile
as a more healthier option not just for the systems [2].
environment, but for consumers as well.
6.4 Context and system design
6.3.3 Resilience in disease management
The complexity of the AMI systems can be an
An increasing number of consumers are obstacle in persuading the farmers to adopt
becoming increasingly concerned with the the concept. The unknowns of combining
issues of pesticides used in agriculture and how different organisms in food production
that can affect their heath and the environment present challenges that are being embraced
[3]. Even in organic farming, some pesticides by scientists, but less so by farmers, who

La Havana. Urban orchard. I. de Felipe


need certainty and viable business models. to compete with conventional agriculture
At the same time, the complexity of different on the price of the end-product (the plants).
organisms and technologies that can transform That does not necessarily position VFs as
waste into value will help reach a higher unsustainable economically but it shows
degree of resilience. To make a parallel with how the current markets contribute to their
conventional VFs, which are more standardised development. VFs as well as ecosystem-based
in species grown, technologies such as LED food production systems can be a piece in the
lighting or formulations of nutrient solutions, large puzzle of the food systems and both of the
have the drawback of a one-size-fits-all novel technologies are getting traction on the
approach. VFs can have successful outcomes basis of the environmental challenges that are
in specific scenarios and business models, but predicted for the near future, which can find
could just as easily fail in other cases (as many conventional agriculture ill-equipped to face.
have). AMI systems are more resilient because With the understanding of different business
they offer a large palette of loops within models viable for VFs, we can acknowledge
loops. Conventional VFs start from a crop that relying solely on selling crops could be
to be produced - chosen based on technical unsustainable for new technologies. AMI
capabilities and market conditions - whereas systems being a conglomerate of different
AMI systems should start with an existing organisms can have sub-optimal growing
phenomenon in their environment: waste. conditions for each individual crop/organism
Waste, generally considered a burden, could so the challenge comes in finding the middle
be the start of designing new systems. Outputs ground for all the wide diversity. This comes
seen as useless can become valuable inputs for with lower yields compared to conventional
one organism and then the quantities, quality agriculture and current VFs, but it can make
and logistics can be designed for the first loop. up for this on quality aspects. The AMI
Similar steps are then involved when more concept is developed around making value
organisms are added, adding complexity until out of waste streams and obtaining revenue
this is no longer worthwhile for the business. by managing inputs and outputs (processing
waste). In the economic section, we will
6.4.1 AMI state of the art discuss more how AMI systems can survive
in current markets, as well as what needs
A logical question following the previous to be changed for the future, taking into
statements would be: ’Why aren’t there more consideration the most important advantages
AMI systems operating at the moment against of lowering environmental impact.
the VFs or even conventional agriculture
farms’? If AMI systems are so great at 7 THE ROLE OF TECHNOLOGY
producing food, while reducing waste and IN OPTIMISING COMPLEX
managing resources better than any other MULTI-ORGANISM SYSTEMS
food-producing technology, what are the
factors that have prevented them from gaining Today’s state of the art of the ecosystem
prominence? To answer these questions, we food production relies on knowledge of each
have to look at the business models of the individual crop. As described in the previous
first vertical farms. Around the globe, there chapter, there are a number of possibilities
are a number of companies associating their for connecting different organisms in one
name with this emerging industry. Very single growing system. The benefit of this
few are capitalising on the plants as a main would be that the output of one subsystem,
revenue stream. Most of them, especially in which is currently discarded, contributing
Europe, are getting revenue from selling the to a negative impact on the environment,
technology on which the farms are based. The would be now valued as an input to another
reason behind this is based on the difficulty subsystem.

7.1 Technology, Data, To add another layer of complexity, there

and Knowledge are different species of the various organisms
that can be interlinked in AMI systems. Each
When considering conventional VFs, individual species has its own set of optimal
technology plays a big role in the growing parameters, so one’s experience and validated
process. It can be both the advantage and the results may not necessarily overlap with
challenge, depending on which of the side you someone else’s setup. The diversity of species
position yourself. It can increase the yields within an organism genus is important for the
and the quality of the products, yet it lowers design of the systems. Diversity is the key
the biodiversity by streaming the focus on a to reaching resilience of the food production
few candidate crops. What can change this system.
paradigm is data.
This being highlighted, it is important to
The benefits of AMI systems that use waste build sharing platforms for data that acquire
streams as inputs are obvious. The difficulty information from different AMI farms and use
lies with the nutrient use efficiency of the this knowledge in a form of consultancy to
whole system. Having multiple loops within optimise farmers’ systems and improve their
the system, the total efficiency is influenced environmental and economic sustainability,
by each individual organism’s efficiency (eg. as well as improving scientific knowledge on
10% efficiency of waste conversion would these systems.
lead to 10% efficiency of insect production
and so on until the end of the chain). Each 7.2 Using Technology to Optimise
pair of subsystems, such as fish and plants, and Automate AMI Systems
add to the complexity of the food production
ecosystem. Technology is a tool to acquire data that
improves the understanding of the complexity
The processes between different organisms in AMI systems. This improved understanding
is better understood by generating more data aids the further development of technology
about many parameters that are relevant in to further optimise these systems. This is a
connecting these different organisms. As stated beneficial feedback loop that results in a rapid
before, there is extensive research on each development of the food production technology
individual crop, but knowledge is lacking on whilst improving efficiency, productivity, and
the interactions between different organisms, bringing systems closer to having a positive
and about the relations between them. To impact on the environment. This feedback
improve the knowledge on these innovative loop will be further explored in the next
food production systems, we have to identify chapter, focusing on a case study. However,
the parameters that are most relevant for each it is important to highlight the potential of
system, such as temperature, pH, humidity, reaching autonomous food-producing systems
total dissolved solids, etc., and implement that are using machine-learning algorithms to
data acquisition protocols through sensors ever-improve on all grounds.
or lab tests. The acquired data to optimise
the systems for higher efficiency. There There are a few steps in reaching this goal:
are known thresholds for optimal growing
performance for each of the organism, but 1. Acquire big data sets
when linked with other systems, one has to
understand that compromises must be found 2. Build models and find trends
to reach the highest productivity for each crop
without forcing another one’s limits. 3. Validate models

4.Use models as input in the automation 8 THE ECONOMIC LAYER OF

5. Use machine learning systems based on the
models with specific goals When building a controlled-environment
food-producing ecosystem - or AMI farm
6. Start from step 1 for further improvements - compromises between the numerous
organisms have to be made, as previously
Data acquisition and its importance has discussed. This will result in lower yields
already been discussed. The next part is to for each separate organism compared to
search for trends in the data and correlations conventional systems. The reduction in yield
that are meaningful for accurate predictions of has economic implications, but could be offset
productivity and the quality of end-products. by the reduced need for raw materials. This
Once models are built and validated through chapter explores the potential and challenges
systematic experimentation, new information for food-producing ecosystems from an
can be fed back into the automation script. economic perspective.
The hardware will also be optimised so
that the factors that are correlated are also 8.1 Investment and return on
controlled (e.g. the air pump will start based investment
on the dissolved oxygen input and the desired
threshold). The improved version of the The production processes of the different
system now adapts constantly, based on the organisms in an AMI farm are very similar
acquired knowledge. All the farmer needs to a regular farming operation of a separate
to do is monitor these processes. Adding species. As a result, the same tools and
machine learning algorithms adds an extra machines are used. This results in the amount
layer of self-improvement of the system based of investment needed for an AMI farm being
on the newly-acquired information. This almost equal to the investment for, say, the
leads to even faster development. When new three separate species. For example: when
questions arise in the context of production, combining recirculating aquaculture with
new tools for getting more relevant data are hydroponic plant production (aquaponics),
acquired and the process continues from the water flow of the separate systems has to
the first step. The system is improved even be connected and adjusted to each other. This
further by adding other factors such as the site, comes down to arranging piping work between
market opportunities, available resources, the systems, though in both systems piping for
waste streams, and so on. This in turn adds to the drainage of leach water need to be built
the resilience of the system. anyway. As a result, the investment needed
to combine systems is not the biggest hurdle
This approach may seem far-fetched, but it to make an economically-feasible AMI farm.
is worth putting the effort on this trajectory
for dealing with such complex systems and The challenge comes with the return on
the multitude of links that could overwhelm investment. Return of investment (ROI)
human understanding otherwise, postponing is the ratio between the net profit and the
the implementation of such ecosystem food total investment. To maximise ROI, the
production systems. Agriculture is on the maximum economic value has to be extracted
path of being digitised. Technology plays an from the investment. This can be done by
import role in bringing nature back into the maximising revenue and/or minimising
food system by mimicking the same process costs. In agriculture, maximising profit
to the benefit of farmers, consumers, and the translates to getting the highest possible
environment. yield. To ensure the highest possible yield,

all environmental variables are optimised other circular ventures. In this business model,
for the specific organism. In an AMI system, the company can save on production costs, as
compromises have to be made between the raw materials are an income stream as well.
different organisms. These compromises can In agriculture this is already being practised:
be minimised by selecting the right species, for example, dairy farmers pay arable farmers
but the compromise will remain nonetheless. to take their manure. An aquaponics system
This will result in lower yields for the same is an aquatic version of this combination of
investment. However, the strong point of livestock and crops, effectively vertically
every AMI farm is the lower costs of the integrating the production chain. This should
operation, as waste streams are used as the benefit both operations.
main input. This is in contrast to a regular
farm, where more costly materials are used. There are many waste streams that have not
Playing to this strength of AMI systems could yet been used to their full potential and could
result in an AMI farm being profitable. be used to fuel an AMI farm. The producer of
the waste stream has to pay for the transport
Going back to the aquaponics example, a and treatment of it, and often a tax is
compromise between the plants and the fish applicable. In the Netherlands, for example,
has to be made. Fish thrive in water with as waste that is incinerated is taxed at 32.12 per
little nutrients as possible. Plants thrive in tonne. This is done to encourage recycling.
water with a high concentration of nutrients. Changes in policies like these towards more
A good compromise between plants and fish circular systems could improve the financial
can be made, but it results in a comparatively feasibility of an AMI farm.
lower plant yield per square metre and/or
lower fish yield per cubic metre. Whether using 8.3 Conventional cost versus
aquaponics or artificial nutrient solutions, environmental full cost accounting
the investment for a plant factory is roughly
the same. However, in aquaponics, running Taxes on waste treatment to encourage
costs are minimised by using the waste water r ecy cling can also be seen as a small
from the fish to feed the plants. This reduces implementation of environmental full cost
the costs of disposing nutrient-rich water accounting (EFCA). EFCA is a method to
which would need to happen in conventional include the indirect (environmental) costs of a
aquaculture, and saves on external fertiliser product. An example of this could be aeroplane
costs of a conventional plant factory. This travel, which is relatively cheap, but produces
reduces the operational costs of the AMI farm, high amounts of carbon dioxide. This has high
which could potentially offset the reduced environmental costs, as countries for instance
production. have to build infrastructure to counteract
rising sea levels. If these costs were factored
8.2 Production factors into the price of an plane ticket, many airlines
would have difficulties in sustaining a rapid
Production factors are all the inputs needed to economical growth. This principle of EFCA can
produce a certain good: land, raw materials, also be used in agriculture. When this is done,
labour, capital, and entrepreneurship. The AMI systems could be more economically
plant factory part of the aquaponics unit not viable, since the use of waste streams instead
only has crops as a product, but offers waste- of virgin materials should have a lower
water treatment services, whilst offsetting the impact on the environment. A sort of EFCA
need to buy fertiliser. This dual income stream, is also a law imposed by a government that
where production factors like fertiliser are forbids the disposing of certain compounds
replaced with a service like waste treatment, in the environment. For instance, intensive
could be a business model for AMI farms and production of pork produces ammonia. In the

Paris. Urban orchard. I. de Felipe

Netherlands, an ammonia scrubber has to be the environment find aternatives and grow
installed in pig barns [1]. This is an expense food in a sustainable way. This is described by
to the farmer, as it has high investment- and the Peer-to-Peer Foundation as “commons”, an
running costs. However, the same result, old concept which is seeing new light.
namely scrubbing air of ammonia, could also be
achieved using algae. Algae take up ammonia As AMI systems have still not yet been
and carbon dioxide, whilst producing valuable proven to be competitive with conventional
fatty acids. As a result, when algae are coupled agriculture, in the current market types,
to pig-rearing, the principles of ecosystems organising community supported AMI systems
are applied and an AMI farm is created. This could well be a feasible way to kick-start many
may alleviate some of the farmer’s problems, of them. In this way, the community pays for
whilst creating an extra income stream. the upcycling of waste, food production, and
research to improve food production systems.
8.4 Community Supported
One of the big drivers of all current food
production systems is that the laws of supply Plantgeek is a research group based in Romania
and demand reflect the current market at the University of Agricultural Sciences and
dynamics. This is detrimental for the quality Veterinary Medicine, in Cluj-Napoca, funded
of food and the quality of the environment. by the German Environmental Foundation
As a response to this phenomenon, food and coordinated by the University of Applied
cooperatives and community supported Sciences in Neubrandenburg in Germany.
agriculture (CSA) have been growing trends in Its research is focused on aquaponic systems
the food scene. In these types of organisations, and combines the knowledge of plant
a community of people who value health and production with available technology in order

to improve food production. The aim of the two vertically-stacked plant trays (around
research project is to use affordable sensors 150 litres, 3 metres long, with an adjustable
and platforms for automation in order to test water level). The irrigation system was made
the limits and robustness of the system with with 25-inch pipes linked to the pumps in
cheap infrastructure and to get large amounts the system. LEDs are installed above each
of data from as many sources as possible for a tray with a self-built system that allows the
better understanding of the indoor ecosystems controlling of the light intensity by adjusting
and how the plants are influenced by the the height from the plants. All components
environmental factors. that went into building the system were
acquired locally.
9.1 System description
The nutrient flow is described in Fig.4,
The research project was conducted at and is as follows. From the fish tank (2),
the University of Agricultural Sciences water is pumped through a swirl filter that
and Veterinary Medicine in Cluj-Napoca, separates the solids, to the biological filter
Romania in the Institute of Life Sciences. The with nitrifying bacteria (3). Then, the water
laboratory was established in the basement of is pumped to the two plant trays (4), from
the institute in order to minimise influence where it gravitationally flows in the drainage
from the outer environment. The aeration (5), from where the water is pumped back to
and climate control were done with a mobile the fish tank through a ultraviolet filter. The
air-conditioning system linked to the central water flow is automated based on water level
ventilation system. sensors. Furthermore, water parameters such
as pH, electrical conductivity (EC), dissolved
The system consists of four water tanks (three oxygen (DO), temperature, and environmental
of 500 litres and the one of 300 litres) and parameters such as temperature, humidity,

Figure 4: The layout of the lab. 1 sump tank, 2. fish tank, 3. nitrification bioreactor, 4. plant trays, 5.
drainage tank

and light intensity are monitored through the The automation of the aquaponic system is
sensor system in each tank and tray. This data achieved by recirculating the water from one
is complemented by weekly measurements tank to another, based on the reading from the
of the plants (biometric data and chemical wireless water level sensors. For an optimal
analysis), fish (size and weight), and lab water flow, three water cycle phases were
analysis of the nutrient solution (nitrite and devised: 1. from the fish tank to the bacteria
nitrate levels). tank 2. from the bacteria tank to the drainage
tank, trough the plant trays 3. from the
The objectives of this research project are to drainage tank back to the fish tank). Two of
analyse how the automation and a big sensor the water level sensors were placed on each
network help the team to better understand tank to signal the minimum and maximum
the processes happening in the artificial water level. Based on these readings, the
ecosystem. There were four iterations before system either starts or stops the water flow.
the team got to the optimal fish/plant growing
protocols. In this time, rsearchers have grown The sensors placed in each water tank or plant
goldfish, carp, and African catfish in symbiosis tray gave a real-time view of the required
with spinach, lettuce and basil respectively. parameters from the system, as presented in
Fig. 5. The sensor readings can be viewed as
To achieve the goals of the research project, a graph and are compared with readings from
various low-cost sensors and platforms were other sensors. If the sensor values are out of
used, to make sure the system was affordable their corresponding thresholds, an alarm is
and easily replicated. Therefore Raspberry Pi, triggered, and the associated value turns red.
Arduino, and Windows platforms were used.
9.3 Results
9.2 Automation and Data
Collection During the research trials different growing
media, plants and fish were tested to see which
In order to fulfil the project requirements of combination better serves the research goals.
using low-cost equipment, it was decided to
use some of the most important parameters The growing media that was tested for
for an aquaponic system. The sensors used seedling production were soil and rockwool.
in the research project are listed in the table Of these two, the latter was chosen, due
below. to the difficulties that were faced with the

Table 6: An overview of the main sensors used in the system

Name Quantity Location

Water level sensor 8 Water tanks 1,2,3,4,5

Dissolved oxygen sensor 4 Water tanks 2,3,4,5

pH/EC sensors 5 Water tanks 2,3,4,5 and in both plant trays

Light sensors 4 Both plant trays

Water temperature sensors 4 Water tanks 2,3,4,5

Air humidity and temperature sensors 6 Both plant trays and placed in the lab

Figure 5: Sensor system interface for monitoring and data collection

transplantation from soil to the hydroponic root length, and chlorophyll content (SPAD
trays in regard to cleaning the soil out of the value). For the plant quality, parameters
roots. During this process, the frail plant roots such as vitamin C, flavonoids, and beta-
were often damaged. Thus, using rockwool, carotenoids content were tested on a weekly
the substrate with its seedling could have been basis using HPLC (High performance liquid
directly transplanted in the system. chromatography) equipment.

The first plant species used was spinach As for the fish species , the goldfish (Carassius
(Spinacia oleracea), but due to the difficulties auratus) was the first choice. This turned
in transplantation and plant development, out to be a difficult choice for the research
the switch was made to the basil (Ocilum purposes, due to their slow growth. Therefore,
basilicum). The candidate plants had to have for the second trials, carp (Cyprinus carpio)
a short vegetation period and to be interesting was used, because nutrient solution data
not just for the development features, but also has shown that the system needed a higher
for the bioactive compounds. Spinach proved fish biomass for higher nutrient production.
to be a difficult plant to grow in the system. The feeding regime was based on the rule of
After a few weeks of experimenting with it, thumb in aquaponics that says that feed rate
the trials were stopped. Basil turned out to be a should be around 3% of the total fish biomass.
better suited plant, as it seemed very resilient As a result, weekly feed rate was adjusted. The
and its development from seed to harvest was carp, however, needed a long time to adapt
relatively short, allowing multiple research in the system and proved to have an unstable
trials to be done. For each research trial, feeding behaviour, which resulted in an excess
about 300 plants were planted - 150 for each of food being dissolved in the water. This food
tray. Weekly morphological measurements excess led to a decrease in water quality, due
were conducted on parameters such as stem to the increase levels of ammonia and nitrite
length, leaf number, area, internode length, which is toxic for the fish. They also showed

stress under low pH that occured due to the quality was ensuring the right parameters
nitrification process. for all the organisms present in the indoor
ecosystem. The pH level, as an example,
Having difficulties with the first two fish for optimal plant development need to be
species, it was decided to use a more resilient between 5.5 and 6.5, but for the nitrifying
one. As a result, the African catfish (Clarias bacteria to work properly, the optimal range
gariepinus) was chosen. This third trial proved is around 8, and for the fish, a pH value
to be a better choice, due to the fact that close to 7 was needed. This represented a
the African catfish tolerates lower dissolved conundrum. Such difficulties needed to be
oxygen by developing lungs at maturity, and addressed. The project aimed to use the data
adapts well to fluctuating pH levels. This also for better understanding the process between
proves that the diversity of species that could the different organism, therefore the team
be implemented in AMI systems plays for the did not intervene chemically in adjusting the
advantage of the farmer, in the sense that it is pH.
a more resilient approach to choose suitable
species than to be involved in changing Other parameters, such as dissolved oxygen
environmental parameters. Furthermore, are equally important as the pH, for an
they responded better to the feeding regime, effective system. An air pump was used to
meaning that they offered more predictable improve aeration for the bacteria and the
and stable results for the research project. fish tanks. The pumps that determine the
hydraulic load rate (HLR = m 3 volume of
The fish were measured on a weekly basis water/m 2 surface/day) are also influencing
to determine their growth rate, but also to both the oxygen saturation of the water and
determine the food quantity needed for the nitrification process. The flow was quite
their respective weight. For this purpose, short, from 10 to 40 minutes which did not
30 random fish were selected and measured allow for the oxygen to get depleted quickly
(weight and length). Following the 3% rule, in the system. The measurements showed
the weekly feed rate was adjusted with the the dissolved oxygen was constantly over 7
help of an automatic feeder. If the fish were mg/L, which is optimal for all the organism,
not eating the whole food, adjustments were with just lower thresholds in the plant trays,
made accordingly. which is optimal for nutrient uptake rate.

The most important factors in the AMI Having to deal with such a complex system
system are related to nutrient flows and in showed how much data its needed for making
aquaponics, especially the water quality sense of the convoluted interaction between
parameters. In this category, two methods of the organisms. The most interesting results
data gathering were used. The first method were around the nitrification/denitrification
was conducted with the help of sensors processes that are at the core of the system
connected to the system. Therefore, data efficiency. The most important lesson from
regarding pH, electrical conductivity (EC), this project was that no organism can be
total dissolved solids, dissolved oxygen and prioritised in the ecosystem. Having more
temperature were taken. The second method feeding input with the catfish seemed
was done by collecting weekly water probes optimistic for the nitrate production for the
from each water tank to determine the plants. But it was surprising to see that the
nitrite and nitrate levels, which were then nitrate levels were not significant higher
analysed with specific laboratory equipment than the ones obtained with the carp. This
(spectrometry). fact showed that the bioreactor reached
a limitation so the heterotrophic bacteria
One of the challenges regarding the water might have won in the competition with the

nitrifying bacteria. This type of information 10 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

can help in planning and designing the AMI
systems and it is important to encourage more The authors would like to acknowledge DBU
farmers and scholars to share experience (German Federal Environmental Foundation)
and data for advancing knowledge in the for funding the Plantgeek research project (
ecosystem food production. Project No. FKZ DBU: 33716/01-35)

9.4 Next steps 11 REFFERENCES

The next steps of the research project are [1] BACKES, C. W., ANKER, H. T., KEESSEN,
open to more interesting question as the A. M., BAANER, L., & MÖCKEL, S. (2018).
possibilities are plentifully. For the next “Comparison of ammonia regulation in Germany,
few months, the work will continue on the Netherlands and Denmark-legal framework.”
the current setup by testing bigger variety IFRO Report series.
of leafy greens, while improving the fish
feeding cycle. Regarding feed, one of the mid- [2] BOMMARCO, R., VICO, G., & HALLIN,
term goals, is to develop an autonomous fish- S. (2018). “Exploiting ecosystem services in
feeding device. This device will be able to agriculture for increased food security.” Global
feed the fish based on images of the leftovers. food security, Volume 17, Pages 57-63.
Based on the results collected and with the
help of machine learning, the device will self- [3] EDENBRANDT, A. K., GAMBORG, C., &
regulate, increasing or decreasing the amount THORSEN, B. J. (2018). “Consumers’ Preferences
of feed. The images turned into quantifiable for Bread: Transgenic, Cisgenic, Organic
data will also be of great aid to understanding or Pesticide‐free?.” Journal of Agricultural
the processes in the aquaponics from the feed Economics, Volume 69 Number 1, Pages 121-141.
to the bioreactor, all the way to plants.
Another midterm next step for the research C., LIAO, J., & DOYLE, M. P. (2004). “Reduction
is to integrate in the already-working of Escherichia coli O157: H7 and Salmonella
ecosystem another piece of the puzzle. The enterica serovar enteritidis in chicken manure
options can be adding insects for feeding the by larvae of the black soldier fly.” Journal of Food
fish, or by growing mushrooms on the plant Protection, Volume 67 Number 4, Pages 685-690.
unedible mass, thus closing one more loop in
the system. [5] GOPALAKANNAN, A., & ARUL, V. (2006).
“Immunomodulatory effects of dietary intake of
Until reaching the mid-term goals, on chitin, chitosan and levamisole on the immune
a shorter time span, the focus is on on system of Cyprinus carpio and control of
optimising the sensors/automation system, Aeromonas hydrophila infection in ponds.”
so that the collected data can become Aquaculture, Volume 255, Number 1-4, Pages
more reliable. Also hardware is prone 179-187.
to improvement as we have seen that
the types of pumps, tanks and pipes can [6] VAN DER SPIEGEL, M., NOORDAM, M. Y.,
influence important factors in the system. & VAN DER FELS-KLERX, H. J. (2013). “Safety
Using the data gathered until now, we will of novel protein sources (insects, microalgae,
look for correlations and trends that can be seaweed, duckweed, and rapeseed) and legislative
used as inputs in the automation script. We aspects for their application in food and feed
will build models and validate them with production.” Comprehensive Reviews in Food
the next experiments and get closer to the Science and Food Safety, Volume 12 Number 6,
autonomous indoor ecosystems. Pages 662-678.
Vertical garden in
the Federation of
Private Businessmen of
Cochabamba. Bolivia.
Paisajismo Urbano



Ignacio Solano
Head director of Paisajismo Urbano

SUMMARY difficulties; However, the botanical value

that these native species provide can be the

s cities face an increase in urban density difference between a lifeless vertical garden
and scarcity of surface space, garden and a sanctuary for a certain species of animal.
facades are an alternative that provide
multiple benefits to the urban ecosystem. KEY WORDS
These vertical gardens improve air quality
and acoustic conditions, while regulating the Vertical garden, native species, botanic
temperature in the urban environment and expedition, exotic plants, vertical ecosystems,
providing aesthetic value to cities. fieldwork.

A requirement to convert a vertical garden 1. INTRODUCTION

into an authentic urban ecosystem lies in the
combination of native plants, with animals that Progress, understood as an improvement
are interested in them. With this interaction, of human condition, emerged thanks to
a botanical and biological value is added the industrialization and technological
to the project. The importance of working innovation that has fostered economic and
with a native plant justifies the realization social development. However, these advances
of fieldwork in areas of similar climate to cannot translate into an improvement of our
the place where the green wall will be later quality of life, since they have brought with
constructed. them environmental problems, pollution and
climate change, which cause diseases and
These actions require thorough planning millions of deaths every year. (WHO/OMS,
and are not exempt from risks or logistical 2014).

Monstera oblique
growing in low light
conditions in tropical

Polypodiaceae growing
in vertical conditions
in the Bolivian Chaparé

Frequently, the population is not aware of the 2. THE USE OF NATIVE PLANTS IN
seriousness of these environmental problems. VERTICAL GARDENS
According to the latest CIS barometer, from
December 2018, the percentage of Spaniards From the first moment that a vertical garden
who consider environmental problems as the is made a project, it is necessary to understand
main problem in Spain, is only 0.1%. Those the soon-to-be green wall as an integral part
who value it as the second most serious issue of the human ecosystem. Since the beginning
represent 0.2%, while 0.5% consider it the of time, human beings have lived in harmony
third most serious problem in our country with nature. This has changed radically since
( This lack of awareness the Industrial Revolution, which forced us to
has, in part, much to do with misinformation, leave the field and establish ourselves in a
and even to do with some politicians or hostile environment for which we were not
administrations making the topic somewhat designed. This new way of living, in cities far
trivial. from nature, has caused conflicts in addition
to a great spiritual and existential vacuum.
Fortunately, there are more and more individual
actions in response to these problems, that A solution to these problems is to return to
mainly affect the most populated cities, the past, integrating nature in our societies,
where conurbation has destroyed the natural through the design of artificial ecosystems,
vegetation. The development of vertical in which both plants and animals have their
gardens is one of the solutions that exist to space. Plants are necessary for life, thanks
counteract pollution in cities and provide a to their oxygen production work. Moreover,
healthier environment for citizens. However, it is known by all, that in cities plants help
the benefits go far beyond trying to reduce to counteract the “urban heat island” effect,
pollution. It is about recreating an ecosystem which is caused by the excessive construction
where humans, plants and animals live in of its surroundings. However, the ecosystem
harmony without giving up the beautiful and would be incomplete if those plants were not
natural environment. related to the urban fauna.

In any ecosystem there are always animals. Another example of the introduction of
In our human ecosystem there are birds that exotic vegetation, which does not generate an
feed on the detritus that we leave, rats which interaction between flora and fauna, occurs in
are responsible for processing waste and the Mediterranean Sea with the alga Caulerpa
pollinating insects that are necessary for life, taxifolia. This species was accidentally
because they pollinate the plants that later introduced in 1984 by the Oceanographic
serve as food. One of the objectives when Museum of Monaco, apparently after the
creating a vertical ecosystem (Ignacio Solano, emptying of one of the museum’s aquariums.
2011) is to bring back the urban fauna which ( The
provides a biological value and, to achieve temperature of the Mediterranean water
this, the use of native plants that arouse an favors the invasive growth of this seaweed,
interest for these native animals is crucial. which has been displacing the endemic
Mediterranean species, the aquatic plant,
For many years, burnt forests have been Posidonia. In addition, Caulerpa taxifolia
repopulated with exotic plants, such as is a toxic species for fish which are native
eucalyptus, a plant that evolves in its own to the Mediterranean Sea, which causes an
ecosystem, in the forests of Australia. There invasion of plant meadows that do not serve
it serves as food for animals such as koalas, as food for any animal; they are green deserts
and for pollinators who are specialised in where there is no life. In the tropical waters
it. In other countries there is no such fauna of the Philippines and the China Sea, where
specialised in these plants, so repopulating this species is native, there are fish that have
the forests with these exotic species leads evolved with that plant and benefit from it, but
to sterile forests, in which the interactions outside its natural environment, it only causes
between plants and animals do not occur. damage.

Detail of lithophyte ferns in tropical understory in the Selva de Misiones in Argentina


Peperomia spp. growing epiphytically on Begonia spp. growing in tropical understory of

branches in scarce light conditions in tropical eastern Ecuador only with an amount of light of
understory. Costa Rica 300 lux

The incorporation of native plants in the to become an authentic vertical ecosystem

construction of a vertical garden also provides (Ignacio Solano, 2011), the introduction of a
an added botanical value. It must be taken native plant is mandatory.
into account that in Spain, most of the plant
species that are located in public places are 3. FROM VERTICAL GARDEN TO
exotic plants. For example, it is believed VERTICAL ECOSYSTEM
that the date palm (Phoenix dactylifera)
comes from North Africa (Zeven & de Wet, Once the importance of using a native plant
1993) or from the area between the Middle for the construction of a vertical ecosystem is
East and Kurdistan (Zohary & Hopf, 2000). justified, we must know which plant families
Another example of an exotic plant that has are the most suitable, depending on the
been introduced as an ornamental species in climatic conditions of the place where we are
Spain is Ficus benjamina, which comes from going to carry out the project. When selecting
the south and southeast of Asia, and from the the different species, it is convenient to look
south and north of Australia. for plants that provide added value. Currently,
of the 35,000 plants used by humans, some
This tendency of incorporating exotic species 28,000 are for ornamental use. (José Manuel
is closely linked to the Victorian era, that Sánchez, 2012)
established the presumption that wild plants,
which are born naturally thanks to the The tendency to work with a native plant
propagation of seeds, have no value, when in is increasing in vertical gardens located
reality it is the opposite. For a vertical garden outdoors. However, when it comes to indoors,

Ignacio Solano examining lithophyte plants from the Mexican deserts of Veracruz

the adaptive limitations of these plants force The selection of species for the realization of
us to work with tropical species in many cases, the outdoor vertical garden will depend on
since the so-called “indoor plant” does not which predominant species are in the zone
exist as such. It is nothing more than a plant of work. In the event that we were going to
that evolved in poor light conditions. Although begin a vertical garden project in an area
it is true that in areas of warm climate we can with a Mediterranean climate, we would
work with a native plant, when we work on choose to select some species of Lamiaceae,
interior vertical gardens it is difficult to find Bignoniaceae, Crasuláceas, Rosaceas,
a native plant that can satisfy our needs, Berberidaceae and Juncaceas. If the work zone
because it needs cool periods rather than the had a cooler climate, the tendency would be to
more average temperatures of indoors. work with families of Cupresáceas, Oleáceas,
Brasicáceas or Cistáceas.
There are two factors that guide us when it
comes to working with tropical plants. The The advantage of working with these large
first is that they are understory plants, with plant families, for outdoor vertical gardens,
which any understory would provide us is that we know that these families work. For
with the species we need. The second and example, within the family of the Moraceae,
decisive factor is that they are plants that different genera and species can be used in
need mild temperatures so, in most cases, Spain and Argentina. Amongst the native
they will be plants that have grown in tropical species that live in Argentina, we will find
understory, such as Pteridophyta, Araceae, Moraceae which will work well, just as in
Arecaceae, Driopteridaceae, Peperomiaceae Spain we will find other species of Moraceae
or Pteridaceae. that will also work. As these plant families

live throughout the continent, we can use the into the soil. With this interaction, the beans
genera that have developed in those climates fertilize the soil and in turn benefit the corn.
in which we are going to work. In addition, since the bean is a climbing plant,
it uses corn as a support, which is why this
In my vertical ecosystem projects, I always positive allelopathy generates a symbiosis
try to introduce these native species, but between the two species.
also some endemic species from the place
where the garden will be constructed. That is Another example of allelopathy occurs in the
why I follow a certain selection process. For case of a plant that may be the antagonist of a
example, if we were in Argentina, where we pest to which another species is susceptible.
work with species of Moraceae, we would This happens, for example, with Peppermint,
look for a rarity within that species in that a plant that is susceptible to the insect
ecosystem; in other words, we would use the Trialeurodes spp (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae),
endemic Moraceae of that zone of Argentina commonly known as whitefly. The violet
to contribute to the project and provide that Tulbaghia plant is a potent repellent for this
added value of botanical interest. pest, therefore, with this information, if at the
time of creating a vertical garden we placed
Regarding the importance in the selection these two species together, there would be
of species, our experience provides us with a phenomenon of positive allelopathy; a
a starting point. Therefore, once proven that perfect combination where one plant will be
all these families work in the construction of protecting another.
the ecosystem, it is much easier to later spend
time trying new combinations. We know that these allelopathic relationships
exist in forests. Here lies the importance of
4. THE IMPORTANCE OF carrying out fieldwork before the completion of
FIELDWORK BEFORE A VERTICAL the vertical project. We must bear in mind that
ECOSYSTEM PROJECT these gardens involve a very high quantity of
plants, which we will have to condense into the
The growing demand for indoor vertical smallest possible space, so it is very important
gardening projects, or outdoors in tropical to select the species that coexist the best and
areas, justifies that a great portion of our which allow these symbiotic relationships.
interest is in tropical forests. In an ecosystem There is hardly any documentation on this
as complex as a tropical forest seldom or allelopathic phenomenon in the ornamental
hardly ever are there problematic pests. This is plant, although some information can be
because there is such a biodiversity that there found in the Permaculture treatises.
are phenomena called positive allelopathies
and negative allelopathies. Positive allelopathy Thanks to previous fieldwork we can explore
is a collaboration between plants, which favors areas that have the same climate as the place
the growth between plants, which for example where we will install our vertical garden and
occurs between some species of fabaceae and look for the species which have that botanical
other plants. value that may interest us, or that have an
attractive power for certain species of animals.
The Aztecs had already discovered these
benefits by planting corn next to beans. They An example of this attractiveness, thanks
observed that corn grew much faster when to the use of native species, is our vertical
partnered with a legume plant. Legumes, garden of the Santalaia building in Bogotá.
like beans, have nodules in the roots where We discovered that in the city of Bogotá there
bacteria inhabit and is responsible for taking was a hummingbird that was endagered, the
the nitrogen in the atmosphere and mixing it Amazilia tzacatl. In a megacity like Bogotá,

Adult specimen of the very common Bothrops Asper in the jungle of the Colombian Chocó.
Ignacio Solano

this bird is very exposed, since it flies from 5. IMPLEMENTATION IN

plant pot to plant pot, so we decided to turn PROJECTS
the vertical garden itself into a sanctuary for
these birds. Thanks to the principle of positive A project of such extensive proportions as the
and negative allelopathies, my vertical vertical garden of the Santalaia building in
gardening projects do not require the use of Bogotá requires equally thorough planning. In
phytosanitary products; therefore, these small the case of this Colombian garden, planning
animals are now more protected thanks to the had to be done three years in advance. When
plant facade. the moment arrived for the project to become
reality, with the help of our Colombian
One of the plant families that this hummingbird partners, we decided that it was a building
feeds is one of the varieties of native that had enough botanical value to justify an
Lamiaceae. After conducting our fieldwork in expedition in search of a native plant that
the nearby forests, we discovered what species could be of interest.
of this plant family were in the area, and in
turn we found some commercial plants which Unfortunately, we could not make use of all
also possessed this attractive power. Taking the native plants we had discovered, due to a
into account that a plant facade requires a matter of agenda and time. The garden of the
high quantity of plants, the tendency is to Santalaia building is currently the largest in
introduce as many native species as possible, the world, with 3,116 square metres of facade
although the bulk of the garden will inevitably with more than 100,000 plants. Propagating
be formed by a commercial plant. Within that this amount of native species would be
commercial plant we will look for the one that economically unfeasible, besides requiring
also includes all of these factors. the creation of an entire infrastructure to

reproduce such a variety of plants necessary documentation prior to the expedition. We

for the project. enjoy doing fieldwork while seeking funding,
knowing that it is difficult for a company to pay
70% of current plant coverings continue being for something that will not gain an immediate
created with plants of common ornamental economic return. In addition, an expedition
use, although the intention is to increase the of this type is a great investment; not only
percentage of native plants used in vertical because you have to have a team consisting
gardens. Our first projects had 2% of native of five or six people, but also to document
or endemic plants, while we currently use up absolutely everything, in addition to having
to 30% of these species. We understand that recording material and other survival and
these projects should be done like this, even climbing equipment.
though the infrastructure that is required does
not provide an immediate economic return. Fieldwork gives us access to different
True to our commitment to the environment, ecosystems that may interest us, since we
we understand that the success of the project work a lot with the altitudinal gradient. The
is not only measured by the economic return, same geographic area offers us from humid
but by the significance of the project itself and deciduous tropical forest at sea level, to
the benefits it produces on other levels. temperate humid tropical forest at 500 metres
of altitude, passing through mesophilic tropical
6. FIELDWORK AND EXPEDITIONS forest, located onwards of 1000 metres, to
montane forests located at more than 1800
Carrying out a botanical expedition requires metres of altitude. This altitudinal stratification
multiple preparations and extensive provides us with diverse ecosystems where

Ignacio Solano selecting samples of tropical understory plants. Jungle of the Darién. Panamá

Ignacio Solano carrying out an examination of epiphytic plants in the Colombian Chocó jungle

we can research and select plants without the as well as mastering the rope techniques to
need to travel a large number of kilometres. access these locations. It is a matter of passion
for what we do, since we are amateur cavers,
Another factor that influences the plant climbers and biologists.
species within the same area is the orientation
of the mountain. The vegetation is not the Once the species that interest us are located,
same on a mountain that is leeward than in and with the corresponding permission, we
one that is windward, just as the north face has take a small sample at a cellular level, disinfect
completely different vegetation to the south it in a solution and keep it for later treatment
face. Exposure to the winds also influences with hormones and in vitro propagation.
the vegetation. There are different factors that This is a very minor invasive technique,
we have to take into account when looking for since simply with a leaf or with an apical tip,
plants. For example, a ridge is not the same as hundreds of individuals can be reproduced in
a stream. In a ravine or gorge, where a river a simple way.
often flows, it is usually very hot and humid,
so the vegetation is very different from that The last expedition that we carried out was to
found on a ridge. the jungle of Panama, where we discovered
some types of philodendrons, barely used in
Most of the plants that we use in our vertical the ornamental market, such as Philodendron
ecosystems are lithophytes, that is, they live verrucosum, some types of marcgravia, such
on stones in vertical conditions. To access as Marcgravia rectifolia and some types of
these walls, it is necessary to have a specific vriesea, that we will surely use in future
material that allows rappelling or climbing, vertical ecosystem projects.


Fieldwork sometimes involves entering areas
where human presence is minimal. In the The correct functioning of a vertical garden
case of humid tropical forests, with thick depends on several factors that must be taken
vegetation, it is important to use GPS tracking into account. These types of walls work with
techniques to avoid one of the main problems, physical, chemical, luminous and hygrometric
such as getting lost in the jungle. In addition, gradients. Within nature those plants have
it is convenient to learn from the local guides adaptive capabilities. Depending on the type
how the routes are laid out, in order to follow of plant, it will go in one place or another of
the work transects. The technique consists the wall, that is to say, on the same wall we
of always walking in the same direction and can use the upper part for crassulacean plants,
knotting a small strip of biodegradable fabric succulent plants or semi cacti, that need very
every three or four trees. This technique is little humidity. However, plants that live in
like leaving bread crumbs, and combined with puddles of water, such as species from the
the GPS method, it is the most practical and Junaceae family, will be on the lower part of
safest way to navigate through the forest to the wall.
take the plant samples.
This is because the top part of the wall is
Another main drawback has to do with the permanently dehydrated while the bottom part
fauna that we find on these expeditions. Insect is permanently waterlogged. This provides
bites are very common and annoying, so it a versatility that allows us to use almost
is necessary to wear long trousers and long- any species within the system, taking into
sleeved shirts, in addition to boots. This is also account that each plant has a specific place
important to protect yourself from snakes. according to their needs. It is important to
understand where each species goes in terms
In the American tropical forests one of the of its adaptive evolution and its moisture or
most significant risks is a snake called Bothrops light needs. For example, just because Salvia
spp, the snake that causes the most accidents microphylla works well on a certain part of
throughout the continent. They are very the wall does not mean it will be successful
common and practically invisible specimens on another part. It can work in one part of the
since they have a tremendous mimicry with garden and die elsewhere.
their environment. In addition, they are
Viperidae, they hunt by waiting patiently and A vertical ecosystem that is done properly does
remain immobile, so it is possible to be less not entail an excessive consumption of water,
than 50 centimeters from one and not be able since the garden itself can become a biofilter
to see it, even if you are looking in the right for all of the excess water of the building.
direction. These snakes are not aggressive, Many of my projects use systems that recover
but the greatest danger is that they can be the water from the showers and the cisterns
stepped on; making protective footwear of of the buildings themselves, filter them,
vital importance. thanks to the nitrogen cycle, and reuse them
to water the gardens. The irrigation system
Our experience on expeditions has lead us to can use different methods, with more or less
always include a herpetologist on our trips, technology. This will depend on the size of the
an expert on snakes, and even I myself have project. There are many possibilities that can
ended up specialising in these ophidians and be done, from the very simple, which are not
being able to recognise them all, which is an equipped with advanced technology, to truly
added advantage to avoid an accident. automated systems that are fully controlled by

computer, with water filtration, purification It is important to ensure that the wall has
of the gray water of the building itself, the the exact chemical composition for the group
possibility to reuse water from rain, etc. of plants that we are going to use, as not all
species have the same nutritional needs.
A healthy vertical garden is loaded with a There are plants that need more of certain
series of aerobic bacteria, which are called salts than others, some that need more acidity
Nitrosomona and Nitrospira. These decompose than others and ones that need more nitrogen
the ammonium into nitrites and the nitrites than others. Depending on the group of plants
into nitrates, thus using the nitrogen cycle so that have been selected, a balanced mixture
the water comes out clean again. This system is prepared that can be used by all the group,
has some technology behind it, which includes based on nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium;
some bacteria reactors and some fertilizer This is linked to PH levels that are crucial for
injectors. We use a hydroponic system when the plants adaptiveness.
faced with big projects, which is based on
the principle that plants do not need land to These hydroponic solutions are designed
live, they need something that provides them for each project and ensure that the plants
support for the roots and a substrate that have the perfect nutrition and do not suffer
provides them with the moisture and nutrition nutritional deficiencies which could cause
the plants need. In this case, moisture and the plant’s leaves to burn or some other
nutrition is provided through irrigation with small defects. The components of this
an ultralight mechanical support, made perfect mixture can be reduced to numbers,
with recycled materials that respect the so nothing is left to interpretation. If the
environment. garden needs a certain amount of nitrogen,
phosphorus and potassium, together with the

Ignacio Solano in tropical understory Ignacio Solano recognizing plants that grow on the cliffs.
of volcanic soil in Reunion Island. Selva de Misiones. Argentina. Paisajismo Urbano
Paisajismo Urbano

Measurement of the
real and non-subjective
light of an environment
with the use of a
luxometer. Paisajismo

appropriate level of PH, all of this together gives protection from thermal fluctuations
composes a chemical formula that will have and extreme weather conditions, which
the appropriate properties for the plants. translates into a decrease in stress in people
in hot surroundings, in addition to a reduction
Throughout the learning process during the in the use of air conditioning. Furthermore, it
past twelve years, in which mistakes have mitigates suspended particles that pollute the
been made, the irrigation systems have been air and pose a risk to health, which results in
improved. This is something that satisfies a more livable environment for citizens. The
me greatly because there are many people combination of all these benefits lowers the
learning the process and many competing cost associated with the healthcare of citizens.
companies that are seeing that the system
works, and copying our work with success. Another factor to take into account is the energy
This is an improvement of the system itself saving for buildings, with the consequent
and makes us proud to contribute to an reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. This,
environmental recovery. in turn, prevents the formation of smog that is
caused by the combination of nitrogen oxide,
9. ENVIRONMENTAL AND which comes largely from the exhaust pipes
HEALTH BENEFITS OF VERTICAL of vehicles, and volatile organic compounds.
The installation of vertical gardens in cities not
If vertical ecosystems are done adequately, only provides benefits for the environment and
the list of environmental and health benefits health, but also offers aesthetic improvements
produced by this integration of vegetation in that provide new recreational opportunities
cities is extensive. It has been demonstrated for artistic expression or bird watching. The
that vertical gardens mitigate the “urban heat vegetal cover also entails an attenuation of
island” effect, one of the greatest impacts the noise that penetrates the building, that is
derived from climate change produced by replaced by naturally satisfying sounds, which
excessive building in cities. The vegetal facade contribute to a revaluation of the property.

Spain’s largest indoor vertical garden located in a multinational company in Alicante.

Paisajismo Urbano

10. BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES 7 millones de muertes cada año debidas a la

contaminación atmosférica.
Briz, J.; Köhler, M.; De Felipe, I. (2015). Green
cities in the world. Second edition. Editorial
Agrícola. Madrid. releases/2014/air-pollution/es/

Calle, M.S; Gómez, J.E. LA PESTE VERDE, algas Sanchez, J.M. (2012) «Nuevas plantas
asesinas. Waste Magazine. From https://waste. ornamentales» VIII Jornadas Técnicas. Producción y Comercialización de Plantas
CIS-Centro de investigaciones sociológicas (2018).
Barómetro de diciembre de 2018. http://www. Solano I (2016) La guía definitiva del jardín vertical. Editorial Círculo Rojo.
Zeven, A.C.; De Wet, J. (1993) Dictionary of
Magnini, E.; Schemel, S. Proyecto Madrid + cultivated plants and their regions of diversity.
Natural. Adaptación al Cambio Climático International Book Distributors, Dehradun.
basado en la naturaleza. Ayuntamiento de
Madrid. Zohary, D.; Hopf, M. (2000) Domestication of
plants in the Old World. 3ª edition. Oxford
OMS-Organización Mundial de la Salud (2014). University Press. Oxford.
Bangalore. India.
I. de Felipe


Andreas Schmidt (A2)

Founder and Creative Director of indoorlandscaping in Trier, Germany (1998-)

Yaël Ehrenberg
Co-Founder of trespuntos (…) and verde360° in CDMX, México (2007-)

SUMMARY November 2007. That describes our former

approach as a pioneer in the living wall
Our living wall stories. A long-term industry perfectly —
collaboration. Long-term experience.
New developments
A second generation of green walls,
indoorlandscaping, living walls, pioneers, pioneered by Patrick Blanc in France,
design, sustainability, functionality, indoorlandscaping in Germany and others,
maintenance, new generation, purpose, green does not rely on climbing plants rooted in soil
mission, passion but on a carpet of smaller plants root¬ed on
the vertical surface itself. There are several
1. THE GERMAN EXPERIENCE proprietary systems available and others can
be devised from basic princi¬ples. These
Andreas’ background with walls typically comprise a metal frame or
indoorlandscaping mesh, with waterproof backing and felt or
another growing medium in which the plants
As a starting point let me quote a press-release are rooted and watered with mechanical
from Architecture Today’s EcoTech dated irrigation equipment.

indoorlandscaping is careful to describe its been growing interest in using plants not
Grüne Wand product as a green wall rather just as a skin but as structural components.
than a vertical garden, a subtle dif¬ference At its simplest this might include the use of
that points to its intended use as an integral plants to stabilize embankments, for example,
architectural element rather than applied but research continues into the possibility of
decoration. The product was developed after organic, living structures.
the practice developed a planted wall for
Siemens Design & Messe (in 2000) using the ‘Our focus as designers is to have
customary rolled sod, cultivated on mats for a monochrome and graphic, living
weeks beforehand. indoorlandscaping was wall texture’
unhappy with the weight and durability of the
wall, and set about producing an alternative. — Andreas Schmidt
Grüne Wand is available in both fixed and That’s a quote in an article of MARK MAG
mobile forms (for exhibition stands and so on) issue #13, released in April 2008 by Frame
and comprises a reservoir, pump and planting Publishers. Furthermore I quote a featured
panels incorporating a polystyrene base plate, article from DETAIL issue 12/2008 published
a synthetic growing medium of fully hardened by Frank Kaltenbach, the first important
phenolic resin and the actual vegetation. The journalistic review of living walls back then
wall has a controllable humidifying effect on including a technical comparison of the
the ambient air. In recent years there has available systems —

Photo 01
Grüne Wand, Prototype 110 sq. m, Boardroom Hypo Vereinsbank, Munich, Germany 2005
Photo © Christian Richters, Münster, Germany. Courtesy of indoorlandscaping, Trier, Germany

The same living wall with additional plants, in the very same location, now a hotel, 12 years later
Photo © The Love Lace Hotel, Munich, Germany 2017-2019

Section © DETAIL 12/2008. Photo © Gerry Zemp, Bern, Switzerland.

