Marine biology is the study of life in the ocean. The ocean covers over 70% of the Earth's surface and contains many diverse ecosystems. It is home to more types of life than found on land, ranging from whales to plankton. However, human activities like overfishing, pollution, and climate change are harming ocean ecosystems. New technologies allow scientists to explore and study even the deepest parts of the ocean to better understand life within it and how to protect it.
Marine biology is the study of life in the ocean. The ocean covers over 70% of the Earth's surface and contains many diverse ecosystems. It is home to more types of life than found on land, ranging from whales to plankton. However, human activities like overfishing, pollution, and climate change are harming ocean ecosystems. New technologies allow scientists to explore and study even the deepest parts of the ocean to better understand life within it and how to protect it.
Marine biology is the study of life in the ocean. The ocean covers over 70% of the Earth's surface and contains many diverse ecosystems. It is home to more types of life than found on land, ranging from whales to plankton. However, human activities like overfishing, pollution, and climate change are harming ocean ecosystems. New technologies allow scientists to explore and study even the deepest parts of the ocean to better understand life within it and how to protect it.
Marine biology is the study of life in the ocean. The ocean covers over 70% of the Earth's surface and contains many diverse ecosystems. It is home to more types of life than found on land, ranging from whales to plankton. However, human activities like overfishing, pollution, and climate change are harming ocean ecosystems. New technologies allow scientists to explore and study even the deepest parts of the ocean to better understand life within it and how to protect it.
Marine biology is the study of life in the ocean. Fact 1: This huge body of saltwater covers about two-thirds of our planet's surface and contains many different marine ecosystems. Life within it is more diverse than life on land! Fact 2: Our planet is made up of five great oceans: the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, and Southern. They're all linked together, creating a huge body of saltwater called the World Ocean. It surrounds continents and islands, covering more than 70% of Earth's surface. Fact 3: This large body of water is always in motion. The pull of gravity from the Sun and the Moon creates tides that in turn create ocean currents. Currents shape our planet’s weather and climate by moving warm water from the tropics and cold water from the poles. And they move not only water, but also life within it, from giant jellyfish to tiny plankton. Fact 4: The Ocean Has Many Different Ecosystems. From above, the ocean may seem like one big, uniform mass of water . But look beneath the waves, and you’ll see tall mountains, deep trenches, and wide plateaux. These seascapes are formed over millions of years by geologic processes such as erosion, deposition, and plate tectonic forces. Further from shore and deeper into the depths, conditions such as light, temperature, pressure, and salinity vary, giving rise to vastly different ecosystems, from coral reefs to polar seas to the sea floor. An ecosystem is a community of living things. Members survive by interacting with each other and with their environment. In fact, there are more kinds of ecosystems in the ocean than on land! Fact 5: The Ocean Teems with Life. Many more organisms of different kinds live in the ocean than on land. They range from gigantic whales to microscopic phytoplankton and everything between: jellyfish, sponges, sea dragons, marlins, giant squid, hatchet fish, seaweed, starfish, sea cucumbers, manatees, coelacanths, and stingrays, to name a few. Humpback whales communicate with one another with beautiful underwater “songs” that travel long distances through water. Most jellyfish can swim by squeezing the bell-shaped parts of their bodies, pushing water out. Lots of animals eat them, including humans. To protect themselves from predators, many jellyfish can sting. Sea sponges live in clear salt water. The water flows through holes in their bodies, bringing them food and oxygen and taking away waste. These invertebrate animals don’t have hearts or brains! Like their relatives the seahorses, seadragons are a kind of marine fish that live in coastal waters. To help them hide, they have small fronds on their bodies that look like seaweed. Seadragon dads take care of the eggs before they hatch. Marlins are big, fast fish that can weigh more than a cow. They use their long, spear-like snouts to kill prey, smaller fish including mackerel and tuna. Way down in the dark, deep ocean live the hatchetfish. Their bodies are so thin, they resemble the blade of an ax. Their eyes point upward to help them see food in the water above them. Hatchetfish are also bioluminescent: they emit light from different body parts to to confuse their predators or to attract mates. Seaweed is a type of algae that grows in saltwater, often attached to rocks near the coasts. Like plants, seaweed gets energy from sunlight. Many kinds of seaweed use air pockets to float, keeping them near the sunlit surface. Often called “ starfish ,” sea stars aren’t fish at all. They’re invertebrates: animals that have no backbone. Sea stars have the ability to regenerate. If a fish bites off a sea star’s arm, it can grow a new one! Sea cucumbers live on the ocean floor around the world. They are scavengers: they scoop up sand mixed with dead and discarded matter and poop out the clean sand. Like living filters, they help clean up their surroundings. These marine mammals live in warm coastal waters and rivers, where they forage for plants and algae. Manatees may look like seals, but they’re more closely related to elephants. In 1938, fishermen off the east coast of Africa pulled up a strange fish in their nets. It turned out to be a