Semiconductor AN758: Motorola Application Note
Semiconductor AN758: Motorola Application Note
Semiconductor AN758: Motorola Application Note
RF Application
Motorola, Inc. 1993 Reports 1
50 V
R12 R5
+ 0.5 — 1.0 V
6 10 1 +
Parts List: R6 C13
R5 — 1.0 Ohm / 1/2 W –
8 2
R6 — 1 kΩ / 1/2 W
R7 — 100 Ohm/5 W
R8 — 18 kΩ / 1/2 W MC1723C
R9 — 8.2 kΩ / 1/2 W
R10 — 1 kΩ trimpot 7 3 R8
R11 — ——————
R12 — 1 kΩ / 1/2 W
C11 — 1000 µF / 3 V Electrolytic D2
9 5 4
C12 — 1000 pF Ceramic
D1 — See text C12
D2 — 1N5361 — 1N5366
Q3 — 2N5991 R9
Although the MC1723C is specified for a minimum VO THE 300 W AMPLIFIER MODULE
of 2 Volts, it can be used at lower levels with relaxed
specifications, which are sufficient for this application. Input Matching
Advantages of this type bias source are:
Due to the large emitter periphery of the MRF428, the
1. Line voltage regulation, which is important if the amplifier series base impedance is as low as 0.88, – J.80 Ohm at
is to be operated from various supply voltages. 30 MHz. In a push-pull circuit a 16:1 input transformer would
2. Adjustable current limit. provide the best impedance match from a 50-Ohm source.
3. Very low stand-by current drain. This would however, result in a high VSWR at 2 MHz, and
Figure 1 is modified from the circuit shown on the MC1723 would make it difficult to implement the gain correction
data sheet by adding the temperature sensing diode D1 and network design. For this reason a 9:1 transformer, which is
the voltage adjust element R10. D2 and R12 reduce the more ideal at the lower frequencies, was chosen. This
supply voltage to a level below 40 V, which is the maximum represents a 5.55 Ohm base-to-base source impedance.
input voltage of the regulator. In a Class C push-pull circuit, where the conduction angle
D1 is the base-emitter junction of a 2N5190, in a Case is less than 180°, the base-to-base impedance would be
77 plastic package. The outline dimensions allow its use for about four times the base-to-emitter impedance of one
one of the circuit board stand-offs, attaching it automatically device. In Class A where the collector idling current is
to the heatsink for temperature tracking. approximately half the peak collector current, the conduction
The temperature compensation has a slight negative angle is 360°, and the base-to-base impedance is twice the
coefficient. When the collector idling current is adjusted to input impedance of one transistor. When the forward base
300 mA at 25°C, it will be reduced to 240 – 260 mA at a bias is applied, the conduction angle increases and the
60°C heatsink temperature. (– 1.15 to – 1.7 mA/°C.) base-to-base impedance decreases rapidly, approaching
The current limiting resistor R5 sets the limiting to that of Class A in Class AB.
approximately 0.65 A, which is sufficient for devices with A center tap, common in push-pull circuits, is not
a minimum hFE of 17, necessary in the input transformer secondary, if the
I transistors are balanced. (Cib, hFE, VBEf) The base current
IB = C return path is through the forward biased base-emitter
junction of the off transistor. This junction acts as a clamping
when the maximum average IC is 10.9 A.(2 MHz, 50 V, diode, and the power gain is somewhat dependent upon the
250 CW.) Typically, the MRF428 hFE’s are in the 30’s. amount of the bias current. The equivalent input circuit
The measured output voltage variations of the bias source (Figure 2) represents one half of the push-pull circuit, and
(0 – 600 mA) are ± 5 to 7 mV, which amounts to a source for calculations RS equals the total source impedance (RS′)
impedance of approximately 20 milliohms. divided by two.