Planted walls internally or if long periods of artificial lighting are

necessary for the upkeep of the plants, the
Green, planted walls are used in internal arguments in favor of green walls as an
situations for the positive effect they have on energy-saving measure no longer apply. The
people psychologically and physiologically. demands of building clients and the potential
As well as improving the indoor air quality of ecological engineering increasingly point
to a measurable degree, they can help to in the direction of using vertical planted
reduce stress. lf a great use of resources is surfaces for air conditioning and indoor
necessary for their production, however, climate control.

Bearing the name Green Wall, this Controlled, germ-free air-moisturisation

development is based on a principle of passive with pre-cultivated foam-based panels by
vaporization that results in adiabatic cooling. indoorlandscaping, agency for new green
Using inorganic foam as the sub¬strate, the strategies, Trier and Munich, Germany.
air emitted is free of germs. The purpose of
the foam is not to retain water, but to ensure Brand name: Grüne Wand;
a good drainage capacity in order to give off
as much moisture as possible. This system
functions only internally. The plants are Diagram of Green Wall air-moisturisation
initially cultivated in a greenhouse on 400 x system by indoorlandscaping —
600 x 50 mm two-layer foam slabs. The units
are then fixed in position vertically with a Ø 170 mm tubular steel supporting structure
offset joints, which grow together in time.
The plants are kept trimmed with shears b irrigation with nutrient solution
to maintain a length of 5-7 cm. The plant
types used to achieve an even surface are c 20 mm polystyrene bearing panel with clip
Ficus pumila and Philodendron scandens. fixings
Other species are being tested. In addition,
varieties of fern, orchid and anthurium are 30 mm foam substrate 400/600 mm (16“ x 24“)
used. The vegetation should be tended and Vegetation layer: Ficus pumila, Philodendron
the water runs cleaned every three months. scandens, etc.
A Green Wall installation can be found in the
Hypo Vereinsbank in Munich. d mdrainage gutter for excess water

The physical principle is a passive vaporization

with an adiabatic cooling capacity of 50 - 110
W per sq. m and an evaporation rate of 1.8 - 3.8
liter per sq. m per day.

The first Green Wall prototype has been already

installed in 2005 in the boardroom of the
former Bayerische Staatsbank which later used
to be the Headquarters of Hypo Vereinsbank.
Until January 2019 the green wall was still
fully functional and well maintained in “The
Lovelace Hotel” a so-called hotel happening,
a pop-up hotel concept as an interim solution
for the up-coming modification of the building
by its new owner the Rosewood Munich, to
open in early 2023.

The Grüne Wand system has been awarded

with the ‚Focus Green 2008‘ in Gold Design
Award by the renowned Design Center
Stuttgart and was therefore the first ever design
awarded vertical greenery system, which
proofs its idea as an integrated architectural
design component.

In the following years the by then outsourced Steve Hall © Hedrich Blessing Photographers,
distribution of the system was a kind of Design by Perkins+Will. Courtesy of
indoorlandscaping, Trier, Germany
tricky. Beyond the former high price for the
installation, long-term maintenance and
visual control by an experienced gardener changes of the responsibility the maintenance
on a defined interval was always the key contr act could be either r ed uced to a
for the success of any living wall system. minimum and/or could be even cancelled. In
Note: The former price was approx. € 4,000 our experience approx. 10% of the installation
EUR per SQ.M depending on the size. A full costs are equal to the financial efforts of the
package with a lump-sum pricing including annual maintenance; meaning over 10 years
pre-cultivated phenolic resin foam panels, you spend the same amount for maintenance
superstructure, irrigation, stainless steel as you spend on the installation at the very
water channels, and water treatment system. beginning.
Including an electronic control system, plant-
physiological lighting for an even growth Our design approach using just one main
and its vitality, transport, and installation. species (sometimes accompanied by 2-3
Followed by a 3-month set-up maintenance, different plant species) as a monochrome
and 5 years warranty regarding the terms of wall texture with a thin constructive depth
construction law (namely VOB) in Germany. was always a visual highlight in the interior
architectural context, but also a kind of fragile
Commitment of the client at the very beginning and not really sustainable approach since we
of the project stage could easily change during almost every time did need additional plant-
the process that e.g. based on contract issues physiological lighting for both the even growth
within the facility management and/or and to guarantee its vitality (vs. LEED points).

The passive evaporation provided by the foam former the trespuntos (…) team members to
panel with its huge surface was always a huge D. F.,
advantage to all other available systems on the
market. With its calculable and controllable the capital of México where I did come in
adiabatic cooling performance it is a great plus contact with Yaël Ehrenberg, an Agronomic
for projects focusing on climate engineered Engineer with master’s degree in Landscape
solutions. Back then we called it functional Ecology, and an associate degree in Landscape
green. Architecture and her multi-disciplinary
colleagues Ania, Tomás, Fernando, Francis
What brings me from the past to the now and and Dorian. Yaël and me met first in the
to questions popping up in my head — City of Miami on one of my trips through
the nurseries of Florida within my very first
How can we provide a new generation of project in the United States for the renowned
living walls for the interior market? Could Chicago-based architects Perkins + Will
we change our fully covered approach to an and the Bank of America Headquarters in
only partly vegetated wall inspired by the role Charlotte, North-Carolina.
model of vegetated rocks in nature? Back to
low-tech solutions which require less visual trespuntos already led late 2007 into the
check and less manual care of its creator and foundation of verde360°, a company based
its user and therefore less expensive external in México City mainly focused on the design,
maintenance service. installation and maintenance of exterior living
walls. Yaël is now based in San Francisco.
So that the taking care, the watering, the verde360° is still operating with its co-
pruning can be done by the people living founders, father and son, Jacques and Francis
in, and the employees working in the Vermonden and their team.
indoorlandscaping spaces. And that this will
be a welcomed break of the daily business 2. THE MEXICAN EXPERIENCE
and the real value of a living wall: the re-
connection to nature and something living we Yaël’s background with verde360°
/ they have to take care of — in our more and
more digital world. My first introduction to a living wall was on
a visit to Paris in 2006. Standing in front of
“Fools hurry, clever ones wait, Patrick Blanc’s project at the Musée du Quai
wise ones walk in the garden.“ Branly, I was truly fascinated by the idea of
covering a whole building facade with a carpet
— Rabindranath Tagore of vegetation. I had seen it before with the
landscape architecture of Roberto Burle Marx
How can we act with the new generation of (by the way: Marx’s father Wilhelm Marx was
living wall regarding certifications like LEED, coincidentally born in Andreas’ hometown
BREAM, WELL-BUILDING and others instead Trier in Germany) in Brazil, and in vernacular
of using valuable tab water for buildings of some regions of México where
succulents, ferns, moss and wild plants grow
irrigation and expensive electricity for the and thrive in between the cracks of stone, brick
artificial illumination of plant walls. How walls and tile roofs, but never in a structured
to improve the sustainability and the life technical way that Blanc had employed. My
cycle assessment by using cradle-to-cradle first thought was how magnificent it was as a
principles? work of art, an enormous live painting made
of ornamental plants, and I became inspired to
Around mid of 2007 i have been in invited by do something like this in México.

Nike Sportswear 1902, Condesa, México City 2008 in collaboration with architect Sury Attié.
Yaël Ehrenberg, Till Straumann

The opportunity came a year later in 2006 We decided to do it ourselves with materials
when I got together with a group of young produced in México. Through our research
“out of the box” entrepreneurs in the field process we were introduced to Andreas
of architecture and design. We tried to find Schmidt’s work with indoorlandscaping.
companies or people who had experience in We got in touch with Andreas to better
this field but there was almost no information understand his minimalistic technic, and went
out there on the internet, and the few we to Germany to meet him and see several of
found out about (ELT Elevated Landscape the Grüne Wand projects. We realized that
Technologies established in 2001 and GSky his elegant technic was best fit for indoors,
Plant Systems established in 2004) were out and although it could work in México, it
of reach because it would be too complex and would be quiet expensive due to the required
expensive to outsource a project from abroad. infrastructure that would need to be imported.
While we did not directly utilize his technique,

our contact with Andreas developed into a of its harmful environmental impact. The
close collaboration throughout these years, control panel for the irrigation system; we
exchanging experiences, technical advises and needed a system that could be programmed
design ideas. for short interval irrigation periods.

When I co-founded verde360° in México in 2007 We landed on using two layers of a 100%
with the idea of realizing a vision of building synthetic felt made of recycled polyester,
living walls in our home country, many fixed on a plastic panel made of recycled
landscape architecture companies, concerned polyethylene from plastic toothpaste tubes
with the contamination and overpopulation in that in turn would be reclaimed and recycled
urban cities were already developing projects to create new living walls.
with sustainable architecture. Therefore the
idea of using the vertical space of buildings for As a result of our use of these materials,
gardens was attractive in all senses and easily produced in México, a new business industry
embraced. It was beautiful to the eye and has been made available to the growing
soothing to the senses with vegetation added to market of living wall companies. Our
otherwise unused vertical surfaces. Living in a automatic irrigation system, tailored for the
country with a wide range of climates within characteristics of each individual project, is
the temperate and tropical zones and having based on micro-sprayers that effectively soak
México City just neighboring the major area and spread the moisture on the felt layers. A
of ornamental plant production in the country tank that stores the water that drips down,
(states of Puebla, Michoacán, Morelos, and which is then pumped, and used again to
Estado de México) enabled a more exciting irrigate the wall to ensure the use of water is
and useful start with a wide variety of flora maximized.
for outdoor living walls.
When we first started designing and building
Following the footsteps of Patrick Blanc, we living walls, the main reason for people
adapted his technique, a hydroponic system wanting to have one was purely aesthetic,
consisting of a metal frame attached to the creating a landscape on a vertical surface has a
building, with waterproof backing, felt as a very strong visual impact. A second reason was
growing medium, and an automatic irrigation this new possibility of using vertical surfaces
system. We experimented during 2 years as spaces for gardens, and after México hosted
with different kinds of felts, structures and in 2010 the first major Green Roof Congress
irrigation methods, trying plants in different in Latin America, a better understanding
stages of growth from plugs to using 2”, 4” of the benefits of different types of green
and 6” potted plants until we finally found a infrastructure became another reason, and
solution that worked for us as it could be built furthered promotion and implementation of
within a sustainable Mexican context and living walls in our country.
I have seen that in this short period of
Three major technical factors for the living time, the demand for living walls in México
wall system proved challenging: The felt; has rapidly grown and where it was once
finding the correct density that could best almost impossible to find the resources to
absorb and retain moisture and where the roots make them, we now see them everywhere
could grow and spread in between the fibers. in different forms and sizes. However my
The waterproof backing or plastic panel; we feeling is that this rapid growth has not been
needed a material that could be easily stapled accompanied by a full understanding, and
and fixed to the supporting structure without wise engagement of how to maintain the
cracking and did not want to use PVC because living walls in a sustainable way. We have

Tori Tori Restaurant, Polanco, México City 2010 in collaboration with architect Michel Rojkind.
Yaël Ehrenberg, Paúl Rivera, NYC, Courtesy of Rojkind Arquitectos, México D.F

Sexy Jeans, México City 2012 in collaboration with architect María del Mar Lozano Ahumada

yet to close the gap of re-connecting with

nature as Andreas mentions, not simply as
a business and fashion statement created
with a rhetoric of sustainability, but more
importantly to extend the vitality of the living
walls by properly addressing our opportunity
to benefit our world through a sustainable

In México there has been a boom industry

of synthetic vertical gardens and if you drive
around the city where there once was a living
wall, you will now see that they have been
replaced by synthetic materials.

Could it be that we not only live in a more

digital world but also in a world where our
daily activities are done at a very fast pace? It
seems to be that our generation of humanity
expects immediate results, products and
services are made and delivered in less time
and this also applies to the living walls. But the
Suites Pensylvania, Colonia Nápoles, México
City 2014 longevity of the living wall not only depends

on the maintenance, other factors that play the right moment to transition maintenance
an extremely important role are the steady of the living wall to their own staff. This not
supply of water and electricity to activate the only ensures the live span of the living wall
lighting (for the indoor ones) and irrigation but it also helps to educate the customer and
system. Our experience in main urban cities the caretakers.
in México is that these services are not 100%
reliable. We frequently have power outage Also difficult is conveying to our customers
and specific to México City, water shortages. an understanding of the nature of plants,
This is when we have seen how vulnerable their growing seasons and capacity to fully
the living wall system can be. regenerate again after a period of rest,
trimming or pest recovery. In a commercially
With verde360° we work to ensure the health oriented setting, this has not been easy. An
of our living walls through the inclusion of a acceptance of seeing temporary patches of
maintenance agreement. Depending on the brown leaves, and the patience of waiting
type of project, we require within the design for regrowth and blooming periods is not
and budget a permanent infrastructure to something that is yet considered acceptable,
access and facilitate the maintenance. If this especially in projects that are done in hotels,
infrastructure to support maintenance is not restaurants or public spaces. In private
accepted then we will not do the living wall. In residential projects, the tendering and
addition, due to the long distances that have maintenance of green areas is generally
to be covered to get from one living wall to done by in-house staff or hired gardeners,
another within México City and neighboring very rarely is it done by the owner him
states, and due to the heavy presence of or herself. Again, this makes it difficult to
traffic, frequently the contract has to include convey a critical understanding of the cycles
training the client’s staff as well, until we find of nature.

Yaël Ehrenberg and Andreas Schmidt. San Francisco and Trier, January 2019

In my experience, the most successful designs monochromatic living wall, with less diversity
of living walls have been the ones where of species. Plants may also be bigger in size
there has been enough time to dialogue and to obtain a faster green filling effect on the
meet with the architects and end-customer living wall, while disregarding the longer-term
during the planing and construction phase, consequences.
and when I have had sufficient time in finding
and selecting the right plants for the right While these obstacles may appear daunting
place, and/or when I have used plants that in the moment, they have also opened an
are very small, mostly in a 2” pot and plug opportunity in the landscape community. As
form, in these sizes plants adapted more easily a result a wide variety of different living wall
to this artificial hydroponic environment, systems have and are being created, and the
and it takes around 8 to 12 months or more use of integrating solar panels and gray-water
for a living wall to become fully covered in has yet to be explored in more detail. We have
vegetation. In contrast, in projects where already succeeded in converting vacant gray
there is the pressure of a delivery date, the areas into wonderful, enjoyable spaces, now
design outcome has a different feel, plants I am most excited about the potential of our
and plant sizes are selected based on the green industry to truly unlock a sustainable
availability rather then the right plants for the approach to living walls. This can be achieved
very particular environment you are working through a more thoughtful partnership
within. This prioritization of quickly achieving between urban planners, architects, landscape
an end result, leaving less time to scout, find architects and the customers who wish
and grow the ideal plants may deliver a more to achieve a truly living work of art that

benefits the building and takes advantage of than happy to introduce a fully new approach.
the environment. Maybe return to the use of From a living wall pioneer with a 21+ years
vernacular buildings where vegetation is an experience to a purpose-driven green mission
integrated part of the construction materials? into a green future.
Maybe we need to talk and think more about
taking care of our own plants, slowing down, REFERENCES
observing and appreciating the cycles of
nature? AIT 04/2007. Grün. Technical solutions.
Planted interior walls. Pages 156-158.
The idea of unique custom-made living walls
has been fundamental in my drive to design ARCHITECTURE TODAY 11/2007. EcoTech.,
and build them, by unique I mean living walls pages 16-19.
that evolve slowly in time, that are tendered
by the owner and that create a true sense of DETAIL 12/2008. Living Walls. Vertical
fondness and understanding of how plants Gardens – from the Flower Pot to the
grow and behave. Planted System Facade. By Frank Kaltenbach.
Pages 1454-1466.
While reviewing these lines between the turn
of the years 2018/19 I am going new ways and HORTITECTURE. The power of architecture
I am currently starting a new generation of and plants. Published 2018 by Jovis.
plant walls inspired by partial planted walls
you’ll find on rocks in nature. Based on the IDAS Institute for Design and Architectural
fantastic sustainable, 100% natural, Portuguese Strategies, Prof. Almut Grüntuch-Ernst,
Gencork material, indoorlandscaping is more Braunschweig, Germany.
ItdUPM Madrid.
Spain. I. de Felipe


Jorge Adán Sánchez Reséndiz
Member of the Experimental Spaces Commission in the
Innovation and Technology for Development Center of
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

SUMARY tion to purifying the environment (capturing

and purifying air pollution), it also contributes

n 2050 urban populating are going to be in- to lower the temperature of cities (decreasing
creased by 2.5 billion people, and with it, urban heat island effect), to raise relative hu-
the problems of water supply, food, housing, midity and increase biodiversity in cities.
services, and gas emissions to the atmosphere,
worsening the air quality problem and contri- This work highlights an example of Nature-
buting to the global warming. Based Solutions used to combat urban air po-
llution. Offering data on their effectiveness
The need to face global warming and its side- and contributing to their dissemination and
effects remains one of the major challenges replicability throughout the world.
to human civilization and could not be more
critical. According to WHO, nowadays around KEYWORDS
half of the world’s population (48%) lives in
cities, where more than 45% have a poor air Nature-based solutions, urban air quality, air-
quality (air composition has a high amount of pollution, NBS furniture, MUAC.
COx, NOx, SOx, O3, VOCs, PM2.5 and PM10),
affecting more than 1.6 billion people. Causing INTRODUCTION
every year, more than 7 million deaths related
to air pollution (both indoors and outdoors). Technological innovation has been a constant
of postmodern man, the records guarantee
The overpopulation of cities joined with the that the most important development in the
lack of green spaces, worsen this situation, history of humanity has been generated in the
highlighting the urgency to improve this con- last 200 years and even then, there are great
dition through the integration of nature in our problems and inequalities that must be faced
buildings and urban furniture. Since in addi- and solved.

One of these problems is that humans must • Larger non-permeable surfaces increase in
coexist with polluted environments, principa- population, services, vehicles, have increase
lly in those places of greater development that around 40% of CO2 emissions in large cities
we call cities. Urban environments since the (research findings with Mexico City as con-
appearance of the automobile, have been gi- trol city) [8].
ving more and more ground to the roads, tur-
ning their soil into an impermeable surface, • Gaseous ambient air pollution is associated
causing problems of overheating and loss of with a range of cardiorespiratory outcomes
biodiversity. And as a residual problem, the in middle income countries [9].
worsening of the air quality. The air pollution
is composed of gases (NOx, COx, SOx and O3 • Real Driving Emissions overpass post Euto
among others) and particles in suspension 6 LDVs Directive due an unrealistic driving
(PM10, PM2.5 and ultrafine particles), which cycle and a lenient framework that allows
vary in size and chemical composition while interpretation, especially on most Low Emis-
being transported through the atmosphere. sion Zones [10].

Efforts have been made to address this problem The type of pollution varies in each country,
since the 1990s, establishing laws and regula- depending on the type of fuel used, for exam-
tions to restrict the number of gases emitted ple, in Europe one of the main problems is the
by vehicles, but even so, the air quality of most high amount of NOx in the air (diesel is used
cities is far from ideal for human health. Some as the main fuel), while in the US the values of
of findings reveal the incidence and prevalence particles in suspension are much higher (gaso-
of childhood asthma and wheeze [1], asthma exa- line is used as the main fuel). And what to say
cerbation [2], impaired lung function [3], and car- about the ultra-high levels of PM10 / 2.5 sus-
diovascular mortality and morbidity [4], among pended particles in countries like China and
other diseases related with a poor air quality. India where a constant gray mist accompanies
Other studies shown this direct relationship its inhabitants for most of the year.
between environmental pollution with chronic
conditions in humans: Unfortunately, this situation is spreading more
and more, due to the movement of air genera-
• Long-term PM10 exposure, even at a con- ted by the rotation of the earth, causing this pro-
centration lower than current European air blem to move around the globe and affecting
quality standard was significantly associa- places where per se there is no such problem.
ted with incident Cardio Vascular Diseases
(research findings with Nord-Trondelag, The integration of nature in the city, has go-
Norway as control region) [5]. ne from being an aspiration to improve the
aesthetic aspect of buildings, to become a ne-
• We add to this evidence base demonstra- cessity to improve the general living condi-
ting that between 18% to 38% of all child- tions of its inhabitants, as a better hygrother-
hood asthma cases (research findings with mal comfort (lower temperatures , a greater
Bradford, UK as control city) may be associa- surface for the absorption of rainwater and an
ted with air pollution [6] and depends on the increase of humidity and biodiversity) and im-
pollutant and exposure time. provement of the quality of the air (absorption
of gases and particles in suspension).
• There has been a rise in lung cancer pa-
tients specially in non-smokers and is proven The objective of this work is to make a repre-
to be linked with the increase of air pollution sentative compendium of Nature-Based Solu-
levels in cities (research findings with Xuan- tions NBS, focused on improving the quality of
wei, China as control city) [7]. urban air, both indoor and outdoor.

AIR POLLUTION & NATURE- innovations with low energy consumption and
BASED SOLUTIONS a low carbon footprint.

The world lives in a series of large-scale chan- Since NASA2 made public a study stating that
ges, originated without any doubt by the hu- vegetation can absorb and purify the interior
man being, resulted from the increase of glo- spaces of buildings, countless studies have
bal population and the lifestyle in which the been carried out to verify its effectiveness.
capital rules the rest of things. Since the se- The plants contribute to a greater or lesser ex-
cond half of the twentieth century, there have tent depending on their morphological condi-
been large migrations from rural to urban spa- tions, to a greater surface for the catchment,
ce, causing the uncontrolled growth of cities. better results, but also, the leaves must have
Nowadays, almost half of the world’s inhabi- certain characteristics of roughness and adap-
tants live in cities and in turn, half of these tability to the different environments.
cities have a poor air quality [11], affecting to
more than 1.6 billion people and causing the The constant evolution of the nature-based so-
death of more than 7 million each year. lutions systems has given rise to different te-
chnologies going from biofilters that improves
The location of the vegetation within the ci- air conditioning in buildings to mixed systems
ties, in most cases, is distributed unequally. (mechanical-natural) that increase the effecti-
Some studies delve into these differences, sti- veness of uptake and purification, forcing na-
pulating that the richest neighbourhoods are ture to work in all its extension, from the roots
the ones with the largest parks and wooded and their microorganisms, up to the leaves,
areas, while the poorest neighbourhoods ha- which absorb particles in suspension and does
ve a greater number of paved areas that ac- a gaseous exchange as a result of photosynthe-
centuating the poor air quality conditions. in sis (absorption of CO2 and generation of O2
turn, this phenomenon is increased among and water vapor). Here again, the morphology
the countries level of development, as in the of the roots of the plants has an important ro-
most developed countries have cities with a le, as those with thicker and diversified roots,
greater number of green areas, while most ci- can retain a greater number of particles.
ties in the poorest countries, hardly reach the
minimum 9 square meters of vegetation per These NBS to improve air quality in 2 types
inhabitant stipulated by the World Health Or- can be divided by those that don’t use any type
ganization as indispensable for a good general of mechanical system to enhance the cleaning
and mental health1. power of plants, and those with a mixed sys-
tem that integrates mechanical means. These
Thus, the integration of urban furniture with NBS developments, in turn, can be subdivided
vegetation is an important element to improve into solutions for indoor and outdoor.
the conditions to which citizens are exposed.
In this sense, there are different technological An example of NBS for outdoors is the City
developments to contribute to cleaning and Tree already installed in several European ci-
purify urban air, which uses both mechanical ties and developed by Green City Solutions.
and biological means, latter’s advantage is the This NBS uses a mix of plants and moss to cap-
use of nature-based solutions, which foresees ture particles in suspension and absorb diffe-

York, N. (2015). HABITAT III ISSUE PAPERS 11-PUBLIC SPACE. Retrieved from

Fig 1. Example of a city

tree in London UK

rent types of gases such as NOx, although this costs around 3K€, hindering its scalability in
kind of vegetation can represent a problem for countries with lower incomes and more adver-
its replicability in different environments and se climatic conditions.
climatic conditions (as this species needs for
controlled environments to survive), the com- On the other hand, an example of indoor NBS
pany declares that they can maintain the ideal would be Botanical biofilters in form of Plant
conditions for their growth and maintenance Pots designed to purify interior spaces with a
thanks to an irrigation and air conditioning system that uses both leaves and microorga-
systems placed behind the vegetation. nisms from the roots. It would be the upda-
ted concept of a hanging pot that has exposed
Even if this represents an increase in the ener- roots in the air. Its principle is to leave exposed
gy consumption and a higher current expen- to the air, part of the substrate with roots, so
diture, this device has shown its efficiency to that either by mechanical means or simply by
purify the air through the last years and pro- this free exposure, gases, and volatile organic
ven that exist a market eager for this type of compounds can be absorbed.Its effectiveness
technological developments. However, the has been proven since phytoremediation stu-
product has several drawbacks such as its lar- dies have clearly demonstrated enhanced con-
ge size, its weight, the vegetation because it taminate removal by rhizode- gradation and
uses the moss as a purification system, which phytostimulation3. Also, other studies have
consumes a high amount of to maintain the shown the ability of theses botanical filters to
ideal conditions of humidity and temperature remove VOCs and CO2 and modulate tempe-
and finally the cost since each square meter rature and humidity of indoor environments.

E. Pilon-Smits, Phytoremediation, Annu. Rev. Plant. Biol. 56 (2005) 15–39.

Fig 2. Hanging pot with flowers

To contribute on solving this problem, resear- Their indirect impacts are:

chers at the Innovation and Technology for
Development Centre of the Polytechnic Uni- 1. To provide the citizenship with an impor-
versity of Madrid have developed a Nature-Ba- tant role to reduce the air pollution (Trough
sed Solution in the form of a vegetation tower democratizing climate risk information in
for the collection and purification of polluted real time) with compelling evidence of the
urban air, by the name of Modules for Urban pollution levels, and by means of luminous
Air Cleaning or MUAC. signs, show citizens the conditions of their
air quality.
CLEANING (MUAC) 2. Accelerate clean urban mobility, with
the real-time pollution information, citizens
The MUAC project has been funded by the Eu- would decide how to act to mitigate risks (use
ropean Institute for Innovation and Techno- protection) and decrease emissions (like de-
logy (EIT) within a Climate-KIC Call, and its ciding whether to use public or alternative
main goal is to contribute to creating Green means of transport). This NBS seeks to gene-
and Resilient Cities. It has been designed to rate a dynamic combination between infras-
become an important element of the urban tructure and society to transform cities into
landscape of cities, increasing vegetation in more permeable and resilient places.
large paved surface, reducing GHG emissions
(due to its double purification system) and 3. Improve microclimatic conditions due the
contributing to improve the urban microcli- benefits generated using vegetated urban
mate (hygrothermal and acoustic). modules in large paved surfaces.4. Increase

the feeling of well-being in society due to the Its main features are:
increase of vegetation in poor neighborhoods
commonly scarce of green areas. • Low Carbon Emissions: The MUAC modu-
les are made with lightweight steel profiles
5. Increase pedestrian mobility by increasing and plastic modules, 100% recyclable, decre-
urban greenways and improving microclima- asing its carbon footprint and allowing it to
tic conditions. opt for an ecological mark.

• Adaptability: Use of native vegetation for

an easily adaptation to different environ-
ments and climates.

• Purification System: The vegetation works

as a biological filter to capture particles (PM)
and purify polluted air (COx, NOx, O3 etc.).

• Affordability: It multiplies the surface area

for capturing particles and gas purification (4
sqm of external vegetation and 4 sqm of in-
ternal rhizosphere that functions as biofilter)
making the MUAC a product with great value
for money, with the possibility of being self-
financed through the insertion of advertising

• Efficiency: The filtration system can pass up

to 70 m3/per hour of air through its interior.

• Dimensions: It occupies a small area of

only 0.49 sqm, which allows installing it in
narrow spaces such as sidewalks, two-way
streets with small ridges, as well as divi-
ding elements for public spaces (squares,
walkways, sports facilities, schools, etc.).

• Occupancy rate: Up to 4 sqm of vegetation

can be placed on 0.49 sqm multiplying by 8x
times the occupied surface area.

• Modularity: It’s formed by modular pieces,

which are easily repairable and/or replacea-
ble, an aspect that allows reducing the cost of
installation and maintenance.

• Scalability: Its modularity, dimensions,

environmental advantages (uptake and fil-
tration of air pollutants, increase of vegeta-
tion in highly paved areas, improvement of
Fig 3. A brochure describing the MUAC’s components microclimate conditions around the modu-

les, increase in vegetation for wildlife) social ma), showing the great advantages of nature,
advantages (It has been shown that there is to improve the air quality, above the rest of
a correlation between the improvement of technologies.
human behavior, related to the increase of
vegetation in cities), and the economic ad- “Electrostatic air filter is theoretically considered
vantages (an affordable price and the possi- as permanent and the filtration efficiency of the
bility of being self-financed through the inte- particles can achieve 82% to 94%. Cold plasma
gration of advertising), make the innovation (or non-thermal plasma) air filtration is effective
easily scalable. in the case of fungal spores and airborne bacte-
ria and can achieve 85%–98% decontamination
VALIDATION OF THE even with low exposure time (0.06 s). The Trombe
INNOVATION wall system constructed of breathing wall panels
can achieve high filtration efficiency (99.4%) in
Reference analysis the case of PM10 and at extremely low blocking
rate (with 60 years of service life), even in polluted
The high amount of NOx is one of the main urban environments. Biofiltration technique is re-
responsible for the health problems in Spain. cognized as ‘most easily adapted to mechanically
The integration of vegetation as a biological ventilated building or on the pit fans of naturally
element for the improvement of air quality, ventilated buildings”.
surpassing in some cases those mechanical
filters. Croome et al, make a comparison of Validation trough experimentation
a specific system of biofiltration with a tradi-
tional system of air purification by electrosta- Different studies were carried out to measu-
tic methods and a more advanced system by re the efficiency of the system to absorb two
means of cold plasma (or non-thermal plas- types of gases, COx and NOx. The first of the

Fig 4. Experimental test carried out in the ITV las Rozas, Madrid

Fig 5. Experimental test carried out in the itdUPM headquarters

studies were carried out in the facilities of the RESULTS

Vehicle Technical Inspection Center (ITV for
their acronym in Spanish) of Las Rozas in Ma- Efficiency rates
drid, where we were able to measure the per-
centages of direct absorption of the vegetation The ITV tests were done by using a test box
(1 square meter of grass) before different ty- with three compartments that allowed us to
pes of emissions produced by three different measure the composition of the gas when en-
vehicles (a 12-year-old diesel bus, a 9-year-old tering the box, after having been filtered by
diesel vehicle and a 12-year-old gasoline ve- the vegetation and finally the composition of
hicle. the gas that passed through the box without
being filtered by the vegetation. The results
Other tests were also carried out at the itdUPM showed that the filtered air from the vegeta-
facilities (Center for Innovation in technology tion reduced the composition of the COx gas
for human development) where the capacity by up to 35%, while the composition of the
of the system to absorb and purify NOx. Tests gas that passed without being filtered directly
were conducted by measuring the emissions at the outlet of the box had a composition 5%
of two diesel vehicles prior to 2007 (manufac- lower than the entering measure. Is impor-
tured under Euro 4 standards) with all loads tant to highlight that the exchange of COx by
placed (engine idling, air conditioning on, oxygen is generated only through a process of
lights and lights on, windscreen wipers on, photosynthesis (when the vegetation receives
stereo in high volume, flashing lights on, anti- direct sunlight) the rest of the time works as a
fog system activated and driving assistance filter that absorbs the gas, storing it within the
turned on). substrate of the vegetable module.

The results of the tests done in the itdUPM Imperdible 03, organized by the COTEC foun-
showed that 1 square meter of vegetation (1/4 dation for innovation, demonstrating that this
of the vegetation of a MUAC) has the capacity innovation is a friendly and interesting pro-
to absorb up to 48 ppm equivalent to 98 mg/m3 duct for the end user; the citizens of Madrid
of NOx in a time of 120 minutes, with which who live and breathe the polluted air of the ci-
a MUAC tower could clean up to 396 mg/m3 ty... The most representative data is that 97%
of NOx every two hours or 4752 mg/m3 every of a total of 182 interviewees sees MUAC as an
day. And unlike the COx test, the interaction important product suitable to be placed in the
of the sun is not necessary for the system to streets of their cities and up to 87% mentioned
absorb the NOx gas since this function is done they would buy a MUAC to place it in a near-
by the microorganisms that inhabit within the by environment to your workplace. Regarding
roots and the substrate. the aesthetics of the system, about 83% defi-
ned the MUAC a “nice” or “beautiful” object.
Level of Acceptance The words innovative, green, ecological, clean
and useful were the most used to define the
Besides to validating the efficiency of its puri- MUAC in a word. Finally, the 77% of surveyed
fication system, researchers wanted to know people, are in productive age (between 20 and
the public level of acceptance of technological 60 years old) and would be the target people
innovation through the realization of a case to be convinced for the integration of these
study. This case was conducted in the event technologies in cities is possible.

Air quality design. Adan Sánchez


Technological innovations developed from 1. J Gasana, D Dillikar, A Mendy, E Forno, E
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grates vegetation into an efficient system for
air purification can be the solution to reduce 2. W Yang, ST Omaye. Air pollutants, oxidative
the inequality of green spaces in cities. This stress and human health Mutat Res, 674 (2009),
friendly technology, to purify and make more pp. 45-54
comfortable the environment that surrounds
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5. Cai, Y., Hodgson, S., Blangiardo, M.,
Both the bibliography and the experimental Gulliver, J., Morley, D., Fecht, D., … Hansell,
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I. de Felipe


R. Andrés Ibáñez G.
Founder and Director of the Technical and Scientific Committee,
Green Infrastructure Network, Colombia
Founder, Ecoincremental Lab

his chapter explores the notion of 1. THE TECHNOSPHERE’S
building and site ecoproductivity OVERSHOOT
supported on the premise that creation of
environmental contributions is not restricted to The man-made world has profusely transformed
natural or semi-natural sources, as it has been natural ecosystems. In a few centuries,
widely accepted, but that these contributions the impact of our economic and productive
may be delivered by the built environment systems over the earth´s preindustrial state
and considered eco-restorative in urban has been so profound that several circles of the
settings.Previous explorations on positive scientific community refer to a new geological
development and regenerative design have era, supported on evidence that humans have
recently begun to examine the implications of caused irreversible changes in the planet’s
transferring the ecosystem services concept to anatomy. Plastic rocks, artificial islands and
the architecture field under social economic altered climate are just few manifestations of
and environmental concerns. This chapter this emerging era: The Anthropocene. The
focuses on the later by studying a site retrofit transformation of the eco-sphere into the
in Berlin, and introduces an ecoproductivity techno-sphere can be quantified by the overall
assessment method to instrumentalize the weigh of objects, buildings and artificial
concept of ecotectural contributions in town commodities produced by humankind, which
planning, under a multi-functional and multi- is estimated at 30 trillion tons. As this number
scale perspective. continues to increase, there is evidence that

the capacity of the ecosystems on earth to Grey infrastructure provides services that
maintain operational balance and deliver support our economic and social systems, but
vital benefits for humankind is diminishing. it creates major environmental unbalances.
These opposing trends -one augmenting and Consequently, cities have very little or no
the other diminishing- convey an overshoot capacity to generate environmental services.
relationship between the growing resources
demand and the decline in the biocapacity of “Not exclusively but must noticeably, in urban
the planet. We have created a feedback loop regions and cities where the majority of people
that is negative to both the ecosystems and us live nature and ecosystems are intensively used
because it has made our socio-natural systems and appear to be more and more degraded/
unstable and moves it away of equilibrium. destroyed. They develop into a state where they
are no longer able to provide any services (MEA,
Key world environmental organizations 2005)”.
believe that the ecological overshoot began
five decades ago. Since the 1970’s, the rate at From an anthropocentric perspective of
which humankind consume services and goods sustainability, the concept of ecosystem
is greater than the rate at which the planet can services is essential to human well-being at a
generate them. As a result, human civilization global scale; but urbanization, the most global
is running on a critical unbalance that can activity, transforms naturally productive
be expressed through the concept of Earth areas into inert landscapes made of hard
Overshot Day, defined as the date in a given surfaces. A crust of asphalt, concrete, steel,
year when society takes all the resources that and other materials, replace biotic elements
the planet is able to produce until December such vegetation, fauna and soil. This depletes
31. In 2018, the overshoot happened on the the capacity of the territory to infiltrate
first day of August, which means that current water, provide clean water and food, regulate
society runs on an ecological debt of 5 moths, temperature, and deliver other key benefits
from August to the end of the year. Although for humans and non-humans. The expanded
the overshot day has been questioned as an urban fabric also causes a fragmentation of
accurate method to account for all the present the natural habitats that support biodiversity,
environmental unbalance, it provides a clear which makes natural ecosystems weak to
idea of the challenge we face, particularly in disturbances and changes. Urbanization is the
the most geographically ubiquitous human major producer of negative environmental
activity: Urbanization. outcomes that harm natural systems and
cause multiple environmental disservices that
2. FROM URBAN ABUNDANCE TO affect humankind.
Urban landscape is defined as the “area of
Cities are a paradox of human development: human agglomerations with more than 50%
they were meant to improve the living of the surface built, surrounded by other areas
standards and provide a wide array of services with 30-50% built, and an overall population
to human population. Ironically, current density of more than 10 individuals per
urban settings are the environments that most ha”. (Breuste, Haase et al. 2013). The first
greatly threat human and non-human forms visible sign of the urbanization process is the
of life. Urban centers concentrate the demand adaptation of the natural terrain for human
for environmental services like clean water, activities and their related infrastructure. Soft
air regulation or energy supply. But instead soil, swamps and water bodies are altered and
of generating these services, urban fabrics replaced by different types of structural and
undermine the territory´s ecoproductivity by impervious soil layers. In this process, topsoil
replacing natural areas with inert urban fabric. is manufactured, relocated and compacted,

Ufa Fabrik. Berlin. I. de Felipe

which causes a number of issues: decay of conducted through pipes that desiccate and
organic matter, erosion and air pollution due warm up the landscape.
to construction activity, contamination of the
natural soil with heavy metals, change in soil Changes in water volumes and flows create
composition that encourages the growth of thermal pollution that contributes to the heat
invasive plant species, and depletion of the island effect. Dark surfaces, poor shading,
terrain’s capacity to drain and infiltrate water, dense materials and reduction of evaporation
which ultimately produces a “chronic dying increase temperature in cities. The urban
effect”. This progressive soil transformation fabric absorbs solar radiation, stores it, and
is the less reversible man-made form of releases it back to the atmosphere in the form
desertification. of heat, raising the temperature of the air up
to 9 Celsius degrees in comparison to natural
In its turn, sealed ground impacts the water surrounding areas. Subtle changes in the air
cycle. As the natural land cover is replaced temperature lead to alteration of climate and
by hard surfaces, the urban landscape is microclimate factors like wind and rain. As a
exposed to great amounts of run-off water that result, cities experience more intense winds,
washes pollutants like nitrates, phosphates rains and draughts, all of which increase the
and heavy metals into rivers, affecting wildlife risk of economic and human losses.
and the natural process of sedimentation.
To stand floods, cities must rely on artificial Cities are home to the greatest environment-
drains, underground pipes and large pieces of related cause of human casualties. Every
engineering like dams and ponds that become year, polluted air kills approximately 8
obsolete as cities expand, creating the need of million people. Urban activity emits gas
grey infrastructure replacements and updates and particle pollutants from motor vehicles,
at great costs. Clean water is usually extracted construction, industry, power plants, and peri-
from sources distanced from the city and urban mining. Sulfur dioxide (SO2) and oxides

of nitrogen (NOx) are eye irritant, trigger soil and watercourses. As a consequence
respiratory diseases, cause acid rain, and of the inefficient urban metabolism, city
damage construction materials, vegetation dwellers have a greater ecological footprint
and water bodies. Lead reduces cognitive than their rural counterparts, which creates
capacity in children. Fine dust particles of high ecological pressure on the non-urban
0.1 to 25 micrometers in diameter cause ecosystems where resources are taken from.
respiratory diseases and are carcinogens. Unless we manage to create and maintain self-
Carbon monoxide is toxic in high doses. sufficient and multi-functional cities capable
Dioxins and volatile organic compounds like of producing environmental value, the world’s
methane and benzene are carcinogen; and ecological footprint is to increase in the
ozone is known as a photochemical smog coming decades.
agent (Grant 2012). Deficient air quality in
urban areas is a major public health issue that Urbanization and sustainability:
causes premature deaths and has significant opposite shores?
economic consequences: the expenditure in
health issues due to air pollution accounts The idea of urban environmental services is
for 2% of the growth domestic product in essential to transfer well-being concerns from
developed countries and 5% in developing the global scale to the urban context. Several
countries. authors have linked urban environmental
services to the notion of urban quality of life
Urban activity generates other forms of (Breuste, Haase et al. 2013), (Santos, L.D.
pollution related to perception: Noise and and Martins, I. 2007). Breuste et all relate
artificial light. Construction activities, the ecological dimension of sustainability
industry, transportation and leisure facilities to environmental services by stressing the
are the main sources of noise in cities, which need to maintain healthy environments
cause negative psychological and physiological that provide “clean air, protection against
impacts on humans: hearing capacity loss, respiratory diseases, protection against heat
heart issues, stress and gastro-intestinal and cold death”. Well-being is related to
deficiencies. Light pollution is related to qualities of the ambient environment on
breast cancer, increases fatigue, minimizes several environmental factors: air, water,
visual capacity and produces anxiety and temperature regulation and waste processing.
stress (Grant 2012). These two environmental
disservices are also known as major disruptors Although only 3% of the surface of the planet is
of wildlife. occupied by cities, these areas account for 2/3
of the world´s energy consumption and 3/4
In terms of metabolism, cities consume of the global greenhouse emissions. By 2030,
resources and environmental services more that 60% of the world population will
produced somewhere. They demand large live in cities. This will increase the demand
quantities of food, materials and energy. As for services and make available ecoproductive
urban systems do not run on close loops of land scarcer. It is widely assumed that in cities
materials and energy, great amounts of waste the sources of the environmental services are
are generated. Most of organic, construction natural or semi-¬natural land-based assets
and industrial residues are disposed in such as parks, trees or wetlands.
landfills that often threat human health.
Waste is a mayor byproduct of cities. In many “Cities rely on ecosystem services in the wider
cities that lack effective waste management world, but it is important to remember that
schemes, debris, industrial and biological ecosystem services can be provided within the
trash are dumped in public spaces or natural city by creating multifunctional, biodiverse, green
areas affected by chronic contamination of infrastructure to complement (and wherever

possible reduce or replace) gray infrastructure.” Several authors support this idea, premised
(Grant 2012). on the argument that the environmental debt
threshold of human activities has already been
The fabric of existing and new buildings that trespassed and the environmental decline is
make most of the land cover in urban areas is now irreversible (Lovelock 2009). Emerging
seldom considered a source of environmental paradigms beyond “sustainable” development
contributions. The knowledge needed to and recent global publications on the world’s
conceive buildings and sites as ecoproductive ecosystems integrity imply that minimizing
settings has remained apart in different fields. the negative impacts of human activities is not
Whereas the green building field still focuses enough anymore, as well-being depends on the
on developing efficiency to reduce energy health of ecosystems and the environmental
consumption, cut down carbon emissions contributions they provide.
and minimize the ecological footprint; the
environmental sciences have not studied Sustainable development as an aspiration is
other sources of environmental services in about allowing future generations to satisfy
depth beyond natural land covers or natural their needs. However, this concept has failed
ecosystems´ components. This field divide has to tell us how we can achieve such goal. Most
created a dichotomy between environmentalist of the practical applications of sustainable
and developers, which often slow down development are translated into initiatives that
city planning processes around areas with are aimed to reduce negative impacts: saving
environmental controversy. If architects energy, not using too much plastic, reducing
and urban planners integrate knowledge and the ecological footprint, and such. These
methods from the environmental sciences to strategies are indeed good and necessary, but
participate in the production of environmental fall short on the demanding challenges that
value, cities would have an opportunity to human growing population face, which calls
restore the ecocapacity of the urban land, and for more urgent and drastic actions leading
involve private actors in this endeavor of great us to restoration of the earth’s ecocapacity.
public interest. The so-called “sustainable” practices in the
architecture arena become insufficient in
From an environmental perspective, cities our present time. When the aspiration of
are like deserts or spaceships. In deserts, restoration is transferred to architecture,
vegetation and biodiversity must be inserted buildings appear as a 3D fabric that can afford
to support life. In spaceships, environmental to create, embody and interface eco-services
services must be engineered. Can buildings in their urban surroundings.
and sites integrate nature or engineer
environmental services to augment the overall 4. THE OVERSIGHT OF
health of cities, self-sufficiency and urban “SUSTAINABLE” ARCHITECTURE
SUSTAINABILITY THAN 1. Watchful and responsible care. Regulatory

Recent scientific reports on the current world’s 2. An inadvertent omission or error.

environmental state suggest that even though
mitigation of negative environmental impacts Milestone publications have fostered
caused by human activities is a significant environmental awareness; and in its turn,
advance, it is no longer enough to tackle the triggered “sustainable” responses in different
current environmental overshoot unbalance. disciplines. In architecture, most of such

response has been manifested through and Run-ming, 2009). Other authors have
the “eco-technic” green building approach also addressed this omission and reacted
widely adopted “based on a techno rational, by highlighting the need to conceive “green
policy-oriented discourse”. The “ecological building” as a means to produce positive
modernization paradigm derived from here impacts on the environment (McDonough
centers the attention over distant global and Braungart, 2002), (Olgyay and Herdt,
environmental problems like climate change 2004) (Birkeland, 2008), (Reed, 2009).
and CO2 emissions” (Guy and Farmer, 2001)
(Reed 2009) (Cole 2012). • Green building assessment tools lack
consideration of the operational integration
In recent years, an emerging body of criticism of architecture with their immediate
has argued that the prevailing “sustainable” environment. Exploration on ecoproductive
architecture approach is necessary but architecture implies finding ways of
incomplete. A number of authors have advancing the ad hoc functional integration
identified key shortcomings attributed to the of sites and buildings with the local natural
most widespread green building assessment ecosystems (Lyle, 1994) (Meng and Run-
tools: ming 2009).

• “Green” building assessment tools focus 5. THE HUMAN ROLE IN THE

on mitigation of negative environmental META-HUMAN WORLD
impacts. Consequently, they lack criteria
and methods to assess positive impacts of Anthropocentric mentality has underestimated
buildings on their local environments, (Meng the importance of non-human forms of life. In

Figure 1. Current urbanization

problematique and gaps of the widespread
green building approaches. AIG

Figure 2. Environmental services or nature’s contributions listed by milestone


the present time, posthumanism’s ideas gain as crucial to shape reality as we are. This
relevancy as the environmental crisis strongly perspective beyond human-centered world
conditions our political, economic and social is reflected on to practical cases. A river
systems, and algorithms gain more influence recently won a legal battle against polluters in
over our daily lives. Meta-human perspectives Colombia and another in New Zealand, after
call for changes in the way humankind relate high courts recognized the rivers’ rights as
to other forms of life, supported on the idea individuals. In New York and other financial
that we should conceive all biotic organisms centers, investors have reported great losses
and artificial non-conscious intelligence due to the advantage of algorithms over

humans on data processing capabilities that brings the concept of ecosystem services (or
lead to better decision-making. Courts and nature’s environmental contributions) as the
legal authorities are studying the possibility most important issue for human development.
of processing lawsuits against algorithms, and According to MEA, 65% of the earth’s
according to experts, this might become a ecosystems are in decadence, which creates
common practice in the coming years. a serious deficit of environmental services
needed for well-being. It is estimated that two
Under the meta-human worldview, nature planets would be required by 2030 to generate
and technology is no longer a divide. In enough environmental capacity that sustains
the technosphere, nature is defined by the the current model of human development and
set of organisms and systems in the overall urbanization rate.
artificial-natural gradient (thenextnature.
org). This network is animated by interaction The MEA defines ecosystem services as the
or information. To tackle the current and “benefits people obtain from ecosystems”.
future environmental imbalance, humans These services are classified into 1)
should play a restorative and ecoproductive provisioning services –e.g. materials and
role: restorative so that the capacity of the energy-; 2) regulating services –e.g. climate
ecosystems to support life and maintain regulation and air purification-; 3) cultural
functional balance is recovered, and services related to intangible human needs
ecoproductive so that the man-made world such recreation; and 4) supporting services
affords to enhance the overall healthy human which are fundamental natural processes
and non-human environment conducive necessary for all other services –e.g.
to integrity of all forms of life. Under this photosynthesis, soil formation and nutrient
scenario, intelligence is redefined as the cycling (Hester and Harrison 2010). According
capacity of an organism to improve its to MEA, human demand for resources will
integrity by positively impacting integrity of grow greater in the coming decades. A
the environment it belongs to, rather than number of authors have shown that the
acting as a discrete part of the ecosystem. demand for environmental contributions is
This suggests that to achieve ecoincremental now so significant that their valuation and
cities, smart architecture should embrace trade-off will be common practices (Gomez-
ecoproductivity. Baggethun, de Groot et al. 2010), (Bastian,
Haase et al. 2011), (Sagoff 2011), (Wegner
ECOPRODUCTIVITY The key merit of the MEA and the Living Planet
Report 2010 is the adoption of a comprehensive
Three influential world scientific reports framework of environmental contributions
(WRI 2005) (TEEB 2011) (WWF, London that covers the key environmental concerns
et al. 2010) have evidenced the global of previous decades with the same umbrella:
environmental facts that push the capabilities energy crisis, resources scarcity, global
of “green” architecture beyond the paradigm w a r m i n g , C O 2, a n d c a r r y i n g c a p a c i t y .
of sustainable development as it has been Under this holistic perspective, substantive
understood in the last four decades. Both sustainability is about augmenting the four
publications pictured how “progress” has categories of environmental services required
seriously compromised human well-being in for human well-being (WRI 2005) while
the last century, and will continue to do so natural ecosystems´ integrity is restored and
given the depletion of natural resources and preserved. In Urban settings, this implies
alteration of the ecosystems’ functionality. The restoring the ecocapacity of the territory that
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA) was depleted during the urbanization process.