coelacanth (SEE-la-canth), an animal that scientists thought had been extinct for almost 80 million years! With their wide, winglike fins, eagle rays seem to fly through the water. Electrosensory organs on their snouts help them find shellfish and other food buried in sand or mud. Hawksbill sea turtles spend most of their lives in shallow coastal waters, near their favorite food, sea sponges. But when it’s time to lay their eggs, they can migrate vast distances. Because people hunt them for their beautiful shells and disturb the beaches where they lay their eggs, hawksbill sea turtles are critically endangered. Monk seals are endangered mammals that live in warm, coastal waters. Their slippery, streamlined bodies and flippers make them good swimmers. With their long legs, spider crabs look like the spiders they’re named after. To make up for their poor eyesight, they can sense their environment with organs at the ends of their legs! These large snails can sometimes grow more than 30 centimeters (12 inches) long! The insides of their shells are glossy pink or orange. Queen conches can wander for miles across the sea floor, eating algae, sea grasses, and dead material. Tube anemones may look like a plant that lives on the ocean floor, but they’re actually carnivorous animals. They have hundreds of tentacles that they use to grab prey, such as small crustaceans that swim near. Fact 6: The Ocean Is Like a Layer Cake. The sunlit zone, near the top, is rich in life. Eighty percent of all marine organisms live near the shore. They live in ecosystems found along the continental shelves , such as coral reefs, mangroves, kelp forests, and estuaries. In these sunlit, shallow waters close to land, they find the conditions needed to support large quantities of life: food, light, and shelter. Algae, a group of photosynthetic organisms, also live in the sunlit zone. They contain green, brown, and red pigments that enable them to convert the Sun’s energy into food, providing huge quantities of food for the animals that live among them. Further out in the open ocean, large blooms of algae also provide food for the billions of deep-sea animals that rise to feed near the surface at night, and then return to the deep at dawn. This vertical migration is the largest mass movement of life on Earth. And it happens every night! As you dive deeper and deeper down from the surface to twilight zone, less and less sunlight penetrates the water. It’s colder and darker here, and there's less life. The organisms that live here survive on zooplankton and sea snow , food that falls from above. And way down deep is the dark zone, where signs of life are rare. Here, the pitch-black water is icy cold and its pressure is intense enough to crush a human. Some animals here have glowing lights on their bodies. This ability to generate light, called bioluminescence , helps them find food and mates. Life Began in the Ocean From studying fossils, scientists know that life on Earth probably started in the oceans about 3.5 billion years ago, soon after the oceans themselves formed. The first life forms to appear were single-celled, microscopic marine organisms, followed by multicellular organisms. For most of Earth's history, life stayed in the oceans and thrived there. About 500 million years ago, some four-limbed marine vertebrates began adapting to life on land. Their descendants became the first land- dwelling vertebrates—and our ancestors! Many more millions of years later, a few types of land animals began adapting back to life in the ocean, and some of their descendants—such as dolphins and whales—now live in the ocean full time. The Ocean is Full of Mysteries Scientists know less about what's actually in the ocean than they know about the dark side of the Moon! Less than five percent of the ocean has been explored. And for every new species that we recognize, there may be hundreds more yet to be discovered. But now, with scuba-diving gear, submersibles, satellites, and other technology, we can start to investigate parts of the ocean that were once beyond our reach. This submersible is equipped with technology to explore the deep ocean. Its thick acrylic dome can withstand intense underwater pressure, allowing marine biologists to dive deep. Specialized lights and cameras illuminate and capture images of marine organisms. A mechanical claw with foam-padded fingers (inset) can wrap gently around delicate specimens. To photograph the glow of biofluorescent organisms, scientists dive with specially designed, high-resolution underwater cameras. Scientists use newly designed tracking tags that attach better to large marine animals. These tags can record data, such as sounds, pictures, and location information. To study ocean currents, scientists use small devices called mini-autonomous underwater explorers (m-AUEs) that can drift with the current. REMUS, an autonomous underwater vehicle, is being lowered into the ocean. It uses sonar to investigate plankton and the animals that eat them. Human Activity is Harming the Ocean We've always depended on the ocean: mostly for food, but also for resources like oil, sand, and salt. Over the years, though, we've taken too much out of the ocean, and we've put too much in: pollutants like fertilizers, pesticides, plastic, motor oil, and trash. It’s hard to comprehend that something as huge as the ocean can be fragile. But today, many marine species have been driven to the edge of extinction by overfishing and hunting. Development encroaches on our coastlines. Pollution stretches from shore to shore. And as we burn fossil fuels, we release carbon dioxide (CO2), which causes the atmosphere and oceans to warm. The gas also dissolves in water, making it more acidic; ocean CO2 levels are higher than they’ve been in 20 million years. These changes threaten many organisms and entire ecosystems. How can we protect the ocean? We can understand more about it and the organisms that live there. People and governments can also work together to manage human impact.