Broc 6700
Broc 6700
Broc 6700
TOC Methods
UV / Heated Persulfate Method
Excellent TOC accuracy from low parts-per-million to SERIES 6700
moderate concentrations of salt-free samples. Minimum
maintenance. Preferred method for most applications.
Total Organic Carbon (TOC)
Ozone/Hydroxyl Radical Method
Excellent for low to high levels of TOC analysis for difficult
to oxidize samples or in undiluted acids or industrial salts Installation Requirements
over 26%. Low maintenance. Preferred substitute for High • Electrical source (110 / 220 VAC 10 amp service with cutoff switch)
Temperature Combustion in most applications.
• Sample flow of a minimum of 10 mil / minute; a fast bypass loop is
Combustion Method recommended
Good for difficult to oxidize or high TOC concentration • Gravity fed drain with air break
samples with industrial salts less than 1%. Preferred for • A source of CO2-free air or oxygen with a maximum flow rate of 300
some higher range samples which have limited oxidation cc / minute at 15 psig
efficiency by other methods.
Ultrapure Method TOC Measurement Basics
Unsurpassed NDIR detection for interference-free Carbon definitions:
accuracy in the parts per billion range. Requires no pumps Total Carbon = Total Inorganic Carbon + Total Organic Carbon
for minimum maintenance. Lowest MDL. Preferred for Total Inorganic Carbon = (CO2) + (H2CO3) + (HCO3-) + (CO3-2)
applications less than 1000 ppb TOC
Total Organic Carbon = thousands of simple and complex biological
Configurations and man-made compounds
Teledyne offers custom turn-key system solutions suitable Elevated TOC levels can result in biofilms, accelerated corrosion,
for general purpose or hazardous, outdoor environments, process contamination, and toxicity exposure
complete with sample systems, oxygen generators and Basic TOC measurement methods:
NEMA enclosures.
Difference method: Measure TIC R oxidize R measure TC R calculate
General Features TOC using TOC = TC - TIC (This method is prone to large errors,
particularly for high TIC.)
• Complies with EPA, ASTM, and other standard approved
methods for continuous TOC analysis Direct method NPOC: Remove TIC R oxidize R measure TOC
• NPOC (Non-purgeable organic carbon) analysis
• TOC-True Analysis (including volatile organics)
• Rapid response
• Onboard Microsoft Windows CE computer plus paperless
chart recorder OR Menu driven LCD display
• Separate electronics and liquid compartments
• Low maintenance and easy access for service
2 Built for Reliability and Performance
Operational Theory
Selecting the appropriate TOC method for an application requires TC = Total Carbon, including NPOC,
a cost / performance trade-off analysis. POC, TIC
Does one measure...? TIC = Total Inorganic Carbon
TC - which includes NPOC, POC, TIC (interference) (H2CO3 + HCO3 - CO3-2 + CO2)
NPOC - which includes NPOC only and no TIC interference or TOC-True = Total Organic Carbon
detection of POC NPOC = Non-Purgeable Organic Compound
TOC - which includes NPOC and POC, but no TIC interference POC = Purgeable Organic Carbon (interchangeable with VOC)
To perform correct TOC analysis, the operator must measure all VOC = Volatile Organic Carbon
constituents of organic carbon present in the sample: NPOC and (aq) = aqueous phase (dissolved)
POC. It must also exclude the TIC interference.
(g) = gaseous phase
Figure 1 is a basic, commonly used technique to measure the
NPOC, sometimes referred to as “TOC-Direct”.
Carrier (Air or O2) figure 1
Acid is added to the sample, lowering its pH to approximately 2.0, at which point the carbonates present in the sample are converted to
dissolved CO2.
In the sparger, the carrier gas strips (sparges) the CO2 converted from the TIC and vents it, along with any purgeable (volatile) organics,
leaving only NPOC in the sample.
The resultant NPOC is then oxidized to CO2 in the reactor and measured by the CO2 detector as NPOC in the sample, often referred to and
reported erroneously as TOC.
Figure 2 is a preferred method of performing a “TOC-True” analysis.
Subsystems The sample system is designed to accept the liquid sample and any
A Series 6700 TOC Analyzer is comprised of 5 subsystems: required reagents, transporting them through the analyzer to the
appropriate components.
1) Sample handling
For TOC (actually, NPOC) analysis, the sample is pumped initially to
2) Inorganic Carbon removal OR Inorganic Carbon analysis / TOC- the sparger, where it is mixed with acid to lower the pH between 2.0
True method and 3.0. At that pH, all inorganic carbon / carbonates are converted
3) Oxidation to dissolved CO2 gas, which is sparged out of the liquid solution by
4) NDIR CO2 gas detection the air/O2 carrier gas.
At this point, any volatile organic carbon is also sparged out and
5) Electronic signal processing, display, and control
lost for inclusion in the TOC analysis, unless a TOC-True analysis is
3 performed.