What is ecoproductivity? It is defined here between natural and man-made environment

as the capacity of a physical entity, either is to be blurred in the coming decades, as
natural or artificial, to generate contributions the array of technologies, buildings and
on its surroundings so that integrity of manufactured landscapes capable of creating
the environment is improved. Efficiency environmental contributions expands.
in ecoproductivity is determined by the
ratio between the input resources and the 7. ENVIRONMENTAL
output contributions. Spatial efficiency CONTRIBUTIONS AS A RAISON
of ecoproductivity is determined by the D’ÊTRE OF ARCHITECTURE
ratio between the physical boundary of the
source and the rate of production of services Building footprint replaces the capability of
in a given timeframe. Environmental the natural terrain to produce ecosystem
sciences relate urban parks, forests, green services with capability of the building
belts and trees to environmental quality to produce building services. But can
and recognize these natural components as architecture afford ecoproductivity? The
sources of environmental services (Sandhu core attributes of architecture introduced by
and Wratten 2013). Under this perspective, Vitruvius are considered valid here to define
natural elements are key to maintain urban the boundaries of architectural practice:
environmental quality and well-being. architecture has the ultimate goal of creating
building services related to three aspects:
In 1997, Costanza suggested that ecosystem Function, Structure and Aesthetics (Vitruvius
services couldn’t be replaced with technology. 2003). The principles and strategies of “green”
However, more recent publications suggest and “sustainable” buildings are supplementary
that little attention has been given to man- measures intended to counterbalance negative
made ecosystems like farmlands and cities as environmental impacts. This does not reflect
settings that can afford to create ecoproductive an additional core attribute of architecture, but
outcomes. rather a way of counteracting an undesirable
byproduct of the essential attributes of
“Although the concepts developed have evolved architecture proposed by Vitruvius.
from experience managing natural assets
in rural landscapes, these ideas are equally In recent years, a small number of scholars
applicable to urban and other predominantly and practitioners or architecture have started
cultural systems. “ (Wallace 2007). to investigate how buildings and sites produce
environmental contributions, but there are
For Palmer et al., 2004, engineered or modified conceptual and pragmatic implications that
ecosystems are both providers and consumers remain unexplored.
of ecosystems. “They can provide a wide range
of important environmental services”. Ecoproductivity as an intrinsic
attribute of architecture.
The concept of ecoproductivity seems to Definitions.
trespass the boundaries of the natural sciences
and find a place in the material world of biotic If MEA’s concerns are transferred to
and abiotic elements created and managed architecture, substantive “sustainable”
by men. The environmental contributions development should be targeted via
produced by objects, buildings or sites are a buildings that not only preserve ecosystems
feature that has not been studied in depth. but also create and deliver environmental
Environmentally speaking, nature has been contributions. However, ambiguities and
considered as a provider, and buildings as problems with the use of this concept have
takers. This long-standing role dichotomy been reported in multiple disciplines (Wallace

2007). Wallace’s work suggests the need to In Vitruvius triad, building services are created
use proper definitions to avoid confusion and by the intrinsic qualities of firmitas, utilitas
misleading classifications. y venustas. If production of environmental
services is added as a core attribute of
Wallace’s definition of ecosystem –and architecture, ecoproductivity arises as a fourth
ecosystem services- encompasses biotic but dimension. The appellative “Ecoproductive” is
also abiotic elements (culturally derived), proposed and used to refer to architecture that
such as domestic animals, buildings, is aimed to create environmental contributions
roads and humans themselves (this is also in addition to the delivery of building services.
supported by the MEA). However, he has The term “ecotectural contributions” is
shown that in most of the literature “the introduced to address the environmental
term ecosystem –and ecosystem services- is value created by ecoproductive architecture,
used in a way that implies only the natural and to differentiate them from those produced
elements of ecosystems”. Pedersen Zari, who by natural ecosystems.
has explored the application of ecosystem
framework in the field of architectural design, In the built environment field, eco-productivity
uses the term ecosystem services to refer to is an inherent spatial attribute e as it is the
both environmental services that are either capability of the sites and buildings to generate
produced by biotic elements assembled environmental services at a certain rate within
on buildings, and environmental services given physical boundaries. Humans are part
engineered (Pedersen Zari 2012). However, of ecosystems and together comprise a whole
following previous key Wallace’s concerns, (Lyle 1985). However, there are significant
further lexicon development is necessary to differences in the way undisturbed natural
differentiate environmental services that are systems produce environmental services
produced by nature from those produced via compared to 1) natural systems altered by
buildings, either by integrating biotic elements humans, 2) semi-artificial settings managed
or incorporating ecoproductive technologies. by humans, and 3) artificial settings.

Although the MEA classifies ecosystem services The level of human influence on the ecosystem
according to type and core environmental is key for classification. The diagram shown in
aspect, it makes no distinction or classification Figure 3 clarifies the proposed terminology.
relative to the sources of the services. Under “Environmental Contribution” is used as the
MEA’s optics, all sources (either natural or
anthropogenic) are indistinct. However,
there are three main reasons to consider such
distinction necessary and beneficial. First, in
very recent years, a number of engineered
technologies have been proven to create and
deliver environmental contributions. Second,
trade-off and schemes of co-benefits in urban
planning regulations make it necessary to
differentiate environmental services delivered
by natural or semi-natural elements –i.e. street
trees- from those created by architecture
or man-made infrastructure projects. And
last, such distinction contributes to the
appropriation of ecoproductivity as a core
aspect of architecture. Figure 3. The Vitruvian triad historically defined
the core attributes of architecture

most generic term. It comprises all kinds of

environmental services, created by either
undisturbed natural sources or man-influenced
settings. “Natural Ecosystem services” are
environmental services created by undisturbed
nature. “Ecotectural services” are produced
within the boundaries o man-made spatial
settings -buildings or infrastructure-. Hence,
the following affirmations are considered

• The group of “environmental contributions”

encompasses all “natural” and “ecotectural”
contributions, produced by either man
independent or man-influenced settings. In
Figure 4. Proposed dimension of
other words, all ecotectural and nature’s
ecoproductivity as a core attribute of
contributions are environmental contributions.
architecture, based on the Vitruvian triad. AIG
• “Nature´s contributions” are produced mainly
by man-independent settings –undisturbed
nature-. However, as humans are part of as a copy center for German film studios.
ecosystems, man influenced settings involving Today, it supports young modern culture and
biotic assets are also considered sources of combines international and local cultures
ecosystem services (e.g. urban parks, biotic to create a dynamic atmosphere for active
roofs, etc). Environmental contributions people ( The site
produced by artificial abiotic technologies do consists of 6 main low-rise buildings, gardens,
not belong to the group of ecosystem services and other amenities, which were designed
or nature’s contributions. and built by a group of local entrepreneurs
to enhance the environmental conditions of
• “Ecotectural contributions” are environmental the site and reduce operational costs (Figure
contributions produced by man-made settings, 4). Since the decade of 1970s, they developed
and might encompass biotic elements or/and and progressively integrated a series of
technology. Not all ecotectural contributions technologies on the buildings and site. Most
belong to the group of natural contributions. of them pioneered aspects of green building in
Not all environmental contributions are Berlin at the time of implementation i.e. the
ecotectural services. biggest solar roof, the first water harvesting
and natural treatment system on a wetland
Architecture can produce ecotectural roof, the first pilot implementation of slotted
contributions on multiple functions that relate wind turbine, and an unusual biodiverse
to the overall functional integrity of cities. vegetated roof.

8. ECOPRODUCTIVE This case is a valuable piece of evidence to

ARCHITECTURE IS MULTI- study multifunctional ecoproductivity in
FUNCTIONAL. architecture, given its innovative character,
A CASE STUDY IN BERLIN early implementation, and integrative
approach. The ecoproductive performance of
The UfaFabrik International Culture Center the center encompasses multiple strategies
is located in Berlin. It was a former UFA- that create three types of contributions on a
Film factory originally built in 1920 and used number of environmental aspects.

Provisioning services high rotor wind generator was installed on

the roof of the former “film bunker” (Building
The center produces clean energy and 6), to provide a generation capacity of 700
food. Direct solar radiation is converted Watt. A further addition assisted by TU Berlin
into electricity by two kinds of photovoltaic was implemented to increase this capacity
systems. Fixed photovoltaic panels were by 20% with a slotted rotor design that was
installed on the roof of two buildings in tested in the wind tunnel (Patent by Achmed
1997 to generate 50 kWh (Buildings 4 and Khammas). Food is produced in the form of
5). Three years later, an additional system herbs that are grown on the roofs and gardens
was installed in one of the building to include (alfalfa, hops and kidney vetch).
10 2kW automated PV system that included
cells, inverters and sun tracking sensors The center incorporates a rainwater
(Building 1). The overall capacity of the two management system that provides various
systems (peak) is 70 kWh; enough to feed environmental contributions related to water:
the total center demand and sell the surplus harvest, treatment and reduction of water run-
energy to the grid (Figure 5). After reviewing off to alleviate and prevent overflow of sewer
the records from 2003 to 2012, an annual systems (Schmidt, 2001). In 1994, a rainwater
energy generation average of 39850 kWh was harvesting system was integrated to provide
estimated. This means an annual reduction water for irrigation and toilets. The roofs and
of about 36 tons of carbon dioxide emitted to ground landscape account for a total area of
the atmosphere. However, only the clean 7600 m2 that catches rainwater. The water
energy generation aspect is considered here harvested is conducted to and stored into two
as an ecotectural contribution. Wind is also 240 m3 underground cisterns (equivalent to
used as a source of energy. In 1995, a 3-meter 39 mm or 6.7% of annual rainfall). It is then
treated naturally, pumped and distributed
through the building to meet the overall
demand of water, which was estimated at
3000 m3 per year. 72% of the water used for
flushing the toilets and irrigating the green
areas comes from the water harvesting and
treatment systems.

Regulating services
The center produces regulating environmental
contributions related to water, air, climate
and nutrients cycle. The rainwater collected
is treated naturally by a constructed wetland
that is the roof of two underground cisterns (25
m2). In the first cistern, particles such rocks,
sand and mud are settled in the bottom. When
water flows into the second tank, floating
elements such leaves paper and wood are
trapped by a gravel wall. The partially treated
water is then stored and pumped up onto a
gravel and microorganism media that removes
Figure 5. Proposed classification of the remaining suspended solids and converts
environmental contributions relative to their impurities into minerals that are absorbed by
source. AIG reeds, rushes, water lilies and cattails. Heavy

metals and nutrients are captured by the per month (at the moment of the study).
wetland and reduced by 90% (Schmidt, 2001). Air regulation contributions are linked to
This process prevents pollutants from running removal of pollutants and enhancement of
off into rivers and streams. the air quality. Field measurements with
two carbon dioxide probes were conducted
Evaporation and evapotranspiration are to determine the concentration of CO2 on the
the main UfaFabrik’s environmental air above a green roof in comparison with
contributions related to climate regulation. a gravel roof. Maintaining the same wind
The outcome of this energy consumption is conditions, available solar radiation levels
temperature reduction (evaporative cooling). and temperature, the air above the vegetated
The amount of solar energy required for the surface showed a reduction of 18% in carbon
evapotranspiration of 1g of water is estimated dioxide concentration levels compared to the
at about 2450 joules. Daily radiation balance hard surface during the day time in summer.
estimations were made based on measurements Considering that the oxygen emission capacity
conducted by Schmidt at UfaFabrik during the of an extensive green roof is estimated in
summer of 2000. Bitumen and green roof approximately 400 liters per day, the overall
scenarios were compared under a 5354 Wh/ daily oxygen production capability of the
m2 daily solar available energy scenario. A vegetated surfaces of UfaFabrik would be
significant reduction of latent heat emitted 480 m3. Labs tests and microscopic analysis
by green roofs was found, in comparison were conducted to determine the dust
with bitumen roofs. The bitumen surfaces retention capacity of different vegetation
converted 2.29% of the solar available energy types. Results showed that sedum retains
into evaporative cooling, 34.1% into latent more PM10 particles than grass. It has been
heat, and 9% was reflected. In contrast, results estimated that the average dust retention
for vegetated surfaces were 22.13%, 16.28% capacity of an extensive green roof with
and 14.99%. After observations conducted similar characteristics to those of UfaFabrik is
from 1987 to 1989, the green roof cooling rate 500 gr per square meter per year. Thus, the
mean per year was estimated at 302 kWh (/ green roofs and vertical gardens of UfaFabrik
m2*a) (C. Centegraf and Schmidt, 2005), and would approximately capture up to 700 kg of
the effective evapotranspiration mean was particulate matter from the ambient air per
estimated at 443 mm out of 696 mm local year.
evapotranspiration potential and 588 mm
local precipitation mean (Schmidt, 2005). Other regulating services produced are noise
and smell absorption. Kitchen exhaust
Services related to nutrients cycle are produced fumes are conducted towards to a gravel
in UfaFabrik mainly through the use of fast filter under a green roof, allowing plants and
composters specially designed. Besides the media to absorb the gases. Users of the center
widespread waste collection and separation reported reduction of smell from the kitchen.
schemes, organic waste is processed at A vertical garden was built to prevent noise
UfaFabrik to produce organic fertilizer. The discomfort caused by the cultural activities in
waste produced by the center is estimated to the neighborhood. The total approximate area
be 1000 m3 per year. Approximately 20% of of green roofs in the center at the moment of
it can be composted (about 200 m3 per year). the study was 1500 m2. The original roof finish
Two 1 m3 spinning wooden composting drums consisted of a tar-and-asphalt waterproof layer.
were built. They speed up the process by In 1980 some of these surfaces begun to be
providing a constant alternation of heat and retrofitted to support native grasses, herbs and
oxygen and allowing regulation of humidity perennials with conventional multilayered
levels. With this system, the center has a extensive green roof systems comprised
capacity of producing about 1 m3 of compost of a substrate mixture of soil and expanded

Figure 6. UfaFabrik location

in Berlin (retrieved from
google maps), and overall
site retrofit image

clay. The vegetation population has shown a Dr. Manfred Köhler has been studying the
significant variation and adaptation to different evolution of the roof vegetation in the long
microclimate and maintenance conditions. term, and has identified about 50 species.
Regular irrigation was only provided during During the field investigation with Dr. Köhler,
the early years of the installation, which we noted that variations in the depth of the
favored clovers and draught-tolerant species. substrate in later installations could motivate
Currently, however, the landscape and plant the unusual biodiversity of the roofs in spite
population is totally different from the initial the fact that most green roofs in Berlin have
conditions. sedum as the predominant type of plant

Figure 7. UfaFabrik’s
site plan and buildings.
3D models: AIG

(Building 4) (Figure 6). Particular conditions the exhibition building. These species provide
motivated this adaptation. For example, taller habitat for wildlife and foster biodiversity in
low-light species colonized the area under the the neighborhood. The absence of human
photovoltaic panels, as they provide protection intervention in the distribution of the species
from the wind and sun i.e. Sagebrush and gray over time has turned these roofs into valuable
cress. Today, sedum accounts for only 50% of evidence to study plant adaptation in Berlin.
the green roof. Steel wire was attached to the
facades, and various climbers were planted The diagram of Figure 8 shows the overall
at the ground level. As a result, each vertical UfaFabrik site’s ecoproductity, by relating
wall shows a particular prevailing type of the different technologies investigated to the
plant, according to the sunlight availability ecotectural contributions they create. The
and solar exposure conditions. The wild overall functional domain analysis evidences
ones covered the southeast side of building that although the engineered technologies used
5, whereas hydrangea and clematis and ivy can afford single ecoproductive outcomes like
colonized the south, north and west sides of provision of clean energy, the biotic elements

example, m3 is used for rainwater harvesting,

and Tons is used for CO2 capture. Results are
marked on the axes. The center of the diagram
represents a value of zero. The greater the
production rate, the more distant from the
center the markings are located. Each axis can
have independent ranges of values depending
on the maximum value. If the single markings
of each contribution are connected with lines,
the area of the resulting polygon represents
the overall ecoproductivity. Through
this method, it is possible to evaluate the
integrated performance of a specific site or
building relative to the ecoproductivity of
different land covers and scales presented as
assessment baselines in the next section.


Urban architecture’s ecoproductivity is

fundamentally a multi-scale phenomenon. It
encompasses physical forms, devices, buildings
and cities. They are all different levels in
which production of ecotectural contributions
happens. Thus, a comprehensive assessment
framework of site and building ecoproductivity
should necessarily address these scales and
enquire on how environmental contributions
are produced, delivered and valued accordingly.
Figure 8. Clean energy generation at UfaFabrik. Photos: AIG
Lets illustrate multi-scale ecoproductivity
assessment using the example of a bicycle as
are more synergistic, as they create several an analogy to a building. A bicycle’s inherent
environmental contributions simultaneously purpose is transportation. However, if a water
(grey dotted and hyphened lines). purification system is integrated, polluted
water can be converted into potable water
Visualization of multifunctional as the rider pedals. Polluted water is sent
ecoproductivity out of a rear tank through a series of filters,
and collected in a front tank once it has been
Two kinds of radar diagrams were developed purified. A new intrinsic attribute has been
to visualize the overall multifunctionality of added to the bicycle: the capacity to provide
sites and buildings, as well as their annual clean water. This emerging attribute is intrinsic
production rates (Figure 7). The number of because it is linked to the essential function
single environmental contributions to estimate of the bicycle. Both purposes, transportation
determines the number of axes in the radars. and water purification, are now part of the
Estimation of yearly production is done using same functional domain. The bicycle now
the right units for each contribution; for has an added value, and it is manifested in an

increment of the bikers’ wellbeing resulting Unfolding water purification is calculating how
from access to clean water. much water (volume) the filters can purify and
the tanks hold per each kilometer pedaled.
The service of water purification happens Unfolding is objectively translating physical
here in three physical scales from small to forms directly responsible for creating an
large (or simple to complex): the purification environmental service into production rates
devices, the whole bicycle including the expressed in units associated to that service.
purification system, and the place where the Embodying water purification has to do with
bicycle is used. Thus, to assess the bicycle’s assessing the spatial efficiency of the whole
merits for purifying water, this service must bicycle to produce the service, in reference to
be measured in reference to 1) the devices, 2) its size and form. That is, how space-efficient
the bicycle and 3) the place. Or in other words the filters are, occupying minimum space,
this service must be unfolded, embodied and avoiding overweight or even enhancing the
interfaced. function of the bicycle. From here it can be

Figure 9. Composting
devices at UfaFabrik site.
Photo: AIG

Figure 10. Tests with carbon probes to determine the CO2 concentration of the air above
the green roofs. Photos: AIG

inferred that the better the purification system Transferred to the architectural field,
fits within the bicycle’s psychical boundaries, ecoproductivity assessment entails
the greater the amount of clean water that three kinds of assessment: estimation of
could by delivered per spatial unit. And lastly, production rate (at the technology scale),
interfacing water purification is related to spatial integration (at the building scale) and
the need and appreciation of bikers for clean instrumental valuation (at the urban scale).
water. This is conditioned by the availability Although these methods have not used for
of clean water in the bikers’ town, and its building assessment, there are a number of
perceived value. In other words, interfacing disciplines that have used them. Assessment
is about weighting up the value of a given related to technology’s ecoproductivity rates
environmental service, in reference to a is commonly done in engineering, material
specific place. The more value given to clean science and technology development fields;
water in a particular locality, the higher the spatial integration assessment is associated
bicycle’s merits are. with landscape, green infrastructure, ecology
and natural sciences; and instrumental
Lets imagine that the bicycle simultaneously valuation has been explored in the fields
provides additional environmental of urban ecology, green infrastructure,
contributions: captures air pollutants, geography, economy and town planning.
produces energy, and cools down the rider. Com bination of these ap p r oaches and
The bicycle’s environmental value would techniques is needed to formulate
eventually increase, and all delivered services comprehensive frameworks applicable to
would need to be unfolded, embodied and urban architecture that could be instrumental
interfaced to assess the overall ecoproductivity. to town planning trade-off schemes.

Figure 11. Adaptation of roof and living walls plant populations to particular environmental
situations. Photos: AIG

10. PROPOSED LAEBS The LAEBS method proposed here enables

METHOD FOR ASSESSMENT designers and policy makers to assess the
ECOPRODUCTIVE BUILDINGS capacity of a site or infrastructure project
AND SITES to generate environmental contributions by
estimating the annual rates at which a number
What is ecoincremental city planning? It is of these services are created per unit of land
town planning and urban design that aims to in comparison to 4 local baseline scenarios at
increase the capacity of the existing cities to different scales: 1) pre-existing conditions, 2)
generate environmental. This encompasses overall metropolitan area, 3) neighborhood
conservation of urban and peri-urban planning unit, and 4) a local undisturbed
undisturbed nature, restoration of local ecosystem. LAEBS stands for Land Average
ecosystems, and urban greening; but it also Ecorproductive Baseline at different Scales.
engages the universe of users, stakeholders
and actors who design sites and buildings Each baseline provides a scale-driven
in the goal of achieving ecoproductive and reference for ecoincremental urban planning
restorative cities. to know if a site or building exceeds the annual
environmental contributions production rates.
Imagine a developer or group of building Different time and surface units can be used to
owners who participate in this endeavor. estimate the ecoproductivity of each baseline
Their site and building is capable of producing case. Year and hectare are units that facilitate
oxygen, capturing CO 2 , reducing the run- the evaluation for urban planning and trade-
off water that goes into the urban water offs applications. To compare results, an
evacuation system, minimizing the flood average hectare is considered for the project
risk, absorbing noise, creating natural habitat under assessment, as well as for each baseline.
for local flora and fauna, combating global This is shown in Figure 10, which set the 4
warming, and increasing the available area baselines for particular project designs in the
for people’s enjoyment. Imagine that for city of Bogota.
creating these environmental contributions
of public interest, developers and owners Figure 11 shows the application of this tool
receive urban planning incentives, and city in the design of a 120-house residential
administrations reduce expenditures on complex in the city of Cali, Colombia, by
infrastructure, environmental calamities UNOA design team. The project is designed
and health-related issues. Ecoproductive to create a number of environmental services
architecture functionally integrates itself related to water, air, energy, food, climate and
to the network of natural and semi-natural materials. The radar visualization evidences
urban areas. This is solution of high value for that the project exceeds the rate and efficiency
society because it is the most efficient way to in generation of a number of environmental
improve the environmental quality of cities contributions per hectare, in comparison to
without the need of empty available land, the overall Cali’s performance.
which is growing scarcer. When nature and
ecoproductive technologies are incorporated The method leads to further development of
into sites and buildings, a win-win situation ecoproductivity indexes associated to each
for privates, citizens and public authorities is baseline. As an example, for the baseline 3,
created. This co-beneficial approach is key to an index higher than 1 means that the project
the participative production of restorative and improves the existing conditions of the whole
multi-functional cities. Assessment of urban neighborhood. An index of 1 or above in the
environmental contributions by ecoproductive baseline 4, an undisturbed natural ecosystem,
sites and buildings is central to co-benefits and would be the greatest aspiration for restoring
town planning trade-offs. the ecoproductivity of the city.

inspired innovations will account for 15% of

the economic growth in the architecture and
construction sectors.

Colombia is the most biodiverse country per

land surface, which provides vast opportunities
for learning from nature’s functional
principles and advancing architecture from
an ecoproductivity perspective. Although the
practice of biomimicry is not common in the
region, the Ecoincremental Lab in Bogota has
been creating ecoproductive designs over the
last two years.

Cactar is a bio-inspired building façade system

that applies the principle of cellular transition
for generating energy, harvesting water from
the ambient air, growing food, and cooling
down the urban climate. After observing the
nanostructure of local cactae spines under
the scanning electron microscope, the design
Figure 12. Radar diagram developed to visualize team found that the cells changed their
the overall ecoproductivity of a site or building. form and structural configuration along the
This particular diagram shows the annual overall spine to perform different functions. The
ecoproductivity of a building designed in Bogota city cells stemming from the cactus are set in a
(outer polygon) in comparison to ecoproductivity of the tridimensional mesh that allows the exchange
preexisting site conditions (inner polygon). AIG of fluids. This configuration changes, as the
cells get closer to the tip of the spine, where
a dense laminated grouping patter was found
11. THE ROAD AHEAD: to provide material strength and physical
TRANSFERRING NATURE´S protection to the cactus.
DESIGN This progressive change in geometry and
grouping pattern was used to create a structure
3.5 billions of evolution has turned nature into that can be assembled on existing buildings
the ultimate ecoproductive and ecoincremental facades. The upper section of Cactar’s core
system. Living and organisms have adapted structure incorporates PV systems that generate
to complex environments, creating balanced energy and catch rainwater, the mid section
networks that support life, diversity and creates chambers for plants growth, and the
abundance. In natural ecosystems, there bottom part provides structural resistance via
is no need to reduce negative impacts, as laminated elements. A light mesh made of
every organism has developed strategies plant fibers covers this core structure and cause
and functions that are beneficial for other a temperature differential to force the dew
organisms and their surroundings. Nature’s point, which allows condensation to happen.
forms, processes and ecosystems are the largest Condensed water falls onto the core and is
source of human inspiration for technologies collected at the lower section of the structure.
and man-made environments aiming to
generate environmental contributions. It is Evapost was designed as an urban micro-
estimated that in the coming decade, nature infrastructure piece that functions as street

Figure 13. Abstraction decomposition space matrix for visualization of the overall UfaFabrik’s
ecoproductivity under a multifunctional approach. AIG

Figure 14.
Opportunities and
solutions to issues of
urbanization through
building and site

Figure 15. Urban trade-offs and co-benefits resulting Figure 16. Ecoproductivity assessment baselines for the
from ecotectural contributions LAEBS method proposed applied to design projects in
the city of Bogota. AIG, Ecoincremental Lab

lighting, shading device, rain cover, and sign 12. CONCLUSIONS

pole. In addition to providing these services,
Evapost was aimed to deliver a number of Urbanization creates artificial settings that have
environmental contributions related to water little or no capacity to produce environmental
management in urban settings: rainwater services. Ultimately, this produces cities
harvesting, evaporation, storage, and with critical environmental problems and
infiltration into the natural soil. The design overloaded natural ecoproductive systems.
team applied 4 functional principles found in
vegetation: capillarity, albedo, edge effect and Negative environmental impacts caused by
convection. Rainwater is cached by a warped building activity have extensively been studied
surface in the upper part of the post. Water is and documented. It is widely accepted that
stored in a micro-cistern located at the bottom, buildings consume substantial amounts of
or infiltrated into the natural terrain. The post energy, resources and materials. This concern
that supports the structure and conducts water has progressively influenced architectural
by gravity or capillarity is simultaneously practice over the last three decades via
a multi-layered system that maximizes widespread design and construction principles
evaporation. This is achieved through an aimed to reduce the ecological footprint and
external 3D configured pored surface that GHG emissions of buildings. However, the
changes color depending on the temperature emerging positive development paradigm calls
and solar radiation received. The resulting for human actions that not only are aimed to
outcome is evaporative cooling to combat the mitigate loads on the natural systems, but also
heat island effect in cities, a function mastered can afford to enhance environmental quality
by plants. via production of environmental contributions.

Figure 17. UNOA’s EUB concept for urban master plan. Buildings and Figure 18. Biomimicry applied to
natural land are integrated via biotic components and engineered ecoproductive architecture. Cactar Façade
systems to create a number of environmental services related to System, Daniela Vargas and Valentina
water, air, energy, food, climate and materials García, Ecoincremental Lab

When this eco-positive mindset is transferred

to architecture, buildings are conceived as
3D ecoproductive devices that can afford to
create, embody and interface ecotectural
contributions with their urban surroundings.

The visualization matrixes and methods

presented suggest that assessment
frameworks should follow an integrative
approach, rather than using a method based
on one single environmental aspect such
energy generation or reduction of GHG. The
functional domain analysis applied to the
study case evidenced that incorporation of
nature on sites and building results in greatest
synergies and space-efficiency in the creation
of ecotectural contributions, in comparison to
the engineered strategies studied. However,
further research and case studies are needed to
expand the list of ecoproductive technologies
applicable in architecture, and determine
their substantive sustainability by combining Figure 19. Biomimicry applied to ecoproductive
the ecoproductivity assessment methods infrastructure. Evapost, Ana Maria Soto and David
presented here with lifecycle analysis. Castillo, Ecoincremental Lab

Ecoproductivity is not an aspiration, but an REFERENCES

attribute of objects, natural elements, sites or
man-made designs. Through this attribute, Bastian, O., et al. (2011). “Ecosystem properties,
it is possible to contribute to the restoration potentials and services - The EPPS conceptual
of the capacity of cities to maintain healthy framework and an urban application example.”
environments, and involve building owner Ecological Indicators.
and practitioners of architecture in the
creation of ecoincremental cities via trade- Breuste, J., et al. (2013). Urban Landscapes and
offs for win-win urban planning schemes and Ecosystem Services. Ecosystem Services in
co-benefits. To achieve this aim, two shifts Agricultural and Urban Lanscapes. S. Wratten, H.
are crucial: using new lexicon that redefines Sandhu, R. Cullen and R. Costanza. Chichester,
the architectural practice, and developing West Sussex, UK, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
novel assessment frameworks that evaluate
buildings under multifunctional and multi- Cole, R. J. (2012). “Regenerative design and
scale perspectives. development: current theory and practice.”
Building Research & Information 40(1): 1-6.
Through further advance of assessment
frameworks, biomimicry and technology Cole, R. J., et al. (2013). “Regenerative design, socio-
studies; ecoproductivity is likely to become ecological systems and co-evolution.” Building
an intrinsic attribute of architecture and Research & Information 41(2): 237-247.
the roadmap to ecoincremental cities in the
coming years. Farber, S. C., et al. (2002). “Economic and
ecological concepts for valuing ecosystem
AKNOWLEDGEMENTS services.” Ecological Economics 41(3): 375-392.

I would like to express my gratitude to Farmer, G. and S. Guy (2010). “Making morality:
Werner Wiartalla, Dr. Manfred Köhler, Marco sustainable architecture and the pragmatic
Schmidt and their team, for providing access imagination.” Building Research & Information
to valuable technical data on UfaFabrik, and 38(4): 368-378.
for guiding my field investigation. Thanks
to Susanne Herfort and Dr. Stefan Köhler Fisher, B. and R. Kerryturner (2008). “Ecosystem
for supporting my research and tests on CO2 services: Classification for valuation.” Biological
concentration and green roofs at the Institute Conservation 141(5): 1167-1169.
of Agricultural and Urban Ecological Projects
affiliated to Berlin Humboldt University Gomez-Baggethun, E., et al. (2010). “The history
(IASP), made possible by the German Ministry of ecosystem services in economic theory and
of Education and Research (BMBF), Stephen practice: From early notions to markets and
Lau and Christopher Webster from the Faculty payment schemes.” Ecological Economics 69(6):
of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong. 1209-1218.
I’m also grateful to the enthusiastic students of
the Ecoincremental Research Lab at Pontificia Grant, G. (2012). Ecosystem services come to
Universidad Javeriana, and the members town : greening cities by working with nature.
of UNOA team at National University of Chichester, West Sussex, Chichester, West Sussex
Colombia, who have developed fantastic : Wiley-Blackwell.
projects following the ecoproductivity
approach presented here. Guy, S. and S. A. More (2005). The paradoxes
of sustainable architecture. Sustainable
architectures. Cultures and Natures in Europe
and North America. S. Guy and S. A. Moore.

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Editorial Agrícola Española S.A.
Schmidt, M, (2005). Green roof and rain water
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a final warning. London :, Allen Lane. Forum, Seattle, USA, 2005.

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Sustainable Development. New York, John Wiley germany: new concepts for the substitution of
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sustainability modeling with exergy methodology Simpósio Brasileiro de Captação e Manejo de Água
for building life cycle.” Journal of central south de Chuva, Campina Grande - PB, Brazil, 2001.
university technology. Springer 16(1): 118-123.
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built environments.” Building research and
information 40(1): 54-64. Wallace, K. (2007). “Classification of ecosystem
services: Problems and solutions.” Biological
Reed, B. (2009). The integrative design guide Conservation 139(3-4): 235-246.
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Garden Tower,
Wabern, CH

Carl Stahl

reen Façades combine aesthetics with MUSEUM STORAGE CENTER
ecological benefits: They bring green WITH INNOVATIVE CLIMATE
into cities and create natural living CONCEPT
spaces. As part of sustainable building concepts,
they reduce the negative ecological impact and Over around 2,000 square meters, the
help to protect the climate and environment. Kolleksjesintrum Fryslân in Leeuwarden
With I-SYS, X-TEND and GREENCABLE, CARL houses the collections of five museums of the
STAHL ARCHITECTURE offers a diverse Dutch province of Friesland in one central
repertoire of varying trellis systems made spot. The sparse building has an innovative,
of stainless steel wire ropes and cable mesh. sustainable climate concept. On the one hand,
They facilitate individual design options and it creates the ideal climatic conditions for
already decorate façades while the green is storing the Friesian cultural treasures and at
still growing. the same time optimizes the ecological and
economical building footprint. Surrounded
The growing awareness of environmental by a newly shaped natural landscape with
and climate protection is increasingly being domestic plant types, a green shell will
expressed in sustainable architectural concepts grow around the museum storage center
which unite ecological/economic elements over the coming years. The I-SYS stainless
with aesthetic design. In this context, green steel wire rope system by CARL STAHL
façades have a dual purpose: They are visually ARCHITECTURE serves as trellis structure
attractive with lush coverage, magnificent for climbing vines along the vertical ribs of
blossoms and changing colors over the seasons, the rust red façade made of powder-coated
and also store warmth in winter and ensure aluminum. Over a total of 1,000 square meters,
cooling in the summer. They provide natural the four-millimeter-thick stainless steel wire
sound protection and protect the façade from ropes guide the plants along the right path.
the damaging effects of dirt and weather. With the approximately 2,000 cross clamps

used, green areas are created which integrate GREEN TRELLISES FOR
the storage center into the surrounding nature RENOWNED MUSIC SCHOOL
in an organic way.
From old music to jazz, from the development
Project:Kolleksjesintrum Fryslân, of music and dance to specialized post-graduate
Leeuwarden, Netherlands courses, the Conservatoire Niedermeyer in
Issy-les-Moulineaux to the west of Paris offers
Architecture: LEVS Architecten, Amsterdam, students in-depth training in around 40 artistic
Netherlands disciplines. Lehoux-Phily-Samaha Architectes
developed a modern extension for the
Façade cladding: CARL STAHL renowned music school. It adds to the existing
ARCHITECTURE, Suessen, Germany building to fulfill the contemporary needs of

around 1,400 students and employees. The

new building is gradually being covered in
green to ensure that it fits into its environment
naturally and is an attractive upgrade for
the public domain. GREENCABLE greenery
positioned vertically along the façade offer the
climbing plants the perfect support. The four-
millimeter-thick stainless steel wire ropes are
simply secured in the cylindrical wall mounts
with four through-holes and tightened by
hand. The homogeneous anodic coating of
the aluminum parts ensures longevity and a
stylish appearance as early as the climbing
plants’ growing phase.

Project: Conservatoire Niedermeyer

(extension), Paris, France

Architectes, Paris, France

Façade cladding: CARL STAHL

ARCHITECTURE, Suessen, Germany


Tax consultants Frers-Sextroh & Partner

have moved into a new office building on
Bahnhofstraße in Westerstede which, with
its modern architecture in gray steel and a with its low energy consumption, CO2-
large glass frontage, deliberately contrasts neutral construction and air conditioning with
with the historic station building across from geothermal energy.
it. Its cubature sensitively integrates into the
environment by incorporating the existing Façade cladding with I-SYS, X-TEND
street lines on the eastern side. The I-SYS and GREENCABLE by CARL STAHL
stainless steel wire rope system by CARL ARCHITECTURE is an expression of responsible
STAHL ARCHITECTURE was assembled to dealings with nature. With a simple design,
form diamond shapes in front of the offices easy to plan and straightforward to assemble,
and embrace the entire building with its the greenery systems made of stainless steel
surrounding escape balconies. The filigree cables and cable mesh are perfect for different
stainless steel wire ropes with a diameter types of façades and plants. As optimal trellis
of six millimeters form an expansive net structures, they enable expanses of green in
with a mesh width of 500 millimeters. It all sizes. A modular system of individual parts
underscores the lightness of the building and coordinated with one another forms the basis
acts as a trellis structure along the façade for of flexible design opportunities and creative
plants. This is how, step by step, a vertical ideas. As they are weatherproof, durable and
garden is being created in the town center, low-maintenance, they will provide decades of
adhering to the sustainable building concept support for the living shell.

Project:FSP office building, Westerstede, in delicate stainless steel mesh through which
Germany green shoots will soon be curling. But X-TEND
by Carl Stahl Architecture is much more than a
Architecture: fischerarchitekten, Aachen, trellis structure for climbing plants. The mesh
Germany acts as fall protection as well as showcasing
the building as a whole.
Façade cladding: CARL STAHL
ARCHITECTURE, Suessen, Germany Wabern is one of the most desirable places
to live in greater Bern, embedded as it is
GREENER LIVING WITH A VIEW between the Gurten, the hill overlooking the
Swiss capital, and the river Aare. Now a new
It is the first high-rise building in Switzerland kind of tower rises up in the foreground of the
to feature plants in its façade: the Garden- panoramic view of the Gurten, its amorphous
Tower in Wabern near Bern. The building is contours catching the eye for miles. The
sixteen stories high and completely encased concept of the Bächtelenpark residential area

is heterogeneous: The tower at its center is 53 floors: These will give rise to a full cover of
meters high and accommodates 45 apartments green on up to 1,200 square meters of façade
each with three-and-a-half or four rooms. space. The architects also paid particular
“Living with a view” is what Basel-based attention to which plants were chosen.
architects Buchner Bründler have embodied They all correspond to the different light
in exceptional high-rise architecture. conditions on the four sides of the building.
This guarantees even coverage. Gaps in the
INTEGRATED IN LANDSCAPE balcony areas break up the green façade, bring
AND NATURE light into the apartments and frame the view
of the landscape for those inside looking out.
The basis of the Garden-Tower is a polygon The architects commissioned stainless steel
which repeats itself over the entire height of the mesh experts from Carl Stahl Architecture
building. The concrete slabs jut out on every from Suessen in southern Germany with the
side, offset from one floor to the next, bending planning of statics, execution and assembly, as
up and down on the horizontal plane. They well as the actual assembly itself.
look like a drawing of mountain topography
and thus underscore their relationship with the X-TEND AS FALL PROTECTION
landscape. The apartments with their varying
floor plans face two if not three directions. In addition to its function as a design feature,
Balconies with at least 45 square meters of the X-TEND façade acts as fall protection
space, some deep, some more elongated, without the necessity for any further barriers
and always in the opposite direction to the which would negatively impact the organic
expansive areas inside, extend the living area. appearance of the Garden-Tower. Because the
At the same time, the surrounding concrete preassembled cable mesh construction retains
slabs are a kind of substitute garden with a its form regardless of its dead weight and any
unique view of the surrounding nature. loads. The opposing curvature and tension of
the cables generate stability. To keep mesh
CLIMBING GARDEN vibrations as minimal as possible when leant
against, the experts from Suessen ensured the
Instead of protective balustrades, the building façade mesh of the green residential tower was
is fully encased in a mesh of stainless steel under high tension – a purely psychological
cables by Carl Stahl Architecture. X-TEND measure to make residents feel safe even at
provides a delicate trellis structure which can lofty heights.
be planted with climbing plants. A natural
green façade will gradually grow over the DIVERSE, DURABLE AND SAFE
Garden-Tower providing shade as well as
being a striking architectural feature. Positive X-TEND from Carl Stahl Architecture opens
side effect: The green curtain absorbs CO2, up virtually unlimited design opportunities
generates pure air and thus plays an active in lightweight construction architecture. The
role in climate protection. This makes the stainless steel mesh by Carl Stahl Architecture
residential tower unique indeed. It is the enhances the static advantages of the cable
first high-rise building in Switzerland to have spatially. The intelligent combination of
a green façade. To ensure it always appears stainless steel cables and ferrules is the key to
lush green and at the same time fulfils the a range of shapes for engineered cable mesh
fire protection regulations, the architects constructions. X-TEND is both a safety and
integrated an irrigation facility in the greenery design element at the same time - its uses
system with X-TEND which automatically thus accordingly diverse, both inside and
detects whether the plants need watering. A outside buildings. Alongside fall protection,
total of 100 plant tubs were installed on the balustrade in-fill, façade cladding and trellis

structures for green wall systems, X-TEND is a Project: Garden-Tower, Wabern (Bern),
carrier structure for all kinds of decorative or Switzerland
functional components: from sequins, stripes
and letters made of all kinds of materials Architecture: Buchner Bründler Architekten,
through to LED dots and photovoltaic panels. Basel, Switzerland
The opposing curvature of the cables permits
light, transparent structures possessing Mesh façade: Carl Stahl Architecture,
extremely high load capacity. High-grade Suessen, Germany
stainless steel guarantees durability. The
European Technical Approval (ETA) for ABOUT CARL STAHL
X-TEND as vertical and horizontal fall ARCHITECTURE
protection facilitates the planning for both new
and existing buildings. X-TEND Colours adds a Balustrade in-fills and fall protection, green
touch of color in blue, green, red, gold, white façades, spectacular LED light installations
or black. Thanks to the fine emission-free and complex zoo enclosures: With the
polymer coating, the cable structure remains experience of more than 25 years, CARL
visible. The colored stainless steel mesh STAHL ARCHITECTURE creates impressive
provides additional flexibility for creative uses architectural projects with stainless steel
in architecture and interior design. wire ropes and mesh. The services CARL

STAHL ARCHITECTURE offers worldwide as ARCHITECTURE prides itself on its climate-

a complete package for architectural projects neutral operations. Sustainability governs
range from consulting, planning and structural our policies and actions. We ensure the value
analysis to manufacture and assembly. As an chain with our own production facilities in
ISO-certified company, we fulfill the highest Europe as a German family company that has
quality demands on a daily basis. CARL STAHL been active since 1880.
Green wall.
Santalaia bulding.
Paisajismo urbano
Ufa Fabrik. Berlín.
I. de Felipe


Manfred Köhler*

Ulrike Grau

SUMMARY What did we learn from these projects for

today’s architecture?

n the 1980s in Berlin (West) the
International Building Exhibition The study shows that these projects are still
inspired several urban planner groups exciting today and that they still work well.
to realize visionary urban concepts. Green Some of the technologies used today have a
roofs and green facades were symbols, but more professional style and are updated for
also other technology, so called eco bricks the future with smart solutions and integrated
were used, and energy consumption, waste into building certification. Knowledge of the
management, mobility and forms of new performance of the green elements in detail is
housings were improved. still fundamental today and the functionality
of biodiversity is still the important basis.
This chapter focuses on four of the key
projects and tries to evaluate these pioneers in 1. INTRODUCTION
Green architecture, answering the following
questions: Are these concepts still up-to-date Eco-Architecture includes a wide range of
today? Are the citizens involved in these technologies around greenery, low impact
projects still happy with those experiments? design, energy savings, a different traffic

concept as well as circle economy. Today and economic procedures with the aim to
there are a number of environmental reduce the negative impact of buildings to
indicators available that help to evaluate the nature.
quality of green buildings, such as BFF [1-1]*,
GDF [1-2] and label systems from C2C [1-3] Berlin as a living lab of post war
to Green building certification. The last one Architecture
includes values, which allow a calculation of
cost reduction by using green technologies [1]. The Berlin situation after World War II was
unique in the world. The rapid development
The green building movement is present after the beginning of the industrial revolution
around the globe now. As key thinkers for in Europe at the start of the 20th century was
this movement, the following architects gave completely disrupted by two World Wars and
important impulses, such as: Ken Yeang their political results.
(Malaysia) [1-4], Emilio Ambasz (Argentina)
[1-5], James Todd (USA) [1-6], or Garry After World War II there was a situation
Baverstock (Australia) [1-7]. of economic vacuum with uncertain
conditions for investors. Indicator for this
Focusing on Berlin in Germany, a number were the extremely low prices for houses
of architects have to be mentioned, such as: in Berlin (West). But on the other hand, the
Engelbert Kremser [1-8] or Martin Küenzlen concentration of academic knowledge, the
[1-9]. The massive success in Berlin (West) lost places and some political “no man’s land”
from the 1970s was only possible because like the big railway and industrial brownfields
of the specific economic situation there. “Brachen” [1-10] were spaces for creativity.
The economic post war activities were Ecologists were able to study “potential nature
concentrated in other regions of Germany. on artificial grounds” for a period of some
At that time there was a massive need to decades.
renovate the remaining buildings after the
war. At the time it was a burden for house- Some remaining places of unique architecture
owners to have rental buildings – the income with roots from the “Bauhaus” exist as
was not enough to maintain the buildings. Reform architecture such as “Weiße Stadt”,
Grass root initiatives began to think of cities Reinickendorf, (Arch. Martin Wagner [1-11])
in a new format with a greater amount of self- or “Hufeisensiedlung” Britz, (Arch. Bruno Taut
help. [1-12]). All these concepts combined social
housing with integration into the landscape.
This spirit was caught up by people What these concepts have in common is that
who understood how to use the formal they are children of their time and one can
instruments of urban planning such as still understand the spirit of that time today –
IBA (International Building Exhibition) or they have qualities that make them pleasant
BUGA (Federal Garden Exhibition) and the even for today.
academic activities around the new topic of
urban ecology, driven by persons, such as Experimental buildings and the need to build
Herbert Sukopp and Reinhard Bornkamm [2], a large number of housings, that was the
fathers of the academic urban ecology. demand of the first International Building
Exhibition Berlin (IBA) in 1957 [1-13]. After
Eco Architecture is a type of sustainable World War II, the focus was on the Bauhaus
architecture which includes technical, social concepts and realized multi-story houses in a

*online sources are marked like this [1-1], print media [1]

park environment of the Tiergarten, among was a key aspect of such type of renovation.
others by architects such as Alvar Aalto [1-14], Greening buildings was one key element, at
Le Cobusier [1-15] or Oscar Niemeyer [1-16]. that time also in an informal early stage.
They are still important as buildings today, but
they were far away from the housing style of One of these related working groups was the
the majority of people living at that time. “Stiftung Naturschutz Berlin”, 1982 [3] which
developed new spaces for apartments in the
At that time, open spaces were reduced to attic of the buildings. In a 4-story building,
urban parks as visible but not functional green the use of the roof apartments means about
spaces. The city was transformed into a car- 20% more living space on the same ground
dominated city like almost everywhere else surface. This solution was combined with
in the world. The major axes of the former green roofs as an insulation value for normally
German capital have contributed to this less insulated roofs.
transformation. The Ernst Reuter Platz is a
great example for this. The cultural center ufa-Fabrik Berlin is
highlighted here as one of the squatting
Normal rental buildings still had poor post projects in combination with ecological, socio-
World War conditions, with low-insulated cultural new activities with a reasonable
windows and emitting oven heating systems. number of eco features.
The following years, Berlin became an
inspiring experimental “real lab”, since the 2. GREEN BUILDINGS AT THE
economy was quite down. The major business BEGINNING
development in Germany took place in other
regions. A selected number of Berlin’s key eco-projects
will be described and interpreted here in order
Thus, the idea of the IBA was again developed, to answer the questions about the insights
(IBA 1977-1987) [1-17]. One of the highlights gained and lessons learned.
was an international symposium with speakers
such as Hundertwasser on the 30th of October 2.1 Eco houses, Berlin,
1980 [1-18]. This city was a real laboratory Rauchstrasse, Corneliusstrasse
for ecological urban planning ideas and their
improvement in the experimental stage. 12 This IBA project idea was developed by the
goals were defined, with social, financial and architect Frei Otto from Stuttgart [1-19]. On
ecological implementation. These theses pre-produced concrete levels, individual
changed the architectural philosophy from maisonette houses should be constructed
a technical to a sustainable goal – from then by the individual owners. It was a yearlong
until today it is still an ongoing process. decision procedure to select from a group
of about 1000 interested families, finally 26
About 30 years after this beginning, it is time to private groups were allowed to design together
take stock of whether this idea is a success and with architects eco-friendly homes [1-20]. The
what the next steps are on the way to reducing first passionate idea of a 60-meter-high tree
the environmental impact of architecture. house was too ambitious at that time (see Fig.
The IBA activities were accompanied by grass 1a). At that time the 22 m high eaves were a
root activities of “squatters” since the 1980s fixed paradigm in Berlin. This type of house
building occupation. The idea of renovating was about 30 years too early.
houses apartment by apartment dominated,
rather than destroying the entire block and The urban planning background idea of this
rebuilding it later. The protection of the social project was to build space-saving private
interaction between the existing tenants homes with a reduction of the paved areas

Fig. 1a: “Baumhaus Frei Otto” the concept for the Ecohouse Rauchstr., 1976 [1-21], 1b: Google earth picture,
Dec. 2018

Fig. 2a, 2b: Eco houses, Frei Otto and others, Rauchstr. Berlin (left); Engelbert Kremser, organically
formed buildings, here: Pflanzenschutzamt, Berlin from 1990 (right)

in order to protect farmland space in the 2.2 Block 108, Berlin-Kreuzberg –

surrounding area of cities. Paul-Lincke Ufer
Today, this complex is a private area without This was the first complex urban eco study [4,
public access, but there are presentations 5] to investigate the abiotic and biotic function
online available on YouTube to hear some of an inner-city building block. This case study
owners explain why they are proud to be a quantifies economic and ecologic facts such
part of this project in Berlin. as traffic, waste, green components. After

the implementation in 1985, the vegetative Finally, part of the concept was implemented
components were monitored for several with funds from the Federal Agency for Nature
year. [5 Köhler and Schmidt]. The vegetation Conservation (Bundesamt für Naturschutz),
development of the roofs is still monitored [6, the Berlin Senate Department for Urban
7]. In fig. 3a, 3b a map of this block and a first Development and Housing, retrofit 1984-1986,
calculation about the waste production at the and a later monitoring phase, which again was
beginning is shown. funded by the Bundesamt für Naturschutz,
1986-1996 [6].
The study [4] counted 1220 citizens living
in this block on a surface area of 39,000m², The focus was on the extensive green roofs
with an actual vegetation of 4,000m². In the and facade greening. For these a temporary
planning scenarios were included: balcony system was used, “System Minke”,
which consisted of PVC bags which were
- Potentially 25,000m² green facade and attached to the outside walls and were planted
nearly 20,000m² of green roofs is possible with fast growing climbers. These developed
(almost all buildings could be greened). well in the first few years. But at the latest
In the longer term, 65,000m² should be after 10 years the Boston Ivy (Parthenocissus
greened. tricuspidata) covered the complete backyard
facades. The temporary planter boxes are
- 20% self-supply with urban garden products still hanging in 2018 and are in operation for
was planned, as part of the green roof individual plantings of e.g. tomatoes.
strategy, roof top farming as a concept.
The 10 different green roofs investigated here
- Recycling economy within the block. have been monitored once a year since the
beginning. These green roofs were given a final
- Rain water, sewer water systems. layer of a preproduced vegetation mat. The
vegetation traits over the year are documented
- Thermal insulation of all buildings. in Köhler, 2006 [7] and Ksiazek-Mikenas, et al.,
2018 [8]. It is still today a Festuca ovina dominated
- Participation of all citizens of the block in grass roof with several Sedum species and a
the planning process. predominant cover with Allium schoenoprasum.