2 RF Application Reports
L1 = 4 nH
RS R2 RI = 4.65 Ω
L2 = 55 nH RL
XI = j 1.25 Ω
Since a junction transistor is a current amplifier, it should were used to simulate the network in a computer program.
ideally be driven from a current source. In RF applications An estimated arbitrary value of 4000 pF for C1 was chosen,
this would result in excessive loss of power gain. However, and VCS2 represents the negative feedback voltage
input networks can be designed with frequency slopes (Figure 2.) The optimization was done in two separate
having some of the current source characteristics at low programs for R1, R2, C1 and VCS2 and in several steps.
frequencies, where excess gain is available. The goals were: a) VCS and R2 for a transducer loss of
The complex base input characteristics of a transistor 13 dB at 2 MHz and minimum loss at 30 MHz. b) R1 and
would place requirements for a very sophisticated input C1 for input VSWR of < 1.1:1 and < 2:1 respectively. The
compensation network for optimum overall performance. The optimized values were obtained as:
design goal here was to maintain an input VSWR of 2:1 or C1 = 5850 pF R2 = 1.3 Ω
less and a maximum gain variation of + 1.5 dB from 2 to
R1 =2.1 Ω VCS2= 1.5 V
30 MHz. Initial calculations indicated that these requirements
can be met with a simple RC network in conjunction with The minimum obtainable transducer loss at 30 MHz was
negative collector-to-base feedback. Figure 2 shows this 2.3 dB, which is partly caused by the highest reflected power
network for one device. L1 and L2 represent lead lengths, at this frequency, and can be reduced by “overcompensa-
and their values are fixed. The feedback is provided through tion” of the input transformer. This indicates that at the higher
R2 and L2. Because the calculations were done without the frequencies, the source impedance (RS) is effectively de-
feedback, this branch is grounded to simulate the operating creased, which leaves the input VSWR highest at 15 MHz.
conditions. In the practical circuit the value of C1 (and C2) was
The average power gain variation of the MRF428 from rounded to the nearest standard, or 5600 pF. For each half
2 to 30 MHz is 13 dB. Due to phase errors, a large amount cycle of operation R2 and R4 are in series and the value
of negative feedback in an RF amplifier decreases the of each should be
linearity, or may result in instabilities. Experience has shown 1.3 Ω
that approximately 5 – 6 dB of feedback can be tolerated 2
without noticeable effects in linearity or stability, depending
upon circuit layout. If the amount of feedback is 5 dB, 8 dB for VCS2 = 1.5 V. Since the voltage across ac and bd = VCE,
will have to be absorbed by the input network at 2 MHz. a turns ratio of 32:1 would be required. It appears that if the
Omitting the reactive components, L1, L2, C1, and the feedback voltage on the bases remains unchanged, the ratio
phase angle of XI which have a negligible effect at 2 MHz, of the voltage across L5 (VCS2) and R2R4 can be varied
a simple L-pad was calculated with RS = 2.77 Ω, and with only a small effect to the overall input VSWR. To mini-
mize the resistive losses in the bifilar winding of T2 (Fig-
RL = 4.652 + 1.252 = 4.81 Ω . ure 3), the highest practical turns ratio should not be much
higher than required for the minimum inductance, which is
From the device data sheet we find GPE at 2 MHz is about 4R 50
= = 4.0 µH .
28 dB, indicating 0.24 W at RL will produce an output power 2πf 12.5
of 150 W, and the required power at RS = 0.24 W + 8 dB
R = Collector-to-Collector Impedance = 12.5 Ω
= 1.51 W.
Figuring out currents and voltages in various branches f = 2 MHz
results in: R1 = 1.67 Ω and R2 = 1.44 Ω. ac or bd will then be 1.0 µH, which amounts to 5 turns. (See
The calculated values of R1 and R2 along with other details on T2.) 25% over this represents a 7:1 ratio setting
known values and the device input data at four frequencies VCS2 to 6.9 V.
RF Application Reports 3
R1 Q1 C7 T3
T2 a
L1 e
T1 a b
50 Ω C6 50 Ω
f c d
R3 Q2
L9 C10
– + +
Figure 3.
In addition to providing a source for the negative 35 MHz, the value of C5 becomes 460 pF, which can be
feedback, T2 supplies the dc voltage to the collectors as well rounded to the closest standard, or 470 pF. The phase shift
as functions as a center tap for the output transformer T3. at 30 MHz is:
The currents for each half cycle are in opposite phase
Tan–1 2πfL Tan–1 6.28 x 30 x 0.045
in ac and bd, and depending on the coupling factor between =
the windings, the even harmonic components will see a much f2 Ǔ 900 Ǔ
R ǒ1 – 6.8 ǒ 1 –
lower impedance than the fundamental. The optimum line fo2 1225
i mpedanc e f or a c , b d w o u l d e q u a l o n e hal f the
collector-to-collector impedance, but experiments have Tan–1
= ǒ 8.48 Ǔ = 78.0°
shown that increasing this number by a factor of 2–3 affects 1.80
the 2nd and 4th harmonic amplitudes by only 1 to 2 dB.
