C++ Slides - I: Objects and Classes: Structure in C and C++, Class Specification, Objects

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C++ slides - I

Objects and Classes: Structure in C and C++, Class specification, Objects,

Data hiding, Encapsulation and abstraction, namespaces, Array of
objects, Passing objects as arguments, Returning object from a function,
inline functions, Static data member and member function, ‘const’
member function.
Basic program
using namespace std;
int main(){
cout<<"Hello world"<<endl;
cin & cout
•cout works similar to printf
•cin works similar to scanf

cout<<“Hello and welcome”;
cin>>variable; //variable could be int, float, char array (without space)
cout basics
•‘\n’ is for new line, or you can use endl
cout << endl << “message”;
•‘\t’ is for tab
•‘\a’ is an alarm sound
•‘\r’ is carriage return to go to the beginning of the current
Input char array with blanks
using namespace std;
int main(){
char str[20];
Header files and namespace
Header file and more
•#include <iostream> // input-output stream for cin/cout
•using namespace std;

•Namespaces allow us to differentiate same named entities

in various libraries. It is just a region of the code or library
and not a function.
•std stands for standard I/O on the console screen.
Need of namespace
#include <iostream>
int main() {
int value;
value = 0;
double value; // Error here due to reuse of value
value = 0.0;
Example – namespace defines the scope
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
namespace ns1 { int value() {return 5;}}
namespace ns2 { int value() {return -5;}}

int main() {
cout << ns1::value() << '\n'; //5 will be displayed
cout << ns2::value() << '\n'; // -5 will be displayed
What will be the output?
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
namespace ns1 { int value() {return 5;}}
namespace ns2 { int x=10; int value() {return 4;}}
int main() {
cout << ns1::value() << endl;
cout << ns2::value() << endl;
cout<< ns2::x<<endl;
Without namespace could cause :: pollution

int main(){
std::cout << “Hello there” << std::endl;
return 0;
using namespace std;
• Thus using namespace std; means cin/cout will be performed
through standard console screen.
Header file and namespace
•#include<iostream> includes all necessary files required of
CIN and COUT opertions.
•using namespace std; allows us to reduce :: pollution for
simpler programs
Classes in C++
•Class: A class in C++ is the building block of object oriented
•It is User Defined Datatype (UDT) which has data & functions
•Object is an instance of a Class i.e. variable of UDT.
Structure in C++
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct Person{int age;};
int main(){
Person p1; // No need to write struct Person p1 in C++.
cout << "Enter age: ";cin >> p1.age;
cout <<"Age: " << p1.age << endl;
return 0;
Structures in C++ vs in C
1. Functions can be defined inside structure in C++
2. Using struct keyword not required in C++
3. C++ structures can have static members
4. C++ allows data hiding by using access modifiers
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct Person{
int age; //variable
int setAge(int a){age = a;} //function
int display() {cout <<"Age: " << age << endl;} //function
int main(){
Person p1;
p1.setAge(20); p1.display();
return 0;
Need more knowledge for 3 & 4
1. Functions can be defined inside structure in C++
2. Using struct keyword not required in C++
3. C++ structures can have static members
4. C++ allows data hiding by using access modifiers
•Classes in C++ are similar to struct for syntax
•struct – everything is public by default
•class – everything is private by default.
What is the output of the following program?
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Person{
int age;
int setAge(int a){age = a;}
int display() {cout <<"Age: " << age << endl;}
int main(){
Person p1;
p1.setAge(20); p1.display();
return 0;
Answer - Output – Compilation Error

[Error] 'int Person::setAge(int)' is private

Now we use public: specifier for data and
functions in class
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Person{
public: // Everything after public: becomes public
int age;
int setAge(int a){age = a;}
int display() {cout <<"Age: " << age << endl;}
int main(){
Person p1; p1.setAge(20);
p1.display(); return 0;
} // everything public in class means it becomes a struct
Output = Age: 20
Each object has its own variables/functions
Access specifiers in C++
•Protected (for later until we cover inheritance)
Data private and functions public.

What will be the output of following program?