Fig. 3a, 3b: Block 108, case study about a holistic urban ecologic project,
origin: Oekotop Berlin, Küenzlen et al. [1-22]

a b

c d
Fig. 4a: Project start 1994, (here with Friedrich Bartfelder and Michael Zimmermann, a first inspection tour on the
4b: Summer 2018: green roof landscape today.
4c: Backyard 1994 at the beginning.
4d: 2018: Backyard Paul-Lincke Ufer 44. After about 5 years the Parthenocissus reached the full 22 meters height of
the facades. The temporary planter boxes on the facade are overgrown.

So, was the Block project a success? The participation procedure is common
practice in urban planning today. In this block,
It was a pioneering structure. Several blocks in the end, the normal relationship between
followed in Berlin over the years, many of owners and tenants became reality and differs
which were successfully retrofitted with the from the early ideas.
so called “Strategies for Kreuzberg” [9]. Green
roofs and roof apartments became fashionable 2.3 Ufa-Fabrik, Berlin-Tempelhof
and after the reunification, Berlin-Kreuzberg
became one of the central and cool districts of From 1921 to 1970, a satellite of the UFA
the German capital. Many of the eco-concepts, film studios was located on an 18,500m² site
such as waste management, are now almost in Viktoriastreet on the southern edge of
normally integrated into the city. Berlin. Here important films of the 1920s were

a b
Fig. 5a, 5b: One of the ufa-Fabrik Green roofs, here above the school project, with various PV installations.
Right: a loam test facade with hay and loam, result of a workshop at ufa-Fabrik.

premiered in Berlin. After World War II, this - Alternative construction materials for
area was disconnected from the main film buildings, loam brick earth-construction.
studios in Babelsberg and was to be retrofitted (more on the ufa-Fabrik webpage) [1-23]
with new housing projects.
2.4 BUGA Houses
In June 1979 squatters occupied this area and
since then have developed it into a cultural, Almost at the same time, another project
ecological and social center. In the following was launched in combination with the
years it was legalized and integrated into the Federal Garden Exhibition Berlin (BUGA
cultural locations of the city. 1985). Interesting is the “earth architecture”
by Engelbert Kremser. Freely shaped hills,
Eco features were integrated into the covered with concrete or his design of an
renovation process, such as: organically shaped administration building,
the “Pflanzenschutzamt” (Fig. 1b).
- Green facades with climber plants,
As a contribution to the exhibition BUGA 1985
- Green roofs, various types of construction, the following architects (Tab. 1) were invited
(monitored annually by M. Köhler since 1992), to present their answer to the “State of the
Art Eco architecture” for Berlin. The invited
- Rainwater concept; the integration was architects were: Thomas Herzog [1-24], Erich
developed on the basis of the site’s own water Schneider-Wessling [1-25], Otto Steidle [1-26],
supply well, Peter Stürzebecher [1-27] and Bernd Faskel [1-
- Alternative heating systems, block heat and
power plant, They should present their ideas for affordable
space-saving single-family homes. Green
- Experiments with various photovoltaic technologies such as Green roofs, green
(PV) systems, included since 1999, also in facades, Winter-garden areas and urban
combination with green roofs, farming concepts should be included – and as

Table 1: Architects and their main concepts of the BUGA houses (see also fig. 6)

Architect Characterization Main green features

Compact single houses -Eco gardens
1. Peter Stürzebecher
“Freistehende Einzel- -Green roofs
häuser” -Hedges
-Energy concept
2. Otto Steidle Double-houses
-Earth architecture subsurface
1943-2004 “Doppelhäuser”
-Winter-garden as energetic buffer
-Complex greening concept
3. Erich Schneider-Wessling House in house
-Intensive roof gardens
1931-2017 “Haus im Haus-Objekt”
-Indoor greening and urban gardening features
-Urban roof garden
4. Thomas Herzog Chain houses
-Roof terraces
*1941 “Reihenhäuser”
-Indoor urban gardening with direct ground contact
-Compact shape of the building structure, energeti-
5. Bernd Faskel Back-to-back–houses cally optimized, four compact houses together,
*1943 “Back-to-Back-Häuser” -Indoor greening as a climate buffer,
-Climbers and espalier fruits.

special addition some ideas of Bill Mollison [1-

29] or Declan Kennedy [1-30] on permaculture
– if possible.

This area was opened as part of the garden

exhibition in 1985 – and then closed as private
homes. In the following the concepts of the 3
most innovative ideas are presented. In 2012
a questionnaire was executed by Natascha
Kuiveda for her Master thesis to find out more
about the success of this project. Questions
asked included: How satisfied are the owners
with the eco projects? What is the evolvement
of the eco technology since that time? How
would such houses be designed today? [10].

The productivity parts with permaculture

concepts were too much work in the long
run and in most of these houses reduced to
ornamental roof garden structures. These
chain houses have a smart energy concept,
larger parts of the roof are integrated as sub-
surface of the rampart in direction to the
BUGA park. Winter gardens serve as energy
buffers and/or solar collectors (Fig. 7a and 7b).

Schneider-Wessling’s house (Fig. 8a, 8b and 9)

Fig. 6: Model of the neighborhood with the names of connects several levels with complex greening,
building groups and architects (after: DEGEWO, 1985, intensive roof gardens and an atrium for larger
completed). plants.

a b
Fig. 7a, 7b: Chain house roof gardens, from Thomas Herzog, left: picture from 1990, right: the same house 2018.

a b
Fig. 8a, 8b: House in house concept, Erich Schneider-Wessling, street side, 9b: Garden side. In the background the
double houses of Otto Steidle.

Fig. 9: Cross section of

the “house in house“
from Erich Schneider-

a b
Fig. 10a: Chain house greenhouse level, Thomas Herzog, 2014 (left), 10b: Greenhouse of the back-to-back houses,
Bernd Faskel (right).

Fig. 11a: Climber

at the back-to-
back houses of
Bernd Faskel,
11b: Front of the
chain houses.

Bernd Faskel’s back-to-back houses follow type impress with their lush greenery. Most of
the idea that common central walls reduce them in Mediterranean style with olives, thyme
the energy demand of houses and reduce and others. They offer an excellent quality of
the required ground floor for each building, living.
but also with a ground garden space of about
250m². Four homes become one complex, In 2015 the residents were asked about their
but with individual green features from roof satisfaction with these houses [10]. Some
terraces to winter gardens. results of the questionnaire are shown in the
following figures 12 and 13.
The idea of installing intensive production
glasshouses connected to the normal ground An overall satisfactory result on the additional
has been preserved in only half of the buildings. green features in the buildings. Half of the
The others transformed it into normal rooms. residents have been here since the beginning
Reasons for this: no time for the gardening work in 1985, the other half also lives here for a
or some difficulties with condensation water on long time. There are very few changes in the
the glasses. The remaining glasshouses of this houses.

Fig. 12: How do you evaluate the opportunity of obtaining vegetables and herbs for yourself on your
building? Assessed in school grades and presented in percentages of participants (Teilnehmer).
Assessment: Note 1 = very good, 2 = good, 3 = satisfactory, 4 = sufficient, 5 = inadequate, 6 =
insufficient; Enthalten = abstained.

Fig. 13: How do you evaluate your extra space on the roof, atrium or winter garden?, assessed in
school grades and presented in percentages of participants (Teilnehmer). Assessment: Note 1 = very
good, 2 = good, 3 = satisfactory, 4 = sufficient, 5 = inadequate, 6 = insufficient.

In contrast to other eco housing projects, [11]. If such buildings were erected today, what
this area was not sold in a community-based would be different? Finally, tab. 3 gives some
selection process. The citizens are satisfied answers. In general, most features would also
with the project, but no additional focus has be installed, but in recent years there has been
been placed on social relations. a lot of progress, beginning with the types
of insulating glass types, integrated shading
In 2016 another in depth evaluation was and digital regulation in relation to weather
carried out at the BUGA houses “Am Irissee” conditions.

Tab. 2: Conclusions from the questionnaires (n=16 households answered)

Yes – No -
Questions % of the answers % of the answers
Are you happy with the winter/roof gardens at your home? 100 0

Are the winter garden/green roofs places for relaxation? 94 6

Is the necessary maintenance of the winter/roof gardens a bur-
13 87
den for you?
Do you feel a higher quality of life in comparison to a home
100 0
without such green structures?
Do you think there is a better relationship between the neigh-
38 62
bors compared to conventional housing projects?
Do you also use your glasshouse for growing food during the
50 50
cold season?

Tab. 3: Evaluation of the Eco houses BUGA 1985 – in 2016 and a summary of the current green
building technologies of the last years (2018).

Aims 1985 Evaluation 2018

Compact neighborhood,
1 X Success X
called “space saving buildings”
2 Urban food production X Too difficult, only marginally realized X
3 Intensive Green roofs X Roof terraces are in use and a great benefit X
Green Facades X Success X
Passive heating/cooling X Success X
Future ideas of the last years.
Energy plus buildings X
Solar heating X
Individual PV – Energy systems X
Rain water systems X
Local biodiversity concepts X
Living walls X?
Digital smart homes (traffic, energy,
Urban food production X

The intensive use of rainwater or sewer water 3. LESSONS LEARNED AND

had a great success in Germany after 2001 and CURRENT DEVELOPMENTS
is today a well-developed technology, here it
was still at the very beginning. 3.1 Summarized typology of the
described projects
The discussion about food production is also
very diverse in Germany; on the one hand, it These described “eco houses” still work
is fancy today, but not necessary due to the today. Knowing that normal calculations in
low vegetables prices on the markets. Such architecture, especially in the case of low-
concepts would work if citizens preferred cost buildings mean a life expectancy of about
“their own”, “fresh”, “local” food. 45 years, these houses are now in the age to
be removed and to construct new houses.

The very few negative responses to these Special times led to special solutions. In Berlin
projects indicated though that the owners are in the 1970s it was such a time. Only the
overall still happy and do not like to move combination of creativity (grass roots – cross
or change. This confirms the quality and thinkers), academia and people who can bring
gives an understanding of the fact that social this pressure of the street to successful formal
components are important in addition to all solutions.
technical features. These residents want to
stay there as long as possible at their old age. Today we have many regulations – some
This means that it is also a major aspect of things are formalized and now by law regular
architecture that the houses are adaptable and politics (Energy savings, greenery, low impact
functionally changeable for different purposes design, life cycle analysis), other things are
in different life phases – an aim that the too formal and hinder creative ideas.
Bauhaus architects also had as a planning goal.
The greening of buildings as one of these
In the 1980s it was only a small group of elements is today technically well developed,
enthusiastic people who really wanted these the benefits are described and usable for the
technologies. typical architecture.

Tab. 4: Project data of the four case studies.

Criteria Eco house Rauchstr. Block 108 Ufa-Fabrik BUGA 1985

Several individual
Ownership Building lease, “Erbbaurecht” Legalized Individual owners
30+ residents
25 apartments 200+ apartments 26 family houses
Size and 180 em-
100+ persons 2200+ residents 100+ persons
Bernd Faskel, Thomas
Frei Otto, Herzog,
Martin Küenzlen
Bernward Derksen, Alessandro Vasella, Erich Schneider-
Architects and the team n.a.
Eckhard Hahn, and several others for the Wessling,
individual apartments’ planning. Otto Steidle,
Peter Stürzebecher
Owners discussion
Decision ma- Selection procedure, common aim Squatter fo-
and neighborhood Discussion forum
king process discussion rum

Year of
1983-1992 1984-1986 Since 1979 1984-1986

Private, Private, Private, Private,

state, federal state, federal state, federal state

Overall owner Private- building lease Private Building lease Private

Satisfaction of
High High High High
the residents
Block structure, Compact chain hou-
Urban type Compact villas buildings in
5 stories ses, single houses
Age New Retrofit Retrofit New
Located in
Inner City Inner City City outskirts City outskirts

Tab. 6: Eco features realized

Criteria eco-features Rauchstr. Block 108 Ufa-Fabrik BUGA 1985

Green roofs
Extensive X X X X
Intensive X X X X
Urban farming - - X X
Biodiversity roof - - (X) -
Green facades
Climbers X X X X
Living walls - - - -
Energy concept X X X BHKW* X
Waste concept X X X n.a.
Mobility concept X X Bicycles X n.a.
Solar energy X - X n.a.
Rain water management X X X n.a.
Indoor greening n.a. - - X
* BHKW – Blockheizkraftwerk (combined heat and power unit)

The associated “green infrastructure” with more open ground around the buildings,
technologies have developed massively which facilitates the implementation of many
in recent years. The first projects can be features, e.g. the required water tanks or
described as “children of their time”, but all retention/filter beds.
these projects are unique, and lessons have
been learned: if you build with high quality Furthermore, it is important from the beginning
environmental features of the time, it will to define the key points of projects, e.g.
remain an important contemporary document
and be loved by the house owner. - How much participation work is expected
from the residents?
A particular plus is when architects have been - What are the traffic needs of private or
able to design it flexibly, i.e. to be upgradeable shared cars?
and modifiable, when other technologies are - Acceptance of rainwater and sewer water
available in the future. use.
- Difference between private and shared
Green features are only associated with low spaces.
additional costs, but highly recommended
with good quality for the next generation. The Summarized, it can be said that such eco-
investment in green features pays for itself houses are of a great benefit for citizens and
over the period of use, as documented by a the environment [1]. The contribution of
reasonable number of publications. indoor greenery to improve indoor air quality
has long been underestimated [12]. These
3.2 Conclusion / Outlook for the technologies can be used for both new and
next generation of Eco houses retrofit installations [13]. Green roofs are a
now a well-established technology for reducing
Much can be learned from all these four heating and cooling requirements around
projects. Table 7 concludes some basics with the globe [14]. Today there is a large number
a difference between small and big projects. of certification and evaluation systems in
A second aspect can be looked upon inside place to obtain certified eco buildings [15].
cities with very limited space or in the suburbs But in addition to such certification, creative

Tab. 7: Recommendations and possibilities for future projects, inner city/city outskirts;
small projects for about 100 citizens, large ones for 2000+ citizens

Eco criteria Small projects Large projects

Green roofs
Extensive X X
Intensive X X
Urban farming - X
Biodiversity roof - (X)
Green facades
Climbers X X
Living walls (X) (X)
Indoor greening X- X-
Garden green Where ever possible Where ever possible
Energy concept X
(Block heating system)
Waste concept X X
Mobility concept X X
Solar energy X X
Rain water management X X
Overall monitoring/evaluation X

architects are important, with a broad Today, about 40 years after the described
understanding of local opportunities and pioneers started their enthusiastic projects
the specific needs of the clients – to find the – about a professional lifetime later - such
best solution for the unique location of each projects are no longer unique, but they still
project. Evaluation helps, but it cannot be the need some years to become the standard
only criteria [16]. Green certification today construction method. Germany’s so called
connects economy, ecology and the life cycle “Weißbuch” procedure lead into this
benefits of buildings [17]. direction [23]. Today it is not a question of
finding more solutions, but in detail a lot of
We learned from Chan et al. [18] that greenery future innovations can also help for future
is an important factor to make dense cities developments.
tolerable, to hide massive buildings behind
vegetation or to create vegetated spaces to lose Public competitions and increasing awareness,
sight of neighbors. Such new factors help to as planned for 2019 in Berlin, can now transfer
compare eco projects according to a number these eco ideas to the broad public in Berlin [1-
of criteria [19] in order to find the best solution 31]. Some ideas take 40 years or more, but they
for a property. For researchers, the message is are still alive. Like the idea of the building-
included, despite the large number of studies integrated agriculture. Details have changed
published in recent years [20], there are still and are adapted to new conditions with more
many opportunities to go into more detail in digitalization included, but the basics are still
terms of material, function and cost–benefit the same.
analysis. The related biodiversity is such a field
for more detailed surveys in all climates and REFERENCES [IN BRACKETS
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N.S.G.; 2018 The seven lamps of planning for Niemeyer
biodiversity in the city. Cities xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx. [1-17] IBA
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[23] Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature
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(BMUB) 2018: White Paper: Green Spaces in the
City. Green Spaces in the City – For a more livable projektdetails.html?uid=20273
future. [1-22] Several reprints of Berlin-Kreuzberg,
IBA; available:
[IN BRACKETS FROM 1-1 TO 1-31] id=21482&oges=6599&cachesLoaded=true
[1-23] Information about the ufa: https://www.
[1-1] BFF Biotopflächenfaktor, Habitat area
factor [1-24] Thomas Herzog
landschaftsplanung/bff/ wiki/Thomas_Herzog
[1-2] GDF, Green density factor, https://www. [1-25] Erich Schneider-Wessling https://
and-gcf-green-cooling-factor/buecher/248080 [1-26] Otto Steidle,
[1-3] C2C Otto_Steidle
[1-4] Ken Yeang [1-27] Peter Stürzebecher, https://www.baunetz.
[1-5] Emilio Ambasz de/meldungen/Meldungen-Zum_Tod_von_Peter_
[1-6] James Todd Stuerzebecher_2489451.html
[1-7] Garry Baverstock http://ecotect-architects. [1-28] Bernd Faskel,
com/ berlin/bernd-faskel-seine-projekte/1357040.html
[1-8] Eco Pioneer of Earthwork architecture: Engelbert [1-29] Bill Mollison,
Kremser: Bill_Mollison
Architektur.html [1-30] Declan Kennedy,
[1-9] Eco-Pioneer Martin Küenzlen in Berlin: home-new/ [1-31]
Martin_Kueenzlen klimafreundliche-stadtentwicklung-wer-hat-das-
[1-10] Fallow Land “Brachen of Berlin”, a film: schoenste-gruendach-in-berlin/22986608.html Pictures by Manfred Koehler: 2a, 2b, 4a, 4b, 4c,
[1-11] Martin Wagner: 4d, 5a, 5b, 7a, 7b, 8a, 8b, 10a, 10b, 11a and11b
Edmonton Federal Building 2016
Interior Green Wall – Award Winner:
Nedlaw Living Walls
The Bio-filter Living Wall system at the Edmonton
Federal Building is the focal point of the large glass
public atrium, the newly added grand entranceway into
this rejuvenated historic building. The living wall and
associated water feature provide a calm and serene
environment in the busy public space. The vibrant
layered and organic pattern of the plants makes the
wall a work of art, and provides a foil for the otherwise
angular and clean-lined space.


Steven W. Peck
GRP, Honorary ASLA
Founder and president, Green Roofs for Healthy Cities - North America Inc.
Founder, Green Infrastructure Ontario
Co-founder, World Green Infrastructure Network

INTRODUCTION – the ultimate goal of the green building

movement. Restorative or regenerative

first heard about green roofs in 1996 at buildings go beyond being less damaging, to
a conference I organized on financing actually helping us to heal the damage we
municipal environmental management. I have done to the planet. Restorative buildings
was intrigued by the potential of green roofs produce more renewable energy than they
to be widely implemented, as well as the use, improve the habitat, clean the air, are
ability to provide diverse public and private self sufficient in water use and treatment, are
benefits. While roofs in our major cities are beautiful and healthy for occupants and even
mostly wasted, underutilized spaces, greening produce food.
these areas helps mitigate many issues urban
cities face. Green roofs also have a unique In 2012, our industry association, Green
contribution to make in moving the building Roofs for Healthy Cities (GRHC) adopted the
industry towards the development of green, inspirational goal for the North American
high performance and restorative buildings green roof industry to install and maintain

another 1 billion square feet of green roofs natural environments; something as basic
by 2022. At this point, it doesn’t look like as water, food and shelter, but all too often
we are going to achieve this goal (in part forgotten during the rapid development and
thanks to the 2008 Recession), but we are redevelopment of our cities. Biophilic design
still seeing a steady growth in the industry practice is emerging from the science of
each year. The rapid growth of ‘living how we react, both mentally and physically
architecture’ - the green roof and green wall to our environment. Certain features, such
industry - came about largely due to strategic as natural light, the sound of water and
decisions we made more than a decade ago plants help to restore us and maintain our
and through the hard work and dedication health. Other features, such as noise, sharp
of hundreds of professionals. Our success to objects, artificial light and the absence of
date has meant overcoming many challenges, vegetation actually harm us, causing stress
like having little technical performance and undermining our health and well being.
data, public awareness, public policy or Increasing focus on human health and well
professional training. We have been able to being, in both the planning and building
take advantage of many policy opportunities profession is the latest development in North
and important drivers, such as the need to America, with the introduction of the Well
manage stormwater more effectively. We Standard and greater inclusion of health-
have also tapped into humanity’s basic, most related elements in the USGBC’s LEED
fundamental biophilic need and desire for program of voluntary standards.

The Public Benefits of Living Architecture Systems

Energy savings in buildings and resulting greenhouse Plants and growing media can sequester carbon
gas emission reductions generating carbon credits
Less smog formation
Reduction in particulate matter in the air INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE AND NEW USES
More livable environment for citizens and less heat
Fewer social problems, more social justice
related stress
Water conservation Additional recreational opportunities
Reduction in associated health care costs from
Greater community cohesion resulting in less vandalism
improving air quality and reducing heat
Contribution to savings on power plants and
transmission infrastructure


Reduction in the frequency of combined sewer overflow Less noise entering buildings which may result in
events increased property values
Increase in life expectancy of pipes and other grey Biophilically satisfying noises – like wind rushing
infrastructure through grass and the sound of water
Reduction in costs of erosion control
Reduction in frequency of flooding SHADING RESULTING IN:
Improved water quality Fewer sun related health issues
Receiving waters become more fishable, swimmable, Cooler more enjoyable streets, parking lots, subway
drinkable platforms


Healthier and more productive citizens Reduction in landfill waste

Less crime and associated policing, judicial and

Replacement cost savings on public buildings
incarceration related expenses
Improved economic activity
Increase in walking, cycling, gardening and running Educational/Urban nature experiences
Carbon sequestration by protecting migratory birds
Beautifying unattractive building features
which support boreal forest growth
Opportunities for artistic expression Pollination by insects, particularly bees
Beauty and improved recreation opportunities, such as
Reduced patient care costs in health facilities
bird watching


Greater food security Improved markets for recycling plastics

Better food quality Improved markets for compost and recycled aggregates
Lower emergy in overall system ie., less energy used at
Increased employment
each stage in the life cycle
Reduction in transportation of food with associated air
Improved conservation of water resources
pollution, greenhouse gases, traffic, etc.
Community self-reliance and improved cohesion

(Source: The Rise of Living Architecture, 2013. See

EARLY HISTORY OF DEVELOPING field and the design community. It laid the
GREEN ROOFS FOR HEALTHY groundwork for Green Roofs for Healthy Cities,
CITIES AND THE GREEN ROOF a coalition of companies I brought together
AND WALL INDUSTRY to develop the first Canadian Research and
Demonstration project in Toronto. This work
In 1997, Dr. Brad Bass, a scientist with led to a demonstration project and ultimately
Environment Canada and I, the principal the first mandatory policy for green roofs in
consultant at then Peck & Associates, a North America, as well as a very successful
policy consulting firm, applied for research conference in Chicago in 2003. This
funding from Canada Mortgage and Housing conference ultimately laid the groundwork
Corporation to conduct a study on barriers for the establishment of the more formal non-
and opportunities associated with green roof profit industry association in the US in 2004 to
technology. With Monica Kuhn, a German further the development of the industry.
speaking local architect, and Chris Callaghan,
a local researcher, we produced what was All along, the key to our success was based
essentially a blueprint for developing the on the active engagement of four different
industry in North America – “Green Backs types of professionals: scientists, policy
from Green Roofs: Forging a New Industry makers, designers and manufacturers. The
in Canada”. This report utilized data on key principles involved in our development,
green roof benefits, largely from Germany as well as the programs and resources we
and translated by Monica, and interviews have developed in support of the industry
with a few leading companies working in this since then, are described in detail below.

Midtown High Rise – 2014 Extensive Industrial/Commercial Winner – Award Winner: New York
Green Roofs
Transforming a corporate office building into a lush green oasis in midtown Manhattan, this green roof offers staff of a booming realty company an
unusually peaceful respite amidst the constant movement of a bustling city. 7,000 square feet of living roof and integrated decking establishes a buffer
between a busy office space and one of the densest urban environments on the planet. The design provides a view upon ecological succession of a
changing landscape as it incorporates a mostly extensive mix of meadow grasses, flowering perennials and low growing succulents.

This will hopefully be useful to people who not only produced important data on energy
are interested in advancing living architecture savings and stormwater management, but
in their own countries through association also spurred the development of dedicated
work as wall as those working to design and green roof research in educational institutions
implement green roof and wall projects. such as Penn State University, Michigan State
University, the Ottawa Campus of IRC and
COMMITTING TO THE SCIENCE the British Columbia Institute of Technology.
OF PERFORMANCE Dr. Brad Bass, Dr. Karen Liu, Dr. Maureen
Connelly, and Marie-Anne Boivin are several
This goal of engaging science and scientists of the early green roof research pioneers in
has been realized in many of the programs and Canada. In the U.S. there was Dr. Brad Rowe,
activities of Green Roofs for Healthy Cities and Dr. David Beattie, and Tom Liptan. Currently,
its charitable arm, the Green Infrastructure there are more than 100 academic institutions
Foundation. Early on, we recognized that the undertaking research on all aspects of green
industry needed impartial, objective scientific roofs, from individual plant species survival
information on the performance of green to how to model reductions in the urban heat
roof systems in order to allay fears of failure island effect. More recently, we have seen
and verify the performance claims of these a healthy increase in green wall research
systems. Our early partnership with Canada’s on water and energy performance, having
Institute for Research in Construction (IRC) on completed a collective research project in
green roof demonstration projects at Toronto partnership with corporate members such
City Hall and the Eastview Community Center as greenscreen, Carl Stahl and Jakob Rope

Systems who supply green facade technologies, latest research developments, where all their
those that support climbing vines growing work must go through a peer review process
away from the building envelop. run by scientist volunteers. Exceptional
papers are published in the online Journal
Our support for scientific research has also of Living Architecture (JLIV). We also use
involved working with various stakeholders CitiesAlive, which moves around North
to develop a research protocol focused America, to reach out to policy makers in
on biodiversity research. At our annual different jurisdictions to raise awareness of
conference, CitiesAlive, now in its 17th year, the need for policy support of green roofs and
we have a dedicated series of speakers on the walls.

Estimates of Public Benefits from Green Roof Installation in CDN$ 2012 /square meter
Studies that
Benefit Value ranges $/m2 considered it
Stormwater infrastructure cost reduction due to Toronto, Portland,
$0.3 to $45.9
volume reduction – Capital Tomalty, Clarke, SoCal
Stormwater infrastructure cost reduction due to
$0.358 Portland
volume reduction – Operating and Maintenance
Combined sewer overflow reduction in storage –
$0.9 Toronto
CSO – environmental impact – annual $0.015 Toronto
Reduction of pollutants through capture by Toronto, Portland,
$0.052 to $1.695
vegetation – annual Tomalty, Clarke
Air Quality (Nitrous Oxide componds)(EPA Study) $.000074 to .055 GSA
Air Quality (Particulate Matter PM10) $0.000106 GSA
Air Quality (Sulfur-oxygen compounds) $0.000000185 GSA
Building Energy – Reduction in energy infrastructure
$1.378 Toronto
– Capital
UHI – reduction in energy demand and
$1.601 Toronto
infrastructure – Capital
Reduction in GHG due to reduction in energy Toronto, Portland,
$0.002 to $0.215
demand – annual Tomalty, Clarke, SoCal
Creation of habitat – Capital $6.808 Portland
Habitat Creation (Australia’s BushBroker Scheme
which replaces vegetation on denuded land for 0.039 - 0.1356 GSA Report
habitat) – Capital
Habitat Creation (US Biodiversity Banking System)
$0.0381 GSA Report
– Capital
0.6 to 1.1 person years of jobs per
Job creation – job creation estimates are provided as 1000 m2 of roofing (Toronto) or 4.2 Toronto, American
jobs/ m2 of green roof jobs per 1000 m2 of installed roofing Rivers (Washington DC)
(Washington DC)
0.124 person hours/square meter/
Maintenance (Extensive) GSA
visit (2 per year)
139 person hours/square meter/visit
Maintenance (Intensive) GSA
(4 per year)
$9000 per 4,046 square meters of
Flooding Avoided Costs (Figures are very site floodplain for the 100 year event to
ASLA et al.
specific) $21,000 per 4046 square meters for
the 2 year storm event.
Source: H. Doshi and S. Peck, 2013, “Methods for Estimating Economic Public Benefits from Regional Implementation of
Green Roof Technology” (World Green Infrastructure Congress, Nantes, France).

As a result of research on large scale benefits, projects online and keep track of research
such as reductions in flooding and reducing the published in various academic journals. In
urban heat island effect, my colleague Hitesh 2013 GRHC launched the peer-reviewed
Doshi and I were able to put together a table Journal of Living Architecture embedded in the
which lists how many public benefits of green Monitor which features the very best papers
roof installation can translate into economic in the field of living architecture research
benefits. This table is part of a paper that is each quarter. Under the leadership of Rohan
designed to help policy makers and designers Lilauwala, GRHC, and Dr. Reid Coffman, this
understand the potential public benefits that new publication will help to integrate scientific
may result from the widespread installation findings into industry practice and provide an
of green roofs. The numbers will vary from opportunity to highlight the best work in this
jurisdiction to jurisdiction but can be used as a emerging field.
guide to perform a basic cost-benefit study of
In our free, quarterly digital magazine, the PROGRAM LAUNCHED IN 2018
Living Architecture MonitorTM, we publish
exceptional green roof and wall research In 2018, we held a competition to solicit bids
from academic institutions to formally partner
with GRHC to promote education, research,
product development and policy in different
Journal of Living Architecture, Founding regions of North America. Seven academic
Editorial Board Members institutions, located in Colorado, New Jersey,
Illinois and Ohio have been selected to establish
Chair, Dr. Robert Berghage, Penn State University, USA the first four Centers for Regional Living
Dr. Reid Coffman, Kent State University, USA Architecture Excellence. This program is very
new and details are being worked out regarding
Dr. Nigel Dunnett, University of Sheffield, UK
each Center. The basic concept is to try to
Dr. Brad Bass, Environment Canada), CDN integrate research, pedagogy, industry and
Dr. Sabina Shaikh, University of Chicago, USA policy development together more effectively
Dr. Bill Retzlaff, Southern Illinois University in order to advance the industry in each region
Edwardsville, USA and provide a supply of qualified employees.
Barry Lehrman, March/MLA, California State
Polytechnic University, Pomona, USA The leading academic partners and the lead
academics for each Center are as follows:
Dr. Maureen Connelly, British Columbia Institute of
Technology, CDN
Dr. Youbin Zheng, University of Guelph, CDN
Dr. David Tilley, University of Maryland, USA Southern Illinois University Edwardsville,
Thomas O’Connor, MSE, US Environment Protection Dr. Bill Retzlaff, Associate Dean, CAS,
Agency, USA
Distinguished Research Professor, Biological
Dr. Bradley Rowe, Michigan State University, USA Sciences
Dr. Richard Sutton, University of Nebraska-Lincoln,
New Jersey
Bruce Dvorak, MLA, Texas A&M University, USA
Dr. Jennifer Bousselot, Iowa State University & Stevens Institute of Technology, Dr,
Colorado State University, USA Elizabeth Fassman-Beck, Associate Professor,
Virginia Russell, MLA, University of Cincinnati, USA Department of Civil, Environmental and
See: Ocean Engineering

Colorado The Living Architecture Performance Tool

(LAPT) Version 1.0 was finally launched in
Colorado State University, Dr. Jennifer 2018 with our expert co-chairs, David Yocca
Bousselot, Special Assistant Professor, of Biohabitats, and Lois Vitt Sale, of Wight
Department of Horticultural and Landscape and Company. The Living Architecture
Architecture; University of Colorado Denver, Performance Tool (LAPT) is a rating system
Leila Tolderlund, Assistant Professor, College and resource, designed to certify that green
of Architecture and Planning. roofs and walls are designed to achieve certain
measurable and replicable performance
Greater Ohio benefits, so that they can be funded, designed,
installed, and maintained with a higher degree
Kent State University, Dr. Reid Coffman, of confidence. The LAPT is also designed to
Associate Professor, College of Architecture inform voluntary green rating systems like
and Environmental Design; University of the United States Green Building Council’s
Cincinnati, Professor Virginia Russell, Director, (USGBC) LEED programs, Sustainable Sites
Horticulture/Landscape Architecture/ and the Living Building Challenge, which
Professor Landscape Architecture and Dr. Ishi do not always recognize the full spectrum of
Buffam, Department of Biological Sciences; benefits provided by these technologies.
Heidelberg University, Mark E. Mitchell,
Biological and Environmental Sciences. In 2018, the LAPT Version 1.0 was released,
and twenty-five pilot projects from different
LIVING ARCHITECTURE regions are encouraged to participate. The
PERFORMANCE TOOL (LAPT) LAPT is a 110-point system, encompassing 30
LAUNCHED IN 2018 credits in 8 major areas of living architecture
performance. It is designed to be robust and
Despite its many benefits, living architecture comprehensive, low cost and yet easy to use
(green roofs and walls) is complex and with a streamlined compliance process.
varied, and this complexity leads to many
barriers. Inconsistent policy, a lack of The LAPT contains a total of 110 points that
accepted performance benchmarks, and a a project could theoretically achieve. 100
lack of representation of living architecture in are base points and 10 are innovation points
existing building rating systems (LEED, SITES, recognizing the rapid evolution of green roof
etc.) are obstacles that hinder the widespread and wall technologies. The levels of potential
use of living architecture. Hence, there is certification are: LAPT Certified – 40+ points
much work to be completed in the field of / LAPT Silver – 50+ points / LAPT Gold –
green roof and wall performance. For the past 60+ points / LAPT Platinum – 80+ points.
six year, GRHC and GIF have been working
on a project to develop standardized metrics A basic but well designed and maintained
of performance and test methods for generic sedum based extensive green roof should
green roof and wall systems that recognizes be able to achieve enough points to become
the important differences in weather and certified under this system. Gold and Platinum
climate in the different regions across North green roofs and walls will have to provide a
America. After publishing a series of White wide number of benefits as wall as system
Papers that reviewed the science and policy integration with other building systems.
in different areas, like water, energy, human The use of integrated design processes,
health and well being, and the frameworks of and clearly defined maintenance plans and
the USGBC’s LEED program and Sustainable budgets for five years are prerequisites for
Sites, a draft framework was produced in 2017 any type of LAPT certification. The LAPT
for review by experts. is designed to provide buildings owners with

Living Architecture Performance Tool Pilot Phase: Focus Areas, Credits & Points (2018)
Focus Area/Credit Points: 110
1. Process 5
1.1 Integrated Design Process Prerequisite
1.2 Stakeholder and Community Engagement 3
1.3 Living Systems Expertise 2
2. Water Management 25
2.1 Stormwater Management Prerequisite + 16
2.3 Irrigation 5
2.4 Water Balance 4
3. Energy Conservation 14
3.1 Envelope Thermal Moderation 5
3.2 Urban Heat Island Reduction 4
3.3 Renewable Energy 2
3.4 HVAC Integration 3
4. Habitat and Biodiversity 11
4.1 Plants 4
4.2 Growing Media Depth and Composition 2
4.3 Habitat Elements 2
4.4 Biomass 3
5. Health and Well-Being 21
5.1 Biophilic Design – Visibility 2
5.2 Biophilic Design – Accessibility 4
5.3 Food Production 10
5.4 Air Quality Improvements 3
5.5 Acoustics 2
6. Materials and Construction 14
6.1 Structural Soundness Prerequisite
6.2 Environmentally Sensitive Materials 3
6.3 Sustainable Materials 3
6.4 Construction Waste Management 2
6.5 Equity-Focused Sourcing and Hiring 3
6.6 Bird-Friendly Glass 3
7. Post-Construction 10
7.1 Operations and Maintenance Prerequisite + 2
7.2 Fertilizer and Pesticide Use 2
7.3 Monitoring 3
7.4 Education 3
8. Innovation 10
8.1 New Approaches or Strategies
8.2 Exemplary Performance
Source: H. Doshi and S. Peck, 2013, “Methods for Estimating Economic Public Benefits from Regional Implementation of
Green Roof Technology” (World Green Infrastructure Congress, Nantes, France).

greater assurance that the projects they have thinking organizations a chance to participate.
requested will deliver the benefits they are Getting involved will help you optimize the
seeking. An overview the LAPT framework range of benefits possible from your projects,
is provided in the table below. For more demonstrate leadership and innovation,
information and to download the LAPT please set the stage for long-term performance of
visit your projects, received recognition in the
marketplace, and receive personalized support
The pilot phase of this program offers a through the process. Benefits and pricing from
limited number of innovative and forward- the pilot phase may not be offered in future

phases of the LAPT. The pilot phase concludes DEVELOPING POLICY SUPPORT
at the end of 2019.
Experience in Europe, particularly Germany,
Projects across North America that use demonstrates that there are multiple public
green roofs, green walls, and combinations benefits (in addition to private benefits) which
of the two are eligible to participate. New stem from green roof and wall implementation.
projects, projects in any phase of the design Furthermore, the green roof, and to a lesser
or construction process, or projects completed extent green wall, industry enjoyed significant
in the past five years are eligible in the pilot growth when local governments established
phase. Organizations involved in the project in financial incentives, and in some cases
any way (designers, building owners, product implemented requirements for green roof
manufacturers, etc.) are eligible to apply, construction in new and existing buildings.
as long as they have access to the required It’s no surprise that the leading jurisdictions
documentation. for green roof implementation each year
are those with mandatory requirements
The LAPT can be used as a best practice and or regulations that support green roof
tool to optimize the breadth and depth for implementation. Toronto, Washington, New
the design, installation, and maintenance of York and Chicago are typically in the top five
green roofs and walls. By demonstrating the metropolitan jurisdictions for the most green
linkages between benefits and encouraging roofs implemented each year.
holistic thinking, it is possible to obtain many
additional benefits without significantly In North America, our initial focus was to
increasing cost or difficulty of many projects. work with local governments to organize and
The LAPT can also position your organization finance one day, local market development
as a sustainability leader, recognizing your symposia designed to explore barriers and
organization as innovators and leaders in the opportunities to develop policies that support
field. the development of local industry. Over the
past decade we’ve held more than 40 of these
The LAPT is designed to be used as a guideline events, and we have seen the adoption of
or decision-support tool by policy makers. green roof incentives and policies in a number
Policy makers that want to optimize the public of important markets. In addition, more than
benefits provided by green roofs and walls but 80 jurisdictions have adopted the USGBC’s
do not have the in-house expertise or capacity LEED New Development voluntary green
to ensure compliance are an ideal audience building standard, which supports the use of
for the LAPT. For more information on how to green roofs to obtain or contribute to attaining
best use the LAPT in your community, contact credits.
The table below provides an overview of
The LAPT document contains a detailed policy developments in North America.
description of the principles, objectives, and
intent of each performance area and credit, Each year, at our annual CitiesAlive
along with performance levels, weight of each conference, we have an award that is presented
credit, compliance requirements, strategies to a government official or a political leader to
for compliance, and additional resources. recognize their support of green roof policy
in addition to a research excellence award
To learn more about the program, participate and awards for outstanding green roof and
in the pilot phase, or download the full wall projects. These awards are promoted
version of the LAPT document, visit www. online and in our Living Architecture Monitor magazine and have helped us secure the

Dedicated North American Green Roof and Wall Policies, As of 2018

City Name of Policy Date
New York City Green Infrastructure Grant Program 2011
Washington, DC Stormwater credit trading 2014
Austin Downtown Density Bonus Program 2014
Amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Zoning and
Philadelphia Planning," by providing special density rules for buildings with a green 2015
roof, under certain terms and conditions.
Prince George County, MD Rain Check Rebate Program 2015
Chicago Chicago Zoning Ordinance Green Roof Incentives 2015
Philadelphia Green Roof Tax Credit 2016
Washington, DC Green Roof Rebate Program 2016
Nashville Green Roof Rebate Program 2016
Saint-Laurent, Montreal Règlement sur le zonage no RCA08-08-0001 2016
San Francisco Better Roofs Ordinance 2017
Denver Denver Green Roof Initiative 2017
Milwaukee Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewage District Green Roof Initiative 2017
Palo Alto Stormwater Measures Rebate Program 2017
Washington, DC Stormwater fee rebate 2017
Washington, DC Green area ratio 2017
Chapter 510 of Minneapolis Code of Ordinances (Stormwater Management
Minneapolis 2017
System and Operations of a stormwater management utility
Portland The EcoRoof Requirement (Portland Central City 2035) 2018
Syracuse Onondaga County's Green Improvement Fund 2018
Guelph Stormwater Credit and Rebate Program 2018
Montgomery County, MD RainScapes Rewards Rebate Program 2018
DC RiverSmart Landscaping Rebates 2018
Fort Wayne, Indiana Catching Rain Green Infrastructure Initiative 2018
Source: Green Roofs for Healthy Cities (

political support needed to move policy TORONTO GREEN ROOF

forward in several markets. In our Annual BY-LAW CASE STUDY
Green Roof Market Survey, we calculate the
number of square feet of green roofs installed In Toronto, we started working on green
each year, per metropolitan region, and have roof policy development in 1999 with a focus
encouraged a competition between cities on developing a Green Roof Research and
for the greatest number each year (www. Demonstration Project on a small portion See Resources for the latest (10,000 sf) of the 70,000 square foot City
survey information). Hall Podium Roof. We worked closely with
scientists, bureaucrats, industry professionals
In addition to these efforts, we have a series and designers to develop the market. This
of dedicated policy presentations at our project led to a number of tours, generated
conference each year, selected by our Policy technical performance data, helped educate
Committee, and have recently identified the general public, political leaders and the
individuals as Green Roof Ambassadors who design community. Around the same time,
are working to promote green roof and wall the City of Chicago, under the leadership
policies in their local and regional jurisdictions of Mayor Richard Daley, was developing a
with technical assistance and training from green roof demonstration project on its City
GRHC. Hall building located in downtown Chicago.


Under the leadership of Mayor David Miller

and Deputy Mayor Joe Pantalone, the City
of Toronto adopted the Green Roof By-law in
2009. The by-law consists of a requirement
for new buildings over a certain floor area to
include a green roof in a portion of the ‘green
roofable area’ on their buildings, and describes
the construction standard by which all green
roofs in the City must be built. If new building
Chicago, Toronto and Washington DC, have owners want to opt out, then they must pay a
since been leading cities in their support of fee of $200 CDN per square meter. Revenue
green roofs. Both Chicago and Toronto led generated from these fees is used to provide
the market by requiring their own buildings funds to existing building owners as an
to implement green roofs as well as the many incentive to develop green roofs. Given that
agencies, boards and commissions under its there are a number of very tangible benefits
control. Using the procurement power of the that are available to building owners from
local and regional governments is a great way green roof implementation (See table below),
to get the industry started locally. and that the by-law was implemented through
a process of engagement and consultation with
The City of Toronto removed the owners and industry representatives, it has
demonstration project and built a full scale been widely accepted, with very few opting to
green roof on the Podium Deck at City Hall buy out of the requirement.
which opened in 2008. The City of Toronto
hired Ryerson University to do an analysis Over the past ten years, the green roof policies
of the benefits of widespread green roof and program in Toronto and subsequent
implementation and struck a task force to building boom have resulted in more than 6
develop building standards, a power granted million square feet of additional green roof
to the City under the City of Toronto Act. space permitted in the City, the equivalent

of four large city parks as of 2017. Toronto the use of green roofs (30% roof area) and/
was the first major city in North America with or solar panels (15%) on new construction
mandatory green roof requirements and a projects. During the development of its
construction standard. Other jurisdictions mandatory green roof/solar panel requirement
have adapted these policies to meet their for new buildings, called the Better Roofs
specific needs. ( – search Ordinance, developed a number of studies
green roofs). that costed out the public and private benefits.
There are very few opportunities for policy better-roofs for more information
makers to achieve multiple public benefits,
through the development and redevelopment In 2011, the federal government agency,
process, in a manner that leverages private General Services Administration, (GSA)
roof and wall space, as well as investment. which owns or leases over 400,000 buildings
Since there are many private benefits from across the United States, hired an engineering
green roofs and walls, there tends to be less firm named ARUP to conduct a detailed life-
resistance to policies that incent or require cycle cost benefit analysis of three different
these technologies. Green roofs are the sized green roofs. The results of this study
perfect public-private partnership, in that they are contained in the table below. Since this
confer many public and private benefits, while study was undertaken, the costs of extensive
exploited large areas of wasted roof and wall green roof design and implementation have
space in our cities. In 2017, The City of San gone down, in some cases by as much as 30
Francisco became the first US city to mandate per cent.