AIR / O2 MFC-1 Printer Output
TOC Direct Communications
(NPOC) Contact
TIC (CO2) + VOC V-3 Contact
IC Sparger
UV Reactor
Display / Paperless
Chart recorder
Sample P-2
Acid Touch screen
UV Reactor
Display / Paperless
Chart recorder
Sample P-2
Acid Touch screen
Standard Method 5310 C/D
EPA 415.1
EPA 9060
ASTM D 4839-88
ASTM D 4779-88
Boiler feedwater
Cooling water
River water
Process control
On Line Microprocessor Based Units On Line Windows CE Based Units
Standard features: Standard features:
TOC Analyzer including: TOC Analyzer including:
• NPOC analysis • NPOC analyzer
• Single stream analyzer • Single stream analyzer
• Peristallic pump sampling • Microsoft Windows™ CE Computer with Touch Screen VGA
• 2 TOC alarm levels color display
• Master fault alarm • Solid state data storage
• 4-20 mA output, TOC level (2 each) • Historical records digitally stored up to 1 year
• Single NDIR • Paperless chart recorder
• RS-232C • PCMCIA slot
• Powder coated steel enclosure • Single NDIR
TC analyzer including: • Peristaltic pump sampling
• NPOC analysis • 2 TOC alarm levels
• Single stream analyzer • Master fault alarm
• Peristallic pump sampling • 4-20 mA output, TOC level
• 2 TOC alarm levels • RS-232C
• Master fault alarm • RS-485 outputs (2 each)
• 4-20 mA output, TOC level (2 each) • Powder coated steel enclosure
• Single NDIR TC analyzer including:
• RS-232C • NPOC analyzer
• Powder coated steel enclosure • Single stream analyzer
Options • Microsoft Windows™ CE Computer with Touch Screen VGA
color display
Dual NDIRs
• Solid state data storage
Portable Cal Gas kit including regulator • Historical records digitally stored up to 1 year
Start-up Kit: includes tubing, fittings and carboys to • Paperless chart recorder
aid in installation and start-up • PCMCIA slot
Sodium Persulfate Ultra-Pure: case of 4 (5 lbs • Single NDIR
container) sufficient for 2 months of operation • Peristaltic pump sampling
• 2 TOC alarm levels
“Zero Air” Generator • Master fault alarm
“Oxygen” Generator • 4-20 mA output, TOC level
Single Line Sample Cooler • RS-232C
• RS-485 outputs (2 each)
Blow-Back Sample Conditioning System
• Powder coated steel enclosure
X or Z-Purge System
Mounting Rack on rollers
TOC-True Analysis configuration with dual NDIRs
NEMA 4 painted steel enclosures BENCHMARK / AUTOCAL / AUTOCLEAN
Correlated BOD/COD
Auto Dual Range
External Range Change
Portable Cal Gas kit including regulator
Start-up Kit: includes tubing, fittings and carboys
Sodium Persulfate Ultra-Pure
“Zero Air” Generator
“Oxygen” Generator
Single Line Sample Cooler
Blow-Back Sample Conditioning System
X and Z purge systems
Dual / Three / Four / Six Stream Sequencer
Mounting Rack on rollers
NEMA 4 enclosures
SERIES 6700 TOC Analyzers
Specifications* Options Explained
Range: UV / Heated Persulfate: 0-10 ppm / 0-100 ppm / • Pumpless, reagent saver package
0-1000 ppm / 0-10,000 ppm Eliminates monthly peristalic pump retubing and recalibration,
Ozone / Hydroxyl Radical: 0-10 ppm through 0- conserves reagents by precisely dispensing the amount required.
25,000 ppm without dilution • Microsoft Windows™ touch screen computer
Combustion: 0-100 through 0-10,000 ppm Touch screen control; VGA color display; network ready; paperless
Ultra Pure: 0-1000 ppb through 0-10 ppm chart recorder, PCMCIA slot; solid state data storage.
Sensitivity: Governed by repeatability specification (±2% of • Benchmark / Auto validation
full scale) Benchmark is a European NAMUR specified validation technique
Repeatability: UV / Heated Persulfate: ±2% of full scale or ±10 whereby on command a chemical calibration standard is
ppb whichever is greater automatically introduced to the analyzer and the response is
compared to a previous calibration. If the response falls outside
Ozone / Hydroxyl Radical: ±3% of full scale
specified performance limits, a Maintenance Request or Fault alarm
Combustion: ±3% of full scale is activate.
Ultra Pure: ±3% of full scale In cases of process spills, when the analyzer performance is
Drift: Compensated, self-calibrated NDIR (±2% non- questioned, benchmark can rapidly and automaticaly validate
accumulative) analyzer performance. it eliminates time consuming and
unnecessary recalibration cycles, which take the analyzer out of
Response time: UV / Heated Persulfate: From 7 minutes,
service when it is most critically needed. Benchmark is on-demand,
application dependent
or operator programmed for designated day and time activation on a
Ozone / Hydroxyl Radical: From 10 minutes, repetitive basis.
application dependent
• Auto-calibration
Combustion: From 5 minutes, application On command (manual or automatic by selection of day and time),
the combination of valves alternately introduce water for “zero”
Ultra Pure: From 7 minutes, application calibration and the “span” solution. The computer then resets the
dependent analyzer to the new calibration values.
Analog output: 4-20 mA • Auto-clean
Relay outputs: 2 TOC adjustable level alarms; 1 master fault On command (manual or automatic by selection of day and time),
alarm the combination of valves operate to introduce a “cleaning” solution,
Display / Computer: LCD, operator menu prompting (standard) OR depending on the chemical constituents of the sample. Acid or
optional Windows CE Persulfate is generally used.
ANALYTICAL INSTRUMENTS Instrument is warranted for 1 year against defects in material
or workmanship
A Teledyne Technologies Company
NOTE: Specifications and features will vary with application. The above are established
16830 Chestnut Street and validated during design, but are not to be construed as test criteria for every prod-
City of Industry, California 91748, USA uct. All specifications and features are subject to change without notice.