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Person{
int age;
public: // Everything before public: is private
void setAge(int a){age = a;}
int display() {cout <<"Age: " << age << endl;}
int main(){
Person p1; p1.setAge(20);
p1.display(); return 0;
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Person{
int age;
void setAge(int a){age = a;} //setter function
int getAge() {return age;} //getter function
int main(){
Person p1; p1.setAge(20);
cout <<"Age: " << p1.getAge() << endl;
C++ versus C language
Sr. C language C++

1 Functions are basic elements Classes are basic elements

2 Focus on global functions Focus on encapsulation

3 Functions share global data Data and function access is
4 Data moves openly Data is bounded with classes

5 Top down approach (break Bottom up (clubbing of data and

down into functions) functions together)
Four features of object oriented
1. Encapsulation
2. Abstraction
3. Inheritance
4. Polymorphism
Polymorphism – late binding flexibility
:: for global variable
using namespace std;
int x=100;
int main(){
int x=-100;
cout<<"x = "<<x<<endl;
cout<<"x = "<<::x<<endl;
return 0;
:: for function def
class A{
public: void fun(); //only declaration
void A::fun(){ //function definition
cout<<"in fun()"<<endl;
int main(){
A obj; obj.fun();
Constructor and Destructor functions
• Constructor/Destructor is a member function which has to be public.

• They are called automatically to construct (initialize) and destruct

(delete) the object variables.
Constructor - basics
• Same name as the class
• No return statement
• Automatically called when object is created
• Compiler uses default empty constructor if no constructor is defined

• C++ destructors are used to de-allocate the memory allotted by

• It has same name as class preceded by a tilde sign ~
Basic constructor and destructor
class Test {
Test() {cout<<“in constructor”<<endl;}
~Test() { cout << “In destructor” << endl; }
int main() {
Test c; cout <<“In main”<<endl;;
Static variable in Class
class X{
static int i;
public:void show(){cout<<"i ="<<i<<endl;}
int X::i=1;
int main(){
X obj; obj.show();
Static function in Class
class X {
static void f(){cout<<"In static f()"<<endl;}
int main(){
X::f(); // direct call without an object
Array of objects
using namespace std;

class A{
int a; char c;
int main(){
A a[3]; // each of a[i] will have an int and a char
Passing and returning an object
class A{
int i;
public: A(){i=10;}
void show(){cout<<"i = "<<i<<endl;}
A makedouble(A obj){A temp; temp.i = 2*obj.i; return temp;}
int main(){
A a1,a2; a1.show(); a2 = a1.makedouble(a1); a2.show();
Inline functions
inline int cube(int s){ return s*s*s; }
int main() {
cout << "The cube of 3 is: " << cube(3) << endl;
Inline function properties
•Reduces function-call overhead
•Asks the compiler to copy code into program instead of using
function call
•Compiler can ignore inline
•Should be used for small, often used functions
‘const’ member function
int main(){
const int i = 10;
const int j = i + 10; // works fine
i++; // this leads to Compile time error
Const class variable
class Test{
const int i;
Test(int x):i(x) {} //initialized using constructor
void show(){cout<<"i="<<i<<endl;}
int main(){Test t(190);t.show(); }
Const function
•The idea of const functions is not to allow them to modify
the object on which they are called.
•It is recommended to make as many functions const as
possible so that accidental changes to objects are avoided.
Const class member function
class A{
public: int x;
void func() const{
x = 0; // [Error] can’t modify object variable
int main(){}
Extra concepts
Const function and object
const function should be a member function
using namespace std;
int i = 99;
void fun() const{}
int main(){}

//What will be the output?

•[Error] non-member function 'void fun()' cannot have

•Since there is no class where this function belongs to, you

will get an error.
const class object
•In const class object, member variables cannot be
•Calling member functions that change the value of
member variables is also prohibited.
// Example of const object
class Test{
int i;
Test(): i(0) {}
void setValue(int a) { i=a;}
int main(){
const Test t; // calls default constructor
//t.i = 5; // [Error]
//t.setValue(5); // [Error]
String basics - 1
int main(){
string name;
cout<<"Enter name: ";
getline(cin,name); // cin>>name; will only take first word
if(name.compare("rocky sharma")==0)
else cout<<"Different"<<endl;
String concat (connect)
int main(){
string name1,name2;
cout<<"string 1: "; cin>>name1;
cout<<"string 2: "; cin>>name2;
cout<<"String concat = "<<name1+", "+ name2;
// + means connect strings together

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