The Private Benefits of Living Architecture

Energy savings due to reduced demand for heating and cooling from evapo-transpiration, thermal mass transfer,
shading and insulation
Energy savings from shading and blocking the wind
Energy savings from pre-cooling air conditioning unit intake air
Energy savings from reducing the need to exchange indoor air
Carbon credits from associated energy savings
Savings associated with longevity increases to waterproofing and building envelopes
Improved indoor air quality resulting in improved occupant health and performance
Improved property values related to better visual amenity, accessible amenities and noise attenuation
Improved patient recovery in hospitals
Improved academic performance in schools
Marketing and promotional opportunities
Integration with the site for better overall stormwater management and reuse
Improved public relations/community relations and potentially faster project approval times
Improved rentability, saleability of properties and units
Contributes to reaching USGBC and CAGBC LEED credits
Contributes to meeting the Living Building Challenge 2.0 and Sustainable Sites ™
Access to public incentives and/or enhanced ability to meet regulations such as stormwater management
Integration with other building systems, such as mechanical systems and solar photovoltaic panels for better
energy efficiency and generation
Potential to generate direct revenue for sale or lease of roof spaces, and from new uses such as urban agriculture
Biophilic related benefits resulting in reduced absenteeism, improved staff retention, and better job performance
Source: Rise of Living Architecture, 2013. See

Notice the importance of the economies of See Programs). This experience led to the
scale as the size of the green roof increases so understanding that in order to develop green
does the economic benefit relative to a black roofs and walls they must be seen as part of
roof. The internal rate of return on the 50,000 a larger range of living green infrastructure
square foot green roof project was 5.9 percent. systems which include urban forests,
Community net present value associated with bioswales, rain gardens, meadowlands,
benefits such as the urban heat island effect, passive and active turf and wetlands. It
air quality and biodiversity were estimated to also reinforced the fact that in order to
by more than $30 per square foot over the life move supportive policy into place, one must
of the project. focus on senior levels of government. In
2010, I founded the Green Infrastructure
Our work to develop the green roof industry Ontario Coalition, a group comprised of six
and then later, the green wall industry, led organizations that shared the perspective that
us inevitably to the conclusion that policy we needed better policies from the Province of
development, which is truly effective, needs Ontario, to support the further development
to reposition living, green technology systems and protection of living green infrastructure.
as a form of traditional or ‘grey’ infrastructure. We spent over a year developing a
In 2007, Green Roofs for Healthy Cities comprehensive report on policy changes we
established a charitable organization called the were seeking from the Province of Ontario.
Green Infrastructure Foundation and raised ( In
funds to develop a half day training course Canada, the provincial governments have
on living green infrastructure and provide legislative authority over city governments,
training in over 30 cities across North America and they also have significantly more funding
( – for grey infrastructure projects. Hence it was

Cost-benefit Analysis of Green Roof vs. Black Roof – Public and Private Benefits
5,000 10,000 50,000
Impact on Owners/Occupants/Investors
Initial Premium, $/sq. ft. of roof
(-$12.6) (-$11.4) (-$9.7)
(extra cost of installing an extensive green roof instead of a black roof)
NPV of Installation, Replacement, & Maintenance, $/sq. ft. of roof (-$18.2) (-$17.7) (-$17.0)
NPV of Stormwater, $/sq. ft. of roof
$14.1 $13.6 $13.2
(savings from reduced infrastructure improvements and/or stormwater fees)
NPV of Energy, $/sq. ft. of roof
$6.6 $6.8 $8.2
(energy savings from cooling and heating
Net Present Value*
$2.5 $2.7 $4.5
(installation, replacement & maintenance + stormwater + energy NPV)
Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 5.0% 5.2% 5.9%
Payback, years 6.4 6.2 5.6
Return on Investment (ROI) 220% 224% 247%
Other Financial Impacts (less realizable)
NPV of CO2, $/sq. ft. of roof (emissions, sequestration & absorption) $2.1 $2.1 $2.1
NPV of Real Estate Effect, $/sq. ft. of roof (value, rent, absorption & vacancy) $120.1 $111.3 $99.1
NPV of Community Benefits, $/sq. ft. of roof (biodiversity, air quality,
$30.4 $30.4 $30.4
heat island, etc.)
Source: (US GSA, 2011, “The Benefits and Challenges of Green Roofs on Public Buildings”)

Breathe Wall – 2015 Exterior Green Wall – Award Winner: LiveWall

Entitled ‘Breathe’, this living art project at ArtPrize®, the world’s largest publicly voted art contest, is home to more than 3500 plants and reaches over
20 feet tall at its peak and stretches 150 feet long. Using the LiveWall® system as the canvas, the entry surrounds and buffers the noise and odors of
the city around it. ‘Breathe’ was inspired by the idea of restoring the built environment to a more natural state and restore balance to urban settings by
reintroducing vegetation lost during urbanization.

logical for us to expand our activities beyond infrastructure assets, such as urban forests,
the City of Toronto in an effort to develop the bioswales, green roofs etc. by 2022. See www.
broader market for living green infrastructure for resources
in Ontario, with the aim of replicating this and information.
model in other provinces and states. In 2019,
we organized our 7th conference entitled SUPPORTING DESIGN
Grey to Green: Adapting to Climate Change in PROFESSIONALS
Toronto with over 400 delegates from across
North America in attendance. Conferences One of the main challenges in developing a
remain an important vehicle for exchanging new industry is to agree on a standardized body
ideas and promoting green infrastructure to a of knowledge (best practices) then transfer it
wider audience. into the marketplace. The development of
the Green Roof Professional (GRP) training
As a result of lobbying by GIO members, green and accreditation took more than seven
infrastructure has now been incorporated as a years to complete but was instrumental in
requirement in local and regional government developing the industry. Multi-disciplinary
asset management report, meaning that groups of professionals worked together to
governments will have to develop methods to develop training courses and resources for the
assess the quantity and quality of their green industry, which then allowed us to establish

an occupational standard and an accreditation current with industry developments and

exam. This key program has addressed the maintain their GRP accreditation.
need for best practices and for unbiased,
scientifically based professional training. It In support of continuing education, we have
serves multiple functions: developed a number of targeted training half
day programs to support their continued
o It provides a forum to bring experts together education. These include Advanced Green Roof
to determine best practices. Maintenance, Ecological Green Roof Design,
Rooftop Food Production, Green Walls 101, Living
o It facilitates interdisciplinary communication Architecture and Sustainable Energy, Green
between roofing professionals and Infrastructure Valuation, and a series of courses
landscaping professionals. on Integrated Water Management for Buildings
and Sites, with a goal of reaching net zero
o It provides for specialization in traditional water. All of our training is peer reviewed and
design professions such as architecture leading edge and is accompanied by resource
and landscape architecture and recognizes manuals in English that are available for
individuals for their knowledge. purchase at: www.greeninfrastructurestore.
com. Online training is available at www.
o It provides a measure of protection against
poor design, installation and maintenance
practices, which are inevitable with a new Each year we celebrate excellence in design
practice but which, if left unchecked can with our Awards of Excellence program that
harm the industry. recognizes the designers of projects in different
green roof and wall categories (intensive and
o It allows for continuing education of Green extensive) for different buildings (multi-unit
Roof Professionals (GRPs), in an industry residential, small residential, commercial/
which is evolving rapidly in terms of industrial). The Awards promote both green
products, performance and practices. roof and wall projects that are designed to
deliver multiple benefits through integrated
o It provides a source of revenue for the design processes involving close cooperation
industry association in order to continue to amongst the building owner and all parties.
develop and deliver high quality professional We also recognize policy leadership, corporate
training. member leadership and research leadership
during our awards program every year. (For
We offer three days of training focused on descriptions of many winning projects see:
design, implementation and maintenance - awards of excellence)
best practices, and a two hour multiple
choice exam in support of the Green Roof SUPPORTING MANUFACTURERS
Professional (GRP) accreditation. The first
exam was launched in 2009, and now there are Developing a reliable supply of products
more than 900 accredited GRPs in the market. for the market is a key leg in the stool of
These core training courses are now provided industry development, for without them it
through online, internet based training is now would be impossible to implement thousands
available online 24/7/365, thereby avoiding of projects across North America. Initially,
the cost of travel and accommodation to take a roofing membrane manufacturers were the
sit-down exam, which is also available online. most important players in supporting the
Successful GRPs must remain members in development of the industry, but as the sector
good standing with GRHC and complete 16 has developed in North America, there are
hours of related training each year to remain more dedicated green roof and wall companies

who derive 100 per cent of their revenues website (www.livingarchitecturemonitor.

from the industry. com). Manufacturers also play an important
role in supporting research and development
We work closely with our manufacturers activities, product and process innovation, and
to develop standards, most recently those ongoing education of the design community.
associated with fire and wind uplift. Our
manufacturers support our lobbying efforts CONCLUSION
at the local and regional government
levels, and participate in the trade show at The intense greening of cities is a proven
CitiesAlive and our local market development approach to addressing many of the impacts of
symposia. There are five manufacturer climate change, and the ongoing need to focus
representatives on our multi-disciplinary on human health and well being. Intensive
board of directors which provide ongoing greening requires the participation of many
input and feedback on our policies and different professionals within society. It also
programs. Manufacturers also help to shape requires civic engagement, with citizens that
our training programs, providing substantive are informed and care about the place they
information and peer reviewing materials. call home. They need to have experience
Manufacturers who develop new products with nature, and knowledge about how it
and services for the industry are profiled on benefits them in their daily lives. This
our Living Architecture Monitor magazine provides the basis for the political support.

Rooftop Wheat Prarie – 2017 Extensive Industrial Commercial – Award Winner: Omni Ecosystems
Chicago’s Rooftop Wheat Prairie is a unique, picturesque landscape growing three stories above a bustling Chicago intersection. A complete anomaly
in aesthetics and general design, it is the only rooftop in the city growing amber waves of grain. The golden wheat accented by bright wildflowers
offers city dwellers a one-of-a-kind visual splendor. To immerse visitors into the wheat prairie, a room of floor-to-ceiling glass windows was
constructed in the middle of the roof, offering incredible views from all angles.

During the Denver Green Roof Ballot in 2018, conviction of many leaders from different
the people of Denver voted 54 per cent in fields (policy, design, science, manufacturing),
favor of mandatory requirements for green all of whom share in the belief that we must
roofs on new buildings, despite a well funded develop greener, healthier, high performance
opposition campaign to discredit the benefits , restorative buildings and that green roofs
of green roofs in the city. If you live in a city and walls have a critically important role in
that has a green infrastructure foundation, like achieving this. The ability of green roofs and
the valleys and ravines in Toronto or major walls to deliver multiple public and private
parks, or a regional forest, these resources benefits that are in demand in cash strapped
are a major asset that you can build upon in cities gives them a very special place in the
order to implement living architecture in, toolbox of high performance, restorative
on and around our buildings. In many parts building options. The gradual adoption of
of the world, it is important to protect these the Living Architecture Performance Tool,
resources from corruption and unplanned by designers and policy makers will help to
development, and then to work on expanding improve the performance of green roof and
greener in our cities for the benefit of all. wall systems in the years to come.

The development of the green roof industry In an increasingly crowded world, we must
across North America has resulted largely from use all of the available space in cities through
our ability to engage and fuel the passionate the use of green roofs and walls, as well as

Van Dusen Botanical Garden – 2017 Extensive Institutional – Award Winner: Connect Landscape
Architecture & Architek
The state-of-the-art Visitor Centre re-connects people to the environmental issues of the 21st Century including water and energy conservation, re-use
and recycle, beauty of our native plant ecology, and a healthier way of building and design. The overall scope was 5 acre site master plan including a
16,000-ft2 green and blue roof.

Harvard Business School’s McArthur/McCollum Building Rooftop Meadow – 2018 Extensive

Institutional – Award Winner: Recover Green Roofs
Across seven sections of a multi-tiered roof on Harvard Business School’s McArthur/McCollum building stretches an 11,000 ft2 extensive meadow. The
design team searched for an innovative solution that would be light enough to satisfy weight restrictions for the building while showcasing a highly
visible and structurally complex roof.

water storage, solar energy, fuel, food and Cities (GRHC), the North American green roof
wind energy. These are opportunities so vast, and wall industry association.
that we have barely begun to realize their full
potential. Our existing roofs and walls are the Early in his career he worked as a public
great canvasses of this century, awaiting those policy consultant and examined barriers to
poised to embrace living architecture and sustainable community development and the
make a lasting contribution to a much better role of governments in supporting environmental
world. By 2022, we are working to bring technology development and diffusion. Since
another billion square feet of green roofing 1996, he has worked to advance the green roof
into being in North America and thousands and wall industry by facilitating research and
of green wall projects, and we will continue demonstration projects; organizing conferences
to share our evolving understanding of how and workshops; writing articles; judging awards
living architecture will help us all achieve competitions; building institutional capacity;
greener, healthier and sustainable cities. lecturing; publishing and advocating for
supportive policies and standards at all levels of
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: government.

Steven W. Peck, GRP, Honorary ASLA, is the In 1999 he began editing and publishing
founder and president of Green Roofs for Healthy a quarterly green roof and wall magazine

entitled Living Architecture Monitor™ (www. Green Roof Plants and Growing Media 401 (2008); Mr. Peck Green Infrastructure: Policies, Performance and
has written and lectured extensively on the Projects (2009); Introduction to Integrated Water
interrelationship between public policy, Management for Buildings and Sites (2010);
research and the socioeconomic benefits of living Introduction to Rooftop Urban Agriculture (2010);
architecture, as well as on the topics of urban and
sustainability and industrial ecology.
Advanced Green Roof Maintenance (2011). Co-
In 2007 he co-founded the Green Infrastructure Developer, Living Architecture Performance Tool
Foundation, the charitable arm of GRHC, with V. 1.0 (2018); Co-Author, Living Architecture
Michael Krause, which is dedicated to advancing Performance Tool (2018)
all forms of green infrastructure. In 2010 Mr.
Peck co-founded the Green Infrastructure Ontario In 2007, he co-founded the World Green
Coalition in 2010 with Janet McKay of LEAF Infrastructure Network, with Dr. Manfred
in order to lobby for living green infrastructure Koehler, an international coalition of green roof
protection and investment in the Province of and wall associations dedicated to developing the
Ontario. living architecture industry world-wide (www. In 2012 he produced and
Author of Award Winning Green Roof Designs edited The Rise of Living Architecture which
(2008), Mr. Peck has spearheaded the development celebrates the many projects and people that
of the accredited Green Roof Professional (GRP) have developed the green roof industry in North
program and has co-written and/or edited the America, and provides insights into future trends
following resource manuals: Green Roof Design and developments.
101: Introductory Course (2004); Green Roof
Design and Installation 201 (2006); Mr. Peck remains optimistic about our ability to,
within a generation, rapidly evolve the building
Green Roof Policy Development (2006); industry towards producing restorative buildings
Ecological Green Roof Design (2006); Green Roof and communities using green roof and wall
Waterproofing and Drainage 301 (2007); Green technology.
Walls 101: Systems Overview and Design (2007);
Green wall. Madrid.
Belén Gonzalez Blanco


Sérgio Rocha
CEO. Instituto Cidade Jardim


n Brazil, green roofing started to gain force Green roof, rooftop gardening, Brazil,
in the late 2000’s with the first specialized permaculture, green building, sandwich
companies offering products and services panel, hydroponics.
to the market. Although green roofing did not
take off as a big business in the country, we INTRODUCTION AND GOALS
have an incipient industry that has consistently
delivered a 100 thousand square meter per When Burle Marx installed his first roof
year. However, without governmental aid garden in Rio de Janeiro during the
this market has not grown in the last 10 effervescent 1930’s, he was making Brazilian
years. We are proposing the internet as a tool history. The modern green roof movement
to extend green roof education to a wider had just been born in Europe, and with
audience and the development of more this introduction he inspired a whole
suitable and economic technologies to attract generation of projects in different Brazilian
business. An example is a new single-ply regions during the next decades. The
hydroponic sandwich panel that promises to terrace gardens of the Gustavo Capanema
replace ceramic tiles and could represent a Palace, in Rio de Janeiro, represent one
next generation product to popularize green of the few well preserved examples of this
roofing, positioning them to compete in the period. Inaugurated in 1938, were declared
wider roof market. a National Historical Heritage three years

after opening. Another historical landmark PERMACULTURE:

from the same period is the Matarazzo GREEN ROOF AS A TOOL, A
Building (also known as the Anhangabaú MULTIFUNCTIONAL ELEMENT
Palace), in São Paulo. Opened in 1939, it was FOR MICRO AND MACRO
built to be the headquarters of the Matarazzo INTERVENTION IN CITY DESIGN
textile company. The project of the Italian
architect Marcello Piacentini has a green Coined by the Australian Bill Mollison
roof with more than 400 trees and a fish in the 1970’s and with a strong activist
pond a top a 14-story building. Today, the punch, permaculture is a design science for
Anhangabaú Palace houses the São Paulo “agriculturally productive ecosystems which
City Hall, which organizes guided tours for have the diversity, stability, and resilience of
those wishing to visit one of the oldest green natural ecosystems, (...) as a design system it
roofs in the country - and be presented with contains nothing new. It arranges what was
a beautiful view of the city. always there in a different way, so that it
works to conserve energy or to generate more
Different from Germany where green energy than it consumes.” (Mollison 1988).
roofs have been developed technically and
politically, reaching the status of an urban After the first design course taught by Bill
transformation tool early in the 1980’s (with Mollison in Porto Alegre, Brazil, in 1992,
the impressive score of 8 million square green roofs became elements in several
meters installed and € 254 million in sales permacultural designs in many rural sites
only in 2015), in Brazil, green roofing has - from hen houses to administrative offices.
remained as a decorative item. The idea Permaculture institutes and demonstration
of making it popular and escalating it to centers strategically placed in the country
help fix urban deficiencies started to gain started to spread the idea, although at a
force after the 1990’s with the arrival of the non-commercial scale. Indeed, the first
permaculture movement in the country. really extensive green roof I saw in Brazil
was in Manaus in 2003. It was a very rustic
It’s not our objective to write a definitive mix of grass and weeds grown in a thin
story about green roofs in Brazil, but to layer of soil over a wooden rooftop. Built for
present our views and perspectives after 10 technical performance, not for decoration
years of the Instituto Cidade Jardim, and or beauty, this green roof model could be
also to contribute to the movement. I would seen covering several chicken coops and pig
like to thank all professionals and activists sties at the Amazon Permaculture Institute,
who collaborated towards this goal also. where Fabiana Scarda and I (co-founders of
Instituto Cidade Jardim) worked for Ali Sharif
METHODOLOGY, CONTENT (from Permaculture Latin America) and
AND DESCRIPTION Carlos Miller (from the AVINA Foundation
- an international organization dedicated
In order to a build a scenario that is clear to connecting entrepreneurs from the third
and fluid for everyone trying to understand sector to the business sector). Working mostly
the Brazilian green roof market, I will draw with common techniques, those green roofs
a timeline perspective of the main actors in followed the primitive sod house concept
this game - companies, professionals, NGOs, adopted by permaculture manuals - earth,
investors, education, political environment wood and stones, now combined with some
and innovation - starting from the grassroots modern industrial materials, such as plastic
movement that helped put green roofs on tarps, clay balls and filter fabrics. Despite
the socio-environmental agenda in this the lack of technical depth compared to
country - and brought us to this business. German FLL - Forschungsgesellschaft

Hospital da Restinga: Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul (2017). Largest Green Roof Project -
continuous area (5,963 square meter). Landscaper: Toni Backes Paisagismo; Installer: Marcelus
Oliveira & Telhado Vivo Coberturas Verdes; Green Roof System: FLAT Instituto Cidade Jardim.

Landschaftsentwicklung Landschaftsbau market demand that was beginning to form.

(Landscape Development and Research Ecotelhado, a former building company from
Society) guidelines, the translation of the Porto Alegre, played an important role in
‘Barefoot Architect Manual’ (van Lengen bringing a market-driven green roof package
1997) and ‘Introduction to Permaculture’ to an audience of civil engineers, architects
(Mollison 1998) into Portuguese introduced and landscapers. With good transit among
a new generation of young students to the construction companies and investing
idea, many of whom began to apply energy in a nationwide network for distributing
efficiency principles - and include green roofs its products, they released a wide range
- in their designs. of products in the next years within the
themes of green infrastructure and biophilic
MARKET AND ESCALATION design, including green roofs, green walls,
bio-swimming pools and so on. They soon
Although some foreign companies, like installed 60.000 square meters per year, and
Bidim and Maccaferri, were advertising announced an average annual turnover of €
their geotextile products for roof gardening 1.3 million in sales in 2018.
(sometimes as a secondary use), it was only
in 2005 that the first generation of green In 2007, we decided to leave the NGO world
roof products appeared in Brazil to meet the of permaculture centers to found the second

green roof company in Brazil, based in São algae and sediments formed by the residual
Paulo. Instituto Cidade Jardim was created nutrients. The organic sediment collected
to combine business, research and activism, during pool cleaning is composted and used
designed as a private research institute focused to feed laying hens. Finally, the manure is
on green roofing material development and collected and redirected to fertilize the rooftop
market promotion. We developed our own garden, closing the cycle.
family of products and services, and installed
about 10.000 square meters per year with an The third company to enter the scene
annual turnover of € 400 thousand in 2015. Our is Technes, a traditional growing-media
differential is exactly in this mixed approach, producer founded in 1987, that in 2008
so what really makes our eyes shine is urban decided to compete in the green roof market
farming and the chain reaction it can inspire. and launched the new commercial brand,
We wanted to show that permaculture energy Skygarden, also in São Paulo. With strong
efficiency strategies can be applied to the urban marketing and media interventions, and with
environment, so we chose to focus much of a secret technology brought from Japan, they
our efforts on the development of techniques easily reached a turnover of € 900 thousand in
and technologies for the production of food sales (Jaggi 2018 a). Working with geotextiles
on slabs and rooftops, and the connections for drainage, they focus on special green roof
of these activities with other elements in the and green wall substrates.
functioning of the building.
By the way, green walls rapidly became much
Since 2011 we have been experimenting with more popular than green roofs in Brazil. Here
the cultivation of agricultural commodities I want to mention Movimento 90º, which also
(grain carbohydrates such as wheat, beans and started as a third sector movement but shifted
maize) on slabs and lighter roof prototypes, to a business model in 2013 to promote vertical
publicizing and promoting the benefits of greening for urban parks in São Paulo. They
growing food in scale within cities. At the were responsible for the huge green walls
level of subsistence horticulture, we have a along the Minhocão (an elevated avenue) and
demonstrative rooftop garden installed over also for the 6 km green corridor along May
Instituto Cidade Jardim headquarters in 23rd Avenue (estimated at € 2,2 million), both
the center of town. Here we receive visits in the center of São Paulo.
from students, researchers, clients and the
press. Within a permaculture design, we Many other professionals are building green
produce from table grapes and strawberries roofs in their own ways. The 5.000 square
to a large variety of leafy greens (several meter green roof over the Eldorado Shopping
lettuce varieties, cabbage, arugula, almeirão, Mall (in São Paulo) is the most famous one.
catalonha, broccoli), vegetables (tomatoes, The project began after agronomist Rui
pumpkins, zucchini, eggplant, chilli peppers), Signori (from the consulting company Ecoagro
tubers (potatoes, yams, cassava, earth Academy) started his innovative composting
turmeric, carrots), herbs, spices and medicinal program in the basement of the mall. Collecting
plants (basil, sage, rosemary, mint, mint, all food waste from restaurants and bringing it
onion, chives, parsley, celery, coriander, to an enzyme-accelerated composting station
lemon grass and chamomile, aloe, capuchin), he developed, they soon realized the need
as well as ornamental plants. All rain water to find a proper destination for the compost.
that runs off of the green roof is collected into The rooftop was the obvious solution and
a swimming pool that has been transformed now 5.000 square meters of vegetables and
into a pond. With a diversity of aquatic herbs are grown on the roof in reused plastic
plants, we grow a diversity of insectivorous buckets and boxes. The Eldorado initiative was
and herbivorous fish species that feed on the replicated on other shopping malls in Rio de

Janeiro, Belo Horizonte and Manaus, making the specialization course in “Ecological
it a benchmark throughout the country. Landscaping: Landscape Planning and
Design”. This course includes a focus on green
An outsider initiative I want to mention is roof science and techniques. The second
Telhado Verde Favela, a grassroots project is the Laboratory of Floriculture (LaFlor) at
born in Rio de Janeiro. After spending an the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco
infernal summer in 2012, Luis Cassiano, (UFRPE), coordinated by professor Vivian
a cultural activist and community leader, Loges. Prof. Loges coordinates undergraduate
decided to install a green roof over his house and postgraduate studies in Agronomy,
in the ‘Favela do Arará’. A close friend from Horticulture and Plant Science with a major
ABIDES (a local NGO) opened the doors of focus on native plants for use as lawns, green
his office to Luis, who started to research roofs and urban landscaping, taking into
about green roofing on the internet. Through account the beauty, conservation, identity of
a common friend living in Berlin, he was place, and low maintenance requirements for
presented to the botanist Bruno Rezende (from use in public areas.
the Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden), who was
developing his thesis for a soilless green roof With regard to activism, I would also like to
system to be installed over the zinc and fiber- cite the work of agronomist Tony Backes and
cement tiles so common in favelas. Cassiano engineer Marcelus Oliveira, at the “Perau
also articulates with ENACTUS (a world class do Encanto” Landscaping School, in Nova
NGO hosted by the Federal University of Rio Petrópolis, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul,
de Janeiro) that helped with materials and and that of landscape architect Maria Cecília
technical support. Now they are mapping the Guinle, of “Vida no Teto”, in Florianópolis,
local demand in order to establish a future Santa Catarina. Tony and Marcelus teach
business to be replicated for low-income about green roofs to hundreds of students in
communities. This is a hot subject, since it can their regenerative landscaping course each
positively affect large human communities year. They practice what they teach and are
living in the immense urban heat islands that responsible for the landscaping project and
are the favelas all around the world. installation of the largest modern green roof in
Brazil, with 5,963 m2 of cultivated area, at the
GREEN ROOF HUBS IN BRAZIL Restinga Hospital in Porto Alegre. In addition
to designing and installing green roofs, Maria
In addition to the companies and organizations Cecília works with the landscaping nucleus of
I mentioned above, there are some academic the Commercial and Industrial Association of
and activist Green Roof Hubs that I want Florianópolis, which launched the project that
to mention. Brazilian undergraduate and installed the first bus stop with a green roof
graduate students are already publishing about in the capital of Santa Catarina. The initiative
green roofs. There are several research groups gained prominence in the national media and
in public and private universities throughout was later replicated on an experimental basis
the country. in other cities, such as Manaus (Amazonas),
Salvador (Bahia), Garopaba (Santa Catarina)
I will highlight two academic centers for their and Caxias do Sul (Rio Grande do Sul).
pioneering and ongoing work. The first is the
work of Duarte Vaz and Pierre-André Martin POLITICAL ENVIRONMENT
in the company EMBYÁ, which, together
with professor Cecilia Polacow Herzog With advice from the World Green
(coordinator of the Postgraduate Program Infrastructure Network (WGIN), Ecotelhado
in Ecological Landscaping at the Pontifical founder João Feijó was probably the first
Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro), offers person to systematically promote green roofing

expansion in Brazil through governmental aid. One thing that catalyzed this race was the “One
To further this idea, he created (almost by Degree Less” campaign by the Green Building
himself) the first national association of green Council Brazil (GBCB). Supported by the US
roofs, and toured the country, contacting Green Building Council, in February 2009,
municipalities and collaborating on green roof GBCB launched its national marketing initiative
bills. Nonetheless, ATVB (Brazilian Green Roof to promote cool roofing (white painting and
Association and, later, Brazilian Green Tech green roofing) funded by Dow Chemical, BASF
Association) never became a representative and Sherwin Williams. The marketing used
entity for the green roofing industry in the celebrities with white paint on their hands,
country, nor did it connect to grassroots broadcasting promotional videos at cinemas
movements, such as permaculture, remaining and on TV, and organizing events. In the same
as a single-company initiative. However, this year a white roof bill was presented to the São
does not mean that ATVB has had no impact. Paulo legislature, and, separately, a green roof
bill, also in São Paulo, and then also at the
Brazilian politicians were introduced to green Federal level. Because of poor drafting and the
roofs and quickly realized their potential to idea of mandatory installation, the proposals
generate political capital and leverage personal caused considerable controversy.
popularity. Suddenly, green roof bills started
popping up everywhere, and after 2008 a race After several negative insertions in the media,
took place to approve the first generation these projects came under severe criticism.
of municipal green-roofing laws - as fast as The first to oppose mandatory white roofing
possible to gain political and media visibility. was the São Paulo Housing Union (SECOVI-

Ilha Pura Condominium: Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro (2016). Largest Green Roof Project -
discontinuous area (10,031 square meter). Installer: Chácara Santa Clara Paisagismo; Green Roof
System: FLAT Instituto Cidade Jardim.

SP), which in 2011 published a note arguing lack demonstrated benefits, and (7) they lack
that roofs would have to be polished and specific standards. SECOVI-SP also released
sanded in order to receive paint, which a note taking a position against federal PL
represents asbestos and other waste strewn 1703/2011, and Vanderley John, professor of
in the air in absurd amounts, given the size of Poli (Polytechnic School of USP) and adviser
the city. The Brazilian Council of Sustainable to the CBCS (Brazilian Council of Sustainable
Construction (CBCS) also published their Construction), declared to the media: “Green
position against white painting, and in roofing is like having pets at home - you need
this same year CAU (Brazilian Council of to like and take care of them. It’s a fantastic
Architecture and Urbanism) took a position solution, but only when you have time to do
at the Federal level against the green roof bill proper maintenance”.
PL 1703/2011, but recommended substituting
mandatory installation with financial, fiscal or Facing so much criticism, a public hearing was
credit incentives. called to discuss improvements to the Federal
PL 1703/2011, resulting in the withdrawal of
In 2011, GBCB tried an unsuccessful the mandatory term and opening the doors to
approximation with the three main Brazilian fiscal, financial or credit incentives, as well
green roof companies, but the point is that the as urban environmental compensation. This
clever use of the term ‘cool roofs’ by the One revision was influenced by ATVB, but still
Degree Less campaign, and the comparison did not reflect a Brazilian green roof industry
between green roofing and white roof painting position or consensus.
has created confusion in the market. They
made a nonsense claim that white roofs are also So, in 2015 BASF decided to strengthen its
green (because of thermal effects), positioning position as the best cool roofing solution.
live green roofs as ‘cool’ technologies, but hard With the white roof proposition stalled since
to work with and inaccessible to the majority 2011 at the Legislative Assembly of São Paulo
of the population. and also in Rio de Janeiro, Espaço ECO
foundation (a BASF initiative) released (on
In this confused climate, in 2012 the January 8th, 2015) a note entitled “Green
city council of Rio de Janeiro proposed a roofing is not the most eco-efficient alternative
mandatory bill (complementary project nº for residential coverage”. Comparing three
89/2012) establishing that all new public and roofing alternatives (ceramic tiles, green roofs
private buildings should be covered with green and reflective painting - cool roof) under a
roofs. However, if they are unable to apply Lifecycle Evaluation model (ISO 14040), they
this option, they would be obliged to use white concluded: “The Green Roof has a better
paint as an alternative solution. Again, the economic and environmental performance
subject caused controversy and the proposition compared to the Ceramic Roof, but it was
was archived. not enough to be more eco-efficient than the
cool roof (white painting).” Moreover, “the
In June 2014, the CBCS published its position environmental impacts associated with green
against federal green roof bill PL 1703/2011, roofs in the categories of energy consumption,
strongly criticizing the proposal that green emissions, accidents and occupational diseases
roofing become mandatory in the country, are determinant to impair their performance
because (1) they are not adequate to the in relation to white roofing. The waterproofing
different Brazilian climatic regions, (2) they blankets needed for green roofing come from
lack solid supplier chains, (3) they may pose petrochemicals, which lead to larger impacts”,
public health risks when poorly installed, (4) they say. However, they never published
they have inaccessible costs for most residents, the full report for peer review. At this point
(5) they have high maintenance costs, (6) they white roofing was already perceived as

‘greenwashing’ by Brazilian audiences. Worse, long to be compatible with the 26,281 trees
real green roofs and walls are perceived in promised.
much the same way.
A little more than a year after its inauguration,
The 11,330 square meter, green wall corridor the project was abandoned and, due to lack of
along May 23rd Avenue in São Paulo is one maintenance and irrigation, started to demand
that suffered from this perception. Built by high costs to reform and protect the equipment
Movimento 90º to be the largest green corridor against vandalism. According to the press, the
in urban areas in the world, the 6 km of vertical idea of vertical gardens lasted very little, and
gardens were installed in 2017 using resources after the green corridor initiative, the city
from an ‘Environmental Commitment Term’, government revoked the decree that allowed
regulated by Decree 55.994, of the City of São the installation of green walls as environmental
Paulo, as an environmental compensation compensation for trees felled for building
tool. This is probably the first time a local companies.
government used its power to redirect
investments for green infrastructure in Brazil. Soon thereafter, the city of São Paulo vetoed the
article of Law 16.277 that made the installation
Signed by the São Paulo City Hall and a of green roofs mandatory. According to
construction company that had cut about 800 City Hall, this type of installation cannot be
adult native trees, the term proposed that made mandatory, as it would influence the
instead of replanting 26,281 new trees in a construction of popular housing.
degraded area according to the current law, the
€ 2,2 budget compensation (Zylberkan 2018) The fact is that, of the 12 Brazilian municipalities
should be applied to build a 14,600 square we found with approved green roof incentive
meter green corridor in the central region of laws, only two were put into practice. The first
the state capital. Five of them were built on was the bad experience of São Paulo, using a
private buildings, but the new mayor changes Decree to redirect reforestation money and
the original project and the other three were install the green wall corridors that I described
built on a huge single public wall along May above. More recently, Recife, Pernambuco,
23th Avenue. where it is mandatory for roofs over 400 square
meters to be covered with green roofs. Sixty-
However, arbitrarily, the new mayor decided five projects have been registered to date, but
to install the vertical gardens on top of one it is too early for us to make an evaluation yet.
of the city’s most famous graphite panels,
vanishing the paintings forever and attracting A LITTLE MORE NOISE
the ire of several renowned artists, local civil
society movements and environmentalists Skygarden also caused more noise and confusion
dissatisfied with the loss of budget for in the market, when they launched two
their projects, which began a campaign campaigns: one to stop using plastic materials
against the exchange of trees by artificial for green roofing; and another to suggest that
vegetated panels. The controversial financing the use of succulent plants was inappropriate.
mechanism eventually turned against the idea The first was based on the false premise that
of promoting green infrastructure initiatives their green roof systems did not contain any
in the city and the project was publicized by plastics or other unsustainable resources, which
news agencies as the ‘greenwash scandal’ (the is not a true, since they use geotextile sheets
project earned the pejorative nickname ‘walled for drainage in all they combos. Moreover, the
trees’), because, according to experts, instead majority of plastic trays used for green roofing in
of the 6 km extension of the green corridor, Brazil are from recycled sources, contributing to
the compensation really should be 1,500 km their accountability in the long term.

The second campaign was almost xenophobic: preparation for other biodiversity and native
in the attempt to promote native vegetation, species promotion (Maggil et al. 2011).
Skygarden had published several articles and
interviews saying basically that “in order to GREEN ROOFING EDUCATION
reduce costs, some companies use desert IN THE CLOUD
vegetation, which consumes little water but
does not photosynthesize or contribute to the As you can see, we have a lot of work to do
maintenance of diversity” (Jaggi 2018 b); and to educate Brazilians about green roofs.
“(...) the use of succulent plants or sedum Workshops and courses on green roofing have
(species originating from foreign deserts) over become an increasingly common practice in
Brazilian buildings. Nothing is more wrong for Brazil, but sometimes more as a sale technique
ecological sustainability, since these plants than an educational tool. All the companies
photosynthesize with little water release (type involved in the sector give public lectures and
CAM) and provides scarce environmental we have many landscapers teaching this subject
services, they form true deserts in these areas” in their specialization courses. However, the
(Cardim 2010). Succulent plants from the scope of these initiatives is often superficial,
genus Sedum where introduced long ago into and while green roofs are extremely attractive
Brazil. Although this genus has been used and and well-known to the general public, the
studied for modern green roofs for years, the technique’s standards remain virtually
argumentation that they form ‘true deserts’ unknown by technicians and by the academy.
is fake news. Moreover, exotic succulent In fact, few people are aware that an industry
plants can play an important role as pioneer exists and that there is an incipient movement
species for plant succession on green roofs in to promote green roofs in the country.

Casa MM. Bragança Paulista, São Paulo (2011). Pitched Green Roof Project (810 square meter).
Landscaper: Renata Tilli Paisagismo; Installer: Jardins Suspensos Jardinagem Vertical; Green Roof
System: MODULAR Instituto Cidade Jardim.

Another education issue is the benefit/cost exclusively in an internet environment.

ratio. The effort invested in a face-to-face Between November and December 2018, we
event is usually very large - time, travel costs, reached 238,166 people with our campaigns
lodging, food, equipment rental and rooms. and a total of 810,092 people throughout the
Most audiences have 20 to 30 students in a year - with an investment of € 3,700 in social
classroom for a limited period of time. media ads. As you can see, internet activism
escalated green roofs to new audience level
That’s when we realized the potential of the and can play an important role in education
internet to promote this market. In mid-2016, and popularization, with relatively low costs.
we decided to systematize our lecture contents
and to record in video our first online course - BIOMIMICRY FOR THE NEXT
‘Introduction to Green Roofs’, and host it in an GENERATION OF GREEN ROOF
online teaching platform. Initially composed PRODUCTS
of three modules (preparation, materials
selection, execution techniques), in 2018 we Green roofs are expanding all over the world
added a 4th module about marketing and and already represent a significant market in
renamed it the ‘Green Roof Seed Program’, Europe, which installed 11.3 million square
adding on-site events for commercial and meters in 2015 - well ahead of North Americans
market discussions, demand mapping, sales (about 300 thousand square meters yearly)
management, customer service, etc. Teaching and Brazil (about 100 thousand square meters
about FLL basics, local building regulations yearly). Meanwhile these numbers represent
and our own field experience (from irrigation about 0.1 percent of the global roofing market
to commerce), with this initiative we intend to (which installed more than 11 billion square
raise the overall technical level of the market, meters in 2018). This micro-percentage also
and form the next generation of green roof demonstrates the huge potential for growth
professionals and policy makers. and impact that green roofs can deliver in the
coming years.
The numbers are expressive. In order to
promote the course, we had created the ‘Green One problem is that current green roof
Roof Week’, a free online event where we technologies are coatings for already
presented several videos with basic content, waterproofed structures - usually a flat roof
as well as interviews with invited experts and (most of the time a slab) with a waterproofing
professionals - all of this available online for the membrane. Thus, as well pointed by Porsche
audience to watch and to share. This resulted and Köhler (2003), roof gardening is not
in a nearly instantaneous increase in audience, suitable for all kinds of buildings. In fact, 97
prompting us to multiply our monthly % of roofs in Brazil are not flat, being covered
audience by eight times in one leading social with clay or fiber-cement tiles, or metal sheets
media platform, from less than 1,000 active (CBCA & ABCEM 2014), hence not being
users earlier this year to almost 8,000 monthly able to be greened due structural restrictions
users following us by December 2018. and inherent adaptation costs. While we
need to evolve as a movement to raise more
In order to identify and retain public interest governmental aid for market development, we
in green roofing in Brazil, we held several also need to move toward more appropriate
digital media events throughout 2018. These technologies.
included a series of seven professional videos
about the benefits of green roofing (with a total With that in mind, we challenged ourselves to
of 2,712 views on Youtube), three editions create a product that would not be an additional
of ‘Green Roof Week’, and several online item in the building. The idea was to simplify
technical classes (4 live webinars), transmitted the application of green roofs and, mainly,

not to depend on a waterproofing membrane. hydroponic tile presented positive results in

To this end, we decided to seek inspiration in all the cultivation tests carried out in Brazil,
nature: by simulating the functioning of plant Italy and Germany, and was also approved
tissues in a leaf, we had the idea of creating in all the initial characterization tests carried
the first hydroponic tile - a new single-ply out by IPT (Brazilian Institute of Technology,
hydroponic tile. This is a sandwich panel at São Paulo University), attesting that the
that does not require a slab or waterproof product already complies with NBR 15.575-
membrane, delivering greening and water 5:2013 (House Buildings: Performance - Part
tightness in the same product for the first time. 5: Roofing Systems), or in other words: it does
not leak, supports trampling for maintenance
Instead of the traditional layering, the new and is impact resistant. We also had positive
system is installed as a conventional thermal advances in industrial development (validated
sandwich panel, where overlapping and screws mold design in industrial tests, selection of
guarantee tightness and stability for (almost) raw materials and good production practices,
flat roofs to a 90° inclination wall. Lighter than map of initial costs for price formation) and
a regular clay tile, its dry weight is 10 kilograms the commercial strengthening line (branding,
per square meter. The saturated weight is about visual identity, digital marketing campaigns,
45 kilograms per square meter, depending on a new patent granted in Brazil and patents
plant selection. After assembling the panels deposited in Europe and the USA).
over the roof structure, simply insert the drip
irrigation lines and connect them to a water We believe in the potential of this new
supply attached to a hydroponic system, so the technology. Our plan now is to introduce the
internal irrigation circuit board will distribute new product to the market and to find local
the water without overloading the weight of partners to develop it commercially in Europe
the system. It is well suited for extensive green and the US. This is our contribution to make
roof cultivation with species commonly used green roofing suitable for a larger share of the
for landscaping, but its greater potential resides overall roofing market.
in intensive urban agriculture, allowing the
cultivation of vegetables and grains. The tiles RESULTS, CONCLUSIONS
also possess excellent thermal and mechanical AND RECOMMENDATION
resistance, allowing people to walk on its
surface for maintenance. After a 10-year period we can say that an
incipient green roof industry has been born
This new technology is protected by the and keeps hanging on in Brazil. However,
Green Patents Program of INPI (Brazilian for a business intended to attain scale and
Institute of Intellectual Property) and, since change the urban climate, the numbers need
2016, its development has been supported to be much better. We are talking about a 100
by the program Smart Cities - Sustainable thousand square meter basis installed per year
Cities of FAPESP (Foundation for Research - a little bit more than 10 soccer fields. Although
Support of São Paulo) and FINEP (Funding there is some inaccuracy in these numbers
for Innovation and Research, of the Brazilian (we have only three green roof companies that
Federal Government). Together, they brought published their results to date), green roofs
investments on the order of € 175,000 to prepare have not yet taken off in Brazil. I identify main
the product for the market, in exchange for a reasons:
20% stake in the product’s patent.
One is the absence of an appropriate
The results obtained in this period were governmental climate. Although we have green
exciting and reinforced our belief in the roof incentive laws passed in 12 municipalities,
market potential of the product. Our we have the impression that we are moving in

Hydroponic Green Roof. Itu, São Paulo (2019). Beans growing into the new sandwich panel
prototype - no waterproofing needed. Developer: Instituto Cidade Jardim.

the right direction. However, when we look Another issue is the macro-economic scenario.
more closely, we cannot say that any of these After a period of good economic results, the
initiatives has resulted in more green roofs Brazilian economy stopped growing in 2014
installed. Many of the texts of these laws are and a deep recession started in 2015 that lasted
based on mandatory compliance, which has until 2017, with a timid expansion in 2018.
attracted hostility to these initiatives. In fact, This was combined with a long-lasting political
the proposed federal bill was so criticized that crisis between 2016 and 2018. We don’t have
the obligatory requirement was withdrawn numbers from any other green roof company
and replaced by financial, fiscal or credit in Brazil, but in this period our sales dropped
incentives. What we have repeatedly heard by 57%. The new Federal Administration has
from politicians who advocate compulsion is not taken a position on anything related to this
that the state cannot give up revenue to invest market.
in urban improvements, while demanding that
the private sector invest. This kind of position Another thing is the general ignorance of
has created tension, rather than agreement the population regarding these technologies,
about how to proceed. which is further aggravated when we have
campaigns staining the reputation of the
To understand the importance of government green roofs with white paint or when we see
entering the game, the only project that cases of vegetable xenophobia against exotic
was financed through an incentive decree succulent plants. In this regard, I would like to
represented almost the annual turnover of comment on the points raised by the CBCS: (1)
the three private companies that operated in we do have systems adequate to the different
that year. However, some of these laws are so Brazilian climatic regions, (2) we have an
confused that they lead to negative results for incipient supply chain that can deliver green
the public perception of the market, as is the roofs in any city in the country with more
case of the City of São Paulo, that took money than 100 thousand inhabitants, (3) in order
from the reforestation of native trees to build a to avoid poorly installed green roofs we must
6 km long green wall. advance in standardization, (4) in order to

overcome inaccessible costs we must evolve em Aço) & ABCEM (Associação Brasileira de
financial tools in the same way photovoltaics Construção Metálica). O Nome da Rosa Editora.
did, (5) extensive green roofs have very low
maintenance costs, (6) modern green roofs EFB (2015): “White Paper”. EFG (European
have a wide bibliography of demonstrated Federation of Green Roofs & Walls). EFB.
Cardim, R.H. (2010): “O Telhado Verde e a Escolha
What brought us here will not take us to the da Vegetação – Plantas Suculentas (Sedum) X
next level, so, in order to open up the benefits Vegetação Nativa”. Árvores de São Paulo: Verde
of green roofing to a wider audience and urbano, árvores e resgate da biodiversidade
change our cities’ climates, we must bring more nativa na metrópole. https://arvoresdesaopaulo.
new entrepreneurs, professionals and civil
society actors to advocate for it. Permaculture a-escolha-da-vegetacao/
brought inspiration to a whole generation of
professionals, but the connection to a more Jaggi, M. (2018 a): “Prática se destaca entre
technical and standardized movement, such soluções sustentáveis”. Jornal Valor Econômico.
as the green roof movement (which connects Macroeconomia. 15/Mar/2018.
straight to the building industry), can leverage
our cities to the next level. Jaggi, M. (2018 b): “Telhados de edifícios ajudam
a resgatar plantas nativas”. Jornal Valor
Although today there is a broader commercial Econômico. Macroeconomia. 15/Mar/2018.
acceptance of green roofs in the building
market (especially within leading building van Lengen, J. (1997): Manual do Arquiteto
contractors, big corporations and signature Descalço. Livraria do Arquiteto. Rio de Janeiro.
houses), it’s clear that there is latent demand
in the middle class - and here governments Magill, J.D., Midden, K., Groninger, J., Therrell,
can play a game-changing role to make it M. (2011): “A History and Definition of Green
happen, through different financial aid and tax Roof Technology with Recommendations for
reduction incentives, as in the rest of the world Future Research” (2011). Southern Illinois
(Magill 2011). University Carbondale Research Papers. Paper
Despite the bad business and political
environment in the last years, green roofs Mollison, B. (1988): Permaculture: A designers’
came to stay and they configure one of the most manual. Tagari Publications. Australia.
successful cases of green building techniques
being spread across the country. They are being Porsche, U. & Köhler, M., (2004): “Life Cycle Costs
adopted in both favelas and signature houses. of Green Roofs - A Comparison of Germany,
Leveraging Brazilian green-roof markets and USA, and Brazil”. Proceedings RIO 3 - World
moving from one hundred thousand to one Climate & Energy Event. 1-5 December 2003,
million square meters installed per year is not Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. pg. 461-467. http://www.
an easy task, and will be our goal for the next
years. Porsche.pdf

REFERENCES OF THE CHAPTER Zylberkan, M. (2018): “Prefeitura não paga conta

AND RECOMMENDED READINGS de água e luz, e muro verde de Doria definha na
23 de Maio”. Folha de São Paulo. Cotidiano. 22/
CBCA & ABCEM (2014): “Perfil dos Fabricantes de Oct/2018.
Telhas de Aço e Steel Deck -Executive Research
Report”. CBCA (Centro Brasileiro da Construção
San Sebastiao
Market. Oporto.
I. de Felipe



Beatriz Castiglione and Paulo Palha
Portuguese Association for Green Roofs (ANCV)

ore than a hundred years ago, in BRIEF EVOLUTION OF GREEN
the city of Porto, one of the first ROOFS IN PORTUGAL FROM THE
Portuguese green roofs (GR) was 1960’S TO 2000
built in an ancient water reservoir located
in the space known today as “Parque da Although there may exist other examples of
Pasteleira”. This green roof, constructed in historical GR from the XIX century, it was
the XIX century, was built with the traditional only in the middle of the XX century that they
green roof system and corresponds today started to be popular in Portugal. One of the
to one of the great testimonies of this first buildings in the country to receive a GR
construction technic in Portugal. Similar to was the Garbe Hotel, in the region of Algarve,
this project, perhaps the oldest in Portugal, followed by the Ritz Hotel in Lisbon. The
Porto and Lisbon host numerous cases of experience acquired by the landscape architect
GR, many of them invisible to the general Viana Barreto in the last one was essential in
population (since most of them are on street the development of the first big emblematic GR
level), who still consider it a recent practice project in Portugal: the Calouste Goulbenkian
in the country. This green heritage, however, gardens green roofs, designed by Viana
has gradually received more attention and is Barreto and Gonçalo Ribeiro Telles around
moving towards greater recognition in the the 1960s (Dias, 2014). This garden is one of
era of Nature-Based Solutions for cities, even the most important gardens of the modern
though the way to get here has not been movement in Portugal and a big reference for
easy. the Portuguese landscape architecture.

During the 1960’s, Portugal was going through to find many residential and commercial
the longest-running dictatorship in Europe, all buildings with GR from this period.
while raging wars against its colonial territories
in Africa, culminating in the Portuguese The first decade of the years 2000 was very
revolution of 1974. Because of that, in this important for the development of new and
period there was a gap on the construction of modern GR projects, some of them from very
GR. reputable names of Portuguese architecture,
such as Carrilho da Graça, Álvaro Siza and
Almost a decade later, in the 1980s, other Souto Moura, who used GR in one of his most
important GR projects were launched, such as important works: the Braga stadium (Cannatá,
the one from the Portugal Telecom building 2007). During this decade GR evolved from the
and the “Centro Cultural de Belém”, built in private sector and had more visibility to the
1989. The green roofs market kept growing general population, as more projects in the
shyly in the private sector during the 1990’s public spaces started to appear. Examples are
and experienced a boom after the famous the Trindade station and the Lisbon Square,
world exposition EXPO 98. This world both in Porto. The Lisbon Square GR, built in
exposition, which took place during the the historical centre of the city, gave back to
summer of 1998, was a booster of construction; the citizens a space that has been abandoned
specially promoting the sustainable solutions for years and corresponds today to one of
that presented energetically efficient technics the most successful public spaces and great
(Magalhães, 2001). In “Parque das Nações”, the postcards of Porto (
new urbanized area of Lisbon, it is possible projects/praca-de-lisboa/)

Gulbenkian gardens GR (source: Portuguese Association for Green Roofs)


Gulbenkian gardens GR (source: Portuguese Association for Green Roofs)

Although GRs became more popular during can be installed on buildings (new or pre-
the second decade of the years 2000, they existing) such as GRs, highlighting their
remained relatively unknown and with their enormous importance, and the numerous
potential underestimated in Portugal, leading contributions they can give to the possibility
to some unacceptability and misinformation to create healthy, sustainable, biodiverse
among some group of professionals, politicians and resilient urban territories. To do that
and the population in general. In parallel, the association establishes a triangle of
following the global trend, Portuguese cities are connections between research institutions,
becoming more populated over the years. This municipalities and companies that are linked
tendency requires different ways of planning, to the international community, since the
governing and building cities, which demands association is a member of the World Green
the planners to find new and different technics Infrastructure Network (WGIN) and the
to work the city as an ecosystem. Within this European Federation for Green Roofs (EFB).
context, with the objective to promote GRs in
the cities, a group of professionals committed With the work of the association and the
to the cause created in 2015 the Portuguese growing popularity of the technology all over
Association for Green Roofs (ANCV). the world, GRs market has been growing in
Portugal over the last years. Nevertheless, the
THE PORTUGUESE ASSOCIATION dissemination of GRs, initially in Europe and
FOR GREEN ROOFS AND THE later in the world, was only possible due to the
FIFTH FAÇADE PROJECT numerous incentive policies that promoted
their construction, based on research about its
The objective of ANCV is to promote green environmental, economic and social benefits.
infrastructure in cities, especially those that Without political will, it is difficult for GRs to

Centro Cultura de Belém (source: Portuguese Association for Green Roofs)

be implemented on a large scale in cities, and The methodology included the choice of two
without a large-scale implementation in the municipal buildings to receive green roof
city the benefits of GR are not significant for projects, the realization of the inventory of
the urban environment as a whole. existing green roofs in the city, mapping the
potential of existing buildings to receive a
Aware of this reality, and following his long green roof in the city and launching the first
term conviction that “vegetation should Portuguese guide for project, construction and
become a mandatory building material”, maintenance of GRs.
Paulo Palha, the President of ANCV, wrote
and proposed to the Porto municipality the Besides, one of the most important parts of the
Fifth Façade Project (PQAP), a project whose project was related to the attention given to the
purpose was to define which models the performance of the roof in the development of
municipality of Porto should follow in order the policy proposal. If for many years the focus
to include green infrastructure, in particular in Europe was on creating incentive policies
GRs, into the urban planning, environmental without necessarily distinguishing the type of
and climate change strategy of the city. The green roofs they were promoting, now the lens
municipality enthusiastically received the should be on what kind of green roofs we want
project, and the cooperation between ANCV in cities, according to the services they can
and the city council started in August 2016. offer and the different environmental needs
for each city. Therefore, policies should never
The work of PQAP was developed in ignore the characteristics of the green roof,
collaboration with research groups from requiring and promoting certain aspects that
different Portuguese universities, as well as present advantageous benefits for the cities,
with councils of two foreign cities with more which may obviously change from case to
experience in GRs policies: London and Linz, case, since both practitioners and researchers
chosen by the PQAP team with the help of the must know how to apply the politics into their
WGIN and EFB federations. own reality.