Since the minimum gain loss obtainable at 30 MHz with The impedance is:
network as in Figure 2, and the modified VCS2 source was R 6.8
about 3.8 dB at 30 MHz, C5 was added with the following = = 32.7 Ω
cos θ cos 78°
in mind: C5 and L5 form a parallel resonant circuit with a
Q of approximately 1.5. Its purpose is to increase the At 2 MHz the numbers are respectively 4.76° and 6.83 Ω.
shunting impedance across the bases, and to disturb the The 1.4 dB feedback means that the feedback voltage
180° phase difference between the input signal and the is 16% of the input voltage at the bases. By the aid of vectors,
feedback voltage at the higher frequencies. This reduces the we can calculate that the 78° phase shift and the increased
gain loss of 3.8 dB, of which 1.4 dB is caused by the feedback impedance reduces this to 4%, which amounts to 0.35 dB.
at 30 MHz. The amount depends upon the resonant These numbers were verified in another computer program
frequency of C5 L5, which should be above the highest with VCS2 = 6.9 V, and including C5. New values for R1
operating frequency, to avoid possible instabilities. and R2 were obtained as 1.95 Ω and 6.8 Ω respectively,
When L5 is 45 nH, and the resonance is calculated for and other data as shown in Table 1.
Table 1.
Frequency Input Input Impedance Input Impedance Attenuation
MHz VSWR Real Reactive dB
2.0 1.07 2.79 – 0.201 13.00
4.0 1.16 2.66 – 0.393 12.07
7.5 1.33 2.35 – 0.615 10.42
15 1.68 1.77 – 0.611 7.40
20 1.82 1.57 – 0.431 5.90
30 1.74 1.62 – 0.21 2.70
4 RF Application Reports
Although omitted from the preliminary calculations, the These figures for other frequencies are presented with the
2 x 5 nH inductances, comprising of lead length, were in- data below. Later, some practical experiments were done
cluded in this program. with moving the resonance of C5 L5 lower, to find out if insta-
The input transformer is a 9:1 type, and uses a television bilities would occur in a practical circuit. When the resonance
antenna balun type ferrite core, made of high permeability was equal to the test frequency, slight breakup was noticed
material. The low impedance winding consists of one turn in the peaks of a two-tone pattern. It was then decided to ad-
of 1/8″ copper braid. The sections going through the just the resonance to 31 MHz, where C5 = 560 pF, and the
openings in the ferrite core are rounded to resemble two phase angle at 30 MHz increases to 87°. The transducer loss
pieces of tubing electrically. The primary consists of AWG is further reduced by about 0.2 dB.
#22 TFE insulated wire, threaded through the rounded
sections of braid, placing the primary and secondary leads Table 2.
in opposite ends of the core.(4) (5) The saturation flux density
Frequency RS XS VSWR Attenuation
is about 60 gauss which is well below the limits for this core.
MHz Ohms Ohms dB
For calculation procedures, see discussion about the output
transformer. 2.0 5.59 + 0.095 1.05 12.99
This type physical arrangement provides a tight coupling, 4.0 5.55 + 0.057 1.15 12.06
reducing the amount of leakage flux at high frequencies. The 7.5 5.50 + 0.046 1.32 10.40
wire gauge, insulation thickness, and number of strands have 15 4.90 + 0.25 1.48 7.28
a minimal effect in the performance except at very high 20 4.32 + 0.55 1.38 5.63
impedance ratios, such as 25:1 and up. The transformer 30 3.43 + 0.73 1.11 2.38
configuration is shown in Figure 4. By using a vector * Above readings with transformer and compensation network.
