Unit - 2 Forecasting.
Unit - 2 Forecasting.
Unit - 2 Forecasting.
Forecasting Techniques
Percentage of
No show
Forecast Formula
Forecasting Room Availability :-
Forecasting room availability is forecasting the number of rooms available for sale
on any future date. This type of forecasting helps manage the reservation
process,guides the front office staff for an effective room management, and can be
used as an occupancy forecast, which is further,useful in attempting to schedule
the necessary number of employees for an expected volume of business.
Purpose of forecasting:-
Influence of forecasting
External Factors:-
1) Special events
2) Special promotions by travel agents and tour groups .
3) History of occupancy patterns during a particular period.
Experienced front office managers have found that several types of information
can be helpful in room availability forecasting:
• A thorough knowledge of the hotel and its surrounding area
• Market profiles of the constituencies the hotel serves
• Occupancy data for the past several months & same period of the previous
• Reservation trends and a history of reservation lead times (how far in advance
reservations are made)
• A listing of special events scheduled in the surrounding geographic area
• Business and historical profiles of specific groups booked for the forecast
• The number of non-guaranteed and guaranteed reservations and an estimate
of the number of expected no-shows
• The percentage of rooms already reserved and the cut-off date for group
room blocks held for the forecast dates
• The room availability of the most important competing hotels for the
forecast dates (as discovered through blind calls)
• The impact of citywide or multi-hotel groups and their potential influence
on the forecast dates
• Plans for remodeling or renovating the hotel that would change the number
of available rooms
• Construction or renovation plans for competitive hotels in the area
1. Percentage of No-shows.
The percentage of no-shows indicates the proportion of reserved rooms that the
expected guests did not arrive to occupy on the expected arrival data .This ratio
helps the front office manager to decide when and how many rooms can be sold
to guests who come as walkins. The percentage of no-shows is calculated by
dividing the number of room no-shows for a specific period of time(day, week,
month, or year) by the total number of room reservations for that period.
3.Percentage of Overstays.
Percentage of Understays
It represents rooms occupied by guests who check-out before their scheduled
departure dates. Understay guests may have arrived at the hotel with guaranteed
or non-guaranteed reservations or walkins. The percentage of understays is
calculated by dividing the number of understay rooms for a period by the total
number of expected room check-outs for the same period. Using the data given ,
the percentage of understays is calculated as under
Percentage of understay= Number of Understay Room
=Number of Expec.Check-outs
= 33 x100
346 -33 +47
= 9.17 % of expec.check-outs
Guests leaving before their stated departure date creates empty rooms that
typically are difficult to fill. Thus , understay rooms tend to represent
permanently lost room revenue. Overstays ,on the other hand, are guests staying
beyond their stated departure date and may not harm room revenue .when the
hotel is not operating at full capacity, overstay results in additional, unexpected
room revenues.
To regulate understay and over stay rooms ,front office staff should
The above mentioned data help the front office in conduct various daily
operational ratios such as:-
Forecast Formula
Once relevant occupancy statistics have been gathered, the number of rooms
available for any given date can be determined by the following formula;
Total number of Guestroom
- Number of out-of-order Rooms
- Number of Room stayovers
- Number of Room Reservations
- Number of Room Overstays
+ Number of Room reservations x %age of No-shows
+ Number of Room Understays
= Number of Rooms Available for sale
Note the above formula does not include walk-ins. They are not included because
the number of walk-ins a hotel can accept is determined by the number of rooms
available for sale and it various on daily basis.
Following data is available about Hotel ABC, calculate number of rooms available
for saleTotal number of rooms 120, on April 1st there are three out-of-order
rooms, 55 stayovers, 42 scheduled arrivals (reservations) percentage of no-shows
18% .Based on the historical data ,six understays and fifteen over stays are also
expected. The number of rooms projected to be available for sale on 1st April can
be determined as follows.
Therefore ABC hotel is having 19 rooms for sale on 1st April once this
figure determined ,front office management can decide
1. Whether or not to accept more reservations
2. Helps to determine its level of staffing.
3. Helps to determine the number of rooms that can be sold to walk-ins.
Front-office planning decisions must remain flexible ,as they are subjected to
changes and room availability forecasts are based on assumptions whose validity
may vary on any given day.
The front-office may prepare several different forecasts depending on its need.
occupancy forecasts are typically developed on a monthly basis and reviewed by
food & beverage and rooms division management to forecast revenue, project
expenses, and develop labour schedules. These forecasts help hotel departments
maintain appropriate staff levels for expected business volumes and thereby
help contain costs.