Lisbon Square Porto. Portugal

Trindade metro station, in Porto (source: Portuguese Association for Green Roofs)

PQAP team on field to choose a model municipal building to receive a GR project (source:
Portuguese Association for Green Roofs)

Map of existing GR in the city of Porto (source: Portuguese Association for Green Roofs)

The Fifth Façade Project developed by the strong and supported in Portugal. Hopefully
PQAP team was delivered in August 2017 and it will not take long for Porto to become the
is currently under evaluation by the different first Portuguese city to have a GR policy
sectors of the municipality, in order to decide and push the same attitude across the other
if it will become a policy and in which ways. municipalities of Portugal.

The adoption of a policy for GR in Porto will We feel that GR are no more an issue for some
represent a big step in the history of GRs in “special” people with environmental concerns,
Portugal. If green roofs have been important but it is a trend in new developments, a
for the construction sector for many years, concern of municipalities and an issue for
now it is time to give a step forward and different research groups In Portugal, and an
become a strategic piece in a bigger urban industry that is growing.
plan, associating it with other nature based
solutions necessary for the proper functioning REFERENCES
of the urban environment.
Cannatá, M. Fernandes, F. (2007). Estádio
Finally, whatever the decision of the Municipal de Braga de Eduardo Souto de Moura.
municipality may be, the impacts of the project
in the city are already visible, for example Dias, L. (2014). Reabilitação do edifício da Escola
with the new project of the Campanhã bus Ambiental da Quinta da Gruta através da
terminal, approximately 2-hectare park with implementação de uma cobertura ajardinada.
13000 m 2 of green roofs. The competition Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto.
for the project, launched by the CMPorto,
required the presence of GR. Magalhães, M.R. (2001). A Arquitetura paisagista
em Portugal. Morfologia e complexidade.
The pressure for a policy that considers GR Editorial Estampa
in the strategy of a city is more and more (
I. de Felipe


Dusty Gedge
President European Federation of Green Roof Associations

Ben Moat
Msc Architecture: Advanced Environmental Energy Systems.
Centre for Alternative Technology, Wales


n March 2008 the new London Plan, In the late 1990’s the UK government’s
published by the Greater London Authority, drive to build on post-industrial land lead
was launched. This strategic document to a surprising champion of green roofs.
is a statutory requirement for the London The Black Redstart (Phoenicurus Ochruros),
Government (see endnote for brief overview protected under law, is a rare breeding
London Government and the London bird in the UK. This bird is generally found
Boroughs) The new London Plan announced a on post-industrial wastelands, known as
major a shift in policy in terms of green roofs brownfields, in cities such as London and
and green walls. The previous London Plan, Birmingham. These habitats, whilst not
published in 2004, had merely ‘encouraged’ pristine wildernesses, nurture the majority
the use of green roofs and walls in new of the UK’s breeding population. In response
developments. The new version included a to the threats faced by breeding Redstart
distinct policy. The policy had transformed pairs from encroaching development the
form ‘encouragement’ to ‘expectation’, the London Wildlife Trust and the London
first robust policy in the United Kingdom. Biodiversity Partnership identified the need
Since then the policy, along with actions at to replace lost habitat at roof level. Therefore
prior to 2008 have seen the uptake of green the notion of the ‘brown’ roof emerged to
roof in London grow exponentially regardless essentially create a brownfield habitat at
of the financial crash in the late 2000s. roof level (2).

The publication of the Urban White ‘Summers by 2050 will be 1.5 – 3.50C hotter…in
Paper in 2000 outlined the strategic view central London the urban heat island currently
that development should be focused on adds 5 -60C to summer night time temperatures
Brownfield sites rather than Greenfield sites. and will intensify in the future’ (6).
However research and evaluation of these
sites by ecologists soon demonstrated that Thus green roofs were recognised to be
many of these plots of land were of great a potentially multifaceted solution that
importance for a whole range of rare species could assist the capital meet the challenges
of invertebrates that had become extinct in of climate change and help adapt to the
the wider countryside (8). likelihood of higher summer temperatures
and increases in intense summer storms
The growing interest in how green roofs (leading to localized flash floods). These fears
could benefit biodiversity and how their have been realized to a certain extent with the
implementation in new developments could exceptionally hot summers of 2005 and 2006
be used to both mitigate and compensate for and extensive flash flooding of 2007.
the loss of ecological value at ground level led
to one of the first major reports on green roofs London has both a central strategic authority
in the UK by the English Nature (now Natural (Greater London Authority) and also 32 local
England). Not only did this report advocate boroughs (LB) with responsibility for their
the use of green roofs for biodiversity but also area. A number of these boroughs, notably
effectively highlighted their benefits across Islington, Lewisham and Tower Hamlets, were
the broader sustainability agenda (3). actively promoting and ensuring that green
roofs were installed for nature conservation.
On a practical level a number of organizations
such as the London Wildlife Trust, The London THE NEW LONDON PLAN
Biodiversity Partnership and the Environment
Agency were actively pressurizing developers In 2007 the author, along with colleagues, was
to install green roofs for ecological mitigation commissioned to write a technical review of
and compensation purposes. Most of these green roofs and green walls. This report was
projects in the early 2000s were focused along to support the change in policy on green roofs
the River Thames in the centre of London, from one of ‘encouragement’ to expectation’.
where many new residential apartments The report reviewed all the technical data
blocks were being built. available for a range of benefits including
reduction in the urban heat island, thermal
CLIMATE CHANGE – performance, storm water attenuation,
A SHIFT IN EMPHASIS biodiversity and amenity. It also reviewed
city policies elsewhere in the world. The
During the mid 2000s there was a distinct technical report, published in late 2007, lead
policy shift as the climate change agenda to a distinct policy on Living roofs and walls in
gathered momentum. A series of excessively the revised London Plan published in March
hot summers resulted in the London 2008.
mayoral agenda, from having previously
been concerned with issues surrounding The new London Plan Living roofs and wall
‘fuel’ poverty, widening it’s emphasis to (Policy statement 4a 11) states:
incorporate concerns regarding ‘cool’ poverty
and the likely impacts of increased summer The Mayor will and the boroughs should expect
temperatures and negative effects of the all major developments to in corporate living
Urban Heat Island. The London Climate roofs and walls, where feasible a n d r e f l e c t
Change Partnership stated in 2002 that this in Local Development Framework policies.

Interior garden. Tokio. I. de Felipe

It is expected that this will include roof and wall AUDITING LONDON’S GREEN
planting that delivers as many of these objectives ROOFS
as possible: undertook an audit of green
– Accessible roof space roofs in London in 2004. The total area of
green roofs was underestimated due to the
– Adapting and mitigating for climate change challenges of accessing extensive and detailed
information from architects, developers
– Sustainable urban drainage and companies. The audit estimated that
96,682m2 of green roofs had been installed in
– Enhancing biodiversity the Greater London area. Some of these roofs
dated back to 1932!
– Improved appearance
However in 2014 an audit of all the existing
Boroughs should also encourage the use of living green roofs in Central London was undertaken.
roofs in smaller developments and extensions This was commissioned by the GLA and was
where the opportunity arises [5] undertaken by the author. The total area
of green roofs in central London currently
Although it is too early to evaluate the stands at 179,000m2 – this just under twice the
effectiveness of the new policy, green roofs original audit for the whole of London. Since
have been delivered on an increasing scale then two further unpublished as yet audits
in the capital over the last 8 years and the have been undertaken for two of the London
new Plan should continue to enhance this Boroughs. The London Borough of Tower
momentum. Hamlets has over 170,000m2 of existing green

roofs. This is not surprising considering it is than 2 million m2 (21 million ft2). This shows
an area of London where a great deal of new the growth of the green roof market in London
development has occurred over the last ten has had a significant impact in London over
years. Across the river an audit of the London the last 15 years.
Borough of Lewisham shows that there are
60,000m2. It must be noted that this borough GREENING EXISTING BUILDING
is relatively suburban and conventional pitch STOCK
roof dwellings take up the majority of the land
area. Furthermore this district was one of the The potential for greening the existing
first boroughs to push green roofs through building stock in London was highlighted int
planning back in the early 2000s. It is also eh original technical report to support the
interesting to note that at least a fifth of the new London Plan. A series of 1 km sections of
roofs are combined solar and green roofs – central London were reviewed to understand
redently referred to as biosolarroofs. how many existing roofs could potentially be
retrofitted with green roofs. The estimate was
Taking these figures an estimation of the that 32% of the land area of Central London
current green roof coverage of London can had the potential to be greened. A series
be made. Excluding the City of London and of green infrastructure reports in recent
Westminster, which area covered by the years has qualified this area. In the Victoria
figure from for Central London there are a Business Improvement District (BID) the
further 31 boroughs. Using the lower total for total potential area was around 29% and in
the London Borough of Lewisham then the several other audits of BIDSin London the
total estimated area outside Central London figure varied between 25% and 33%. Taking
could be 1.8 million m2. Therefore the total an average of 28% the potential for greening
estimate area for London equates to just less existing stock in London is immense.

Cristal Tower. Madrid. I. de Felipe


A note should be made on how the above the retrofitting of green infrastructure into
calculations are arrived at. A good proportion the existing urban core, London through its
of flat roofs in Central London are inverted existing auditing processes is when placed to
roofs covered in shingle or pavers. Removal lead the way.
of this element would allow a reasonably good
green roof to be installed. There are quite a REFERENCES
few examples of where green roofs have been
retrofitted on inverted roofs in Central London 1 City of London (2003) Green Roofs Research
and elsewhere in the capital, so although Advice Note []
some commentators maybe sceptical of the
potential the figures do add up. 2 Frith, M. & Gedge, D. (2000). The black red-
start in urban Britain: a conservation conun-
The importance of retrofitting green roofs drum? British Wildlife, 8, 381–388
needs to be highlighted, especially in the
light of the new EU Green Infrastrucure and 3 Grant, G., Engleback, L. & Nicholson, B.
Ecosystem Services Policy. Whilst planning (2003). Green roofs: Their potential for conserv-
can deliver green roofs on new developments, ing biodiversity in urban areas. English Nature
cities like London will need to consider how Research Report 498. Peterborough, U.K. Eng-
they can adapt the existing building. To ensure lish Nature
the urban fabric is resilient to climate change
existing buildings will be key. Cities are 4 Green roof toolkit - http://www.en-
mainly made up of buildings, and therefore
green roofs will have to play an important thames/323147/2093788/?ver-
role in helping the existing fabric of the city sion=1&lang=_e
5 Living roofs and walls – technical report to sup-
CONCLUSION port the London Plan 2007
Over the last 15 years London has taken
great strides in delivering green roofs. From 6 London’s warming: The impacts of climate
near total resistance from the mainstream- change on London
building professionals back in the late 1990s lccp/publications/impacts.jsp
green roofs now an important and accepted
building technology. Through championing 7.
and development of policy and guidance, tus/news/archive/list/item/?id=2780&-
green roofs are not only being installed they year=2007&month=05
also being delivering to meet specific policy
agendas within the capital. 8 Our Towns and Cities: The Future - Deliver-
ing an Urban Renaissance (The Urban White
Although London may not appear to many Paper) 2000
to be one of the leading green roof cities in archived/general-content/citiesandregions/
the world, the figures outlined in this chapter publicationscities/urbanwhitepaper/
show otherwise. As the agenda moves toward
Green roof parking.
Bangalore. India.
I. de Fellipe
Toronto green terrace.
I. de Felipe.

National organization:
Office: Green Roofs Australasia Ltd
22 Oxford Street, Sydney, NSW, Aus.


Green Roofs Australasia (GRA) is a member National Conferences aim to provide a mix of
based peak body for promotion, dissemination international and national keynote speakers
and the education of vegetated systems for ur- and delegates with the latest developments in
ban development and renewal. The primary technology, research and design projects.
focus for GRA advocacy is green roof, living A comprehensive website provides members
wall and green facade systems for the built with a library; project gallery; image gallery;
environment which connect to deep soil land- videos; news; events; a professional registry,
scaping as a holistic solution for environmen- technology companies and social media con-
tal sustainability. nectivity through FB, a blog and Twitter:- Fol-
The goal is to promote a gradual transition low us on #GRAustralasia
from grey to green infrastructure based on
qualitative and quantitative research data. Associations:
GRA has developed associations with the Aus-
Background: tralian Institution of Architects; Australian In-
GRA was formed in 2006 as Green Roofs Aus- stitute of Landscape Architects; Horticulture
tralia and in 2010 included New Zealand to be- Australia; Landscape Contractors Association,
come known as Green Roofs Australasia. Nursery & the National Gardens Industry of
The structure of GRA has evolved from an in- Australia
corporated association to a registered compa-
ny limited by guarantee with Not For Profit International Affiliation:
status. GRA was a founding member of the World
The current Board of Directors are: Green Infrastructure Network (WGIN) and
President: Matthew Dillon holds a Board Member position.
Secretary: Tanya Excell
Treasurer: Zoe Zimmerman CONTACT:
Board: Kirsty Ruddock; Rosie Mohorko; Robert GRA Head Office in Sydney, Aus.E:

Membership: HOMEPAGE:
GRA membership categories include: Stu-
dents; Individuals; Sole Traders; Small Com-
panies; Corporations; Universities and Insti- NUMBER OF MEMBERS:
tutions; Capital City and Local Governments. 864 single members with

Corporate members: Adaption Centre, completed in 2012.

- Manufacturer: The City of Melbourne installed test green roof
- Distributer/supplier: plots on council buildings; held a competition;
- Supplier of components: began a community forum group ‘Canopy’;
- Living walls: sought community consultation; engaged the
- Professionals: research assistance of Burnley and developed
- Nurseries, Landscape Companies: guideline drafts which were released as ‘the
- Local Government Councils Growing Green Guide’ in 2013. http://imap.
- Sole Traders; Individuals; Students
CITY PROGRAMS NAL%20DRAFT%20website4.pdf
GRA has been active in discussions with Aus-
tralian Capital Cities regarding policy, re- about-us/our-locations/burnley/
search and appropriate incentive initiatives
since 2006. Initially, all research data, guide- cle/pii/S1618866710000099
lines, policy templates and best practice for The development of green infrastructure in
specification, design and maintenance were Sydney has largely been driven by clients
based on a hybrid USA - European model. and architects willing to absorb the addition-
Keynote speakers such as Nigel Dunnet, Ed al costs associated with design and construc-
Snodgrass, Manfred Koehler and other no- tion. The City of Sydney published Green Roof
table experts were brought to GRA Confer- Guidelines in 2010, which were based on the
ences to share, inspire and educate a small German FLL issue. In 2013 a new Green Roof
community of professionals, academics and Policy was legislated and will be on trial un-
tradespeople. The aim for GRA in the early til 2018, at which time the performances and
stages of industry development was to create the coverage will be monitored. Extensive
a platform for dissemination and education CBD Canopy planting throughout the CBD is
through conferences, speaking engagements, a response to mitigating the impacts of Urban
media interviews, and publications, building Heat Island Effects. http://www.cityofsydney.
membership, international networking and a
website. In 2007 a Labour Government swept
to power with a mandate to address climate Green-roofs-and-walls-strategy.pdf - 2012-11-
change primarily through a reduction of car- 05 (
bon emissions from large polluters. A Minis- data/assets/pdf_file/0011/158870/attach-
try for Climate Change & Water was formed ment_a__draft_green_roofs_and_walls_poli-
which worked in conjunction with the Minis- cy1.pdf)
try for Environment. The mood of the country The State of South Australia has been progres-
shifted with greater awareness for the envi- sive with research on green infrastructure at
ronment and funds were available for climate all three universities and collaborations with
change mitigation research. GRA continues Graham Hopkins and Christine Goodwin from
to play a significant role as a stakeholder in Fifth Creek Studios. The Botanic Gardens of
research projects around Australia. Adelaide published the Green Infrastructure
To date, the collaboration between the Univer- Project which aims at bringing community, in-
sity of Melbourne (UoM) Burnley Campus and dustry and government together to promote,
the City of Melbourne (CoM) has formulated demonstrate, guide policy and realise a tran-
a successful relationship which is an example sition towards a sustainable green urban en-
for other Australian Capital Cities to follow. vironment.
The UoM was the first to receive significant
funding for green roof plant research and for icgardens/Learn/Green_Infrastructure
the construction of a Green Infrastructure

Housing,%20property%20and%20land/PLG/ ACADEMIC RESEARCH

WSUD_chapter_6.pdf INSTITUTIONS -
utes_Agendas/April_June10/Agendas%5C- au/research/research-groups/green-infra-
May%5C5_May_PP%5CGreenRoofs_Appen- structure-research-group/
dix_2_policy_review.pdf - green-roofs-growing-research
news/industry-news/w-a-yet-to-embrace- -
green-roofs chives/51540/
CONFERENCES about-us/our-locations/burnley/
Annual national conferences with an interna- -
tional focus since 2007. The conferences vary joins-the-green-roof-revolution-
depending on the State with an average dele- -
gate attendance of 250 - 300. Local manufac- arch/default.htm
turers participate providing the general public -
& professionals with technology information tion-ark/research/projects?project=Attract-
at the Expo category. International & National ing%20native%20wildlife%20to%20green%20
keynotes cover a range of green infrastructure roofs%20and%20walls%20at%20the%20Ade-
topics over 3 days. laide%20Zoo
In 2014 GRA held the 2014 World Green In- -
frastucture Congress in Sydney with 32 Inter- ly/story1.asp
national and National leading authorities in -
the discipline of green infrastructure research; Njames-Gmetternicht_GRpolicy.pdf
design; technology and installation. The -
2014WGIC was attended by 420 delegates.” cember-journal--up-on-the-roof
- HF Castleton, V Stovin, SBM Beck, JB Davi-
FURTHER ACTIVITIES: son - Energy and Buildings, 2010 - Elsevie
Current working groups.
Rural Industry Research and Development dent-OptimumGreenRoofforBrisbane.pdf
Corporation (RIRDC)
Sustainable Built Environment, National Re- HIGHLIGHTED NATIONAL
VCCCAR; NGIA; Horticulture Australia; UTS - Living Architecture; Hopkins & Goodwin
Future Sustainability; UoM Adaption Centre; (CSIRO Press)
QUT; Fytogreen Australia; CSIRO; UNSW - Living Wall & Green Roofs Plants for Aus-
CRC; RBG SA; USA; UoA; SA Dept Land & En- tralia;
vironment. Adelaide Botanic Gardens; Curtin -
University. items/11-175
Water Sensitive Urban Design: http:// - icgardens/Learn/Green_Infrastructure - Bee Friendly: Planting Guide for Aust Polli-
ar?hl=en&q=%22green+roof%22+Austral- nators;
ia&btnG=&as_sdt=1%2C5&as_sdtp - searchCriteria=bee+friendly
the-city/green-roofs-and-walls - 2013-11-21
MEMBERSHIP: Australasia is in transition from grey to green
Founding nation member of WGIN infrastructure, however research data spe-

cific to climates is required to qualify and velopments as a successful marketing tool for
quantify new policy before real progress can sales. The interest has recorded steady growth
be acheived. There is a trend for all forms of since 2007 and with recent media attention for
green infrastructure including street canopy large projects, new research data and great-
planting, park revegetation; green roofs, liv- er awareness about the environmental, social
ing walls and green facades. Perceived costs and economic benefits demand, there are
and risks are a present barrier which results in strong signs for a surging expansion towards
green facades and extensive green roofs prov- 2020. Urban farming is a strong trend through-
ing cost efficient with less associated risks. out suburban communities however as yet
Green buildings are in public demand and liv- have not transcended to rooftops.
ing wall signatures are included on new de-

Source: Matt Dillon.


SOME NATIONAL KEY PERSONS Coastal dune revegetation and 263 hectares
OF GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE of revegetated native parkland including a 2.7
Graham Hopkins, Melinda Perkins, Steven hectare extensive green roof over the plant.
Livesley, John Rayner, Sasha Cohen, War- Sydney Olympic Park, NSW. The Brownfield
wick Savvas, Prof Peter Newman, Charlie Har- area of Homebush Bay was remediated from
groves, Dr Cheryl Desha, Mark Paul, Daniel an area of landfill, abattoirs and a navy arma-
Baffsksy, Matt Dillon, Sidonie Carpenter. ment depots into a multiuse Olympic site us-
ing WSUD technology to ensure that the town
GROWTH RATE RELATION remains ‘nationally and internationally recog-
BETWEEN EXTENSIVE /ROOF nised for excellence and innovation in urban
GARDENS/PODIUM DECKS AND design, building design and sustainability.
SOME WORDS ABOUT LIVING Australian Parliament House, Canberra, ACT.
WALLS AND INDOOR GREENING (Architect: Romaldo Giurgola, 1985) Capital
MARKET Hill was excavated to build the new Parlia-
There is no comprehensive data for the ment House and the earth was replaced to rec-
growth expansion of green roofs, living walls reate the hill form as a 40,000 sqm green roof
and green facades. However, within Sydney planted with turf.
inner suburbs there are presently 28 living Origin Energy Building, Melbourne, VIC
walls covering 2,684.89 sq.m and 55 green (Building Owner: Cromwell Group;
roofs covering 85961.46 sq.m Living Wall Design, System, Installation by the
Due to the cost of design, installation and GreenWall Company)
maintenance for media based living walls and The tallest living wall in Australia is an inter-
green roofs there has been a preference for nal continuous green spine down the central
green facade planting, especially for retro fit core of 22 floors to the foyer.
projects and car parks which require air circu- One Central Park, Sydney, NSW. (Architect:
lation and filtered day light. Jean Nouvel; Vertical Garden Design: Patrick
The real estate industry reports that sales Blanc. Construction: Frasers Group. Collab-
for off plan on new developments sell faster orating Landscape Architects: Aspect Studios
if there are obvious green elements such as Sydney)
a green roof or wall. Such developments are Planted 20-50 metre felt panels specified by
marketed as ‘green villiages’ providing resi- PB with 500 species growing at altitudes of 10
dent community activities. - 150m. Also, planter boxes with spill plant-
ing and tensile s/s cables for creepers (Tensile
Major Projects Australia). At ground level a new 6,400 sqm
Victorian Desalination Plant, Wonthaggi, VIC green roof public park.
(Architects: ARM/ Peckvonhartel;
Landscape Architects: Aspect Studios Mel- RECOMMENDED NATIONAL
bourne. WEBPAGES:
Design, installation & maintenance: Fytogreen

Verband für Bauwerksbegrünung, VfB
Wiedner Hauptstr. 63, Postbox 351
AT-1045 Vienna, Austria
Type of Organisation: Non-Profit Organisation
Contact Person: Vera ENZI (Spokeswoman), Gerold STEINBAUER (President), Elisabeth GRUCH-
MANN (Secretary)
Website VfB:
Website GSG:
Phone: +43 650 634 96 31

ABOUT US on build ings thr ough com m unication,

The non-profit Austrian Green Roof and Living demonstration projects, business incubators,
Wall Association (VfB) was founded in 1991 and law and policies activities – not only on
brings together over 70 industry and business national, but also on European level. The
players, planning, delivering and maintaining intention is to upscale and share the results
greened buildings in Austria. Since 2017, the with all partners in the European network and
Austrian association (VfB) is 100% owner of market (knowledge transfer). The trade of the
the Austrian competence centre and central greening industry is now highly demanded
coordination unit GRÜNSTATTGRAU, the and ready for rollout. After publishing the
Innovation Laboratory for Green Cities. national standards for green roofs ÖNORM
GRÜNSTATTGRAU is supported by the L1131 (2010) and interior landscaping ÖNORM
Austrian Ministry of Transport, Innovation and L 1133 (2017), a committee of experts (VfB) are
Technology and consists of a partner network currently working on the Austrian Standards
of over 300 entities from public, research and of outdoor vertical greening (ÖNORM L1136),
business sector. GRÜNSTATTGRAU is facilitated including the results of the latest fire protection
by three different experts panels formed by tests. Furthermore, GRÜNSTATTGRAU is
the network partners (business,scientific and supporting cities to set up strategies including
external advisory board) who are supervising green infrastructure. The demand of action
GRÜNSTATTGRAU with their expertise. taking within cities for climate change adaption
is rising.
The instruments of GRÜNSTATTGRAU are
MISSION AND CURRENT STATUS including demonstration testbeds in different
In light of its background of the Austrian cities, a moving Green Laboratory on roadshow
Green Roof and Green Wall Association, and a multi-stakeholder online platform
GRÜNSTATTGRAU is focussing on the future to develop and offer own supporting tools,
of urban green environment, innovations and services and technologies.
ideas for green cities, products and services, The mobile Living Lab unit test-track
activities targeting research dissemination and roadshow of GRÜNSTATTGRAU is a
knowledge transfer, technical implementation reconstructed cargo container called MUGLI
guidance, co-creation activities and economic that is used to demonstrate various kinds of
and social cooperation regarding Green green roof, outdoor and indoor green wall
Infrastructure and nature based solutions on technologies, energy production, pollinator
buildings and their implementation. and bird supporting technologies and in
The aim is to promote all levels of green general new innovative approaches for green

The mobil Living Lab, named MUGLI in Vienna Residential Green Roof, Sargfabrik Vienna

Greening the facade Austrians largest sustainable, Urban Gardening Residential Green roof, OASE 22,
with climbing plants, self-seeding Green Wall, Vienna
municipality building municipality building MA48,
MA31, Vienna Vienna

and energy infrastructure. MUGLI stands for online platform includes databases for It is used showcase projects, products, R&D-projects and
for information and communication work, greening experts and provides different online
awareness rising, events, as an experimental services of GRÜNSTATTGRAU, for example
space, to generate live monitoring data and as a free digital first level consultancy service
a meeting point and physical centre to show for projects called “Greening Check”. Event
green technologies come alive. Since summer calendar and newsletter are implemented. In
2017 MUGLI is touring through Austria and the internal area we provide studies and data
beyond to bring the greening technology for premium users. All network partners of
to all target and synergy partner cities of GRÜNSTATTGRAU have online profiles to
GRÜNSTATTGRAU. present their innovations, products, projects or
The GRÜNSTATTGRAU online platform ideas online.
( is a multi-stakeholder The Green Living Laboratory
platform for all network partners of GRÜNSTATTGRAU represents an innovative
GRÜNSTATTGRAU and the interested public. approach for facilitation and multiplication
It provides information for green cities and of national, European and global interests in
nature based solutions, greening technologies Climate Change adaptation through Green
and best practice of green buildings. The Infrastructure and Nature Based Solutions.

Adress: Grote Moerstraat 76, 8200 Bruges (Belgium)

Recreation Center.

CURRENT PRESIDENT requirements, current scientific knowledge

Simon Perneel and external imput of experts. It’s aiming
to develop general standard requirements
by the end of 2019 in order to dessiminated
SIZE OF THE ASSOCIATION these requirements to architects and other
20 membres stakeholders.
Parallel to this, first steps are taken to organise
Founded in 2018, the federation reunites a quality label and the assessment systems
around 70% of of contractors of green roof of it in order to encourage contractors and
and green walls in Belgium. The federation architects to aspire for qualitive green roofs
is lead by a board meeting every two months and green walls. Current and future research
and guided by a member comittee every four projects are supported in order to close
months. knowledge gaps of regional-related topics and
The mission is to improve the quality and the in European programs.
public awareness of green roofs and green Regional projects on the promotion of green
walls in the construction market. To achieve roofs (and wider aims as biodiversity) are
this, several specialized comittees focus supported.
on determine qualifications of the different The federation acts also as an intermediate
layers and the relation between. For that, organ between the members and the
it’s focussing on existing European quality governement for topics as the drought of 2019.

National organization:
Ciudades Verdes Bolivia

Verdes Bolivia is an online platform that

STRUCTURE AND MISSION: serves as a meeting place where individuals
Ciudades Verdes Bolivia is a Bolivian collective and institutions can share ideas, projects and
that gathers individuals and institutions proposals as well as inform others of best
committed to the development of cities that practices in addition to current local and
promote citizens’ well-being in harmony international initiatives.
with the environment and principles of
sustainability. OTHER ACTIVITIES:
Ciudades Verdes Bolivia is an online platform
Mission: that currently seeks to engage its members
To generate opportunities for people and through virtual discussions and posts. Ciudades
institutions that are committed to the Verdes Bolivia places a special emphasis on
development of green cities in Bolivia to share leveraging its existing network to identify new
ideas, experiences and best practices. members and, as such, introduce green ideas
and concepts to a wider audience.
Bolivia is a country characterized by GREEN ROOF RESEARCH
green cities that are in harmony with the INSTITUTIONS
environment and offer social well-being. - CIDES-UMSA
- Fundación Milenio
Ciudades Verdes Bolivia is a virtual network - ,Dirección de Investigación Científica y
launched in 2014. Tecnológica (Cochabamba)
- Maria Teresa Nogales (Fundación
Alternativas) FUTURE TRENDS
- Gabriela Aro (Municipal Government of La Ciudades Verdes Bolivia will engage its
Paz) current network through online discussions
- Javier Valda (FAO – Bolivia) and posts in an effort to encourage members
to share ideas, best practices and lessons
CONTACT PERSON: learned related to green initiatives in Bolivia
Maria Teresa Nogales and around the globe. Ciudades Verdes Bolivia will seek opportunities
to organize events, presentations and other
HOMEPAGE: activities aimed at fostering greater visibility for national green initiatives.


- Professor Julio Prudencio (CIDES-UMSA),
Membership to Ciudades Verdes Bolivia is - Professor Ivonne Farah (CIDES-UMSA), La
open to the public and free of charge. Ciudades Paz

- Lic. Bishelly Elias (Agrónomos & - Lic. Oscar Bazoberry (IPDRS), La Paz
Veterinarios Sin Fronteras), La Paz - Lic. Anne Piepenstock (GIZ), La Paz
- Arq. Roberto Auchen (Representative Green - Dr. Angélica Stemmer (Dirección de
Building Bolivia), La Paz Investigación Científica y Tecnológica
- Lic. Silvana Galindo (Gerente Parque - Universidad Mayor de San Simón),
Urbano Central), La Paz Cochabamba
- Lic. Stephan Von Borris (Environmental
Consultant), Santa Cruz de la Sierra RECOMMENDED NATIONAL
- Ing. Rudy Guzman (Forestry Expert & WEBPAGES:
Consultant), Santa Cruz de la Sierra
- Lic. Andrea Urioste (Fundación Amigos de
la Naturaleza), Santa Cruz de la Sierra
- Lic. Maria Teresa Nogales (Fundación
Alternativas), La Paz
- Lic. Andrea Ibañez Pantoja (Fundación ent&view=article&id=6795:parque-urbano-
Alternativas), La Paz central&catid=211&Itemid=657
- Lic. Javier Thellaeche (Fundación
Alternativas), La Paz
- Lic. Maria Julia Jimenez (Slow Food Bolivia),
La Paz
- Ing.Carmen Sotomayor (AOPEB), La Paz

Green roof La Paz. Source: I. de Felipe.


Sérgio Rocha Founder | Instituto Cidade Jardim
+55 11 98322-1728

HISTORY In 2016 we were granted by the Sustainable

Instituto Cidade Jardim (The Garden City Cities - Intelligent Cities award offered by
Institute) is a Brazilian company founded in FAPESP and FINEP (Brazilian development
2008 to offer regenerative solutions to heal the agencies) to improve product research and to
urban environment, using the rooftop market make this innovation ready for the market.
to achieve the scale of transformation we
must reach to cope with urban development
challenges for the 21th century. MISSION
We design and produce materials for green To make current dry roof technology so
roofs, having installed over 80,000m2 in these obsolete to the point that, in the near future,
first 10 years. We also offer online courses and instead a desert, we will look at the city skyline
training for students from all over the world. and see a forest canopy.
In 2012 we patented a brand new green roof
solution to bring all the well-known benefits
of green roofing to those buildings (and OBJECTIVES
also houses, sheds, etc.) without slabs or We intend to do for the green roof industry
waterproofing membranes, with the PLUS the same Steve Jobs made for the personal
capability to work in a closed hydroponic loop, computers. Along with our new patented all-
fed with reused water - it’s water conservative, in-one green roof technology, green roofing
turns dirt water into biomass or food, and will be easier and finally at reach for all those
promises to make green roofs more accessible who has a roof. The new product launching is
to the developing world. planned for the 1st semester, in Brazil.

National organization:
International Rooftop Landscaping Association
Room 105, Building 4, Construction Yard, Sanlihe Road,
Haidian District, 100037, Beijing, China
Tel: 86-10-67115339 Fax: 86-10-68312977


International Rooftop Landscaping - Zhiqiang Wu (President)
Association (IRLA) was established by green - Xianmin Wang
roof volunteers, and officially registered as a
non-profit social organization in the United HOMEPAGE:
States on Aug. 7th, 2009. IRLA has set up many
offices around the world, with the Asian/
Pacific region’s office located in China, where NUMBER OF MEMBERS:
the secretary-general Prof. Xianmin Wang IRLA now has 130 company members,
takes charge of the daily activities. including construction companies,
IRLA’s aim is to organize and unite green manufacturers, designing institutes, and
roof workers, promote world peace, and material and plant suppliers. There are also
protect the environment, construct low- 4,000 individual members in the association.
carbon, energy-saving, liveable and well-
landscaped ecological environments, carry CITY PROGRAMS
out rooftop farming, develop roof agriculture, - Beijing, 2011: promoting vertical greening in
improve land use efficiency, and facilitate the its documents.
sustainable development of human society. - Shanghai, 2012: different subsidies according
IRLA’s professional field includes green roofs, to the scale of vertical greening projects.
green walls, indoor greening, etc; carbon - Tianjin, 2013: planning to construct 100,000
construction, energy-efficient buildings, m2 of green roof gardens annually.
land use efficiency, rainwater collection and - Shenzhen, Guangdong Province,
application, rooftop farming, and ecological &Chongqing, 2013: add vertical greening into
restoration protecting, planning, constructing its regulations.
and managing. - Henan Province, 2013: formulating normative
IRLA’s principal activities: documents on green roof technologies.
- To organize international academic exchange Conferences:
activities, promote technological development Annual international conferences since 2010:
and cooperation; - 2010 Shanghai World Green Roof Conference,
-To popularize new technologies, and call on with about a thousand attendees;
people participating in greening to beautify - 2011 Hainan World Green Roof Conference,
our living environment; also with hundreds of attendees from all over
-To issue green roof development related the world;
awards; - 2012 Hangzhou World Green Roof Congress,
-To carry out professional education research annual meeting of WGIN, with about 1,500
and promote professional training. people;
Every year, IRLA has a conference on vertical - 2013 Nanjing World Green Roof Congress,
greening. In 2014, the conference will focus with hundreds of attendees.
on the “Ecocity.” - In 2014, the name will be changed to

Roof gardens in the style of a Chinese garden in Hangzhou. Source: M. Köhler

the International Ecocity and Green Roof In Suzhou, IRLA and the local government
Conference at Qingdao, Shandong Province. established a design institute to learn from
world-class designers and build world-class
FURTHER ACTIVITIES: vertical greening projects in China (2013).
Professional trainings are held every year all
over China, such as in Shanghai, Chongqing, MEMBERSHIP:
Shenzhen, Qingdao, Dalian and Beijing. The Founding member of WGIN
meetings are about vertical greening materials,
technology and design. ACADEMIC RESEARCH
Annual conferences are held in different INSTITUTIONS
cities. - School of Architecture, Tsinghua University:
Beginning in 2014, there will be training on
specific technologies and vertical greening htm
skills, such as irrigation, plant selection - College of Architecture and Landscape
and ecological bags to protect slopes. Most Architecture of Peking University: http://
importantly, experts will teach trainees by
actually doing it on their own. - Beijing Institute of Landscape Arvhitecture:
In Qiandeng, IRLA and the local government
established a base to turn Qiandeng into an - Shanghai Academy of Agriculture Sciences:
ecotown by 2018.

- Zhejiang Academy of Agriculture Sciences: GROWTH RATE RELATION BETWEEN EXTENSIVE /ROOF
- Shanghai Jiaotong University School of GARDENS/PODIUM DECKS AND
Agriculture and Biology: http://www.agri.sjtu. SOME WORDS ABOUT LIVING WALLS AND INDOOR GREENING
- Shenzhen Institute of Garden Sciences MARKET:
About 12,000,000 m² total green roofs with a
SELECTED NATIONAL SCIENTIFIC rate of increase about 20% to 25%, mostly in
PUBLICATION: extensive gardens.
Books: Green Roofs, Vertical Greening in Green facades with climbers are common in
Beijing Olympic Games, Vertical Greening in many cities.
Shanghai Expo Garden, Roof Garden Design Vertical greening is developing very fast in
and Case Study China, but due to it being in the beginning
Journals: Building Science and Technology, stages, large-scale projects are not yet common.
Chinese Landscape Architecture Also, because vertical greening just started in
China, the markets are very promising.
Green roofs, green walls, hanging gardens, RECOMMENDED NATIONAL
roof farming, roof lawns and underground WEBPAGES:
garage greening.,
Prof. Xianmin Wang, Dingguo Zhao, Prof.
Zhaolong Wang, Lili Han, Yifan Tan

National organization:
Red Colombiana de Infraestructura Vegetada. RECIVE,
Calle 42 No. 8a-80 Oficina 1301
Bogota D.C.

STRUCTURE AND MISSION: projects in academia at the undergraduate

RECIVE is a non-profit professional network, and graduate levels, National University of
aiming to promote the development of green Colombia, Humboldt University (IASP), and
infrastructure in Colombia as: Universidad Piloto de Colombia.
- A responsible practice that enhances envi- -More than 60 publications in mass media
ronmental quality and promotes well-being. journals, technical magazines, academic
- A long-standing and feasible technology. journals and international websites.
- A successful and sustainable market. -Technical advice to various government en-
To achieve this objective, our multidiscipli- tities.
nary group of experts conducts activities in
five strategic cores of work: ORGANIZATION –
a. Promotion and education STRUCTURE:
b. National database Non-profit, non-government organization.
c. Assessment and certification
d. Technical advice and regulations Committees:
e. Innovation and development - Technical and scientific. Director: Andrés
Ibáñez G.
RECIVE was founded in 2011 after initial de- - Financial sustainability. Director: Pablo At-
velopment of green infrastructure over the uesta
last 4 years: - Communications. Director: Luis Alberto Su-
-More than 60 implementations in public and arez
private projects. - Advisory and education. Director: Bio David
-More than 60,000 m2 of infrastructure Perico
greened. - Policy and regulations. Director: Miguel
-Formulation of the multi-scale func- Angel Cardenas
tion-based Green Roof Guidelines of Bogota
(By-law 418, 2009). Board of directors:
-Inclusion of Colombia as a member of the - Chair: Andrés Ibáñez G.
World Green Infrastructure Network since - Vice-chair: David Perico
2010. - Treasurer: Pablo Atuesta
-Co-founding of ALIVE, Asociación Latino- - Secretary: Luis Alberto Suarez
americana de Infraestructura Verde (Latin
American Green Infrastructure Association), CONTACT PERSONS:
2010. Andrés Ibáñez G.
-Participation in the World Congresses in
Mexico, 2010; China, 2011; France, 2013; and
Singapore, 2013. HOMEPAGE:
-Participation in research and development

Source: A. Ibañez


- Founding companies: 4 - A natural skin for Bogota, conference 1 on
- Regular members: 6 Vegetated surfaces.
- Executive members: 4 - A natural skin for Bogota, conference 2 on
- Sponsor members: Vegetated surfaces. Aug 13-15, 2013
- Honorary members: 1 - A natural skin for Bogota, conference 2 on
Vegetated surfaces. Nov 15, 2013
- Bylaw 419, 2009, promotion of green roofs in una-piel-natural-para-bogota/memori-
Bogota. as-del-evento
- Biotic Roofs Guidelines, Secretary of Envi- -
ronment, Bogota, 2012. una-piel-natural-para-bogota
- Biotic Walls Guidelines, Secretary of Environ-
ment, Bogota, 2013. MEMBERSHIP:
- Founding member of LAGIN, member of
una-piel-natural-para-bogota//consulta-la- WGIN
- Urban agriculture program, Municipality and ACADEMIC RESEARCH
Botanical Gardens. institutions
- Sustainable construction code, under devel- - National University of Colombia http://
opment. www.
- Colombian environmental construction la- - Universidad de Los Andes http://www. uni-
bel. ICONTEC, 2013.
- Environmental Observatory, environmental - Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Colombia
reporting, Secretary of Environment, Bogota. - Universidad Piloto de Colombia http://www.

- Universidad del Bosque http://www. uelbos- NATIONAL KEY PERSONS OF GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE
- Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería http:// - Andrés Ibáñez G.
www. - Miguel Angel Cárdenas P.
- Universidad de Antioquia http://www. - Alejandra Rincón - Andres Martinez
tal/EnglishPortal - Diana Wiesner
- Universidad EAFIT http://www.
co/english/Paginas/english-version-univer- GROWTH RATE RELATION
sidad-eafit-medellin-colombia-south-america. BETWEEN EXTENSIVE /ROOF
- Universidad del Valle http://www. univalle. SOME WORDS ABOUT LIVING WALLS AND INDOOR GREENING
- Universidad de Nariño http://www. udenar. MARKET: The average area of biotectonics implemented
per year in Colombia since 2009 is estimated
SELECTED NATIONAL SCIENTIFIC at 12,796 square meters. 82% of the potential
PUBLICATION: market is concentrated in 5 strategic zones:
Biotic Roof Guidelines. Guia Tecnica de Capital region, Paisa Region, Santander, Costal
Techos Bioticos de Bogota, Secretaria Distrital region, and Valle del Cauca. Bogotá accounts
de Ambiente, 2012. for one quarter of the overall market available
Techos Vivos: Sistemas constructivos de in the country.
techos verdes extensivos en Bogota. Ibáñez New developments accounted for 81.27% of
Gutiérrez, Andrés, Master’s thesis, Master of the number of projects intervened with biotec-
Building, National University of Colombia, Bo- tonics, and retrofit projects for 18.73%.
gotá, 2009. By the end of 2012, the total area of building
Modelación física de un techo verde extensivo surfaces greened (biotic roofs and walls) had
para la aplicación de un sistema de drenaje reached 60,000 square meters.
urbano sostenible. León Fandiño, Eduardo Al- Three building uses contributed the most to
fonso, Master’s thesis, Master in Engineering the increase in vegetated surfaces in urban
- Hydraulic Resources, Faculty of Engineering, areas: Commercial (38.6%), Office (18.5%),
National University of Colombia, 2012 Hotels (8.5%) and Institutional (7.5%).
The area of biotic wall installation has been
CURRENT TRENDS: growing significantly in the last year, but there
- Ecologically specialized biotic roofs is no data available.
- Eco-productive biotic roofs
- Micro infrastructure (bus stops) RECOMMENDED NATIONAL
- Sustainable urban drainage systems WEBPAGES:
- Social urban farming
- Biotic walls and advertising
- Locally developed technologies
- Substrates with recycled materials
- Substrates with natural organic fibers

National organization:
Calle Amargura 60, lower level,
between Mercaderes & San Ignacio
La Habana Vieja, Cuba
C.P. 10100
Telephone: (537) 8649512 y 13

HAVANA: TWO INITIATIVES FOR has had good acceptance by the inhabitants
THE HUMAN’S WELFARE AND besides of contributing with the improvement
ENVIRONMENT of the environmental situation and image of
Located in the area inside of the walls of the the local area. Simon Bolivar, Las Carolinas,
old village San Cristobal de la Habana, in and Carlos J. Finlay Parks are great examples.
the capital city, its historical center has gone The new environmental strategy of ZPC
through a large process of transformation 2013-2020, has as objective to reinforce
thanks to the work of a multitask team, led the work projections towards green areas
by Havana’s city historians office. Declared in and biodiversity, with programs aimed to
1978 national monument and in 1982 world rehabilitate and create new green spaces and
cultural heritage by UNESCO, in 1993 was to improve its management. Little by little
one of the priorities among the areas aimed to appear small family gardens in inner yards and
conservation (ZPC)1 , and in 1995 among the roofs. The strategy emphasizes on promoting
most important areas aimed for tourism. The the inclusion of environmental dimension
model for urban recovery that it promotes, from the projects’ conception and design,
tries to reach an alive- Historical Center, linked all of it according to the good use of natural
to the life quality of its citizens. That’s why the and urban resources, the implementation of
different work fields meet the same challenge better practices like cleaner production and
of influencing on the human being’s welfare sustainable consumption, the insertion of
and keeping the environment’s quality. green spaces and climate change adaption.
Because of the reduced amount of spaces, La Quinta de los Molinos, located in Havana’s
in the Historical Center the green areas are heart, has recently been assigned to the
located mainly in the Port Avenue, Prado, Historian’s Office so that it would be rescued
Central Park and Fraternity Park, which as well as its heritage, environmental and
comprise 18 hectares of total surface. In its historic values. It borders Cerro, Plaza and
interior, the restoration works in the oldest Centro Habana. Declared in 1981 National
part of the city has paid special attention to Monument and previously Botanical Garden of
parks and squares. It is frequently seen the use Havana and Cuba, started to work as a facility
of flower boxes in balconies and inner gardens of environmental education on September
in the old houses and buildings. Achieving 2011.Since then, many didactics workshops
good harmonization in this process through and tours have been developed in different
the use of empty spaces where old buildings specialties, in order to teach the students how
collapsed is one of the objectives; they have to take care of the environment and use the
turned into parks with urban furniture with natural resources in a responsible way.
a lot of green and sport fields. Such a practice Nowadays, the Quinta de los Molinos has 4.8

hectares, creating the first wooden band in Among the first programs of the Quinta de
the city, it has almost 170 species of plants, los Molinos, we can find the social work, with
14 of them are originally from Cuba, the most activities like gardening, organic productions,
common are the arborous ones, followed by the permaculture, animal well-being, among
herbaceous one and finally, in a less degree the others. Also, it offers veterinary consultation
shrubs one. According to the size of this land, and to worm pets. Also it gives special attention
the location in the city, and the diversity in the to senior people, so they can find here an
flora, we can find a wild fauna associated with excellent place to talk about topics related to
the vegetation of this place. In 2005, specialists natural science, environment, international
from the Instituto de Ecología y Sistemática, of culture and protection of nature.
the Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio The environmental educational labor of this
Ambiente (CITMA) made a research and they institution combines the theory given in
found 66 species, 19 of them were mollusk (7 the classrooms with the practice in natural
fluvials and 12 land ones) including 1 endemic areas. Students from the primary and the
of this área, 2 amphibious, 8 reptiles, 32 birds secondary level schools are the ones that take
(14 migratory) and 5 species of mammals. In more advantages of this place. This Garden
2010, students from the Faculty of Biology of also supports an important subject called «El
the Havana’s University made a research in Mundo en que Vivimos», this subject is taught
order to characterize the invertebrates in the to the students that are in 4th grade. They also
area, reporting a large number of individuals receive guided tours in this place. Besides,
from different species. it contributes in the practical formation of

Las Carolinas

Parque Simón Bolivar

gardening students from the Trade School of aquatic plants and the importance of fish in
the Historian of the City Office and also for the ponds.
students who are majoring in Natural Sciences In order to carry out these activities, this garden
at the University of Havana. has a specialized team in communication,
This area produces organic fertilizers and popular education, biology, agronomy and
plant trees that are used for parks and gardens informatics; also it has specialists from the City
in the Historical center and other areas. It has Historian Office, the University of Havana,
a workshop for the elaboration of handcrafts the Heritage Society and Environment, among
that can have an utilitarian or ornamental other contributors. The Garden Quinta de los
function, floral decoration, brushes made Molinos works in order to be an interactive
of palm fruits, nests for wild nests and park for learning natural science and
biodegradable bags. Also it has a place for environmental education.
obtaining worm humus and 32 flowerbeds Autors collective
for planting vegetables, spices and medicinal SPCMA
plants. All these contribute to a self system of
organic production with didactical purposes in GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT
city areas, very attractive to visitors. “SOCIEDAD PATRIMONIO,
Visitors can improve their knowledge here and COMUNIDAD Y MEDIO
participate in events and festivals of different AMBIENTE”­­­­
specialties that are aimed to the protection of SPCMA (Heritage, Community and
the nature and the environment. They can Environment Society)
learn how to plant an orchid and a tree, to Slogan: For the City, its Inhabitants and the
eat healthy, to breed a pigeon, to know about Environment


Founded on May 12­­­­­­­­ of 2004, the Heritage, • To support the socio-cultural program of the
Community and Environment Society is a Office of the City Historian.
not-for-profit civil organization. The Society • To make known, both internally and
has a two-fold mission: first, to cooperate internationally, the planning and management
with initiatives that advance the socio- activities on which this program is based.
cultural program for the rehabilitation and • To promote the establishment and development
revitalization of the City of Havana, initially of knowledge and skills in disciplines relevant to
launched in the city’s Historical Centre and the Society’s three program areas.
now expanding throughout the rest of the • To support the management and implementation
Priority Zone as designated by the Office of of donations and projects focused on the heritage,
the City Historian; and second, to support the community and urban environment of the City
planning and management structures that of Havana.
make this work possible, by promoting them • To sponsor and carry out events at both the
both domestically and in the international national and international level.
arena. To carry out this mission, the Society • To promote research within the Society’s
manages, coordinates and implements a program areas.
range of projects within three program areas: • To facilitate and carry out the transfer of
Heritage, Community, and the Environment. experience and technology with and among other
Members: institutions and countries.
Its membership consists of individuals and
institutions, both national and international, BOARD OF DIRECTORS:
who are interested in the preservation, Honorary President: Eusebio Leal Spengler
rehabilitation, management, development and President: Ana Lourdes Soto Pérez
promotion of the historical, architectural and Full Members: Magda Resik Aguirre
cultural heritage of the City of Havana, and in Nelys García Blanco
the community and environmental issues that Ángel Valdés Mujica
affect the City. José Vázquez Rodríguez
Substitute Members: Pablo Fornet Gil
Martha Rosa Muñoz Campos
Orlando Ramos Blanc

National organization:
General information
Czech Landscape Gardening Association – Czech Green Roof
Association (Svaz zakládání a údržby zeleně, z.s. - odborná
sekce Zelené střechy (ZeS))
Údolní 33, 602 00 Brno
Managing Director: Ing. Jana Šimečková
President: Ing. Jitka Dostalová
Chapter written by: Ing. Pavel Dostal,


Description: DRN is a newbuilt administrative • 24 individual members (installation
building in the heart of Prague close to the companies)
Czech National Theatre. It features 650 m 2 • 7 business members (manufacturers of
of intensive green roof and a 5-storey green components)
façade of 262 m 2 with grasses and spring • 2 associated members (associations)
bulbous flowers in national colours. DRN has
been awarded first place in the competition CURRENT ACTIVITIES
Green Roof of the Year 2018. In 2016, the Association implemented a project called “Green roofs – hope for the future II.”
menu/soutezni-dila/budova-drn-objekt-se- (Zelené st ř echy – nad ě je pro budoucnost
smisenymi-funkcemi-vyuziti/ II.) supported by the Czech Ministry of
Environment. The most significant outcome of
STRUCTURE AND MISSION the project was the publication of Czech green
The Czech Green Roof Association (Sekce roofs standards which coins the terminology
Zelené střechy) was founded in 2013 under of green roofs, describes their functions,
the Czech Landscape Gardening Association categorizes green roof types and stipulates
(Svaz zakládání a údržby zeleně). It comprises the qualitative requirements for each layer of
natural and legal persons which actively engage green roof. It also describes suitable vegetation,
in business activities in areas of landscaping its maintenance and recommended warranty
and greenery on buildings, particularly green conditions. The document is first of its kind
roofs. The Association supports the greening in the Czech Republic and has been used as a
of roofs, walls and other constructions qualitative requirement for a national green
as means of sustainable construction, roof subsidy program “New green savings”.
environmental protection and urban greenery In the following year, the Association published
retrofitting. Since its founding, the Association an overview of measures used to support
is a member of the European Federation green roof uptake in European countries
of Green Roof and Wall Associations – EFB. and cities. The document was welcomed by
It offers topical seminars and workshops for municipalities looking to promote urban green
professionals and the general public, issues infrastructure and climate adaptation.
expert publications including the Czech green In 2018, supported by a Ministry of
roof standards, organizes the Green roof of the Environment grant as in previous years, the
year competition and engages in international Association continued to spread knowledge
projects. In 2018, the Association became a about green roofs. As a result, an information
member of the Czech Green Building Council. portal has been created to serve professionals

as well as general public looking to find expert The City of Pilsen includes green roofs and
non-commercial information about green walls to help mitigate the risk of flash flooding,
roofs. In the next years, the Association aims and to lower the risks of heatwaves. Green
to further spread knowledge about roofs are one of the four climate adaptation
measures recommended and elaborated.
SOME SELECTED CITY GREENING The City of Ostrava as with other Czech cities
PROGRAMS is also looking to use green roofs to reduce the
The City of Prague, in its Strategy on proportion of sealed surfaces and ameliorate
Adaptation to Climate Change, aims to support the urban heat island. It is considering the
the introduction of green roofs and other green development of incentives to help achieve
infrastructure elements, find ways to encourage this.
green roofs including grant programs, edit
current grant programs so that they enable the SOME SPECIFIC RELATED HOT
support of green roofs, establish a “best green TOPICS
roof competition” in Prague. 195 000 m2 green roofs have been created in
The City of Brno includes green roofs and the Czech Republic in 2017, which represents
green walls within its strategy to lower the risk an annual increase of 50 %. 77 % (150 000 m2)
of heatwaves and the urban heat island effect. of the total were extensive and 23 % (45 000
Currently, the city is looking to use existing m2) were intensive green roofs. Green roofs
areas for the creation of green roofs and walls. are predominantly requested by the private
Micro-grants are being considered as one of sector.
the measures to achieve this.