impedance meter, the values for C3 and C4 were measured
to give a reasonable input match at 30 MHz, (Zin = 1.62 Several types of output transformer configurations were
– j 0.21 x 2 = 3.24 – j 0.42) with the smallest possible phase considered. The 12.5 Q collector-to-collector impedance
angle. estimated earlier, would require a 4:1 transformer for a 50 Ω
output. The type used here as the input transformer exhibits
good broad band characteristics with a convenient physical
design. However, according to the low frequency minimum
50 Ω 56 pF C3 470 pF C4 SECONDARY
inductance formula presented earlier in connection with T2,
the initial permeability required would be nearly 3000, with
the largest standard core size available. High permeability
Figure 4. Transformer Configuration ferrites are almost exclusively of Nickel-Manganese
When the high impedance side was terminated into 50 composition, and are lossy at radio frequencies. Although
Ω, the following readings were obtained at the secondary: their Curie points are higher than those of lower permeability
Nickel-Zinc ferrites, the core losses would degrade the
The VSWR was calculated as amplifier performance. With the core losses being a function
Z1 – Z2 of the power level, these rules can sometimes be
Z1 + Z2 disregarded in low power applications.
where: A coaxial cable version was adapted for this design, since
Z1 = Impedance at transformer secondary. the transmission line type transformers are theoretically ideal
Z2 = Input impedance of compensation network x 2 (RS in for RF applications, especially in the 1:4 impedance ratio.
Figures 2 and 3) as in computer data presented A balanced to unbalanced function would normally require
ahead. three separate transmission lines including a balun(5) (6). It
appears that the third line can be omitted, if lines a and b
The effect of the lower VSWR to the power loss in the input
(Figure 3) are wound on separate magnetic cores, and the
network can be calculated as follows:
physical length of the lines is sufficient to provide the
necessary isolation between the collectors and the load. In
S1 – 1 Ǔ 2
1–ǒ accordance to formulas in (7), the minimum line length
S1 + 1
10 Log required at 2 MHz, employing Stackpole 57-9074 or
S2 – 1 2
1–ǒ Ǔ equivalent ferrite toroids is 4.2″, and the maximum
S2 + 1 permissible line length at 30 MHz would be approximately
where: 20″. The 4.2″ amounts to four turns on the toroid, and
S1 = VSWR 1 (Lower) measures 1.0 µH, which in series with the second line is
S2 = VSWR 2 (Higher) sufficient for 2 MHz. Increasing the minimum required line
length by a factor of 4 is still within the calculated limits, and
1.11 – 1 Ǔ 2 in practical measurements the isolation has been found to
1.11 + 1 be over 30 dB across the band. The main advantage with
which at 30 MHz = 10 Log this arrangement is a simplified electrical and physical
1.74 – 1 Ǔ 2
1–ǒ lay-out.
1.74 + 1
The maximum flux density of the toroids is approximately
200 gauss(3), and the number of turns has been increased
= 10 Log ǒ 0.997 Ǔ = 0.32 dB, 2.7 – 0.32 = 2.38 dB beyond the point where the flux density of the magnetic core
is the power limiting factor.
RF Application Reports 5
The 1:4 output transformer is not the optimum in this case, A photo of the circuit board is shown in Figure 5, A-bottom
but it is the closest practical at these power levels. The and B-top. The performance data of the 300 W module can
optimum power output at 50 V supply voltage and 50 Ω load be seen in Figure 6.
VRMS = 4 x (VCC – VCE(sat) x 0.707) = 135.75 V,
when VCE(sat) = 2 V
I= = 2.715 A, Pout = 2.715 x 135.75 = 368.5 W
V x 102
Bmax = max
IMD, d3 (dB)
2πfnA 16
15 35
where: f = Frequency in MHz
14 GPE
n = Total number of turns. 13 40
A = Cross sectional area of the toroid in cm2. VCC = 50 V, Pout = 300 W PEP
V = Peak voltage across the 50 Ω load,
3.0 50
ǒ 300 Ǔ ǒ 50 Ǔ = 173 V
η (%)
50 0.707 2.0 40
86.5 x 102 1.0 30
Bmax (for each toroid) = = 98.3 gauss 1.5 2.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 10 15 20 30
6.28 x 2 x 28 x .25
Practical measurements showed the core losses to be
negligible compared to the line losses at 2 MHz and 30 MHz. Figure 6. IMD, Power Gain, Input VSWR and Efficiency
However, the losses increase as the square of Bmax at low versus Frequency of a 300 W Module
With the amount of HF compensation dependent upon
circuit layout and the exact transformer construction, no
calculations were made on this aspect for the input (or
output) transformers. C3, C4, and C6 were selected by The driver uses a pair of MRF427 devices, and the same
employing adjustable capacitors on a prototype whose circuit board layout as the power amplifier, with the exception
values were then measured. of the type of the output transformer.
6 RF Application Reports
The input transformer is equal to what is used with the The test data of the driver is presented later along with
power amplifier, but has a 4:1 impedance ratio. The required the final test results.
minimum inductance in the one turn secondary (Figures 3
and 4) being considerably higher in this case,
4R 4 x 12.5
= = 4.0 µH
2πf 12.5
RF Application Reports 7
L4 L3
C7 C8
E Q1 E E Q2 E
B R4
R3 D1
C11 C13
C2 C1
R1 R2
Input L1 L2
T1 Q3
uator R6 Terminal Pins and
R10 R8 R7 Feedthrough Eyelets.
R12 D2
Stand Off’s
R9 MC1723C
A. B.
(Power Module and Driver Amplifier)
Power Module Driver Amplifier
C1, C2 5600 pF 3300 pF
C3 56 pF 39 pF
C4 470 pF Not Used
C5 560 pF 470 pF
C6 75 pF 51 pF
C7, C8 0.1 µF 0.1 µF
C9, C10 0.33 µF 0.33 µF
C11 10 µF/150 V 10 µF/150 V
R1, R2 2 x 3.9 Ω / 1/2 W in parallel 2 x 7.5 Ω / 1/2 W in parallel
R3, R4 2 x 6.8 Ω / 1/2 W in parallel 2 x 18 Ω / 1/2 W in parallel
L1, L2 Ferroxcube VK200 19/4B ferrite choke Ferroxcube VK200 19/4B ferrite choke
L3, L4 6 ferrite beads each, Ferroxcube 56 590 65/3B 6 ferrite beads each, Ferroxcube 56 590 65/3B
All capacitors, except C11, are ceramic chips. Values over 100 pF are Union Carbide type 1225 or 1813 or Varadyne
size 18 or 14. Others ATC Type B.
T1 9:1 type, see text. 4:1 type, see text.
(Ferrite core for both: Stackpole 57-1845-24B or Fair-Rite Products 287300201 or equivalent.)
T2 7 turns of bifilar or loosely twisted wires. (AWG #20.)
Ferrite cores for both: Stackpole 5-9322, Indiana General F627-8Q1 or equivalent.
T3 14 turns of Microdot 260-4118-00 25 Ω miniature coaxial 11 turns of RG-196, 50 Ω miniature coaxial cable wound
cable wound on each toroid. (Stackpole 57-9074, Indiana on a bobbin of a Ferroxcube 2616P-A100-4C4 pot core.
General F624-19Q1 or equivalent.)
* Parts and kits for this amplifier are available from Communication Concepts Inc., 508 Millstone Drive, Beavercreek, Ohio 45434–5840
(513) 426-8600.
8 RF Application Reports
or equivalent) over a 1.2 inch piece of RG-196 coaxial cable.
The arrangement is shown in Figure 10. Both above ferrite
materials have a µr of about 2500, and the inductance for
a one turn is in excess of 10 µH.
50 Ω The step-down transformer (T1, Figure 10) is wound on
R a Stackpole 57-9322-11 toroid with 25 Ω miniature coaxial
cable. (Microdot 260-4118-000 or equivalent.) Seven turns
b will give a minimum inductance of 4/16 µH, required at
50 Ω 2 MHz.
R For the preamplifier interface, C1 could be omitted in order
to achieve the lowest input VSWR.
c The structure is mounted between two phenolic terminal
50 Ω strips as can be seen in the foreground of Figure 14,
R providing a sufficient number of tie points for the coaxial
cable connections.
50 Ω INPUT The operation of the output combiner is reversed from
that of the input power divider. In this application we have
T1 = 4:1
e four – 50 Ω inputs and one 12.5 Ω output, which is
transformed to 50 Ω by a 1:4 impedance ratio transformer.
An arrangement similar to the input power divider is
employed in the combiner. The baluns consist of straight
Figure 10. Four Port Power Divider
pieces of coaxial cable loaded by a sleeve of magnetic
material (ferrite). The line length is determined by the
50 OHMS 50 OHMS 50 OHMS physical dimensions of the ferrite sleeves. The µr versus
cross sectional area should be calculated or measured to
give sufficient loading inductance.