Name: EFB- European Federation of Green Roof and
Living Wall Associations (Europäische Föderation
Address: Wiedner Hauptstr. 63; AT-1045 Vienna, Austria
Type of Organisation: Non-Profit Organisation
Contact Person: Vera ENZI (Spokeswoman), Dusty GEDGE
(President), Elisabeth GRUCHMANN-BERNAU (Secretary)
Phone: +43 650 634 96 31

The EFB was founded in 1997 as a Non- • Germany (BUGG

Profit Organisation based with its main office • Germany (VBHS
and in Vienna (AT). There are currently 16 • France (ADIVET
national green roof and wall associations that • Hungary (ZEOSZ
are members of the federation, including • Italy (AIVEP
Switzerland as an exchange partner: • Netherlands (VBB
• Austria (VfB, GSG • Poland (PSDZ • Portugal (ANCV
• Czech Republic (ZES • United Kingdom (

• Scandinavia: Sweden, Norway, Finland, MISSION AND CURRENT STATUS

Denmark (SGRA, The Federation and its national members
SGRI actively promote the use of green roofs and
• Spain (PRONATUR. green facades throughout Europe. Such
• Belgium (BVG) technologies are known to provide better
• Serbia (GRA quality of life for towns and cities by returning
• Exchange partner Switzerland (SFG sfg- sealed surfaces back to nature and help with Climate Change Adaptation. In 2018
the European Parliament and the Council
ABOUT US amended the Directive 2010/31/EU on the
The national associations themselves consist energy performance of buildings and the
of over 500 Small to Medium Enterprises and Directive 2012/27/EU on energy efficiency.
their employees, dealing with manufacturing, In this light, green roofs and walls can
supplying and construction of Green Roofs contribute even more by improving building’s
and Walls in Europe. The association is still energy performances and help meeting other
growing with new members, like Serbia important targets like renewable Energies
in 2018, and supporting other countries development.
like currently Luxembourg to establish By organizing urban green infrastructure
an association. Most national associations conferences over Europe (EUGIC) the transfer
have full and extraordinary members from of knowledge becomes enhanced. In 2015 the
Universities, City Governments, Planning and first European Urban Green Infrastructure
Architecture bodies related to the association. Conference took place in Vienna with
Green Roofs and Living Walls of all kinds offer great success, followed by Budapest in 2017
a wide range of different measurable benefits. and London in 2019. Within the last years
They are therefore considered as an important working groups supported by the European
element of the Urban Green Infrastructure Commission intensified and Green Roof and
network especially in densely built retrofit wall Technologies became part of Horizon
areas of cities. The EFB is supporting Green 2020 projects across Europe. Currently the
Roofs and Walls on European level through EFB has started a market research initiative to
policy standards, research, promotion, generate a comprehensive market report for
education, knowledge transfer, etc.. the greening industry (2018-2019).

National organization:
ADIVET, Association des toitures et façades végétales
85, rue Gabriel Péri, 92120 Montrouge, France
François Lassalle, president
Marc Lacaille, general delegate


Established in 2003, Adivet is a non- - Cities involved in green roofs/green façades:
governmental, non-profit organization to • Paris (Plan Local d’Urbanisme, Plan
promote all national activities of green roofs biodiversité)
(extensive, semi-intensive and intensive) and • Lyon
green façades. The association brings together • Grenoble
the key players in the green roof and green - National environmental process « Grenelle
wall industry (manufacturers, waterproofing de l’environnement», launched by former
and landscaping contractors, professional president Sarkozy, and still working.
associations, etc.). It recently expanded to
encompass the green wall industry, a sector in CONFERENCES:
which many of its members have been present Technical symposiums since 2004, in
for several years. association with:
Concerning the green roofs, the hard work and - CSTB (national building technical council)
dedication of the association and its members - different CAUE (departmental architecture
in recent years, (training/ information/ councils)
experimentation) has resulted in a boom in - CRITT ARRDHOR (technical center for
green roofs in France, with more than one horticulture)
million square meters installed in 2011. Adivet
is also recognized as a reference organization Together with the WGIN, organization of the
in its field and is co-editor of the French World Green Infrastructure Congress (Congrès
Professional Standards for Green Roofs and mondial de la végétalisation du bâtiment) in
Terraces, together with the UNEP (National Nantes, September 2013). Over 70 speakers,
Union of Landscaping Companies) and the 500 delegates
CSFE (French Waterproofing Association).
CONTACT: National:
François Lassalle - Plante &Cité ( - CSFE (
- Betocib (
HOMEPAGE: - Association HQE ( - France GBC (

NUMBER OF MEMBERS: International:

About sixty - founding member of the WGIN since its
launch (2007)
- member of the EFB (2013)


- CSTB (Paris) - François Lassalle (Adivet)
- Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées (Marne la - Raphaël Lamé (Adivet)
Vallée, 77) - Olivier Damas (Plante et Cité)
- Ecole des Mines (Paris)
Règles Professionnelles pour les toitures et WALLS AND INDOOR GREENING
terrasses végétalisées MARKET:
(editions in 2004, 2007, 2014) - About 1,500,000 m² green roofs each year.
Directives Professionnelles pour les façades - About 90% extensive, 10% semi-intensive
végétalisées (writing in progress) - Roof gardens (intensive green roofs) also
about 1,000,000 m²/year.
CURRENT TRENDS: - Green facades exist in many cities and this
- More biodiversity on green roofs market is growing.
- Rooftop farming


ABOUT US - A UNION FOR MORE • Exchange of experiences and cooperation

GREEN! with neighbouring associations
Bundesverband GebäudeGrün e.V. (BuGG) is („cross-association Alliance on Building
a merger of the two previously independently Greening“), including the German-speaking
acting well-established associations Deutscher associations from Austria and Switzerland
Dachgärtner Verband e.V. (DDV) and • Networking services, exchange of
Fachvereinigung Bauwerksbegrünung e.V. experiences
(FBB). • Practical working aids for members
Joining forces into one strong association aims
at avoiding double work and investments, and Strengths and success modules of BuGG:
with joined competences of both associations • Members from different sectors of green
we can act in a more targeted way and roofs, green walls and interior greening.
increase our impact. BuGG operates both as A multitude of opinions and ideas allow a broad
professional organisation and advocacy group exchange of experiences, and an extensive
for companies, communities, universities, coverage of wide range of topics
organisations and all parties interested in • Project groups, foreign affairs, scouts,
building greening (green roofs, green walls ambassadors
and interior greening). • Fact sheets on various fields of specialisation
• Working brochures on various topics, e.g.
Registered office: Berlin Safe Trade Separation, Basics of Green Roofs,
Business office: Saarbrücken Guidelines for Local Authorities, Municipal
Founded: 17.05.2018 Green Roof Strategies)
Members: 330 • List of root-proof membranes and coatings
Activities: all activities in green roofs, green (“WBB-list”)
walls and interior greening; predominantly in • Yearbook Building Greening
Germany, embedded into activities of EFB and • Discussion sheet „Nationwide Strategy on
WGIN Building Greening“
• Cooperation with other trade associations,
Our targets: e.g. BGL, ZVG, BDLA, BDA, DGNB, DWA
• Increasing the building greening market • Collaboration with and contacts to policy-
(increase of direct and indirect funding, makers
building greening must be taken as granted) • Newsletter (GebäudeGrün-eNews)
• BuGG is the first contact partner in building • Professional website (including blog and
greening social media):
• Working on image and public relations of • Green Roof Symposium in Ditzingen (since
building greening 2003), Green Wall Symposium, Interior
• Initial information and argumentation for Greening Symposium and nationwide
architects and building owners seminars Green Roof Forum throughout
• Technical competence, professional Germany, International Congress on Building
brochures, comments on guidelines Greening in Berlin
• Market knowledge: data, facts and figures on • Presence at trade fairs GaLaBau, Nürnberg
the German market and Grünbau/Bautec, Berlin

• Research projects Contact details:

•BuGG contributes to FLL guidelines since BuGG Bundesverband GebäudeGrün e.V.
many years
• Annual BuGG Green Roof, Green Wall, Registered office:
Interior Greening Awards Albrechtstraße 13
• Trade magazine „GebäudeGrün” (previously D-10117 Berlin
Dach + Grün; 4 issues p.a.) +49 30 / 40 05 41 02
• Market report: annual figures published
(internal member survey and survey of cities Business office:
and communities) In den Birken 11
D-66130 Saarbrücken
At present, BuGG has about 330 members from +49 681 / 98 80 570
various trades and industries that are busy with
green roofs, green walls and interior greening.
As a primary target, BuGG aims at presenting
the advantages and possibilities of building
greening in front of the widest audience
possible. Acting as federal association
Bundesverband GebäudeGrün e.V., we have
opportunities to create a positive framework ueber-den-bugg/
and environment „pro green“ that are closed
to individual companies.

The Board of Directors of BuGG (v.l.n.r.):

Hans Schmid (Member), Gerd Vogt (CFO), Dr. Gunter Mann (President), Carsten Henselek (Vice
President), Helmut Kern (Member)
The former presidents of FBB and DDV Dr. Gunter Mann (left) and Carsten Henselek after the
merger on 17.05.2018

WGIN Partner:
Prof. C.Y. Jim, University of Hong Kong, Department of
Geography, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong. Tel: 852-3917-7020;
Fax: 852-2559-8994; Email:;

CITY PROGRAMS - The first research-experiment green roof

About 25% of the 1050 km² of Hong Kong is was established in 2005 on top of an academic
high-density urban areas. As one of the most building at the University of Hong Kong.
compact cities in the world, both commercial - A Green Roof for Schools program was initiated
and residential high-rise buildings with 20–50 in 2007 with donations from a corporation
stories are common. Most rooftops are flat (Hongkong Bank Foundation) to install 14
but largely barren and covered with concrete green roofs. This seed project subsequently
tiles. The green roof movement in Hong Kong triggered more green-roof installations in other
was initiated in 2005 by the University of Hong schools and non-governmental buildings with
Kong. Green roofs have been promoted by the the help of government and business funding.
government since 2008, spearheaded by the - The largest green roof was established in 2006
Architectural Services Department. Since 2012, on top of the Wetland Park Visitor Centre with
green roof and green wall promotion has been a walkable vegetated area of 12,620 m². It is
taken on by the Hong Kong government, under mainly covered by grass with only two rows of
its Greening, Landscape and Tree Management landscape trees.
section of the Development Bureau. - A large green roof was installed in 2007 on
The territory’s first open competition, the Skyrise top of a shopping mall called The Elements in a
Greenery Award, was organized in 2012 by the newly developed area (Kowloon West).
government, together with professional bodies - The first rooftop woodland was installed in
associated with the construction and property 2008 on top of an electricity substation in
development sector. It aimed at encouraging Kowloon.
more installation of green roofs and better - The first green roof on top of a railway station
green roof design and management. A total of was installed in Tai Po in 2009.
113 very high quality projects participated in - Green roofs were installed in 2010 on top of
the contest. They fell under four categories; a new prison in the New Territories, believed
government projects, private developments, to be the first penitentiary facility to have roof
schools and non-government organizations, greening.
and planning-research studies. The panel of - The first experimental vegetable field was
judges chose 27 outstanding projects for the established in 2011 on the roof of the library
coveted award. Most green roofs are extensive. building at the University of Hong Kong.
Thus far, only two intensive sites in the form of - Commercial properties owned by a developer
sky woodland have been established by a local (Hongkong Land) greened the roofs of their
power company (CLP) on the top of electricity shopping malls and footbridges from 2011 to
substations embedded in built-up areas. Green 2013.
roofs and green walls have continued to be - The new government office complex, opened
installed on new buildings, accompanied by in 2011 at Tamar, included green roofs on
retrofitting of existing buildings. top of the Legislative Council chamber and
Some pioneering, well-designed and well- underground parking garages.
known green roofs can be enumerated: - A new sky woodland in conjunction with four

Roof farming,
biodiversity and
M. Köhler

massive green walls was installed in 2013 on an sensors and data loggers to acquire long-term
electricity substation in a new town (Tseung data related to microclimatic, thermal, energy,
Kwan O). With high-density vegetation cover, hydrological and species performance.
complex biomass structure, diverse species
composition and attractive flowers, it offers the The experimental study has been extended to
finest example of building-envelope greening territory-wide assessments based on remote
for an institutional structure in Hong Kong. sensing images, geographic information
The green roof and associated green wall systems, digital image analysis and field work.
(vertical greening) research projects were They cover:
initiated in 2005 at the University of Hong Kong - the urban-fabric factors accounting for green
and sustained by generous donations and grants roof distribution;
provided by the government and private sector. - the potential sites for green roof establishment;
Thus far, eight sites with field experiment plots - the macro-scale benefits in terms of suppressing
and environmental monitoring equipment the urban heat island effect, enhancing carbon
have been established: sequestration and hence reducing the carbon
- a green roof on the University’s Runme Shaw footprint, curtailing greenhouse gas emission,
Building; and trimming energy consumption; and
- a green wall on the Runme Shaw Building; - a game-theory simulation to find the best
- a native woodland on the CLP substation in strategy to promote green roof adoption.
Lai Chi Kok;
- a large-scale public building of the Tai Po CHALLENGES OF GREEN ROOF
Railway Station; DEVELOPMENT
- a public housing-estate site at Tseung Kwan O; Some factors have restricted or stifled the
- a large-scale plant species trial site on the development of green roofs in the compact city:
University’s Library Building;
- a setup to evaluate hydrological benefits on - The humid-tropical monsoon climate with
the Library Building; and frequent rainstorms and typhoons (wind
- a large-scale green wall combining speed often exceeding 100 km h-1) may
environmental assessment and species trial damage vegetation on roofs.
at the Drainage Services Department’s Shatin - Ample rainfall and warmth in the hot-
site. These experiments are well equipped rainy season from April to September can
with state-of-the-art environmental monitoring invite aggressive growth of weeds and other

competitors or pests of green roof plants. earnest desire to improve the quality of the
- The extended cool-dry season from October environment and quality of life through
to March demands regular irrigation to sustain multi-faceted urban greening, including roof
plant growth. greening.
- The load bearing capacity of many old
building is sometimes too low or unknown ROOF GREENING STRATEGIES:
(due to loss of government records), making it The following strategies are proposed to
uncertain or risky to install a green roof. enhance the quantity and quality of green roofs
- Some older buildings have not received in Hong Kong:
proper maintenance for too long, resulting
in leaking and structural problems to render - Improve the relevant technical competency
them unsuitable for green roof installation. by developing and adopting stringent
- Many rooftops of commercial buildings standards and specifications of green roof
tend to be occupied by air-conditioning units, materials and methods.
making them unavailable for roof greening. - Establish an official contractor accreditation
- The policy framework of some key and registration system to scrutinize the
government departments controlling land, knowledge and skill of concerned companies.
planning and building administration has - Enhance training of green roof engineers and
not been adjusted to facilitate green roof technicians with respect to design, installation
installation. and maintenance.
- Absence of government and industry - Accord higher priorities to greening the
technical standards and specifications on roofs of old urban areas which are deficient in
green roofs. ground-level green spaces.
- Inadequate knowledge and skill level of - Give preference and support to the greening
some green roof contractors. of roofs on residential buildings.
- Use of low-quality materials by some - Plan new towns or new development areas
contractors. to insert more green roofs.
- Where appropriate, ensure that the green
OPPORTUNITIES FOR GREEN roofs are easily accessible to the public.
ROOF DEVELOPMENT: - Support more in-depth research to optimize
Some factors are conducive to the development cost-effectiveness, ecosystem services and
of green roofs in Hong Kong: multiple benefits of the innovative urban
greening technology to the ultra-compact city.
- The city, with a reasonable GDP and per
capita income and a healthy governmental MAIN JUSTIFICATIONS FOR
financial status, can afford to install green SKYRISE GREENERY IN HONG
roofs. KONG:
- The central level of the government has - Evapotranspiration cooling of ambient air
adopted an enabling attitude to promote especially in the long and hot summer
green roofs. - Shielding and thermal insulation to reduce
- Green roof research findings at the University heat influx into indoor space
of Hong Kong have provided ample objective - Amelioration of the urban heat island effect
information and support to advocate and win - Mitigation of the urban smog problem
support for green roof innovations. - Introduction of greenery and natural elements
- Liberal publicity efforts associated with in compact built-up areas
research programs have raised public - Provision of high quality green spaces in safe
awareness and community knowledge about and often secluded locations
green roofs. - Compensation for the grave shortage of green
- The community has developed an spaces at the ground level

- Enhancement of urban wildlife and urban (Elsevier Science, Amsterdam) 46: 1263-1274.
biodiversity - Tsang, S.W. and Jim, C.Y. (2011) Theoretical
- Teaching and learning about nature in schools evaluation of thermal and energy performance
of tropical green roofs. Energy (Elsevier
SOME NATIONAL KEY PERSONS Science, Amsterdam) 36: 3590-3598.
OF GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE - Tian, Yuhong, Jim, C.Y. (2011) Factors
A research team composed of three influencing the spatial pattern of sky gardens in
postdoctoral fellows, three PhD students and the compact city of Hong Kong. Landscape and
three technicians or research assistants has Urban Planning (Elsevier Science, Amsterdam)
been established by Professor C.Y. Jim at the 101: 299-309.
University of Hong Kong to conduct in-depth - Jim, C.Y. and He, H.M. (2011) Estimating
studies on the ecological and environmental heat flux transmission of vertical greenery
aspects of green roofs and green walls. ecosystem. Ecological Engineering (Elsevier
Science, Amsterdam) 37(8): 1112-1122.
SOME RECOMMENDED - Jim, C.Y. and Tsang, S.W. (2011) Ecological
SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE ABOUT energetics of tropical intensive green roof.
GREEN ROOFS/LIVING WALLS IN Energy and Buildings (Elsevier Science,
HONG KONG: Amsterdam) 43: 2696-2704.
- Jim, C.Y. (2010) School Green Roof: City - Jim, C.Y. (2012) Effect of vegetation
Cooler and Cleaner. Friends of the Country biomass structure on thermal performance of
Parks and Cosmos Books, Hong Kong, 180 pp. tropical green roof. Landscape and Ecological
- Jim, C.Y. (2010) Environmental and energy Engineering (Springer, New York) 8: 173-187.
benefits of the sky woodland. CLP, Hong Kong, - He, H.M. and Jim, C.Y. (2012) Coupling
86 pp. model of energy consumption with changes in
- Jim, C.Y. (2008) Ecological design of sky environmental utility. Energy Policy (Elsevier
woodland in compact urban Hong Kong. Science, Amsterdam) 43: 235-243.
In: Greening Rooftops for Sustainable - Jim, C.Y. and Peng, Lilliana L.H. (2012)
Communities. Green Roofs for Healthy Cities, Weather effect on the thermal and energy
Baltimore, MD, pp. 1-15. performance of an extensive tropical green
- Jim, C.Y. and He, H.M. (2010) Coupling heat roof. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening
flux dynamics with meteorological conditions (Elsevier Science, Amsterdam) 11: 73-85.
in the green roof ecosystem. Ecological - Jim, C.Y. and Peng, Lilliana L.H. (2012)
Engineering (Elsevier Science, Amsterdam) 36: Substrate moisture effect on water balance and
1052-1063. thermal regime of a tropical extensive green
- He, H.M. and Jim, C.Y. (2010) Simulation of roof. Ecological Engineering (Elsevier Science,
thermodynamic transmission in green roof Amsterdam) 47: 9-23.
ecosystem. Ecological Modelling (Elsevier - Tian, Yuhong and Jim, C.Y. (2012)
Science, Amsterdam) 221: 2949-2958. Development potential of sky gardens in the
- Jim, C.Y. and Tsang, S.W. (2011) Modeling compact city of Hong Kong. Urban Forestry and
the heat diffusion process in the abiotic layers Urban Greening (Elsevier Science, Amsterdam)
of green roofs. Energy and Buildings (Elsevier 11: 223-233.
Science, Amsterdam) 43: 1341-1350. - Tsang, S.W. and Jim, C.Y. (2013) A stochastic
- Tsang, S.W. and Jim, C.Y. (2011) Game-theory model to optimize forecast and fulfillment of green
approach for resident coalitions to allocate roof demand. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening
green roof benefits. Environment and Planning (Elsevier Science, Amsterdam) 12: 53-60.
A (Pion, London) 43: 363-377. - Jim, C.Y. (2014) Heat-sink effect and indoor
- Jim, C.Y. and Tsang, S.W. (2011) Biophysical warming imposed by tropical extensive green
properties and thermal performance of an roof. Ecological Engineering (Elsevier Science,
intensive green roof. Building and Environment Amsterdam). 62: 1–12.

Name of local organization: ZEOSZ
(Hunagrian Division of Green Roof and Green Wall Contractors)
Current address: 2822 Szomor, Hegyalja út 52.
Contact person/address: Péter Dezsényi tel: +36309920700 email:
Current president: Péter Dezsényi
Size of the association (number of current members): more than 70 members

ZEOSZ (National Division of Green Roof and green wall guideline for architects, landscape
Green Wall Contractors) is now a subdivision architects and decisionmakers (2017). The
of the Association of Hungarian Landscape new green roof guideline is about to follow by
Contractors (MAKEOSZ). The two, originally 2020.
independent organizations have just merged Another noticeable market development is
into a new, larger federation by the beginning the first ever Hungarian municipality who
of this year (2019), with over 70 contractor announced green roofs being mandatory in
members, plus system manufacturers, the entire 12th district of Budapest, for all
technical schools, universities, consultants, new and renovated flat roofs. ZEOSZ was
etc. on board, in order to foster municipalities contracted as their main consultant.
make their cities greener and healthier all Thanks to this, with some other progressive
around Hungary. regulations, and the dynamic growth of the
ZEOSZ has been promoting green roofs and Hungarian economy, both green roof and
green walls for 20 years now, from media green wall markets are growing exponentially
appearances through professional trainings in the last 3-4 years. Hungary now has over 3
and education to lobbying for local- and million m2 green roofs, and about 200 living
country regulations. walls, mostly made by a new generation
Its latest big achievement is the release of of specialised contractors and trained
the first ever Hungarian green façade and technicians.

National organization:
Indian Green Infrastructure Network
No:302 , 9 th main 1st block HRBR layout , Kaylan Nagar .
BANGALORE – 560043 Karnataka . INDIA
Secretary – Vivek Martin +91-9845878126


IGIN is a membership-driven NGO set up IGIN: Hema Kumar – Founder – President -
with the vision to develop world-class green +91-9945200332
sustainable cities in India by fostering a network Vivek Martin – Secretary
of Professionals, Architects, Government
Organizations, Industrialists, Developers, HOMEPAGE:
etc., and facilitating discussions as well as
spread of education on Green technology and
environmental issues. India being such a huge NUMBER OF MEMBERS:
market for infrastructure development and About: 95
city growth, there is a glaring need for green
awareness in the country today. CITY PROGRAMS
To bridge this gap and foster our vision we Being a new organization we also are closely
believe that a forum and juncture is needed working with many NGOs both nationally
to educate and create awareness among both and internationally .We are also working on
professionals and civilians. It is with this drive wherein Through IGIN landscape professionals
that we also organized International Green can do certification courses. Talking to experts
Conference, in association with the World like architects, landscape architects, green
Green Infrastructure Network (WGIN). technology experts via LIVE video conferencing
The International Green Conference was first about the best green projects designed and
of its kind in the sub-continent, encompassing implemented by them. IGIN wants to bridge
educational programs, workshops on Green the GAP by bringing the best innovative
Sustainable Technology in India. The engineering for the landscape industry,
conference themed “Re-Think Sustainability” professional education and an internationally-
was held in Bangalore, India from November recognized certification system.
26 - 28, 2012.
The conference will examine international, CONFERENCES:
regional, and national ‘best practices’ towards International Green Conference. Nov 26-28 ,
achieving green sustenance. The deliverables 2012 – Bangalore. India
will be a set of substantive policy and action-
oriented recommendations that will be FURTHER ACTIVITIES:
leveraged through participants drawn from - Urban Farming Systems
within 10 countries and beyond. Varied and - Roof Top Farming
relevant topics like Vertical Gardening, Green - R&d On Different Types of Roof Garden and
Roofs, Storm Water Management, Rain Water Green Facades.
Sustenance, Urban Water Management,
Green Architecture, etc. was covered in this MEMBERSHIP:
Conference. Founding member of IGIN


Looking forward and collaborating with Indian GARDENS/PODIUM DECKS AND
Economical and inovative green facades and - About 8-10 Mill m² green roofs each year.
roof top farming - About 40% extensive, 60% intensive roof
SOME NATIONAL KEY PERSONS - Green facades with climbers, green wall, bio/
OF GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE living walls are growing for the past few years
- Prof. Chandru at average of 40- 50 thousand m² per year.
- Santosh Stanley

Roof garden on parking lots, India, Bangalore. Source: M. Köhler.


National organization:
Office Address: Iranian Green Roof Association (IGRA)
No. 418-3rd Alley-Abiverdi 1-Chamran Blvd
Shiraz – Iran Postal Code: 71946-43519
Phone Number: Office: +98 711 6463445 Fax: +98 711 6463151
President: Aslan Jonoubi
- President: ( (
- Phone Number : +98 917 118 0553

STRUCTURE AND MISSION: communities by encouraging dense, mixed-

Iranian Green Roof & infrastructure use development correlated with mass transit,
Association (IGRA) is a non-governmental, pedestrian connectivity, and open space. Our
non-profit organization; in cooperation with architects and building engineers deliver
governmental as well as private institutions to high-performance buildings tailored to their
promote and construct Green spaces. contexts. Our landscape architects and urban
As a representative of WGIN, IGRA has designers design low-impact landscapes. Our
registered and established standards and program construction managers maintain and
regulations of Green Roof Design in Iran via the advance sustainable agendas as projects are
city councils. In-order to promote and inspire implemented.
sustainable attributes we have attended annual We take pride in providing sustainable green
most conferences hosted by GHRC worldwide, roofs. Our technical expertise is backed up
and have also released presentations as well by scientific research, therefore our roofs
as articles and have hosted many symposiums work exactly in the nature it is intended for.
and seminars throughout Iran. We provide the correct system for the exact
We specialize in Green roofs (extensive semi- requirements. We do not design substandard
intensive and intensive), and green walls. roofs, only installing systems we can guarantee
Principles of environmental awareness are to be sustainable.
fundamental to our design culture. Our
sustainable solutions have shaped many ORGANIZATIONS- STRUCTURE:
projects throughout Iran; our projects Non-governmental, non-profit organization
have achieved honors and recognition for
environmental responsibility. CONTACT:
Our capabilities provide for a range of Aslan Jonoubi
sustainable outcomes; our strategic planners
help local governments develop strategies to HOMEPAGE:
reduce their carbon footprints. Our economists -
inform a higher and more even quality of -
life for communities. Our environmental -
ecological planners conserve open space,
protect biodiversity, restore habitat, NUMBER OF MEMBERS:
support renewable energy development, About: 60 members. including: corporate
and manage natural resources. Our master members and Manufactures
planners create inherently more sustainable

CITY PROGRAMS Green roof policies

Alterations about regulations in green roof Shiraz’s city council has altered building
plans have been approved throughout Iran by codes and has regulated policies based on
city councils via Aslan Jonoubi who’s now a Bame Sabz guidelines, which is now the
policy maker of Incentive programs for the official booklet of Green Roof Standards in
metropolitan in Iran-Shiraz. Iran.

Detail of the results: CONFERENCES:

Executive committee consisting of Civil • Green Roof Symposium WGIN
Service executive, urban planning executive, Shiraz-Iran:
architecture executive, managing director On the 6th of November 2013, a Symposium
of parks, and the managing directors of was held in Conference hall of Fars
environmental organizations in Shiraz were province telecom and Aslan Jonoubi The
all involved in a two week discussion about representative of WGIN (World Green
sustainable developments throughout the Infrastructure Network) in Iran was talking
country; where at-last the city council adopted Regarding the benefits and technical Issues
a project entitled to promote the value of of Green Roofs and Green Walls. He, as
sustainable practice and green development. a policy maker of Incentive Program for a
The City Council approved plans to build metropolitan in Iran-Shiraz, talked about the
new green spaces on buildings and rooftops world experiences of Green Roofs and Green
vertically and horizontally. Walls.

ArtPrize 2013. Source: Photo Courtesy of LiveWall.


• Engineers Society of Fars Province MEMBERSHIP:

symposium Conference - GRHC member since 2008
In 2012 a Symposium was held in the - WGIN Member since 2011
Conference hall of Engineers society in
the province of Fars regarding Green Roof ACADEMIC RESEARCH
technical issues and benefits. INSTITUTIONS
Shiraz Azad University
- Organized classes to teach Green roof - Green Roof
technology through the education of GRHC - Green Wall
classes in New York, Atlanta and Toronto.
- Preparing Plant Specification for the SOME NATIONAL KEY PERSONS
purpose of Green Roof within Iran’s Climate. OF GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE
- Promoting Green Roof Benefits through Aslan Jonoubi
seminars and publications.
- Green facades GREEN PROJECTS:
- Cost – benefit Analysis of green roofs and
green facades.
- Maintenance of green roofs
- Further international cooperation in WGIN
- Inspecting Green roof Designs
- Assembling policy regulations regarding
Green Roof Design

ISRAEL The Local Planning and Building Unit Tel-

Aviv – Yaffo, last year approved an update on
National organization: instructions on how to plan and implement
Israel Green Building Council Green Building within the city. This was done in order to match the existing municipal guidelines
of the New Israeli Standard for Sustainable
The council acts according to principles of Building that was published in the end of the
sustainability that balance environmental, social year 2011 and was fixed by British consultants
and economic interests. It works towards being and multiple Israeli professionals.
positioned as a leading and up to date organization These guidelines will apply to all types of
in the field of green building. It strives for buildings within the city – in residential buildings
internationally recognized high standards which the process will be gradual – at this point targeted
are adjusted for the local conditions. at high rises (buildings that consist of 9 floors and
Working with the Ministry of Environmental above). Commercial buildings consisting of more
Protection, the SII and leading academic than 20 floors and residential buildings consisting
institutions, the ILGBC also helped to establish of more than 30 floors will have to submit to
the framework for accreditation of green more specific Green Building standards (2 stars
building professionals. To date 120 professionals according to the new laws). These laws will also be
have already received accreditation to work with implemented on buildings that are being redone
the revised standard. through the new Tama 38 process (renovating old
buildings while adding on extra floors).
CONTACT: It has also been decided that public buildings
Fran Sorin will have infrastructure for green roofs and
Author of Digging Deep: Unearthing Your solar energy panels as a standard. The City Hall
Creative Roots Through Gardening, Ecological politicians have voted in favor for these new
Landscape Design Specialist regulations., FB, Twitter, LinkedIn In the past year and a half, 170 buildings in
the city were built within the new Green
CITY PROGRAMS Building regulations (a totla of 1,000,000
meters of commercial, residential, hotels and
Tel Aviv public buildings). In addition the principles
More than 100 buildings and towers in the Tel- of sustainable and green building are to be
Aviv, Yaffo district are built according to the assimilated as a standard for architectural and
principles of Green Building. city planning for Tel-Aviv.
Since 2011, Tel Aviv has implemented the Every education building within the city will
element of Green Building and is making it have to assimilate Green Buildings standards (19
an obligation for the parties involved in the kindergardens, 8 schools and 5 sports centers).
development and building. Schools with sea views with in the “Goosh
From the year 2012, it is an obligation for Hagadol” will be built with extremely high Green
involved parties to conform to the new Israeli standards and was chosen as the first school in
Green Building standard. the country that will have a “green tag” according
In the plans for building construction and design, to the new standards. The school will be built
Tel Aviv approved of a 1,000,000 square meter according to the principles of Green planning and
building for business and residential purposes building with the guidance of a Green Expert and
under the Green Building standard. They are will be held to standards such as energy saving
also working on similar projects for the West (shade, infrastructure, natural light, etc), water
Tel-Aviv and Sde Dov (the small airport off of usage reduction and will be imbedded with solar
the port) area – how to transform an existing system on the roof and put emphasis also on
neighborhood into a sustainable neighborhood – recycling. There will also be a green garden and
more community and organizationally oriented. an ecological structure on the roof of the school.

In the year 2008, a agreement was signed with voltaic cells the roofs of 100 schools, in East
Tel-Aviv, Yaffo and 15 city forums to reduce and West Jerusalem. Money earned from
gas and environmental pollution and warming. saved electricity is invested in environmental
In a statistic testing it was found that 67% of education.
the air pollution is produced by structures One Jerusalem school in West Jerusalem has
(mostly energy used within these structures). a green roof, and a second special-ed school in
Because of this in April 2011, it was passed that East Jerusalem is about to have one. In addition,
new construction will need to receive a permit the Jerusalem Bird Observatory has a Seasonal
according to their use of the Green Building Living Roof and Walls.
principles. These guidance principles deal with Jerusalem has a flourishing network of 45
saving energy, water, use of healthy building community gardens, much loved by the diverse
ingredients, improvement of tenant health communities of the city.
(natural light, healthy air). These will need to Neighborhood recycling centers have been
be met in order to receive a building permit. placed in community gardens, which have
become a hub for community activities. In the
Google campus, Tel Aviv last 3 years, recycling has increased from 2% -
“In 2013, Google moved into a new office space 14% in Jerusalem.
in Tel Aviv, Israel. Designed by Camenzind Because of Jerusalem’s steep hills, rainwater
Evolution, in collaboration with Setter -harvesting is coming back into regular practice,
Architects and Studio Yaron Tal, the impressive as it was in ancient times. Urban landscaping is
8,000 sqm campus occupies 8 floors in Electra increasingly making use of drainage basins to
Tower. create natural lakes, retain water for nature and
It is a new milestone for Google in the prevent flooding.
development of innovative work environments: Jerusalem is blessed with an abundance of
nearly 50% of all areas have been allocated Urban Nature. An in-depth report conducted by
to create communication landscapes, giving the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel
countless opportunities to employees to surveyed 151 sites.
collaborate and communicate with other Jerusalem’s urban nature sites are all to be found
Googler’s in a diverse environment that will on the city’s green map (
serve all different requirements and needs. Within the ICLEI-LAB initiative, Jerusalem is
Only 7 of the 8 rented floors in Electra Tower the only city in the Middle East that has prepared
are actually occupied by Google. The remaining a Local Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan.
floor gives space to a new ‘Campus’, which was This initiative ensures that nature in Jerusalem
also opened in December by the Israeli Prime will be afforded the respect of an independent
Minister. The ‘Campus Tel Aviv’, powered and critical layer of infrastructure, not simply
by Google for Entrepreneurs, is a new hub what is left over after urban development.
for entrepreneurs and developers, providing The Gazelle Valley is a pioneering initiative
a base for start-up companies, and is only the which began as a grass roots campaign, but has
second Google ‘Campus’ worldwide. developed into Israel’s first urban nature park (
Sustainability played a vital role to Google in 60 acres)
the development of their new Tel Aviv offices Jerusalem is the first city in Israel to put in Light
and the project is currently awaiting LEED Rail, which has taken all polluting traffic out of
‘Platinum’ certification, the first of its category the city.”
in Israel.” Contributed by Naomi Tsur, Ex -Deputy Mayor
Source:http://officesnapshots. of Israel, has been a major force in helping
com/2013/01/31/google-tel-aviv-office-design/ these Jerusalem projects come to fruition. She
has recently left the ministry to devote more
Jerusalem time to her role as President of Green Pilgrim
“The Jerusalem Municipality has put photo- Jerusalem. (

and winter heating. The room uses energy-

efficient lighting and is equipped with motion
detectors that turn off the lights when it’s not
in use. The building’s data center has also been
designed to save energy. It features Intel Xeon
processors, which reduce power consumption.
The building boasts wide and double glazed
windows, patios and reflective shelves, which
allow natural light to filter inside. More than
75% of its high-use areas are exposed to natural
light with the help of automatic control systems
that regulate the flow. Automatic sensors
control the levels of artificial lighting according
to the natural light, and employees can control
lighting and temperatures in their offices via
their personal computers. Fresh air is monitored
by CO2 sensors that track the number of people
on each floor.
The roof of the facility is covered with vegetation
and heat-reflecting materials to lower interior
temperatures. The roof garden provides enough
Freestanding greenwall. thermal insulation to lower the heat load by 17
Source: Photo Courtesy of cooling tons. A special control system installed
Green Living Technologies International (GLTi).
in the facility reduces water consumption for
gardening needs by 55%, compared with average
Haifa summer consumption. Water condensed by air
In Haifa ”Intel Israel” dedicated the country’s conditioners is collected and used for gardening.
most environmentally-friendly office building. The facility has also installed standard water-
Dubbed IDC9, the 11-storey, $110 million facility saving sanitary systems such as faucets, showers,
has a double distinction. It is Israel’s first LEED- toilets and urinals to achieve 30% reduction in
certified green building and it has been awarded water usage.”
Gold – the second-highest rating in the LEED Information taken from - http://
certification system.
There are barely a handful of LEED-certified green-and-wins-gold/
buildings in Israel.
The facility incorporates a slew of green K’far Saba
elements, beginning at the construction level. K‘far Saba is planning a “green revolution,” with
Construction waste was separated at source a comprehensive plan for numerous short-term
into its component parts and recycled. About 13 and long-term changes.
percent of the construction materials came from In the near future, the city plans to change all
recycled sources. The structure was constructed street lights to energy-conserving bulbs, work
on a previous parking site to prevent damage with shopping centers to reduce the use of plastic
to natural assets. These measures are expected bags, use recycled paper in all municipal offices,
to result in a reduction of 17% in total energy change municipal inspectors’ uniforms to ones
consumption. made of recycled material, encourage the use of
In addition, an energy-saving technique has “clean” energy, conceal electrical transformers
been used in the facility’s server room. Spread underground and take other steps. In the long
over 7,535 square feet, the space will house up term, the city plans to create an environmentally-
to 15,000 computers. The heat generated from friendly farm on the agricultural land in the east
these computers will be recycled for hot water of the city, check the possibility of using hybrid

fuels in public transport, and introduce a pilot University declared, “Until now, Israel has not
program for newspaper recycling that will see had a research center for green roofs and research
special bins placed around the city, much as from other countries has not necessarily been
bottle-collection bins are placed now. applicable for the unique climate and flora of the
The report said the “jewel in the crown” will Middle East. The new center, headed by Prof.
be Kfar Saba’s new “green neighborhood” Leon Blaustein of the University’s Department
in the west of the city, the first in Israel to of Evolutionary and Environmental Biology, will
be built according to green guidelines that be examining the field in the Israeli context:
include improved thermal insulation and other Will it be possible to assemble green roofs in
measures designed to save electricity, solar the Israeli climate without artificial irrigation?
power systems, water-saving equipment, a Will Israeli flora be reliable to serve for green
unique underground garbage removal system, roofs; and do green roofs increase the biological
and numerous pedestrian and bicycle paths. diversity of insets and plants?”
A municipal spokesman said that even though
building work on the “green neighborhood” has Tel Aviv University’s Porter School of
not yet begun, demand for apartments in the Environmental Studies
project has been high. Kfar Saba mayor Yehuda A new building at Tel Aviv University features
Ben Hamo said it was also the city’s intention to a standalone EcoWall that aims to provide
work with local businesses to encourage them to vertical garden space and research facilities
take steps toward improving the environment. for its faculty. The university’s Porter School
The plan was put together by councilors, of Environmental Studies (PSES) hopes that its
municipal officials and representatives from the new green building design will not only join the
Ministry of Environmental Protection.” small number of LEED certified buildings in
Information taken from : the country, but will also highlight sustainable methodologies for future buildings in Israel.
lite?cid=1192380709937&pagename=- The 3,700 sq m (39,826 sq ft) building will also
JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull use a cost-effective chilled beam cooling system
that works by circulating interior and outdoor air
STRUCTURE AND MISSION through mounted chilled water coils and then
A Leading Israeli Sustainable Architecture Firm: redistributing it back into the space to regulate
Knafo Klimor Architects (http://www.kkarc. the temperature.
com) The EcoWall and green roof of the building
Knafo Klimor Architects, founded by David will become a sustainable architecture
Knafo and Tagit Klimor in 1980, operates from research lab, and both will play a central role
2 branches in Tel Aviv and in Haifa with a in ongoing energy, water, soil, vegetation and
diverse staff including architects, urbanists and materials studies at the university. Additional
designers. sustainable features include 50kw solar panels,
They designed the Green Elementary School in biological pools and grey water harvesting that
K’far Saba, the first green school meeting LEEDs will prove vital in this drought-prone region.
standards, which was completed in 2012. Environmental data gathered by the school will
This design has been so well received that the be displayed on the egg-shaped capsule meeting
firm has already been commissioned to build room that extrudes in both directions from the
another green school. EcoWall.
For more information on the project, click on: With only three other LEED-certified buildings in the country, PSES hopes to achieve LEED
aspx?gp=3&c=444&p=3781 platinum status upon completion later this year.”
Source: Axelrod-Grobman Architects via
Last year, Haifa University built a green roof Sourced from:
and ecology center - A statement from Haifa tel-aviv-sustainable-building/28080/

National organization:
Headquarters AIVEP - Italian Green Roof Association
Lungotevere degli Altoviti, 4 – 00186 Roma.
Ing. Giorgio Boldini (President).
Current Board of Directors:

- Ing. Boldini Giorgio (president) - Dott. Geol. Crasso Maurizio - Harpo s.p.a.
- Ing. Fiori Matteo - Perini Livio - Europomice
- Dott. Agr. Rigolli Riccardo - Frapoli Stefano – Poliflor Scarl
- Dott. Agr. Zecchini Ivano - Geom. Campagnoli Valter
- Prof. Arch. Panunzi Stefano - Sign. Ra Casolaro Ondina
- Arch. Bit Edoardo - Sig.ra Modena Anna Ludovica
- Arch. La Rosa Maria Elena - Ing. Comel Silvio

STRUCTURE AND MISSION: directives that encourage the development of

The AIVEP (Italian Green Roof Association) is green roofs; application of the existing rules;
a non-governmental, non-profit organization - creating links with other associations that
that promotes all national activities of green work to protect the environment and the
roofs (extensive and intensive), green facades development of green infrastructure.
and other technology with greenery-related
functions in architecture. Members
Since this is a cross-discipline that uses data
AIVEP - Italian Green Roof Association - was and knowledge from various scientific and
founded in 1997 to: professional members, AIVEP belong to
- Aggregate all those who work professionally different professions and sectors:
and scientifically in the field of green roofs Agronomists, architects, forestry industry,
or are interested in the topic of green roofs to engineers, landscape architects, technicians,
combine resources and energies. systems manufacturing companies, companies
- Create synergies in research and dissemination producing components running specialists,
of technical design, implementation and nurserymen, gardeners teachers, public and
maintenance of green roofs. private institutions, environmentalists and
nature lovers.
AIVEP is a member of the EFB European
Federation of National Associations CONTACT:
The Association has the following objectives: Dr. Riccardo Rigolli
- disclosure of the technical realizations of
green roof professionals. These techniques
constitute the modern discipline that applies, HOMEPAGE:
in a scientifically-sound manner, the most
innovative methodologies to achieve and
maintain a stable green roof on different types CITY PROGRAMS
of roofing, consistently with the standard UNI Law 10/2013: “Regulations for the development
11235: “guidelines for the design, execution, of urban green spaces”
inspection and maintenance of green roofs”; CEN - European Committee for Standardization:
- qualification of green roofs; CEN/TC 390 “Project Committee – Criteria
- awareness of the central and local for design, performance, test methods and
institutions; adoption of new resolutions and maintenance of roof gardens”.

Presidential Decree No. 59 of 2/6/2009 - updates – analysis composition AIVEP). Casolaro

“Regulations on the implementation of Article 4, - Modena – Zecchini
paragraph 1, letters a) and b) of the DLG 19 August Group 5 - Innovation Cloud. (Analysis and
2005, n. 192, concerning the implementation of evaluation of participation). Panunzi
Directive 2002/91/EC on the energy performance
of buildings. “ MEMBERSHIP:
R.I.E. Index - Building’s impacts index Founding member of EFB, Founding member of WGIN?

See Bibliographic information.doc
Current working groups: CURRENT TRENDS (2012-2013):
Two departments are active in the association for - Urban farming
purposes of aggregation and coordination: - Vertical greening
- Research section
GROUP COMPONENTS - Prof. Stefano Panunzi
Group 1 - Web info. Boldini - Comel - Rigolli - Dr. Riccardo Rigolli
Group 2 - Law of Urban Green Infrastructure.
(General coordination activities - preparation of RECOMMENDED NATIONAL
AIVEP documents - proposals Conferences and WEBPAGES:
territorial). Boldini - Casolaro - Crasso - Fiori - -
Panunzi - Perini - Rigolli -
Group 3 - Law professionalism unregulated. -
(Information requirements at the Ministry -
- coordination, organization and proposals). sk=wall
Boldini - Casolaro - Crasso – Zecchini -
Group 4 – Interior. (Bylaws, rules of procedure, Arspat
qualifications and commissions - financial - UNI - Guidelines: UNI 11235:2007. ISPRA

Bougainvillea is one
favorite climber.
Lago di Garda (Italy).
Source:M. Köhler.

Current adress, email
Tamura building 2F, 3-2-4, Kanda Jinbocho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo,
101-0051, JAPAN
Contact person/adress of this chapter saori Ishihara / saori.