Straight line baluns as these have the advantage over
R R R R R R multiturn toroidal types in introducing a smaller possibility
for phase errors, due to the smaller length of the line. The
largest possible phase errors occur in the input and output
connecting cables, whose lengths are 18″ and 10″
respectively. All four input and output cables must be of equal
R = 28.13 R = 25 OHMS R = 18.75 length within approximately 1/4″, and the excess in some,
R OHMS R R OHMS caused by the asymmetrical system layout, can be coiled
or formed into loops.
The output connecting cables between the power
Rin = 12.5 Rin = 12.5 Rin = 12.5
amplifier outputs and the combiner are made of low loss
R RG-142B/U coaxial cable, that can adequately handle the
300 W power with the average current of 2.45 A.
The balun transmission lines are also made of
RG-142B/U coaxial cable, with an outer diameter of 0.20″.
The line length is not critical as it is well below the maximum
length permitted for 30 MHz(7). The minimum inductance,
Figure 11. as in the input divider, is 16 µH per line. Measurements were
made between two port combiners, one having the line
Except for a two port power divider(5), the resistor values inductance of 17 µH (7 Ferroxcube 768 series 3E2A toroids)
can be calculated for odd or even number systems as: and the other 4.2 µH (one Stackpole 57-0572-27A ferrite
R – Rin sleeve). The results are shown in Table 3.
R= ǒ L Ǔ n
Table 3.
where: RL = Impedance of the output ports, 50 Ω.
Isolation dB Isolation dB
Rin = Impedance of the input port, 12.5 Ω. f (Line Inductance (Line Inductance
n = Number of output ports properly terminated. MHz 17 µH) 4.2 µH)
Although these resistor values are not critical in the input 2.0 40.2 29.1
divider, the formula also applies to the output power 4.0 40.0 38.3
combiner, where mismatches have a larger effect in the total 7.5 39.6 39.1
power output and linearity. 15 37.5 37.8
The practical power divider employs large ferrite beads 20 35.8 36.2
(Fair-Rite Products 2673000801 or Stackpole 57-1511-24B 30 33.4 33.5
RF Application Reports 9
The main difference is at 2 MHz — and it was decided even 150 W for nonextended periods if the flange
that the 29 dB of isolation is sufficient, as the high frequency temperature is kept moderately low. The balancing resistors
isolation in either case is not much better. The 3E2A and can be seen on the upper side of the combiner, which is
other similar materials are rather lossy at RF, and with their shown in the foreground of Figure 15.
low Curie points, would present a danger of overheating in The purpose of the step-up transformer T2, (Figure 12)
case of a source unbalance. is to transform the 12.5 Ω impedance from the combiner up
Figure 12 shows the electrical design of the four-port to 50 Ω. It is a standard 1:4 unbalanced-to-unbalanced
power combiner. transmission line type transformer,(6, 7, 8) in which the line
is made of two RG-188 coaxial cables connected in parallel
50 Ω in the manner as shown in Figure 13.
50 Ω R
50 Ω Figure 13.
Normally the loss in RG-188 at 30 MHz is 0.08 dB/foot.
In this connection arrangement, the currents in both
50 Ω directions are carried by the braid in parallel with the inner
conductor and the power loss is reduced to approximately
0.025 dB/foot. The impedance becomes 25 Ω, and
depending on how close the cables are to each other
12.5 Ω
physically, it can be as low as 22 Ω. The minimum line
50 Ω OUTPUT inductance can be calculated as shown before, and is 16 µH
for the 50 Ω side. This inductance is achieved by winding
T2 = 1:4 several turns of the dual cable line on a magnetic core. In
f contrast to the balun transformers in the combiner, the line
currents do not cancel and the magnetic core must handle
the full power, and must be made of lower loss material. The
Figure 12. Four Port Output Combiner
form of a toroid was figured to require the shortest line length
The power output with various numbers of disabled for a specific inductance, and out of the standard sizes, two
sources, referring to Figures 11 and 12 can be calculated stacked units resulted in a shorter line length than a single
as: larger one with similar cross sectional area.
PR Six turns on two Indiana General F626-12-Q1 toroids give
Pn – PR +
n 4.8 and 23 µH for the secondary; the line length being
16 inches.
where: n = Number of Operative Sources.
In continuous operation the core temperature was
Pn = Total Power of Operative Sources.
measured as 95 – 90°C. This resulted in a decision to change
PR = Power Dissipated in Balancing Resistors.
the core material to Q2, which exhibits about 70% lower
For one disable source: losses at 30 MHz. The permeability is also lower (35), and
PR = 250 ǒ
28.13 Ǔ with the same number of turns gives only 13 µH.
= 140.65 ,
50 The line length could not be increased according to (7),
140.65Ǔ and the measurements indicated no difference in operation
Pout = (250 x 3) – ǒ 140.65 +
3 at 2 MHz, so the Q2 toroids with the low inductance were
= 750 – 187.5 = 562.5 W considered permanent.
This is assuming that the phase errors between the active The maximum flux density of the toroids is calculated as
sources are negligible. Otherwise the formula in (7) can be shown before:
V x 102
adapted, but if the errors between the active sources are Bmax = max gauss ,
unequal, the situation will get rather complex. 2πfηA
From above we see that 140.65 W will be dissipated by where: V = Peak voltage across the secondary, (50 point)
one of the balancing resistors and only 15.6 W by the other 316.2 V
three. For this high power dissipation the resistors must be f = Frequency in MHz (2.0)
the type which can be mounted to a heat sink, and η = Number of turns at the 50 Ω point. (12)
noninductive. After experiments with the “noninductive” A = Core cross sectional area (1.21 cm2)
wirewound resistors which exhibited excess inductance at 316.2 x 102
30 MHz and were bulky with 50 and 100 W ratings, thin film Bmax = = 260 gauss
6.28 x 2 x 12 x 1.21
terminations were specially fabricated in-house for this
application.* These terminations are deposited on a BeO * Similar attenuators and terminations are available from Solitron,
wafer, which is attached to a copper flange. They are rated EMC Technology, Inc., and other manufacturers of microwave com-
for 50 W continuous power, but can be operated at 100 or ponents.
10 RF Application Reports
The core losses are minimal compared to the line losses,
which for the 16″ length amount to 0.035 dB or 0.81%.
As in the input transformer, the HF compensation (C2)
was not required. The lay-out of the combiner and T2 is such
that minimum lead lengths are obtained, and the structure
is mounted on a PC board having feedthrough eyelets to
a continuous ground plane on its lower side.
Six 300 W modules were built using matched pair
production MRF428’s. The maximum gain distribution was
0.9 dB, and in the four units selected for the amplifier, the
gain varied from 13.7 to 14.1 dB at 30 MHz, so it was not
necessary to utilize the option of the input attenuators.
Figure 16 shows the test set-up arrangement employed
for testing the modules and the combined amplifier.
The heatsink design was not optimized as it was felt to
be outside the scope of this report; concentration was made
Figure 14. 1 kW Linear Amplifier showing the input in the electrical design. However, it was calculated to be
power divider in the foreground, to the right is the sufficient for short period testing under two-tone or CW
preamplifier. Two of the four 300 W modules can be conditions at full power. The heatsink consists of four 9″
seen on the upper side of the structure. The other two lengths of Thermalloy 6151 extrusion, each having a free
modules are shown in Figure 15. air thermal resistance of 0.7°C/W. They are bolted in pairs
to two 9″ x 8 1/2″ x 3/8″ copper plates, to which the four
power modules are mounted. Assuming a coefficient of 0.85
between two parallel extrusions, a total thermal resistance
of 0.4°C/W is realized. Two of these dual extrusions are
mounted back-to-back to provide a channel for the air flow
from four Rotron SP2A2 4″ fans. Two are mounted in each
end of the heatsink, and the four fans operating in the same
direction provide an air flow of approximately 150 CFM.
The third order harmonic is 14 dB below the fundamental
at certain frequencies, as can be seen in Figure 22. This
number is typical in a four octave amplifier, and it is obvious
that some type of output filter is required when it is used
for communications purposes.
The 10:1 load mismatch was simulated with 34 feet of
RG-58 coaxial cable, which has an attenuation of
approximately 0.9 dB at 30 MHz, representing 1.8 dB return
loss. The coaxial was terminated into an LC network
consisting of a 2 x 15 — 125 pF variable capacitor and two
inductors as shown in Figure 23.