Hajime Koshimizu
Supporting member corporations and
organizations: 118. Individuals: 29

1. Public awareness activities: Implementation
of public awareness activities, including the
National Urban Greenery Fair.
2. Awards and grants: The Green City
Award, the Rooftop and Wall Greening
Technology Contest and other awards, the
Green Environment Plan Grand Prize, Kao’s
Forestation Program for Everyone, and other
One Picture of a current national project.
The 35 National Urban Greenery Yamaguchi Fair grants.
3. Surveys and research projects: Conducted
joint research with private companies,
commissioned research by the national
STRUCTURE AND MISSION, and local governments, and held an urban
INFORMATION ABOUT CHANGES greening forum as a venue to present the
IN THE LAST YEARS. results of these studies.
The Organization for Landscape and Urban 4. Evaluation business: Conducts evaluation
supports a variety of initiatives by citizens, projects such as the Social and Environmental
businesses, and public organizations involved Contribution Green Evaluation System
in activities to create, protect, and grow (SEGES) and the certification of urban
greenery, and contributes to the development greening technologies.
of green communities through research, 5. Human resource development, information
information provision, and public awareness dissemination, and international cooperation:
activities related to urban greenery. To Grants for research to students, disseminates
achieve these goals, The Organization information in journals, websites, etc.,
for Landscape and Urban consists of the and implements international cooperation
General Affairs Department, the Planning projects such as international seminars on
and Research Department, and the Research rooftop greening technology between Japan
Department. Since last year, we have and Korea.
been accepting the attendance of Imperial
Princess Mako, commending the winners SOME SELECTED CITY
of the commendation system, and holding GREENING PROGRAMS
“wa” exchange events to promote mutual The Organization for Landscape and Urban
interaction. Infrastructure has given several awards and

Iwaki City of Fukushima Prefecture Kamakura City of Kanagawa Prefecture

grants. Here, we will introduce the cities that its numerous heritage sites. Based on the
received the “Green City Award” in the “Green Greenery Basic Plan formulated here, the
City Planning Division” (the development of city has developed various measures over the
measures that utilize the characteristics of a years, such as the utilization of the Green Area
region for the greening of urban and regional Preservation System, securing independent
areas and the conservation of green spaces financial resources, and awareness-raising
and the results) in the last three years. activities in cooperation with local citizens
1. Iwaki City of Fukushima Prefecture: Iwaki and companies.
City is one of the areas affected by the tsunami
in the Great East Japan Earthquake. As a part SOME SPECIFIC RELATED HOT
of the rebuilding efforts in the affected coastal TOPICS
areas, the city has planted acorn trees at the One of the hot topics in Japan is the Urban
tsunami prevention green areas and parks, Green Area Certification System that was
involving its citizens from seed germination to established in 2017. Following the approval
tree growing activities, to pass on the DNA of of a municipal government, this system can
the local trees to the new town. be set up, managed, and utilized as an urban
2. Kamakura City of Kanagawa Prefecture: green area that can be used by residents. This
Kamakura City is located next to Tokyo, and system can be used as an effort to reduce
is well-known as a tourist destination and property and city planning taxes.

National organization:
Korea Green Roof & Infrastructure Association (KOGRIA)
Science Hall 1. Landscape architecture lab. #207.
Seoul Women’s University
Seoul, Korea.
Phone number : +82-2-970-7675
Fax : +82-2-970-5950

STRUCTURE AND MISSION: relevant professionals to introduce the needs of

Cooperation among governmental as well as roof greening systems, the technologies as well
private organizations, research institutes, as methods, and good examples of it.
educational institutions, and green roof With our continuous activities, research and
companies for the Construction of Urban Green studies of the Green Roof Project, we finally
Space in the Future officially established the Korea Green Roof &
Our association consists of relevant Infrastructure Association (KOGRIA) with the
governmental as well as private organizations, authorization of the Ministry of Environment
research institutes, educational institutions, on Jan, 2003. Since then, KOGRIA has
and private companies for green space. At first, constantly tried to create new urban green
we came together to discuss the issue of the spaces based on the outcomes and experiences
Urban Green Space Project, aiming to change gained through our studies.
our desolated city filled with grey concrete into
a lively one with greenery. Then, we reached ORGANIZATIONS- STRUCTURE:
a conclusion: Research and development for Non-profit, non-government organization
the advanced green technologies and their
distribution are the most realistic as well as CONTACT:
idealistic solutions. - President : Prof. Eunheui, Lee (Unhi Lee)
In an effort to find the best ways to proceed (
with it, we organized the “Association for - Executive secretary : Heejung, Youn (cornus@
Study of Green Roofs,” and released many
presentations as well as articles for Roof
Greening periodically. Additionally, we hosted HOMEPAGE:
lots of symposiums and seminars, inviting

Busan City Hall

green roof

NUMBER OF MEMBERS: - Dongguk University, Prof. Choonghyun, Oh

150 single members and 36 corporate (urban horticulture and green roofs, etc.)
members from all related professions of green - Seoul National University, Prof. Dongkun,
infrastructure. Lee (mitigation of urban heat islands and
Corporate members: See the details of the list restoration)
from Dec. 2012: - Sangmyung University, Prof. Taehan, Kim
pds/ company_info.htm (thermal simulation of extensive green roof
systems, solar energy systems)
CITY PROGRAMS - Korea Institute of Construction Technology,
- Academy for green roofs (water proofing, Prof. Hyunsu, Kim (green walls, technology
design, management): Seoul, 2003 for developing eco-housing estates that
- Workshop: Green Wall (Living Wall): Busan, countermeasure urban climate changes)
2008 - Gyeonggi Green & Agriculture Foundation
- Annual Green Space Fair (Since 2010) (supports green roof projects in Gyeonggi,
• The 1st Green Space Fair: Feb. 2010 landscape gardening program)
(Gangnam-gu office, etc.)
• The 2nd Green Space Fair: June 2010 (Busan SELECTED NATIONAL SCIENTIFIC
city hall, etc.) PUBLICATION:
• The 3rd. Green Space Fair: Oct. 2011 (SBS Prof. Eunheui, Lee
broadcasting company, etc.) - A Study on Competitive Relationship of Ground
• The 4th. Green Space Fair: Oct. 2012 (Daewoo Cover Plants for Artificial Roof Greening, 2010
‘purugio’ green space in Bucheon, etc.) - Effects of Extensive Green Roof System on
Rainwater Circulation, 2011
- Every 2 years, Green-roof Technology Seminar - Resistance to Root Penetration of Root Barrier
of Korea and Japan : since 2004 in Seoul for Green Roof System, 2008
• The 1st Green-roof Technology Seminar of - Technology on developing eco-housing estate
Korea and Japan (in Seoul, Korea, 2004) that countermeasures urban climate changes,
• The 2nd Green-roof Technology Seminar of 2010
Korea and Japan (in Tokyo, 2006)
• The 3rd Green-roof technology Seminar of CURRENT TRENDS:
Korea and Japan (in Seoul, 2008) Urban agriculture on roofs, community roof
• The 4th Green-roof Technology Seminar of gardens, mitigation of urban heat islands
Korea and Japan (in Tokyo, 2010)
• The 5th Green-roof Technology Seminar of SOME NATIONAL KEY PERSONS
Korea and Japan (in Seoul, 2012) OF GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE:
- Prof. Eunheui, Lee (Seoul Women’s University;
MEMBERSHIP: summarized overview in: Lee, EH., 2009: World
WGIN member since 2011 Green Roof Infrastructure Congress, Toronto)
Academic research - Prof. Hyunsu, Kim (Korea Institute of
institutions: Construction Technology)
- Seoul Metropolitan Government (supports
green roof projects since 2002) RECOMMENDED NATIONAL
- Seoul Women’s University, Prof. Eunheui, WEBPAGES:
Lee (mitigation of urban heat islands and air -
pollution with green plants and green roofs, a homepage/green/index.html
planting model of extensive green roof systems, -
effects of an extensive green roof system on -
rainwater circulation, urban horticulture, etc.) business _000.html

National organization:
Asociación Mexicana para la Naturación de Azoteas, A.C.
Calle Uxmal 117-402 Col. Narvarte
C.P. 03020, Ciudad de México
Contact: Dr. Gilberto A. Navas Gómez:

STRUCTURE AND MISSION: Standard for Green Roof Installation in a Latin

AMENA A.C. is a non-governmental and American country. This norm establishes
non-profit organization. It was founded in technical specifications for the installation of
2005 by Tanya Müller García and Gilberto naturation systems in Mexico City, and was
Navas Gómez as non-profit association for published in December 2008. Ten years later,
research, promotion and assessment of public this Environmental Standard was updated
policies to promote green roofs in Mexico. and published in the Official Gazette of the
AMENA collaborates closely with institutions Government of Mexico City on November 30,
of higher education such as the Universidad 2018.
Autónoma Chapingo in the investigation of
different aspects of the green roof systems. INTERNATIONAL
Its stakeholders include professional COLLABORATION:
designers and builders, architects, developers, AMENA is a founding member of the World
environmental consultants, government staff, Green Infrastructure Network (WGIN). It
professors-researchers, students and building continues its international cooperation with
owners interested in sustainable design and WGIN and currently provides with Ulrike Grau
ecological architecture. from Chapingo University a board member.
In 2010, AMENA organized the annual WGIN
ENVIRONMENTAL STANDARD: Congress in Mexico City. It was the first
AMENA actively participated in the World Green Roof Congress ever held in Latin
development of the first Environmental America. Approx. 500 attendees participated

and the congress featured international local government of Mexico City through the
speakers with emphasis on Latin American Secretary of Environment and in collaboration
speakers as well as Mexican presenters. with the agronomic university Universidad
Autónoma Chapingo fostered the installation
ACADEMIC RESEARCH of approximately 4000 m² of green roofs each
INFRASTRUCTURE RELATED Most of the green roofs are located in
RESEARCH: Mexico City, Guadalajara and Monterrey.
- Universidad Autónoma Chapingo. http:// Furthermore, the surface area is difficult to estimate in other cities and smaller towns of
- Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México: the country. But it is Mexico City that leads the
o Facultad de Arquitectura del Paisaje. development and promotion of green roofs at a national level due to its installation norm
o Instituto de Biología. http://www. which is based on the FFL standards, as well as the fiscal incentive program. Incentives for
- CIIEMAD-IPN. http://www.ciiemad.ipn. green roofs range between 10 and 15 % off
mx/Paginas/Inicio.aspx property taxes. Mexico City also has several
- Colegio de Postgraduados. http://www. projects for the installation of green roofs in public buildings such as schools and hospitals.
- Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. Recently, green roofs with biodiversity designs are being promoted.
Living walls are also becoming more popular
CURRENT GREEN ROOF despite being rather expensive and having to
ACTIVITIES IN MEXICO: cope with problems with the proper selection
About 10,000 m² green roofs are being built of vegetation for external walls, water
each year of which about 80% are extensive management in relation to evapotranspiration
naturation systems and 20% more intensive and application of nutrients. They are majorly
roof gardens. Over the past six years, the implemented by companies as showcases.

National organization:
Agricultura Urbana Perú
Av la Universidad s/n. Lima.- La Molina
Ing. Saray Siura Cespedes, President.

STRUCTURE AND MISSION: Municipality of Rimac have developed a draft

Agricultura Urbana Perú is a nongovernmental Urban Agriculture plan in order to guarantee
nonprofit organization, formed mainly food for 370 families in marginal areas.
by teachers of various specialties from La - Global agenda: Urban orchard a table -
Molina National Agrarian University and Fstt. From 2005 to 2008 the Cities Farming
other universities in the interior, as well as for the Future Program was implemented.
companies. It seeks to promote all national They worked on capacity building among
activities related to using available spaces local authorities and other local stakeholders
where it is possible to develop agricultural regarding urban agriculture and policy
activities and spaces that are located within formulation and strategic planning for urban
urban and suburban areas of cities. The agriculture in a multi-faceted form. http://
purpose is to improve the environment,
generate additional sources of income and - My Huerta Program Urban Agriculture, led
supply food to families. by the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima.
- President: Saray Siura Céspedes. agriculturaurbana-presentacion
(Agriculture - Horticulture)
- Vice President: Jose A. Palacios Vallejo FURTHER ACTIVITIES:
(Agronomy-Ornamental Plants) San Miguel Municipality (Metropolitan Lima).
- Treasurer: Rosario Pérez Liu. (Economics - Promotes recovery ceilings in its jurisdiction.
Agricultural Economics)
- Member 1: Vilma Gomez Galarza municipio-promueve-la-recuperacion-de-
(Economics - Business Management) techos-en-san-miguel/
- Member 2: María Inés Gorriti (Fishery - Several companies provide services and
Management) advice on issues related to improvement and
sustainable practices.
Dra. Vilma Gómez Galarza ACADEMIC RESEARCH
- Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina –
HOMEPAGE: UNALM. - Universidad Nacional del Centro –UNCP.
- Asociación Peruana de Arquitectura del
- 5 teachers from UNLAM
- 3 teachers from UNCP Empresas
Libelula. Green Roof. A natural garden on
CITY PROGRAMS: your roof. ; http://
- Feed Urban Agriculture for Human .pe/Techo-Verde,977.html
Settlements in the Rimac. The FAO and the - ARVE. Create landscaping projects with

a special and different twists. Their goal - Alfredo Rodriguez, UNALM. Green Roof at
is to create new and better green areas in home.
verticales-y-techos-verdes/ Boletin62/repotarje%20Publimetro.pdf
- Arqseed Studio Architects. http://www. - Municipality of Jesus Maria. Jesus Mary Green
arqseed .com/techo-verde.html City. (2013). http://www.munijesusmaria
- Maruplast Internacional E.I.R.L. Leader in the
import of plastic products for the horticulture - The Metropolitan Environmental Agenda.
verde.html images/archivos/agenda-ambiental-
- Techo Verde Perú. Specializes in the metropolitana.pdf
marketing of world class goods and services. CURRENT TRENDS:
- GANIA. Green roofs and walls for charge - Urban and peri-urban agriculture in popular
cities. neighborhoods of Lima and Huancayo
- Comercial Industrial Delta S.A. (CIDELSA) - Strengthening education issues and sustainable economic activities
verdes.html - Climate change
- Eco- Efficiency and Renewable Energy - Environment
SELECTED NATIONAL SCIENTIFIC - Local Authorities: provincial and district
- University teachers and researchers
- Roberto Claros Cohaila, Isabel Claros - Companies that provide ecological services
Abarca (2011). Urban agriculture in lat in relation to evapotranspiration and
municipal agendas. application of nutrients.
agendas-municipales RECOMMENDED NATIONAL
- Urban and peri-urban agriculture in WEBPAGES:
Metropolitan Lima: a strategy to fight against − Recover connecting people with nature and
poverty and food insecurity (Third Inter- a green culture spread from our cities http://
Agency Meeting). 25 and August 26, 2006,
Lima - Peru. Published by the International − Urban agriculture (UA) includes the
Potato Center (CIP), the coordinating body production and/or processing of harmless
of Urban Harvest. agricultural species (vegetables, fruits,
publications/ pdf/004205.pdf medicinal plants, etc.) and raising small
- Noemi Soto y Saray Siura. (2007) Panorama animals for consumption..http://www.ipes.
of Experiences of Urban Agriculture in the org/area/agricultura-urbana
City of Lima. IPES-Promotion of Sustainable − Peruvian Council for Sustainable
Development. Construction.
backup_ eyresis/public_html/au/switch/Pdf/ site/index.php

Current address and email
pl. Grunwaldzki 24a, 50-363 Wrocław, Poland,

Contact person/address

Logo of the
Conference on the
occasion of the
decade the existence
the Polish Green
Roof Association

STRUCTURE AND MISSION, Very important and common activity of all

INFORMATION ABOUT CHANGES members of the Association is the cooperation
IN THE LAST YEARS. with municipal offices, contributing to creation
Polish Green Roof Association (PGRA) gather of local and/or national policy concerning
together 106 members interested in green importance of green infrastructure to cities.
roofs and living walls problems. They are An equally important purpose is to create
researches, architects, consultants, appraisers, nationwide guideline that will stimulate
inspectors and technical supervisors, installation of bigger number of green roofs
professional press journalists, lawyers, and living walls on new and existing buildings
employees of governmental and municipalities and will helps to understand how many
organizations as well as students. benefits this kind of urban greenery can
Polish Green Roof Association is a member brings. Therefore, in recent years Association
of the Federation of Engineering Associations closer co-operates with municipalities.
– FSNT-NOT, which is Polish organisation of
over 170 years history. This organization unites CURRENT PRESIDENT:
and co-ordinates 39 professional Associations Marta Weber-Siwirska (PhD, assistant professor
of all branches of engineers and technicians at Wroclaw University of Environmental and
in Poland (ca. 100 300 individual members Life Sciences)
altogether). From 2014 Polish Green Roof
Association is a member of EFB (European SIZE OF THE ASSOCIATION:
Federation of Association of Green Roofs and 106 members including 18 supporting
Living Walls) and from 2017 is a member of members
WGIN (World Green Infrastructure Network).
PGRA inspires specialists involved with CURRENT ACTIVITIES
green roofs and living walls problems and In the current year (2019) Polish Green Roof
serves as the source of information, news and Association leads the following actions:
resources dealing with planning, execution
and upkeeping of green roofs and living walls The Visegrad Group project – this is second
as well as the place where everyone can share joint project Associations from Czechia,
their experience. The aim of the Association Hungary, Slovakia and Poland. These adjacent
is to spread highly specialized knowledge by Central European countries have similar
organising training courses and conferences. history and current economic situation.

Therefore it is quite easy to conduct joint Besides above mentioned activities the
projects. In 2019 the representatives of these members of Polish Green Roof Association
countries will visit one city in each country. have been invited by other organisations to
They are the examples of smart city in present lecture and seminars in different
ecological meaning and showed solution are conferences and training courses.
possible to implicate in every city belonging to
Conference on the occasion of the tenth For now, there is no national policy on green
anniversary of the existence the Polish infrastructure in Poland yet. Some cities
Green Roof Association – the most important like Warsaw, Krakow, Lodz and Wroclaw
event for Polish Green Roof Association published standards for urban greenery. These
this year. All board members and some documents do not mention the green roofs and
other members of the PGRA are involved in living walls, but sometimes indicate in which
preparation of this international conference. case they can be used. In addition, inhabitants
During this conference Association wants of Wroclaw can obtain a tax reduction if the
to present the current situation of green building where they live has green roof or
infrastructure in Poland and in the World. It living wall.
would help some Polish stakeholders to take
proper decisions to create more green roofs
and living walls in their cities.


HISTORY OF YOUR like Copenhagen and highly encouraged by a

ASSOCIATION: number of worldwide governments.
Rainwater retention and peak flood delay,
The Portuguese Association for Green Roofs, thermal insulation, protection and increase
existing since 2015, is a non-profit organization, of waterproofing life, creation of biodiversity
which aims to promote green infrastructure in niches, CO2 capture and oxygen production,
cities, especially those that can be installed on associated with the improvement of the
buildings (new or pre-existing) such as green urban landscape and the appreciation of the
roofs, highlighting their enormous importance, buildings, are part of the set of arguments of
and the numerous contributions they can give undeniable value that make it unquestionable
to the possibility to create healthy, sustainable, the need to introduce the green roofs in the
biodiverse and resilient urban territories. cities, demonstrating the urgency to consider
vegetation as a mandatory building material.
Vice-president: Cristina Matos Silva. COUNTRY e-mail:
Treasurer: Ana Mesquita. Website address:
Co-opted members of direction: PROFESSIONAL IMAGE AS
Beatriz Castiglione. ASSOCIATION
Cristina Calheiros.
José Avila e Sousa.


In the last decades, problems such as pollution,
soil impermeabilization indexes, density and
quality of buildings, energy inefficiency and
loss of biodiversity, have been aggravated, at
the same time that extreme (and increasingly
frequent) climatic phenomena occurs,
such as heat waves / drought and extreme
precipitation phenomena.
The evidence of many services that green roofs
can bring to the urban environment makes
them part of the environmental strategy of
modern cities, already an obligation in cities

NATIONAL RESEARCH Walls Associations, and the World Green

Infrastructure Network, among other
The Fifth Façade Project institutions.
The Fifth Façade Project (PQAP), a project
created by Paulo Palha, President of the PQAP represents an important step in the
Portuguese Association for Green Roofs history of the Green Roofs movement in
(ANCV), is a project between ANCV and the Portugal, since it’s the first time that a City
Porto City Council. Its objective is to define Council manifests its desire to include green
the best way to include green roofs in the roofs in the urban planning documents of the
environmental and urban strategy of the city city. The project was also essential to give
of Porto. ANCV executive capacity and increasing
The project began in August 2016 and visibility. On the other hand, it symbolizes
was attended by a large group of people the interdisciplinary character of the
from different departments of the association, since it has been necessary to
Porto City Council, as well as different promote the intervention of research groups,
universities, foreign municipalities, the companies, and municipalities; exactly the
European Federation of Green Roofs and network created by ANCV.

National organization:
Scandinavia Green Roof Association (SGRA)
Tel: 040948520


Scandinavian Green Roof Association (SGRA) About: 20 members
is a not for profit organization. Among
the members of Scandinavian Green Roof FURTHER ACTIVITIES:
Association a majority of Malmö’s departments In 2012-2013 SGRI began to develop vocational
and a majority of all green roofs installers in green roof training material and initiated
Scandinavia is represented, among a couple of collaboration with upper secondary and
other organizations from various fields such vocational Schools in the Öresund region.
as the university of Malmö, architect firm The work with producing course material
and waterproof installers. The board of SGRA continued in the autumn and winter of 2013,
consist of persons from all different fields and with the creation of online green roof course
goal is to have a board which represent all sides material - both as a complement to the
of the green roof market; installers, contractors, vocational courses and as an e-course platform
designers, academia and green roof customers. for university green roof e-course.
Since the end of the 1990s SGRAs mission has
been both to increase the green roof and façade ACADEMIC RESEARCH
greening market and to raise the quality of INSTITUTIONS:
products and maintenance. Swedish Agricultural University (SLU) is
In 2001 SGRI formed the Scandinavian represented in SGRAs board.
Green Roof Institute (SGRI) to manage the
development of Augustenborg Botanical Roof CURRENT TRENDS:
Garden – the first and one of the biggest Interest for green roofs is increasing but the
public botanical roof garden in the world interest of living or green walls is growing even
with its 9500 square meters. In the beginning more. And even though a great interest there is
of 2000 SGRI developed advanced research no city in Sweden that can compare itself with
& demonstration activity to promote Green the current development in Copenhagen.
Roof development in Scandinavia which 2006
resulted in the first doctorate of green roofs in NATIONAL KEY PERSONS OF
Scandinavia and an ongoing close partnership GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE: SWEDEN
with the Swedish University of Agricultural Tobias Emilson (SLU Alnarp)
Science (SLU). Ann-Marie Fransson (SLU Alnarp)
Sofia Eskilsdotter (SLU Ultuna)
CONTACT: Lars Johansson (SLU Ultuna)
Jonatan Malmberg (President) (Superintendent Cleas Florgård (SLU Ultuna)
at Augustenborg Botanical Roof Garden and Jonatan Malmberg (SGRI)
SGRI) Annika Kruuse (Malmö City Environmental Department, project manager of the
BiodiverCity project)
HOMEPAGE: Kristina Mårtensson (SWECO Stockholm office) Per Nyström (CEO Nyfam. Started Vegtech in early 1990s)

Jan Wijkmark (White Architects, Stockholm)

Torgny Henriksson (Byggros Sweden) NMBU, and the City of Oslo. Following this
Mattias … (Urbio Architects) work, the City of Oslo announced a plan to
Milan Obradovic (Social Democrates – Malmö develop a green roof policy similar to other
City. European cities, such as Copenhagen. The
growing interest in green roofs has encouraged
NORWAY further developments like a seminar series led
Green roofs have a long-standing history in by the Norwegian Association for Landscape
Norway. For centuries, Norwegians have used Gardeners (NAML) and a Norwegian translation
‘torvtak’ sod roofs as a mechanism for insulation of Germany’s FLL guidelines.
against the cold winters. Today, the tradition Though Norway may have a slowly growing
is still strong and these sod roofs can be found green roof market currently, its historical use
both in cities and throughout the countryside. contributes to quality developments in an area
Other types of green roofs, such as extensive well-poised for expansion.
sedum roofs, are being used increasingly
more in Norway. This reflects the improving GROWTH RATE RELATION
understanding of green roofs as a beneficial BETWEEN EXTENSIVE /ROOF
tool for the urban environment and challenges GARDENS/PODIUM DECKS AND
in climate change rather than just as a symbol SOME WORDS ABOUT LIVING
of national heritage. WALLS AND INDOOR GREENING
Norsk Forening for Grønne Tak (NFGT – MARKET
Norwegian Association for Green Roofs) is
the primary independent professional body Observed trend green roofs:
supporting members who want to promote Green roofs is becoming more and more
green roofs in the country. Many of the green popular in Sweden and mostly extensive
roofs suppliers are small businesses scattered green roofs. However, demand and interest
throughout the country, and this centralized of intensive green roofs is raising, and one
body is of growing importance for those reason is that the City of Stockholm is planning
interested in preserving sod roof heritage to increase their green space on garages and
as well as those interested in increasing the houses dramatically in the future to meet the
presence of urban green roofs and other green demand of both new developments and green
infrastructures. NFGT is looking to the future space.
by participating in the creation of national
standardizations with the Norwegian Bureau of Observed trend green walls:
Standards, uniting small and large businesses in There exists at least 7 serious out door green
various supplier fields, and promoting progress wall experiments in Sweden. In Stockholm,
in the budding green roof sector. Malmö and Gothenburg – initiated both by
From 2009 to 2014, in a project titled ‘Cities of academia (SLU and State) and companies
the Future’, urban municipalities in Norway (White Architects, PEAB, Concrete Farming,
contributed significantly to the development of Odlingsnätverket and NCC). However, despite
green roofs. Seven of its largest cities installed the growing interest the amount of green walls
green roofs for demonstration and research installed for other purposes that research is
purposes, leading the way for urban strategies very, very few.
as well as a better understanding of local The indoor greening market, we are not
stormwater mitigation. Two major papers were informed about trends in this field.
made from the work – ‘Urbanization - Green
roofs in urban areas. Field experiments runoff RECOMMENDED NATIONAL
water’ with SINTEF and Nittedal Torvindustri WEBPAGES:
and ‘Green roof – Results from the knowledge
acquisition project’ with SINTEF, Bioforsk,

National organization:
There is no professional nor academic organisation in Singapore that
focuses on green roofs and/or vertical greenery (which is collectively
termed as „skyrise greenery.“)
The closest and most relevant organisation in that aspect is the
government agency, Centre for Urban Greenery and Ecology (CUGE, in
short), which is under the National Parks Board (NParks, in short).


CUGE is jointly established by the NParks n.a.
and the Singapore Workforce Development
Agency. CUGE has a critical mass of ACADEMIC RESEARCH
knowledge to share and advance expertise on INSTITUTIONS:
urban greenery and ecology, including skyrise - NParks CUGE
greenery. - Housing and Development Building Research
NParks is responsible for providing and Institute (HDB BRI)
enhancing the greenery, including skyrise - National University of Singapore (NUS)
greenery, of Singapore. It also manages parks, - Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
nature reserves, streetscapes or roadside
Verditecture Private Limited is a Singapore- PUBLICATION:
registered private company that focuses There are too many. Papers from Dr Tan Puay
on skyrise greenery and also WGIN’s Yok, Prof Wong Nyuk Hien and Ms Angelia
representative in the South East Asian region. Sia.


- Interest for green roofs is increasing but the
- interest of living or green walls is growing
even more.
- Skyrise greenery incentive scheme (“SGIS” GREENING MARKET
in short) 4 – 6% per year
- Skyrise greenery sharing sessions and talks
- Skyrise greenery awards RECOMMENDED NATIONAL
International Skyrise Greenery Conference

National organization:
itdUPM. ETSIAAB. Avda. Puerta de Hierro 2. Madrid 28040. Spain

Contact person
PRONATUR: Julian Briz.;

STRUCTURE AND MISSION Secretary: Manuel Pasquín, Entrepreneur.

a) PRONATUR (Spanish Society for the Treasurer: Beatriz Urbano. Professor.
Promotion of Nature in Urban and Rural Universidad Valladolid.
Areas) is a non-profit and non-governmental Directors:
organization. It was founded in April 1992 - Isabel de Felipe. Honorary Profesor.
with the collaboration of IASP (Humboldt itdUPM. Madrid.
University Berlin). - Francesca Oliveri. Professor UPM. Madrid.

b) Board of directors 2019: The goal of PRONATUR is to promote and

President and founder: Julián Briz. Emeritus coordinate activities between University,
Professor. Administration and firms for improvement
Vice President: Joaquín Sicilia. Entrepreneur. of nature in urban environment with
Firm Sicilia Architect. socioeconomic dimensions.

Some of the guidelines for PRONATUR are

focused on:
- Greening buildings
- Green streets and open spaces in the city
- Quality environment (air, acoustic)
- Urban agriculture
- Health and recreation
- Integration of urban society

As a way to promote urban agriculture in

2012, it was founded in coordination with Foro
Agrario the Observatory of Urban Agriculture

Julián Briz. Emeritus Professor.


Including the Observatory of Urban
Agriculture, about 200. There are academics,
technicians, entrepreneurs, practitioners and
neighbourhood organizations.

Members of international institutions:
- 1999: Red Internacional de Ciudades en
Naturación (RICEN) in coordination with IASP
(Humboldt University Berlin)
- 2002: Member of the European Council for
the Village and Small Towns (ECOVAST)
- Since 2010: Member of the board of Directors
of WGIN (World Association)
- Since 2017 Member of the board of Directors
of EFB (European Association) - 2010: Contribution and discussion in the
a) National and international seminars and Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture and Urban
congresses: Planning (FAO-ETC)
- 1995. International seminar in Cottbus - Collaboration in international master courses
(Germany) at the Bundesgartenschau = BUGA about green cities sponsored by the EU at
- 1999: International seminar in Madrid about Chapingo University (Mexico).
“Bioclimatic Architecture and Urban Nature” - Postgraduate courses in bioclimatic
- Participation with IASP in the International architecture at the Faculty of Architecture in
Congress on Urban Greening and Agriculture UPM.
in: Quito (Ecuador), Cartagena de Indias
(Columbia), Cuba (Havana). Rio Janeiro ACADEMIC AND RESEARCH
- Participation in the WGIN International In 1994, from the City Hall of Madrid,
Congress in: Toronto (Canada), Mexico DF PRONATUR received the award in the field of
(Mexico), Indore (India), Hangzhou (China), “Urban Environment”.
Nantes (France), Nagoya (Japan), Sydney Three experimental green roofs were created
(Australia), Bangalore (India). in collaboration with the City Halls of Berlin

and Madrid (1993), UPM (1996) and the - Vertical Urban Agriculture edited by itdUPM
Ministry of Industry and Energy and the firm and PRONATUR (2017)
Intemper (1999) - Multifunctional Green Urban Infrastructure
- Several PhD, Masters Theses and academic (2019 in print)
- Member of the team coordinated by the b) Proceedings and public declarations on
Technical Agricultural School of Barcelona green urban infrastructure seminars (Havana,
publishing the handbook of “Standard Quito, Cartagena Indias, Berlin, Madrid, Río
construction on green roofs” Janeiro)
- Since 2012 PRONATUR is an active
member of the Innovation and Technology SELECTED CITY GREENING
for Development Centre (itdUPM): PROGRAM
+ Laboratory Bioclimatic Architecture and The more important cities in Spain (Madrid,
Urban Agriculture (LABAU) Barcelona, Sevilla, Zaragoza, Valencia) have
+ Climat Reality Prize Award 2018 developed local programs to improve green
+ Massive On line Open Couse (MOOC) infrastructures. Special attention has to be
about “Ciudades verdes, naturación y given to Vitoria, nominated European Green
agricultura urbana” (2018), with more than City in 2012. There are no official statistics.
2000 participants However, in many Spanish cities there is
+ Project of “Vegetation towers designed a growing trend in green buildings. In the
as urban modules for cleaning the air of Madrid area, some of the more significant
cities” projects are the Barajas Airport, Santander
+ Projects of green urban infrastructure Financial City, Caixa Forum, hospitals, rooftop
with the City Hall of Madrid and the City farms, and others.
Hall of Lugo.
+ Project of greening the Matadero Space SOME SPECIFIC RELATED HOT
with Madrid Town Hall and itdUPM. TOPICS
• Environmental impact of green roof and wall
SELECTED NATIONAL SCIENTIFIC • Urban agriculture multifunctions
PUBLICATION • Carbon and energy footprint evaluation
under the focus of green urban areas.
a) Books: • Roof top farming.
- Naturación Urbana: “Cubiertas ecológicas y • Improve the coordination of synergies
mejora medioambiental” Mundiprensa (1999, between actors (public and private sector)
2004) involved in greening cities activities
- Green Cities in the World, WGIN, PRONATUR • Urban Energy and water management.
(2014, 2015) • Socioeconomic impact of green urban
- Agricultura Urbana Integral, edited by the infrastructures
Ministery of Agriculture and PRONATUR

National organization:
Taiwan Green Roof & Green Wall Association
Office Address: 6-3, 160, Section 6, Mingchuen East Road,
Neihu, Taipei, Taiwan
Phone: 886-2-27923958
Fax: 886-2-87919495


The Taiwan Green Roof & Green Wall New Taipei City green roof project, Taipei
Association was formed on May 18th, 2011, by City Green roof guidelines, Kaohsiung City
a group of environmentally-conscious people greening guidelines, Taichung greening
consisting of professors, architects, developers, guidelines
landscape designers and contractors, and
horticulture supply companies. It is officially CONFERENCES:
incorporated as a nation-wide non-profit Local counties or cities have sponsored green
institution. roof seminars each year with the help from the
The missions are to: Taiwan Greenroof Association. No national or
- Develop and provide products and international conferences have been held yet.
technologies for the green roof and green
- Establish and publish industry standards Green roof conferences in the 6 major cities of
and practices Taiwan are planned for 2014
- Promote and educate the public on benefits
and safety concerns MEMBERSHIP:
- Assist governmental agencies in devising Member of WGIN
policies and measures to impose compulsory
green roofs and green walls ACADEMIC RESEARCH
- Train and certify qualified installers INSTITUTIONS:
- Secure legislative and financial support - National Taiwan University
from government at the central and city/ Department of Horticulture and Landscape
county levels of government Architecture
- Network with relevant associations in
promoting green building concepts and - Chinese Culture University
practices. Department of Landscape Architecture
HOMEPAGE: Parks & Greenland Association publications, “I love Grenroof” published by “Myhouse”


- Individual members: 60 High rise greenery is becoming more and more
- Corporate members: 21 popular as some skyscraper-style apartments
have been introduced. Roof gardens are

becoming popular. Storm water management fact that local governments are pushing for
is another key concern here which helps the compulsive green roofs in new construction
installation of green roofs projects. However, intensive green roofs are
usually preferred. For existing buildings, on
SOME NATIONAL KEY PERSONS the other hand, extensive green roofs are more
OF GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE: popular because of dead-load constraints.
- Hsien-Der Lin, Green Building Council Green walls are very popular as the local
- Nelson Li, President of the Taiwan Greenroof governments require compulsory green walls
Association on the fences of construction sites. More and
- John Li, Chairman of Taiwan CECI more permanent types of green walls have
- Monica Kuo, Department head of Landscape been installed as well as the indoor green
Design at Culture University walls in restaurants and shopping arcades.
- Y. S. Chang, Professor at National Taiwan The current constraint is the technology to
University keep them sustainable. Maintenance costs
- C. M Kuo, Curator of Botanical Sample library are rather high and some architects criticize
of National Taiwan University that green walls consume too much water and
The growth of the green roof and green wall
industry is at about 20-30% a year due to the

Roof garden as
Art installation.
Source: M. Köhler

National organization:
AVereniging Bouwwerk Begroeners VBB
Industrielaan 15 B
3925BD Scherpenzeel - Netherlands
Phone +31 33.277 3404
The VBB is a member of the European Federation of Building
Greenworkers: EFB and the Forschungsgesellschaft Landschaftsentwicklung
Landschaftsbau: FLL .

SUSTAINABILITY AND CLIMATE bushes also mask traffic and industrial noise.
CHANGE Finally, green roofs not only help with water
A clean, green and healthy country where storage but also they save energy and increase
sustainability contributes to a strong economy. the life span of the roof.
This is the ambition the Dutch VBB wants to Urban parks and gardens can be used to
work on for sustainability. Reducing carbon produce healthy and sustainable food. More
emission, preparing for the consequences plants in public areas, on roofs and on facades
of climate change, improving air quality will also make cities a more pleasant place in
and reducing noise are the main topics in which to live. By additionally creating high-
the Netherlands. The VBB (and their green quality parks and developing ecological routes
roofs and green walls) are at the national and nature parks around we also stimulate the
level key player as the association with potential for recreation and leisure activities
experienced members. VBB = Vereniging as well as improving biodiversity.
Bouwwerk Begroeners which means “Building
Greenworkers Association”. The VBB KNOWLEDGE
constitute a big club but with an experience The VBB programme is based on knowledge of
that matters, some members have been the members such as roofing contractors, green
working as the largest in its field in Europe or roof manufacturers & suppliers, architects
even worldwide. The motto is “knowledge by and landscape designers who are active in the
organization “. green roof industry.Innovative green solutions
and international collaboration will enhance
MORE GREEN AREAS the quality of life in the Netherlands.
Creating more green areas in and around In the long term we would like to see ‘trees
the cities will contribute to many of the key and green areas’ become a standard part of
targets. More plants will enable the cities instruments targeting the fields of health,
to store more rainwater and in this way noise control, climate, water storage and air
prevent water damage (green roofs and green quality. Green roofs, living roofs and brown
facades). Planting trees, bushes, shrubs, green roofs are and will be an increasingly important
facades, roof gardens and green roofs makes technology. The ecosystems services that are
the cities more attractive and helps limit the provided by green roofs and living roofs will
consequences of rises in temperature, which be especially important in regard a reduction
in turn reduces the risk of heat stroke (heat- in the Urban Heat Island [our summers are
induced illness). Extra vegetation is good for predicted to get much hotter] and help reduce
public health as the view of and proximity the impact of flash summer storms that are
to planted areas reduces stress and trees and predicted to increase as the climate changes.

We intend to demonstrate that an intensely storage. Many residents and entrepreneurs

urban and industrial environment can are already contributing to our urban nature
accommodate biodiversity. goals. In Amsterdam and Rotterdam groups
The VBB is a member of the European of residents and entrepreneurs are setting up
Federation of Building Greenworkers various urban farm initiatives. We match the
EFB and the Forschungsgesellschaft demand with other ideals such as sustainably
Landschaftsentwicklung Landschaftsbau FLL . managed natural areas around the cities,
The members of the VBB-association do work urban parks and gardens or involving young
on development and realization and do have inhabitants via nature and environmental
various types of green roofs and facades e.g. education. Some private individuals and
sedummixmats, greenrooftiles. entrepreneurs have, with the aid of green roofs
subsidy schemes throughout the Netherlands,
HOW WILL THE GOALS BE already constructed lots of green roofs and
ACHIEVED? green facades.
By putting the right plants in the right place. For standardizing the quality of green roofs
We are continuing our policy of planting more the VBB is working (with others) on an official
trees, bushes and other vegetation in our standard: the NEN-norm, the first official
nation. This is something we have been doing standard in this area in Europe. NEN is
for several years now. Government, cities, NEderlandse Norm, EN is the European Norm;
residents, farmers, shop keepers, institutions like ISO voor International Organization for
and local councils are being asked more than Standardization. Meanwhile the VBB has it’s
ever to contribute to making this goal a reality. own directive: VBB Richtlijn Begroeide daken
We are also trying to cooperate with the 3.1.
district waterboards to add to the vegetation The information in the directive green roofing
in the form of more green roofs and green provides a summary of materials, systems
facades to create an alternative form of water and or products that are used in green roofs.

Information is also given for testing, evaluation and cool buildings. For example, flat roofs
of conformity. without greenery can be up to 21⁰C warmer
than green roofs.
REFERENCE PROJECT DUTCH The design of this passive house is oriented to
MARKET - PASSIVE HOUSE the sun and is executed with good insulation
WERKHOVEN and advanced installation methods. A
In cooperation with architect Voss and conventional heating system is therefore
construction company Van Rijn BV - knowledge unnecessary.
leader in the field of sustainable concepts –a The property is largely made of wood, since
green roof was realized on top of this Passive this material is one of the few materials that is
house in Werkhoven, The Netherlands. For in its core a natural and fully Cradle to Cradle
this green roof vegetation blankets from product. The very low power consumption
Sempergreen were used. Sempergreen is is combined with a very high quality and
the world’s largest developer and supplier of comfortable indoor climate.
vegetation blankets for green roofs. The house
was completed in 2013.
Passive Houses are very energy-efficient
homes, where consumption of space heating is
less than 15 kWh / m² gross per year. It results
in an ultra-low energy building, herewith
reducing its ecological footprint. Passive
design is not an attachment or supplement to
architectural design, but a design process that
is integrated within the architectural design. Sempergreen:
Research shows that extensive green roofs Architect Voss:
reduce temperature fluctuations, bringing Construction company Van Rijn BV: http://www.
average temperatures down, while covering
roofs with Sedum plants - rather than black &%20referenties/Nieuwbouw/Particulieren/
roofs - reduces the energy required to heat Passieve+woning/?art=2013-109#ad-image-0

National organization:
Green Roofs for Healthy Cities
406 King Street East
Toronto, ON
M5A 1L4

• Dr. Hamid Karimi

STRUCTURE AND MISSION: DC Department of Energy and Environment,
Green Roofs for Healthy Cities North America Policy Committee Chair
• Dr. Reid Coffman
ORGANIZATION BACKGROUND Kent State University, Research Committee
Green Roofs for Healthy Cities (GRHC) is a • Michael Krause
non-profit 501(c6) incorporated in 2004 the Kandiyo Consulting, LLC, Green Infrastruc-
state of Virginia but serving markets in Cana- ture Foundation
da and the United States. This member based • Joe Di Norscia
and supported organization provides a variety Rooflite, Member-at-Large
of products and services designed to support • John Robinson, CSI/CDT, GRP, RRO
the development of the green roof and wall Sika Sarnafil, Member-at-Large
industry. We advocate for supportive poli- • Melissa Daniels, GRP, CNLP
cies, hold regular events, conduct professional Plant Connection, Green Walls Chair
training, develop standards, provide awards • Elizabeth Hart, GRP, CDT
of excellence to project designers, researcher GRiT, Green Roof Professional Chair
and advocates and support the international • Jeff Joslin, APA
movement to develop green roofs and walls. Director, Current Planning, San Francisco,
GRHC also works closely with its charitable Policy Co-Chair.
arm, the Green Infrastructure Foundation,
501 (c3) whose mission is to develop the green MISSION STATEMENT
infrastructure industry more broadly primari- Green Roofs for Healthy Cities’ mission is to
ly through education. develop and protect the market by increas-
The current board of directors of Green Roofs ing the awareness of the economic, social and
for Healthy Cities for 2019 are as follows: environmental benefits of green roofs, green
• Matthew Barmore, GRP, MBA walls, and other forms of living architecture
Greenrise Technologies, Chair GRHC through education, advocacy, professional de-
• Jeffery Bruce, GRP, FASLA, velopment and celebrations of excellence.
Jeffery L. Bruce & Co. LLC, Past Chair
Devens Enterprise Commission, Past Chair Non-profit, non-government organization.
• Steven W. Peck, GRP, Honorary ASLA – Ex
Founder and President Steven W. Peck, GRP, Founder and President,
• Christian Mahlstedt, LEED AP, GRP, Treasurer GRHC
Gingko Sustainability
• Ann-Neil Cosby Rohan Lilauwala, GRP, Program Manager, GIF
McGuire Woods LLP, Attorney

Online Professional Courses
DEDICATED GREEN ROOF CITY Green Roof Professional (GRP) Training is
PROGRAMS AND YEAR OF now online, as well as the GRP exam at the
IMPLEMENTATION living architecture academy. Three days of
-King County, WA: 2004 lectures, 1000 plus pages of digital resource
-Portland, OR: Ecoroof, 2005, Clean river re- manuals and a 100 question exam are all
wards 2006 available online.
-Minneapolis, MN: Stormwater, 2005 Additional courses are available in subjects
-Chicago, IL: Green permit program, 2006 such as Advanced Maintenance, Net Zero
-Port Cocuitlam, BC: Green roof regulation, Water Design and Installation, Green Wall
2006 Design 101, Green Infrastructure Monetary
-Washington DC: Green roof rebate program, Valuation, and Biophilic Design. See www.
2007 for course
-Philadelphia, PA: Green roof tax credits, 2007 descriptions and prices.
-Seattle, WA: Green factor 2007
-Richmond, BC: Green roof bylaw, 2008 LAPT Performance Rating System
-Anne Arundel County, MD: Stormwater tax In 2018 GRHC and the Green Infrastructure
credit, 2008 Foundation launched the beta version 1.0 of
-New York City, NY: Green building construc- the Living Architecture Performance Tool
tion act, 2009 (LAPT) which is a 110 credit system for evalu-
-Toronto, ON: Green roof bylaw and Eco roof ating the performance of a green roof, wall or
incentive program, 2008 any combination thereof. The framework is
-Bloomington, IN: Unified development ordi- flexible to different climates around the world,
nance, 2009 and it also has 10 innovation credits built in-
-Ohio: Environmental protection agency green to it. There are a number of pre-requisites
roof loan program, 2009 that must be obtains in order to achieve third
-Milwaukee, WI: Metropolitan sewerage dis- party project certification – certified, silver,
trict regional green roof initiative, 2019 gold and platinum. More than 10 projects are
-Onondaga County NY: Green improvement going through the certification program. The
fund, 2010 LAPT can be used by designers to improve
-Wisconsin: Vegetated roof systems guide- their designs, by developers and owners to
lines, 2010 improve performance and by policy makers.
-Devans, MA: Policy for the construction of It is based on the same structure as the USG-
green roofs, 2011 BC’s LEED program and Sustainable Sites. To
-Austin, TX: Green roof density bonus, 2011 download a free copy of the LAPT go to www.
San Francisco, California: Better Roofs Ordi- A revised
nance requiring green roof and/or solar pan- version 2.0 of the LAPT will be completed in
els 2017. 2020 after the initial certifications are com-
Portland, Oregon: Mandatory green roof re- pleted in 2019.
quirement for new buildings in City Central.
2018 Events
Denver, Colorado: Mandatory green roof re- Across North America we organize events to
quirement for new and existing buildings. train and develop policy in support of green
2018. roofs, walls and other form of green infra-

structure. Each spring, we organize Grey To Conference recordings for CitiesAlive and
Green, a conference on green infrastructure Grey to Green, which consist of powerpoints
in Toronto, Canada. Every year we also hold synced to audio recordings, are available for
an international green roof and wall confer- purchase, as well as various training resource
ence called CitiesAlive. To find out about manuals, at our Green Infrastructure Store
these please visit The –
next CitiesAlive conference will be in Phila- store/
delphia in 2020.
PUBLICATIONS The Green Infrastructure Foundation has
Each quarter we publish the Living Architec- developed a unique program that combines
ture Monitor, now in its 20th year. This dig- the redesign of a community park, district
ital journal includes interviews with experts, or building complex using green infrastruc-
new products, new project designs, award ture, with a detailed cost and benefit analysis
winning projects, policies and more. The dig- of the outcome. This Green Infrastructure
ital version is free and can be downloaded at Charrette program has worked with commu- Back is- nities from Toronto to New York and Seattle.
sues are available online. For more information and to read some of the
We publish the Green Pages: Green Roof and Charrette Report see: www.greeninfrastruc-
Wall Industry Directory which is available for
download under our “Resources Section” of
GRHC also publishes an estimate of green roof INSTITUTIONS IN NORTH
and wall development on an annual basis, a AMERICA
summary of which is also available on our web There are many green roof research institu-
site. Although not comprehensive, these sur- tions in North America. In 2018, we launch
veys do provide a snap shot of where the in- the Centers of Regional Living Architecture
dustry is developing across North America. Excellence with a number of prominent re-

search institutions to further advance re- • To provide venues to hold GRP training
search, teaching and policy development. courses, continued GRP education, and gener-
The new Centers of Excellence and leading al membership drives;
academics are as follows: • To engage more students to support the
employment needs of the growing industry
Southern Illinois Center of Excellence through membership and training;
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, • To provide continuing education GRPs and
Dr. Bill Retzlaff, Associate Dean, CAS, Distin- support industry professionals to meet and ad-
guished Research Professor, Biological Sciences vance policies within their region;
• To strengthen dissemination via the Journal
New Jersey – Stevens Institute of Technol- of Living Architecture by supporting the re-
ogy Center of Excellence search work completed at the centers;
Stevens Institute of Technology, Dr, Elizabeth • To facilitate academic meetings and semi-
Fassman-Beck, Associate Professor, Depart- nars; and
ment of Civil, Environmental and Ocean En- • To provide support to faculty for funding stu-
gineering dent research, directly with seed funding, and
through industry partnerships.
Colorado Center of Excellence
Colorado State University, Dr. Jennifer Bous- CURRENT TRENDS:
selot, Special Assistant Professor, Department Biophilic design theory and practice as it per-
of Horticultural and Landscape Architecture; tains to buildings and communities.
University of Colorado Denver, Leila Tolder-
College of Architecture and Planning. PUBLICATION
GRHC has established a per reviewed online
Greater Ohio Center of Excellence scientific journal called the Journal of Living
Kent State University, Dr. Reid Coffman, As- Architecture (JLIV). It is focused on green
sociate Professor, College of Architecture and roof and wall research and it is free to access
Environmental Design; at:
University of Cincinnati, Professor Virgin-
ia Russell, Director, Horticulture/Landscape NATIONAL KEY PERSONS OF
Architecture/Professor Landscape Architec- GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE
ture and Dr. Ishi Buffam, Department of Bio- An overview is summarized in: Peck, S., 2013:
logical Sciences; Heidelberg University, Mark The Rise of Living Architecture, GRHC, Toronto,
E. Mitchell, Biological and Environmental Canada
The objectives of these Centers of Excellence WEBPAGES:
are as follows:
• To support the development of living archi-
tecture research, professional training and
policy development at a regional scale;
• To aid academic/industry/policy interaction
in ways that can better address regional envi-
ronmental, market place, regulatory, and cli-
matological realities;
Julián Briz

Manfred Köhler
Isabel de Felipe


The book is a fruitful collaboration between institutions,
organizations, enterprises and expertise’s in green urban
infrastructures under the common idea that Humanity needs
a sustainable development, where urban areas has to look for
ecosystemic services. Solutions to many problems may resolved
under the nature experience which for thousand years have
been adapted to the environment.
Editors: Julián Briz, Manfred Köhler, Isabel de Felipe

We present the experience of specialist in a broad range of

disciplines, which deal with topics as mimicry, energy saving,
Food Health Enviro
landscape or urban planning.
Biodiversity nmen
Along 352 pages the publications includes 17 chapters with 30
e c r e a t i o n t
authors from 17 countries. There is a special section, which R SDG
describes international and national organization from 30
countries. Photography color, tables and graphics facilitate the
Biomimetisme Socioeconomics
lecture and understanding of the topic green urban infrastructure.

Energy Landscape Climate change


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