Figure 15. 1 kW Linear Amplifier showing the output The high current mode appears at a phase angle of –90°
combiner in the foreground, to the right is the 1:4 and 20 Ω, where the monitored individual collector currents
stepup transformer. The four balancing resistors, increased to 6.8 A. At 50 V this amounts to 340 W, which
mounted to the heat sink, can be seen directly above almost entirely represents device dissipation.
the combining network. At 20:1 load mismatch an equal power dissipation is
reached at a power output of approximately 650 W CW.
From the BH curves we can see that the linear portion Since the collector voltages remain below the device
extends to 800 – 1000 gauss, and the saturation occurs at breakdown at the high impedance mode (+90°C,150 Ω), it
over 3000 gauss. Comparable materials are Stackpole grade may be concluded, that the load mismatch susceptibility is
14 and Fair-rite products 63. limited by overdissipation of the transistors.
RF Application Reports 11
8552A IF SECT.
HP-432A 585
8553A RF SECT.
– 20 dB
– 6 dB – 30 dB POWER METER
100 W 2 kW HP-432A
60 V/40 A NATION
Figure 16. For two tone operation, a signal from an external audio oscillator is added to a signal from the T-4XB
built-in oscillator, which has been adjusted to 800 Hz.
During single tone testing, the external oscillator (1200 Hz) is switched off . A calorimeter wattmeter in the output can
be used to calibrate the HP-432A’s at frequencies below 10 MHz, where their response roll-off begins. [
3 40
2 50 W CW OUT 30
1 20
η (%)
VCC = 50 V
3 60
Pout = 1 kW CW
2 η 50
1 40
1.5 2.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 10 15 20 30
Figure 17. VSWR and Efficiency versus Frequency Figure 19. Photo of Spectrum Analyzer Display
Showing the IMD Products to the 9th Order. Power
Output = 1 kW at 30 MHz (50 V).
– 20 – 25
VCC = 50 V
d3 800 W PEP,
d3 40 V
– 30 2 MHz
– 35
30 MHz d5
1000 W PEP,
– 40 50 V
– 45
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1.5 2.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 10 15 20 30
Figure 18. IMD versus Power Output Figure 20. IMD versus Frequency
12 RF Application Reports
60 – 30
50 5TH
– 40
– 50
VCC = 50 V 4TH
20 – 60
1.0 10 100 1000 1.5 2.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 10 15 20 30
Figure 22. Output Harmonic Contents versus
Figure 21. Heat Sink Temperature versus Time Frequency
1.0 µH
0.5 µH
RF Application Reports 13
Not to scale
Figure 25. Board Layout of the Power Combiner Transmission Line Assembly
Figure 26. Board Layout of the 300 W Module and Driver Amplifier
14 RF Application Reports
REFERENCES 6. Hilbers: Design of H.F. Wideband Power Transformer
Techniques, Phillips Application Information #530.
1. Ruthroff: Some Broad Band Transformers, IRE, Volume 7. Pizalis-Couse: Broadband Transformer Design for RF
47, August 1975. Transistor Amplifiers, ECOM-2989, U.S. Army Elec-
2. Lewis: Notes on Low Impedance H.F. Broad Band tronics Command, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey, July
Transformer Techniques, Collins Radio Company, No- 1968.
vember 1964. 8. Philips Telecommunication Review, Volume 30, No. 4,
3. Granberg, H.: Broadband Linear Power Amplifiers Us- pp.137–146, November 1972.
ing Push-Pull Transistors, AN-593, Motorola Semicon- 9. Hejhall, R.: Solid-State Linear Power Amplifer Design,
ductor Products Inc. AN-546, Motorola Semiconductor Products Inc.
4. Granberg, H.: Get 300 Watts PEP Linear Across 2 to 30 10. Lefferson: Twisted Wire Transmission Line, IEEE
MHz From This Push-Pull Amplifer, EB-27, Motorola Transactions on Parts, Hybrids and Packaging, Volume
Semiconductor Products Inc. PHP-7, No.4, December 1971.
5. Granberg, H.: Broadband Transformers and Power 11. Krauss-Allen: Designing Toroidal Transformers to Opti-
Combining Techniques for RF, AN-749, Motorola Semi- mize Wideband Performance, ELECTRONICS, August
conductor Products Inc. 1973.
RF Application Reports 15
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16 AN758/D
RF Application Reports